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Amnesty International - Wikipedia

ân xá Quốc tế
Tổ chức Ân xá Quốc tế (còn gọi là Tổ chức Ân xá hoặc AI ) là một tổ chức phi chính phủ quốc
tế tập trung vào nhân quyền , có trụ sở chính tại Vương quốc Anh. Tổ chức này cho biết họ có
hơn 10 triệu thành viên và người ủng hộ trên khắp thế giới. [1] Sứ mệnh đã nêu của tổ chức là
vận động vì "một thế giới trong đó mọi người được hưởng tất cả các quyền con người được
ghi trong Tuyên ngôn Quốc tế về Nhân quyền và các văn kiện nhân quyền quốc tế khác ." [3] Tổ
chức này đã đóng một vai trò đáng chú ý trong các vấn đề nhân quyền do được các phương
tiện truyền thông và các nhà lãnh đạo thế giới nhắc đến thường xuyên. [4] [5]
ân xá Quốc tế
Thành lập
tháng 7 năm 1961
Vương quốc Anh
Người đồng sáng lập Peter Benenson
Eric Baker
Seán MacCô Dâu
Phi lợi nhuận
Trụ sở chính
Luân Đôn , WC1
Vương quốc Anh
Vị trí
Toàn cầu
Dịch vụ
Bảo vệ nhân quyền
Lĩnh vực
Sự chú ý của giới
truyền thông, các
chiến dịch kháng cáo
trực tiếp, nghiên cứu,
vận động hành lang
Các thành viên
Hơn mười triệu thành
viên và người ủng hộ
Tổng thư ký
Agnès Callamard [2]
Trang mạng
ân xá.org (https://w
AI được thành lập tại London vào năm 1961 bởi luật sư Peter Benenson . [6] Trong cái mà ông
gọi là "Những tù nhân bị lãng quên" và "Lời kêu gọi ân xá", xuất hiện trên trang nhất của tờ báo
Anh The Observer , Benenson đã viết về hai sinh viên nâng ly chúc mừng tự do ở Bồ Đào Nha
và bốn người khác đã bị bỏ tù ở các quốc gia khác vì niềm tin của họ. Trọng tâm ban đầu của
AI là tù nhân lương tâm , với phạm vi được mở rộng vào những năm 1970, dưới sự lãnh đạo
của Seán MacBride và Martin Ennals , bao gồm cả những vụ xử án sai lầm và tra tấn . Năm
1977, nó được trao giải Nobel Hòa bình . Vào những năm 1980, tổng thư ký của nó là Thomas
Hammarberg , người kế nhiệm vào những năm 1990 bởi Pierre Sané . Vào những năm 2000,
nó được lãnh đạo bởi Irene Khan .
Tổ chức Ân xá thu hút sự chú ý đến các hành vi vi phạm nhân quyền và các chiến dịch tuân
thủ luật pháp và tiêu chuẩn quốc tế . Nó có tác dụng huy động dư luận để tạo áp lực lên các
chính phủ nơi xảy ra lạm dụng. [7]
Lịch sử
thập niên 1960
Peter Benenson, the founder of Amnesty
International. He worked for Britain's
GC&CS at Bletchley Park during World War
Amnesty International was founded in London in July 1961 by English barrister Peter
Benenson, who had previously been a founding member of the UK law reform organisation
JUSTICE.[8] Benenson was influenced by his friend Louis Blom-Cooper, who led a political
prisoners' campaign.[9][10] According to Benenson's own account, he was travelling on the
London Underground on 19 November 1960 when he read that two Portuguese students
from Coimbra had been sentenced to seven years of imprisonment in Portugal for allegedly
"having drunk a toast to liberty".[a][11] Researchers have never traced the alleged newspaper
article in question.[a] In 1960, Portugal was ruled by the Estado Novo government of António
de Oliveira Salazar.[12] The government was authoritarian in nature and strongly anticommunist, suppressing enemies of the state as anti-Portuguese. In his significant
newspaper article "The Forgotten Prisoners", Benenson later described his reaction as
Open your newspaper any day of the week and you will find a story
from somewhere of someone being imprisoned, tortured or
executed because his opinions or religion are unacceptable to his
government... The newspaper reader feels a sickening sense of
impotence. Yet if these feelings of disgust could be united into
common action, something effective could be done.[6]
Benenson worked with his friend Eric Baker – a member of the Religious Society of Friends
who had been involved in funding the British Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament as well as
becoming head of Quaker Peace and Social Witness. In his memoirs, Benenson described
him as "a partner in the launching of the project".[13] In consultation with other writers,
academics and lawyers and, in particular, Alec Digges, they wrote via Louis Blom-Cooper to
David Astor, editor of The Observer newspaper, who, on 28 May 1961, published Benenson's
article "The Forgotten Prisoners". The article brought the reader's attention to those
"imprisoned, tortured or executed because his opinions or religion are unacceptable to his
government"[6] or, put another way, to violations, by governments, of articles 18 and 19 of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The article described these violations
occurring, on a global scale, in the context of restrictions to press freedom, to political
oppositions, to timely public trial before impartial courts, and to asylum. It marked the launch
of "Appeal for Amnesty, 1961", the aim of which was to mobilize public opinion, quickly and
widely, in defence of these individuals, whom Benenson named "Prisoners of Conscience".[14]
The "Appeal for Amnesty" was reprinted by a large number of international newspapers. In
the same year, Benenson had a book published, Persecution 1961, which detailed the cases of
nine prisoners of conscience investigated and compiled by Benenson and Baker (Maurice
Audin, Ashton Jones, Agostinho Neto, Patrick Duncan, Olga Ivinskaya, Luis Taruc, Constantin
Noica, Antonio Amat and Hu Feng).[14]
In July 1961, the leadership had decided that the appeal would form the basis of a permanent
organisation, Amnesty, with the first meeting taking place in London. Benenson ensured that
all three major political parties were represented, enlisting members of parliament from the
Labour Party, the Conservative Party, and the Liberal Party.[15] On 30 September 1962, it was
officially named "Amnesty International". Between the "Appeal for Amnesty, 1961" and
September 1962 the organisation had been known simply as "Amnesty".[16]
By the mid-1960s, Amnesty International's global presence was growing and an International
Secretariat and International Executive Committee were established to manage Amnesty
International's national organisations, called "Sections", which had appeared in several
countries. They were secretly supported by the British government at the time.[17] The
international movement was starting to agree on its core principles and techniques. For
example, the issue of whether or not to adopt prisoners who had advocated violence, like
Nelson Mandela, brought unanimous agreement that it could not give the name of "Prisoner
of Conscience" to such prisoners. Aside from the work of the library and groups, Amnesty
International's activities were expanding to helping prisoners' families, sending observers to
trials, making representations to governments, and finding asylum or overseas employment
for prisoners. Its activity and influence were also increasing within intergovernmental
organisations; it would be awarded consultative status by the United Nations, the Council of
Europe and UNESCO before the decade ended.[18]
In 1966, Benenson suspected that the British government in collusion with some Amnesty
employees had suppressed a report on British atrocities in Aden.[19] He began to suspect that
many of his colleagues were part of a British intelligence conspiracy to subvert Amnesty, but
he could not convince anybody else at AI.[20] Later in the same year there were further
allegations, when the US government reported that Seán MacBride, the former Irish foreign
minister and Amnesty's first chairman, had been involved with a Central Intelligence Agency
funding operation.[19] MacBride denied knowledge of the funding, but Benenson became
convinced that MacBride was a member of a CIA network.[20] Benenson resigned as
Amnesty's president on the grounds that it was bugged and infiltrated by the secret services,
and said that he could no longer live in a country where such activities were tolerated.[17] (See
Relationship with the British Government)
Amnesty International's membership increased from 15,000 in 1969[21] to 200,000 by
1979.[22] At the intergovernmental level Amnesty International pressed for the application of
the UN's Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners and of existing
humanitarian conventions; to secure ratifications of the two UN Covenants on Human Rights
in 1976, and was instrumental in obtaining additional instruments and provisions forbidding
the practice of maltreatment. Consultative status was granted at the Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights in 1972.
