Uploaded by Sasith Kaushalya

Database Design Assignment

Activity 01
1. User and System Requirements
a. What is user requirement means?
b. User requirements of the scenario(minimum 10)
c. What is System Requirements…
d. System Requirements of the scenario
i. Software Requirements
1. Functional Requirements
a. Example:
i. Login Page
ii. Manage Staff Details (add, update, delete, search)
iii. Manage Equipment Details (add, update, delete,
2. Non-functional Requirements
a. Example:
i. Password encrypt.
ii. Handle user levels
iii. Report for monthly, daily and yearly details
iv. Only 2 seconds for loading annual report..
v. Black interface
ii. Hardware Requirements
2. ER Diagram
a. Include
i. Primary key
ii. relationships
iii. cardinalities
iv. Participation of relationships
3. Convert ER into DB
 Include list of Primary keys
 Include list of foreign keys
 There should be at least five connected tables
4. Validation- mention and describe what are these validation,
technical terms means: check, unique, not null, primary key
5. Normalization
a. What is normalization, first, second and third normalization? Explain with rules.
b. Apply first normalization and explain how to apply with a situation.
c. Apply second normalization and explain how to apply with a situation.
d. Apply third normalization and explain how to apply with a situation.
6. Screen shots of wireframes
Effectiveness of ER Diagram
Advantages and disadvantages of using ER Diagram
Compare the requirements with the ER Diagram and confirm all are included.
Effectiveness of Wireframes and other designing content
What will happen without those designing techniques and all
Activity 02
Create DB using MS SQL Query
Screenshots of DB MS SQL Query
Screenshot of DB
Screenshots of All the interfaces
Screenshots of Code
DDL: Data Definition Language
To create the structure of DB
- DDL Statement: Create, Alter, Drop and rename
- Example with Screen shot of MS SQL
- Screen shots of Validation you have added(ex: not null, primary key, unique… )
- join query: what is join query
Screenshot of join query and result
-DML : Data Manipulation Language
We use DML to maintain records in the table of DB
Insert, Update, Delete, Select….
- Example with screenshot
Special Features and content you have added in the software.
What is Security and maintenance?
Security and maintenance
a. Access level handling – Not all users can access to all the section of the software.
b. Login Page – Will only control from entering unauthorized people from
c. Password Encryption
d. Backups
e. ---------------------more
Explain following SQL terms and explain them with examples applied for your developed system
Select/ Where / Update / Between / In / Group by / Order by / Having... (apply in your DB and
Screenshot of them)
Activity 03
What is testing?
Testing Types? What is black box testing, white box testing
Add test Plan and test result.
Test Plan document(Not compulsory)
Assumptions while testing the application
List of test cases
What sort of approach(Testing types) going to use in testing?
List of deliverables
The resources allocated for testing the application-Needed job roles, software and hardware
Any risks involved during the testing process
1. Importance/advantages of Testing?
2. What will happen if we do not do testing?
a. Error Handling
b. Customer dissatisfaction
c. System failures
d. ………..more
3. Risk while doing testing?
4. How to choose good test cases? Have you selected good test cases?
What is user feedback?
What are the user feedback gathering techniques…? Explain them
Why we gather user feedback (Advantages of user feedback…)
Screenshot of the Google Form Survey Question sheet----- to gather Customer feedbacks
(Questions should be about confirm the requirements are satisfied or not…..and how to improve
the system)
5. List of new improvements of the system suggested from the feedback….
6. Can include summarized outcome from feedback on the satisfaction of the developed system
content as following…………
Included in
the system
or not
Insert, update, delete
search production
If not,
Customer satisfied
or not (according to
Any changes of
this requirement
Activity 04
P5) – (Minimum 3 pages)
2. What is a User Guide? and a technical document?
3. Importance of User Guide
4. Importance of Technical document
1. Include the User Guide and technical document of your system
2. Three diagrams from following – For Technical Document
 Use case Diagram.
 Class diagram
 Activity Diagram
 DFD(Level 0 and 1)
Use Case Diagram:
Class diagram:
3. Include Gantt Chart , software methodology (Ex: Waterfall)- For Technical Document
4. Programing language, Software tools that used to develop the system(Just
mention the details)
The improvement we could add in the future for DB, and other (GUI, code..)
a. Add more features to the system. Ex:
i. Manage Staff Attendance details
ii. Manage Staff Salary details
iii. Generate More Reports like….
b. Use finger print, AI and other new technologies for the system where and how?
c. New DB technologies…..
-----------------------------------------------Assignment Guideline End------------------------------------
Other Assignment supportive content:
Online Free Harvard Reference Generator Link:
User Guide Example:
Test cases and test results table example:
Test Plan
Activity diagram example: