Slavery to Righteousness Theme Text: Romans 6:15-23 INTRODUCTION The message in the theme text has Apostle Paul pointing us to a life of slavery. He indicates we all are slaves, either to sin or righteousness as such we must choose rightly. In John 8:34, Jesus said “Everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin”. Whoever we choose to obey and give allegiance to ultimately becomes our master. By this we learn that slavery to sin or to righteousness is determined by our actions and not mere words. STUDY INSTRUCTIONS • On reading a discussion question, please read the accompanying scripture texts then invite members to share their thoughts and revelations in answer to the question. • Align members’ contribution with scripture references and lovingly correct mistaken ideas. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. How does one become a slave (for example to sin or to righteousness)? • Romans 6:16 • 2 Peter 2:19 • John 8:34 • Romans 6:12-13 2. Slavery to sin or to righteousness is a choice but is there a neutral ground? • Mathew 25:46 3. What does it mean to present yourselves to “Someone”? Who are unbelievers presenting themselves to? How about believers? • Romans 6:16 • Romans 7:14,23,25 • 2 Peter 2:19 4. What is the significance of the phrase “obedient from the heart”? Aren’t our actions the most important? • Romans 6:17 5. What are the consequences of becoming a slave to sin and a slave to righteousness? • Romans 6:21-23 • John 6:40 • John 3:36 • Mathew 25:46 • James 1:15 6. What lessons can be learnt from the discussions? • Share as you are led by the Spirit. CONCLUSION Slavery is not one to take so lightly and as we have been given the freedom and opportunity to opt for one far greater and rewarding than the other, why not? God is offering us a slavery to righteous, one that makes us holy in appearance, in thoughts and in our actions. An option which gives us honour and a sense of pride. Beloved it is about time we left the shackles of sin and became slaves of righteousness.