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Kerala Astrology Secrets: Yogas & Predictions

Sage Sukracharya's
Secrets of
Kerala Astrology
Sukra Kerala Rahasya by Sukracharya contains 423 slokas. Without disturbing, as far as
possible, the chapters and the order of slokas have been re-arranged subject-wise, to
make this publication useful as a source of reference and to enable the reader to quickly
spot out what he wants.
The original book has no introduction whatsoever, except that, at the end of each sloka,
the author says Iti Kerala Nischayaha meaning this is the decision of Kerala
Astrologers. This denotes that the author is giving out certain decisions agreed to by the
Kerala astrologers.
Perhaps, the title given to the book Kerala Rahasya is suggestive of the fact that the
author has chosen to reveal certain secrets of Kerala astrology which are not available
in other systems.
Almost all the slokas are on the lines of Yogas, very much on the lines of those found in
the great book Sarwartha Chintamani of ri Venkatesa Daivagnya, though in substance
these two books deal on separate points in the same subject. There are a number of good
points in the book which are not found in others and some of them are indeed valuable
Yogas on various important aspects of human life, which will assist students as well as
professionals in delineating predictions correctly.
No sloka has been omitted barring a few which seemed repetitive. There are a few
slokas in this book which may not be understood easily. The author himself has not
understood some. A literal translation of these, however, appears in the appropriate
places and it is hoped that there may be personalities with higher knowledge who may
know their real usage or import.
Foreign readers and astrologers following Western System of Astrology may kindly
note that all the Yogas (planetary mappings) given in this book are to be applied to the
horoscopes cast in the Hindu fashion. How to convert a Western horoscope to a Hindu
horoscope has been explained briefly on page 14 of Ashta Varga Phala & Ashta Varga
Dasa by the author.
Om Sadguru Parmathmane Namaha
Om Namo Bhagavathe Sivanandaya
sd/- NN Krishna Rau
December 31st, 1958
Chapter I
Kingly Life
The trines are the abode of Goddess Lakshmi denoting wealth whilst
the quadrants are the above of Lord Vishnu denoting material material
prosperity. Therefore, the connection between the lords of trines and
quadrants will result in the native enjoying kingly life.
Cancellation of debilitation effects
If in the sign in which a debilitated planet is standing, an exalted planet is
also standing in conjunction, Maharshi Vasishta and Maharshi Parashara
are of the view that the malefic nature of the debilitated planet will
Note : Assuming Venus and Mercury are conjunct in Pisces, the debilitation effects of
Mercury here may safely be ignore for the purposes of prediction.
If the dispositor or the lord of the exaltation sign of the planet in
debilitation, stands in quadrant/trine from Ascendant, the malefic
nature of the planet in debilitation will vanish.
Prosperity after native attains specified age
16 years of age : If lord of the Asdt stays in a benefic sign with
aspect/conjunction of another benefic
20 years of age : If lord of Asdt is posited in 2nd or 10th, and the lord
of 2nd is at the same time in Asdt.
30 years of age : If powerful lord of Asdt or the lord of the navamsa
occupied by him occupies exaltation/quadrant/trine/11th.
The native will be rich & happy throughout life if lord Asdt has his
navamsa in exaltation/own house/friendly house/vargothama navamsa
and has connection with another benefic.
Poor Longevity
If any planet other than the lord of Asdt is exalted and powerful in the
horoscope, the native will have poor longevity.
If any planet other than the lord of 9th is exalted and is powerful in the
horoscope, the native will enjoy only mediocre prosperity.
The native will enjoy reputation, good prosperity, good finances and
agricultural income including landed property if,
Poor Prosperity
lord of Asdt occupies deep exaltation which happens to be a quadrant/trine from Asdt
and is at the same time conjunct/aspected
by another benefic
OR lord of Asdt occupies his own house in conjunction with lord of 10th.
If there is a powerful malefic in the 12th of Asdt or in the debilitation sign
of the lord of Asdr, the native will spend all his life outside his native
If lord of Asdt is exalted or in own/friendly house, and is aspected by
another planet in exaltation/own/friendly house, the native will spend all
his life in his native province.
Chapter II
Dhana Bhava - 2nd House
Bhava Karakatwa
The shape of the face of the native, right eye, speech, education, intelligence, gold, ability
to learn Mantras/hymns, can be decided from the second house.
Rich Man
if lord of 2nd stays in the 5th conjunction with lord of 10th.
if the Asdt happens to be Gemini/Virgo and Mercury stays in the Asdt in conjunction
with OR aspected by Saturn & Venus.
if the Asdt happens to be Pisces/Sagittarius and Jupiter stays in the Asdt in
conjunction with OR aspected by Sun & Mars.
if the Asdt happens to be Capricorn/Aquarius and Saturn stays in the Asdt in
conjunction with OR aspected by Mercury & Venus.
if the Asdt happens to be Libra/Taurus and Venus stays in the Asdt in conjunction
with OR aspected by Saturn & Venus.
Akhanda Samraajya Yoga
if either the lord of 2nd, 9th OR 11th, is in quadrants of Moon and if the lord of both 2nd
& 9th happens to Venus, lordship of an Empire will arise.
if the lord of 2nd is in a quadrant and is at the same time, enjoying exaltation/own
house/own varga with aspect of a benefic, the native will not only become a Shrimant
but will also have a face comparable to a full blown lotus flower.
if there is exchange of signs between the lord of Asdt and 2nd, the native would be
earning well by his personal efforts.
During the Major Periods of the planets in 2nd and lord of 2nd, when Jupiter and lord of
Major Period have connection with each other in transit, there will be heavy financial
income for the native.
Natives having movable signs as their Asdt and having the lord of Asdt also posited in a
movable sign, income would be from outside the country.
Natives having fixed signs as their Asdt and having the lord of Asdt also posited in a
fixed sign, would enjoy financial prosperity within the country.
if lord of 2nd, planets in 2nd, planets aspecting 2nd, Karaka for 2nd --- are
strong/powerful, the native would enjoy high financial prosperity.
if two planets out of the four mentioned above are with strength and two others without
strength OR all the four of poor strength, the native will be deprived of prosperity.
if lord of 2nd in conjunction with a malefic stays in 6/8/12, OR lord of 2nd stays in a
malefic house with malefic aspect, the native would enjoy low financial prosperity.
Natives having lord of Asdt in Asdt, lord of 2nd in 2nd, and lord of 11th in 11th, all these
occurring simultaneously, will enjoy financial prosperity of a very high order.
if there is an exchange of signs between lord of 2nd and lord of 11th, and the two planets
are occupying own/exaltation/friendly signs, the native would be earning without limit.
if lord of 2nd and lord of 11th stay in quadrants/trines, the native would enjoy high
financial prosperity.
if lords of 2nd & 11th, are in conjunction with two other malefics, the native would suffer
poverty throughout life and will be living on alms.
if lords of 2nd, 3rd and Rahu stand in the 7th, the native will suffer from Gala Roga
(throat diseases) in addition to intense sufferings thereby.
Sun and Saturn in the 2nd will cause poverty.
Saturn & Mars in the 2nd will cause numerous diseases.
In the Major Period and Sub-Periods of lord of 2nd who is in conjunction with Rahu or
with the dispositor of Rahu and is staying in 6/8/12,
the native will be suffering from
dental disorders, tooth-ache and diseases of the tongue.
Eye Troubles
if the lord of 2nd combining with Venus and having connection with the lord of Asdt,
stays in 6/8/12, the native will suffer from eye-diseases.
if Venus and Saturn are in Asdt, troubles to eyes due to King's anger.
Ear Troubles
if lord of 2nd and Mars stand in the Asdt, the native will suffer from ear diseases.
if both lords of 2nd and Jupiter suffer combustion or stay in the 8th house, the native will
suffer from defects in talking or become dumb.
There will be loss of wealth if lords of 2nd and 12th exchange signs, and at the same
time lord of 11th is in 6/8/12.
if the lords of 2nd as well as 11th happen to be in 6/8/12 and at the same time, lord of
12th is in 2nd, there will be loss of wealth.
In whichever house the lords of Asdt and 2nd are posited, that house will indicate the
source of wealth.
Company of Ladies
The number of ladies whose company the native will enjoy will be equal to the number of
strong planets the lord of 2nd/9th is conjunct with.
Death of Wife
if lords of 2nd and 7th are conjunct with one or more malefics and are staying in 6/8/12,
and if at the same time, Venus is involved in this conjunction, the number of wives that
will die will equal the number of planets involved in this Yoga.
Defective Talk
if lord of 2nd is in 6/8/12, without benefic aspect but with malefic aspect, the native will
suffer from defective talk. But, if the sign in which lord of speech is standing happens to
be bis own house/exaltation/friendly sign, the defect will not arise.
Diplomatic Talk
if lord of 2nd is conjunct with benefic and is at the same time staying in quadrant/trine
with the aspect of benefic, the native will be clever and diplomatic in talking.
Lord of 2nd and Mercury standing in quadrants will make the native a diplomatic and
polished speaker.
exalted Mercury in 2nd house, Jupiter in Asdt, and Saturn in the 8th will make the
native well-versed in calculations in astronomy,
if Jupiter is in quadrant/trine, Venus in exaltation and Mercury happens to be the lord
of 2nd, the native will be well-versed in maths.
if Venus/Jupiter stays in exaltation, or Moola-trikona with aspect of Sun & Mars, the
native will turn out to be a capable debater/lawyer.
if lord of 2nd and Jupiter are powerful, and are aspected by Sun & Venus, the native
will become well-versed in music/shabda-shastra.
if the navamsa of 2nd bhava happens to be in own house and Mercury is in one of the
quadrants with aspect/conjunction of Jupiter, Venus and Full Moon, the native will be
well-versed in the six shastras.
if Jupiter is in quadrant/trine, aspected by Moon, Venus & Mercury, OR conjunct with
them, the native will be well-versed in Vedanta/philosophy.
if lord of 2nd is conjunct with Venus & Moon and is at the same time standing in
quadrants, the native will be using silver and bell metal utensils for dining purposes.
if lord of 2nd and Asdr have connections with Saturn, the native will be using iron & steel
vessels for dining purposes.
if Mars is standing in 2nd with malefic aspect, the native will be eating a poor quality
if benefics stand in 2nd and lord of 2nd is in conjunction/aspected by benefics OR the
2nd house is in receipt of benefic aspect, the native would be enjoying high class food
and drinks.
if lord of 2nd is in inimical/debilitation signs, the native will be depending on others for
his food.
if lord of 2nd happens to be Saturn OR if lord of 2nd is conjunct Saturn OR has the
aspect of Saturn in debilitation, the native would be continually eating in
if lord of 2nd is conjunct Jupiter/Venus or has the aspect of strong benefics, the native
would be feeding others at his expense or perform Anna Daana.
Chapter III
Bhrathru Bhava - 3rd House
Bhava Karakatwa
Food, valour, brothers/sisters, leadership/captaincy, lustre and right ear --- have all to be
delineated from the third house.
if lord of 3rd stands in 10th in conjunction with lord of 8th, there will be growth of
if lord of 3rd stands in 11th in conjunction with lord of 5th, brothers will be born first and
sisters thereafter.
if lord of 3rd is in conjunction with lord of 5th & lord of 8th, brothers will be born first and
sisters later.