In 1976, Amnesty's British Section started a series of fund-raising events that came to be
known as The Secret Policeman's Balls series. They were staged in London initially as comedy
galas featuring what The Daily Telegraph called "the crème de la crème of the British comedy
world"[23] including members of comedy troupe Monty Python, and later expanded to also
include performances by leading rock musicians. The series was created and developed by
Monty Python alumnus John Cleese and entertainment industry executive Martin Lewis
working closely with Amnesty staff members Peter Luff (assistant director of Amnesty
1974–1978) and subsequently with Peter Walker (Amnesty Fund-Raising Officer 1978–1982).
Cleese, Lewis and Luff worked together on the first two shows (1976 and 1977). Cleese,
Lewis and Walker worked together on the 1979 and 1981 shows, the first to carry what The
Daily Telegraph described as the "rather brilliantly re-christened" Secret Policeman's Ball
The organisation was awarded the 1977 Nobel Peace Prize for its "defence of human dignity
against torture"[24] and the United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights in 1978.[25]
During the mid-to-late-1980s, Amnesty organised two major musical events took place to
increase awareness of Amnesty and of human rights. The 1986 Conspiracy of Hope tour,
which played five concerts in the US, and culminated in a daylong show, featuring some thirtyodd acts at Giants Stadium, and the 1988 Human Rights Now! world tour. Human Rights
Now!, which was timed to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the United Nations' Universal
Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), played a series of concerts on five continents over six
weeks. Both tours featured some of the most famous musicians and bands of the day.
Throughout the 1990s, Amnesty continued to grow, to a membership of over seven million in
over 150 countries and territories,[1] led by Senegalese Secretary General Pierre Sané. At the
intergovernmental level, Amnesty International argued in favour of creating a United Nations
High Commissioner for Human Rights (established 1993) and an International Criminal Court
(established 2002).
Amnesty continued to work on a wide range of issues and world events. For example, South
African groups joined in 1992 and hosted a visit by Pierre Sané to meet with the apartheid
government to press for an investigation into allegations of police abuse, an end to arms
sales to the African Great Lakes region and the abolition of the death penalty. In particular,
Amnesty International brought attention to violations committed on specific groups, including
refugees, racial/ethnic/religious minorities, women and those executed or on Death Row.[26]
In 1995, when AI wanted to promote how Shell Oil Company was involved with the execution
of an environmental and human-rights activist Ken Saro-Wiwa in Nigeria, it was stopped.
Newspapers and advertising companies refused to run AI's ads because Shell Oil was a
customer of theirs as well. Shell's main argument was that it was drilling oil in a country that
already violated human rights and had no way to enforce human-rights policies. To combat
the buzz that AI was trying to create, it immediately publicized how Shell was helping to
improve overall life in Nigeria. Salil Shetty, the director of Amnesty, said, "Social media reenergises the idea of the global citizen".[15] James M. Russell notes how the drive for profit
from private media sources conflicts with the stories that AI wants to be heard.[27]
Amnesty International became involved in the legal battle over Augusto Pinochet, former
Chilean dictator, who sought to avoid extradition to Spain to face charges after his arrest in
London in 1998 by the Metropolitan Police. Lord Hoffman had an indirect connection with
Amnesty International, and this led to an important test for the appearance of bias in legal
proceedings in UK law. There was a suit[28] against the decision to release Senator Pinochet,
taken by the then British Home Secretary Jack Straw, before that decision had actually been
taken, in an attempt to prevent the release of Senator Pinochet. The English High Court
refused[29] the application, and Senator Pinochet was released and returned to Chile.
After 2000, Amnesty International's primary focus turned to the challenges arising from
globalization and the reaction to the 11 September 2001 attacks in the United States. The
issue of globalization provoked a major shift in Amnesty International policy, as the scope of
its work was widened to include economic, social and cultural rights, an area that it had
declined to work on in the past. Amnesty International felt this shift was important, not just to
give credence to its principle of the indivisibility of rights, but because of what it saw as the
growing power of companies and the undermining of many nation-states as a result of
In the aftermath of 11 September attacks, the new Amnesty International Secretary General,
Irene Khan, reported that a senior government official had said to Amnesty International
delegates: "Your role collapsed with the collapse of the Twin Towers in New York."[31] In the
years following the attacks, some believe that the gains made by human rights organisations
over previous decades had possibly been eroded.[32] Amnesty International argued that
human rights were the basis for the security of all, not a barrier to it. Criticism came directly
from the Bush administration and The Washington Post, when Khan, in 2005, likened the US
government's detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to a Soviet Gulag.[33][34]
During the first half of the new decade, Amnesty International turned its attention to violence
against women, controls on the world arms trade, concerns surrounding the effectiveness of
the UN, and ending torture.[35] With its membership close to two million by 2005,[36] Amnesty
continued to work for prisoners of conscience.
In 2007, AI's executive committee decided to support access to abortion "within reasonable
gestational limits...for women in cases of rape, incest or violence, or where the pregnancy
jeopardizes a mother's life or health".[37]
Amnesty International reported, concerning the Iraq War, on 17 March 2008, that despite
claims the security situation in Iraq has improved in recent months, the human rights
situation is disastrous, after the start of the war five years earlier in 2003.[38]
In 2009, Amnesty International accused Israel and the Palestinian Hamas movement of
committing war crimes during Israel's January offensive in Gaza, called Operation Cast Lead,
that resulted in the deaths of more than 1,400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis.[39] The 117-page
Amnesty report charged Israeli forces with killing hundreds of civilians and wanton
destruction of thousands of homes. Amnesty found evidence of Israeli soldiers using
Palestinian civilians as human shields. A subsequent United Nations Fact Finding Mission on
the Gaza Conflict was carried out; Amnesty stated that its findings were consistent with
those of Amnesty's own field investigation, and called on the UN to act promptly to
implement the mission's recommendations.[40][41]
Amnesty International, 19 March 2011
Japanese branch of Amnesty
International, 23 May 2014
Early 2010s
In February 2010, Amnesty suspended Gita Sahgal, its gender unit head, after she criticized
Amnesty for its links with Moazzam Begg, director of Cageprisoners. She said it was "a gross
error of judgment" to work with "Britain's most famous supporter of the Taliban".[42][43]
Amnesty responded that Sahgal was not suspended "for raising these issues internally...
