Agriculture 9 Exam: Vegetable Gardening, Tools, Entrepreneurship

NAME: _____________________________________________________YEAR/SECTION: ___________________________
Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer before the number.
Vegetable home gardens help the families in many ways. Which of the following is not true about
vegetable home gardens? Vegetable home gardens …
a. Provide additional income for the family.
b. Are a source of a variety of vegetables throughout the year.
c. Prevent bonding with family members through gardening.
d. Develop the value of manual labor, industry, and cooperation.
Market gardening is located near centers of population to have a ready market of vegetable
produce. In order to meet the consumers demand, some requirements are needed except the .
a. Frequent use of toxic pesticides.
b. Intensive and continuous cropping.
c. Wise use of fertilizer and irrigation.
d. Efficient protection against crop pest.
This type of vegetable growing is practiced in wide tracts of land with the purpose of producing
vegetables for distant markets.
Home gardening
Market gardening
Truck gardening
d. Vegetable forcing
Vegetables grown out from their normal or regular growing seasons are called off-season vegetables.
Which of the following statements is not true about vegetable forcing?
a. Off-season vegetables are best grown in greenhouses.
b. Off-season vegetables need intensive and expensive care.
c. Off-season vegetables are marketed at a lower price than vegetables grown during the regular
growing period.
Off-season vegetables require scientific procedures and the use of special environmental
5. Which of the following hinders a farmer from engaging in vegetable production?
Negative attitude of the farmer and lack of technical know-how
Erratic supply and low quality produce
Poor farm-to-market roads and inadequate storage facilities
Limited entrepreneurial skills and reliable market information
6. Which tool is used for cutting plant materials?
a. axe
B. bolo
C. sickle
D. pruning shears
7. Which farm tool used for harvesting grains?
a. axe
B. bolo
C. knife
D. sickle
8. What tool does NOT belong to the group?
a. Crowbar
B. Mattock
C. Harrow
D. Shovel
9. What will Lito do if he will get spading fork in the garage?
a. check the list
B. dig out root crops
C. perform inter row cultivation
D. remove trash from the garden
10. Mang Pedro who has a farm in the mountain will till his land. He will use .
a. disc harrow
B. disc plow
C. native wooden harrow
D. rotavator
11. Pepito’s father asked him to get the spade and help him on what he’s doing. What is the activity of
Pepito’s father?
a. cultivating the soil
B. cleaning the ground
C. digging canal
D. transplanting
12. Which farm equipment is used to pull disc plow in preparing not so big area of land?
a. four wheel tractor B. hand tractor C. rotavator
D. water pump
13. Common farm equipment must be used carefully; therefore, an operator should be
a. College graduate
B. highly skilled
C. Skilled
D. Valedictorian
14. Mang Kanor will prepare his half hectare vegetable farm. What farm equipment will he used to pull his
a. four wheel jeep B. thresher
C. rotavator
D. four wheel tractor
15. “Farm tools and equipment are regularly sharpened and oiled from time to time.” This preventive
maintenance standard should be done
a. Always
B. never
C. ofteN
D. seldom
16. For all the tools and materials which are already worn out, what the best
thing to do?
a. keep it on the garage B. fix it
C. sell it on the junk shop
D. use it again
17. To maintain tools to work as intended this substance is used and applied during cleaning.
a. grease
B. oil
C. powder
D. soap
18. Which tool is used for hauling water, manure and fertilizers?
a. drum
B. pail
C. sprinkler
D. wheel barrow
19. In using the shovel, what is the initial step you are going to do?
A. keep feet wide apart
B. shift weight to rear foot
C. turn feet on direction of flow
D. use leg to push shovel
20. Which of the following is a common activity of an entrepreneur?
a. Advocating against global warming
b. Delivering goods and services to the market
c. Preaching in different churches or group of churchgoers
d. Volunteering in a community clean-up activity
21. The saying “Necessity is the mother of all inventions” means
a. basic commodities are made for mothers
b. basic commodities are made to satisfy our needs
c. necessity is invented by mothers
d. our mother tells us what we really need
22. What really makes up a successful entrepreneur?
a. Ability to act like a customer
b. Ability to study a market
c. Knowledge, skills, and attitude
d. Knowledge, skills, and money
23. People who always feel positive in every effort in order to achieve something are
known to have _______.
a. courage
c. self-confidence
b. optimism
d. self-control
24. A set of skills that entrepreneurs must possess to take control of the challenges in
business is known as _____.
a. personal business capacities
b. personal entrepreneurial competencies
c. professional enterprise competencies
d. p yd ersonally preferred competencies
25. Information-seeking and goal-setting belong to what PEC’s cluster?
a. Achievement cluster
c. Planning cluster
b. Empower cluster
d. Power cluster
26. Which of the following best describes a risk-taker?
a. Accomplishes targets on time as agreed with customers
b. Anticipates a loss and countering it with feasible alternatives
c. Acts as the prime mover of resources in the achievement of objectives
d. Pays attention to the needs and demands of people
27. Systematic planning and monitoring include the following EXCEPT ______.
a. be logically flexible for the emergent constraints, challenges,
and needs
b. make a well-organized plan with clearly defined methods
c. Schedule periodic gap-proof monitoring and response activities to determine
emergent constraints, challenges, and needs
d. set calculated goals and objectives
28. When entrepreneurs face a significant obstacle with a well-planned action, they have
Personal Entrepreneurial Competency known as _____.
a. initiative
c. persuasion
b. Persistence
d. risk-taking
29. Luis is good in convincing his customers that his product is not only of best quality but
also safe to use. Many of his customers bought and even returned to buy more of the
product because they want to share it with their friends. What personal entrepreneurial
competency does Luis have?
a. Demand for efficiency and quality
c. Persuasion
b. Goal setting
d. Self confidence
30. Systematic planning and monitoring include the following EXCEPT ______.
a. be logically flexible for the emergent constraints, challenges,
and needs
b. make a well-organized plan with clearly defined methods
c. Schedule periodic gap-proof monitoring and response activities to determine
emergent constraints, challenges, and needs
d. set calculated goals and objectives
Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if the statement is wrong. Write your answer in
the space provided.
_________31. The shovel is used for breaking hard top soil.
_________32. The wheel borrow is used for moving the soil from one place to another.
_________33. The farm equipment is used to plow the area.
_________34. The sprayer is used for spraying chemicals such as herbicide, insecticides.
_________35. The tractor is used for loosening soil around the growing plant.
_________36. The hand tractor is used to pull a plow and harrow in preparing a large area of land.
_________37. The water pumps are used to draw irrigation water from a source.
_________38. The Grab-hoe is used for breaking hard topsoil and pulverizing soil.
_________39. The Rake is used for cleaning the ground and levelling the topsoil.
_________40. The hand cultivator is used for cultivating the garden plot y loosening the soil and removing
young weeds around the plant.
(2) Methods of Planting
(5) Types of Gardening
(3) Benefits of Gardening