ANALYSIS\n NETWORK\n ANALYSIS\n By\n M. E. VAN VALKENBURG\n Professor of Electrical Engineering \nUniversity PRENTICE-HALL, Englewood of Illinois\n INC.\n Cliffs, NJ.\n PRENTICE-HALL ELECTRICALENGINEERINGSERIES L. \nW. Ph.D., Everitt, Editor\n by 1955, \302\251 Copyright, INC. \nPRENTICE-HALL, \nEnglewood Cliffs, N.J.\n this rights reserved. No part of book\n BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, BY MIMEO\302\254 \nGRAPH OR ANY OTHER MEANS, WITHOUT PER\302\254 \nMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHERS.\n All MAY First Library of \nCatalog Card Congress No.: Fourth Fifth June, July, printing IN June, THE UNITED 61082\n STATES OF 1958\n 1958\n November, printing 1956\n 1957\n August, printing Sixth printing PRINTED 1955\n November, printing Second printing Third 56-5609\n 1969\n AMERICA\n PREFACE\n \nnetworks \nmatter \nconcerned \nequations. \nit to the is designed for use as an introduction of electric study the so-called pole and zero approach. from be divided into four parts. (1) Chapters 1 are may with definitions and with the formulation of equilibrium The first contains a discussion of approximation as chapter the to networks, between the network abstrac\302\254 relationship book This relates The subject through3 the and \ntion Here the reader physical system. feet firmly on is giventhe opportunity the ground before he becomesinvolved in The details of analysis. elements are introduced,theirlaws their combination into networks discussed. Writing of \nformulated, for networks is treated in Chapter 3.\n \nequilibrium equations to do with the solutionofequilibrium 4 through 8 have Chapters (2) in general, equations by both classical integrodifferential \nequations, the transform method. \nand Chapter 8 amplifies the relation\302\254 Laplace the time domain and the between frequency domain.\n \nship These first topics classified under the encompass eight chapters of electric circuits. In the remaining of transient \nheading analysis is in this exploited unifying concepts of transient background \nchapters, and sinusoidal response by the use of the poles \nresponse steady-state \nto his plant \nthe myriad In Chapters (3) \nfrequency, The (4) zero \nand remaining approach to 9 through 11, the readeris complex transfer and and functions, functions, poles are devoted to applications of the pole chapters to network analysis. Chapters 12 and 13 relate to introduced impedance zeros.\n and networks \nreactive functions.\n network of zeros \nand include Foster\342\200\231s reactance theorem and filters is an 14 \nstudied from the image parameter point of view. Chapter In the last two \nintroduction to stagger-tuned amplifier-networks. block the of and the representation systems by diagrams \nchapters, are studied. References are given at the of feedback systems \nstability \nend each in a more advancedor more of for those interested chapter \ndetailed study.\n the bookdates to most of the contents of \nback to the 1920\342\200\231s. It has not been until recent years, however, that \nthe and zero has been widely taught in graduate pole approach \nand used extensively by electrical engineers in industry in such \nas circuit electronic and automatic control. This pole circuits, design, literature The relating schools areas \nand \ncurriculum zero approach in many is now different its way into the finding areas of study and in many iii\n undergraduate ways.\n PREFACE\n iv\n the \nat \nthe this of I \nat \tam Stanford \nis also A. \nto of \nniques. \nengineering Dale I at the University chapters\342\200\224whose questions and class\302\254 on the book. for Philip Weinberg.\n M. E. Van Urbana, Utah\342\200\224and Indebtedness of Stanford University and Baker of the University of. Utah and offering helpful suggestions, and many imprints Dr. Glen Wade Doran of editor of this series.\n to study network synthesis under Professor my good fortune Tuttle, Jr., at Stanford University. In preparing this book,I of approach and his teachingtech\302\254 influenced by his method the friendly cooperation of the electrical also acknowledge the of Utah, particularly Professors at staff University and been servomechanisms.\n and students some manuscript Harris F. \nhave the L. Everitt, was \nDavid and W. Dean It \nL. to Baker parts \nreading left have acknowledged Don \nDr. my for University discussions \nroom to students The analysis, indebted deeply in for junior and senior which has been offered since 1949. been to provide background material for as communications engineering, pulse subjects system power \ntechniques, by using it developed for a course notes such of study been has Analysis of Utah, course has University \nobjective Network classroom of form \nthe of material The Illinois\n Valkenburg\n CONTENTS\n 1. 1- \t1. 1-4. 2. current, The relationship \ntance parameter, resistance The a as circuit, 1-11. 20. \nsentation, for Conventions 2- \t1. element Active 3. Network 3- \t1. 3-3. 41. node 53. 5- \t1. Initial conditions initial of differential 6-2. 72\n The principle of individual in of derivatives, 6- \t1. \ntion, 61.\n 72. equations, The integrating 4-3. conditions, Equations/ Solution 42. 3-4. Equations 4-5. Differential 97. analysis, differential interpretation evaluating and loop 4-2. General and factor, 74. 4-4.\n superposition, 79.\n in Networks Conditions \nmetrical 6. 77. constants, Initial currents for currents, the on 72. solutions, \nparticular 5. for Definitions Time 33.\n Branch directions Differential First-Order 3-2. 40. Positive network Resistive 3-10. 4- \t1. circuits, loop basis, 43. 3-5. Loop analysis 44. 3-6. Formulating equations on coupled coils, 47. 3-7. Duality, 51. 3-8. General network 3-9. The solution of equations by determinants,\n basis, \nequations, 4. for coupled 40\n equations with circuits 58. 2-2. Current and voltage (or geometry), 29.\n topology 27. conventions, Network Kirchhoff\342\200\231s-equations, \nFormulating \nthe 27\n Equations \ncurrents. \nof 22.\n Networks Describes convention dot The and power, Energy 2-3. 28. \nconventions, 2- \t4. 1\n 2. 1-3. Electric\n 1. 1-2. Electric charge, Sources of energy; electric potential, 3. 1-5.\n of field and circuit concepts, 5. 1-6. capaci\302\254 5. 1-7. The inductance parameter, 10. 1-8.\n 1-9. Approximation of a system\n 17. parameter, 1-10. Other approximations in circuit repre\302\254 18. Introduction, The 2. of the CircuitConcept Development elements, 86. 5-3. 84. A 5-2. procedure Geo\302\254 for\n 87.\n Continued a second-order The standard equations, 84\n 102. homogeneous 97\n differential equa\302\254 form of the solutionof second-order\n 6-3. Higher-order homogeneous\n v\n CONTENTS\n VI\n differential differentialequations,113. 6-5. The of method 7. an in \ncharge The undetermined the\n by integral particular 6-6. Capacitor 113. coefficients, series network, BLC of nonhomogeneous\n 6-4. Solution 111. equations, 118.\n 125\n Transformation Laplace 7-1. Introduction, 125. 7-2.The Laplace 127.\n transformation, for the Laplace transformation, 129. 7-4.\n theorems 7- \t3. Basic of problems with the Laplace transfor\302\254 of the solution Examples fraction expansion, 134. 7-6. Heavi\302\254 Partial 7-5. 131. \nmation, \nside\342\200\231s expansion the \nby 8. 7-8. The initial and final 145.\n theorems, Domain and the in the Time Topics of total solutions Examples 143. transformation, Laplace \nvalue 7-7. 138. theorem, 153\n Domain Frequency 8-2. Other unit functions:the\n 157. 8-3. The Laplace transform and doublet, ramp, impulse, 161. and 8-4. The convolution \nfor shifted functions, singular Fourier 8-6. Complex exponen\302\254 8-5. 167. series, 170. \nintegral, 179. 8-7. The frequency Fourier \ntial form of the spectra series, and The Fourier con\302\254\n 8-8. 181. \nof periodic waveforms, integral 8-9. Fourier transforms and 183. spectra, tinuous-frequency 8- \ntheir 9. unit The \t1. to relationship and Impedance 9- \t1. The and admittance, 9-4. 200. 186.\n .... Functions Admittance of \nbinations, transforms, Laplace concept \nimpedance 153. function, step 194. frequency, complex 197. Th&venin\342\200\231s Series 9-3. and theorem 194\n 9-2. Transform and parallel Norton\342\200\231s com\302\254 theorem,\n 205.\n 10. 10- \t1. 214\n Functions Network and Terminals terminal pairs, 214. 10-2. Driving-point\n 216. 10-4. Poles\n functions, immittances, 215. 10-3. and zeros, 219. 10-5. Restrictions on poleandzerolocations 10-6. Time-domain behavior from the pole and 222. s-plane, Procedure for finding network functions for 225. 10-7. plot, Transfer in\n zero\n \ngeneral 11. networks, two-terminal-pair Sinusoidal Steady-State 230.\n Analysis from Pole-Zero\n Configurations 240\n sinusoid, 241. 11-2. Magnitude\n and of network phase functions, 245. 11-3. Sinusoidalnetwork \nfunctions in terms cir\302\254 of poles and zeros, 252. 11-4. Resonance, \ncuit 255. 11-5. Asymptotic change of magni-\n Q, and bandwidth, 11- \t1. Radian frequency and the vii\n CONTENTS\n with tude the Reactive 12- networks, Use of 12-8. 302. 317. and T cal 13- w half m-derived The 13-10. 346. \t1. Shunt tuned Block for diagrams block closed-loop 16. transformations, gram representation 16\t1. the Routh Feedback rule, criterion, Nyquist tem, Index\n 415. for block of physical systems, Systems \t\n 402.\n 410\n System stability in terms\n 16-3. The Routh criterionor\n equation, 16-4. The Hurwitz criterion, 418. 16-5.The\n 419. 16-6. Application to a closed-loopsys\302\254\n systems, characteristic 394\n diagrams, 394. 15-2. Block\n 396. 15-3. Open-loop and\n elements, 399. 15-4. Block dia\302\254 diagram equivalents, 400. 15-5. Limitations in the block dia\302\254\n in Feedback Stability of \t\n operations electrical \ngram 363\n 372.\n polynomials), Basic \t1. 