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make money online through blogging

Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
Copyright © 2020 by ABRAHAM KELECHI
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or
mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses
permitted by copyright law.
For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed "Attention: Permissions
Coordinator", at the email address below.
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
Table of Content.
Table of Content. .................................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction. ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Chapter 1.............................................................................................................................................. 5
[INTRODUCTION TO BLOGGING] ....................................................................................................... 5
Definition of blog ......................................................................................................................... 5
What is the purpose of a blog? .............................................................................................. 6
Blog structure .............................................................................................................................. 7
Chapter Summary. ....................................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 2. ........................................................................................................................................... 11
[STARTING A BLOG] ........................................................................................................................ 11
Chapter Summary. ....................................................................................................................... 19
Chapter 3. ........................................................................................................................................... 20
[MONETIZING YOUR BLOG] ............................................................................................................ 20
Chapter Summary. ....................................................................................................................... 27
Chapter 4. ........................................................................................................................................... 28
[VIDEO BLOGGING] ......................................................................................................................... 28
Distribution Channels ..................................................................................................................... 29
YouTube......................................................................................................................................... 29
The Secret Sauce............................................................................................................................ 30
Blog/YouTube Integration............................................................................................................... 30
Chapter Summary. ....................................................................................................................... 32
Chapter 5. ........................................................................................................................................... 33
[TIPS FOR INTERESTING BLOGGING] ............................................................................................... 33
Wrapping Up. ..................................................................................................................................... 35
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
I want to thank and congratulate you for getting this eBook… if you are looking
to start a career in blogging, this is one of the best decisions you have made till
date. By the end of this guide in the form of an eBook, you will learn key secrets
in making your blog successful.
Without a shred of doubt in my mind, I am very confident that this guide will
become a guide you refer to ANY and EVERYTIME you are about to start any kind
of blog .
You are about to learn some high-level stuffs. I am happy for you. This guide is
well detailed, it wasn’t rushed, it is not watered-down, and so this means that
You should pay close attention and even take notes if you wish to and be sure to
go over it again and again just to get a hold of some concept.
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
Chapter 1.
In this chapter, we will be talking about the definition of blogging and what it
seeks to achieve (purpose). It also spells out the benefits one can get from
blogging. Generally we all want to make money blogging, but do you know the
other benefits of blogging? You will get to know that soon
Definition of blog
A blog (a shortened version of “weblog”) is an online journal or
informational website displaying information in the reverse chronological
order, with the latest posts appearing first, at the top. It is a platform where
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
a writer or a group of writers share their views on an individual subject.
Since its inception in the MID 1990s, web logging gradually saturated the
virtual community making the Internet a viable source of greater
What is the purpose of a blog?
There are many reasons to start a blog for personal use and only a
handful of strong ones for business blogging. Blogging for business,
projects, or anything else that might bring you money has a very
straightforward purpose – to rank your website higher in Google SERPs,
a.k.a. increase your visibility.
As a business, you rely on consumers to keep buying your products and
services. As a new business, you rely on blogging to help you get to
potential consumers and grab their attention. Without blogging, your
website would remain invisible, whereas running a blog makes you
searchable and competitive.
So, the main purpose of a blog is to connect you to the relevant audience.
Another one is to boost your traffic and send quality leads to your website.
The more frequent and better your blog posts are, the higher the chances
for your website to get discovered and visited by your target audience.
This means that a blog is an effective lead generation tool. Add a great
call to action (CTA) to your content, and it will convert your website traffic
into high-quality leads. A blog also allows you to showcase your niche
authority and build a brand.
When you use your niche knowledge for creating informative and
engaging posts, it builds trust with your audience. Great blogging makes
your business look more credible, which is especially important if your
brand is still young and fairly unknown. It ensures presence online and
niche authority at the same time.
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
Blog structure
The appearance of blogs has changed over time, and these days blogs
include a wide variety of items and widgets. However, most blogs still
include some standard features and structure.
Here are common features that a typical blog will include:
Header with the menu or navigation bar.
