Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2011) 61:1–13 DOI 10.1007/s00244-010-9636-9 Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment of the Calcasieu Estuary, Louisiana: Part 1. Overview and Problem Formulation Donald D. MacDonald • Dwayne R. J. Moore • Christopher G. Ingersoll • Dawn E. Smorong • R. Scott Carr • Ron Gouguet • David Charters • Duane Wilson • Tom Harris • Jon Rauscher • Susan Roddy • John Meyer Received: 23 November 2009 / Accepted: 20 December 2010 / Published online: 26 March 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC (outside the USA) 2011 Abstract A remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/ FS) of the Calcasieu Estuary cooperative site was initiated in 1998. This site, which is located in the southwestern portion of Louisiana in the vicinity of Lake Charles, includes the portion of the estuary from the saltwater barrier on the Calcasieu River to Moss Lake. As part of the RI/ FS, a baseline ecological risk assessment (BERA) was conducted to assess the risks to aquatic organisms and aquatic-dependent wildlife exposed to environmental contaminants. The purpose of the BERA was to determine if adverse effects on ecological receptors are occurring in the estuary; to evaluate the nature, severity, and areal extent of any such effects; and to identify the substances that are causing or substantially contributing to effects on ecological receptors. This article describes the environmental setting and site history, identifies the chemicals of potential concern, presents the exposure scenarios and conceptual Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00244-010-9636-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. D. D. MacDonald (&) D. E. Smorong MacDonald Environmental Sciences Ltd., Nanaimo, BC V9T 1W6, USA e-mail: D. R. J. Moore Intrinsik Environmental Sciences, Inc., New Gloucester, ME 04260, USA C. G. Ingersoll Columbia Environmental Research Center, United States Geological Survey, Columbia, MO 65201, USA R. S. Carr Columbia Environmental Research Center, United States Geological Survey, Corpus Christi, TX 78412, USA model for the site, and summarizes the assessment and measurement endpoints that were used in the investigation. Two additional articles in this series describe the results of an evaluation of effects-based sediment-quality guidelines as well as an assessment of risks to benthic invertebrates associated with exposure to contaminated sediment. In response to concerns regarding environmental contamination, a remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS) was conducted in the Calcasieu Estuary. As part of the RI/ FS, studies were designed and implemented to support a baseline ecological risk assessment (BERA) of the Calcasieu Estuary. The BERA was conducted in accordance with the Ecological Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund: Process for Designing and Conducting Ecological Risk Assessment (United States Environmental Protection Agency [USEPA] 1997). The objectives of the BERA were to estimate the risks posed by environmental contamination to ecological receptors in the Calcasieu Estuary as well as R. Gouguet Windward Environmental LLC, Seattle, WA 98119-3958, USA D. Charters United States Environmental Protection Agency, Edison, NJ 08837-3679, USA D. Wilson T. Harris Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, Baton Rouge, LA 70884-2178, USA J. Rauscher S. Roddy J. Meyer United States Environmental Protection Agency, Dallas, TX 75202-733, USA 123 2 provide the information needed by risk managers to make decisions regarding the need for remedial actions. This article is the first in a series that describe the BERA that was conducted for the Calcasieu Estuary. It describes the environmental setting and contamination history, identifies the chemicals of potential concern (COPCs), presents the exposure scenarios and conceptual model for the site, and summarizes assessment and measurement endpoints that were used in the investigation. As such, this article provides an overview of the problem formulation that was conducted for the BERA. Two additional articles in this series describe the results of an evaluation of effectsbased sediment quality guidelines and the ecological risks to benthic invertebrates associated with exposure to Fig. 1 Map of the Bayou d’Inde, Middle Calcasieu Estuary, and Upper Calcasieu River AOCs showing major industrial facilities 123 Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2011) 61:1–13 contaminated sediments. This series of articles is based on the BERA report that was published by the USEPA (MacDonald et al. 2002). Study Area The Calcasieu River is one of the largest river systems in southwest Louisiana (LA). From its headwaters in the vicinity of Kisatchie National Forest (in Vernon Parish), the Calcasieu River flows some 260 km to the Gulf of Mexico near Cameron, LA (Fig. 1). Although much of the Calcasieu River system is relatively uncontaminated, the portion of the watershed from the saltwater barrier near Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2011) 61:1–13 Lake Charles, LA, to the Intercoastal Waterway has undergone extensive industrial development during the past seven decades. These developmental activities have resulted in widespread contamination of sediment in the estuarine portion of the watershed, particularly in the bayous within the upper portion of the estuary (Curry et al. 1997). Based on the results of a screening-level ecological risk assessment (SLERA), the portion of the Calcasieu Estuary from the saltwater barrier to Moss Lake was identified as the area in which environmental contamination posed the greatest potential risks to ecological receptors and, as such, was designated as the