Natives having lord of 3rd or Mars in exaltation/own house or friendly sign or in Asdt
which happens to Aries/Scorpio, will have brother & sisters.
Venus in 3rd, lord of 3rd in quadrants and at the same time Mars is conjunct Saturn,
the native will have only one elder brother.
Number of brothers/sisters a native will have, will be equal to the number of navamsas
attained either by Mars, lord of 3rd, OR 3rd bhava itself.
Benefics in 3rd and at the same time the lord of 3rd is in quadrant/trine with
conjunction/aspect of benefic(s) will ensure a good number of brothers/sisters.
Good number of brothers/sisters
if lord of 3rd has attained vargothamamsa, and is in quadrant/trine in conjunction with or
aspected by benefic(s0
if lord of 3rd stays in a benefic sign, his navamsa falling in a benefic sign.
if lord of 3rd is exalted and Karaka for 3rd (Mars) is in quadrant/trine with
conjunction/aspect of benefic(s).
if Sun happens to be the lord of 3rd and is conjunct with lord of quadrant therefrom, it
should be noted that the native is the second son.
if Moon happens to be the lord of 3rd and is posited in 7th or exaltation, it should be
noted that the native is the second son.
Lord of 3 in quadrants and exalted Mars in trine in the company of Jupiter will result in
the native having 12 brothers/sisters.
Mars in company of Rahu and the lord of 3 in debilitation will result in the native 3 elder
More Brothers Less Sisters
if both Mars and the lord of 3rd are in masculine signs/navamsas.
if both Mars and the lord of 3rd stay in Gemini/Virgo with conjunction/aspect of
Jupiter and Sun.
Sun stays in the 3rd.
More Sisters
if Mars and lord of 3rd as also the 3rd house occupying/falling in feminine signs and
occupy feminine navamsas too, the native will have more sisters than brothers;
however, if they occupy feminine signs Napumsaka (eunuch) navamsa namely
Gemini,Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius, the native will have only sisters and no brothers.
Loss of Brother/Sister
There will be loss of brothers/sisters if both lord of 3 and Mars stay in 6/8/12; but if they
stay in malefic signs other than 6/8/12, then there will be loss of brother/sister younger to
the native.
There will be sure loss of brothers/sisters if lord of 3 is debilitated and there are malefics
in the 3rd at the same time, and there is absence of benefic aspect/conjunction to the
3rd house and lord of 3.
if lord of 3 happens to be a feminine planet and stays in a feminine sign or in a sign in the
invisible half of the horizon, Asdt to 7th via 4th, with conjunction/aspect of a malefic, birth
of younger brothers/sisters will be unsatisfactory.
if lord of Asdt and 3rd are in conjunction or have mutual aspect or exchange of signs of
between them, there will be very good brotherly affinity during the entire life time of the
Conjunction of lord 3 and 4 in the 4th house with malefic aspect, will result in the native
having no siblings.
if lords of 3, 4 and Mars stay in 3rd and if at the same time that sign happens to be
exaltation for one of them, there will birth of brothers.
Rahu or Saturn in 3rd and the lord of 3 in 6/8/12, will result in the native having no
Lord of 3 in invisible half of the horizon, in a masculine sign, and Mars in a malefic sign
indicates negligible number of brothers.
Even if there is aspect/conjunction of Jupiter to the 3rd house in addition to other
benefic aspects, the mere presence of a malefic in 3rd, is enough indication that there
will be loss of brothers/sisters.
Brothers - Music
During the Major period and sub-periods of the lords of 3rd,planets aspecting 3rd, planets
posited in the 3rd, and Mars, depending on the strength of these planets, brothers will be
prospering and there will be happiness as far as ears are concerned, enjoying music,
listening to Hari Katha &c.
if all planets stand in the 3rd, the native would be kind hearted, very rich and would attain
worldwide fame or become a sage.
if lord of 3rd gets into 10th or stands in conjunction/aspected by benefics or stays in
other favourable signs in conjunction with benefic(s), the native will enjoy wearing costly
if Venus stays in a benefic sign with conjunction/aspect of benefic(s), the native enjoy
ornaments and paraphernalia.
if lord 3rd, planets aspecting 3rd, planets posited in 3rd and Mars - if all these four are of
mediocre strength, the native will become a weakling.
if the planets mentioned in the previous para (Weakling) suffer combustion, debilitation or
stay in inimical/malefic signs or malefic aspects, during the Major Period and Sub Periods
of such planets, the native will suffer defeat in battles/encounters.
Chapter IV
Mathru Bhava - 4th House
Bhava Karakatwa
All predictions pertaining to relatives, house or residence, mother, strength of relative,
happiness, conveyances, heart, food, seat, cot have to be made from 4th house.
if lord of 4th stays in conjunction with lord of Asdt in a quadrant with aspect of lord of 5th,
the native will possess horses for conveyance.
if lord of 4th stays in 9th (irrespective of the fact whether is exaltation/debilitation sign),
with aspect of benefic(s), the native will possess conveyance drawn by animals.
if Moon with lordship over 4th stays in 4th or 3rd in conjunction with Venus, the native
will own horses for conveyance.
if the Sun is in the 4th, lord of 4th is exalted, and Venus is connected to either of the two
or both, the native will own conveyances from his 32nd year.
Lord of 11th in 9th & lord of 4th in 11th (both these occurring simultaneously) will confer
Vahana Labha (conveyances) in the 12th year.
Lord of 4th in debilitation, Venus in combustion and Jupiter conjunct Rahu (all these
occurring simultaneously) will confer on the native conveyances drawn or driven by
human beings (Rickshaw Khandy etc.).
if Venus and lord of 5th stay in a benefic sign or have the aspect/conjunction of a
benefic, the native will own conveyances.
if lord of 4th is conjunct Venus, the native will own DOLI (something like palanquin) -- if
conjunct Jupiter, fast moving vehicles.
if both Moon and lord of 4th conjoin Venus or Jupiter or otherwise strongly connected
with Venus/Jupiter, the native will be owning 3 kinds of conveyances i.e. horses,
palanquin and fast-moving vehicles.
if lord of 4th stays in 12th with aspect of lord of 9th, the native would be getting rickety
if either lord of 4th or Jupiter stays in 9th with the conjunction/aspect of benefic(s), the
native will be enjoying ANDOLIKA (palanquin) for a long time.
if Moon and lord of 4th stay in Asdt, the native will own horses for conveyance.
if 2nd or 4th happens to be a sign owned by a benefic and Moon stays in such sign in
conjunction with benefic, the native will own horses for conveyance.
if lord of 4th and Moon conjointly stay in Asdt with aspect of Venus OR lords of Asdt and
4th are conjunct OR lord of 4th stands in Asdt with the aspect of Venus, the native will
possess conveyances drawn/driven by human beings.
if Moon, Venus and lord of 4th combine with the lord of Asdt, the native will possess
palanquins and horses.
if Jupiter, Moon or lord of 4th combine together in a quadrant/trine, the native will
possess fast-moving vehicles.
if lord of 4th is conjunct Jupiter, the native will possess fast moving vehicles.
if Moon is exalted and that sign happens to be a quadrant/trine, the native will possess
high class conveyances,paraphernalia and happiness of a high order.
if Jupiter/Venus with lordship over 4th and stand in quadrant aspected by Moon, the
native will own horses for conveyance.
if Moon with lordship over 4th stays in exaltation, the native will have high class
Mother's Longevity
if there are benefic(s) in 4th and the lord of 4th is in exaltation/own house and Moon is
strong, the native's mother will enjoy full span of life.
The native's mother will enjoy full span of life if 4th house has either the aspect or
conjunction of Jupiter, Moon and lord of 4th.
From the rays of the lord of the navamsa occupied by the lord of navamsa of lord of 4th,
determine the time of death of mother.
if Moon stands in 4th with malefic connections and the lord of 4th is debilitated or
combust, there will be early death of mother.
if Moon is hemmed in between malefics and at the same time lord of 4th is
conjunct/aspected by a malefic, and there is a malefic in 4th without the
aspect/conjunction of benefic(s), there will be early death of mother.
Early death of mother will occur if weak Moon stays in 6/8/12 and at the same time Sun
or Mars or both of them stay in 4th.
Deduct sputa of Moon from that of Sun; when Jupiter and Saturn pass through the sign
indicated by the balance or trines thereof, death of mother is possible. Similarly, deduct
the sputa of Yamakautaya from the sputa of Moon; when Saturn passes through the
sign indicated by the balance, death of mother is possible.
if Saturn and lord of 6th conjointly stay in 4th OR Moon, Saturn and lord of 6th are all
together in one sign with Rahu, mother of the native will bear a questionable character.
if Sun, Moon and the lords of 4th & 9th conjointly stay in the 8th with aspect of lord 8,
early death of parents will occur. In this Yoga, if Sun is not within the conjunction, his
aspect or other connection will do, for the Yoga Phala to materialise.
Death of Brother
Deduct the sputa or lord of 3 from the sputa of lord of Asdt; when Saturn passes through
this indicated star, death of brother will occur.
Similarly, from the sputa of lord of 4th, deduct the sputa of Mars; when Saturn passes
through the sign indicated by the balance or when Saturn passes over the sign indicated
by the addition of these two sputas, death of brother may occur.
Cattle Wealth
if Mars is in 11th and its dispositor is aspected by a benefic, the native will enjoy cattlewealth.
Quit Native Place
Mercury in 8th, lord of 4th in debilitation and Karaka for 4th in 12th (all these occurring
simultaneously), the native would be compelled to leave hsi native place and take-up
residence elsewhere.
Financial Status
if lord of 6th gets into 9th together with lord of 9th and lord of 9th happens to be weak, the
native will be the poorest financially amongst his relatives.
Gain of Hidden OR Abandoned Property
if lord of 2nd combines with lord of 4th and stays in 9th in conjunction with or aspected by
a benefic, the native will gain abandoned or hidden property.
if the lord of 11th and 2nd combine and stay in 4th and the 4th lord happens to be a
benefic and stays in a benefic sign, the native will gain abandoned or hidden property.
Gain of Palace
if powerful lord of 4th inc conjunction with a benefic stays in 3rd and the lord of Asdt is
also powerful, the native will gain harem/palace.
Cattle Wealth
if lord of Asdt and 4th exchange houses, and there is a benefic aspect to both, the native
will enjoy cattle wealth.
if one of the 3 planets - Rahu, Ketu or Mars, combines with Venus and Moon, the native
will possess elephants, horses and other quadrupeds.
Respect from relatives
if lord of 4th is conjunct/aspected by benefic(s), and at the same time Moon is powerful in
the horoscope, the native would be respected by all his relatives.
if the lord of the navamsa occupied by the lord of 4th stay in 4th or the lord of 4th or
Karaka for the 12th (Saturn), stays in 4th and if there is connection of Mars to the 4th,
the native will enjoy financial and household properties through hsi brother.
if lord of 4th conjoins lord of 2nd and 11th or attains Vaisheshikaamsa, the native will
enjoy landed properties on a large scale.
