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DIASS Communication: Clientele, Settings, Media Channels

Subject: DIASS
Grade Level: 11
Quarter: 3
Week: 9
MELC: Describe the clientele and audiences of communication (HUMSS_DIASS12-IIa-37)
Distinguish the needs of individuals, groups, organizations, and communities
Identify the settings in which communicators and journalists are found
Illustrate the different processes and methods involved in undertaking
communication (HUMSS_DIASS12-IIa-40)
Distinguish the appropriate communication media channels used in different
settings and situations (HUMSS_DIASS12-IIa-41)
Name __________________________ Section ________ Date ________
School _________________________ District _______________________
A. Readings/Discussions:
The discipline of communication is also called as communicology. In the process of
communication one has to convince or persuade the people who are listening or giving
attention which we called as audience. When you watch TV shows, read newspapers or
watch a film, you become an audience. Can you recall the last time you watch a TV
show and you are convinced with what they are saying or you are already influenced by
Audiences are also called receivers. They are formed by two factors which are:
1. Social context- people of the same background with shared culture, understanding
information needs.
2. Response to media content- audiences from news show, variety show, soap opera
and others.
To know the audience one who is talking to, one has to assess the fundamental
background like the awareness and knowledge of the audience of the idea to be
presented. For example if the speaker knows already that the audience has already
several knowledge about the topic then he/she has to provide more explanations, facts
and examples to support his/her points for the audience to be convinced and
Media sociologist Denis McQuail (1997) noted some ways to define who are the
audience namely:
 By place- audience in the case of a newspaper
 By people- as when media content appeals to a certain age group, gender,
political belief or income category
 By the particular type of medium or channel involved - the audience of radio may
differ from the audience of television.
 By the content of the message of a medium - talk shows and and soap operas
with many different audiences
 By times - as in daytime, primetime or weekend audiences.
1. Individuals as Audience
Every day you engage in a communication. As one one cannot escape it along the
different levels of communication whether intrapersonal, interpersonal or in mass media.
We do this of different reasons. People communicate to be informed and to inform, to
gain guidance for one’s own opinion and to have an identity or be a member within a
Research says that among the benefits one gets from communication are the following:
Information and Education
Socialization and Relaxation
Identity formation
Build mutual relationship
2. Groups and Organizations as Audience
Organizations communicate with others for a variety of reasons. Innet and
Schewchuk in 1995 said that there are communication needs of organizations. These
2.1 To inform. It is communicating to the audience like what you can do for them or
what advice you could give them or vice versa.
2.2 To build understanding. It is encouraging the audience to improve their lives
like stopping from smoking which appeals to their feelings and thinking.
2.3 To resolve conflicts. Empathy can prevent conflicts as misunderstanding really
exist in an organization.
2.4 To present and idea. In an organization presenting an idea is a need but
one has to know also the correct manner in presenting it.
2.5 To lower barrier between groups and individuals. Prejudices and
discrimination may exist if communication process is not done in a correct
manner thus one has to know the audience very well.
3. Community as Audience
Community is the most organic place we do communication. When you go out from
your house and interact with your friends, your neighbor or to everyone in your place
you do communication to them. But you still have to know that in the discipline of
communication when you consider the community as your audience you need to
remember the following needs:
1. Right language. This must be simple and easy to understand words
2. Time. Extend more efforts to let them be understood the topic
3. Information background. If you need to persuade or convince them with your
idea you need to know their level of awareness of the topic
4. Awareness of interests. You need to know what the community likes or have
interest to
5. Education. People in the community acts as audience because of the reason
that they need to know about the topic.
Have you experienced to receive an information or announcement from your
barangay? Or a written communication from any business industries in your place or
from a legit organization like from charitable groups or church-related groups? Have you
thought about who made the communication? Or from whom does it come from and the
reason why the communication was made? These are some of the questions you need
to consider upon learning this lesson. The following are some of the settings in which
communication takes place.
1. Communication in Government
Government communication can be defined as all activities done by the public
sector institutions that the government supervises for the purpose of presenting and
explaining government plans, decisions and actions. It is also used to promote legal
processes, defending recognized values and to foster patriotism.