primary study area (CDM 1999). To facilitate the RI/FS, this study area was divided into three subareas (i.e., areas of concern [AOCs]), 3 including the Upper Calcasieu River, Bayou d’Inde, and Middle Calcasieu River (Fig. 1). Several reference areas were also identified in the lower estuary and in the vicinity of Sabine Lake to support the interpretation of the data generated during the remedial investigation (RI; Fig. 2). The upper Calcasieu River AOC (easting [x] = 476447.604; northing [y] = 3344135.439) includes the portion of the watershed from the saltwater barrier to the Highway 210 bridge, a distance of approximately 11 km (Fig. 1). This portion of the river system consists of several readily identifiable water bodies, including the following: the upper Calcasieu River mainstem from the saltwater barrier to Lake Charles, Lake Charles, Calcasieu Ship Channel from Lake Charles to the Highway 210 bridge, Fig. 2 Map of the study area, showing the areas selected to represent reference conditions 123 4 Clooney Island Loop, Contraband Bayou, Coon Island Loop, and Bayou Verdine. Bayou d’Inde is one of the major tributaries to the Calcasieu River. From its headwaters near Sulphur, LA, Bayou d’Inde flows in a southeasterly direction approximately 16 km to its confluence with the Calcasieu Ship Channel (Fig. 1). Over that distance, Bayou d’Inde is joined by several tributaries, the largest of which is Maple Fork. The lower portions of the bayou are characterized by hydraulic connections with a great deal of off-channel wetland habitat, the largest of which is the Lockport Marsh. The Bayou d’Inde AOC (x = 471011.9724; y = 3341929.799) encompasses all of the aquatic habitats from the headwater areas to the Ship Channel, including offchannel wetland. The middle Calcasieu River AOC (x = 470168.0462; y = 3336193.002) comprises the portion of the watershed from the Highway 210 bridge to the outlet of Moss Lake (a distance of approximately 11 km), excluding Bayou d’Inde (Fig. 1). The primary physiographic features in this portion of the study area include the Calcasieu Ship Channel, Prien Lake, the original Calcasieu River channel, and Moss Lake. For the purposes of this assessment, the Indian Wells Lagoon and Bayou Olsen were also included in the middle Calcasieu River AOC. A total of five areas were selected to represent reference conditions within the Calcasieu River watershed and surrounding environments. These areas included (1) Bayou Choupique (x = 463827.1136; y = 3329317.306), (2) Grand Bayou (x = 480233.0779; y = 3304222.294), (3) Bayou Bois Connine (x = 480029.4149; y = 3309241.132), (4) Willow Bayou (x = 425138.2076; y = 3304669.905), and (5) Johnson Bayou (x = 425867.4187; y = 3300104.113; Fig. 2). Bayou Choupique is located southwest of Moss Lake and flows approximately 8 km from its headwaters to the confluence with the Intracoastal Waterway northwest of Ellender, LA. Grand Bayou and Bayou Bois Connine are tributaries to Calcasieu Lake, both of which empty into the lake along its eastern shore. Willow Bayou and Johnson Bayou are tributaries to Sabine Lake and discharge into the lake along its southeastern shoreline. All five of these reference areas are relatively pristine and have been virtually unaffected by industrial activities (Ramelow et al. 1989). Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2011) 61:1–13 discharges, spills associated with production and transport activities, and deposition of substances that have been released into the atmosphere. Industrial activities have been ongoing in the Lake Charles area since the turn of the 20th century. However, construction of the Calcasieu Ship Channel in 1937 transformed Lake Charles into a deep-water port. This attribute, in conjunction with the ready availability of oil in the region, set the stage for rapid industrial development in the region. Today, the results of [70 years of industrial development are evident in the number of sites within the study area that are subject to some form of environmental control or enforcement under federal and state regulatory programs. In 1996, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration commissioned a study to evaluate the extent of environmental contamination in the Calcasieu Estuary (Curry et al. 1997). The results of this investigation indicated that 12 major industrial facilities and two municipal wastewater treatment plants are within the study area. The locations of the major industrial and municipal facilities that discharge wastewaters into the Calcasieu Estuary are shown in Fig. 1. Problem Formulation The process of defining the questions addressed during a BERA is termed ‘‘problem formulation.’’ Problem formulation is a systematic planning process that identifies the factors to be addressed in a BERA and consists of five major activities (USEPA 1997), including (1) refinement of the preliminary list of COPCs at the site; (2) further characterization of the potential ecological effects of the COPCs at the site; (3) review and refinement of the information on the fate and transport of COPCs, on potential exposure pathways, and on the biota potentially at risk; (4) development of a conceptual model with testable hypotheses (or risk questions) that the site investigation will address; and (5) selection of assessment and measurement endpoints. At the conclusion of the problem formulation, there is a scientific/management decision point, which consists of agreement on four items: the assessment endpoints, the exposure pathways, the risk questions, and the conceptual model that integrates these components (USEPA 1997). Site History and Sources of Contamination COPCs There are a number of anthropogenic sources of toxic and bioaccumulative substances in the