[Begg] speaks about his own views ..., not Amnesty International's".[44] Among those who
spoke up for Sahgal were Salman Rushdie,[45] Member of Parliament Denis MacShane, Joan
Smith, Christopher Hitchens, Martin Bright, Melanie Phillips, and Nick
In July 2011, Amnesty International celebrated its 50 years with an animated short film
directed by Carlos Lascano, produced by Eallin Motion Art and Dreamlife Studio, with music
by Academy Award-winner Hans Zimmer and nominee Lorne Balfe.[52]
In August 2012, Amnesty International's chief executive in India sought an impartial
investigation, led by the United Nations, to render justice to those affected by war crimes in
Sri Lanka.[53]
Supporters of Amnesty International
at Cologne Pride Parade 2014
On 18 August 2014, in the wake of demonstrations sparked by people protesting about the
fatal police shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old who assaulted a police
officer and then resisted arrest, and subsequent acquittal of Darren Wilson, the officer who
shot him, Amnesty International sent a 13-person contingent of human rights activists to
seek meetings with officials as well as to train local activists in non-violent protest
methods.[54] This was the first time that the organisation has deployed such a team to the
United States.[55][56][57]
In the 2015 annual Amnesty International UK conference, delegates narrowly voted (468
votes to 461) against a motion proposing a campaign against antisemitism in the UK. The
debate on the motion formed a consensus that Amnesty should fight "discrimination against
all ethnic and religious groups", but the division among delegates was over the issue of
whether it would be appropriate for an anti-racism campaign with a "single focus".[58][59] The
Jewish Chronicle noted that Amnesty International had previously published a report on
discrimination against Muslims in Europe.[60]
In August 2015, The Times reported that Yasmin Hussein, then Amnesty's director of faith
and human rights and previously its head of international advocacy and a prominent
representative at the United Nations, had "undeclared private links to men alleged to be key
players in a secretive network of global Islamists", including the Muslim Brotherhood and
Hamas.[61][62] The Times also detailed instances where Hussein was alleged to have had
inappropriately close relationships with the al-Qazzaz family, members of which were highranking government ministers in the administration of Mohammed Morsi and Muslim
Brotherhood leaders at the time.[61][62] Ms Hussein denied supporting the Muslim
Brotherhood and told Amnesty that "any connections are purely circumstantial".[61]
In June 2016, Amnesty International called on the United Nations General Assembly to
"immediately suspend" Saudi Arabia from the UN Human Rights Council.[63][64] Richard
Bennett, head of Amnesty's UN Office, said: "The credibility of the U.N. Human Rights Council
is at stake. Since joining the council, Saudi Arabia's dire human rights record at home has
continued to deteriorate and the coalition it leads has unlawfully killed and injured thousands
of civilians in the conflict in Yemen."[65]
In December 2016, Amnesty International revealed that Voiceless Victims, a fake non-profit
organisation which claims to raise awareness for migrant workers who are victims of human
rights abuses in Qatar, had been trying to spy on their staff.[66][67]
Late 2010s
Amnesty International sign at the
WorldPride Madrid in July 2017
In October 2018, an Amnesty International researcher was abducted and beaten while
observing demonstrations in Magas, the capital of Ingushetia, Russia.[68]
On 25 October, federal officers raided the Bengaluru office for 10 hours on a suspicion that
the organisation had violated foreign direct investment guidelines on the orders of the
Enforcement Directorate. Employees and supporters of Amnesty International say this is an
act to intimidate organisations and people who question the authority and capabilities of
government leaders. Aakar Patel, the executive director of the Indian branch claimed, "The
Enforcement Directorate's raid on our office today shows how the authorities are now treating
human rights organisations like criminal enterprises, using heavy-handed methods. On Sep
29, the Ministry of Home Affairs said Amnesty International using "glossy statements" about
humanitarian work etc. as a "ploy to divert attention" from their activities which were in clear
contravention of laid down Indian laws. Amnesty International received permission only once
in Dec 2000, since then it had been denied Foreign Contribution permission under the Foreign
Contribution Act by successive Governments. However, in order to circumvent the FCRA
regulations, Amnesty UK remitted large amounts of money to four entities registered in India
by classifying it as Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).[69]
The current Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, has been criticized by foreign medias for
harming civil society in India, specifically by targeting advocacy groups.[70][71][72] India has
cancelled the registration of about 15,000 nongovernmental organisations under the Foreign
Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA); the U.N. has issued statements against the policies that
allow these cancellations to occur.[73][74] Though nothing was found to confirm these
accusations, the government plans on continuing the investigation and has frozen the bank
accounts of all the offices in India. A spokesperson for the Enforcement Directorate has said
the investigation could take three months to complete.[73]
On 30 October 2018, Amnesty called for the arrest and prosecution of Nigerian security
forces claiming that they used excessive force against Shi'a protesters during a peaceful
religious procession around Abuja, Nigeria. At least 45 were killed and 122 were injured
during the event.[75]
In November 2018, Amnesty reported the arrest of 19 or more rights activists and lawyers in
Egypt. The arrests were made by the Egyptian authorities as part of the regime's ongoing
crackdown on dissent. One of the arrested was Hoda Abdel-Monaim, a 60-year-old human
rights lawyer and former member of the National Council for Human Rights. Amnesty
reported that following the arrests Egyptian Coordination for Rights and Freedoms (ECRF)
decided to suspend its activities due to the hostile environment towards civil society in the
On 5 December 2018, Amnesty International strongly condemned the execution of Ihar
Hershankou and Siamion Berazhnoy in Belarus.[77] They were shot despite UN Human Rights
Committee request for a delay.[78][79]
Amnesty International sign in Rouen,
4 May 2019
In February 2019, Amnesty International's management team offered to resign after an
independent report found what it called a "toxic culture" of workplace bullying, and found
evidence of bullying, harassment, sexism and racism, after being asked to investigate the
suicides of 30-year Amnesty veteran Gaetan Mootoo in Paris in May 2018 (who left a note
citing work pressures), and 28-year-old intern Rosalind McGregor in Geneva in July 2018.[80]
In April 2019, Amnesty International's deputy director for research in Europe, Massimo
Moratti, warned that if extradited to the United States, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
would face the "risk of serious human rights violations, namely detention conditions, which
could violate the prohibition of torture".[81]
On 14 May 2019, Amnesty International filed a petition with the District Court of Tel Aviv,
Israel, seeking a revocation of the export licence of surveillance technology firm NSO
Group.[82] The filing states that "staff of Amnesty International have an ongoing and wellfounded fear they may continue to be targeted and ultimately surveilled"[83] by NSO
technology. Other lawsuits have also been filed against NSO in Israeli courts over alleged
human-rights abuses, including a December 2018 filing by Saudi dissident Omar Abdulaziz,
who claimed NSO's software targeted his phone during a period in which he was in regular
contact with murdered journalist Jamal Kashoggi.[84]
In September 2019, European Commission President-elect Ursula von der Leyen created the
new position of "Vice President for Protecting our European Way of Life", who will be
responsible for upholding the rule-of-law, internal security and migration.[85] Amnesty
International accused the European Union of "using the framing of the far right" by linking
migration with security.[86]
On 24 November 2019, Anil Raj, a former Amnesty International board member, was killed by
a car bomb while working with the United Nations Development Project. U.S. Secretary of
State, Mike Pompeo announced Raj's death at a briefing 26 Nov, during which he discussed
other acts of terrorism.[87]
In August 2020, Amnesty International expressed concerns about what it called the
"widespread torture of peaceful protesters" and treatment of detainees in Belarus.[88] The
organisation also said that more than 1,100 people were killed by bandits in rural
communities in northern Nigeria during the first six months of 2020.[89] Amnesty International
investigated what it called "excessive" and "unlawful" killings of teenagers by Angolan police
who were enforcing restrictions during the coronavirus pandemic.[90]
In May 2020, the organisation raised concerns about security flaws in a COVID-19 contact
tracing app mandated in Qatar.[91]
In September 2020, Amnesty shut down its India operations after the government froze its
bank accounts due to alleged financial irregularities.[92]
On 2 November 2020, Amnesty International reported that 54 people – mostly Amhara
women and children and elderly people – were killed by the OLF in the village of Gawa Qanqa,
In April 2021, Amnesty International distanced itself from a tweet by Agnès Callamard, its
newly appointed Secretary General, asserting that Israel had killed Yasser Arafat; Callamard
herself has not deleted the tweet.[95][96][97]
In February 2022, Amnesty accused Israel of committing the crime of apartheid against the
Palestinians, joining other human rights organisations that had previously accused Israel of
the crime against humanity. In 2021, Human Rights Watch and B'tselem both accused Israel
of apartheid for its treatment of the Palestinians in the occupied territories.[98] An Amnesty
report stated that Israel maintains "an institutionalized regime of oppression and domination
of the Palestinian population for the benefit of Jewish Israelis".[99] The Israeli Foreign Ministry
stated that Amnesty was peddling "lies, inconsistencies, and unfounded assertions that
originate from well-known anti-Israeli hate organisations". The Palestinian Foreign Ministry
called the report a "detailed affirmation of the cruel reality of entrenched racism, exclusion,
oppression, colonialism, apartheid, and attempted erasure that the Palestinian people have
In March 2022, Paul O'Brien, the Amnesty International USA Director, speaking to a Women's
National Democratic Club audience in the US, stated: "We are opposed to the idea—and this, I
think, is an existential part of the debate—that Israel should be preserved as a state for the
Jewish people", while adding "Amnesty takes no political views on any question, including the
right of the State of Israel to survive."[100][101][102][103]
On 7 April 2022, six weeks after the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Russian
Ministry of Justice announced that the offices of Amnesty International and 14 other wellknown international organisations had been closed for "violations of Russian law".[104]
Amnesty International Sections, 2012
The Amnesty Canadian headquarters
in Ottawa
Amnesty International is largely made up of voluntary members but retains a small number of
paid professionals. In countries in which Amnesty International has a strong presence,
members are organized as "sections". In 2019 there were 63 sections worldwide.[105] The
highest governing body is the Global Assembly which meets annually, attended by the chair
and executive director of each section.