Main content area with highlighted or latest blog posts.
Sidebar with social profiles, favorite content, or call-to-action.
Footer with relevant links like a disclaimer, privacy policy, contact
page, etc.
The above example is the basic structure of the average blog. Each item
has its own importance and helps visitors to navigate through your blog.
Blogging is popular all over the world. There are no rules when it
comes to blogging. Bloggers have the freedom to express
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
themselves how ever way they want, and the best thing about
blogging, is that most blogging sites are free.
Benefits of Blogging
Share Your Knowledge- If you’re someone who loves to teach, starting a
blog can provide the opportunity to educate others interested in your field
of expertise. The best part is that, as you build resources on your blog to
teach others, you may realize there is a chance to monetize your blog by
creating educational products or services online.
Build Your Professional Network -Blogging is a community-based
endeavor, and networking is one reason people engage in it. Whether you
are a solopreneur or blogging to market your business, building
relationships will facilitate your blog’s growth.
Meanwhile, growing your online network has its own side benefits, such as
gaining access to valuable software and tools, seminars, workshops,
product unveilings, and other events.
Become an Authority in Your Industry- A blog can be utilized as a
platform to showcase your knowledge and expertise. Publishing blog
posts that are accurate, timely, relevant, and informative will eventually get
the attention of industry insiders and earn you recognition as an
authoritative source and thought-leader.
Market Your Business-For companies and entrepreneurs, gaining online
visibility is one of the best ways to grow subscribers, leads and ultimately
revenue. This can’t be achieved with a static corporate website. Creating
blog content that is valuable, helpful, and/or entertaining is an effective
way to grow your website’s authority, online rankings, and traffic
Easy to set up-They are either FREE or cost very little to set up. You can
create your blogs easily by visiting blogger.com orwordpress.org.You’ll be
learning how to set up a free blogusing blogger in this ebook.
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
Blogs are interactive- Visitors, or blog readers, are usually allowed to
post comments for a blog post (or article) to the blog owner. This helps to
build rapport and relationship between the blog owner and his visitors or
Blogs rank higher in the search engines more than website-This is
because blogs are usually updated regularly via blog posts and pages. In
a website, you have to do a lot of tweaking through Search Engine
Optimization (SEO) techniques. Search engines will visit your blogs more
regularly as you blog more regularly. Thus, you can also place links of
your other websites to get them indexed quickly by the search engines.
Blog's syndication function is its most powerful benefit! You can
syndicate the contents of your blog, that is allowing other website
publishers to publish your feed (or channel) on their sites. This helps to
bring more traffic to your blogs as the visitors of these sites
subscribe to your feed via web-based or desktop newsreaders.
Money- All the above benefits leads to making money for yourself from
the comfort of your home without too much hassle. This book will teach
you how to monetize your blog. So sit back relax, grab a cup of coffee or
tea, a notepad for writing down important points as you read.
So, with the above benefits, doesn't it make a lot of sense to start
building blogs as quickly as possible?
Want to start, ok let’s get on.
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
Chapter Summary.
In this chapter, we learned what a blog is and the benefits. We now have fair
idea of what makes up a blog
In the next chapter, we will be covering how to start a blog, what steps are
involved and how to get your topics. Sit tight as we are about to begin a journey.
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
Chapter 2.
In the last chapter, we talked about the definition of a blog and what benefits
can be derived from owning a blog
In this chapter, like we said we will be talking about the simple steps involved in
starting a blog, we will also be learning how to get our topics to fill our blog and
in turn catch the attention of our readers and probably viewers...Did I just say
viewers? Yes viewers, this is a bonus addition, you will find out in subsequent
There are really no rules when it comes to blogging. Bloggers have the
freedom to express themselves how ever way they want. The most
popular type of blogging platform are blogger and wordpress. Both are
free, though if you like you can host it yourself. This means you buy a
domain name and hosting for your blog. Example of a free blog is
www.todayisyourday.blogspot.com While that of a self hosted is
From the above you can see that the main difference is in the name. If you
get a free blog, the name will have .blogspot.com if it is hosted by blogger
or .blog.com if it is hosted by wordpress. For instance, if you want to write
about sports and you use a blogger website, you might get the name
sports.blogspot.com but if you buy a domain name you might get the
name sports.com. Apart from the name difference you give up a certain
percentage of control to the owners of your free blog when it is not self
hosted. However it is a very good idea to start with a free blog. That way
you learn a lot so you don’t make any mistakes when you get a domain of
your own. Besides you make money by the side.
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
In this book we are going to look at how to set up your freeblogger blog.
Blogger is owned by Google, and is designed around ease of use. You
can host at any domain (yourblogname.blogspot.com) of your choice.
Getting a Topic
First thing first, think of a topic you’ll write about. It could be anything. Get
a topic because your blog is going to be based on a certain topic.
You need to think about what you're writing and why. Consider your
theme, that you’ve chosen (e.g sports) and build some keywords around
it, because for the first few posts, you should try to include at least some
of them in every post. Consider choosing a topic you are passionate
about, an expert in or loves to talk about. Later, you can decide whether
it’s profitable, or viable to pursue it. To help you here is a list of interesting
and profitable topics to choose from.
Weight loss
How to make money
Dog Training
Sports betting
You can as well use google keywords to find out how many times a topic
has been searched, that should give you an idea of what topic to write about on
your blog.
Another way to find what topic to write in your blog is to pay close attention to
your immediate surrounding and of course social media.
Once you’ve gotten your topic the next thing is to open an account with
Google. Get a Gmail account. You might consider creating a new,
separate email address just for your blog, so that if you get a lot of
feedback from your posts your inbox will be not filled up. Blogger is owned
by Google so you’ll need a Gmail account to set up one. It’s free, if you
don’t have one get yours here. Now go to www.blogger.com
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
You will find the page below.
You can get a blog in 3 easy steps. (1) Get a name for your blog
(2) Pick a template (3) Start blogging
Sign in with your Google account, which is your Gmail account.
Type in your Gmail address in the space written Email
Type in your password in the space written Password
Leave the small box titled stay signed on
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
Click on sign in
You will be taken to this page.
As you can see, there are three blogs, the third isn’t captured properly. If
you are just starting out you’ll only see this picture below.
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
Click on create blog
You will be taken to this page.
This is where you will name your blog.
Write the title of you your blog in the space provided. If you are
writing about sports, you might choose the name Get Your Sports
Results Here or anything. You can use lowercase or upper case but the
Title case is better.
Then write down the address, example www.sportsnews.blogspost.com.
(This is just an example, I didn’t check if this address exits) Blogger has
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
added the first part http:// and the last part .blogspot.com for you. So you
only add the name.
Like sportsnews, sportsresult, sportsreview, sportsnow. You can use the
title of your blog as the blog address especially if it is a short title.
Whatever you choose, check the availability. This is to check that
someone else is using the name. Then type the letters in green exactly as
you saw it into the word verification box
Click on Continue (the orange- coloured arrow)
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
Now choose your template for your blog. This is the style and look of your
web page. Blogger already has some preset designs that you can use. If
you want to create your own template using your own HTML coding, you
can do that as well. Click on any of the small boxes to choose.
Click on Continue
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
You have created a new blog. Easy right? Yeah! Ok. Now you can start
Click on start blogging. You can write anything.
You might say:
This is my first blog. I just built it. It is about sport. Here you will get the
latest sports news, results and more.
Thank you.
Your name.
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
Next time you sign back in, you’ll be taken to your blogger dashboard.
Under your blog title there is a highlighted blue button that says New Post.
Once you click on this button you will open a Create Post page, this is
where you will write your content.
Use this page to create your posts, that is articles about your chosen
topic. At the top of the post box there are icons for your use. To change
the font, click on drop-down box that says font, and choose from the list.
To change the font color, click on the icon that has the letter "T" with a
color palette behind it, and pick your color.
To create a hyperlink, highlight the text you want to link, click the icon with
a globe and chain around it, and a small box will pop up. Simply enter the
url address into the box and click OK.
