Development of a drilling machine for an asymmetric element with multiple holes STROE Sergiu1,a, ONESCU Constantin2,b* and INAL Cagri3,c 1,3 Aka Automotiv, 364 A, Calinesti, Argeș Country, Romania 2 University of Pitești, Targu din Vale street, no.1, Pitești, Romania a b c,, Keywords: asymmetric element, drilling machine, multispindle head, flat extruded engine, FAST method The aim of this paper is to develop a drilling machine for 5 holes simultaneously manufactured for an asymmetric element from automotive industry. The function analysis system technique (FAST) and SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Technique) is used to identify, describe and categorize the drilling machine functions in order to propose technical solution. The paper propose an original solution with flat extruded engine for the closest 2 holes to avoid the usage of multispindle head. Abstract. Introduction The study of systems using the functional analysis started in 80’s years and it was developed several methods to identify and develop the functions and technical solutions [1]. The functional analysis steps and its tools are given in [3, 6] and is shown in fig. 1 as general recommendation for technical systems development. External Functional Analysis Requirement Functional Analysis Requirements Octopus Diagram Internal Functional Analysis Product Functional Analysis Functional specifications Product general definition Product elements definition Functional table FAST SADT Main function Constraint function Charts, Technical solutions Plans, schemas Fig.1 External and Internal Functional Analysis Scheme. The analysis of multispindle drilling machines shows that the most of technical application use the multispindle head [3] or gang drilling machine [2] to solve simultaneously execution of multiple holes. The drilling arrangements discussed above are suitable for symmetric elements where the manufacturing cost is reduced. To find the technical solutions to service functions usually two methods are found in literature review: FAST - Function Analysis System Technique and SADT - Structured Analysis and Design Technique [1]. In the paper, FAST method is used to choose the technical solution and SADT to establish the input and output data and schemas for the chosen solution. In the paper, the basic arrangement for asymmetric element drilling machine is a mobile table with the 5 drills assembled on it, in one of the several configurations which will be proposed. Advanced Manufacturing Technologies External Drilling Machine Functional Analysis for Asymmetric Element The asymmetric element is from automotive with the shape and dimensions given in figure 2. It is a bended tube with square section. The holes have to be cutting are to the superior area and are denoted from C1 to C5, the value of diameter is 6.7 mm and 1.5 mm as depth. Fig.2 Holes positioning for the asymmetric element for car. The external environmnent are idenfied and the main and constraint functions are found building the octopus diagram (figure 3). MF1 : Worker to be able to drill 5 holes in the same time to the assymetric element MF2 : to be integrated in the production flow CF1 : to fix the assymetric element CF2 : to conect to the electrical network CF3 : to respect the worker security CF4 : to be ergonomically for worker CF5 : to resist/adapt to environmnet Fig.3 Octopus diagram for multiholes drilling machine. After the system functions identification the next step is to found the functions performance level (and flexibility range) attended by the company. The functional specification is prepared to express the company requirements. The drilling machine has to: - Drill simoultanesously the holes 1 to 5 with the dimensions from figure 2 - Drilling cycle (up and down) – 12 to 15 seconds - Assymetric element fixation force 200 N - Work area height – 1..1.2 m - Actuation and Security warning. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. Study of proposed technical solutions using FAST The FAST (The function analysis system technique) is used to obtain the technical solution for the multiholes drilling machine. The main (service) function 1 (to drill 5 holes in the same time to the assymetric element) is decomposed into technical functions to find the technical solutions. Service (main) function 1 To drill 5 holes in the same time to the assymetric element WHY ? HOW ? Technical functions Technical solutions Element positioning Produce positioning surface Horizontal support Element fixation Produce fixation force Manual fixation Pneumatic Fixation On/off buttons Electrical energy supply 5 holes drill cutting Produce Thrust Force Table 1 Technical solutions Fig.4 FAST diagram for multiholes drilling machine. The condition of simultaneity is solved using a mobile table to supporting electric motors. Another solution could be the possibility of axial movement separately for each drill (gang drilling machine) but the problems are the synchronism of all 5 drills to assure the same feed rate, the size and the price of the system. To solve the first main function several technical solution are proposed in Table 1: 1- The first solution uses a single electric motor coupled with a multispindle head [5]. Because the holes are asymmetrically positioned and the distances between them are considerable (between 100 mm and 500mm) this system is complex and expensive to use. Single electric motor + multispindle drill head. 2- The second solution uses a mobile table and three electric motors of size 71 on it (calculated from input drilling parameters) used for the holes situated at bigger distances. For the closest holes (102 mm) a single motor a mechanical transmission (belt or gears) is used. To maintain the rotation sense is better to use a belt transmission with poly V configuration, but the disadvantage is pre-tensioning and limited durability. Also, other disadvantages of this solution are supplementary modification in order to positioning drill peak in the same plane and the maintenance activity is restricted. Mobile table with 3 single-drill motors and 1 motor – transmission- 2 drills. Advanced Manufacturing Technologies 3-The third solution uses of one motor for each drill. From input drilling parameter (feed rate 1.5 mm, cutting speed 60m/mm) calculus it obtains: Feed Force 518 N and motor power 0,55kW [4,6]. The size of chosen motor is 71 that means a 140 mm body diameters, there are no possibility to position 2 motors for the holes with 102 mm distance. To maintain the solution of one motor for each drill even for the holes distance of 102.67 mm, it finds the flat extruded motor shows below. Mobile table with 5 single-drill electric motors Mobile table with 5 single-drill electric motors (3 cylindrical and 2 flat body) Table 2 Main function - Technical solution assessment System proposition Multispindle head 3 motors-drill + 1 motors –Mech. transmission (belt) 3 motors-drill + 1 motors –Mech. transmission (gear) 3 motors-drill+2 flat motors-drill Technical Efficiency Standardization Reliability Price TOTAL 2 5 2 4 1 14 5 3 4 3 2 17 5 3 4 3 2 17 4 4 5 5 2 19 Within the table 2 taking into account several criteria (with scale between 1..5) is given technical solutions assessment and the last technical proposition is chosen for technical simplicity and price. Implemented technical solution The flat extruded body is found in [7] with the value of 98.5 mm as width which means that the available distance of 102.67 allow the mounting of two Type50 flat motors nest to each other (fig.5). The drill drive choice was a first step for building the multi-holes drilling machine used for the asymmetric element. From FAST analysis, the next steps are designing of the mobile table drivetrain, the element fixation during the holes cutting, the stand design (with the linear guides), control and security devices. The total price of drilling machine which contains mechanical, electrical and pneumatic systems is reduced with 40 percent comparative with the price required by a drilling machine supplier consulted by the company. The high standardization degree of the adopted drilling machine means the maintaining of the company suppliers. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. Fig.5 Flat extruded body electrical motor implementation for C2-C3 holes [6]. a. b. Fig.6 Implemented technical solution. a) CAD Modeling; b) Real system. Structured Analysis and Design Technique The functional representation of multiholes drilling machine is implemented, also, in SADT model (Structured Analysis and Design Technical ). For a global view, the first level is denoted A-0 where is taking into account the different technical data [8]. Fig. 7 SADT A-0 for multiholes drilling machine. Input data: element on which acts => asymmetric elements for drilling. Main (global) function: operation on the input data => drill 5 holes in the same time into the asymmetric element. Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Support activities: support technique, system which allows to achieve the global function=> automatic drilling. Output data: what is obtained after transformation (output data = input data + added value) => drilled elements . Constraints and control data: in order to achieve the functions; - W : energy to assure the functions => electrical energy (5 Drilling motors – total 2.75kW and 1.5 kW for the mobile table movement) and pneumatic energy for fixation - C : system configuration linked to the production flow => automation, cycle choice (automated or manual) - E : system exploitation => start/stop command, emergency stop. - R : system settings => time (15 seconds per cycle), speed, feed rate (0.15mm/rev). Conclusion To development of the multi-holes drilling machine for an asymmetric element, apparently, is an easy job. The paper uses external and internal functional analysis to solve this issue. The solutions from table 2 are functional but taking into account several criteria for assessment it retains for implementation the solution with mobile table and 5 motors (3 classic motors and 2 flat extruded motors). After machine drilling building, within production flow it works very well, the proposed solution being reliable and economically suitable. Also, the paper shows a good co-operation between industry and academia to solve industrial issues. References [1] L. Zehtaban, D. Roller, Systematic functional analysis methods for design retrieval and documentation, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Vol:6 (2012) 10151020. [2] E. Widiyono, R. Wardhani, and L. Rusdiyana, Engineering Design of A Gang Drilling Machine Equipped with Jig and Fixtures to Make A Prototype Machine in Birdcage Production. IPTEK, The Journal for Technology and Science, Vol. 22, No. 4 (2011), 214-220. Reference to a book: [3] P. Severin, Biotechnology, Health, Environment, Functional Analysis, Toulouse 2009. [4] A. Vlase, Manufacturing Engineering, Technical Publishing House. Bucharest, 1996 [5] ***Multispindle head, Romai Robert Maier Gmbh, 2013. Reference to a website: [6] power.html [7] [8]