The International Secretariat (IS) is responsible for the conduct and daily affairs of Amnesty
International under direction from the International Board.[106] It is run by approximately 500
professional staff members and is headed by a Secretary General. Its offices have been
located in London since its establishment in the mid-1960s.
Amnesty International Sections, 2005
Algeria; Argentina; Australia; Austria;
Belgium (Dutch-speaking); Belgium
(French-speaking); Benin; Bermuda;
Canada (English-speaking); Canada
(French-speaking); Chile; Côte d'Ivoire;
Denmark; Faroe Islands; Finland;
France; Germany; Greece; Guyana;
Hong Kong; Iceland; Ireland; Israel;
Italy; Japan; Korea (Republic of);
Luxembourg; Mauritius; Mexico;
Morocco; Nepal; Netherlands; New
Zealand; Norway; Peru; Philippines;
Poland; Portugal; Puerto Rico; Senegal;
Sierra Leone; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden;
Switzerland; Taiwan; Togo; Tunisia;
United Kingdom; United States of
America; Uruguay; Venezuela
Amnesty International Structures, 2005
Belarus; Bolivia; Burkina Faso; Croatia;
Curaçao; Czech Republic; Gambia;
Hungary; Malaysia; Mali; Moldova;
Mongolia; Pakistan; Paraguay;
Slovakia; South Africa; Thailand;
Turkey; Ukraine; Zambia; Zimbabwe
International Board (formerly known as
"IEC") Chairpersons
Seán MacBride, 1965–74; Dirk Börner,
1974–17; Thomas Hammarberg,
1977–79; José Zalaquett, 1979–82;
Suriya Wickremasinghe, 1982–85;
Wolfgang Heinz, 1985–96; Franca
Sciuto, 1986–89; Peter Duffy, 1989–91;
Anette Fischer, 1991–92; Ross Daniels,
1993–19; Susan Waltz, 1996–98;
Mahmoud Ben Romdhane, 1999–2000;
Colm O Cuanachain, 2001–02; Paul
Hoffman, 2003–04; Jaap Jacobson,
2005; Hanna Roberts, 2005–06; Lilian
Gonçalves-Ho Kang You, 2006–07;
Peter Pack, 2007–11; Pietro Antonioli,
2011–13; and Nicole Bieske, 2013–
2018, Sarah Beamish (2019 to current).
Secretaries General
Amnesty International Secretary Generals
Secretary General
Peter Benenson
Eric Baker
Martin Ennals
Thomas Hammarberg 1980–1986
Ian Martin
Pierre Sané
Irene Khan
Salil Shetty
Kumi Naidoo
South Africa
Julie Verhaar
2020–2021 (Acting)
Agnès Callamard
Notable national sections
Amnesty International Ghana
Amnesty International Australia
Amnesty International India
Amnesty International Ireland
Amnesty International New Zealand
Amnesty International Philippines
Amnesty International South Africa
Amnesty International Thailand
Amnesty International USA
Charitable status
In the UK Amnesty International has two components which are registered charities under
English law: Amnesty International Charity[108] and Amnesty International UK Section
Charitable Trust.[109]
The core principle of Amnesty International is a focus on prisoners of conscience, those
persons imprisoned or prevented from expressing an opinion by means of violence. Along
with this commitment to opposing repression of freedom of expression, Amnesty
International's founding principles included non-intervention on political questions, a robust
commitment to gathering facts about the various cases and promoting human rights.[110]
One key issue in the principles is in regards to those individuals who may advocate or tacitly
support resorting to violence in struggles against repression. AI does not judge whether
recourse to violence is justified or not. However, AI does not oppose the political use of
violence in itself since The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in its preamble, foresees
situations in which people could "be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion
against tyranny and oppression". If a prisoner is serving a sentence imposed, after a fair trial,
for activities involving violence, AI will not ask the government to release the prisoner.
AI neither supports nor condemns the resort to violence by political opposition groups in
itself, just as AI neither supports nor condemns a government policy of using military force in
fighting against armed opposition movements. However, AI supports minimum humane
standards that should be respected by governments and armed opposition groups alike.
When an opposition group tortures or kills its captives, takes hostages, or commits deliberate
and arbitrary killings, AI condemns these abuses.[111]
Amnesty International considers capital punishment to be the ultimate, irreversible denial of
human rights and opposes capital punishment in all cases, regardless of the crime
committed, the circumstances surrounding the individual or the method of execution.[112]
Amnesty International primarily targets governments, but
also reports on non-governmental bodies and private
individuals ("non-state actors").
There are six key areas which Amnesty deals with:[113]
Women's, children's,
Amnesty International's
vision is of a world in
which every person
enjoys all of the human
rights enshrined in the
Universal Declaration of
Human Rights and other
minorities' and
international human
rights standards.
indigenous rights
In pursuit of this vision,
Ending torture
research and action
Abolition of the death
Amnesty International's
mission is to undertake
focused on preventing
and ending grave abuses
of the rights to physical
and mental integrity,
freedom of conscience
and expression, and
freedom from
Rights of refugees
Rights of prisoners of
discrimination, within the
context of its work to
promote all human
-Statute of Amnesty
International, 27th
International Council
meeting, 2005
Protection of human dignity.
Some specific aims are to: abolish the death penalty,[112] end extra judicial executions and
"disappearances", ensure prison conditions meet international human rights standards,
ensure prompt and fair trial for all political prisoners, ensure free education to all children
worldwide, decriminalize abortion,[114] fight impunity from systems of justice, end the
recruitment and use of child soldiers, free all prisoners of conscience, promote economic,
social and cultural rights[115] for marginalized communities, protect human rights defenders,
promote religious tolerance, protect LGBT rights,[116] stop torture and ill-treatment,[117] stop
unlawful killings in armed conflict,[118] uphold the rights of refugees,[119] migrants, and asylum
seekers, and protect human dignity. They also support worldwide decriminalisation of
Amnesty International at the 2009
Marcha Gay in Mexico City, 20 June
Amnesty International launched a free human rights learning mobile application called
Amnesty Academy in October 2020. It offered learners across the globe access to courses
both, online and offline. All courses are downloadable within the application, which is
available for both iOS and Android devices.[121]
Country focus
Protesting about Israel's policy
against African refugees, Tel Aviv, 9
December 2011
Amnesty reports disproportionately on relatively more democratic and open countries,[122]
arguing that its intention is not to produce a range of reports which statistically represents
the world's human rights abuses, but rather to apply the pressure of public opinion to
encourage improvements.