To add a photo image there is an icon with a picture of a mountain and the
sky on it. Click on this and an "Upload Photos" window pops up. With this
window, you can add up to five images at a time, and choose the layout of
your photos. You decide whether they are placed on the left, right or
center of your post. You can upload photos from your computer, or by
pasting the photo's url in the Add Image box.
Chapter Summary.
In this chapter, we learnt how to create a blog for free, we opened a google
account and the simple tricks involved in getting topics. With these few
information disclosed already, you almost there
In the next chapter, we will be covering how to make some bucks from our blog.
This is the part actually want to pay so much attention to. See you in the next
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
Chapter 3.
In the last chapter, we talked about how you generate topic to write about on
your blog. One major trick is to pay close attention to our surrounding and social
media inclusive. Social vices, domestic violence, police brutality that takes place
just around us are information that finds their way into social media. So you
want to pay close attention.
In this chapter, we will be talking about simple ways of monetizing your blog.
They are very simple procedures that are very powerful in enriching your
pockets from nothing.
The best blogs are usually the ones that have a mix of tips and advice,
hobby or interest discussion, technique and connection. While blogging,
try to make a connection with your reader. This simply means being
personable and approachable with your write-ups, and giving people a
chance to empathise with you.
The most popular way of monetising your blog is through Google
Adsense. For Google to approve your blog for adsense, make sure you
have at least two or three good post about your topic. Then go to
www.adsense.google.com and apply for adsense. Sign in with your Gmail
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
account. Follow the step-by-step process to get your code. Save the code
in notepad in your system. Then sign in to blogger and paste it. Google
will take some days to check your blog and approve it. Make sure you at 2
or 3 quality post there, you’ll surely be approved. Once you've signed up,
you can find your publisher ID in the right hand corner of your google
adsense account. It will have Publisher ID: pub- with a lot of numbers after
it . The ads will start appearing in your blog. Don’t worry if you don’t see it
immediately, Google will take time to check your post and
serve relevant ads to your blog.
Once you are approved you can add more adsense units by going to the
box, clicking on Add a Gadget then find the Adsense Gadget. Just choose
your size and color and you are done!
Adsense will already have your ID code in it since you already have
placed adsense on your page. The easier way to get adsense for your
blog is to get it through your blogs dashboard.
Sign in to blogger, in your dashboard click on Monetize as shown below.
You will be taken to this page.
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
Follow the steps and get your ads. It’s mainly about you choosing the
colors, layout, size, adsense for content or search. After that you are
done. Ads will start appearing on your blog.
Never click on your own ads. This can get you banned, even if you do it
just once to "test it out". It is against Google rules.
Another way you can use to monetise your blog immediately is through
affiliate programs. You can use the banner for the affiliate product you
are promoting and put it in your blog. Here’s how. Copy the code for the
banner, you can find this in the affiliate’s website. Go to your blogger
dashboard, click on Design.
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
Your blog’s dashboard will expand and you will see the image below.
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
Click on Add a Gadget.
You will see a box come up like this
In the box that comes up, scroll down and click on Html/Javascript.
Paste the code in the spaces provided, leave the title bar empty, click on
save and it’s done. The banner will appear and whenever someone clicks
on it and follows through by buying the recommended product, you earn
money (commission from the product’s owner).
You can also use the link unit gadget to add the link for you affiliate
product. Just follow the steps above and add the Clickbank code
(assuming you are using Clickbank) in the spaces. Leave the title empty or
call it any name you like.
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
To earn more money from your blog you need to let people know about it
and have them visit your blog often. You do this by bringing traffic to your
blog. Here are some ways of getting traffic to your blog.
Now that you’ve learnt how to create a blog, we are going to learn how to
make money from it. For you do this, first people have to know about your
blog and visit it. So how do you drive traffic to your blog? Here are seven
quick ways to boost traffic to your blog and start seeing those big sales.