15- 356.\n 363. 14-2. Stagger-\n network, 14-3. Overstaggered amplifiers\n networks, Diagrams theorem, \t\n amplifier 365. peaked amplifier (Chebyshev 15. bisection Bartlett\342\200\231s Networks Amplifier 14- 328. 13-6. Constant-A filters, 331.\n 338. 13-8. Image impedance of\n filter, 344. 13-9. Composite filters,\n (or L) sections, of termination, 351. 13-11. Lattice\n problem networks, 13-12. 353. filters, 310\n m-derived The \t7. (Filters)\n transfer Image networks, Networks 310. 13-2. Image impedance, 312.\n network, 314. 13-4. Application to LC\n function, 13-5. Attenuation and phase shift in symmetri\302\254\n ladder The \t1. 13-3. normalized frequency,304.\n I-Pa ir Reactive Two-Termina 13- 14. 12-4. reactive of 274\n 12-2. Separation for\n property The four reactance function\n 279. for reactance functions, 287.\n Specifications of reactive networks, 288. 12-6. Cauer form\n 296. 12-7. Choice of network realizations,\n form Foster ....\n 12-3. networks, \t5. An 274. networks, 284. forms, 11-6. 263.\n Networks Reactance 12-1. reactive poles and zeros,260. lattice, symmetrical One-Terminal-Pair 12. 13. in terms of frequency \napplication: 410. 16-2. 411. 423.\n 435\n CHAPTER 1-1. THE OF DEVELOPMENT 1\n CONCEPT\n CIRCUIT Introduction\n of science is the continual bringingtogether wide of facts to fit into a simple, understandabletheory \nof a variety as possible. The name account for as many \nthat will observations scheme has American chemist and univer\302\254 been used the \nconceptual by James for the theory or picture that results.* Conant \nsity president the most familiar scheme to students of science \nPerhaps conceptual we our \nand is that of atomic take the theory from which engineering con\302\254 \npicture of the electron and of electric charge. Otherimportant methods the of One are schemes \nceptual man\342\200\224the charging of \nhistory and electricity Although in \nlodestone navigation\342\200\224it means chemical by \nproduced in developing a Volta about 1800 and Galvani by \ndiscovery the made was progress \nsignificant of energy and conservation of charge.\n were recognized early in the magnetism of amber by friction, the use of was not until the nineteenth century that conservation \nafter Volta. \nrent, and Oersted identified the 1820, measured the force caused Ampere \nFaraday, \nful In and from \nresulting \ntual Maxwell\342\200\231s \nfrom magnetic with discovered electric cur\302\254 1831 induction. The success of Maxwell\342\200\231s concep\302\254 the by persistent agreement of results deduced for a period of over 100 with observation and charge is evidenced scheme magnetic field by the current. In together to form a success\302\254 by the English physicist James Clerk Maxwell has come to be known, as the scheme equations, are explained in terms of fields phenomena Maxwell\342\200\231s electric \nall of time interval were brought experiments scheme conceptual 1873. \nin Henry, independently other and \nThese short relatively In and experimentation. simplified greatly \nImportant discoveries were made in a conceptual scheme. The that electricity could be equations current. \nyears.\n another \ncuit? \nrelated? \nof the * \nHaven, do we now embark upon a study same the electric cir\302\254 phenomena, conceptual as a question, how are the two concepts important Equally The answer to the first of our questions is the practicalutility circuit As a practical matter, we are not ofteninterested\n concept. view In \nof James of Maxwell\342\200\231s B. Conant, why success, scheme for the Science and Common 1951).\n 1\n Sense (Yale University Press, New \nfavors analysis The desired. and \nanswer \nbasic as charge, answer to such \nquantities \nif as we are in voltagesand currents.The circuit in terms of voltage and current from which so much fields in justification. involves \neral concept we \nbefore basic blocks: the \nnomena, primitive of scheme \nconceptual interconnected of \ninclude sources \ncircuit functions of a of supply point the called \nversion that are not It is important charge and included in the that we understand the more of circuit limitations of function the However, equations. energy. gen\302\254 theory\342\200\224 in terms of We regard charge and the circuit in describing electrical phe\302\254 denominators in terms of which we can build our quantities the electric circuit. A physical circuit is a sys\302\254 Here we use the word apparatus to apparatus. components, loads, etc. A energy. Energy transfer is transfer. In the circuit, energy is transferred (the source) to a point of transformationor con\302\254 be (or sink). In the process, the energy may wires, energy, connecting to transfer and transform charge by \naccomplished \nfrom other common least the as Maxwell\342\200\231s helpful to definethe building \nenergy \ntem theory. do approximations\342\200\224the our subject.\n develop It will be \ntwo field these of \nnature as approximations of concept fields, energy, power, etc. can be computed our second question will require a longer circuit concepts arise from the same Briefly, facts experimental \ncircuit Chap. 1\n CIRCUIT CONCEPT\n THE OF DEVELOPMENT 2\n load \nstored.\n Electric 1-2. charge\n when \namber \ntrified\342\200\235 is capable for \ntechnique (and inverse the \nestablishing Our producing France in \nlomb briskly and with the discovery about 600 b.c.that rubbed with a piece of silk or fur becomes \342\200\234elec\302\254 of attracting small pieces of thread. This same was used centuries later by Cou\302\254 electricity is credited Greece of Thales by Cavendish in England) in of charged bodies.\n law of attraction of the nature of charge is basedon independently square understanding present-day We picture the atom as nucleus surrounded of a positively charged by negatively In the neutral electrons. atom, the total charge of the nucleus to the total charge of the electrons. When electronsare equal becomes positively charged. from a substance, that substance substance with an excess of electrons is negatively this The basic unit of charge is the charge of the electron. is so small, the practical unit of the coulomb is used. \ncharge \ntron has a charge of 1.601 X 10~19coulomb.\n \nthe scheme conceptual of the atomic theory. \ncomposed \ncharged \nis \nremoved \nA charged.\n Because The elec\302\254 1-3. Electric current\n The \nto another phenomenon is described of transferring by the term in a circuit electric current. An electric charge from one point current\n \na cross-sectional motion random A boundary. 3\n electric across charge of electrons in unless there is a net transferof a current constitute not \ndoes CIRCUITCONCEPT\n time rate of net motionof as the defined be may OF THE DEVELOPMENT 1-4\n Art. a metal charge with \ntime.\n In current* the form, equation is\n (1-1)\n the If charge q current the \nonds, \nAndr6 Ampere). it follows \nlomb, in sec\302\254 is given in coulombs and the timet is measured is measured in amperes (after the Frenchphysicist cou\302\254 Since the electron has a charge of 1.601X 10-19 that a current of 1 amperecorresponds to the motion of of a cross section X 10-19) = 6.25 X 1018electrons any \nconducting path in 1 sec.\n In terms of the atomic theory conceptual scheme, all as made In a solid, some relatively \npictured up of atoms. \nfree of the the attractive nucleus; 6.24 x 1018electrons/sec of current\n on these electrons are exceed\302\254 \nAmpere \nforces /\n are dis\302\254 small. Such electrons \ningly past \n1/(1.601 substancesare electronsare flow of \nrate time in \nrents are \nMost metals few \nrelatively \nelectrons electrons free many so electrons, that large cur\302\254 than etc. There is no sharp is pos\302\254 insulators. Conduction In vacuum tubes, for example, from one metallic plate to vacuum and conductors a plastics, mica, glass, through pass con\302\254 materials are known as conductors. are good conductors. Materials with liquids are known as insulators. Common insulat\302\254 materials other in \nsible some free between line \ndividing a Such and include materials \ning of charge in \nductor.\n attained. easily Motion 1-1.\n Fig. materials, there are In some 1-1,\n \nPig. area sectional Cross \npassingfrom one atom to the next \nas pictured -\n Charge elec\302\254 free electrons, these of free is the current electric An \ntrons. name the by \ntinguished solids. partial \nanother.\n at \npropagate travel \nductor electron \nfree numerical a \nfor Sources 1-4. Another The example.)\n of energy/ of symbol energy. i for electric potential\n upon which our training in scheme conceptual \nconservation \n* that since some electric waves misconception the speed of light the electronsin a con\302\254 approximately with this same velocity. The actual mean velocity of is but a few millimeters per second! (SeeProb. 1-2 drift a common is There By current is taken from the our thinking is based is the the methods of science,we French word intensity.\n become immediately \nnor can be this \nthat the are The familiarrotating thermal \nfrom other \nand mechanical an \nent, x \nduce Other (4) \njunction \nenergy by mechanical is converted energy and in turn, the thermal energy by burning coal.\n produce electric energy by energy.