The demonstration effect of the behaviour of both key Western governments and major nonWestern states is an important factor; as one former Amnesty Secretary-General pointed out,
"for many countries and a large number of people, the United States is a model", and
according to one Amnesty manager, "large countries influence small countries."[123] In
addition, with the end of the Cold War, Amnesty felt that a greater emphasis on human rights
in the North was needed to improve its credibility with its Southern critics by demonstrating
its willingness to report on human rights issues in a truly global manner.[123]
According to one academic study, as a result of these considerations, the frequency of
Amnesty's reports is influenced by a number of factors, besides the frequency and severity of
human rights abuses. For example, Amnesty reports significantly more (than predicted by
human rights abuses) on more economically powerful states; and on countries that receive
US military aid, on the basis that this Western complicity in abuses increases the likelihood of
public pressure being able to make a difference.[123] In addition, around 1993–94, Amnesty
consciously developed its media relations, producing fewer background reports and more
press releases, to increase the impact of its reports. Press releases are partly driven by news
coverage, to use existing news coverage as leverage to discuss Amnesty's human rights
concerns. This increases Amnesty's focus on the countries the media is more interested
In 2012, Kristyan Benedict, Amnesty UK's campaign manager whose main focus is Syria,
listed several countries as "regimes who abuse peoples' basic universal rights": Burma, Iran,
Israel, North Korea and Sudan. Benedict was criticized for including Israel in this short list on
the basis that his opinion was garnered solely from "his own visits", with no other objective
Amnesty's country focus is similar to that of some other comparable NGOs, notably Human
Rights Watch: between 1991 and 2000, Amnesty and HRW shared eight of ten countries in
their "top ten" (by Amnesty press releases; 7 for Amnesty reports).[123] In addition, six of the
10 countries most reported on by Human Rights Watch in the 1990s also made The
Economist's and Newsweek's "most covered" lists during that time.[123]
Amnesty International is financed largely by fees and donations from its worldwide
membership. It says that it does not accept donations from governments or governmental
However, Amnesty International has received grants over the past ten years from the UK
Department for International Development,[127] the European Commission,[128] the United
States State Department[129][130] and other governments.[131][132]
Amnesty International USA has received funding from the Rockefeller Foundation,[133] but
these funds are only used "in support of its human rights education work."[127] It has also
received many grants from the Ford Foundation over the years.[134]
Criticism and controversies
Criticism of Amnesty International includes claims about publishing incorrect reports,
associating with organisations with a dubious record on human rights protection, selection
bias, ideological and foreign policy bias, and the issue of institutional discrimination within
the organization.[135] Following the suicide of two staff members in 2019, Amnesty launched
a review of the workplace culture at the organisation. The report found an internal toxic work
environment, including cases of bullying and discrimination.[136] Since the report multiple
staff members around the world spoke about systemic abuse at Amnesty.[137]
Numerous governments and their supporters have criticized Amnesty's criticism of their
policies, including those of Australia;[138] Czech Republic;[139] China;[140] the Democratic
Republic of the Congo;[141] Egypt;[142] India; Iran; Israel;[125] Morocco;[143] Qatar;[144] Saudi
Arabia;[145] Vietnam;[146] Russia;[147] Nigeria;[148] and the United States,[149] for what they
assert is one-sided reporting or a failure to treat threats to security as a mitigating factor. The
actions of these governments, and of other governments critical of Amnesty International,
have been the subject of human rights concerns voiced by Amnesty.
1990 Iraq soldiers war crimes
In 1990, when the United States government was deciding whether or not to invade Iraq, a
Kuwaiti woman, known to Congress by her first name only, Nayirah, testified to congress that
when Iraq invaded Kuwait, she stayed behind after some of her family left the country. She
said she was volunteering in a local hospital when Iraqi soldiers stole the incubators with
children in them and left them to freeze to death. Amnesty International, which had human
rights investigators in Kuwait, confirmed the story and helped spread it. The organisation also
inflated the number of children who were killed by the robbery to over 300, more than the
number of incubators available in the city hospitals of the country. Her testimony aired on
ABC's Nightline and NBC Nightly News reaching an estimated audience between 35 and
53 million Americans.[150][151] Seven senators cited Nayirah's testimony in their speeches
backing the use of force.[154] President George Bush repeated the story at least ten times in
the following weeks.[155] Her account of the atrocities helped to stir American opinion in
favour of participation in the Gulf War.[156] It was often cited by people, including the
members of Congress who voted to approve the Gulf War, as one of the reasons to fight.
After the war, it was found that the woman was lying, the story was made up, and her last
name was not given because her father was a delegate for Kuwait's government at the same
congressional hearing.[157]
2019 report on workplace bullying
In February 2019, Amnesty International's management team offered to resign after an
independent report found what it called a "toxic culture" of workplace bullying. Evidence of
bullying, harassment, sexism and racism was uncovered after two 2018 suicides were
investigated: that of 30-year Amnesty veteran Gaëtan Mootoo in Paris in May 2018 (who left
a note citing work pressures); and that of 28-year-old intern Rosalind McGregor in Geneva in
July 2018.[80] An internal survey by the Konterra group with a team of psychologists was
conducted in January 2019, after the 2 employees had killed themselves in 2018. The report
stated that Amnesty had a toxic work culture and that workers frequently cited mental and
physical health issues as a result of their work for the organisation. The report found that: "39
per cent of Amnesty International staff reported that they developed mental or physical
health issues as the direct result of working at Amnesty". The report concluded,
"organisational culture and management failures are the root cause of most staff wellbeing
Elaborating on this the report mentioned that bullying, public humiliation and other abuses of
power are commonplace and routine practice by the management. It also claimed the us
versus them culture among employees and the severe lack of trust in the senior management
at Amnesty.[159][160] By October 2019 five of the seven members of the senior leadership
team at Amnesty's international secretariat left the organisation with "generous" redundancy
packages.[161] Among them, Anna Neistat, who was Gaëtan Mootoo's senior manager directly
implicated in the independent report on Mootoo's death. According to Mootoo's former
collaborator, Salvatore Saguès, "Gaëtan's case is merely the tip of the iceberg at Amnesty. A
huge amount of suffering is caused to employees. Since the days of Salil Shetty, when top
management were being paid fabulous salaries, Amnesty has become a multinational where
the staff are seen as dispensable. Human resources management is a disaster and nobody is
prepared to stand up and be counted. The level of impunity granted to Amnesty's bosses is
simply unacceptable."[162] After none of the managers responsible of bullying at Amnesty
were held accountable a group of workers petitioned for Amnesty's chief Kumi Naidoo to
resign. On 5 December 2019 Naidoo resigned from his post of Amnesty's Secretary General
citing ill health[163] and appointing Julie Verhaar as an interim Secretary General. In their
petition, workers demanded her immediate resignation as well.
