Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Visual and mechanical testing methods of wire bonds • Light- and scanning electron microscopical examinations • Pull test • Shear test β β β β Dr.Dr.-Ing. M. SchneiderSchneider-Ramelow phone: +49 30 / 46 40 3-172, fax: -162 martin.schneiderramelow@izm.fraunhofer.de Fraunhofer-Institut für Zuverlässigkeit und Mikrointegration (IZM) Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25, D-13355 Berlin sheet 1 Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Wire bonding and quality assurance: General requirements Global formulation: • • • • • • • • low cost technology easy to realize and flexible during application strong mechanical stability thermal stability (in regard to further processing steps) and good long term stability low contact resistance as much as possible great welding area between wire and metallization no physical and chemical interactions with other materials Test methods: • visual inspektion MIL-STD 883 method 2010, 2017 • pull test MIL-STD 883 methode 2011 (destructive), methode 2023 (non destructive) • shear test ASTM F 1269-89 sheet 2 Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Bonding methods ! principle ! parameters ! bonding material ! process kinetics etc. Wire ! diameter ! elongation, pull-strenght ! hardness ! surface topology ! behavior during bonding etc. Bonding metallization ! material, pretreatment ! hardness, property ! layer thickness/structure ! contamination etc. Quality assurance ! quality test methods ! standards ! parameter control ! product/application requirements etc. Influences due to the bonding process Bonding machine ! bonding procedure ! bonding speed ! adjustment, accuracy ! pattern recognition system etc. sheet 3 Bonding conditions ! personal know-how ! personal motivation ! production sequence ! manuf. Infrastructure ! maintenance etc. Bonding substrate ! material, assembly ! vibration behavior ! layer adhesiveness ! work holder etc. Design ! layout ! functionality ! simulation ! compabibility to package and device standards etc. Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Bond pads on chip: • Multiple imprints of test probes or deep very imprints • Strong adverse effects of surface quality • Influence on bondability sheet 4 Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Visual inspection MIL-STD 883 method 2010, 2017 to proof: proof: selective parameters: parameters: - geometry of bond contacts - wire deformation - loop geometry - snap off behaviour - placement of bond contacts - position and welded area - predetermined quantity of loops - adhesion of metallization - short circuits - missing bonds or loops Remark: Remark: Visual inspection of bondpads before wire bonding! bonding! sheet 5 Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Ball and wedge bond lift offs of wafer metallizations while TS-Au-B/W-Bonding Wafer metallization lift offs while TS-Au-W/W-Bonding sheet 6 Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods SEM-View (BSE): PCB metallization lift off and undersurface of a lift off bond (wedge) sheet 7 Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Quality Tests (Visual Methods) Ball Bond loop high loop high Wedge Bond loop length loop length influence to horizontal and neck and heel vertical deformation loop size and sweeping SEM – Figure of a typical Ball Bond position of bonds on the pad Geometrical Parameters during Wire Bond SEM – Figure of a typical Wedge Bond sheet 8 Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Ball bond failures sheet 9 Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Visual inspection of wire bonds sheet 10 Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Visual inspection of wire bonds sheet 11 Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Wedges on chip Drahtbonds auf dem Chip -• -• strongVerdrängung squeezing out of chip Starke der Chipmetallisierung metallization while bonding durch die Drahtbonds possible evidence of aauf too Möglicherweise Hinweis zusoften weiche surface metallization Oberfläche sheet 12 Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods A W D B D P P A pad width W bond width B pad length P pitch D wire diameter sheet 13 standard wire A B P cutting edge W A B P W 1Mil 100µm 125µm 125µm 45µm 50µm .004in .005in .005in .0018in .002in 2Mil 125µm 150µm 200µm 75µm 90µm 125µm 140µm 70µm .005in .006in .008in .003in .0036in .005in .0056in .0028in 3Mil 180µm 200µm 250µm 125µm 120µm 170µm 150µm 112µm .0072in .008in .01in .005in .0048in .0064in .006in .0045in 4Mil 200µm 280µm 280µm 130µm 150µm 220µm 190µm 130µm .008in .0112in .0112in .0052in .006in .0088in .0076in .0052in wire Heavy wire D A B P W A 75µm 75µm 38µm .003in .003in .0015in B P W 5Mil 250µm 300µm 350µm 150µm 175µm 250µm 250µm 150µm .01in .012 .014in .006in .007 .01in .01in .006in 6Mil 250µm 500µm 400µm 200µm 230µm 320µm 250µm 180µm .01in .02in .016in .008in .0092in .0128in .01in .0072in 10Mil 400µm 800µm 600µm 320µm 350µm 500µm 350µm 300µm .016in .032in .024in .0128in .013in .02in .013in .012in 20Mil 800µm 1300µm1150µm 650µm 660µm 950µm 700µm 600µm .032in .052in .046in .026in .0264in .038in .028in .024in Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Overbonded wedges (too much deformation), right: Detail sheet 14 Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Results of a tilted glued or soldered chip on bonding process: • Surfaces of chip pads aren´t horizontal • Bonding tool is touched down tilted, too • Wedge is deformed nonuniform • Pad metallization or chip could be damaged sheet 15 Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Optical inspection of die tilting tilted chip IZM: Hillmann, Großer, Ghaharemani sheet 16 Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Wire Sweep Definition Normal bond line Integrated circuit chip α Lead finger Swept lead L Sweep % = α/L x 100% sheet 17 Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Mechanical Mechanical bond contact inspection (tests) tests) to proof: selected tests: - mechanical stiffness of loops - pull test - ball bond strength - shear test - heavy wire wedge bond strength - shear test - simultaneous proofing of many bond contacts - centrifugal test - fatigue behaviour of loops - vibration test - crack initiation and growth - mechanical shock test - sweep off behaviour - air jet test sheet 18 Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Principle of pull test β β β β Quelle: Dage Firmenschrift sheet 19 Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Failure modes: 1, 5 Bond lift off from pad metallization (lift off) FR 1. Bond 1 2 2, 4 Wire break at bond (heelcrack or neck break when ball/wedge bonding) 3 wire break 3 2. Bond 4 sheet 20 5 Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods load at chip: Load/Force Load/Force distribution while bond pull test F1 = F2 = F = F 1+ 2 2 sin Θ d 2 1/2 F Φ 2h true for Φ = 0, both bond contacts at one level and Θ1 = Θ2 = Θ cos (Θ2 - Φ) sin (Θ1 + Θ2) load at substrate: F2 = F F1 h Θ1 chip H d1 d2 d sheet 21 F1 = F cos (Θ1 + Φ) sin (Θ1 + Θ2) F2 Θ2 support Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Quality criteria for pull testing β β if Characteristics pull force - average value (based on nondeform ed wire) - standard deviation (based on average value) - proportion of values < (based on standards) cN β β Conditions laboratory fabrication >50 % <15 % 0% >50 % <25 % 0% 0% 0% <10 % 0% lift offs - pull lift off - bond lift off sheet 22 Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Minimum pull forces for destructive pull test (MIL STD 883, Methode 2011): Minimum Bond Pull Limit [cN] 1000 1 2 3 1 Au (preseal) 2 Al (preseal) Au (postseal) 100 3 Al (postseal) 10 25 250 wire diameter [µm] sheet 23 Wires: 2500 Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Pull Force increasing quantity of pull lift offs increasing quantity of heelcracks optimum sheet 24 increasing parameters Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Principle of shear test Source: Dage and „DVS-Merkblatt Drahtbonden“ sheet 25 1 2 3 4 5 Substrate/Pad Interface Ball/Substrate Au-Ball Shear Tool S Shear Heigth Shear Level FS Shear Force Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods 1,6 16,7 10,0 1,4 6,7 5,0 0,9 0,0 0,0 0,8 0,0 0,0 0,9 0,0 0,0 1,0 11,5 0,0 1,2 20,0 0,0 bond lift offs [%] s [cN] 10,5 12,0 14,5 15,0 14,5 11,5 8,5 pull lift offs[%] average value pull force [cN] 104/110 109/115 114/120 124/130 134/140 144/150 154/160 pull force < 6 cN [%] US power 1./2. bond [scale] Standard report of pull test: Standard AlSi1 wire (30 µm) 5,0 1,7 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 Fehlerrate error rate pull force Pullkraft 20,0 cN 16,0 100 % 80 12,0 60 8,0 40 4,0 20 number of tests: n = 30 US time: 30 ms bond force: 32 cN tensile wire strength: 19 cN sheet 26 average pull[cN] force [cN] Pullkraft MW Standardabweichung [cN] standard deviations[cN] Pullkraft 6 cN [%][%] pull force< < 6 cN Pullabheber [%] pull lift offs [%] Bondabheber bond lift offs[%] [%] 0 104/ 110 109/ 115 114/ 120 124/ 130 134/ 140 144/ 150 US power 1./2. bond [scale] scale] 154/ 160 Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Failure modes while shear test metallization schear tool ball substrate (chip) Ball shear sheet 27 shear heigth Ball lift off Metallization cracking Metallization lift off Chip cratering Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Quality criteria for ball shear testing (TS bonding) bonding) Conditions laboratory Characteristics shear force - average value (based on minimum shear force value) - standard deviation (based on average value) - minimun shear force (based on ball diameter after bonding) fabrication > 140 % > 120 % < 15 % < 20 % see beneath, no value < … lift offs 0% 0% 0% 0% > 80 % > 50 % no metallization lift off, no cratering - bond lift off - shear lift off - percentage off Au on pad Minimum shear value shear force (cN) sheet 28 50 15 ballbond diameter (µm) 75 100 30 45 125 75 Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Heavy wire wedge shear testing Fshear Pitch = W + S W Heavy wire: 400 µm Pitch: 750 µm sheet 29 S Principle of shear test Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Problems while evaluation of heavy wire shear test results 950 250 µm Al heavy wire on Al sheet shear force [cN] 900 optimised parameters 850 800 750 very high parameters 700 650 Partial shear lift off 0 25 50 75 100 125 shear heigth [µm] Questions: Where is the limit between shear lift off and shear through the bond? What shear heigth should be choosen while shear testing? sheet 30 Source: IZM Berlin Wire Bonding Quality Assurance and Testing Methods Load Cartridge Options: 1. Wire Pull Maximum Pull Force I Cartridge 1 I 100 g I Cartridge 2 I 1 kg I Cartridge 3 I 10 kg 2. Tweezer Pull/Peel Maximum Pull Force I Cartridge 1 I 100 g I Cartridge 2 I 5 kg Maximum Shear Force I Cartridge 1 I 250 g 3. Ball Shear 4. Shear Maximum Shear Force I Cartridge 2 I 5 kg I Cartridge 3 I 100 kg Special Load Cartridges: High Force Tweezer Pull up to 10 kg Heated Bump Pull up to 10 kg Stud Pull Cold Bump Pull up to 5 kg sheet 31