\n The friction machines energy. exception de Graaff generator the Van being used by Coulomb electric energy produce This is little used method experimenters early \nverting batteries Electric methods. Electrostatic (3) chemical from chemical \nconverting a turbine, by energy mechanical the Often methods. Voltaic electric energy from produces converted is \nenergy invented generator rotation. of \nenergy (2) 1831 in some following:\n (1) Magnetic induction. \nFaraday few In order of economicimportance, accomplished. methods these cannot be created, converted in form. Electricenergyis form. There are relatively ways other some from converted \nenergy \nof that but destroyed, states that energy of energy it can be of conservation law \nThe that creates energy. scheme of any suspicious Chap. 1\n CIRCUIT CONCEPT\n THE OF DEVELOPMENT 4\n by at con\302\254 pres\302\254 used to pro\302\254 in nuclear Thermal methods. is produced by heat at a electricity of dissimilar metals such as bismuth and copper. Light can be converted into electric energy by photoelectric and rays used in research physics.\n \ndevices.\n two \nexample, in \nimmersed of energy terms in same \nthe sources of electricenergyis and charge. In one form for battery, of these different of each function The metallic acid. causes circuit \\\n +Terminal\n -Terminal at \nmulate \nCharge flow in \nence Si\n copper the \nOnce Device \nto for supplying bodies charged \nconversion of energy chemical \nan external by energy\n 1-2, \nFig. as \npended 1-2. Fig. showing \nbattery \nper \nused Representation unit term charge,\" voltage). electron the of a flow.\n is given the In the form \nin transporting copper\342\200\224are the copper\n to accu\302\254 charge electrodes. is Energy negative \nsuppliedto the \302\261j\302\261\n \nand of of zinc and The formation ions External one and zinc of electrodes\342\200\224one sulfuric dilute of charge by the differ\302\254 of ionization of zinc in the chemical reaction. is closed by circuit battery in as shown connection, is ex\302\254 the chemical energy work for each unit of charge the around the charge energy \nexternal circuit. The quantity or identically, charge\" \nper unit \342\200\234 energy \342\200\234work name potential (or the more of an equation,\n commonly W\n V\n (1-2)\n Q\n CIRCUITCONCEPT\n OF THE DEVELOPMENT Art.1-5\n 5\n in coulombs, (or energy) in joules and q is the charge v is in volts (after Alessandro Volta). The potentialof an \nthe potential described by the term electromotive source is sometimes force, \nenergy literature. We will avoiddesignating \nabbreviated emf, in the electrical it is a because as force misleading and instead usethe terms \npotential If or \nvoltage \342\200\230potential.\n dw, energy the dq is given a of charge amount differential a If \nin work is the to potential differentialincrease is increasedby the of the charge amount\n (1-3)\n this If by the current, is multiplied potential dw result Thus \np. to be a is seen is the power time rate The In = (3) each physical The capacitance vi (1-5)\n j p dt = j vidt\n (1-6)\n and circuit concepts\n circuit conceptual of three parameters. scheme, we will followthe same These steps are the following:\n phenomenon. parameter\n substances\342\200\224for separated in shown those \342\200\234action The phenomenon. \tPhysical (1) a at Fig. This stances. as distance\342\200\235 in experimental fact. + + of nature, Coulomb the + + spatially\n + + + ^ re- +\n i\n Fig. 1-3. Chargedbodies,\n a basic\n found two \t\n sub- we of charge on \t\n 1-3\342\200\224causes phenomenon a property presence example, form of a force between the two gard current,\n We will discuss in a quantitative \nmanner an electrical which is observed by experi\302\254 phenomenon this in We will do terms of charge and energy.\n \nment. Field We will next discuss the interpretation of interpretation. in terms \nthe of a field quantity.\n phenomenon we will introduce a circuit param\302\254 Circuit interpretation. Finally, \neter to relate relationship.\n voltage and current in place of the field (2) an the for The (1) 1 -6. of field relationship steps is power equation\n developing \nthree which of energy, change = (1-4)\n given by the integral w 1-5. of as\n P\n of potential and product p and energy is _ ~ ~dt Xdt \ndq the dw _ ~ dq dq/dt that this force was of such nature\n that \342\200\234like charges \nforce varied and repel\342\200\235 \342\200\234unlike to the according THE CIRCUITCONCEPT OF DEVELOPMENT 6 Chap.1\n the that and attract\342\200\235 charges equation\n 9*?2 = F (1-7)\n \n4irer2\n In this \nto point charge, the permittivity, in the \ne is meter \nper to \nstrictly \nto mks the are <72 measured charges that this equation applies the equation may be applied However, charges only. of known charge distribution by vectorially adding all point geometry any and 91 and system, understood be should It coulombs. \nin F is the force in newtonsdirectedfrom point charge the in of r is the separation point charges meters, value of 8.854 X 10-12farad the having free-space equation, \nforces.\n \tField (2) force a \nof force \nThis electric an called of field the two chargedbodies. since force is a vector value\n F\n - = E in terms can be described phenomenon charge placed between a vector quantity charge, unit per is \nquantity, This interpretation. on a unit (1-8)\n \nQ\n a As + + + be represented by force that would be exerted on this field may aid, conceptual \nthe direction of the + + + + + + Electric \n\342\200\234lines of field lines charge exploring +\n or in \nlines are illustrated \nlines are conceptual be \nent. 1-4. unit Eqs. Using \nfield be may Fig. aids: of as thought each at evaluated positive\n point. Such 1-4. These should they actually 1-7-and in drawn the \nnot Fig. lines being pres\302\254 1-8, the electric for a particular force.\342\200\235\n \nproblem.\n \tCircuit (3) \nfrom one The interpretation. to the other plate work necessary of Fig. 1-4 may W\n = J F cos 6 to move a be foundfrom the dr\n charge equation\n (1-9)\n increment of distance between the plates and 6 is the An the force and the direction of movement \nangle between expres\302\254 \nsion for the force has been given by Coulomb\342\200\231s law, Eq. 1-7, which dr where is an dr. \nmay be substituted into the w equation = j We are \nthe voltage more interested between w2 above to cos 0 dr give\n (1\"10)\n in the quantity work per unit charge,which is \342\200\224 = = the plates. When <71 but <7 (equal <71 oppo-\n Art. site the on charges w = CIRCUIT CONCEPT\n the expression for plates), V THE OF DEVELOPMENT 1-6\n f cos ( = potential 7\n becomes\n 6 , \\ 11 \\\n <x-u>\n \\-J The of this equation can be evaluated for simplegeometry,or integral case can be measured fixed For any by measuring q and any is given the name \ngeometry, the integral is a constant elastance, letter this the S. With \nsymbolized by l wdr)\302\253 \nin v. which definition,\n = v C. \nletter the capacitance, of S is The reciprocal be may = and \nlombs Cv\n (1-13)\n In these equations, if q is the unit of C is thefarad (in of capacitance. v in volts, then terms the by represented written\n q in is which 1-12 Equation (1-12)\n Sq measuredin cou\302\254 of Michael honor colorful name \nFaraday), and the unit for S bearsthe daraf (farad The quantity C (or the quantityS) which char\302\254 \nspelled backwards). under and \nacterizes the the study permits system simplerelationship v and is to be written known as \nbetween a circuit q parameter,the a of there system, capacitive \nship system.*\n our objective, a To reach \nin a of \ncapacitance and charge current relationship betweenvoltageand current remains the task of studying the relation\302\254 given by the \n1 ~ equation\n dq (1-14)\n dt\n with \nlinearly charge on a initial is an there If the time, charge q is found current The the \ntime, giving * \nonly that on \ncharge should It for the any \nTheory may be charge increases written\n kt\n by differentiating (1-15)\n the charge with to respect - af -k <M6>\n the current in the system is independent initial of In going the other direction,computing charge,\n system. described be noted that the circuitparameter of two charged bodies with equal case \ncapacitanceconcept can be \nwith q0 + the and that see we = q0 value\n * Thus system, at any time charge distribution. (Addison-Wesley extended, For Publishing however, to the by and this opposite case of holds equation charges. The several conductors example, see Fowler, Introduction to Co., Cambridge, 1953), pp. 73 ff.\n Electric the given Eq. 1-14 we rearrange current, to be integrated can as\n \342\200\224 idt\n dq which Chap. 1\n CIRCUIT CONCEPT\n THE OF DEVELOPMENT 8\n (1-17)\n as\n (1-18)\n give\n charge on the The total initial the \nof related are \nage more once the by be to seen equal by the the charge deposited to the relationship, q and charge Returning system of platesis \342\200\224 to the sum and volt\302\254 current.\n current Cv, equation\n dq\n (1-19)\n dt\n the If vary with time (or C does not capacitance with then\n charge), (1-20)\n C is not If, however, / \342\200\242d l = dt \\ v-y ^ t; the time, cur\302\254 = i S\n dC\n = C^{ft) +. dt\n the equation with starting Similarly, of function the general relationship\n from found be must \nrent constant but variesasa = v V\n we Sq, i dt\n (1-21)\n dt\n find that\n dt\n (1-22)\n /\n 1-19 Equations \nsystem Example The \nby a \nplates and 1-22 relate the through circuit the voltage and parameter capacitive C.\n 1\n of Fig. sketch constant-speed varies according 1-5 (a) shows motor so that to the two plates, one battery the capacitance of which is driven between the two equation\n C(t) = Co(l If the current in the \342\200\224 cos potential remains constant (1-23)\n (at) at V volts, the current as a\n 1-6 Art. of time function may be found from = i ^ (Cv) = V^- CIRCUITCONCEPT 9\n Eq. 1-21 as\n = sin o)C0V cot (1-24)\n of current is shownin Fig. time variation This OF THE DEVELOPMENT l-5(c).\n Fig. 1-6. Variable capacitance system.\n that the cannot Cv q = Cv, it is seen product since an instantaneous \nchange instantaneously, change in q would infinite which an is ruled out as a \nmean current, phys\302\254 In terms of the time \nical system. = U \342\200\224 in which At \ninterval ti, q or amount a finite shown \nCv changes At cannot be zero.