DC Circuits • • • • Resistance Review Following the potential around a circuit Multiloop Circuits RC Circuits Homework for today: Read Chapters 26, 27 Chapter 26 Questions 1, 3, 10 Chapter 26 Problems 1, 17, 35, 77 Homework for tomorrow: Chapter 27 Questions 1, 3, 5 Chapter 27 Problems 7, 19, 49 WileyPlus assignment: Chapters 26, 27 Review: Series and Parallel Resistors Series: R = R1 + R2 + R3 Why? Parallel: 1 / R = 1 / R1 + 1 / R2 + 1 / R3 Why? Following the Potential Study Fig. 27-4 in the text to see how the potential changes from point to point in a circuit. Note the net change around the loop is zero. Following the Potential Note the net change around the loop is zero. Q.27-1 With the current i flowing as shown, which is at the higher potential, point b or point c? 1) 2) 3) 4) B is higher C is higher They are the same Not enough information Solution With the current i flowing as shown, which is at the higher potential, point b or point c? Solution: Current flows from high to low potential just like water flows down hill. (1) b is higher (3) they’re the same (2) c is higher (4) not enough info Example: Problem 27-30 ε = 6.0V R1 = 100 Ω R2 = R3 = 50 Ω R4 = 75 Ω (a) Find the equivalent resistance of the network. (b) Find the current in each resistor. i1 Problem 27-30 (part a) ε = 6.0V R234 R1 = 100 Ω R2 = R3 = 50 Ω R4 = 75 Ω (a) Find the equivalent resistance of the network. 1 / R234 = 1 / R2 + 1 / R3 + 1 / R4 = 16 / 300 So R234 = 300 / 16 = 19 Ω Now R1 and R234 are in series so Req = R1 + R234 = 100 Ω + 19 Ω = 119 Ω (b) Now current i1 = ε / Req = 50 mA Problem 27-30 (part b) (b) Find the current in each resistor. First note that i2R2 = i3R3 = i4R4. V = iR234 V So i2 = V / R2 = .95 / 50 = 19 mA i3 = V / R3 = .95 / 50 = 19 mA i4 = V / R4 = .95 / 75 = 12 mA = .050 A × 19 Ω = 0.95 V Check: These three add up to i1 = 50 mA. Q.27-2 ? R2 = 2 Ω R3 = 3 Ω i2 = 6 A i3 = ? Calculate i3, find the closest single-digit number (0-9). Q.27-2 ? R2 = 2 Ω R3 = 3 Ω i2 = 6 A 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A 9A i3 = ? Q.27-2 ? R2 = 2 Ω R3 = 3 Ω i2 = 6 A Vb − Vc = i2 R2 = i3 R3 i2 R2 2 ∴ i3 = = i2 = 4 A R3 3 4 More Complicated Circuits How do we solve a problem with more than one emf and several loops? We can’t do it just by series and parallel resistor combinations. ? Rules for Multiloop Circuits • The net voltage change around any loop is zero. “Energy conservation” • The net current into any junction is zero. “Charge conservation” Using these two rules we can always get enough equations to solve for the currents if we are given the emfs and resistances. Example i3 i2 ε ε 1 = 24V 2 = 12V R1 = 5 Ω i1 R2 = R3 = 30 Ω Find all currents! First define unknowns: i1 , i2 , i3 Example (continued) i3 i2 Left-hand loop: ε i1 1 − i3 R3 − i1 R1 = 0 Right-hand loop: ε 2 − i2 R2 − i1 R1 = 0 Junction: i1 = i2 + i3 Algebra: solve 3 equations for 3 unknowns i1 , i2 , i3 Loop and junction equations: ε ε − i3 R3 − i1 R1 = 0 2 − i2 R2 − i1 R1 = 0 i1 = i2 + i3 1 Put in the given numbers and also replace i1 by i2+i3: 5i1 + 30i3 = 5i2 + 35i3 = 24 5i1 + 30i2 = 35i2 + 5i3 = 12 Solve two equations in two unknowns to get: i2 = 250 mA Add to get i3 = 650 mA i1 = i2 + i3 = 900 mA Check by using outer loop: i3 i2 ε 1 − i3 R3 + i2 R2 − ε 2 =0? i1 24 − 30(.65 − .25) − 12 = 12 − 30 × .40 = 12 − 12 =0 i3 Repeat with a different R1 i2 i1 ε ε 1 = 24 V 2 = 12V R1 = 40 Ω R2 = R3 = 30 Ω Exercise for the student: Same equations give negative i2 in this case! This means current going downward through right-hand battery. Back to Basics • Examples that don’t involve so much algebra, but focus on the ideas of current and voltage. • Even though you have a multiloop circuit so you need to write down the equations from the loop rule and the junction rule, you may not have to actually solve simultaneous equations. Simpler Examples Textbook homework problem 27-19 Both these problems can be solved for one unknown at a time, without messy algebra. 9 + 18 × I 2 = 0 I 2 = −0.5 A 12 I1 = = 2.4 A 9 − 5 × I1 + 3 = 0 5 I 3 = I1 − I 2 = 2.9 A Check: Pin = 9 I 3 + 3 I1 = 33.3 W 2 2 Pout = 5 I1 + 18 I 2 = 33.3W Discharging a Capacitor Capacitor has charge Q0. At time t=0, close switch. What is charge q(t) for t>0? Obviously q(t) is a function which decreases gradually, approaching zero as t approaches infinity. What function would do this? q( t ) = Q0e − t /τ But what is the time constant ? Analyze circuit equation: find τ = RC Charging a Capacitor V q(t ) For small t, q=0 and i=V/R. For large t, q=CV and i=0. [ q( t ) = CV 1 − e τ = RC − t /τ ] DC Circuits II • Circuits Review • RC Circuits • Exponential growth and decay Circuits review so far • Resistance and resistivity R= ρl/A • Ohm’s Law and voltage drops ∆V = − iR • Power and Joule heating P = iV • Resistors in series and parallel • Loop and junction rules Review: Series and Parallel Resistors Series: R = R1 + R2 + R3 Why? Parallel: 1 / R = 1 / R1 + 1 / R2 + 1 / R3 Why? Review: Rules for Multiloop Circuits • The net voltage change around any loop is zero. “Energy conservation” • The net current into any junction is zero. “Charge conservation” Using these two rules we can always get enough equations to solve for the currents if we are given the emfs and resistances. Review example i3 i2 Left-hand loop: ε i1 1 − i3 R3 − i1 R1 = 0 Right-hand loop: ε 2 − i2 R2 − i1 R1 = 0 Junction: i1 = i2 + i3 Algebra: solve 3 equations for 3 unknowns i1 , i2 , i3 If any i < 0, current flows the opposite direction. Simpler Examples Textbook homework problem 27-19 Both these problems can be solved for one unknown at a time, without messy algebra. Q.27-3 Resistors R1 and R2 are connected in series. If R2 > R1, what can you say about the resistance R of the combination? 1. 2. 3. 4. R > R2 R2 > R > R1 R1 > R None of the above Q.27-3 • Resistors R1 and R2 are connected in series. • R2 > R1. • What can you say about the resistance R of this combination? Solution: R = R1 + R2 so R > R2 (1) R > R2 ( 2) R2 > R > R1 ( 3) R1 > R ( 4) None of the above Q.27-4 Resistors R1 and R2 are connected in parallel. If R2 > R1, what can you say about the resistance R of the combination? 1. 2. 3. 