Calcasieu Estuary. The primary sources of COPCs in the estuary include industrial wastewater discharges, municipal wastewater-treatment plant discharges, stormwater runoff, surface water recharge by contaminated groundwater, non–point source 123 The identification of COPCs represents an essential element of the problem-formulation process (USEPA 1998). To initiate this process, CDM Federal Programs Corporation (CDM 1999) conducted a SLERA of the Calcasieu Estuary in 1999 to assess the potential for adverse Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2011) 61:1–13 biological effects on ecological receptors associated with either direct or indirect exposure to contaminated environmental media in the Calcasieu Estuary. The SLERA was conducted by comparing the maximum concentration of each chemical of interest (COI) in water or sediment samples with conservative benchmarks (i.e., toxicity screening values) for that COI. Substances with maximum concentrations in excess of the selected benchmarks were identified as COPCs. The results of the SLERA indicated that the preliminary COPCs in the Calcasieu Estuary included the following: metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine and other pesticides, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDDs/ PCDFs) chlorophenols, chlorinated benzenes, chlorinated ethanes, phthalates, cyanide, and acetone (Table 1). This list of preliminary COPCs was refined to include those substances that were measured in environmental media at levels greater then selected environmental-quality criteria and guidelines (MacDonald et al. 2002). Based on the results of these evaluations, the following substances were identified as the primary water-borne COPCs in the Calcasieu Estuary: metals (copper and mercury), 1,2-dichloroethane, and trichloroethane (Table 1). By comparison, the sediment-associated COPCs included the following: metals (copper, chromium, lead, mercury, nickel, and zinc), PAHs (acenaphthene, acenaphthylene, anthracene, fluorene, 2-methylnaphthalene, naphthalene, phenanthrene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, chrysene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, total PAHs, and other PAHs), PCBs, PCDDs/PCDFs, chlorinated benzenes (hexachlorobenzene [HCB], hexachlorobutadiene [HCBD], and degradation products), phthalates (bis-2-ethylhexyl phthalate [BEHP]); carbon disulfide, unionized 5 ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, acetone, and organochlorine pesticides (aldrin and dieldrin; Table 1). The substances of greatest concern to aquatic-dependent wildlife were those that are persistent and bioaccumulative. The COPCs identified for water and sediment included all of the persistent and bioaccumulative substances (e.g., PCBs, PCDDs/PCDFs, HCB, HCBD, and organochlorine pesticides) that had been regularly detected in monitoring studies of the Calcasieu Estuary (Table 1). Potential Ecological Effects of COPCs in the Calcasieu Estuary A stressor is any physical, chemical, or biological entity that has the potential to cause a change in the ecological condition of the environment (USEPA 2000a). Accurate identification of the stressor or stressors that are causing or substantially contributing to biological impairments in aquatic ecosystems is important because it provides a basis for developing strategies that are likely to improve the quality of aquatic resources (USEPA 2000a). In this way, limited human and financial resources can be directed at the challenges that are most likely to maintain or restore beneficial uses. The RI of the Calcasieu Estuary was focused on the identification of the chemical stressors that are posing potential risks to ecological receptors. Many physical– chemical (e.g., water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, erosion and sedimentation, habitat degradation, and pH) and biological (e.g., introduced species, recreational and commercial fishing, disease) factors also have the potential to adversely affect aquatic organisms and aquaticdependent wildlife species. However, quantification of the effects of these factors on key ecological receptors was Table 1 Overview of key exposure routes for various classes of chemicals of potential concern in the Calcasieu Estuary Classification Chemicals of potential concern Exposure route: aquatic Contact Ingestion Exposure route: wildlife Inhalation Contact Ingestion Bioaccumulative substances Mercury, PAHs, PCBs, PCDDs/PCDFs, HCB, HCBD, aldrin, dieldrin * * * Toxic substances in sediments Copper, chromium, lead, mercury, nickel, zinc, PAHs, PCBs, HCB, HCBD, BEHP, aldrin and dieldrin, carbon disulfide, acetone, unionized ammonia, hydrogen sulfide * * * Toxic substances in surface water Copper, mercury, 1,2-dichloroethane, trichloroethane * Toxic substances in surface microlayer * Metals, VOCs, SVOCs * * PCBs polychlorinated biphenyls, PAHs polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PCDD polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, PCDF polychlorinated dibenzofurans, VOCs volatile organic chemicals, SVOCs semivolatile organic chemicals, HCB hexachlorobenzene, HCBD hexachlorobutadiene, BEHP bis-2-ethylhexyl phthalate, * indicates potentially complete exposure route 123 6 outside the scope of the BERA. The strategy for addressing this apparent limitation of the BERA involved assessing risks to ecological receptors in the study areas relative to the comparable risks to those receptors in nearby reference areas with similar biological and physical conditions. In this way, the incremental risks posed by COPCs, greater then those posed by physical and biological stressors in the reference systems, could be estimated. In addition, any unaccounted effects for of such factors on the