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10 Ways to Stay Motivated at Work

Source: https://cmg-agency.com/10-ways-to-stay-motivated-at-work/
Task 1. Read the title of the article. What do you think it is going to be about?
Task 2. Read the article and mark the statements T (true) or F (false).
Colossus Media Group
Aug 30, 2019
You wake up on a Monday morning and you’re exhausted, barely able to get
out of bed. You’ve already hit snooze twice and because of that, you’ll need to
rush to get out of the house so that you can get to work on time. You’re feeling
zapped of all motivation and positively drained… and to be honest, you’re not sure
how you’re going to manage through the workday. We’ve all been here before.
Even if you love what you do there are some days where we just want to lie in bed
and relax. But what matters is what you do to make up for it. Here are 10 ways to
stay motivated at work!
1 (___)
Set priorities and knock big-ticket, difficult items out first. Consider leaving
off smaller tasks like emails until after you’ve already knocked the big ones out of
the way. This will keep you from getting lost in the sea that is your inbox. It’s also
a surefire way to save your motivation as monotonous tasks can sap inspiration
2 (___)
Even arbitrary deadlines can be especially helpful when you’re part of a
team. This can inspire your coworkers and motivate them to complete assigned
tasks more quickly and efficiently. Remember to be realistic, of course. You don’t
want to set yourself up for failure by setting deadlines that will require you to work
for tirelessly for hours and shirk your other responsibilities.
3 (___)
Asking for feedback is one of the most valuable skills. Constructive
criticism helps you look at the big picture, and see things from a different
perspective, which can, of course, change your world view and the way you
approach your tasks. If you find yourself lacking in motivation, ask for some
advice. Someone might just fuel you with a new approach to the same tired
4 (___)
By giving yourself something to look forward to, you can motivate yourself.
This can be something as simple as giving yourself a break after 30-40 minutes of
consecutive work. A trip to the kitchen for coffee once you finish an important
report or maybe a snack when you complete a paragraph. Reward others as well –
when someone does something nice for you, if your budget allows, buy them lunch
or send flowers. Words as simple as a thank you are an excellent show of gratitude
that will keep your team motivated.
5 (___)
You might think that taking a break will halt your productivity, but it’s
actually quite the opposite. A break every now and again will give you time to
regroup and as such, come back ready to work. In the same respect, it’s important
to take your lunch break. And a proper lunch break means getting away from your
desk for a moment. You’ll find that the slight change in scenery makes for a more
productive afternoon overall. Finally, round out your day by setting a quit time as
well. You’ll feel more refreshed and productive if you allow yourself some
6 (___)
Without goals, it’s impossible to know what you have to achieve and it’s
impossible to truly stay motivated. By breaking down your daily tasks and setting
goals, you’ll make things more achievable and as such, be able to more aptly stay
motivated. If you have a big project coming up, stay organized by breaking it down
into small, easy to manage pieces. Create a to-do list and stick to it – you’ll find it
easier to finish that project.
7 (___)
Staying organized is one of the most important things in remaining
organized. A cluttered desk is indicative of a cluttered mind and a cluttered life.
You’ll find that if you take some time at the end of the day to organize and set all
of your things in their rightful place, you’ll come in ready to attack the day
tomorrow. It’s important to maintain that organization and monitor when it gets out
of hand. Odds are that means that you’ve been feeling more stressed as a result and
thus lacking motivation. Clear your space, wipe down dusty surfaces and get back
to work.
8 (___)
Studies have shown that having friends in the workplace positively affects
job satisfaction. Your view of your office’s culture and personal wellbeing is
directly influenced by the number of work friends that you have and as such,
hanging out with your colleagues can boost your levels of motivation. You spend
more time at work than you do at home, and it’s important to get to know those
around you. Forging office friendships is a great way to bolster teamwork and find
comfort in collaborating within your department.
9 (___)
To stay motivated, understand that there are somethings that you can’t
control. If you rely on someone else’s work to finish a project and they miss a
deadline, understand that that isn’t completely in your control. Many different
things can impede our progress at work and rather than worry about them, stay
focused on the things you excel in – the things that are under your control.
10 (___)
Understanding why you must get something done is a surefire way to up
your motivation. After all, if you don’t know the ‘why’ what’s the point of putting
in the work. Look at the big picture. What you’re doing matters, it has weight.
