Uploaded by Erika Jane Ganaden

Teaching Grammar: Methods, Roles, and Principles

Bayombong Campus
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
Second Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024
: Erika Jane M. Ganaden, Rolyne Pugong
: TECGL 207 Linguistics, MAT English
: Dr. Filemon A. Pamittan
: The Teaching of Grammar
Students’ learning opportunities can be affected by several variables, including socioeconomic factors, parents' education, school structure and resources, safety, learning
disabilities, language barriers, teacher factors, and willingness (Traylor, 2017).
Teacher attitudes, expectations, and behavior are the powerful teacher factors influencing
learner motivation, academic achievement, and social success (Griffin, 2008).
Understanding teacher attitudes towards language learners is crucial since these explain and
control their professional behaviors and practices (Mitchell, 2016).
However, teacher attitudes and beliefs towards learners are hard to measure since they
might be unaware of their own biases shown to the learners (Lippert, 2017).
Key Roles of Teachers in Relation to Grammar
Teaching Structure of language systematically
- The place of grammar in English Language Teaching courses has often kept
switching over the centuries depending on convention or practice, and theories.
- The main aim of the teachers in teaching grammar is to teach the structure of the
language systematically and make their students get good command over the
language to produce the learned grammatical structures accurately when they use
them in their real-life situations in either spoken or written form. As there are
different methods, approaches, and techniques for teaching grammar, teachers
must always make sure to know what is applicable.
Guides and Observes
- Teachers are just guides because grammar translation deals with the
memorization of rules, manipulation of rules, and manipulation of the
morphology, and syntax of the foreign language. It requires few specialized skills
on the part of teachers because test of grammar rules and translation are easy to
construct and be objectively scrod. The facilitator's main function is that of
observation rather than corrective intervention regarding the learners.
Grammar-Translation Method
Grammar learning/teaching was based on the goal of helping students to read and
appreciate foreign language and literature. Interacting grammar
learning/teaching as a second language was used as it was believed, to translate
in and out of the target language. The grammar learning/teaching consisted of
the memorization of the rules of the various sentence patterns and various
grammar was taught prescriptively and guided by the rules of the target language
as well and greater emphasis was paid on accuracy.
Facilitate Communication
Nowadays, the English language has become extremely popular among people
around the world. It seems that everybody speaks or wants to use this language
to communicate, work abroad, do business or even just hang out with each other.
We can easily say that English is so common that everyone should know this
language so as not to feel alienated from the current times. Unfortunately, it is not
easy just to speak a foreign language, it has to be acquired or learned. What does
it mean to be taught and how to be taught successfully? Yet another question is
whether there’s one “correct” way of teaching a language. A lot of methodologists
and teachers have been trying to respond to such questions for many years but
the answers are still varied. As we all know, language is constituted by Vocabulary
and Grammar. Grammar is considered to be the component of the language which
requires a lot of effort put by the teacher to trigger the learner’s process of
analyzing and understanding the set of structural rules governing the composition
of clauses, phrases, and words. As we assume teachers are called to teach and we
expect them to perform this role to their utmost. We are all fully convinced that,
in teachers’ professional lives, there is no greater satisfaction when their students
have learned the language.
The Direct Method
The Direct Method has one very basic rule: No translation is allowed”. It
contextually emphasizes the learning of language and the avoidance of the mother
tongue was preferred while the meanings were taught through action and
demonstration. “The Direct Method has one very basic rule: No translation is
allowed”. It contextually emphasized learning of language and the avoidance of
the mother tongue was preferred while the meanings were taught through action
and demonstration.
Correcting Grammar Mistakes
Although grammar is crucial, the teacher should refrain from stopping the activity
and correcting the mistakes. The teacher can note down the errors and provide
suitable feedback at the end of the task.
“Without grammar, we cannot imagine a sentence”
Language plays a vital role in communication and grammar is the main essential
element for any language since the formation of sentences primarily depend on the
structure of its sentences. Without grammar, we cannot imagine a sentence.