measurement endpoints could be addressed in the associated uncertainty analysis (MacDonald et al. 2002). Although the identity, fate and transport, toxicity, and bioaccumulation of the COPCs described in the SLERA (CDM 1999; Goldberg 2001) were summarized in the problem formulation for the site (MacDonald et al. 2001), space limitations preclude presentation of this information in this article. Ecological Receptors Potentially at Risk A critical element of the problem-formulation process is the identification of the receptors at risk that occur within the study area. USEPA guidance is available to help identify receptors at risk (USEPA 1989, 1992, 1997). The guidance states that receptors at risk include the following: (1) resident species or communities exposed to the highest chemical concentrations in sediments and surface water; (2) species or functional groups that are essential to, or indicative of, the normal functioning of the affected habitat; and, (3) federal- or state-designated threatened or endangered species. In the Calcasieu Estuary, the ecological receptors potentially at risk include the plants and animals that use aquatic, wetland, and terrestrial habitats within the watershed. Based on the results of the SLERA (CDM 1999), the ecological receptors that are potentially at risk due to historic and ongoing discharges of COPCs into surface waters are those species that use habitats within aquatic and wetland ecosystems. These groups of organisms include microorganisms, aquatic plants, benthic macroinvertebrates, zooplankton, fish, reptiles and amphibians, and aquatic-dependent birds and mammals. The focal species selected to evaluate risks to these ecological receptors are identified with the assessment endpoints. Although other groups of ecological receptors are known to occur within this ecosystem (e.g., terrestrial insects, terrestrial plants), risks to terrestrial organisms were not evaluated in the aquatic risk assessment and may be addressed in the future. Key Exposure Pathways for Ecological Receptors Evaluation of the risks posed by COPCs in the estuary requires a detailed understanding of the pathways through which ecological receptors are exposed to these substances. 123 Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2011) 61:1–13 In turn, the identification of key exposure pathways requires an understanding of the sources and releases of environmental contaminants and the environmental fate of these substances. MacDonald et al. (2002) provides descriptions of the sources and releases of COPCs within the study area. On release into aquatic ecosystems, COPCs partition into environmental media (i.e., water, sediment, and/or biota) in accordance with their physical and chemical properties and the characteristics of the receiving water body (Table 1). As a result of such partitioning, COPCs can occur at increased levels in surface water, sediments, and/or the tissues of aquatic organisms. To facilitate the development of conceptual models that link stressors to receptors, the COPCs can be classified into three groups based on their fate and effects in the aquatic ecosystem, including (1) bioaccumulative substances, (2) toxic substances that partition into sediments, and (3) toxic substances that partition into water (including the surface microlayer; Table 1). Once released to the environment, there are three pathways through which ecological receptors can be exposed to COPCs. These routes of exposure include (1) direct contact with contaminated environmental media, (2) ingestion of contaminated environmental media, and (3) inhalation of contaminated air. The exposure routes that apply to each of the categories of COPCs are described in Table 1 and later in the text. Bioaccumulative Substances Aquatic organisms and aquatic-dependent wildlife species can be exposed to bioaccumulative substances by way of several pathways. First, direct contact with contaminated water or sediment can result in the uptake of bioaccumulative substances through the gills or through the skin of aquatic organisms. This route of exposure is particularly important for sediment-dwelling organisms because most of the bioaccumulative COPCs tend to accumulate in sediments on release into the environment (CDM 1999). Ingestion of contaminated sediments and/or prey species also represents an important route of exposure to bioaccumulative substances for aquatic organisms, particularly for sediment-dwelling organisms, carnivorous fish, amphibians, and reptiles (CDM 1999). For aquatic-dependent wildlife species, ingestion of contaminated prey species represents the principal route of exposure to bioaccumulative substances (Moore et al. 1997; 1999). The groups of wildlife species that are likely to be exposed to bioaccumulative substances through this pathway include insectivorous birds, sediment-probing birds, carnivorous-wading birds, piscivorous birds, and omnivorous and piscivorous mammals (Table 2; Fig. 3). Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2011) 61:1–13 7 Table 2 Receptor groups exposed to various classes of chemicals of potential concern in the Calcasieu Estuary Classification Bioaccumulative substances Chemicals of potential concern Ecological receptors Mercury, PAHs, PCBs, PCDDs/PCDFs, HCB, HCBD, aldrin, dieldrin Aquatic organisms Birds Mammals Benthic invertebrates, carnivorous fish, amphibians, reptiles Insectivorous birds; Piscivorous sediment-probing birds, mammals, carnivorous-wading birds, omnivorous piscivorous birds mammals Toxic substances Copper, chromium, lead, mercury, nickel, zinc, Decomposers, aquatic Sediment-probing birds in sediments PAHs, PCBs, HCB, HCBD, BEHP, aldrin and plants, benthic dieldrin, carbon disulfide, acetone, unionized invertebrates, benthic ammonia, hydrogen sulfide fish, reptiles, amphibians Toxic substances Copper, mercury, 1,2-dichloroethane, in surface water trichloroethane Aquatic plants, aquatic invertebrates, fish, amphibians Toxic substances Metals, VOCs, SVOCs in surface microlayer Aquatic invertebrates, pelagic fish Birds Piscivorous mammals PCBs polychlorinated biphenyls, PAHs polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PCDD polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, PCDF polychlorinated dibenzofurans, VOCs volatile organic chemicals, SVOCs semivolatile organic chemicals, HCB hexachlorobenzene, HCBD hexachlorobutadiene, BEHP bis-2-ethylhexyl phthalate Sources of Contaminants COPCs Piscivorous Birds Piscivorous Mammals Insectivorous Birds Omnivorous Mammals Aquatic Plants Carnivorous Fish Reptiles Benthic Invertebrates Sedimentprobing Birds Benthic Fish BIOTA (Biota ingestion) Aquatic Invertebrates Microbial Community Amphibians Receptors Carnivorous Wading Birds SEDIMENT (Sediment contact, sediment ingestion) WATER (Water contact) Environmental Fate SURFACE MICROLAYER (Water contact, inhalation) Pelagic Fish Decreased Survival, Growth and/or Reproduction Risk Hypotheses Decreased Activity Fig. 3 Conceptual model diagram illustrating exposure pathways and potential effects for all categories of COPCs 123 8 Toxic Substances That Partition Into Sediments Aquatic organisms and aquatic-dependent wildlife species can be exposed to toxic substances that partition into sediments through several pathways. For aquatic organisms, such as microbiota, aquatic plants, sediment-dwelling organisms, benthic fish, and amphibians, direct contact with contaminated sediment and/or contaminated pore water represents the most important route of exposure to toxic substances that partition into sediments (MacDonald et al. 2002). However, ingestion of contaminated sediments can also represent an important exposure pathway for certain species (e.g., polychaetes) that process sediments to obtain food (e.g., sediment-probing birds; Beyer et al. 1994). Direct contact with contaminated sediments also represents a potential exposure pathway for reptiles; however, it is less important for reptiles than for other aquatic organisms (MacDonald et al. 2002). For aquatic-dependent wildlife species, ingestion of contaminated sediments represents the principal route of exposure to toxic substances that partition into sediments. Of the wildlife species that occur in the Calcasieu Estuary, sediment-probing birds are the most likely to be exposed through this pathway (Tables 1, 2; Beyer et al. 1994). Toxic Substances That Partition Into Surface Water Aquatic organisms and aquatic-dependent wildlife species can be exposed to toxic substances that partition into surface water through several pathways. For aquatic organisms—such as microbiota, aquatic plants, aquatic invertebrates, fish, and amphibians—direct contact with contaminated water represents the most important route of exposure to toxic substances that partition into surface water (MacDonald et al. 2002). This exposure route involves uptake through the gills and/or through the skin. For aquatic-dependent wildlife species, ingestion of contaminated water represents the principal route of exposure to toxic substances that partition into surface water (Table 1). Although virtually all aquatic-dependent wildlife species are exposed to toxic substances that partition into surface water, this pathway is likely to account for a minor proportion of the total exposure to such chemicals for most of these species (i.e., due to the lower levels of COPCs in surface water compared with tissues and due to the relatively low ingestion rates for brackish water; MacDonald et al. 2002). Toxic Substances That Partition Into the Surface Microlayer Aquatic organisms and aquatic-dependent wildlife species can be exposed to toxic substances that partition into 123 Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2011) 61:1–13 surface water through several pathways. For certain aquatic organisms, such as aquatic invertebrates and pelagic fish, direct contact with the contaminated surface microlayer (i.e., the layer of water that is present at the water–air interface) may represent an important route of exposure to such toxic substances (MacDonald et al. 2002). This exposure route involves uptake through the gills and/or through the skin of aquatic organisms. For aquatic-dependent wildlife species, inhalation of substances that volatilize from the surface microlayer can represent a route of exposure to toxic substances that partition into this environmental medium (Table 1). However, this route of exposure is likely to be of relatively minor importance under most circumstances (Moore et al. 1997, 1999). This pathway could become important during and after accidental spills, when such substances are present as slicks on the water surface. Conceptual Model for the Calcasieu Estuary BERA In accordance with USEPA guidance, the problem formulation for a BERA is intended to result in three main outputs: assessment endpoints, conceptual models, and a risk-analysis plan (USEPA 1997, 1998). The conceptual model represents a particularly important component of problem formulation because it enhances the level of understanding regarding the relations between human activities and ecological receptors at the site under consideration. Specifically, the conceptual model describes key relations between stressors and assessment endpoints. In so doing, the conceptual model provides a framework for predicting effects on ecological receptors and a template for generating risk questions and testable hypotheses (USEPA 1997, 1998). The conceptual model also provides a means of highlighting what is known