Sometimes it helps to look at the grand scheme of things in order to maintain a
level of excitement about coming to work every day. Seeing the vision behind the
work will surely keep you on the path to completing that task.
Task 3. Match the paragraphs (1-10) to their headings (a-j)
a. Don’t Focus on Things You Can’t Control
b. Take Breaks
c. Set Deadlines
d. Define Your Goal
e. Reward Yourself
f. Forge Friendships
g. Understand Your ‘Why’
h. Prioritize
i. Get Organized
j. Be Open to Criticism
Task 4. Find words or expressions in the text with the following meanings.
Task 5. Write down five comprehension questions on the text you’ve just read.
For example: Why is it important to keep yourself motivated?
Task 6. Formulate the main problem of the article using the expressions from
the rendering plan.
Task 7. Read the article again and underline words or phrases that introduce
opinions. Identify the authors opinion on the topic of motivation at work.
What helped you figure it out?
Task 8. Express your own opinion on the problem discussed in the article
Task 9. Make a list of key words.
Task 10. Render the text according to the rendering plan.
Source :
Task 1. Read the title of the article. What do you think it is going to be about?
Task 2. Read the article and mark the statements T (true) or F (false).
Saul Maslavi
Feb 2, 2022
What are the most important factors in providing excellent customer service?
If you’re a business owner, this is a question you should be asking yourself.
Customer satisfaction directly affects your bottom line, and if you want to increase
sales or maintain your current customers, it’s critical that you understand what they
care about most. Customer satisfaction is a significant factor in business success.
I’ve compiled a list of the top things I’ve found customers value when
receiving excellent customer service. To ensure your customers feel valued and get
what they want from their experience with you (and without any hassle), be sure to
consider these factors:
1 (___)
Customers want to feel valued and appreciated. They don’t want to be
spoken down to or ignored. When you’re providing customer service, make sure
you are respectful and use a polite and helpful tone.
2 (___)
In my experience, customers hate waiting. They often want help
immediately and don’t want to wait long for it. Put a system in place that allows
customers to get assistance quickly. This could mean having someone available to
answer the phone or having customer service representatives who can promptly
address customer concerns.
3 (___)
Not only do many customers dislike waiting, but they also hate having to
deal with the same issue repeatedly. They want their problems solved and solutions
that meet their specific needs.
When you’re providing customer service, take the time to understand what
the customer is asking for and find a solution that works for them. Resolve any
problems efficiently and as quickly as possible so that the customer doesn’t have to
keep coming back.
4 (___)
Don’t confuse customers about what is happening or what they need to do.
When providing customer service, make sure your communication is clear and
easy to understand. This includes using simple language and avoiding jargon.
5 (___)
Customers appreciate honesty. If something goes wrong, they want to know
what happened, and they typically want businesses to be upfront about it. When
you run into an issue, always be honest with the customer and don’t try to hide
6 (___)
I’ve found that customers want to feel like they’re the only person that
matters and like businesses care about them. Make sure you are focused on the
specific customer’s needs and doing everything possible to ensure they are
satisfied. Show the customer that you care about their experience and put in the
extra effort to help them.
7 (___)
I think many of us can sense when someone is unhappy or doesn’t want to
be helping us — don’t let this happen in your customer service. It’s important to
have a positive attitude and make it clear you are excited to help the customer. This
can make them feel more welcome and appreciated.
8 (___)
Most people want to work with people who know what they’re doing.
Ensure that your staff is knowledgeable about the products and services you offer.
This will also help them address customer concerns quickly and effectively.
These are just a few of the most critical factors in providing excellent
customer service. If you want to keep your customers happy and satisfied, make
sure you focus on these key areas. With so many things to take care of in running a
business, aim to make the customer experience as stress-free and pleasant for your
clients as you can.
Task 3. Match the paragraphs (1-8) to their headings (a-h)
a. Have a positive attitude
b. Communicate clearly and concisely
c. Treat customers with respect
d. Focus on customer satisfaction and a sense of care
e. Educate your team members about your business
f. Be honest when things go wrong
g. Find solutions that actually meet customer needs
h. Provide prompt assistance
Task 4. Find words or expressions in the text with the following meanings.
Task 5. Write down five comprehension questions on the text you’ve just read.
For example: What should you do when you run into an issue?