Depending on the strength of planets standing in 4th, lord of 4th, planets aspecting 4th
and Karaka for 4th, the native would be gaining house, conveyance, furniture, comforts
and satisfaction of mind thereby.
Household Property
if lord of 4th or the lord of Asdt stays in the 4th, the native would be having a house
without effort.
if powerful lord of 4th is posited in 6/8/12, there may be late acquisition of house by the
native. If there are malefic connections to the 4th, the native will have to go without the
comfort of a house.
if lord of 4th is in inimical sign or debilitation and at the same time, lord of 2nd is in 12th or
eclipsed, there will be loss of house or sale of native's house.
if dispositor of Mars stays in the 4th together with lord of 4th, native would be owning a
number of houses.
Raja Yoga
if lord of Asdt, 4th and 9th conjointly stay in 9th and at the same time, the Asdt has the
aspect of lord of 10th, the native would be ascending a throne.
High Class Prosperity
if lords of 4 and 9 stay in 11th or aspect the 4th, the native would be enjoying high class
prosperity and good luck.
if lord of 4th stays in Asdt with lord of 9th with aspect of Jupiter, native would be
honoured by Kings.
Ornaments & Paraphernalia
Venus and Full Moon if staying together in quadrant/trine will confer ornaments,
paraphernalia and conveyances.If they are staying in Sagittarius/Pisces or there is aspect
of Jupiter on Moon, the native will possess ornaments, paraphernalia, clothing and
conveyances of RED colour.
Predictions concerning birth of children have to be made with reference to the 9th, 7th,
5th and Jupiter.
Assessments regarding conveyances may also be made with reference to the 5,7 and
9th in a horoscope.
if lords of Asdt and 4th are in 8th or 12th and their dispositors in Asdt, the native will be
inimical towards his parents.
Chapter V
Putra Bhava - 5 th House
Bhava Karakatwa
Children, intelligence, knowledge, mantras (hymns), ministers or advisers, soul, common
sense --- are to be determined from the 5th house.
Number of Children
if lord of 5th stays in 10th in conjunction with lord of 9th, the native will have 5 children.
if lord of 5th is in exaltation in conjunction with lord of Asdt, the native will have one son
and one daughter.
Even if malefics stay in the 4th and 5th and lords of Asdt and 5th stay in 8th, if Jupiter
has conjunction/aspect of benefics, the native will beget TEN children.
if Jupiter stays in the 5th degree of Cancer, lord of 2nd in conjunction with Rahu and
lord of 9th stays in 9th, the native have NINE children.
if Jupiter stays in the 9th counted from the 5th (via Asdt) and the lord of 5th happens to
be powerful and the lord of 2nd stays in 10th, the native will beget SEVEN children.
Saturn in 9th and 9th lord in 5th will result in the native getting 7 children, of which 2 will
be twins.
Jupiter in 5th of Asdt, Sun in the 5th of Jupiter and Rahu in the 5th of Saturn, all these
occurring simultaneously, will result in only 1 son.
if there is exchange of houses between lords of 2nd and 5th, there will be birth of 6
children, of which girls will be lost.
if the 5th house happens to be any one of the signs owned by Jupiter, Venus or
Mercury, or if the 5th has conjunction or aspect of these 3 planets the native is sure to
beget a number of children depending on the strength of the planets concerned.
Child outside Wedlock
if lord of 5th is in 8th, and Saturn conjunct Rahu in 5th, the native will beget a child in
another community or outside wedlock.
if 5th lord in conjunction with Rahu stays in 5th without aspect of Moon or Jupiter, the
native will beget a child outside his community or outside wedlock.
Birth of Son
if Jupiter stays in the 9th from Asdt and Venus in the 9th of Jupiter and at the same
time lord of Asdt is powerful, birth of a son will occur in the 24th year of the native.
Venus in 9th and Sun in the 7th of Venus will result in the birth of a son immediately
after marriage.
Children from 3rd Wife
A malefic in 5th, Saturn in 5th of Jupiter, both these occurring simultaneously, will result
in the native marrying thrice and begetting children from the 3rd wife.
Adopted Children
if a very weak benefic stays in the 5th without the aspect of the 5th lord, the native will
adopt a child.
if Sun is in 6/8/12 or in inimical sign, the native is most likely to adopt a son.
There will be birth of children even if Mars stays in Aries, Scorpio, Leo or Pisces, which
happens to be the 5th with aspect of Jupiter.
if powerful lord of 5th is in 7th from 5th i.e. 11th from Asdt without malefic aspect.
if (i) the 5th house (ii) Jupiter (iii) lord of 5th (iv) the planets aspecting 5th -- happen to
be benefic or have conjunction/aspect of benefics, there will be birth and prosperity for
children. If all these 4 are weak or malefic, there will be loss of children.
if there is benefic aspect to the 5th or the lord of 5th has the aspect of Jupiter or a
benefic, there will be birth of birth of children without fail.
if lord of Asdt stands in 5th and if at the same time, lord of 5th and Jupiter are powerful,
there will be birth of children without fail.
Jupiter in Pisces denotes very few children; in Sagittarius, few but lean children; in
Cancer and Aquarius, NO CHILDREN AT ALL.
if lord of 5th is exalted and at the same time in quadrant/trine with any sort of connection
with Jupiter, the native will beget good children.
Birth & Loss of Children
Mars in 5th and lord of Asdt in 4th, there will birth and loss of children.
No Children
if Venus or Moon happens to be the lord of 5th, and if such lord of 5th also attains a
female navamsa or stands in a feminine sign, there will be NO birth of children.
if a malefic stands in 5th and the lord of 5th is hemmed in between malefics without
benefic aspect/conjunction.
if the 5th happens to be one of the signs owned by Mercury or Saturn and at the same
time, the 5th has conjunction/aspect of Saturn/Mercury.
if there are weak malefics in the 5th of (i) Jupiter (ii) Asdt and (iii) Moon without benefic
aspect or benefic connections.
if lords of 2nd and 5th are either defeated in Graha Yuddha (planetary war) or have
malefic aspects and at the same time stay in 5th, whilst the native will be marrying a
number of times, he will NOT have any children.
Children outside Wedlock
if a native's wife has Putra Yoga (combination denoting birth of children) and if Mercury
or the lord of 5th stays in the 5th, and has the aspect of lord of 6th, there will be birth of a
child outside wedlock.
Loss of Children
if lords of 5th and 8th exchange signs and there is absence of benefic aspect on either of
them, there will be loss of children.
if lord of 5th is conjunct/aspected by malefic and if at the same time 5th has malefics on
either side, and in the absence of benefic aspect or connection to either, there will be loss
of children.
if the lord of 5th is a masculine planet or stationed in a masculine sign, there will be birth
of boys.
if the lord of 5th is a feminine planet or stationed in a feminine sign, there will be birth of
Venus and Moon in 5th and Jupiter in 9th will result in the worship of Gods of other
if there is a planet in 5th, the native will worship Durga Devi, Sun in 5th - Surya
Shankara, Moon in 5th - Yaksha Devi.
Forbidden Women for Marriage
Vandhya (barren women), those with very lean bodies, young girls before puberty,
women with diseases, Pushpa Rahita (women who do not mensurate), hard hearted
women, women with very bulky bodies -- should NOT be accepted in marriage, for they
are not likely to bear any children.
Chapter VI
Shatru Bhava - 6th House
Bhava Karakatwa
Enemies, thieves, wounds/cuts, reverses, sorrow, belly, sweet and other tastes,
diseases, pickles - have to be determined from the 6th house.
Sun will cause wounds on hand; Moon on face; Mars on ears; Mercury in parts below
the navel; Jupiter will cause freedom from diseases; Venus will cause disease/trouble in
eye; Saturn causes rheumatic complaints; Rahu/Ketu cause stomach disorders.
If Asdt happens to be Gemini/Virgo, and if Moon aspects or is conjunct Mercury, in such
Asdt, Guhya Roga (diseases in private parts) will result.
if a malefic stands in the Asdt with the lord of 8th, the native will suffer through
wounds/ulcer; if the said conjunction takes place in the 5th, the native's children or father
will suffer from such wounds; if in 4th, native's mother; in 7th - wife; in the 3rd - brothers;
in 9th - maternal uncle; and in the 11th - elder brother; in 8th - various troubles to native
In the Major Period and sub-periods of the planets posited in the 6th, lord of 6th and
planets aspecting 6th, there will be diseases, sorrow and impediments or obstacles.
The native will face threats to life through causes mentioned below :•
if lords of Asdt, 6th & 8th combine with SUN
through severe fever
excess of bile
A malefic in 6th indicates that the native will be suffering from enemies in addition to
wounds on his body. Benefic in same house indicates defeat of enemies and no wounds.
Lord of 6th, planets posited in 6th, Karaka for 6th, and planets aspecting 6th, debilitation,
combustion or retrogression of these planets indicates increase of enemies or troubles
therefrom and wounds on body.
Sun in 6th indicates enemies, impediments and troubles.
to mother.
to brother
to maternal uncle.
to children
to wife
to servants
if lords of 11th and 6th exchange houses, there will be financial losses through
questionable expenses like gambling etc in the 31st/48th year.
if Rahu, Moon and Saturn are posited in 6th and lord of Asdt in 12th, the native will
suffer from T.B. in his 26th year.
if lords of 6th and 12th exchange houses, the native will suffer from Gulma (severe
stomach pains) in his 3rd/12th year.
if Moon and Ketu stay in 6th, Rakta Kooshta (bloody leprosy) will result in his 55th year.
if lord of Asdt and Mercury combine with Karaka for 6th, the native will suffer from Rakta
Kooshta (bloody leprosy) on head or neck.
Rahu in 6th with Saturn in 6th therefrom (viz. 11th), the native will suffer from paralysis in
his 3rd year.
Saturn in 8th and Mars in 8th/12th, the native will suffer from Pipasa (diseases in which
the native suffers from severe thirst) in 15th/35th year.
Meha Roga
lord of 8th conjunct Rahu and he dispositor thereof in 8th or 9th, the native will suffer
from Grandhi & other kinds of Meha Roga (diseases produced as a result of excessive
heat) in his 12th/18th year.
Dog Bite
if lord of Asdt is in 6th and lord of 6th in 6th, the native will suffer from dog-bite in his
10th/19th year.
Fear from Animals
lord of 8 in 6th and lord of 12 in Asdt, both these occurring simultaneously, with Moon in
6th or 8th, there will be fear from animals in 8th year.
Chapter VII
Kalatra Bhava - 7th House
Life Partner
Bhava Karakatwa
Lost money/property, curd, milk, music, renunciation, travels, anus (or private parts), wife
--- all these have to be studied from the 7th house.
Marriage When ?
Lord of 7th in a benefic sign, Venus in exaltation or own house, will result in native's
marriage taking place in the 5th or 9th year or early marriage. (Earlier than the custom
prevailing in the native's community)
Sun in 7th and his dispositor in conjunction with Venus will result in native's marriage in
the 7th or 11th year, or early marriage.
Venus in 2nd and lord of 7th in 11th will result in native's marriage in 11th year or early
Venus in quadrants from Asdt and the lord of Asdt in Capricorn.Aquarius, will result in
marriage in 11th year or early marriage.