4. R > R2 R2 > R > R1 R1 > R None of the above Q.27-4 • Resistors R1 and R2 are connected in parallel. • R2 > R1. • What can you say about the resistance R of this combination? Solution: 1 1 1 = + R R1 R2 so 1 1 > R R1 (1) R > R2 ( 2) R2 > R > R1 ( 3) R1 > R ( 4) None of the above Discharging a Capacitor Capacitor has charge Q0. At time t=0, close switch. What is charge q(t) for t>0? Obviously q(t) is a function which decreases gradually, approaching zero as t approaches infinity. What function would do this? q( t ) = Q0e − t /τ But what is the time constant ? Analyze circuit equation: find τ = RC Discharging a Capacitor + i − But dQ i=− dt Sum voltage changes around loop: Q Q / C − iR = 0 , i = RC dQ Q =− dt RC Get differential equation for Q(t): Solution: Q ( t ) = Q0e − t /τ Where is the time constant τ = RC Charging a Capacitor ε q(t ) For small t, q=0 and i = ε / R For large t, i=0 and q = Cε But what are q( t ), i ( t ) ? Charging a Capacitor i(t) → Sum voltage changes: ε − iR − Q / C = 0 dQ i= dt Solution ε Get diff. eq.: +Q(t) -Q(t) dQ ε Q = − dt R RC t / τ − Q ( t ) = Cε 1 − e τ = RC Charging a Capacitor See solution gives desired behavior: − / t τ Q ( t ) = Cε 1 − e → 0 as t → 0 → Cε as t → ∞ Exponential Growth and Decay This simple differential equation occurs in many situations: dQ = (Const .) Q dt If dQ/dt = +KQ, we have the “snowball” equation: growth rate proportional to size. Population growth. dQ + Kt Q = Q0 e = + KQ dt If dQ/dt = -KQ, we have rate of decrease proportional to size. For example radioactive decay. dQ − Kt Q = Q0 e = − KQ dt Try Exponential Solution Exponential Growth 200 150 Q We know we want a result which increases faster and faster. One function which does this is the exponential function. So try that: 100 50 0 0 20 40 t To solve dQ t /τ = KQ try Q ( t ) = Q0e dt Questions: 1. Is this a solution? 2. If so, what is the “time constant” τ ? 60 To solve dQ t /τ = KQ try Q ( t ) = Q0e dt Q ( t ) = Q0 e t /τ dQ d t /τ Q0 t /τ Q = Q0 e = e = dt dt τ τ dQ But we want = KQ dt So we DO have a solution IF τ = 1/ K Doubling Time t /τ If Q ( t ) = Q0 e how long does it take for Q to double? ( t + ∆ t ) /τ Q ( t + ∆t ) e = t /τ Q(t ) e ∆t /τ And e = 2 if So ∆t ≅ 0.7τ =e ∆t /τ ∆t / τ = ln( 2) = 0.693 Radioactive Decay For an unstable isotope, a certain fraction of the atoms will disintegrate per unit time. For dQ − t /τ = − KQ use Q ( t ) = Q0 e dt Now τ is called the mean life, and the half-life is T1/2 = τ ln(2) = time for half the remaining atoms to disintegrate, and T1 / 2 ≅ 0.7τ Discharge of a Capacitor Back to electricity. From the loop rule we got dQ Q =− = − KQ dt RC So the solution is Q ( t ) = Q e − t /τ 0 But what are Q0 and τ? Initial condition: Q0 = Q ( 0 ) Time constant: τ = 1 / K = RC Example A 40 pF capacitor with a charge of 20 nC is discharged through a 50 MΩ resistor. ( a ) What is the time constant? τ = RC = 40 × 10 −12 × 50 × 10 = 2.0 × 10 6 −3 ( b ) At what time will ½ the charge remain? T1 / 2 = 0.7τ = 0.7 × 2.0 × 10 −3 s = 1.4 ms ( c ) How much charge will remain after 5 ms? Q ( t ) = Q0e − t /τ = 20 × e −2.5 = 1.64 nC s Circuits Summary Things to remember about DC circuits: • • • • • • • Resistance and resistivity R= ρl/A Ohm’s Law and voltage drops ∆V = − iR Power and Joule heating P = iV Resistors in series and parallel Loop and junction rules RC circuits: charging and discharging a capacitor RC time constant − t /τ Q ( t ) = Q0e Quiz tomorrow on Chapters 26,27. τ = RC