It could either be in oral or written in all formal activities. As such it could also be
active where it provides all general information in an organized fashion to the public for
all activities of the government are planned, systematic and financed. On the other
hand, it is passive when the administration transmit information to any individual, group
or organization who request under certain provisions in the law access to information.
A. Types of Government Communication
1. Government-wide communication. Communication occurs in all structured
communication where its purpose is for presenting government activities like to explain
decisions, and present actions.
2. Communication relating to benefits. Communication occurs to ensure
beneficiaries are receive by the people to avail services.
3. Involving Institutional Communication. Communication to enhance the
visibility and influence of an organization. This type of communication is to clarify the
values to be conveyed and incorporating these values in all communication activities
and implementing the appropriate procedures.
2. Communication in Civil Society
Communication done by a Non-government organizations (NGOs) is an example of
this setting. Different advocacies like Greenpeace, animal rights, environmental
protection are examples of these.
3. Communication in Private Sector
Communication in any business industries where information, persuasion and
mobilization are the primary needs of the private sector.
4. Other Settings
a. Schools - communication for instruction and socialization to inform stakeholders
like parents, faculty and students.
b. Communities are organized in varying degrees of structure and using different
c. Online communication- done in social networking sites like fb, twitter, etc.
Tools of Communication
1. Print Materials - Newspapers, reports, books, posters, brochures, etc.
2. Non-print materials - Videos, TV shows, radios, presentations
3. Technologies- cellphones, telephones, tablets, computers and laptop
4. Online Tools- Social Media, electronic mails
Process of Communication
In understanding the process of communication in any organization, patterns on
where information and messages go is critical. This is called the directionality of
communication. Among these are the following:
1. Vertical Communication- refers to sending or receiving messages between levels of
hierarchy or order whether upward or downward.
2. Horizontal Communication- refers to sending or receiving messages within the
same levels of hierarchy.
3. Downward Communication - is used to send messages from lower a higher rank to
a lower rank.
Terms in the Communication Process
Encoding is putting ideas or information into symbols.
Decoding is transforming message back into thoughts.
Message is the information source.
Receiver is the one who receives the information.
Sender is the person who share the information.
Response is the receiver’s reaction to the message.
Feedback is the the receiver’s reaction that is given back to the sender.
Noise is the unplanned interference.
A media channel refers to the specific method used in transmitting messages or
information to an intended audience. These come in a form of the examples stated in
the activity above like television and radio (the broadcast media), newspaper (print
media), Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (social media) and this new media which is
today’s method of communicating in the digital world.
1. Mass Media is a means of communication which is intended for large audiences.
This is divided into two, Print and Broadcast.
a. Print media includes newspaper and publication which tell about news stories,
opinions, businesses and advertisements.
b. Broadcast media comes in a form of radio and television where it is more
influential and dominant to transmit news and information.
2. New Media is a term which refers to all that is related to the use of internet and the
interplay between technology, images and sound that help improve the process of
communication especially in the advent of the 21st century.
a. Social media is a subset of new media which dominated much of the world
populace and seen most influential medium of communication especially to teenagers.
Internet is a must in this channel where it does not only cover a portion in a certain
place but it can reach anyone in the globe as long as there is internet. Examples of
these are:
 Social networking sites (facebook, twitter, instagram, tumblr, etc.)
 Wikepedia
 Youtube
 Virtual games (DOTA, Mobile legends, Cross-fire, Rules of Survival, and others)
 Technologies (blogs, email, instant messaging)
3. Telecommunication refers to channel of communication where information and
messages are exchanged over long distances. Usually this channel use computer,
cellphones and telephone where information is sent or received through a
communication connection.
In the Philippines, this can be an example through large telecommunication
networks like SMART, Talk ‘N Text, PLDT, TM, Globe and Sun Cellular among others
which provide communication connection for us to call or have conversation to someone
over long distance. We can also use the internet connection that we have as these
networks also provide us with the access to the internet using systems and devices.
B. Exercise
Directions: Write the word True before the number if each statement is true and False if it is
1. It is easy to feel empathy for someone with a similar world view.
2.Using the right words can help you to build strong, long-lasting client relationship.