Task 6. Formulate the main problem of the article using the expressions from
the rendering plan.
Task 7. Read the article again and underline words or phrases that introduce
opinions. Identify the authors opinion on the topic of customer service. What
helped you figure it out?
Task 8.Express your own opinion on the problem discussed in the article
Task 9. Make a list of key words.
Task 10. Render the text according to the rendering plan.
Source: https://pestleanalysis.com/modern-marketing-strategies/
Task 1. Read the title of the article. What do you think it is going to be about?
Task 2. Read the article and mark the statements T (true) or F (false).
Thomas Bush
Aug 24, 2016
Everybody knows that you can market your business and products by
posting leaflets on city signposts and signing up for ads in the local paper, but what
about having some more modern marketing strategies in your arsenal? In this
article, we’ll be discussing 5 modern marketing techniques that you should
definitely know, including social media, email, and product placement.
1 (___)
This should be no surprise to you: the first marketing strategy you should
know in today’s day and age is social media marketing. Using social media
platforms is effectively free and is a great way to get the word out about you and
your product. You can reach an audience spread across the entire world with superspecific interests, without any trouble at all. That said, make sure you do it right
(don’t spam your followers: give more than you take!) if you want to see any
results. Oh, and one last thing — make sure you pick the social media platforms
that are most appropriate to your organization. If you’re selling B2C (business-toconsumer), pick platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, and Pinterest, whereas if
you’re selling B2B (business-to-business) pick more conservative mediums like
Twitter or LinkedIn.
2 (___)
Email marketing is another fantastic strategy nowadays, especially as most
people check their emails multiple times a day (if their phone doesn’t already do it
for them with notifications). Email marketing differs slightly from social media
marketing in that it is a more effective way to get in contact with people who
already engage with your brand, while social media is more effective in bringing in
the initial attention. Basically, don’t send unsolicited emails. Try to collect the
emails of potential customers with opt-in newsletters, or gather from those who
submitted their details in previous purchases, and follow up discreetly and
unobtrusively for best results.
3 (___)
Affiliate marketing can sometimes be seen as a less-respected practice on the
internet, but that’s just because of the thousands of ‘wantrepreneurs’ who send
their friends product links to make money. As a business though, you can introduce
an affiliate program to encourage other webmasters to advertise your product for
you, in exchange for a percentage cut of every sale which they can drive. If you
have a useful product or service, and you can pick the right affiliate rates, then
there’ll be plenty of people who’ll want to sell your product for you.
4 (___)
Internet ads fall under the “advertising” portion of marketing, which means
that you have to pay to use this marketing strategy. In exchange for your hardearned cash, there are plenty of online platforms which will display your
advertisements for you. For example, Google Adwords and Facebook Ads are two
online advertising platforms that allow you to display your offerings to highlytargeted audiences and receive more metrics about how they perform than with any
other strategy. Additionally, there are tools to help you out when designing your
ads on these platforms, like a Facebook Ad template, that can not only save you
time when setting up your internet ad but also make your ad look professional.
5 (___)
Another up-and-coming internet marketing strategy is to pay for product
placements in content creators’ work. Take video — many YouTube channels
nowadays are willing to incorporate your product into their videos for some sum of
money, as long as it doesn’t bother their audience too much. Again, if you’ve got a
killer product then this shouldn’t be an issue.
In conclusion, there are a number of different modern marketing strategies
you can use to promote your business online. From social media to product
placement, many of these methods use little-to-none cash and yield great results.
So, go give them a try, and report back with your personal results! We’d
love to hear it, along with all your other questions and comments, in the section
down below.
Task 3. Match the paragraphs (1-5) to their headings (a-e)
a. Affiliate Marketing
b. Product Placement
c. Internet Ads
d. Social Media Marketing
e. Email Marketing
Task 4. Find words or expressions in the text with the following meanings.
Task 5. Write down five comprehension questions on the text you’ve just read.
For example:
Task 6. Formulate the main problem of the article using the expressions from
the rendering plan.
Task 7. Read the article again and underline words or phrases that introduce
opinions. Identify the authors opinion on the topic of modern marketing.
What helped you figure it out?
Task 8.Express your own opinion on the problem discussed in the article
Task 9. Make a list of key words.
Task 10. Render the text according to the rendering plan.