1. Tell People about it: Let your friends and family know about your blog.
You can drive a lot of traffic to your blog by telling your family members,
relatives, colleagues in the office or at work, neighbours, course mates
and others about your blog. Tell them to read you articles and comment
on them, tell them to give you feedback and tell their own friends about the
blog too.
2. Ping your Blog: There are a lot of blog services you can ping. This
means that you notify this service, that you've updated your blog. These
services then list your new posts and you get the traffic from them. I've
made a list of 50+ blog services you can ping on my site. These list are
also available if you search Google or any other search engine for it. That
should be enough to give an initial boost to your traffic.
3. Add buttons to popular news readers: What does this mean? Well
there are sites like yahoo or Google or bloglines etc, which have a
members area where you can select sites with RSS feeds to fetch the
latest updates from different blogs. That way you can have the latest
updates from let's say 50 blogs listed on one page.
4. Update your content regularly: Search engines and blog services
love regular updates. It's very likely that you will get targeted traffic from
search engines if you post regularly. That means you should make a new
post to your blog at least once per day. But be careful. Too many updates
per day can harm your search engines position and hits. What's too
many? 10 or more.
5. Use Articles to market your blog: Write articles about your topic and
goarticles.com,articlealley.com, articlebase.com, etc. After the article,
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
write a little about yourself and your blog as signature. This will draws
readers of your article to your blog.
6. Post in forums: Post in forums, but don't spam them. Post something
fresh and interesting and put a link to your blog in your signature. Don't
just post in any forum. For example if you're selling cds, post in forums
that are about music and cds. Don't post in car forums if you're selling
furniture. By posting in forums you will get one-way links which are good
for search engine position in search engines like Google or msn or yahoo.
7. Submit to blog search engines: There are masses of search engines
available, that list only blogs. Just Google for ‘blog search engines’ and
you should find at least 20 of them. These blog search engines will help
you with targeted traffic. Be sure to write a good title and a good
description to your blog, so that people will easily find it and click on your
8. Selling digital and physical product on your blog is a good way to earn.
This is by far the best approach. You can research about a particular need and
find the solution, compile into an eBook and sell. Doing this will earn you money.
All you need to do is to market it very on your blog and generate traffic from
other social media such as facebook. You simply advertise it on facebook by
creating a business page, boosting by paying for ads and set your target
population. When they click to buy they are redirected to your blog. For the
purchase to be possible, you should have a woo commerce plug-in installed on
your blog. You should learn about how to use facebook to market your product.
Basically you create ads and run the ads for a few days, at least $5 - $10 a day ad
should be enough depending on what you can afford. You can run the ads for 2 –
3 days by so doing you create awareness for your blog. Like I said before, you
should have a business page on facebook to be able to do this. You can either
convert your facebook account to a business page of you create another one.
But hey! I will suggest you use your facebook account since you already have
friends there. Your friends will be converted to followers when you convert it to
a business page...one simple truth is that when you begin to make sales, there
wouldn’t be need to stop running the ads. This is because that is what fetches
you money!
Follow these steps and you will start seeing lots of traffic to your blog. And
the so long awaited sales will start coming in. And don't forget to update
your blog with fresh unused content that you write yourself.
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
Chapter Summary.
In this chapter, we learnt about the easy steps involved in monetizing your blog.
One more important point we learnt about is what to do to drive traffic to your
blog using Facebook. With this information, you are ready to hit the blogging
world by storm and as well make money from it from the comfort of your home.
In the next chapter, we will be learning about the essentials of video blogging,
tips and nuggets to making a successful video blog. Isn’t that lovely? Well this is
actually a bonus chapter so See you in the next chapter.
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
Chapter 4.
In the last chapter, we talked about simple ways of monetizing your blog and
what to do to drive traffic to your blog and I hope you understand everything
In this chapter, we will be talking about ways to produce video blogs and the
various channels that one can use to promote the videos. You want to pay full
attention to this part of the eBook if you are interested in making a video blog.