Venus in the 7th of Moon and Saturn in 7th of Venus will result in marriage in 18th
Venus in quadrants from Asdt and Saturn in 7th of Venus indicates marriage in the
12th/19th year.
Exchange of houses between lords of Asdt and 7th will result in marriage in the 14th/20th
Lord of 7th in 11th and lord of Asdt in 10th will result in native's marriage in his 15th year.
Venus in 7th/9th, and lord of 7th in 7th of Venus will result in native's marriage in the
33rd year.
Venus in 5th and Rahu in 11th will result in native getting married in 17th/32nd year.
Venus in 5th and dispositor thereof in 9th will result in marriage in the 22nd or 27th year.
Lord of 8 in 8th and lord of Asdt in the company of Venus indicates marriage in 25th/33rd
Time of Marriage
Marriage will take place
when Jupiter passes over the sign in which lord of Asdt/7th is standing in birth chart
when Jupiter comes on the navamsa on which the lord of the star on which Moon is
standing in birth chart
Depending on the strength of Jupiter (by way of exalted navamsa, own navamsa
etc.occurring at the time mentioned above, the
native may be married to one or more.
Marriage will take place in the Major Period or sub-period of
dispositor of Venus
lord of 10th
lord of 8th
planet in conjunction with lord of 7th
planet standing in the 7th
Number of Wives
if lord of 7th is conjunct lord of 5th and stays in Asdt with aspect of lord of 12th, the native
will have 5 wives.
if lord of 7th stays in 11th in conjunction with lord of 5th and with aspect of lord of 3rd, the
native will have 5 wives.
Venus in Pisces/Sagittarius or Gemini/Virgo, dispositor of Venus in exaltation and if
lord of 7th is powerful, the native will have many wives.
if lord of 7th is exalted or in a fixed sign and aspected by a benefic or Venus, the native
will enjoy the company of more than 1 wife.
if Venus, lords of 2nd and 7th are in quadrants/trines or exaltation or own house, the
native will have only one wife.
if lord of 7th is in quadrants/trines, and at the same time aspecting either the 2nd or 7th
and having conjunction/aspect of lords of 7th or 2nd, the native will have many wives.
Malefics (more than one malefic is implied here) in 2nd or lord of 7th is conjunct malefics
and if Ketu is conjunct Venus, the native will have 3 wives.
if lord of 7th is in quadrant/trine, and at the same time in exaltation/own house or own
varga and has the aspect of lord of 10th, the native will have many wives.
Loss of Wife
The number of wives a native will lose will equal the number of malefics in conjunction
with the lord of 2nd or 7th. The number of wives a native will have, likewise, equal the
number of powerful benefics in conjunction with lord of 2nd/7th and of these, if only one
planet is powerful, the native will have only one wife.
if lord of 7th is in 6/8/12, and is weak and at the same time Venus is debilitated, there will
be loss of wife.
Venus in 8th and the dispositor of Venus in 7th will result in native losing his wife in the
12th/18th year.
lord of 7th in debilitation and Venus in 8th will result in death of wife in 18th/33rd year.
Charming Wife
if Venus or Jupiter happens to be lord of 7th, and such lord is powerful in the horoscope,
the native will possess a wife with beautiful private parts, and If the lord of 7th is hemmed
in between Mercury and Saturn, the native's wife will possess Hraswa Bhaga, narrow
vaginal passage.
Status of Wife's family
if the 7th is situated in a benefic sign or has benefic navamsa and benefic aspects, the
native's wife will hail from a good family; if in malefic sign or with malefic navamsa and
malefic aspects, the native's wife will be hailing from a low family.
Accomplished Wife
Lord of 7th in a benefic sign and Venus in 2nd and if both are powerful, the native will get
an accomplished wife.
Beautiful Wife
if lord of 7th is quadrants, aspected by benefic or has attained benefic navamsa or is
staying in a benefic sign, the native will possess a beautiful & dutiful wife.
Questionable Character
if lord of 7th in conjunction with lord of 6th stays in Asdt with aspect of Rahu, wife's
character will be questionable.
lord of 7th in the house of Mars/Saturn, and dispositor thereof in 7th will result in native
possessing a wife with questionable character.
Questioning Wife
if lord of 7th stays in 12th in conjunction with lord of 8th and with aspect of Rahu, wife's
character will be such that she will be ever questioning the native's instructions.
Sexual Perversion
Venus staying in Aries/Scorpio, or having his navamsa therein, in conjunction with Mars
and aspect of Moon will result in the native getting sexually perverted. Note : For the
purposes of literary decency, the effects of this and the following slokas have NOT been
literally translated. Instead of giving the actual effects of the sloka as given by the Sage, a
hint that such a yoga will result in sexual perversion on the part of the native has been
Venus in Capricorn/Aquarius or having his navamsa therein and in conjunction of
Saturn and with aspect of Moon, would result in the native getting sexually perverted.
Similar results if (i) lord of 7th is conjunct with Venus and stays in Taurus/Libra (ii) lord
of 2nd conjunct Venus and stays in Taurus/Libra and
(iii) Mars in 7th or conjunct
lord of 7th.
Bereft of Happiness from Wife
Saturn in 7th, lord of 7th in 12th, and if at the same Venus is powerless, the native will
not enjoy happiness from his wife.
lord of 7th in debilitation or combustion or 6/8/12 with malefic aspect and at the same
time, there is also a conjunction/aspect of a malefic to the 7th, the native will never enjoy
marital happiness.
Second Marriage
if Mars is standing in 7, 8 or 12, and the dispositor thereof in the invisible half of horizon,
the native will marry a second time.
Interest in Other Women
if any of the 4 planets viz. lords of 3rd,6th,7th or Venus stay in Asdt, in conjunction with a
malefic, the native will be evincing interest in women other than wife.
Father with Loose Character
if lords of 7th, 6th and 4th conjointly stay in the 9th, father of the native will have, morally,
a loose character.
Murder of Husband
if Mercury gets lordship of 7th and is in conjunction with malefic(s) and at the same time
in debilitation or paapa varga or 8th or 12th or hemmed-in between malefics or has
malefic aspects, the native cause destruction of the family or murder her husband.
auspicious Major Period Effects
In the beginning of major period of planets in conjunction with benefics.
In the middle of major period of benefic planets in conjunction with malefics, particularly
then, marriage is possible.
In the end of major period of malefic planets standing in benefic sign.
Throughout the major period of benefic planets standing in benefic signs.
Chapter VIII
Ayur Bhava - 8th House
Bhava Karakatwa
Alpa, Madhya, Purna Ayush (longevity), place of death, food, generative organs --these have to be studied from the 8th house.
Longevity of Children
Children upto the age of 12, do not realise what is longevity and therefore, it is the duty of the
parents to protect them. Infant mortality is primarily due to three causes :
as a result of bad deeds of parents, which in turn bring on children, punishment from
weakness of planets in the horoscope of the child.
bad planetary mapping Yogas prevailing at the time of birth of the child.
It is therefore obligatory on the part of the parents to take care of their children through
propitiatory rites as ordained in astrology and provide proper medical treatment as and when
The following Yogas confer the amount of longevity indicated against each :-
120 years - Venus in Asdt and all malefics plus Jupiter in quadrants.
100 years plus - Lords of Asdt & 8th standing in movable signs or one of them in a fixed
sign and the other in a double-bodies sign.
100 years plus - Malefics in 3,6 and 11th and benefics in quadrants and trines and lord
of Asdt staying anywhere with strength.
100 years - Venus in Asdt, Moon in 7th and Jupiter in quadrants from Venus.
100 years - Saturn in 7th from Sun, Mars in 7th from Moon, and benefic(s) aspecting
the 8th house.
100 years - Lords of 8th & 12th in conjunction standing in quadrants.
70 to 100 years - Lord of Asdt exalted, lord of 8th in11th and Jupiter in 8th,
70 to 100 years - Venus, Mercury, Jupiter in quadrants.
70 to 100 years - all malefics standing in 3,6 and 11th.
70 to 100 years - lord of 8th in 6/8/12 wirh dispositor thereof in Asdt.
70 to 100 years - if a fixed sign happens to be Asdt, lord thereof in a movable sign
whose dispositor is in Asdt.
70 to 100 years - lord of 8 in 5th, lord of Asdt in 8th and if these two planets are either
conjunct or aspected by Jupiter.
70 to 100 years - exchange of houses between lords of 8th and 12th.
70 to 100 years - lord of 8th in 12th and lord of 12th in 9th.
70 to 100 years - lord of 10 in 8th, lord of 8th in a friendly sign and if there are benefic(s)
in both 5th and 2nd.
70 to 100 years - if a movable sign happens to be the Asdt and the lord thereof is
standing in a fixed sign and the dispositor thereof stays in Asdt.
70 to 100 years - lord of 8th with exaltation standing in Asdt or 11th.
80 years - Jupiter in quadrants and at the same time, benefic in Asdt and benefic
aspect/conjunction to 2nd & 8th.
75 years - lord of 8 in 3rd and lord of Asdt in 8th, and if these two planets are
conjunct/aspected by Jupiter.
74 tears - Dun in 8th with conjunction/aspect of Rahu but without any connection with
Below 70 years - Venus, Mercury, Jupiter standing in 2,3 or 11th one planet in each
sign OR two planets in any one and the other in any of the remaining two.
Below 70 years - if lords of Asdt and 8th stand in movable signs or one of them in a fixed
sign and the other in a double-bodied sign.
Below 50 years - lord of 9th in conjunction with lord of 8th standing in 10th with aspect of
50 years - lord of 9th in conjunction with lord of 8th standing in the 10th.
Below 40 years - lord of 2nd in quadrants in conjunction with lord of 12th with aspect of
32 years - lord of 3 in conjunction with or aspected by 2 malefics.
Below 32 years - lords of Asdt and 8th stand in movable signs or one of them in a
movable sign and the other in a double-bodied sign.
Below 32 years - Venus, Mercury, Jupiter standing in 5,6,8,9 or 12.
Death of native in particular years :
5th year - Lord of 8th in Asdt with aspect of Rahu
7th year - Lords of 7th and 9th standing in 8th
8th year - Lords of 7th and 8th standing in 5th with aspect of Rahu
30th year- Lords of Asdt and 10th staying in 8th with aspect of Rahu
Death of native in Sub-periods/Major Periods
In the sub period of lord of 8th in the major period of lord of 8th, if it is posited 6/8/12
In the sub period of lord of 8th in the major period of dispositor of Saturn
In the sub period of Rahu in the major period of dispositor of lord of 10th
In the sub period of lord of Asdt if the major period of lord of 8th was running at birth.
If the lords of Asdt & the 7th are quadrants/trines in conjunction with any other planet(s),
then in the major period of the weakest planet in the lot.
In the major period of Saturn standing in the 8th or Asdt.
If there is exchange of signs between lords of 7th & 8th, then in the major period of the
lord of 8th but in the sub period of lord of 7th.
If lords of 8th & 9th stay together in 11th, then in the major period of either of these and
in the sub period of the other.
If Jupiter is suffering combustion in 7th or debilitated Saturn is aspecting the lord of
Asdt, poor longevity will result.