\n \nin Fig. 1-6, of Cv shown Instantaneous change 1 is thus ruled out. Typical \nas curve are per\302\254 or q which of Cv \nchanges 1_6, of Cv wlth timeFig\342\200\230 Change shown as curves 2 and 3. are \nmitted the From equation possibilityina another \nFrom the approach, q(t) charge \342\200\224 q0 is given +\n as\n dt\n (1-25)\n /:*\n by 1-18. Eq. \nvalue in zero portion of this finite with time i; that is,\n The integral i dt lim = 0,\n equationcannot have i 9^ oo\n a finite (1-26)\n \n<-\342\226\272 o\n The integration \ninfinitesimal \nto ti must areas, be is illustrated process and dt i in height greater than in Fig. 1-7 as the summation of in width. The interval zero for any area to be from summed.\n t = 0 OF DEVELOPMENT 10\n mathematical These the \nthat charge time. zero \nin THE CIRCUIT cannot increase or decrease or voltage can change a capacitive system either capacitance However, in in\302\254 so \nstantaneously two the of \nduct \nconstant, 1-7. of Integration the where conditions apart (suchas \nvanishingly small interval pro\302\254 remains quantities = C 2t>2\n 2 refer a switch after and times at existing before (1-27)\n 1 and subscripts current.\n \nto the as long as\n C\\V\\ Fig. Chap.1\n the requirement in visualizing aid equations CONCEPT\n a is \nclosed).\n \nnot with change cannot \nsystem time \nthe \nthe needle \ncarrying In \nnetism. \ncurrent i and \nbetween \ntional force same the the important discovery an \342\200\234action is not Ampere measured the force causedby the in equation form. This mag\302\254 relationship a distance\342\200\235 as in the case of the force just the at This bodies. charged fact;!it between year, expressed effect'is \nnetic made Oersted two charged substances depended on rate of flow of charge (the current). In Oersted\342\200\231s experiment, of a compass was deflected by the presenceof a currentthat the effect was related to mag\302\254 indicating conductor, the that 1820 parameter\n phenomenon. Physical (1) instantaneously.\n change The inductance 1-7. \nin the to \nsimplifies does considered, the capacitance of a network time. Under this condition, the above discussion conclusion that the voltage of a capacitive important to be cases most In \342\200\234action at a distance\342\200\235 is a basic observa\302\254 from other knowledge.\n deduced (2) Field interpretation.The in terms of the force per unit \ninterpreted phenomenon magnetic can above described pole at all be points\n (a)\n Fig. in \nangles \nof Fig. to the l-8(a), The magnetic field.\n that this force was directed at rightIn terms of the geometry conductor. current-carrying described a magnetic field density B, the force\n Ampere Oersted space. 1-8. discovered Art. 1-7\n per unit of pole, magnetic CIRCUITCONCEPT\n OF THE DEVELOPMENT 11\n value\n a dl cos ni _ (1-28)\n \n4n-r2\n the magnetic n is where the \nin which magnetic defined are \nquantities 1-9. Pig. of a tion conventions.\n flux By Eq. 1-28, the conductor. at a constant be field and Magnetic current-carrying will \ndensity permeability, which is a functionofthemedium other i is the currentin amperes, and on the figure. Figure 1-9(a) showsthe crosssec-\n field exists, magnetic distance from the conductor. constant field to indicate the direction aid. These are magnetic field density lines or \nof B\342\200\224as a conceptual For force.\342\200\235 more of \n\342\200\234lines than that shown in complicated geometries the of the lines be can found position l-9(a), \nFig. by integratingEq. or \n1-28 with lines \nContinuous by experimentally \nexisted) from place to \nan \ndensity be drawn may a moving pole \342\200\234point\342\200\235 magnetic placein space. A would compass magnetic sometimes convenient to replace the linesof magnetic by lines of magnetic flux defined by the integralequation\n $ where 0 is the (if one give of directions.\n measure approximate It is arrows cos 0 dS = j'B field (1-29)\n angle between the surface of integration and the field in currents each of N \ndensity conductors, representedin are in such a direction that the fluxes add, flux N<f> \nFig. 1-9(b), to exist. If, however, <f>i lines of flux are said link Ni con\302\254 \nlinkages* link lines conductors and so the total numberof N2 <f>2 forth, \nductors, B. the If then \nflux is linkages found by summation algebraic as\n n\n * = V (1-30)\n N^i j=l\n * \nof For the of some of the flux linkages, see a discussion concept of \nmagnetic fields,\342\200\235Am. \nof current steady J. magnetic Phys., problems encountered in the use (and misuse) in electric and Joseph Slepian, \342\200\234Topology 19, 87 (1951), and Keith McDonald, Am. fields,\342\200\235 \342\200\234Lines of J. Phys.f force 22, 586 (1954).\n DEVELOPMENT OF 12\n \nto flux give linkages, = experimented \nFaraday found He \nimity. a \ninduced voltage \nof a \nconductor moving \nis of thought \nthe \nthought in a caused \nfor for accounting flux \342\200\234changing only at a action distance. \tCircuit interpretation. in current v is law Faraday\342\200\231s Such time. with we \nseconds,and k = 1, then and linkages\342\200\235; (as in a transformer)is linkages\342\200\235 attach not a means is\n = O'32*\n kfi where k is a proportionalityconstant. In the \nselected to make k have unit value:when \nvoltage flux do as conceptual aids so longas to flux linkages whichare, afterall, v (3) the reducing conductor stationary by A generator) hence and flux \342\200\234cutting \nphysical significance terms a magnetic in valuable are \npictures method of inducingvoltagein of changes in flux linkages. terms field (as in the case of a in but distance\342\200\235 as as of prox\302\254 that a changing magnetic field produced by one in the other circuit. The changing magnetic field by (1) a conductor moving in space or (2) a induced voltage in spatial circuits conducting not envision this at \342\200\234action basic experimental discovery. time.\n did Faraday two current with \nchanging for the next with (1-31)\n circuit caused be \ncould B cos 6 dS N J' credit goes Faraday 1\n as\n * To Chap. Eq. 1-29 may be modified link all conductors, lines all that Assuming CONCEPT\n CIRCUIT THE inks is system in the are t is in units weber-turns, volts.\n in To derive the circuit relationshipbetween described in (2), we begin with the system law,\n \nFaraday\342\200\231s (1-33)\n or the integral equivalent form\n = ^ / v dt Note, incidentally, the similarity this of \nin terms of We see that ^ \nEq. 1-31, by is to and in turn, Ampere\342\200\231s as voltage Now equations. \nrent expression and the one for charge current,\n q = \ntwo (1-34)\n law, flux charge linkages 1-28. is to current, are related by comparing the to the magnetic field by field density is relatedto these substitutions, with Making the magnetic Eq. (1-35)\n jidt the cur\302\254 the\n OF THE DEVELOPMENT 1-7\n Art. i can that assumption CIRCUITCONCEPT\n be removed from the integral,41 TJ The \ngeometries the \nto \nance, if a However, parameter M to \nchanged \342\200\224 Li = \nq voltage \nrelating and current in time, law Faraday\342\200\231s relationship an gives equation a magnetic circuit,\n (1-39)\n (Li) L in appropriatecases). (where M replaces the and J- with (1-38)\n of these equations = \302\273 \nvary circuit, letter symbolis Mtiii 1-37 into Eq. Substituting Cv.) another as\n note the similarity (Again, (1-37)\n current ii produces flux linkages if/2 in is one of mutual inductance, and the *2 = d-8\302\256)\n may be evaluated mathematically for simple as the or be found may by measuring if/ and i, is defined the coefficient of inductance). If if/ end i refer (or parameter is defined same the as self-induct\302\254 parameter physical system, L as\n symbolized by the letter if/ \nthe f M) AS] which term, integral \ninductance have\n we \" *\342\200\234[*/(/ 13\n does inductance the If not 1-39 becomes\n Eq. <w\302\260)\n * system is nonlinear,containing the coupled magnetically \nmedium, we may say that the flux \nin all other linked circuits,\n If in circuit linkages = the voltage in 1-32, Eq. By _ Vk ~ Each \nThese (ifa = ~ dt derivative partial terms may be dii , i\" djne dii is some saturating of the a function currents \342\200\242 \342\200\242. fin)\n circuit k is givenby dii dt A; di2 dt , ^ ^, term is evaluated with defined as coefficients of law Faraday\342\200\231s d\\pk dik dik dt , i\" ' as\n , fyk din\n \342\200\234l\" dt\n din '' all other currentsheld constant. inductance so that the voltage \nbecomes\n ** where \nis linear, M = is used this Mkl Tt + Mki for mutual equation 1ft + Lkk \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 + W + Mkn \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 + It\n inductance and L for self-inductance.When to one which will later be written as Eq. reduces a system 1-51.\n \nletter \nis (1 /L) quantity The gamma. (1-41)\n j is sometimes symbolized by the uppercaseGreek (after the American scientist Joseph Henry) henry for inductance.\n unit mks the dt v ^ Chap.1\n CONCEPT\n give\n = i The to be integrated can 1-39 Equation THE CIRCUIT OF DEVELOPMENT 14\n and the that In the case of the capacitive we found charge system, led to be might \nproduct Cv could not change instantaneously.We in for an inductive system \nsuspect that there is a similarrelationship that have been pointed out. Indeed there is such of the \nview analogies in definite \na relationship, which may be found with the help of Eq. 1-34, form.