2.1. CONSTANT-VOLUME BATCH REACTOR constant-density reaction system Irreversible- 1st order reaction Irreversible – 2nd order reaction A+B→P A→P 2A→P Zero-Order Reactions Overall Order of Irreversible Reactions from the Half-Life t1/2 Empirical Rate Equations of nth Order dCA − rA = − dt n = k CA Irreversible Reactions in Parallel A → R, k1 A → S, k2 aA + bB → P Irreversible Reactions in Series A→R→S First-Order Reversible Reactions A R 2.2. VARYING-VOLUME BATCH REACTOR 1 dN i 1 d(Ci V) 1 VdCi + CidV ri = = = V dt V dt V dt dCi Ci dV = + dt V dt V = V0 (1 + A X A ) A = VX A = 1 − VX A = 0 VX A = 0 A is the fractional change in volume of the system Chapter 3 Ideal Reactors for a Single Reaction REACTOR DESIGN In reactor design we want to know what size and type of reactor and method of operation are best for a given job. Many factors must be accounted for in predicting the performance of a reactor. How best to treat these factors is the main problem of reactor design. 4 REACTOR DESIGN For the reaction aA +bB → rR, with inerts iI 5 Figs. 4.4 and 4.5 show the symbols commonly used to tell what is happening in the batch and flow reactors. REACTOR DESIGN For the reaction aA +bB → rR, with inerts iI Special Case 1. Constant Density Batch and Flow Systems. This includes most liquid reactions and also those gas reactions run at constant temperature and density. Here CA and XA are related as follows: To relate the changes in B and R to A we have: 6 REACTOR DESIGN For the reaction aA +bB → rR, with inerts iI o Special Case 2: Batch and Flow Systems of Gases of Changing Density but with T and p constant →The density changes because of the change in number of moles during reaction. In addition, we require that the volume of a fluid element changes linearly with conversion: V = Vo (1 + XA ) 7 2.3. TEMPERATURE AND REACTION RATE Arrheùnius k = k0 e- E / RT k0: frequency factor E : activation energy, J/mol R= 8,314 J/mol.K T: K 1. Material and energy balances The starting point for all design is the material balance expressed for any reactant (or product). Figure 3.1 Material balance for an element of volume of the reactor. Thus, as illustrated in Fig. 3.1, we have 9 In nonisothermal operations energy balances must be used in conjunction with material balances. Figure 3.2 Energy balance for an element of volume of the reactor. Thus, as illustrated in Fig. 3.2, we have 10 In this chapter we develop the performance equations for a single fluid reacting in the three ideal reactors shown in Fig. 3.3. We call these homogeneous reactions. Figure 3.3 The three types of ideal reactors: (a) batch reactor, or BR; (b) plug 13 flow reactor, or PFR; and (c) continuously stirred tank reactor, or CSTR. 2. Batch reactor (BR) Make a material balance for any component A. Noting that no fluid enters or leaves the reaction mixture during reaction, the material balance written for component A is or (3.1) 18 2. Batch reactor (BR) (3.2) By replacing these two terms in Eq. 3.1, we obtain (3.3) Rearranging and integrating then gives (3.4) If the density of the fluid remains constant, we obtain with (3.5) 19 2. Batch reactor (BR) For all reactions in which the volume of reacting mixture changes proportionately with conversion, Eq. 3.4 becomes (3.6) 20 * V = const t = CA0 XA 0 dX A = ( − rA ) − CA CA0 dCA ( − rA ) * V = V0 (1 + A X A ) t = N A0 XA (− r ) 0 A dX A = C A0 V0 (1 + A X A ) XA (− r ) 0 A dX A (1 + A X A ) 21 𝑉 𝜏= 𝑣𝑜 22 3. Continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) Figure 3.4 Notation for a CSTR Reactor in which the contents are well stirred and uniform throughout. Thus, the exit stream from this reactor has the same composition as the fluid within the reactor. 23 3. Continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) By selecting reactant A for consideration, material balance for a CSTR can be written as follows (3.7) As shown in Fig. 3.4, if FA0 = v0CA0 is the molar feed rate of component A to the reactor, then considering the reactor as a whole we have Introducing these three terms into Eq. 3.7, we obtain 24 (3.8) which on rearrangement becomes (3.9) A space-time of 2 min means that every 2 min one reactor volume of feed at specified conditions is being treated by the reactor. 25 3. Continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) More generally, if the feed on which conversion is based, subscript 0, enters the reactor partially converted, subscript i, and leaves at conditions given by subscript f, we have (3.10) For the case of constant-density systems XA = 1 – CA/CA0: (3.11) 26 3. Continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) Figure 3.5 is a graphical representation of these mixed flow performance equations. 3.9 3.11 Figure 3.5 Graphical representation of the design equations for CSTR. 27 Example 3.2: 28 Example 3.3: 30 4. Plug flow tubular reactor (PFTR) Figure 3.6 Notation for a plug flow tubular reactor. At the steady-state, the material balance for reactant A becomes (3.12) 33 Referring to Fig. 3.6, we see for volume dV that Introducing these three terms into Eq. 3.12, we obtain Noting that We obtain 34 (3.13) For the reactor as a whole the expression must be integrated. Grouping the terms accordingly, we obtain Thus (3.14) Equation 3.14 allows the determination of reactor size for a given feed rate and required conversion. Compare eq 3.9 and 3.14: The difference is that in plug flow rA varies, whereas in mixed flow rA is constant. (3.15) 35 CSTR (3.9) PFR (3.14) Compare eq 3.9 and 3.14: The difference is that in plug flow rA varies, whereas in mixed flow rA is constant. 36 For a more general expression, if the feed on which conversion is based, subscript 0, enters the reactor partially converted, subscript i, and leaves at a conversion designated by subscript f, we have For the special case of constant-density systems We have (3.16) 37 3.14 3.16 Figure 3.7 Graphical representation of the performance equations for plug flow tubular reactors. Fig. 3.7 displays these performance equations and shows that the space-time needed for any particular duty can always be found by numerical or graphical Integration. 38 These performance equations can be written either in terms of concentrations or conversions. For systems of changing density it is more convenient to use conversions; however, there is no particular preference for constant density systems. Whatever its form, the performance equations interrelate the rate of reaction, the extent of reaction, the reactor volume, and the feed rate, and if any one of these quantities is unknown it can be found from the other three. (3.14) (3.16) 39 By comparing the batch expressions with these plug flow expressions we find: BR * V = const t = CA0 XA 0 dX A = ( − rA ) − CA CA0 dCA ( − rA ) PFR 40 By comparing the batch expressions with these plug flow expressions we find: BR * V = V0 (1 + A X A ) t = N A0 XA (− r ) 0 A dX A = C A0 V0 (1 + A X A ) XA (− r ) 0 A dX A (1 + A X A ) PFR (3.14) 41 Example 3.4: 45 * V = const t = CA0 XA 0 dX A = ( − rA ) − CA CA0 dCA ( − rA ) * V = V0 (1 + A X A ) t = N A0 XA (− r ) 0 A dX A = C A0 V0 (1 + A X A ) XA (− r ) 0 A dX A (1 + A X A ) 47 Continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) Figure 3.5 is a graphical representation of these mixed flow performance equations. 3.9 3.11 Figure 3.5 Graphical representation of the design equations for CSTR. 48 Plug flow tubular reactor (PFTR) 3.14 3.16 Figure 3.7 Graphical representation of the performance equations for plug flow tubular reactors. Fig. 3.7 displays these performance equations and shows that the space-time needed for any particular duty can always be found by numerical or graphical Integration. 49 50 51