Death of Parents
if there are planets in conjunction with lord of 5th, then total up the major period years
including lord of 5th; divide the total by 12 and find out the balance. If lord of 5th is
standing alone in the horoscope,only his major period years should be subjected to
division by 12. Death of father/mother will occur at the age of the native corresponding
with the balance; or count that many signs from Aries. Death of father/mother will occur in
the major period of the lord of the sign indicated by the balance.
If lord of 9th is in conjunction with Rahu in any sign, death of father is possible in the
major period of the dispositor of lord of 9th.
Any benefic planet irrespective of whether it is in any exaltation or otherwise powerful, if
in conjunction with Rahu, will cause death of father/mother in the former's major period.
If Sun is standing in the 5th or 9th, and if Major Period of Saturn is running at birth, death
of father is possible.
Method to find out if parents are alive
Count (i) from Asdt (ii) from the sign occupied by lord of 9th or (iii) from the sign
occupied by lord of 5th --> to the sign where lord of 8th is posited and divide the figure by
3. if the balance is 1, predict that the native's father is NOT alive, else predict that his
father is alive.
To determine whether the native's mother is alive or not, count from the sign in which lord
of 4th is posited to the sign where lord of 8th is standing abd divide by 3, if the balance is
1, native's mother is NOT alive, else predict that native's mother is alive.
Alpa ayush - 32 years or below; Madhya ayush - below 70 years of age; beyond 70
years of age is known as Deerga ayush. Beyond 100 years is known Uthama ayush.
Major Period of Mars when it happens to be the fifth major period from birth; Jupiter's if
sixth; Saturn's if fourth; and Rahu's if fifth; will cause the death of the native.
Some astrologers determine longevity from the Yogas operating in the horoscope; some
others with reference to Major Periods. However, there is NO definite method by which
longevity of a native could be correctly determined.
Readers who wish to know further about yogas on identical lines, not only on the question of
longevity but also other aspects of human life, may like to refer to the great book Sarwartha
Chintamani of Sri Venkatesa Daivagnya (English Translation by Prof B Suryanarayana Rao of
Astrological Magazine)
The question of longevity as advocated in Jatakadesha are given in Ashta Varga Phala &
Ashta Varga Dasa by the author at pages 72-76, which may also be referred to by readers for
additional yogas on longevity and the method of determination of probable time of death with
reference to future planetary transits.
Chapter IX
Bhagya Sthana - 9th House
Luck/Good Fortune
Bhava Karakatwa
Father, preceptor, grand children, kindness or good feelings of the native, devotion, leadership,
habits, friends, charities, maternal uncle, wealth and wife are to be studied from the 9th.
Jupiter in 9th, lord of 9th in quadrants, and if lord of Asdt is powerful, the native will enjoy
high class prosperity.
if there is exchange of houses between lords of 9th and 11th, the native's prosperity goes
on increasing comparable to that of a waxing Moon.
if Jupiter and lord of 9th stay together in 9th, the native will enjoy good prosperity after
20th year.
Venus i deep exaltation in conjunction with lord of 9th and if Moon is standing in 9th, the
native will enjoy good prosperity and good luck.
Lord of Asdt in 9th, lord of 9th in 11th and Jupiter in 7th --- the native will have
conveyances, wealth and financial gains.
if lord of 9th has full strength and Sun has the aspect of a benefic, the native enjoy
prosperity through father.
if lord of 9th has aspect of a benefic who is standing in a benefic shastiamsa (1/60th
division of a sign) and is in conjunction with lord of 3, prosperity through brothers will
if Mercury has attained deep exaltation and the lord of 9th is in 9th, the native will enjoy
great prosperity after 36 years of age.
if lord of 4th is in 9th, Venus and Jupiter in benefic signs, lord of 9th in 1,5 or 9, the
native will possess fast moving vehicles and pride.
if either lord of 4th or Jupiter in conjunction with a benefic stays in 9th (which is owned
by a benefic) the native will enjoy conveyances throughout life.
if Jupiter and lord of 4th are in conjunction with malefic and stay in malefic sign or 6/8/12,
the native will not possess conveyances.
if Moon in conjunction with a benefic stays in a sign owned by benefic, which happens to
be 2nd/4th, the native will possess horses for conveyance.
Paternal Prosperity
if lord of 9th is in 11th, Venus in 9th and Jupiter in quadrants, the native will enjoy
prosperity and help from father.
if Mars and Ketu are either in 2nd or 9th and lord of 9th in Capricorn/Aquarius, father
will virtually be a pauper.
if either lord of 9th or the 9th house itself has connection with more than one malefic and
9th lord is weaker than lord of Asdt, the native will never enjoy prosperity.
Father's Death in particular years
Lord of Asdt in 8th and lord of 8th in 9th indicates death off father in the 2nd or 12th year.
if Sun happens to be the lord of 9th and is conjunct Mars and Saturn, indicates death of
father in 5th year.
Sun conjunct Rahu and Saturn in 9th, indicates death of father in 7th or 19th year.
Sun and Saturn conjunct in the 3rd indicates death of father in the 8th/22nd year.
Saturn in 2nd and Sun in 8th indicates death of father in 21st/26th/31st year.
if lord of 9th is debilitated and the dispositor thereof in 9th, indicates death of father in
26th/31st year.
Loss of father
if lord of 9th or Sun is aspected by malefic and is at the same time conjunct
Saturn/Gulika or a malefic, loss of father will result.
if lord of 9th or Sun has attained Kroora Navamsa or neechamsa and is at the same
time conjunct Saturn/Gulika, loss of father will result.
if lords of 9th and 4th are in invisible half of the horizon, with malefic aspect/conjunction
and without benefic connections, and the lord of Asdt is fairly strong, father's death will
come shortly after birth.
Lords of Asdt and 7th if in quadrants/trines and their dispositors (both of them) are in
Asdt, early death of father will result.
if lords of Asdt, 4th and 9th are in quadrants/trines, death of parents will occur in their
Major Period or sub-periods.
Relations between Father/Son
if Sun is in deep exaltation in conjunction with lord of 9th and with conjunction of Jupiter
the native will worship his father.
if Sun is standing in trines conjunct/aspected by Jupiter, the native will worship his
if lord of 9th is a benefic and Sun is powerful and if at the same time, there is a benefic in
9th, the native will enjoy happiness with his father for a long time.
if lord of 9th is hemmed in between benefics and conjunct/aspected by
Jupiter/Venus/Mercury, the native will enjoy happiness from his father for a long time.
Father's Longevity
if lord of 9th is in deep exaltation, Jupiter in 9th, Venus in 4th (all these occurring
simultaneously), father will enjoy full longevity.
Extraordinary Financial Gains
if Venus is in a benefic sign and conjunct with a benefic, then in the sub-period of Venus
in the Major Period of lord of 9th, there will be extraordinary financial gains.
if lord of 11th stays in 4th in conjunction with benefics, the native will be the recipient of
lump sum gains without effort.
if lord of 7th stays in a benefic sign in conjunction with a benefic, the native will enjoy
dignified paraphernalia. If 7th lord is in 6/8/12, in conjunction with malefic, no such gains.
Neat & Rich
if lord of 9th and Jupiter stay in 10th, which is either a benefic sign or has benefic
navamsa or aspected by benefics, the native will be very neat and rich.
Relations with father
if Asdt happens to be 6/8/12 (particularly 6th or 8th) from that of father's Asdt, the native
will be inimical towards his father. Those with Asdt in the 10th/2nd from father's Asdt will
have great affection towards father.
Fed on breast-milk of others
if lord of 3 is in the invisible half of the horizon, at the time of birth, with lord of 6th, the
native would be fed on breast-milk of others.
No children
if lords of 9,7,5 are malefics and weak and are in 6/8/12, and are not aspecting the signs
for which they have lordship, the native will have NO children irrespective of the number
of marriages.
Even if powerful lord of 5th is aspected by a benefic, but is standing in inimical sign with
Saturn's aspect, the native will NOT beget children.
if lords of 6h, Asdt and powerful Saturn are standing together in quadrants/trines, there is
chance of native suffering imprisonment during the Major Periods or sub-periods of these
Cattle Wealth
Prosperity of cows will occur through Jupiter, that of buffaloes through Saturn, and goats
through Rahu/Ketu.
Chapter X
Karma Bhava - 10th House
Bhava Karakatwa
Powers enjoyed by rthe native, profession, place or country ruled, respect, place of
residence, fame, build-up and strength, charity, travels, means adopted for earning his
livelihood -- all these have to be studies from the 10th house.
if lords of Asdt and 10th occupy Asdt and 10th respectively and one of them is exalted,
the native will earn well by his pwn efforts.
Earnings of the native will be from King/Government/Rich people if lord of 10th is
conjunct Sun, Moon, Mars or Mercury. through King/Govt if lord of 10th is conjunct
Jupiter; through his wife if lord of 10th is conjunct Venus or lord of 7th; through nonBrahmins if conjunct Saturn; through questionable sources if conjunct Rahu.
if Sun is in 10th or has conjunction with Mars or the lord of 10th occupies a quadrant, the
native will be executing magisterial/administrative orders which have an element of
Good Deeds
if Venus is strong and in 10th and at the same time, lord of Asdt is powerful and Saturn
is exalted, the native will have Gyana (higher knowledge), and will be performing a
number of good deeds/charities.
if lord of 10th is in own house and in quadrant/trine with conjunction/aspect of Jupiter,
the native will be performing good deeds and charities.
if lord of 10 and Asdt stand in Asdt whilst Moon is in a quadrant/trine, the native would be
doing a number of good deeds.
Even if lord of 10th is not exalted, if Mercury is exalted, the native will be doing good
Even if lord 10 occupies 6/8/12, with exaltation and if Mercury and Rahu conjointly stand
in 10th, the native will be doing good deeds/charities.
if Mercury is exalted with lordship over 10th, the native will be doing good
deeds/charities. If such Mercury is conjunct Rahu, opposite results will occur.
if lords of 10th, 2nd and Mercury are powerful, the native will perform Yagnas (religious
rites). If lord of 10th is conjunct a weak planet, the profession of a native will suffer.
if lord of 6th stays in 10th; and at the same time, lord of 10th is conjunct Saturn or stays
in quadrant.trine from Asdt, the native will be doing a good number of charities.
if lord of the navamsa occupied by the lord of 10th has connections with Saturn or lord of
6th, the native will be giving away large sums in charity.
same results if either the 10th or its lord has the aspect of a benefic, or has
conjunction/aspect of Sun.
Auspicious Results
if any FIVE, FOUR or TWO powerful planets combine in one sign and stand in
quadrant/trine, the native will enjoy auspicious results.
if lord of 10th stands in a malefic sign and if at the same time Saturn stands in 10th in
conjunction with a debilitated planet, the native will turn out to be a vagabond or one
without a proper profession.
Ill reputed
if lords of 10th and 8th exchange signs with conjunction of a malefic in either place, the
native will be ill-reputed.
Highly sexed
if lord of 10th is in 2nd with aspect of Mars and Saturn and if at the same time lord of 7th
has malefic connections or is himself a malefic, the native will be highly sexed.