\n \nintegral * = to + v given in the last section has zero value for t = in this \ngral equation closing of \ninstantaneously\342\200\224say by the From arguments \na same before and after the interval of time. In terms the be \nmust small very if/ which is to of \nciple \njust \nit is a in \nneously say that constant before our altered, (1-42)\n = a about capacitance,the 0. Thus, in a altered inte\302\254 system a systemis altered,but of Eq. (1-43)\n be cannot linkages = changed or \\f/2 L\\i\\ = \nin an to visualize circuit. electric Newton\342\200\231s F where \nknown \ntaneously. \nof time, \nconstant. \nlaws:\n F as is force, M is mass, the momentum; In a system must velocity We see that changes law force = momentum system v is time equations\n (1-44)\n to the principle of since is helpful in a mechanical system than is\n Mv 4: at\n and prin\302\254 after LiU flux easier sometimes instanta\302\254 This conclusion the 1 referto the If we let the subscript The is for only constant is similar constant linkages \nconservationof momentumin mechanics. analogy The principle of linkages 1-42,\n same system is altered and 2 refer to the statements can be summarized by the \\f/i \nit flux switch\342\200\224the is described as linkages. flux the to flux the system. given = dt JQ (1-45)\n velocity. of a system The Mv is product cannot change instan\302\254 lostasa function such as a rocket where massis in such a way that momentumremains change there are a number of analogous conservation 1-7\n Art. qi = 92 and The (2) conservation The linkages:\n \342\200\224 and \nthe of Example = C%v2\n = L2i2\n and M\\Vi linkages = M2v2\n an important specialization of results. In a fixed inductive sys\302\254 instantaneously.\n change 2\n inductive a certain In are We exists. \n1-10 Liii constant, flux constant cannot current the \ntem, remains inductance principle 15\n of momentum:\n conservation Pi = pa When CiVi of flux \\j/2 (3) CIRCUITCONCEPT\n of charge:\n conservation The (1) OF THE DEVELOPMENT system, the current waveformshown in Fig. the voltage that producesthis\n to find required \t\n 1\n assume will \nWe t\n waveform.\n time. associated charge, both as functions of The relationship v = L(di/dt) L remains constant. the and waveform current 4 3\n Fig. 1-11. Voltage waveform.\n Current 1-10. Fig. 1 2\n 1\n that can be found by differentiationof the currentand The result is shown in Fig. 1-11.Charge \nmultiplication by of the current to be found \nmay by integration in Fig. 1-12.\n result shown the \ngive It is important that we be able to apply the a 1 \nindicates the voltage a constant. of \nconcept \nare to inductance coupled. magnetically several systems A set of three which coupled\n Fig. 1-13. Set coupled magnetically Fig. is i2 and ii Charge waveform.\n \ncoils.\n system for the of the The ii. 1-37 to Eq. in Fig. 1-13. To simplify the zero and consider the effect be U 1 flux linkages, found from produces coils \nlet \nrent 1-12. shown = Liii (t*2 = of\n is = moment, current cur\302\254 be\n 0)\n (1-46)\n 16\n OF THE DEVELOPMENT where \ninductance). \nflux linkages the For \neter. self-inductance the is L\\ In each by the other circuit, will i\\ under system fa = Mziii (it of subscripts for M requires further inductance = iz = some \nthe two equations, \nthe flux linkages of param\302\254 study,\n fa = Afsit'i and The order the number some produce of the mutual 1\n Chap. (usually called just parameter proportionality particular CIRCUITCONCEPT\n 0) (1-47)\n attention. From be clear that the first subscriptrefersto second to the current. This particular con\302\254 it should the and to the generalequations, remembering this particular \nvention the order if we \nassume for our conceptual scheme that current produces In the to general case, there will be sources or loads connected in Fig. 1-13 and no current the coils shown be zero. We will \nassume for the time being that the current and winding are \nsenses of the coils are such that all linkages additive, postponing more case for 2. The total in coil 1 general Chapter linkages be made up of flux linkages produced by the current in coil1 \nflux it and t3. In equation linkages produced by currents is \nvention a desired symmetry to give chosen of study. A crutch for topic is that the subscripts are in next \nour con\302\254 \342\200\234effect, cause,\342\200\235 flux.\n each \nof will directions flux flux \nthe \nwill plus form,\n = and for similarly the other fa ^3 + M\\%it Liii two (1-48)\n + Mtziz (1-49)\n coils,\n \342\200\224 = + Muiz h%it Mtiii + Mziii + Mztit -|- Lziz (1-50)\n paragraph is now apparent. inductance mutual coefficients have subscripts designating row column in the above array of equations.\n in as a stepping stone to We are interested linkages only in The induced each coil is given by law as the \nage. voltage rate of change of flux linkages. If the inductance parametersare are readily these found by differentiation to voltages The in the discussed symmetry preceding \nThe \nand flux volt\302\254 Faraday\342\200\231s \ntime be\n \nconstant, Vl = In Chapters \nterms , g- dx2 \342\226\240 dx3\n Ti\302\243\342\226\240 = 1/ Uu 1/ Mn-s di\\ . di2 j + Lt Si H dx 1 (1-51)\n +Ml,H\n . + * + Mn Ttjr dx2 . r dx3\n (1-52)\n Ti\n dx3 (1-53)\n Ma-M+L,-s\n 3, we will consider the equations will be negative.\n 2 and in these dx\\ Lllu+Mlt-di = \nv, r conditionsunder which some resistance The 1-8. OF THE DEVELOPMENT 1-8\n Art. CIRCUITCONCEPT\n 17\n parameter\n The passageof electronsthrougha \nrial is not without collisions of the electrons other accomplished \natomic particles. these collisions are not and Moreover, elastic, lost in each collision. This loss in energy per unit chargeis in potential across the material. The amount energy as a drop \npreted \nlost by the electrons is related to the physical properties a particular (1) Physical phenomenon. mate\302\254 with energy \nis inter\302\254 of of \nsubstance.\n The German physicist Georg SimonOhm there is a relationship between the current experimentally \nin a and the potential substance drop. In terms of the fieldconcept, in energy \nthe change per unit of charge causes a changein the force unit electric This field. effect charge\342\200\224or \nper may be interpreted in of a field in the direction of current through the conductingsub\302\254 \nterms be stated in terms of this fieldand the Ohm\342\200\231sexperiment \nstance. may Field (2) interpretation. that \nfound \ncurrent area cross-sectional unit per J where, in mks E \nmeter, \nand <r the is Circuit an \nhas conductivity <tE (1-54)\n current in density amperes per square the conducting substance in voltspermeter, of the substance, which is a constant for each material.*\n \nparticular (3) units, J is the field along is the = as\n If the as that interpretation. idealized geometry, 230(2>3\n substance which carries the current shown in Fig. l-14(b), it is possible\n i\n Fig. \nIf the reduce to field form of Ohm\342\200\231s law of the conductor is related are \ndensity by the where S is * Strictly \nSimilarly is uniform Eq. speaking, independent <r is current relate to and voltage.' uniform, the currentand current J cos d dS = the cross-sectionalarea. For field electric Ohm\342\200\231s law.\n equation\n i = J \nthe illustrating section cross the Conductors 1-14. and directed JS the (1-55)\n same simple geometry, along the length of the wire;\n 1-54 is a specialcasevalid for isotropic substances. only of the magnitude of E only for linear substances.\n that CIRCUIT CONCEPT\n THE OF DEVELOPMENT 18\n Chap. 1\n is,\n v of the more case a special as v and El\n (1-56)\n general relationship\n = cos 6 dl\n j E (1-57)\n the field form 1-56 into of Ohm\342\200\231s law, gives\n 1-54, \nEq. 1-55 Eqs. Substituting = v =\n (1-58)\n for constant geometry the is given the name the resistance the \nconductor, simply and is symbolized other \nresistance, by the letter R. For the simple one of Fig. 1-14(b), computation of the \nthan current and for a substance will be more difficult. \nrelating voltage measurement of current and voltage can establish the value resistance the and by-pass the computation problem. parameter The which (1/<tS), quantity is a constant of parameter\342\200\224or geometries coefficient \nHowever, \nof \nOhm\342\200\231slaw be may written\n v = or, in terms of Ri charge,\n - \342\200\242 The v = equation Ri is as known well As is it remember \nand law \nhis in \naccepted. \nand voltage \nbetween body\342\200\235 \nby laity We \nobserved is by his Gv fellow (1-61)\n for conductance children (school \342\200\234Vermont scientists mks the In conductance. with association form\n is the system, mho.\n are taught = the Rhode when he first ideas the law Island\342\200\235), announced were it was some 30 years beforehis finally of of current We must that the concepts remember, course, in his day, the first distinction not well understood were been made by Ampere in 1820. the two having quantities 1826, \nhis 1 -9. law f1-60*\n and can such statements newspaper \nReading ohm and Ohm\342\200\231s by ridiculed was \nOhm the i written in the = l/R is known as the resistance for \nunit * sometimes i where G = (1-59)\n convince one that as \342\200\234 10,000 the distinction volts passed through is not well understood today.\n Approximation have discussed experimentally of a system as a circuit\n in which three electrical phenomena the manner in terms of circuit param-\n be described can Art. A eters. we must eventually that problem CIRCUITCONCEPT\n OF THE DEVELOPMENT 1-9\n 19\n face in makinguse the of of of representing a physicalsystemin terms \nthese can we draw a circuit that will For example, rep\302\254 parameters. coil of a trans\302\254 \nresent a a an electric piezoelectric crystal, wire, motor, a few to name but \nmission or an antenna, systems?