2019 budgetary crisis
In May 2019, Amnesty International's Secretary General Kumi Naidoo admitted to a hole in
the organisation's budget of up to £17m in donor money to the end of 2020. In order to deal
with the budgetary crisis, Naidoo announced to staff that the organisation's headquarters
would have cut almost 100 jobs as a part of urgent restructuring. Unite the Union, the UK's
biggest trade union, said the redundancies were a direct result of "overspending by the
organisation's senior leadership team" and have occurred "despite an increase in income".[164]
Unite, which represents Amnesty's staff, feared that cuts would fall heaviest on lower-income
staff. It said that in the previous year the top 23 highest earners at Amnesty International
were paid a total of £2.6m– an average of £113,000 per year. Unite demanded a review of
whether it is necessary to have so many managers in the organisation.[165]
Amnesty's budgetary crisis became public after the two staff suicides in 2019. A subsequent
independent review of workplace culture found a "state of emergency" at the organisation
after a restructuring process. Following several reports that labelled Amnesty a toxic
workplace, in October 2019 five of the seven high-paid senior directors at Amnesty's
international secretariat in London left the organisation with "generous" redundancy
packages.[166] This included Anna Neistat, who was a senior manager directly implicated in
the independent report on the suicide of Amnesty's West Africa researcher Gaëtan Mootoo in
the organisation's Paris office. The size of exit packages granted to former senior
management caused anger among other staff and an outcry among Amnesty's members,
and led to the resignation of Naidoo in December 2019.[167]
2020 secret payout
In September 2020, The Times reported that Amnesty International paid £800,000 in
compensation over the workplace suicide of Gaëtan Mootoo and demanded his family keep
the deal secret.[168] The pre-trial agreement between London-based Amnesty's International
Secretariat and Motoo's wife was reached on the condition that she keeps the deal secret by
signing NDA. This was done particularly to prevent discussing the settlement with the press
or on social media. The arrangement led to criticism on social media, with people asking why
an organisation such as Amnesty would condone the use of non-disclosure agreements.
Shaista Aziz, a co-founder of the feminist advocacy group NGO Safe Space, questioned on
Twitter why the "world's leading human rights organisation" was employing such
contracts.[169] The source of the money was unknown. Amnesty stated that the payout to
Motoo's family "will not be made from donations or membership fees".
2021 accusation of systemic bias
In April 2021, The Guardian reported that the workers of Amnesty International alleged
systemic bias and use of racist language by senior staff.[170]
The internal review at Amnesty's international secretariat, the report of which was published
in October 2020 but not released to the press, recorded multiple examples of alleged racism
reported by workers—racial slurs, systemic bias, problematic comments towards religious
practices, being some of the examples.[170][171]
The staff at the Amnesty International UK based in London also made claims of racial
discrimination.[170] The report also documented use of the ethnic slur "nigger" with any
objection from employees about its use being downplayed. Vanessa Tsehaye, the Horn of
Africa Campaigner based in the UK, has refused to comment as of April 2021.
2022 report on systemic racism
In June 2022, a 106-page independent investigation by the management consultancy firm
Global HPO Ltd (GHPO) concluded that Amnesty International UK (AIUK) exhibits institutional
and systemic racism. This report was fully accepted by Amnesty International and Amnesty
International UK published the findings of the inquiry in April 2022.[172] GHPO's independent
investigation found that UKAIUK "has failed to embed principles of anti-racism into its own
DNA and faces bullying issues within the organisation."[173]
GHPO's report includes recommendations for improvement actions to be taken by the
organisation. The alghemeiner reports that AIUK stated it "accepted all the
recommendations," and that the "press' insistence on describing Amnesty as a "leading
human rights group" is furthermore problematic given the anti-Jewish racism that the NGO
has displayed for years."[174]
In 2010 Frank Johansson, the chairman of Amnesty International-Finland, called Israel a
nilkkimaa, a derogatory term variously translated as "scum state", "creep state" or "punk
state".[175][176] Johansson stood by his statement, saying that it was based on Israel's
"repeated flouting of international law", and his own personal experiences with Israelis. When
asked by a journalist if any other country on earth that could be described in these terms, he
said that he could not think of any, although some individual "Russian officials" could be so
In November 2012, Amnesty UK began a disciplinary process against staffer Kristyan
Benedict, Amnesty UK campaigns manager, because of a posting on his Twitter account, said
to be anti-semitic, regarding three Jewish members of parliament and Operation Pillar of
Defense where he wrote: "Louise Ellman, Robert Halfon and Luciana Berger walk into a bar ...
each orders a round of B52s ... #Gaza". Amnesty International UK said "the matter has been
referred to our internal and confidential processes." Amnesty's campaigns director Tim
Hancock said, "We do not believe that humour is appropriate in the current circumstances,
particularly from our own members of staff." An Amnesty International UK spokesperson later
said the charity had decided that "the tweet in question was ill-advised and had the potential
to be offensive and inflammatory but was not racist or antisemitic."[177][178][179]
In November 2016, Amnesty International conducted a second internal investigation of
Benedict for comparing Israel to the Islamic state.[180]
In April 2021, Amnesty International distanced itself from a tweet written in 2013 by its new
Secretary General, Agnès Callamard, which read: ""NYT Interview of Shimon Perres [sic] where
he admits that Yasser Arafat was murdered"; Amnesty responded by saying: "The tweet was
written in haste and is incorrect. It does not reflect the position of Amnesty International or
Agnès Callamard."[181][182][183] Callamard herself has not deleted the tweet.[181]
On 11 March 2022, Paul O'Brien, the Amnesty International USA Director, stated at a private
event: "We are opposed to the idea — and this, I think, is an existential part of the debate —
that Israel should be preserved as a state for the Jewish people", while adding "Amnesty
takes no political views on any question, including the right of the State of Israel to
survive."[184][185][186][187] He also rejected a poll that found 8 in 10 American Jews were proIsrael, saying: "I believe my gut tells me that what Jewish people in this country want is to
know that there's a sanctuary that is a safe and sustainable place that the Jews, the Jewish
people can call home."[184][185][186] On 14 March 2022, all 25 Jewish Democrats in the House
of Representatives issued a rare joint statement rebuking O'Brien, saying that he "has added
his name to the list of those who, across centuries, have tried to deny and usurp the Jewish
people's independent agency" and "condemning this and any antisemitic attempt to deny the
Jewish people control of their own destiny."[188][189][190] On 25 March 2022, O'Brien wrote to
the Jewish congressmen: "I regret representing the views of the Jewish people."[189]
Amnesty International designated Alexei Navalny a prisoner of conscience in 2012.[191]
However, in February 2021, it stripped Navalny of the status, due to lobbying about videos and
pro-nationalist statements he made in 2007-2008 that allegedly constituted hate
speech.[192][193][194][195] Amnesty's decision was described by western media as "a huge
victory for Russian state propaganda" which undermined Amnesty's support of Navalny's
release.[196][197] The designation of Navalny as a prisoner of conscience was reinstated in
May 2021. Amnesty apologized for making wrong decision and stated that "by confirming
Navalny's status as prisoner of conscience, we are not endorsing his political programme, but
are highlighting the urgent need for his rights, including access to independent medical care,
to be recognised and acted upon by the Russian authorities."[198][199]
United Kingdom and the
During the early history of Amnesty International, as it is now proven by various documents, it
was secretly supported by the Foreign Office. In 1963, the FO instructed its operatives abroad
to provide "discreet support" for Amnesty's campaigns. In the same year, Benenson wrote to
Colonial Office Minister Lord Lansdowne a proposal to prop up a "refugee counsellor" on the
border between the Bechuanaland Protectorate and apartheid South Africa. Amnesty
intended to assist people fleeing across the border from neighbouring South Africa, but not
those who were actively engaged in the struggle against apartheid. Benenson wrote:
I would like to reiterate our view that these [British] territories
should not be used for offensive political action by the opponents of
the South African Government (...) Communist influence should not
be allowed to spread in this part of Africa, and in the present
delicate situation, Amnesty International would wish to support
Her Majesty's Government in any such policy.[17]
The year after, the AI dropped Nelson Mandela as a "prisoner of conscience", because he was
convicted of violence by the South African Government. Mandela had also been a member of
the South African Communist Party.[200]
In a trip to Haiti, the British FO had also assisted Benenson in his mission to Haiti, where he
was disguised because of fear of the Haitians finding out that the British government
sponsored his visit. When his disguise was revealed, Benenson was severely criticized by the
In the British colony of Aden, Hans Goran Franck, the chairman of Amnesty's Swedish section,
wrote a report on allegations of torture at an interrogation centre run by the colonial
government. Amnesty refused to publish the report; according to Benenson, Amnesty
general-secretary Robert Swann had suppressed it in deference to the Foreign Office.