Bath in Ganges
if Rahu or Moon is in 10th, the native will enjoy bath in Ganges.
if Full Moon or Jupiter stays in a watery-sign, which also happens to be the 10th, the
native will definitely take bath in Ganges.
same result, if Full Moon or Jupiter is conjunct Venus in a quadrant or 10th with
if lord of 9th stands in a quadrant which happens to be a watery-sign, with aspect of a
benefic, the native will enjoy bath in Ganges.
same results, if Mercury stays in 12th or lord of 12th attains exaltation.
if lords of 10th and 11th exchange signs and if there is Jupiter's aspect or conjunction to
either, the native will enjoy great reputation.
if lord of 10th is hemmed in between malefics or has a malefic aspect, the native will have
mediocre reputation.
if Sun and Saturn combine in the 10th, the native will be ill-reputed.
if lord of 10th happens to be a benefic with benefic aspect/conjunction, the native will
acquire higher knowledge of God/soul.
if lord of 10th has attained navamsa in a movable sign, the native will be travelling
frequently; if in a fixed sign; no travels; if in a double-bodied sign, he will be travelling for
some time and be without travels for some time.
if lord of 10th is exalted in conjunction with Jupiter and if lord of 9th is in 10th, the native
will enjoy great prosperity, finance and pride.
Happy Life
Lord of Asdt in 10th and lord of 10th being powerful occupies another quadrant, the
native will enjoy happy life throughout.
Lords of 4, 10 and 5 combining in one sign with aspect of lord of Asdt will result in native
becoming a big landlord or zamindar.
Meagre auspicious results
if dispositors of Jupiter, Venus and Mercury occupy 6/8/12, the auspicious results to be
bestowed by these 3 planets will NOT materialise.
Sanyasa OR Renunciation
if all the SEVEN PLANETS Sun to Saturn stand in one sign, the native would become a
Sanyasi (one who renounces the world).
Early in February 1962, all the SEVEN PLANETS combined in CAPRICORN. It would be
interesting to watch the efficacy of this Yoga
in respect of those born then.
Chapter XI
Laabha Bhava - 11th House
Bhava Karakatwa
Gains, profits, income, left ear, left foot, financial gains from various sources -- have to be studied
from the 11th house.
For the planet standing in the 11th, if the house happens to be exaltation, own house,
moola-trikona, or friendly house and if there is a benefic aspect, gains from various
sources will result.
Source of Gains
If a planet is standing in 11th in the manner indicated above, previous sloka, the native will gain
from the sources indicated below :=
in 11th : Father or paternal relations
in 11th : Mother or maternal relations
in 11th : Brothers/valorous deeds
Mercury in 11th : Uncles/arguments/sacrifices
Jupiter in 11th : Heavy gains through elders/performance of religious rites/through
study & preaching of holy scriptures
Venus in 11th : Women/silver/pearls
Saturn in 11th : Servants/cereals
Financial income of a native will be through the community to which planet standing in or
aspecting 11th belongs, as shown under :-
Raja Grahas
Brahmin Grahas
Vaishya Grahas
Sudra Grahas
Business Community
Inferior castes
Means or the channels through which the financial income of the native will materialise, are given
for planets in or aspecting 11th :-
distant relatives
distant relatives on the maternal side
business men and maternal uncle
scriptures, scriptural and religious rites
women, poetry, drama, music
servants and agricultural pursuits.
if there is a benefic in 11th, the native's earnings will be through fair and honourable
if there is a malefic in 11th, earnings through means other than fair or honourable.
if there is a benefic as well as a malefic, through mixed means.
If there is a planet in 11th enjoying full strength and is of a benefic nature, the native will
enjoy finance, pomp & riches of various kinds.
if lords of 2nd, 11th, Asdt and the planets aspecting these houses happen to be benefics,
the native's earnings will be by fair means and his earnings will be spent on temples,
feeding persons belonging to the holy order, and other good deeds. If all these planets
are weak, defeated in battle, debilitated in sign/navamsa or combust, the native will have
to resort to begging daily.
Professional Income
if Sun or Moon happens to be the lord of 11th, in the matter of wealth, the native will
equal a King, depending upon the strength of the planet; if it is Mars, agricultural pursuits;
Mercury - through education, relatives and son; Jupiter - through duties ordained by
scriptures/religion; Venus - wife; Saturn - through inferior castes.
Financial Status
if lord of 11th is in quadrant/trine from Asdt or Moon, or if there is a malefic in 11th and
these planets have attained exaltation, own house etc., the native would become a
moneyed man.
Financial gains of an individual should be studied not only from the 11th from Asdt, but also from
the sign in which Jupiter Karaka for 11th is
standing, treating the sign as Asdt for purposes of
determining the native's income/sources, at the same time, taking into consideration the strength
of various planets and yogas affecting 11th. The native would be making these gains during the
major periods and sub-periods of the planets concerned.
It would be of topical interest, to include here, the Sources of Income, of a native as given in the
Great Book SARWARTHA CHINTAMANI, of Shri Venkatesa Daivagnya, as it would greatly assist
the native in striving in the right direction, so that destined results could be reaped.
The native would acquire wealth through
Father if Sun is standing in the 10th from Asdt or Moon
Mother if Moon
.. do ..
Enemies/distant relatives if Mars is standing in 10th from Asdt or Moon
Friends if Mercury
.. do ..
Brothers if Jupiter
.. do ..
Ladies if Venus
.. do ..
Servants/inferior castes if Saturn is standing in 10th from Asdt or Moon
During the major period/sub-period of the planets concerned, there will be income from the
sources mentioned above. If there are more than one planet standing in the 10th, then the native
stands to gain during the major period/sub-period of each of the planets in the 10th.
If there are NO PLANETS at all in 10th of either Asdt, Moon or Sun, the source of income should
be delineated from the sign in which the Navamsa of the lord of 10th from Asdt, Moon or Sun
(whichever is the strongest) falls. If such Lord happens to be :-
the native's earnings will come thru medicines, gold, water, travel in connection
with War, shipping & allied services, gems, pearls, gambling, speculation, rendering
advice/counsel, businesses in which reasonable returns are made.
Moon Purchases/sales of precious articles obtained from the sea-bed/river, agriculture,
running public shows (drama/cinema etc.), through favours from highly placed women,
trading in cloth etc.
Mars Trades in metals and implements, professions involving use of fire/heat, inciting
quarrels, daring feats, stealing or back-marketing.
Mercury Drawing, painting and connected arts, writing books or editing, making flower
garlands, professions connected with drama/shows/cinema, religious performances for
purposes of making money, astrological/astronomical pursuits, trades in flowers, teaching
Jupiter Secretarial and advisory duties, ministerial jobs, seeking company of and
favours from the learned people and Preceptor, teaching or giving out knowledge mostly
philosophical and pertaining to soul/God, rendering advice, pilgrimages, following the
correct path as laid down by religion, giving religious discourses and advice on morality
etc. for money.
Venus Purchases/sales of precious stones, gold, quadrupeds, flowers, household and
pet animals, pure water, milk and milk products, seeking favours from highly placed
Saturn Follow professions and trades which are considered to be below the dignity of
the native, trades connected with wood and skin, handicrafts, killing living beings/birds,
working as labourer, forcing people to part with money, inciting bitterness and earning
money thereby.
Chapter XII
Vyaya Bhava - 12th House
Bhava Karakatwa
Expenses, sins, whether the native will go to Heaven or Hell after death, left eye, deformities -have to be studied from the 12th house.
Jupiter in 12th with aspect of a benefic and the dispositor thereof in exaltation, the native
will attain salvation.
Heaven or Hell
if lord of 12th has attained exaltation, the soul of the native, after death, will go to
Heaven; if debilitated, to Hell; if in equal's house, his soul will take re-birth on this planet.
if lord of 12th is in between benefics, his soul will go to Heaven; in between malefics - to
Planets aspecting 12th and those staying in there, if benefics, will cause the soul of the
native to go to Heaven; if malefics - to Hell; if a mixture of both, make the native take a
re-birth. If they are totally malefic, the native will suffer poverty and sorrow.
if lord of 12th is conjunct with a malefic and a malefic is standing in 12th with malefic
aspect, the native's earnings will be frittered away through questionable expenses.
The native's expenses will be in the direction indicated by the karakatwa of the planet
standing in the 12th. If malefic, expenses in the wrong directions.
if a feminine planet stays in 12th, losses will be due to women; if masculine, losses due
to/through men.
Losses will be occasioned through the community to which the planet standing in the
12th belongs.
Lord of a house, Karaka, planet staying in and planets aspecting the house, if strong, the
concerned house and effects thereof will prosper.
if the 4 planets mentioned above are weak or have attained debilitation, the effects of the
house concerned will be totally lost.
if a native does not possess his horoscope, which incidentally is thee only means of
knowing one's beneficial and difficult periods in life, his life will be wasted away
comparable to a room without a lamp.
Raja Yoga
if Libra/Sagittarius or Pisces happens to be the Asdt, with Saturn in there, the native
will vanquish his enemies and rule over a country.
Only planets standing in 2,3,4,9, 10 or 11th houses are capable of producing Raja Yoga
(Kingly Life).
Daasa Yoga
Planets standing in 6/8/12 are capable of producing Daasa Yoga (Servitude).
if a double-bodied sign happens to be the Asdt and the lord thereof is in a movable sign
and the dispositor thereof stands in Asdt, the native will become a learned man, who will
receive honour from Kings.
Lord of Asdt in 6th, with lord of 6th in conjunction with lord of 10th, the native becomes a
moneyed man who will enjoy honour from Kings.
if there is exchange of houses between lords of Asdt and 11th, and Venus is in 5 or 9,
the native will be highly reputed and respected even by Kings.
the words of a native in whose horoscope Jupiter and Mercury are conjunct or opposing
each other, will be respected even by Kings.
if Venus is in Asdt and Jupiter in 7th, the native will have marriage and enjoy marital
Moon in 7th with his dispositor in conjunction with Venus, who is standing in a
quadrant.trine, the native will possess various kinds of conveyances.
if lord of Asdt is debilitated and Jupiter is in 7th suffering combustion or there is aspect of
Saturn on lord of Asdt, poor longevity results.
if Venus is in 6/8/12 with Parivesha or Indra Chapa, poor longevity would result.
Loss of Property
Saturn (who is enjoying exalted navamsa) if in 8th of lord of 9th, there will be loss of
if Venus as lord of 2nd is conjunct Rahu or is nearing conjunction with Ketu, there will be
loss of properties.
Financial Losses
if there is exchange of houses between lords of 2 and 6 or the lords of 2 and 6 conjointly
stay in the 6th, there will be loss of finance on a large scale.
Loss of Brothers
if lord of 10th occupies 6.7.8 or has attained debilitation or combustion, there will be loss
of brothers.
if both Jupiter and Mercury stay together in the 7th, the fomer should be considered free
from malefic effects.
if both Venus an powerful Moon stand in 2 or 7 which are Maraka Sthanas, then malefic
qualities of Venus will vanish.
the Ascendant of a person will be either the sing in which Moon is standing or its trines
or the trines counted from the 7th of Moon.
The object of this sloka appears to be to assist the astrologer when the Ascendant in
any horoscope is in doubt.
Karakatwas (Significations)
It is important to know, in minute detail, the Karakatwas of the 12
and all the planets including Rahu/Ketu and Gulika.