\n line, we examine some arbitrary physical system, looking for Suppose to be replaced by equivalent parameters. Pos\302\254 of the \nportions system of the effects would be most easily recognized. A part resistive \nsibly small cross\nthe system made of material of high resistivity, with as equiv\302\254 \nsectional area and appreciable length, would be recognized \ncircuit \nalent \neasily large be distinguished \nance. could and resistance to of \npart is that concept another from of small resist\302\254 the system We found that there is a have between effect \ncapacitive two any of a system. two parts \nparts \nconstitute a system capableof con\302\254 If the of \ncentration electric \nhigh \nfor small and storage area large field\342\200\224say, charge a producing charge, 1-15. Fig. dis\302\254 for \ncircuit from \ntance \nis that of \ntance to part the of be can \nalent can we of that taken into about What smaller por\302\254 effects or secondary much the same manner? Just how account in representing a systemby in recognized answer many equiv\302\254 expect by a parameter. \naccount by an make \npoint, how \nthat the they \ncapacitors, frequently the separate We must be electrical effects we can take into stop somewhere. We must, at some requires engineering one case will not judgment. An be in another.In approximation many practical of connecting wires are so small be neglected. Likewise, in most cases of commercial inductive and resistive parameters may be ignored. Much resistance of coils can be neglected.\n the and capacitance resistance may many good approximation.\n Approximation \nwhich is valid in \ncases, our questions only by asking another:just how results to be? The accuracy of our results will the \ndetermined \nless every parameters?\n We \ndo every currentbetween then the inductance,selfor mutual, large effects. be must \neffects crystal.\n is large.\n system So much for \nthat a piezoelectric system one of which is carrying current. If thecon\302\254 in space in such a way that the fields magnetic \nreinforce each other, \ntion of equivalent antenna, at least located are \nductors (b) form an end-excited effect is associated with an effect of mutual inductance and conductors of \npair \nand One inductive conductor, \ncarrying capaci\302\254 of the an Finally, large. part\342\200\224the portion (a) and inductance Chap. 1\n that assume will we have of a system is given, all significant parameters into account. Engineering judgment has been exercisedby made But when the student finally who up the problem. a schematic \nwhen taken \nbeen individual \nthe CIRCUIT CONCEPT\n in other chapters, to follow discussions the In THE OF DEVELOPMENT 20\n the \napplies \nthese of analysis techniques with associated questions to a problem difficult to write answers \nis usually the best teacher.\n must approximation to such questions \nis that he makes up, be answered. It in textbooks; experience is not unique to circuit analysisby any means. In problems by computing the electric and magneticfieldsfor all will assuredly be approximations, either in in space, there the physical system by mathematical equations or in and analysis are bound together. the Approximation equations. of approximation is to lack understanding ofthe the problem Approximation \nsolving \npositions \nrepresenting \nsolving \nTo ignore of \nresults In analysis.\n \nresented a by \ncombination \nare commonly effects \nwhich as \njudgment \nisolated \nthere \nThis 1 -10. an such is Other 1-58, \nthat the \narea. \nare some circum\302\254 neither these necessary not vary the assumptions and difficult is lost by radiation. section.\n representation\n Eqs. parameters, did charge different in circuit of the energy equations for the circuit was it with If in the next approximations In arriving at \nand part interaction, be discussed will \nvaried It will, under resistive as the long all In rep\302\254 is useful.\n approximation cases we have assumed that the magnetic and electric fields are that there is no interaction between the two fields.If and as \nonly be to system effects. Such unwanted effects capacitive distinguished by the name parasitic. The decision of must be taken into account involves the same engineering discussed The effects can be ignored earlier. parasitic and exhibit \nstances, inductance. a pure unknown commercial components in labeled inductor, however, with A component a circuit. as behave start with an instead but circuit, forming not \nwill we do not cases, many to make simplifying 1-11, 1-36, approximations: (1) with dimensions, and (2) that the current of the conductor nor the cross-sectional length do not hold, the values for the parameters to compute.\n how current and charge might with space, is made to flow for but a that the current interval of time, \npose that this flow is repeated at a periodic rate, a large pulsed \nnumber of times each second. Under such conditions, the current will not be uniform can \nthe charge imagine throughout the system. of the system with charge and other portions \nsome portions This the case, the general expressions must be used being \ncharge. To illustrate vary sup\302\254 brief \nand very and We without in\n the evaluating CIRCUITCONCEPT\n 21\n and resistance parameters. inductance, or measured, will be different values, computed with uniform current and charge in the different of a system be computed for every capacitance, new parameter \nfrom those found \nMust the parameters \nThese OF THE DEVELOPMENT 1-10\n Art. system. \ncurrent?\n question is, again, a practicaloneof engineering there will be conditions requiring someeffective \njudgment. Certainly, \nvalue of the parameters\342\200\224computed for a particular time waveform\342\200\224 \nto be used. But in many cases, the approximation that parameter \nvalues are found for nonvarying or static conditions to those equal is strictly valid only in the usable This results \ngives approximation \ncases in which of current and charge is slow,theso-called the variation We will assume that we are operating in this state. \nquasi-stationary in We \nstate to follow. thus assume constant parametersfor chapters The to this answer of variations \nchanging current and charge.\n that the parametersare with the of the of and This is a \ntion current. charge good magnitude in their nominal operating range. for most elements \ntion system of such elements is said to be linear. will assume that all \ncomposed a re linear. \nsystems to be considered (unless otherwisespecified) We further assume varia\302\254 constant approxima\302\254 A We We \nthereby exclude \ntaining dielectrics nonlinear change elements capacitance and systems. Some with the quantity systems of charge in con\302\254 in a magnetic system,the flux produced related to current because of saturation. Such resistive \nis not linearly in a lamp bulb change resistanceas the carbon filament as \nmaterials of current. It should be noted, however, that of magnitude \na function linear under certain condi\302\254 can be considered nonlinear \nsome systems tubes are nonlinear, but for certain analyses may Vacuum \ntions. be linear over a restricted \nconsidered range of operation.\n the requirement we will include Besidesthe assumptionof linearity in a system be bilateral. In a bilateral system,the all elements \nthat between current exists for current flow\302\254 and voltage \nsame relationship direction. In either contrast, a unilateral system has different \ning in and \nlaws current for the two possible directions of voltage relating of unilateral elements are vacuum diodes, ger\302\254 \ncurrent. Examples \nthe When system. \nmanium Many \nmission iron diodes, crystal electric systems line, for example, is used detectors, selenium are physically may extend rectifiers, etc.\n distributed in space. A trans\302\254 for hundreds of miles. When a to the transmission line,energyis trans\302\254 of light. Because of this finitevelocity, \nported nearly velocity \nall electrical do not take place at the same instant of time.This effects the case, the restrictions discussed earlier apply in the computa\302\254 \nbeing \ntion of the circuit in\n When a system is so concentrated parameters. \nsource of energy at is connected the the that space is a good \nconsider only \ntem THE CIRCUIT OF DEVELOPMENT 22\n Chap.1\n CONCEPT\n of simultaneous actions through that the system is said to be lumped.We assumption approximation, sys\302\254 will systems.\n lumped to the approximation Our circuit approach a of obscured has system of electric and As that the fields. an approximation, \nnetic field is associated only with an inductive system and that the field is associated with a capacitive only system. Fields be so lumped. The consequence of interaction of the fields \nnot actually of electromagnetic the radiation Open a switch in an energy. and the effects will be observed as a noisein radio \ntive system, the ignition \nreceivers. Similarly, spark of an automobile may affect effect \nan of the interaction we have assumed terms in described usually \nmagnetic mag\302\254 can\302\254 \nelectric induc\302\254 \nis nearby \nnearby television \namount of be \ncan We ignored. have will \nsive Sources physical elements Energy and 1-11. and Energy and 1-5 \nEqs. inductive an and capacitors.\n are given power\n which is spoken \342\200\224 vi = \nsystem, = is spoken of as \ncauses energy to be = i the in the energy is given by which by \342\200\224 vi dt\n magnetic field.\342\200\235 In Prob. (see the 1-8)\n (1-62)\n the relationship = in (see Prob. joules ^ a capacitive 1-9)\n (1-63)\n joules \302\261Cv* \342\200\234stored j has the value t Li* \342\200\234stored Wc w and energy system, of as voltage and current in terms of are\n WL and by different names are distinguished themselves p In bilateral and inductive elements are identifiedas pas\302\254 electric energy are identified as active elements. of power 1-6, approximation.