Therefore, grammar is needed for all languages to frame correct sentences.
7 Key Principles for Teaching Grammar
Build up your subject knowledge
To teach grammar, you need explicit as well as implicit knowledge, to be confident
about using the correct terms and explaining these. Don’t just learn the next term
you are teaching. It is important to be able to relate new learning to other features
and the text as a whole.
Give talk a high priority in your classroom
Children need to be able to select from a wardrobe of voices that includes
Standard English.
Remember the purpose of teaching grammar
Grammar is not simply the naming of parts of speech or for teaching the rules of
English. It needs to be strongly embedded in classroom talk, reading, and
Teach grammar in context
By introducing children to grammatical features and language in context, you will
be helping them to internalize these principles. Try not to go for the ready-made
solution by using a worksheet from a book. It will make very little difference to
children’s use of language and will be meaningless for those learners who are not
yet able to think in abstract ways.
Read aloud and discuss how authors use grammar
Children who read extensively and are read to will have a ‘toolbox’ of structures,
patterns, and rhythms to draw on.
Be systematic
Make sure you know what the class you are working with has already learned
and what they need to learn now. Link new learning with their prior knowledge.
Make learning grammar fun
Teaching grammar can involve investigations, problem-solving and language play
as part of developing children’s awareness of and interest in how language works.
Reasons Why Language Teachers Are The Worst People To Teach Language
6 Reasons Why I, as a Language Teacher, Don’t Want a Language Teacher
By Paul Finnerty
1. Knowing 'How' to Teach
- Language teachers have experience with various teaching methods and can
identify effective strategies through observation and practice.
2. Knowing 'How Not' to Teach
- Recognizing ineffective teaching methods such as excessive focus on grammar
explanations, gap-fill exercises, or simply reading dialogues aloud, which may
not effectively facilitate language learning.
3. Emphasizing Language Use Over Language Study
- Advocating for a shift towards treating language learning as a skill to be
practiced and used rather than a subject to be studied extensively.
4. Acknowledging English Language Teaching as a Business
- Acknowledging the commercial aspect of language teaching institutions, which
may prioritize enrollment numbers over effective learning environments.
5. Concerns About Teacher Preparedness
- Noting that some language teachers may lack adequate preparation or may be
overwhelmed by the demands of teaching multiple classes with varying needs
and expectations.
6. Promoting Peer-to-Peer Learning
- Advocating for a more learner-centered approach where students take an active
role in their learning and have opportunities to interact with fluent speakers for
practice and feedback.
Differences between Explaining and exploring
a. Exploration
Exploration is the first stage of integrative grammar teaching. This stage is
characterized by "inductive learning." Students are given sentences illustrating a certain
grammar rule and are asked as a group to find the pattern and, with the help of the
teacher, to formulate the rule. Many scholars have argued against passive or inactive
learning (see, for example, Johnson, 1995; and others) in which teachers refer to a
textbook for explanations of rules. I completely agree with this critique. Students should
be given opportunities to figure out everything by themselves, receiving help only when
necessary. To make the task easier in the beginning, some grammatical forms or endings
can be highlighted. Students tend to prefer assignments that allow them to explore the
language. The knowledge they obtain becomes theirs and it is often much easier to
remember. Exploration, then, works as an excellent tool for motivation.
b. Explanation
Explanation is the second stage of learning. As students find sequences or patterns
in the examples they used during the exploration stage, the teacher or the students can
summarize what was previously discovered, now focusing on the form. In some
situations, it may be essential to go to the textbook and together with students relate
'textbook rules' with the examples and findings of the exploration stage. The explanation
stage is quite important because students feel safer when they know the rules and have
some source to go back to in case of confusion or for future reference. Depending on
students' proficiency, confidence, and actual performance, this stage can sometimes be
omitted. However, students should be aware of and experience the strategies they may
use to refer to the explicit rules, if needed.
Source: Integrative L2 Grammar Teaching: Exploration, Explanation and Expression by
Pavel V. Sysoyev