Karakatwas for the 12 houses have already been given in their respective
chapters in the
very first sloka.
As for the planets, those given by SUKRACHARYA, are given below. The
writer has found
from experience that the Karakatwas as given by Sri Mantri Lakshmi
Narayana Shastri are
more exhaustive than the others and hence, the same is reproduced
for the benefit of the readers :-
Sri MLN Shastri
Soul, Enemy, Incentive, push, forests,
peaks, mountains, Father
Mother, mind, flower, water, Dwijatwam
(thread ceremony)
As per
Father, happiness from father, authority
wielded by the native, religious
sacrifice/inclinations, gold, horse, topaz,
status/position occupied by the native,
blood, white umbrella
denoting honour, copper, grass, medicine,
red leprosy, valour, eyes, medical treatment
Mother, happiness from mother, mind,
clothes, water, agriculture, money, cows,
milk and allied products, cereals and grains,
precious stones and shells obtained from the
sea-bed or river, pearls, royal/kingly life,
white umbrella denoting honour, dignified
paraphernalia, nobility, liquids, fruits, land,
lustre, contentment, perfume.
Brothers, happiness from brothers, positions
like 2nd in command or heir apparent, bile,
heat, strength of native's hands, courage,
strength of native, quarrels, arguments,
success in encounters/war, goats, red
leprosy, sacrificing live animals, getting lost
Truth, land and fort, disease, wounds/ulcer, in the deserts, having to live in hillvalour, fighting equipments/weapons, fire, stations/mountains, women, copper, gold,
dignity, higher knowledge, brothers
coral, ruby, stamp of authority, fetters or
imprisonment, punishments, nature, friends,
followers, fort, implements or armour,
poisonous creatures, bamboo, catechu,
sulphur, lions, tigers, valour.
Happiness through children, ultimate
knowledge, intelligence, deceiving others,
Mathematics, hard work, literature,
astrology, education, maternal uncles,
intelligence and intellect.
Sacrifices, reputation, household property,
gold, sons, wearing apparels, conveyances
or horses
proficiency in (i) writing
(ii) Mathematics (iii) literature (iv)
handicraft (v) weaving; sexual
enjoyments,travels over water,
vegetables,digestive fire, dance, fanning,
parrots, colourful plays/shows, betel leaves,
cages, grass, inciting quarrels,
ambassadorial functions, prosperity.
Ministership, proficiency in planning,
philosophy, knowledge of soul/God,
devotion to learned people/brahmins,
interest, deep penetrating intellect,
purifying oneself through repetition of OM,
conducting on right lines, devotion to Lord
Vishnu, elephants, gold, reputation,
education or learning, respect, success,
proficiency in teaching, charities, children
Ministership, fame, respect in assemblies,
pearls, happiness through women and from
family and married wife, silver, white
clothes, gentlemanly looks, creation, good
Wife, passion and happiness, education,
feelings towards all, poetical learning,
humour, dancing, sweet conversation,
happy meals, happy cot/seat, honour,
handwork, astrology, ornaments,
conveyances, precious stones, coral, pearls. play/songs, sex, good smell of flowers,
enjoyments generally
Sorrow, grief, longevity, weapons, travels,
Mohammedans, hidden meaning, valour,
grandfather, strength and losses.
Servitude (with or without discretionary
powers for native), fetters, imprisonment,
service, slavery, rheumatism, inferior deeds
and actions, harbouring evil intentions,
friendship with rogues and rascals,
obstacles, savage tribes, gambling, getting
addicted to drinking, oil,mu-vessels, base
metals, black clothing, blankets, cruel
inclinations, prison, footwear, sorrow as a
result of imprisonment/defeat, inferior
trades as a slave or paid-servant or debts.
Condemnation, punishment, highly
poisonous snakes, untouchables, courage,
pride, burial grounds, theft, connections
with widows, breaking stones, professions
such as digging of wells or boring pits or
ant's nest, driving oil expellers, wood-
cutting, major diseases, accidents, fever,
small pox, fainting, having to quit native
place, ideas of renouncing family ties,
getting cast away from religion, life in
forests, serious encounters/battle.
Delays, sleep, destruction, dreams,
knowledge, liveliness, salvation,
Renunciation, blind devotion, wearing
beaded garlands, deceitful behaviour,
frightening others, pilgrimages, lust,
quarrels, separation, untidiness, lunacy,
knowledge of omens, salvation.
GULIKA : - Killing living beings, troubling others, committing theft, sins, adultery,
bitter sorrow, irreligious activities, fishing, opposition to family members.
Vidya Visharada
Jyotisha Kalaanidhi
Prof NN Krishna Rau, MAFA
How Do You Read A Horoscope ?
This note is dated October 31st, 1961*
Because many a prediction made by students of Astrology fail (the most recent and
glaring one
being that of election of President John F Kennedy for one reason or another, the
for which they are unable to detect, it is but natural they get dejected and go about asking
professionals How do you read a Horoscope?
I shall, therefore, detail in this note, some of the apparent causes of failure of predictions
by many, as I have been able to guess from my experience. I am also detailing the various
of information, tables etc.based on which an opinion could be expressed on a horoscope.
First and foremost, both the student and the professional, must have implicit faith in God.
Maharshi Parashara says, in the first six slokas of his immortal astrological classic
this is NOT a science for those who
(a) learn astrology with a view to minting money with the help of planets and thus
change their present plight or
(b) want to test the correctness or
(c) desire to change the status of a horoscope by knowing its weakness and
perform shanties to overcome such weakness and thus jump over the
purpose of creation or
(d) desire to go against the Will of God.
Actually, this science is for those who implicitly believe in God and sayings like BUDHI
SARENA and so on. Just as we believe that every pot of milk we buy contains ghee, we
should not
doubt the Hand of God behind each horoscope. Credit goes to a Hindu Astrologer of
Bombay who
at the end of 19th Century, had the rare courage to forecast beggary in the 50th year of a
who was only a babe in arms then, with an Estate to his share of the order rupees fifty
The writer knew the native of that horoscope intimately.Not only did the prediction come
true 100%
but the writer was able to witness how the saying BUDHI KARMAANU SARENA
worked. One has to
read a horoscope impartially, with an unbiased mind and the horoscope details should be
in an inquiring mood with utmost respect to the planets and not as if one is going to do a
simple arithmetic calculation.
Almost all the Maharshies of India including those who have compiled the Maha Vakya,
Maha Bharatha, Ramayana, Veda, Vedanta and Gita have certified and assured us that
Astrology is the LIGHT with
which one can read the AKSHARA MALIKA (garland of letters) written by Lord
Brahma on the forehead
of everyone, said to be the gist of destiny. So, one should have firm faith in Astrology
and then only,
proceed further.
Where a horoscope does not fit in for a native or where predictions go wrong, approach
the matter in a
cool and dispassionate manner, locate the error and rectify the horoscope. Like the
Siamese Twins or Dionne Quintuplets, there may be a freak case, one in a thousand,
which may not come within the rules. Leave them alone, as all the secrets of God's
creation cannot be known to mankind.
Now coming to the subject proper, I am afraid the majority of horoscopes that we are
called upon to read nowadays are wrong in certain respects, possibly the graha-sputa
(planetary positions expressed in signs, degrees and minutes) given in most Indian
horoscopes do not tally with the actual positions occupied by planets on date of birth
when verified with the positions given in standard ephemeris (converted to Nirayana).
Today, there no two Panchangas (almanac or ephemeris) which tally with each other,
subject to making due allowance for the difference in Ayanamsa. The majority of the
horoscopes that we see today are those erected with reference to such unreliable
panchangs. The reasons for these discrepancies are our Panchang compilers are still
following the out-of-date siddhantas, Vakyas and what not. Almost three decades ago,
Jyotishacharya CG Rajan of Madras openly admitted that the Vakya method of
compiling panchang cannot be relied upon. My fear that the Indian panchangs are not
accurate is so much that in the last 15 years, I have never read or given an opinion on a
horoscope, unless I have checked and recast the horoscope with reference to Raphael's
Ephemeris for the Year of Birth and using Prof. BV Raman's Ayanamsa. I think, today,
almost all the top-ranking astrologers use Raphael's Ephemeris, where there is no
possibility of error, for the planetary positions are periodically verified through large
telescopes. While noting down graha-sputa, I also make a note if there was an eclipse
(Lunar or Solar) on the preceding and following Full Moon or New Moon days. The
grahana peeda for Rahu, Sun or Moon has to be taken into consideration. Also, if there
are any strong parallel aspects between planets.
I have observed that parallel aspects many a time broadly act like a conjunction in one
sign. Other phenomena to be noted are : whether any planet is in Ati Manda Gathi,
Manda Gathi or Ati Seegra Gathi
or Sthambana (stationary). These have their own effects. I once came across a case
where, during the major period of Mars, lord of 5 and 10 standing in good position,
which fooled many astrologers, as they forecast many auspicious events whilst nothing
like that happened and the reason I found was that the Lord of major period (Mars) was
stationary on the day of birth.
The Ayanamsa used by me is that followed by my Guru, Prof BV Raman, through whose
grand-father's books I first started my study of astrology. I changed over to this
Ayanamsa some 20 years ago having
read a number of articles by Prof. BV Raman wherein he was reading the horoscopes of
natives of
different continents using his ayanamsa and tallying certain personal events in their lives.
I have not, so far, found any reason to forsake this ayanamsa. The reason for failure of a
prediction need not always be due
to the difference in ayanamsa. It may be due to wrong time of birth or not reading a
horoscope with correct
graha-sputa or failure to do rectification of a horoscope where needed. Further, a majority
of horoscopes
we now handle are correct only upto Rasi Chakra - even there, with the possibilities of
Mercury and Venus finding their way into different signs when checked-up.
There is almost a fancy for many to rectify a horoscope. This is called for only in cases
where actual readings begin to fail and not in all cases as a rule. Further, I have explained
a method of rectification
based on actual events in life and adjusting Garba Sista.
Having ascertained the correct graha-sputa, erect the Rasi Chakra placing (within the
signs) the planets,
as they actually stand on the horizon. Where there are two or planets, place them in the
order of their positions (ascending order by degrees), so that, from Rasi Chakra itself, you
could make out whether a planet is in subha madhya or papa madhya (hemmed in
between benefics/malefics) and the proximity to
one another or a malefic. Subha madhyama or papa madhyama occurs rather rarely and is
certainly, of more than ordinary importance. Broadly speaking, subha madhyama for a
planet enables it to confer
benefic effects more than what the present astrologers estimate.
Navamsa chakra should be drawn as the astrologer can estimate the kshetra bala of a
planet from this
and Rasi chakra. Remember the adage GRAHANAAM AMSAKAM BALAM. Navamsa is
compared to the
roots of a tree.
Bhava chakra is of pivotal importance. Whilst its importance is realised, Hindu
astrologers merely find out
the ascending degree and also the 10th bhava madhya; opposites of these being
descendant and Nadir; from these, we get the bhava arambhas. There is thus the " equal
house " system followed at least for
every 3 houses put together. Quite possibly, this system is good enough for Equatorial
Regions and say
up to 15° on either side of the Equator. Thus, for major part of India, this system may not
be found wanting. To ensure greater mathematical accuracy, I cast the Bhava Chakra
using Western methods and the
Table of Houses published by Raphael's , with the help of which, the individual cusps
are obtained for each latitude. This system is known as Placidian. Having worked out
this type of Bhava Chakra, it is converted into Nirayana, using the same ayanamsa used
for conversion of graha-sputa of the horoscope.