This involves making a video recording of the information you are
trying to give. Video blogging helps you build connection to your viewers
like no other blogging format. The video recording comes in two forms
a. Face video- involves you sitting behind the camera and giving out all
the information you have about a given subject.
b. Power point presentation- involves you making a presentation using
power point slides and only your voice is heard on the background
You can choose which ever method that is more convenient for you. The
most important thing is the quality and content of the information you are
Face video Tools
1. Camera or phone with good quality (Iphone, Samsung etc)
2. Tripod for stability of the video
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
3. Audio (microphone or in-built microphone. You can use the in-built
microphone in your phone)
4. Mental note of what you are talking about. You don’t want to start
talking and looking at something to get a point of reference. That’s a
turn off, it send a wrong impression to the viewer.
5. Video editing software of your choice (camtasia, premier pro,
filmora, etc). Filmora is quite easy to use, it is for newbies. You can
check on google or youtube on how to use these software. The only
thing you really need an editting software for is maybe you want to
put a text on the screen while talking. Otherwise you may not need a
software. Just make sure you have a sharp camera.
6. Finally a very good background, that has good lighting.
Power point Video Tools
1. Screen recording software (camtasia, zoom etc, Camtasia is a paid
software, you can use zoom if you can’t afford to use camtasia. Just
launch the zoom app, share the file and record the session. For
ease you can copy the file on your desktop so that you can locate it
2. Microphone already connected to your device.
3. PowerPoint slides with your talking point.
Distribution Channels
YouTube is the second largest search engine. That should speak volumes
in terms of the significance and importance of having a presence on
YouTube. The other important factor is that YouTube is a social networking
site on par with Facebook. You can make friends on YouTube (subscribe to
channels) and others can make friends with you (subscribe to your
YouTube allows you to tag your videos, share them easily on other sites
(Twitter, Facebook, etc.), and it’s as socially integrated as a site gets. There
are two very solid arguments to focus your strategic efforts ONLY on
YouTube (basically ignoring other platforms like Vimeo).
YouTube is the largest and arguably best integrated with Google and other
colossal Internet hubs (in fact, YouTube IS an Internet hub of its own). If
mastering multiple platforms seems like an overwhelming task, you would
be well-advised to focus your blogging efforts on YouTube alone.
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
blip.tv is not your average bear. The focus is on episodic content and the
unique feature of blip.tv is that it can distribute your episodes to other video
distribution sites (like YouTube, Vimeo, etc.).
Assuming your content qualifies, your episodes can be viewed via cable
service providers (on TV) who’ve partnered with blip.tv.
Vimeo was established in 2004 (one year before YouTube) and it’s a solid
alternative to YouTube geared toward skilled content producers. Vimeo
doesn’t allow commercial, gaming or pornography videos; or anything NOT
created by the user to be hosted on the site.
As per Wikipedia: As of March 2010, Vimeo has over 3 million members and
an average of more than 16,000 new videos uploaded daily. Roughly 10%
of uploads are in HD.
TubeMogul: tubemogul can distribute your videos far and wide (to other
video distribution hubs like YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) and provides powerful
statistical analysis and even geographic tracking. Most advanced features
are pay-to-play, of course.
The Secret Sauce
Blog/YouTube Integration
This section is strictly for owners of self-hosted WordPress blogs. I will
recommend 2+ WordPress plugins that are seldom used yet provide a
powerful integration between your blog and YouTube.
Genki YouTube Comments plugin
After uploading your video to YouTube, you did remember to embed it as a
blog post in your piece of web real estate, right?
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
If your tags are useful, your descriptions accurate and your content
fascinating, you’re likely to receive comments on it. Why not “feed” those
comments back to your blog using Genki?
Smart YouTube
Smart YouTube is a WordPress YouTube plugin that allows you to easily
insert YouTube videos/playlists in your post, comments and in RSS feeds.
But wait…there is more…
The success of your videos will depend not only on the quality of the
content. Your video blog should be easily shared and content seamlessly
posted on other social hubs (like Facebook, StumbleUpon, etc.).
To that end, you may want to consider these additional useful plugins:
24 Impressive WordPress Plugins
11 Essential WordPress Plugins
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
Chapter Summary.