\n be lumped, linear, and radiation.\n inductors, resistors, as an approximation thus will study capacitive, elements. \nThe \nas shall we negligible Resistive, is small, and by radiation will make this the however, conditions, many lost energy The systems \nand Under receivers. electric field.\342\200\235 transformed into heat or in Current light. The a resistor amount of \nenergy is\n WK The equivalence \nstrated \nwhile by the Joule. resistor of this The = energy inductor is an R f t* dt joules (1-64)\n to mechanical energy was first demon\302\254 and capacitor are energy storageelements, energy sink.\n \nin a given \nin a system THE CIRCUIT CONCEPT\n 23\n quantity, always positive. The sum of the energy can be found by algebraic summation. The power system is given in terms of energy by the relationship\n is a Energy scalar P Pr' is the where OF DEVELOPMENT 1-11\n Art. = W = Pr' + total powerof all + (1_65)\n Wc>) Jt(Wl\342\200\230' elements resistive given as\n n\n Pr' = = ^= d^jf 3 and is the Wl R,V (1-66)\n 1\n in all inductive total energy stored elements,\n m\n W.\n ! \342\200\224 h (1-67)\n L/ij*\n ^ 3 = 1\n and is the Wc total energy stored Wo' = * in all capacitive elements,\n ^= 3 where n, m, and p are W (1-68)\n 1\n the total number of elementsof eachof the three \nkinds.\n FURTHER READING\n in further reading on the subjectsof this should consult \nchapter Elementary Electric-Circuit Theory (McGraw\nHill New Book Co., York, 1945) by Richard H. Frazier, pp. 17-41. \nMore advanced treatments of these concepts are given in Electric \nCircuits & Sons, Inc., New York, 1940) by the MIT Wiley (John \nElectrical Engineering pp. 1-8, and in Linear Transient Analysis Staff, & New Sons, Inc., \n(John Wiley York, 1954) by Ernst Weber, pp. 1-14. \nA discussion of physical in general is to be found in Chaps.1 systems \nand 2 of Response of Physical Systems (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New John D. Trimmer. Students interested in further 1950) \nYork, by of electric and fields as basic concepts should read \nstudy magnetic \nThe Fundamentals of Electro-Magnetism (The Macmillan Company, \nNew 1. on Maxwell\342\200\231s 1939) York, by Geoffrey Cullwick, starting p. in many libraries under the title, A Treatise are found \noriginal writings \non Electricity and Magnetism (Oxford Press, New York, 1892).\n student The interested PROBLEMS\n A solid 1-1. \ntrons by copper a charging of 101S elec\302\254 sphere 10 cm in diameteris deprived is the of scheme, (a) What charge the spherein\n OF DEVELOPMENT 26\n THE CIRCUIT CONCEPT\n Chap.1\n watt, (h) At what rate is energy being as heat? \ndissipated (i) At what rate is the battery supplyingenergy?\n 1-16. In the circuit shown below, the capacitor is chargedto volt\302\254 in the cir\302\254 The current of 1 volt, and at t = 0 the switch K is \nage is known \ncuit to be of the form i(t) = e-\342\200\230 (t > 0). At a certain amp, \ntime the has a value of 0.37 amp. (a) At what rate isthe current voltage\n the 0.23 Answer: inductor? a closed. , \t\n K\n +LV-1V\n cr c-it\n Prob. across the capacitor \nthe \n(d) much \nWhat is \nbeing taken At the what changing? (b) What is What is the the value of the charge time rate of change of the product on Cvl across the capacitor? Answer: 0.37 volt, (e) in the electric field of the capacitor?(f) is stored energy the resistor? (g) At what rate is energy across voltage from the electric field of the capacitor? Answer:0.137watt, is the What \nHow \n(h) (c) capacitor? 1-16.\n rate voltage is energy being dissipated as heat?\n 1\n Chap. the CIRCUIT CONCEPT\n THE equation for energy, W = WL \\Li% and WL = ^2/L.\n the From 1-8. \nfor OF DEVELOPMENT defining inductance, = / vi 25\n dt show that, for the the equation for energy in Prob. 1-8,show that = = \ncapacitance, Wc ?Cv2 and Wc ?Sq2.\n 1-10. Assume that the inductance parameteris defined as the con\302\254 \nstant stored and the current squared by the equation relating energy = that for use of the relationship p = vi, show \nWL ?Li2. Making \nconstant inductance the voltage across the inductoris vL = L(di/dt).\n in Prob. 1-11. Carry out a similar derivationto the one suggested = to show with for a capacitive system, Wc \n1-10 ?Sq2 starting energy From 1-9. constant for \nthat S,\n = vc \ntime: RC; (a) = S J i dt\n all have the dimension the following quantities (b) L/R] (c) y/LC.\n that Show 1-12. Sq of of 1-13. Show that (a) R2C has the has \ny/L/C has the dimension of resistance, (c) L/R2 dimension \ncapacitance.\n 1-14. the \nin of \nrate The current in the in \npassed through weber-turn/sec, \nreference time). i(t) = (1 inductor (c) 0.5 switch \342\200\224 e~l) K in the circuit current amp, flux flux\n coulomb.\n circuit shownabove,the The the 2 sec, (c) the quantity of chargehaving after 1 sec. Answer: (a) 1 weber-turn, after system the 1-16. In the \ntion shown The current increases from t = 0 at figure. accompanying 1 amp/sec seconds, at least). Find: (a) the (for several of after 1 sec, (b) the time rate in the change system linkages 1 variation the follows of dimension of \nlinkages \n(b) a 1-henryinductor (b) inductance, the t flowing > 0. At is closed at t = 0 (the is givenby the equa\302\254 a certain time the current has a What At what rate is the currentchanging? (b) What is the rate of the value flux linkages? (c) change of \nflux is the voltage across the inductor? Answer: What linkages? (d) of the \n0.37 much energy is stored in the magneticfield volt, (e) How is the voltageacrossthe resis\302\254 \ninductor? Answer: 0.20 joule, (f) What in the magnetic stored \ntor? field of\n At is what rate (g) energy being \nvalue \nis of 0.63 amp. (a) of the total FOR CONVENTIONS 28\n DESCRIBING NETWORKS\n Chap. 2\n vacuum tube amplifier are as ideal of that can be approximated practical generators sources with series or parallel passive elements. The current an of a circle but is also represented by the symbol \nciated arrow rather than indicating the positive markings polarity current in Fig. 2-1 of flow as shown For both the associated sources, symbol of a lower case letter or i \ninfers a time-varying source, while the upper case letter or / is used The approximate time variation of denote a time-invariant source. the circle. For example, the is sometimes sketched within ~ or in the circle indicates a source of sinusoidal \nbol placed The cell photoelectric the and pentode \nexamples \ncurrent asso\302\254 with \nsource \ndirection (c).\n v V \nto sym\302\254 \noutput voltage \ncurrent.\n conventions\n and voltage Current 2-2. within the source in the direc\302\254 A voltage source causes currentto flow out of the positive to the positive terminal\342\200\224or from the \ntion negative \nterminal and into the negative terminal. This particular convention Franklin in 1752. Franklin\342\200\231s made \nfollows a decision by Benjamin was identified with the electron, made before \nchoice was electricity of charge were known. Actually, or the nature \nbefore the electron to the positive terminal, terminal flow from the \nelectrons negative direction to that established by Franklin. is in \nwhich the opposite the flow of electrons is termed the two \nTo conventions, distinguish assumed and current current \nelectron positive in the direction of Frank\302\254 is \nlin\342\200\231s convention is \nthis current the conventional called we will of since used as in measuring a reference the poten\302\254 of a potential source, that voltageis con\302\254 positive of as a voltage rise. Conversely,if the is spoken and positive is considered to be the reference in measuring the terminal terminal of the voltage source, the voltage of the negative terminal the \nsidered \npositive \npotential considered \nis (or simply current, use).\n If the negativeterminalis \ntial current rise\n Voltage 0 is spoken and negative Voltage of as a voltagedrop.\n b e\n a d\n drop\n a\n la)\n 2-2. Fig. lb)\n Sign convention \nsources.\n In \ncurrent \nflowing terms to in for voltage Fig. 2-3. Direction \nvoltage of current and polarities.\n causes simple circuit of Fig. 2-3, the voltagesource flow from a to 6 and around the circuita-b-c-d-a. Current the passive resistive element is identified with energylossand\n of the CHAPTER NETWORKS\n DESCRIBING FOR CONVENTIONS 2\n 2-1. Active element conventions\n Most \nacteristics. maintain generators practical by their voltage-current char\302\254 approximately with voltage electric \nof sources of \nof current with into relationships \nvoltage-current practical account, con\302\254 Still other types constant output than take actual load current. increasing maintain energy approximately terminal increasing voltage. Rather terminal \nstant are classified elements circuit Active energy sources are ideal sources or current sources. \napproximatedas either ideal \nThese ideal sources are defined; as the following properties:\n The Ideal Voltage Source. The ideal voltagesource with a given time variation. Neither voltage magnitude nor time \nage with of output current. Thus the changes magnitude \nminal is assumed to be maintained under all conditionsfrom voltage If in some manner the terminalvoltage circuit to short circuit. made to zero, the source behaves as a short circuit.Theideal equal source has no resistive, inductive, or capacitive effects. Most voltage having volt\302\254 generates \nvariation ter\302\254 \nopen \nis \nvoltage \nactual generators \nmated as with \ncases, an a represented circle as shown volt\302\254 by the in Fig.