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Comentarios para Boletas de Calificaciones

Comments for Report Cards
1. Excellent skill and effort.
Excelente habilidad y esfuerzo.
2. Excellent attitude and willingness.
Excelente actitud de servicio.
3. Excellent participation in class.
Excelente participación en clase.
4. Makes good use of time.
Hace buen uso del tiempo.
5. Should make more of an effort.
Esforzarse aún más.
6. Be prepared for this class.
Prepararse para su clase.
7. Could improve conduct.
Su conducta podría mejorar.
8. Does not finish his work on time.
No termina a tiempo sus trabajos.
9. Does not bring homework.
No cumple con sus tareas.
 Ask for a conference
 Solicita una entrevista
These comments will have to be in every subject that is
graded with a number.