and what is not known about a site. In this way, the conceptual model provides a basis for identifying data gaps and designing monitoring programs to acquire the information necessary to complete the assessment. Conceptual models consist of two main elements: (1) a set of hypotheses that describe predicted relations between stressors, exposures, and assessment endpoint responses (along with a rationale for their selection) and (2) diagrams that illustrate the relations presented in the risk hypotheses. The sources and releases of COPCs, the fate and transport of these substances, the pathways by which ecological receptors are exposed to the COPCs, and the potential effects of these substances on the ecological receptors that occur in the Calcasieu Estuary are described in MacDonald et al. (2001). Similarly, the hypotheses that provide predictions regarding how ecological receptors will be exposed to and respond to the COPCs is presented in MacDonald et al. (2001). Food web dynamics in the Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2011) 61:1–13 Piscivorous Mammals Mink, River Otter, Dolphins BI/IH Omnivorous Mammals Raccoon, Black Bear BI 9 Piscivorous Birds Osprey, Kingfisher, Pelicans, Terns BI Carnivorous-wading Birds Great Blue Heron, Great Egret, Snowy Egret BI/IH Insectivorous Birds Purple Martin, Swallows BI Sediment-probing Birds Roseate Spoonbill, Willet, Stilts, Ibis, Ducks BI/SI/IH Benthic Invertebrates Oysters, Mussels, Clams, Sponges, Penaeid Shrimp, Blue Crabs, Bivalves, Aquatic Worms, Amphipods, Sea Urchins, Other Crabs BI/SC/SI/WC Aquatic Invertebrates Copepods, Mysid Shrimp, Crabs, Emergent Insects, Water Striders BI/WC Aquatic Plants Algae (periphyton, phytoplankton), Macrophytes WC/SC Reptiles Mississippi Green Water Snake, American Alligator, Yellowbelly Water Snake BI/SC Amphibians Bull Frog, Leopard Frogs, Toads, Salamanders BI/SC/WC Carnivorous Fish Redfish, Black Drum, Spotted Seatrout, Gar, Chain Pickerel BI/WC Omnivorous Fish Spot, Pinfish, Atlantic Croaker, Hardhead Catfish, Gafftopsail Catfish, Naked goby BI/SI/WC Herbivorous/Planktivorous Fish Gulf Killifish, Sheepshead Minnow, Inland Silverside, Gulf Menhaden, Striped Mullet BI/WC Decomposers Bacteria, Fungi, Protozoa SC/WC Water and Sediment Nutrients, Detritus Principal Exposure Routes (note: surface waters tend to have high salinity, reducing the potential for water ingestion by ecological receptors): BI = Biota Ingestion; WC = Water Contact; WI = Water Ingestion; SC = Sediment Contact; SI = Sediment Ingestion; IH = Inhalation Fig. 4 The Calcasieu Estuary food web showing the principal routes of exposure to contaminated water, sediment and biota Calcasieu Estuary are presented in Fig. 4. In addition, a conceptual model diagram that illustrates exposure pathways and potential effects for bioaccumulative substances, toxic substances that partition into sediments, toxic substances that partition into overlying water, and toxic substances that partition into the surface microlayer, is presented in Fig. 3. Selection of Assessment and Measurement Endpoints An assessment endpoint is an ‘‘explicit expression of the environmental value that is to be protected’’ (USEPA 1997, p. 4-2). The selection of assessment endpoints is an essential element of the overall BERA process because it provides a means of focusing assessment activities on the key environmental values (e.g., reproduction of sedimentdwelling organisms) that could be adversely affected by exposure to COPCs. Assessment endpoints were selected based on the ecosystems, communities, and species that occur, have historically occurred, or could potentially occur at the site (USEPA 1997). The following factors were considered during the selection of assessment endpoints (USEPA 1997): the COPCs that occur in environmental media and their concentrations; the mechanisms of toxicity of the COPCs to various groups of organisms; the ecologically-relevant receptor groups that are potentially sensitive or highly exposed to the contaminant based on their natural history attributes; and the presence of potentially complete exposure pathways. Thus, the fate, transport, and mechanisms of toxicity for each COPC or group of COPCs was considered to determine which receptors are likely to be most at risk. This information included an understanding of how the adverse effects of the COPC could be expressed (e.g., eggshell thinning in birds) and how the form of the chemical in the environment could influence its bioavailability and toxicity. Integration of these various types of information provided a means of developing a conceptual model of the site that identifies linkages between contaminant discharges and effects on key ecological receptors (Fig. 3). The resultant conceptual site model and associated information provided the basis for selecting the assessment endpoints that were most 123 10 Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2011) 61:1–13 relevant for the Calcasieu Estuary BERA. The assessment endpoints and associated focal species (for which exposure was evaluated or modeled) that were selected for consideration in the BERA included the following: • • • Activity of the microbial community (focal species = Microtox); Survival, growth, and reproduction of aquatic plants (focal species = alga [Ulva fasciata]); Survival, growth, and reproduction of benthic invertebrates (focal species = amphipods [Hyalella azteca and Ampelisca abdita] and sea urchin [Arbacia punctulata]); • • • Survival, growth, and reproduction of benthic and pelagic fish (focal species = redfish [Sciaenops ocellatus]); Survival, growth, and reproduction of aquatic-dependent bird species (focal species = great blue heron, osprey, kingfisher, roseate spoonbills); and, Survival, growth, and