According to co-founder Eric Baker, both Benenson and Swann had met Foreign Secretary
George Brown in September and told him that they were willing to hold up publication if the
Foreign Office promised no more allegations of torture would surface again. A memo by Lord
Chancellor Gerald Gardiner, a Labour Party politician, states that:
Amnesty held the Swedish complaint as long as they could simply
because Peter Benenson did not want to do anything to hurt a
Labour government.[17]
Benenson then travelled to Aden and reported that he had never seen an "uglier situation" in
his life. He then said that British government agents had infiltrated Amnesty and suppress the
report's publication. Later, documents surfaced implicating Benenson had connections to the
British government, which started the Harry letters affair.[19][17] He then resigned, claiming
that British and American intelligence agents had infiltrated Amnesty and subverted its
values.[19] After this set of events, which were dubbed by some the "Amnesty Crisis of 1966–
67",[201] the relationship between Amnesty and the British Government was suspended. AI
vowed that in future, it "must not only be independent and impartial but must not be put into a
position where anything else could even be alleged" and the Foreign Office cautioned that "for
the time being our attitude to Amnesty International must be one of reserve".[17]
2010 CAGE controversy
Amnesty International suspended Gita Sahgal, its gender unit head, after she criticized
Amnesty in February 2010 for its high-profile associations with Moazzam Begg, the director
of Cageprisoners, representing men in extrajudicial detention.[202][203]
"To be appearing on platforms with Britain's most famous supporter of the Taliban, Begg,
whom we treat as a human rights defender, is a gross error of judgment," she said.[202][204]
Sahgal argued that by associating with Begg and Cageprisoners, Amnesty was risking its
reputation on human rights.[202][205][206] "As a former Guantanamo detainee, it was legitimate
to hear his experiences, but as a supporter of the Taliban it was absolutely wrong to
legitimise him as a partner," Sahgal said.[202] She said she repeatedly brought the matter up
with Amnesty for two years, to no avail.[207] A few hours after the article was published,
Sahgal was suspended from her position.[208] Amnesty's Senior Director of Law and Policy,
Widney Brown, later said Sahgal raised concerns about Begg and Cageprisoners to her
personally for the first time a few days before sharing them with the Sunday Times.[207]
Sahgal issued a statement saying she felt that Amnesty was risking its reputation by
associating with and thereby politically legitimizing Begg, because Cageprisoners "actively
promotes Islamic Right ideas and individuals".[208] She said the issue was not about Begg's
"freedom of opinion, nor about his right to propound his views: he already exercises these
rights fully as he should. The issue is ... the importance of the human rights movement
maintaining an objective distance from groups and ideas that are committed to systematic
discrimination and fundamentally undermine the universality of human rights."[208] The
controversy prompted responses by politicians, the writer Salman Rushdie, and journalist
Christopher Hitchens, among others who criticized Amnesty's association with Begg.
After her suspension and the controversy, Sahgal was interviewed by numerous media and
attracted international supporters. She was interviewed on the US National Public Radio
(NPR) on 27 February 2010, where she discussed the activities of Cageprisoners and why she
deemed it inappropriate for Amnesty to associate with Begg.[209] She said that
Cageprisoners' Asim Qureshi spoke supporting global jihad at a Hizb ut-Tahrir rally.[209] She
stated that a best-seller at Begg's bookshop was a book by Abdullah Azzam, a mentor of
Osama bin Laden and a founder of the terrorist organisation Lashkar-e-Taiba.[207][209]
In a separate interview for the Indian Daily News & Analysis, Sahgal said that, as Quereshi
affirmed Begg's support for global jihad on a BBC World Service programme, "these things
could have been stated in his [Begg's] introduction" with Amnesty.[210] She said that Begg's
bookshop had published The Army of Madinah, which she characterized as a jihad manual by
Dhiren Barot.[211]
2011 Irene Khan payout
In February 2011, newspaper stories in the UK revealed that Irene Khan had received a
payment of £533,103 from Amnesty International following her resignation from the
organisation on 31 December 2009,[212] a fact pointed to from Amnesty's records for the
2009–2010 financial year. The sum paid to her was more than four times her annual salary
(£132,490).[212] The deputy secretary general, Kate Gilmore, who also resigned in December
2009, received an ex-gratia payment of £320,000.[212] According to the Daily Express, Peter
Pack, the chairman of Amnesty's International Executive Committee (IEC), initially stated on
19 February 2011: "The payments to outgoing secretary general Irene Khan shown in the
accounts of AI (Amnesty International) Ltd for the year ending 31 March 2010 include
payments made as part of a confidential agreement between AI Ltd and Irene Khan"[213] and
that "It is a term of this agreement that no further comment on it will be made by either
The payment and AI's initial response to its leakage to the press led to a considerable outcry.
Philip Davies, the Conservative MP for Shipley, criticized the payments, telling the Daily
Express: "I am sure people making donations to Amnesty, in the belief they are alleviating
poverty, never dreamed they were subsidising a fat cat payout. This will disillusion many
benefactors."[213] On 21 February 2011, Peter Pack issued a further statement, in which he
said that the payment was a "unique situation" that was "in the best interest of Amnesty's
work" and that there would be no repetition of it.[212] He stated that "the new secretary
general, with the full support of the IEC, has initiated a process to review our employment
policies and procedures to ensure that such a situation does not happen again."[212] Pack
also stated that Amnesty was "fully committed to applying all the resources that we receive
from our millions of supporters to the fight for human rights".[212]
On 25 February 2011, Pack sent a letter to Amnesty members and staff. In 2008, it stated, the
IEC decided not to prolong Khan's contract for a third term. In the following months, IEC
discovered that due to British employment law, it had to choose between three options:
offering Khan a third term; discontinuing her post and, in their judgement, risking legal
consequences; or signing a confidential agreement and issuing a pay compensation.[214]
2019 Kurdish hunger strike
In April 2019, 30 Kurdish activists, some of whom are on an indefinite hunger strike, occupied
Amnesty International's building in London in a peaceful protest, in order to speak out against
Amnesty's silence on the isolation of Abdullah Öcalan in a Turkish prison.[215] The hunger
strikers have also spoken out about "delaying tactics" by Amnesty, and being denied access
to toilets during the occupation, despite this being a human right.[216][217] Two of the hunger
strikers, Nahide Zengin and Mehmet Sait Zengin, received paramedic treatment and were
taken to hospital during the occupation. Late in the evening of 26 April 2019, the London Met
police arrested 21 remaining occupiers.[218]
On 4 August 2022, during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Amnesty International
published a report accusing the Armed Forces of Ukraine of endangering civilians through
their combat tactics, particularly stating that Ukraine had set up military bases in residential
areas (including schools and hospitals) and launched attacks from populated civilian
areas.[219] Oksana Pokalchuk, leader of Amnesty Ukraine, said that the report "was compiled
by foreign observers, without any assistance from local staff".[220] She resigned from her post
and left the organisation following the publication of the report.[221]
Human rights lawyers Wayne Jordash and Anna Mykytenko argued that the 4 August report
contained "little to none of the military or humanitarian context essential to any reasoned
view of what was (or was not) necessary in the prevailing military context" and that the report
was "short on facts and analysis and long on intemperate accusation."[222] RUSI researcher
Jack Watling stated that "you need to balance military necessity with proportionality, so you
need to take reasonable measures to protect civilians but that must be balanced with your
orders to defend an area", thus the report's suggestions that Ukrainian forces should relocate
to a nearby field or forest "demonstrated a lack of understanding of military operations and
damages the credibility of the research."[223] RUSI researcher Natia Seskuria called the report