In this chapter, we learned how to how to make a face video and a power point
video using the software of your choice. Congratulations, you have been fully
equipped with the required knowledge in setting up your own blog. You have
actually been on a journey and i hope you enjoyed every bit of it.
In the next chapter, we will be covering simple tips for creating an interesting
blog. This is just a little icing to the cake, more or less another bonus.
Let’s get the ball rolling.......
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
Chapter 5.
To make sure that people read your posts and come back for more, as
well as inviting their friends to visit, you need to write your blog for
humans. Even though you may write to get a good search engine ranking,
by using a lot of keywords in your article, don’t lose the human aspect.
Remember that humans beings are going to read what you’ve written, so
make your articles interesting, educative and informative for people. Here
are 5 tips that will help you to make posts an interesting read.
1. Consider your audience: Even if your blog is generally personal, still,
it would be better to consider the minds of your readers. You have to think
of something that would interest them. After all, most of the reasons of
people who write blogs are not at all confined to their own personal
motives. Most of them would love to be “heard” (or read) and would love to
be known, in some way or another, even for just a minute. Hence, it is
very important to come with a write up that everybody can understand, not
necessarily that these people can relate to it but they can understand it.
2. Add Pictures when you can: Pictures speaks a thousand words.
To make your blogging worth the browsing effort of your readers, it would
be extremely nice if you put some pictures in it. It does not necessarily
mean you have to place a picture of yourself. Any photographs will do as
long as it does not pose danger or insult to anyone who will be reading
your blog and that you have permission to use them!
3. Make constructive and beneficial blogs: Even if you are free to write
anything you want to say to the world, still, it would be better to create
some write-ups that would be beneficial to your readers. After all, its
information technology that you have there so better be inclined to provide
information rather than sheer quirky entertainment.
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
4. Avoid making multifaceted and complicated blogs: In order to have
an interesting blog, try not to use some highly technical and highfalutin
words. After all, it is not a science discourse or a debate that you are
making, so better stick to simple facts and short blogs. Bear in mind that
most people who use the Internet usually do more scanning than
scrutinizing each site word for word. Therefore, it would be better to come
with blogs that will not bore your readers just because you have these
lengthy articles.
5. Make it Interactive: As much as possible and if your capacity will allow
it, make your blog interactive. Yu can do this by placing some video or
audio clips in your blog. You can even place an area for comments or for
some feedback. In this way, you can get some impressions or reactions of
other people. Who knows, you might even gain some friends just by
making them feel at home in your blog site.
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
Wrapping Up.
Blogging has rapidly become the primary traffic generation tool of
newbie's and advanced marketers alike. It’s an easy, and efficient way to
create and maintain connections with customers, staff, colleagues and
peers, and best of all, ensure consistent and easier link to listings in
search engines, and from sites.
Blogs contain one very powerful concept - interaction. With interaction
you'll find that people are more interested in what you're saying, and you'll
gain insight into how your market actually works, which, in turn, gives you
the ability to drill down even further into your chosen specialty area. With a
little help, planning, and work, you can build an amazing, engaging and
useful blog that is a credit to yourself, your business and a customer
based connection that rewards you, and them with a rich relationship - and
rewards you with loyal customers that will follow you to the ends of the
earth if necessary.
Depending on your blogging style, you'll either make friends or enemies
but either way, they WILL comment on your blog. People that comment
are more likely to return to your site – and those that return WILL give you
the feedback, and basis for more content. Blogs are win -win, so why don't
you go out and get one today? Besides you can have more than one blog.
The bottom line to this is that the more readers you have, the more traffic
you have, the more customers you can generate. Blogging is really for
everyone. It is fun, simple and easy.
You’ve been on quite the journey in the last few pages of this book and I hope
you enjoyed this eBook. I wish you all the best in your journey as a
blogger and I hope this book addresses your need.
You can reach me by sending a message on my facebook page KELS
DIGITAL IDEAS, email kelsdigitalideas@gmail.com,
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}
Thank you very much, you are loved.
Copyright © 2020 {ABRAHAM KELECHI}