In other words, the methods of casting a horoscope and compiling graha-sputa I follow, is
exactly Western; thereafter, the entire chart is converted into Nirayana by deducting the
The Rasi, Navamsa, Dasamsa (profession) and any other chakra necessary in a particular
case are drawn in traditional style. The Bhava Chakra (Nirayana) alone is drawn by me in
circular fashion (in Western fashion) showing the Bhava Arambha of each house (in
place of the cusp points) and planets are inserted
in the same manner as if it were a Western Horoscope, so that while giving predictions,
the astrologer sees
(a) whether a planet is in bhava sandhi or Rasi sandhi, subha/papa graha madhya
(b) proximity to malefic/benefic if any in same sign
(c) the gravity of combustion if any or planetary battle and
(d) lordship of a planet in exact proportion.
It happens, in many cases, that planets like Sun and Moon will be owning say half of one
house and half of another, thus having two lordships, whereas the astrologer would be
giving predictions based on one
lordship only following the Bhava Chakra drawn by him in Hindu fashion. Similarly,
planets like Saturn who own two signs, may in fact be having lordship over 3 or 4 houses.
The astrologer having a look at the traditional Bhava Chakra (in the absence of Bhava
arambhas) reckons lordship over 2 houses and bases
his predictions on that. I think this is one reason why, in many major periods and subperiods, events not forecast, suddenly spring up causing bewilderment both to the native
and the astrologer.
In many cases, aspects are not assessed in a realistic manner. For instance, an aspect
between a planet
in the last navamsa of Pisces and another planet in the first navamsa of Libra is ignored
for the latter happens to be in the 8th sign from Pisces. The 7th house aspect between a
planet say, in the first navamsa of Pisces and another in the last navamsa of Virgo is
taken as full. In other words, aspects are being considered as if there's a wall at the end of
each sign. Aspects should be considered somewhat on the lines of the graph given below
though it may not be necessary to work out the aspect strength mathematically.
All the yogas operating on a horoscope, auspicious as well as inauspicious, should be
noted along with their effects and whenever a planet is considered, the yoga effects
should also be considered at all stages. It should be remembered that an inauspicious
yoga is like a drop of poison in a pot of milk. Whilst there are actually lakhs of yogas,
consideration of the 120 yogas given in Hora Ratna Maala - Appendix E, is the minimum
requirement. What is the use of Kesari Yoga between Jupiter as Lord of 8th and Moon as
Lord of 12th, assuming both are weak also ? Such insignificant Yogas should be
discounted. The same Kesari
Yoga between Jupiter as Lord of 9th and Moon as Lord of Asdt and if both are strong, is
sure to take the native higher up. Not taking note of all yogas in a horoscope, is also a
reason for failure of predictions.
Yogas applying to the 12 houses in a horoscope are given bhava-wise in
I would draw the attention of readers to the set of CHAMARAADI YOGAS in Appndix
B of HORA RATNA MALA. One, two or three yogas are likely to be found in a number
of horoscopes, but no notice is taken of them. In brief, if the lord of a house is strongly
placed and the house itself is either conjunct or aspected by
a benefic, one of the Chamaraadi Yogas arises concerning that house.Opposite conditions
bring in one of the Ava Yogas indicating malefic results.
Dasa Varga Tabulation
Ascertain from the Dasa Varga table, the strength of planets on the lines of VIMSOPAKBALA as
enunciated by Maharshi Parashara in his BRIHAT PARASHARA HORA, so that the
strength of a planet
can be assessed and used for determining the quantum of auspicious/inauspicious effects.
Sayanadi Avasthas
Sayana Avasthas of the 9 planets and their effects (vide BRIAHT PARASHARA HORA)
have to be found
out and used in giving predictions concerning Major periods/Sub-periods. For instance,
Avastha is said to cause Oedema. When it does occur in some one's Surya Dasa, the
native gets
bewildered, for the astrologer has not worked out these avasthas and hence, not predicted
Seldom do we see horoscopes giving details of this type.
Shad bala
Do not condemn a planet the moment you see it in debilitation or debilitated navamsa,
but consider
whether it has any of the shad-bala (six kinds of strength). Assess even roughly how it
stands with
regard to each one of the six kinds of strength. In the Example Horoscope, Mercury is in
but he is on his own star and in Ascendant, contributing to positional strength.
Nakshatra Chakra
Almost the whole of Nadi Jyotisha is based on the constellation on which the planets are
standing. Find
out the constellation on which the 9 planets are standing and note down their effects.
These effects are
given in Nadi Jyotisha published by Meena or in the Novermber 1954 issue of
Astrological Magazine,
page 780. Even though Mercury is debilitated, there is a difference when such Mercury is
standing on
REVATI, his own star. A planet standing in its own house is said to be Swakshetra,
whilst a planet on
its own star is said to be in Sookshma Swakshetra.
Ashtaka Varga
The method of ascertaining longevity by the Ashtaka Varga has been stated by
Maharshies to be the
best among all the known methods ASHTAKA VARGA DASA MAARGAM
Another sloka by Maharshies say that it is only through the Ashtaka Varga that the
impact of a malefic
yoga on a horoscope or the goodness of an auspicious yoga could be be assessed or
Again, Ashtaka Varga is the method by which the day to day transit effects could be
deduced. What
is the use of Jupiter transiting your second house from Moon Sign if there are no bindus
in that sign in Jupiter's Bhinna Ashta Varga ? There is a belief among learned astrologers
that future indicated by the Ashtaka Varga methodology never fail. Further, the very
same Ashtaka Varga tables could be used for assessing the transit effects throughout the
course of life of a native. Even the dates of important events
like death of father/mother, marriage, birth, sex, number of children can all be predicted
from the same set
of charts.
We have thus far found out the various yogas in a horoscope, call this (1) Yoga phala.
Note these on a separate sheet of paper. Similarly, make a note of the constellations on
which the 9 planets stand at birth, with individual effects. Call this (2) Nakshatra chakra.
While so doing, make a note of the planets, if any, standing on their own star or on
auspicious stars. Planets standing on stars owned by lords of 1,5,9,10 acquire a special
power to confer good effects. (3) Sayanadi Avasthas of planets and their effects
(4) Ashta Varga tables for all the 9 planets, the Asdt, Samudaya Ashta Varga and their
(5) Note the graha-sputa (position of the planets in sings, degrees,minutes) of the 9
planets, Asdt and Gulika -- on a separate sheet of paper, and in remarks column, note
down important points (such as Yoga associated with, standing in own house/enemy
house etc., standing on special star, number of bindus in Ashta Varga, combustion etc.)
All these inputs help an astrologer form his opinion. The sum of the status
of all the 9 planets, Ascendant and Gulika, indicates the summit (or height) which the
native will ultimately reach/attain.
Gulika is accepted as a sub-planet only in Kerala and parts of South India. Others ignore
it. Whenever
a doubt arises regarding the correctness of Ascendant in a horoscope, Kerala astrologers
treat the Asdt
as correct if Gulika is in Asdt or in trines. The sub-planet is looked at so reverently. The
position occupied
by Gulika is as much a virtual point as Rahu/Ketu. I am convinced that omission of
Gulika altogether does
contribute to a partial failure of predictions, both in bhava phala and in major period/subperiod effects.
Rasmi Chintha
There is no doubt that this methodology provides us with an easy yard-stick to determine
in a few minutes,
how good a horosocope is and to what heights the native would go on the material plane.
Major Period/sub-period effects (Vimshottari)
Maharshi Parashara, who wrote the first great book on Astrology, says that Vimshottari
Dasa System
is the best; and only where it fails, should Kala Chakra Dasa be relied upon. Other Dasa
System cannot stand in comparison with Vimshottari in many respects.
Only a few Maharshies have written about effects of Maha Dasa, Chidra, Sookshma and
Prana Dasas. These can be made use of in cases where rectification of birth time is
required. If one knows the date and time of any important event in one's life, such as an
accident, narrow escapes, academic achievement etc.,
rectification could be made if events do not tally with the ongoing Sookshma/Prana dasa.
The English translation MAHA DASA PHALA & BUKTI PHALA is unique in one
respect, namely, it gives
the special effects for different conjunctions/aspects on the lord of the sub-period. It also
includes Dasa
Phala under Dravida Shastra which gives the particular months and stars when some
notable events are likely. Make full use of these.
Whilst giving predictions concerning effects of any future sub-period in any major
period, do consider the
transits that are going to occur then, and whether they are favourable or otherwise.
Whichever Major
Period may be running, the actual givers of any benefic/malefic effects to a native are
Sun, Moon and Jupiter, they are the executive officers. It is only through these planets,
benefic/malefic effects are presented to a native. In general, when favourable transits take
place, auspicious effects arise and when transits are not fabourable, inauspicious effects
come to the fore.
Garba Shishta (balance of Major Period at birth) may be arrived at using the chart for
the same given in
Brihat Parashara Hora, based the degree occupied by Moon at birth rather than based
on tithi/lunar day.
Whilst we hear about the wonders played by shanties, I am personally of the opinion that
there is a limit
to depending on these. Miracles may have occurred in individual cases to the extent
justified by a native's
horoscope, however, a shanty cannot produce effects beyond what is indicated in a
horoscope. For instance, a man destined to suffer poverty cannot be turned into a rich
man by any amount of shanty nor can one destined to suffer diseases be totally relieved
of the same by chanting AROGYA SOOKTA.
Morals from other texts
A careful perusal of Sukra Kerala Rahasya (Secrets of Kerala Astrology) reveals that
opinion on a
house has to be pronounced with reference to :a. the bhava rasi
b. lord of the bhava
c. planets standing therein
d. planets aspecting that house.
If any two are GOOD and the rest poor, mediocre or average, bhava phala will be
average. Here is a yard-stick to measure bhava phala. A similar moral from Sarwartha
Chintamani (English Translation by
Prof. Suryanarayana Rao is a must-read ... publisher) is when considering a planet, look
also to its navamsa and the lord of such navamsa. If all these are strong, the planet under
consideration is taken to
be strong.
Having translated so many works on Astrology, I am convinced that the greater the
attention paid to a
horoscope, the greater is the accuracy of prediction and that, the following data, is a
a. Correct graha-sputa
b. Rasi, Navamsa, Bhava and Dasamsa Chakras
c. Sayanadi Avasthas and effects
d. Nakshatra chakra with phala
e. Ashta Varga Phala for all the planets and Asdt
f. reading Maha Dasa and Bukti Phala with reference to transits that take place
when the bukti runs.
sd/- N N Krishna Rau
October 31, 1961
[This is an edited version of the article written on 31st October, 1961. Times have
Computerised Horoscopes are the in thing today. However, the Ayanamsa used still
Under these conditions, get a FREE Computerised Horoscope and apply corrections
reference to Raphael's Ephemeris OR Chaithra Paksha Panchang
---- publisher]
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