reproduction of aquatic-dependent mammalian species (focal species = raccoon, river otter, mink). A measurement endpoint is defined as ‘‘a measurable ecological characteristic that is related to the valued characteristic selected as the assessment endpoint’’ and is a Table 3 Assessment endpoints, testable hypotheses and measurement endpoints for assessing risk to microbes, plants, and invertebrates Assessment endpoint Risk questions & testable hypotheses Measurement endpoints Activity of the microbial community (e.g., rate of carbon processing by decomposers) Is the metabolic rate of bacteria (i.e., the activity of Bioluminescence of bacterium Vibrio fisheri aquatic microbiota) exposed to whole sediments (Microtox; as a surrogate for bacterial metabolic from the Calcasieu Estuary significantly lower rate) in whole-sediment toxicity tests (Johnson (p \ 0.1) than that for bacteria exposed to reference 1998; Johnson and Long 1998) sediments? Survival and growth of aquatic plants Is the survival and/or growth of aquatic plants Germination, germling length, and cell number of the exposed to pore water from Calcasieu Estuary alga U. lactuca (as surrogates for survival, growth sediments significantly lower (p \ 0.1) than that for and/or reproduction) in pore-water toxicity tests aquatic plants exposed to pore water from reference (Hooten and Carr 1998) sediments? Survival, growth, and reproduction of benthic invertebrates Are the levels of contaminants in whole sediments Concentrations of contaminants in whole sediments from the Calcasieu Estuary greater than the (i.e., reported on a dry-weight basis relative to sediment-quality guidelines for the survival, growth, sediment-quality benchmarks for survival, growth, or reproduction of benthic invertebrates? and/or reproduction of benthic invertebrates expressed as mean sediment-quality guideline quotients; USEPA 2000b; Long et al. 1995; Long and Morgan 1991; MacDonald et al. 1996). Are the levels of contaminants in pore water from Calcasieu Estuary sediments greater than the toxicity thresholds for survival, growth, or reproduction of benthic invertebrates? Concentrations of contaminants in pore water (i.e., relative to acute and chronic toxicity thresholds for survival and/or growth of benthic invertebrates in pore water; USEPA 1999) Is the survival of benthic invertebrates exposed to whole sediments from the Calcasieu Estuary significantly lower (p \ 0.1) than that of benthic invertebrates exposed to reference sediments? Survival of the amphipod H. azteca in 10- to 28-day whole-sediment toxicity tests (USEPA 2000b; ASTM 2009a); survival of the amphipod A. abdita in 10-day whole-sediment toxicity tests (ASTM 2009b); survival of the polychaete Nereis virens in 28-day whole-sediment toxicity tests (ASTM 2009c) Is the growth of benthic invertebrates exposed to whole sediments from the Calcasieu Estuary significantly lower (p \ 0.1) than that of benthic invertebrates exposed to reference sediments? Growth of the amphipod H. azteca in 10-day wholesediment toxicity tests (ASTM 2009a; USEPA 2000b, 2000c) Is the reproductive success of benthic invertebrates Fertilization and embryo development of the sea exposed to pore water from Calcasieu Estuary urchin A. punctulata (as a surrogate for reproductive sediments significantly lower (p \ 0.1) than that of success in benthic invertebrates) in pore-water benthic invertebrates exposed to pore water from toxicity tests (Carr and Chapman 1992; Carr et al. reference sediments? 1996a, 1996b, 1997) Is the structure of benthic macroinvertebrate Percent annelid abundance, percent arthropod communities in Calcasieu Estuary sediments outside abundance, and index of contamination as the normal range for benthic invertebrate calculated from raw species counts (Gaston and communities in reference sediments (i.e., 95% Nasci 1988; Gaston et al. 1988; Gaston and Young confidence interval)? 1992; Brown et al. 2000) 123 Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2011) 61:1–13 11 Table 4 Assessment endpoints, testable hypotheses and measurement endpoints for assessing risk to benthic and pelagic fish Assessment endpoint Risk questions/testable hypotheses Measurement endpoints Survival, growth, and Are the concentrations of contaminants in overlying water Concentrations of contaminants in overlying water (i.e., reproduction of benthic from the Calcasieu Estuary greater than the waterrelative to the water-quality criteria for the protection of and pelagic fish quality criteria for the survival, growth, or reproduction aquatic organisms; USEPA 1999) of fish? Are the concentrations of contaminants in pore water Concentrations of contaminants in pore water (i.e., from Calcasieu Estuary sediments greater than the relative to the water quality criteria for the protection of water-quality criteria for the survival, growth, or aquatic organisms; USEPA 1999) reproduction of fish? Is the survival of fish (as indicated by the survival of fish) Survival of redfish S. ocellatus larvae in 48-hour poreexposed to pore water from Calcasieu Estuary water toxicity tests (Carr and Chapman 1992) sediments significantly lower (p \ 0.1) than that of fish exposed to pore water from reference sediments? Is the reproductive success of fish exposed to pore water Hatching success of redfish S. ocellatus eggs in 24-hour from Calcasieu Estuary sediments significantly pore-water toxicity tests (Carr and Chapman 1992) (p \ 0.1) lower than that of fish exposed to pore water from reference sediments? Table 5 Assessment endpoints, testable hypotheses and measurement endpoints for assessing risk to avian and mammalian wildlife Assessment endpoint Risk questions/testable hypotheses Measurement endpoints Survival and reproduction Do the