3. Positive relationships can be built by considering yourself as the speaker superior to your audience.
4.The more you know the audience, the easier you can make them not know about any information about
the society.
_____5. When you know the race and ethnicity of the audience, you can use these to influence them to forget their
culture and adapt a new one through communication.
6. One should take consideration of the feelings and attitude when communicating.
7. The discipline of communication is also known as Communicology.
8. One must convince clientele and audiences to believe with what he or she is saying.
9. The key, for one to know which manner one should use to present the delivery is first to identify the
type of clientele or audience one is talking to.
10. To know the audience one is talking to, one has to assess their fundamental perception of the idea
one is going to say.
11. Government communication is used for presenting legitimate interventions and maintain values.
12. Government-wide Communication occurs in all structured communication where its purpose is for
presenting government activities like to explain decisions, and present actions.
13. Involving Institutional Communication clarifies the values to be conveyed and incorporating these
values in all communication activities and implementing the appropriate procedures.
14. Communication process can be horizontal, vertical or downward.
15. Crisis communication involves all dimensions of administration with crisis confidence with respect to
organizational functioning.
16. Encoding is transforming the senders message back into thought.
17. Decoding is the process of putting information into symbolic form.
18. Private sector refers to business and industries run by individuals and companies rather than by the
19. Private sector are also called as Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)
20. Message refers to any information the source hopes to say
C. Assessment/Application/Outputs (Please refer to DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2020)
Directions: Carefully read the statements below. Use the choices in the box for your
answers. Write only the letter of the correct answer before each number.
A. mass media
D. media channel
B. social media
E. print media
A. new media
1. This refers to the specific methods of how information is transmitted to the
intended audience.
2. This is a type of media channel which includes print, radio, and television.
3. Youtube is an example of this type of media.
4. The use of newspaper is an example of
5. The use of television to transmit information or news is an example of
B. True or False.
Directions: Write the word media on the space provided before the number if the
statement is true and channel if it is false.
1. The use of New media is cheaper than the use of radio.
2. Facebook is an example of broadcast media.
3. Youtube can be used when viewing videos or events that happened
elsewhere in the world.
4. The use of internet today is most relevant in the mass media because
information can be get in one click.
5. TV is an important medium of information during election campaign.
6. Social media is an powerful tools to influence a large number of people
7. Television’s main strength is transmitting live images and sounds.
8. The use of radio is cheaper and more affordable to rural areas.
9. Radio can be located and be plugged anywhere.
10.Entertainment is one of the function of television.
11.Newspapers should have not contain only news but also of
opinions, stories and advertisements.
_12.Mass media can either be print or broadcast.
_13. One example of print media is newspaper.
_14. New media covers a set of applied communication technologies that
continue to evolve. It is used to refer to the new interactive forms of
communication that people use nowadays.
15. Blogs, email and instant messaging are examples of social media.
D.) Suggested Enrichment/Reinforcement Activity/ies
A feature is a longer piece of writing than a news story. Features come in many different
types and are widely used in magazines, newspapers and online. A feature will often cover
an issue in greater depth than a news story would do; or it might look at an ongoing story
from a different angle.
similarities and differences to news
Underpinned by factual detail and news sense but longer, more expansive and more
personal than news reporting
- more freedom to use own voice, personal experience
- more sources, background, context
Tasks to do:
Write a feature that focuses on a travelogue – travels, places.
A place that you wish to visit after the pandemic.
Write it in a short bondpaper.
It should contain the following:
Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Copyright 2016
Author: Myla M. Arcinas, Ph. D.
Project Director: Ronaldo B. Mactal, Ph. D.
Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Copyright 2016
Authors: Arleigh Ross D. Dela Cruz, Ph.
Carl G. Fernandez, RSW, MSW Ma. Lourdes F. Melegrito. Ph. D. Violet B. Valdez, Ph. D.
Project Director: Ronaldo B. Mactal Ph. D.
Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Copyright 2016
Author: Myla M. Arcinas, Ph. D.
Project Director: Ronaldo B. Mactal, Ph. D.
Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
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