"out of touch with current reality" and stated that the Ukrainian army can legitimately house in
the towns they defend, even if they have civilians nearby, because the Ukrainian authorities
constantly call for evacuations from frontline towns, and forced relocations of civilian
population would violate international humanitarian law.[224] Marc Garlasco, a United Nations
war crimes investigator specializing in civilian harm mitigation, said that "Ukraine can place
forces in areas they are defending" and "there is no requirement to stand shoulder to shoulder
in a field — this isn't the 19th century", and expressed concern that the report could endanger
Ukrainian civilians by giving Russian forces an excuse to "expand their targeting of civilian
Journalist Tom Mutch stated that he had participated in and reported on an evacuation of
civilians in one of Amnesty's cases, which he contrasted with Amnesty's statement that it
was "not aware that the Ukrainian military who located themselves in civilian structures in
residential areas asked or assisted civilians to evacuate nearby buildings".[223] The Kyiv
Independent editorial team strongly criticized the report, pointing out flaws in reasoning and
stating that the "Amnesty [International] could not properly articulate who the main
perpetrator of violence in Ukraine was".[226]
The report sparked outrage in Ukraine and the West. Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Zelenskyy accused Amnesty of trying to "amnesty the terrorist state and shift the
responsibility from the aggressor to the victim", while Ukraine's Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Dmytro Kuleba, stated that the report creates "a false balance between the oppressor and the
victim".[225][227][228] The report was praised by several Russian and pro-Russian figures,
including the Russian embassy in London, causing further criticism against the
On 12 August, Amnesty International reported that "the conclusions were not conveyed with
the delicacy and accuracy that should be expected from Amnesty", and said that "this also
applies to the subsequent communication and reaction of the International Secretariat to
public criticism." The organisation condemned "the instrumentalization of the press release
by the Russian authorities" and promised that the report will be verified by independent
The criticism resulted in AI calling an internal review committee composed of independent
international humanitarian law (IHL) experts to review the report, whose conclusions were
not published by AI but nonetheless obtained by New York Times. The review concluded that
while AI was right to include Ukraine in its analysis in general as IHL applies to all sides of a
conflict, its conclusions in respect to Ukraine were biased and not sufficiently substantiated
by available evidence, and the vague language of the report could leave an impression, even if
this was not intended and not supported by evidence, that "Ukrainian forces were primarily or
equally to blame for the death of civilians resulting from attacks by Russia". To the contrary,
the review concluded that on the basis of the evidence that AI had collected it was "simply
impossible to assert that generally civilians died" as result of negligence of Ukrainian army,
while "imprudent language" of the report suggested this.[232]
Awards and honours
In 1977, Amnesty International was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for "having contributed to
securing the ground for freedom, for justice, and thereby also for peace in the world".[233]
In 1984, Amnesty International received the Four Freedoms Award in the category of
Freedom of Speech.[234]
Cultural impact
Human rights concerts
Opening stages of the 19 September
1988 show at Philadelphia's John F.
Kennedy Stadium
A Conspiracy of Hope was a short tour of six benefit concerts on behalf of Amnesty
International that took place in the United States during June 1986. The purpose of the tour
was not to raise funds but rather to increase awareness of human rights and of Amnesty's
work on its 25th anniversary. The shows were headlined by U2, Sting and Bryan Adams and
also featured Peter Gabriel, Lou Reed, Joan Baez, and The Neville Brothers. The last three
shows featured a reunion of The Police. At a press conference in each city, at related media
events, and through their music at the concerts themselves, the artists engaged with the
public on themes of human rights and human dignity. The six concerts were the first of what
subsequently became known collectively as the Human Rights Concerts – a series of music
events and tours staged by Amnesty International USA between 1986 and 1998.
Human Rights Now! was a worldwide tour of twenty benefit concerts on behalf of Amnesty
International that took place over six weeks in 1988. Held not to raise funds but to increase
awareness of both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on its 40th anniversary and the
work of Amnesty International, the shows featured Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band,
Sting, Peter Gabriel, Tracy Chapman, and Youssou N'Dour, plus guest artists from each of the
countries where concerts were held.
The Amnesty Candle
Amnesty candle
The organisation's logo combines two recognisable images inspired by the proverb, "Better to
light a candle than curse the darkness."[235] The candle represents the organisation's efforts
to bring light to the fact that political prisoners are held all over the world and its commitment
to bring the prisoners hope for fair treatment and release. The barbed wire represents the
hopelessness of people unjustly put in jail.[236]
The logo was designed by Diana Redhouse in 1963 as Amnesty's first Christmas card.[237]
See also
Ambassador of Conscience Award
Amnesty International UK Media
List of Amnesty International UK Media
Awards winners
List of peace activists
Scholars at Risk
World Coalition Against the Death
a. The anthropologist Linda Rabben refers to
the origin of Amnesty as a "creation myth"
with a "kernel of truth": "The immediate
impetus to form Amnesty did come from
Peter Benenson's righteous indignation
while reading a newspaper in the London
tube on 19 November 1960."[238] The
historian Tom Buchanan traced the
origins story to a radio broadcast by Peter
Benenson in 1962. The 4 March 1962 BBC
news story did not refer to a "toast to
liberty", but Benenson said his tube ride
was on 19 December 1960. Buchanan
was unable to find the newspaper article
about the Portuguese students in The
Daily Telegraph for either month.
Buchanan found many news stories
reporting on the repressive Portuguese
political arrests in The Times for
November 1960.[84]
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Further reading
Buchanan, Tom. (2002) " 'The truth will set
you free': The making of Amnesty
International." Journal of Contemporary
History 37.4 (2002): 575–597. online (htt
Buchanan, Tom. "Amnesty International in
crisis, 1966–7." Twentieth Century British
History 15.3 (2004): 267–289. online (http
Clark, Anne Marie (2001). Diplomacy of
Conscience: Amnesty International and
Changing Human Rights Norms (https://arch
ive.org/details/diplomacyofconsc00clar) .
Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-69105743-9.
Ganzfried, Miriam (2021). Amnesty
International and Women's Rights Feminist
Strategies, Leadership Commitment and
Internal Resistances. ( transcript Verlag).
ISBN 978-3-8376-6008-1.
Girot, Marc (2011). Amnesty International,
Enquête sur une organisation génétiquement
modifiée. Editions du Cygne.
ISBN 9782849242469..
Habibe, K. A. R. A. "Human Rights in China
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(1994): 143–160. online (https://journals.sa
Vestergaard, Anne. "Humanitarian branding
and the media: The case of Amnesty
International." Journal of language and
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Vik, Hanne Hagtvedt, and Skage Alexander
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External links
Wikimedia Commons has media
related to Amnesty International.
Wikiquote has quotations related to
Amnesty International.
Amnesty International official site (http
Is Amnesty International Biased? (htt
2003/1306interview.htm) , 2002
discussion by Dennis Bernstein and Dr.
Francis Boyle
Catalogue of the Amnesty International
archives (https://mrc.epexio.com/reco
rds/AMI) , held at the Modern Records
Centre, University of Warwick
Amnesty International Head Irene Khan
on The Unheard Truth: Poverty and
Human Rights (http://www.democracy
ional_head_irene_khan_on) – video by
Democracy Now!
Amnesty International Promotion to
Eliminate the Death Penalty (https://we
ml) – video by TBWA/Paris and Pleix
for Amnesty International France
Amnesty International Poster
Collection (http://hdl.handle.net/1062
2/COLL00146) at the International
Institute of Social History
Amnesty International (https://www.no
belprize.org/laureate/537) on
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