daily doses of bioaccumulative COPCs received Concentrations of contaminants in the tissues of benthic of aquatic-dependent by sediment-probing birds due to the consumption of invertebrates (i.e., as used to model daily doses of bird species the tissues of prey species from in the Calcasieu Estuary COPCs for selected focal species) exceed the toxicity reference values for survival or reproduction of birds? Do the daily doses of bioaccumulative COPCs received Concentrations of contaminants in the tissues of benthic by carnivorous-wading birds due to the consumption of invertebrates and fish (i.e., as used to model daily doses the tissues of prey species from in the Calcasieu Estuary of COPCs for selected focal species) exceed the toxicity reference values for survival or reproduction of birds? Do the daily doses of bioaccumulative COPCs received Concentrations of contaminants in the tissues of fish (i.e., by piscivorous birds due to the consumption of the as used to model daily doses of COPCs for selected tissues of prey species from in the Calcasieu Estuary focal species) exceed the toxicity reference values for survival or reproduction of birds? Survival and reproduction Do the daily doses of bioaccumulative COPCs received Concentrations of contaminants in the tissues of benthic of aquatic-dependent by omnivorous mammals due to the consumption of the invertebrates and pelagic invertebrates (i.e., as used to mammal species tissues of prey species from in the Calcasieu Estuary model daily doses of COPCs for selected focal species) exceed the toxicity reference values for survival or reproduction of mammals? Do the daily doses of bioaccumulative COPCs received Concentrations of contaminants in the tissues of by piscivorous mammals due to the consumption of the invertebrates and fish (i.e., as used to model daily doses tissues of prey species from in the Calcasieu Estuary of COPCs for selected focal species) exceed the toxicity reference values for survival or reproduction of mammals? measure of biological effects (e.g., mortality, reproduction, growth; USEPA 1997; Tables 3 through 5). Measurement endpoints are frequently numerical expressions of observations (e.g., toxicity test results, community diversity measures) that can be compared with similar observations at a control treatment and/or reference site. Such statistical comparisons provide a basis for evaluating the effects that are associated with exposure to a contaminant or group of contaminants at the site under consideration. Measurement endpoints can include measures of exposure (e.g., contaminant concentrations in water or sediments) or measures of effects (e.g., survival or growth of amphipods in laboratory toxicity tests). The relation between an assessment endpoint, a risk question, and a measurement endpoint is described within the conceptual model and is based on scientific evidence (USEPA 1997). In the Calcasieu Estuary BERA, a series of risk questions were posed to support the identification of candidate 123 12 measurement endpoints that would provide relevant information for determining the status of the assessment endpoints. As it was recognized that it would not be practical nor possible to incorporate all of the possible measurement endpoints into the RI, the suite of candidate measurement endpoints was refined to include those that would provide the most useful information for evaluating the ecological risks associated with exposure to environmental contaminants in the study area. This process culminated in the selection of key measurement endpoints for inclusion in the RI (i.e., for use in the sampling program; see Tables 3, 4, 5). The risk questions that link the assessment and measurement endpoints articulate how the data collected in the sampling program would be used to characterize risks to ecological receptors in the Calcasieu Estuary. The methods that were used in the exposure assessment, effects assessment, and risk characterization for each receptor group are described in MacDonald et al. (2002) and, for selected receptor groups, in the subsequent papers in this series (Table 4). Conclusion The problem-formulation stage represented an essential element of the overall Calcasieu Estuary BERA. Importantly, the problem-formulation process led to the refinement of the preliminary list of COPCs at the site and further characterization of the potential ecological effects that are likely to be associated with exposure to COPCs at the site. In addition, evaluations of the environmental fate of the COPCs, of the potential exposure pathways at the site, and of the aquatic and aquatic-dependent wildlife biota that were potentially at risk were conducted as part of the problem-formulation process. This information facilitated the development of a conceptual model for the site and the testable hypotheses that would be addressed in the site investigation. Finally, this process led to the selection of assessment and measurement endpoints used to design the sampling program and guide the risk characterization phase of the BERA (MacDonald et al. 2002). Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge a number of individuals who provided excellent technical reviews of the document, including Paul Conzelmann (United States Parks Service), John Kern (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), Denise Sanger (South Carolina Department of Natural Resources), Heather Findley, John DeMond (Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality), Barry Forsythe, and Buddy Goatcher (United States Fish and Wildlife Service). Funding for the preparation of this document was provided through a contract to CDM Federal Programs Corporation from the USEPA. 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