\n to this exception prac\302\254 the for a battery symbol in Fig. 2-1 (b). The polarity a (6) (a) One (a). \ntice ideal is of \nsymbol 2-1 The inductor. source \nage approxi\302\254 voltage source in and in some resistor, ideal an \nseries be may is \nshown \nmarks + and \342\200\224 denote and positive Fig. 2-1. Symbols (O\n circuit for active \nelements.\n terminals negative of the source.\n source generates \nrent time variation. Neither current magnitude nor time with a given This with load. changes output current is maintained for and infinite resistance.* If the load zero resistance including current of the ideal source is adjusted to be zero,the is \nput in caseof an circuit. As the the to \nequivalent open voltagesource, \nideal has no resistive, or current source inductive, capacitive * Of course, this property of the ideal sourceto into an open amperes Ideal The Current Source. The ideal current cur\302\254 \nvariation out\302\254 \nany source the effects.\n pump \ncircuit is a poor approximation for actual 27\n sources.\n The junction formed is the \ntogether given NETWORKS\n or more elements being Elements in series such form a branch. flows in them A \nparts \nably, \nthe schematic, for \nnode branch may or mesh is drawn of example. Parts pair. called are coupled \nmagnetically find in the of one 2-6. \nword are there \nBriefly, node \npendent \nactive of of nodes.\n Identification The inferred meaning in the next are as inde\302\254 pairs.\n the number of network num\302\254 num\302\254 will \nnodes of the by chapter in moredetail. currents in a system as there unknown unknown voltages as there are many discussed many and node both elements in the (counting but not mutual inductance). The and passive elements, is designated B. Quantities relatingto in the network branches be identified by Nt for the number of nodes, J for the different node pairs, and N for the number of independent of independent loops, and finally,S is L is the number Also, E be Let as loops, \nindependent be will independent and\n (c)\n of independent node pairs. number loops branches)\n (6) Fig. of node\n one \n(four different quantities different (a) Fig.\n of the network.\n parts separate isto the currents Our objectivein circuitanalysis Two nodes. \nbranches and the voltages at the number independent \nimportance in this analysis are the \nber iden\302\254 a closedcontour on around one or more window panes of the graph a Any two nodes in a network may be considered not directly connected by wires but of the network A loop circuit. the than \nelements \nber connected that A network or circuit is formedby intercon\302\254 elements. of a number of branches or by coupling a numberof separate We will use the words network and circuitinterchange\302\254 together. is usually more complex, involving more the network that except \nnection the 2\n Chap. active \ninclude 2-4, by two name node. current same the \ntically DESCRIBING FOR CONVENTIONS 30\n node the \npairs. of \nnumber parts separate The number of of the network.\n different node pairs is given by the topological \nequation\n J We are usually not interested = iN,(N, - 1) in all combinations (2-1)\n of nodes, but is\n FOR DESCRIBING CONVENTIONS 2-3\n Ait 29\n NETWORKS\n a quantity drop in potential from c to d. Voltageis scalar of the two scalar quantitieswork and \ndefined as the quotient charge. \nVoltage drops and voltage rises are distinguishedby a sign,positive \nfor voltage rise and negative for voltage drop. For this polaritysignto the \nhave reference must be given or inferred. A meaning, voltage is a there so \ncertain point \nrespect to \nwith a \nwith interconnecting \nsuch graphs, \nwith the in lines. not \ncles \ndow \ntwo having window of each panes.\n lines, other. For example, if the number of lines is cir\302\254 by of win\302\254 we have studied.\n quantities example law from or panes the numberof increased one, law homely \nlaws window more window pane. of Our discussion has beena \nmathematics known as topology.The general \nknown and circles, Similarly,if the number constant is maintained and one more circle is added,the increase lines must by one, a line having been dividedin added circle. There must exist some general relating of \nthe three and constant the by no lines of be one panes \nnumber cir\302\254 all definition, By independent will on given graph,thenumber remains \nthere ground two called be will Now in any \nare the called relationship rules imposed:\n least \nclosed contours \nwithin be will lines must and circle, (3) the graph two lines will dimensions; cross \nnot which assumedto be geometry)\n terminate must at every be \nwill reference, it is in Fig. 2-4 is made up of circles that we wish to make a study of of the number of circles and lines, following (2) \njoin with b. Should the shown graph lines. Suppose the say lines \ncles, of +50 volts to point respect of zero potential a point two-dimensional \tall with node.\n datum The have a potential without given Network topology (or 2-3. (1) be point to respect the \nor point of \npotential a circuit may a and \342\200\22430volts in studies facts in in circuit topology. How can an branch elegant just mentioned of is we exploit these topological analysis?\n as By. approximating a physical system by ideal circuit we have eliminated consideration in the first chapter, \ndiscussed in favor of a system of interconnected \nthree-dimensional systems as a wiring diagram or a schematic.The described \nments usually to the topological is equivalent \nmatic elements graph of Fig. 2-4 of Thus the laws are lines. \nreplacing topology directly applicableto Before these schematics. giving laws, we will define terms elements, of ele\302\254 sche\302\254 with \nnetwork \nused in network topology.\n be \nnot chapter). in this manner, chosen be \nloops In independent.* \nloops is \nsion and equal of \342\200\234window at a be determined can so simple number the to Chap. 2\n It is, however, not necessarythat the will but there is the risk that the loops the number of independent networks, next the in discussed NETWORKS\n DESCRIBING FOR CONVENTIONS 32\n our of panes\342\200\231' earlier discus\302\254 glance.\n 1\n Example one and \nments, in Fig. 2-7, there are five nodes, sevenele\302\254 Hence the number of independent loops is three,\n shown network the In part. of Example Network 2-7. Fig. 1.\n since\n = L = \nN The 1 = node independent 3 four, since 4\n the figure,followingpaths g is selected as the datum node pairs is a-g} b-g, c-g, d-g.\n 2\n Example of Examination = Nt \ncourse), L = \nN = discussed \nholtz rule \342\200\224 Nt Nt to in than 2-8 Fig. \342\200\224 determine Chap. 5 + 5 = = 6 6 \342\200\224 2 independence 3, be follows 6 + 2 = 2 independent node 4 independent requires nonzero. It is usually to experiment.\n (M doesnot count, of that\n \342\200\224 = E = 6 that shows and S = 2. It 6, E * The test \nbe of the choice \342\200\224 If a-b-c-d-a. and suitable a \nnode, 5 as shown on assigned d-c-e-f-d, \na-d-f-g-a, \nand be may loops - S = Nt + l= 7-5 node pairs is of independent number the \nand + S = E-Nt that better the pairs\n system to loops follow determinant, to the von Helm\302\254 \nof unknown given voltages, = Nt = \nof elements = L If count we nodes only \nbranches be B', \nare related as\n then the number 2-2 is if Eq. = these equations, or L \nquantity, = E part.\n given in terms of the node pairs E number as\n - N (2-3)\n of branchesand let of independentloops and - of number that branches W (2-4)\n results\n - Nt + S (2-5)\n determine for a given network which of the two enabling us to decide which we may is smaller, N, number (2-2)\n into Eq. 2-3, there substituted L From only one E at the ends L Finally, is equal to the S of independent loops is of independent number and number The for 1 31\n \342\200\224 Nt with a network \342\200\224 NETWORKS as\n N or N DESCRIBING node pairs, which of independent number the FOR CONVENTIONS 2-3 Art. to analysis should be taken.\n node pairs is known, there remains be which N node pairs in the network will \nthe of selecting problem mem\302\254 \nused in analysis. Analysis is simplified if one node is usedas one to select the node \nber of each of the N node pairs. It is conventional as this common node and to designate it the datum \nof zero potential the negative terminal of one of the active node. \nor reference Usually, \npossible approaches so is \nsources is a There \nindependent Fig. 2-5. \ning The the rule paths chosen \nsively \nnot previously \nrequired \nthe by independence of independent number the Once selected.\n similar problem of choice in the caseof loops once the number of such loopsis known 2-6. Different independent of von Helmholtz assigning from the Eq.\n loops in the samesystem.\n may be used to advantagein designat\302\254 The rule requires that the loopsbe succes\302\254 that each new loop includes at least onenew branch in the path of a loop. If the loops included of number insure to Eq. 2-5 are so chosen, this processis sufficient of the be\n loops (and of the voltage equations, as will of the such loops. the of of scheme \ntual Current (1) to \ndistance\342\200\235) \nThe magnitude 2\n Chap. that Let us dot. We will outline, step-by-step,our into this flows \ncurrent NETWORKS\n with a dot. marked is shown winding DESCRIBING FOR CONVENTIONS 34\n the assume concep\302\254 as a consequence of this current.\n happens in winding 1-1 causes a magnetic field (\342\200\234action at a which is concentrated exist, along the axis of the coil. field can be computed from Ampere\342\200\231s law\n of the what a dl cos nil dB\n (2-6)\n \n4x r2\n is a There (2) flux magnetic the with associated <t> 1-28.)\n field magnetic value\n a \nhaving 1 in Eq. in Chapter defined are symbols (These 4> B cos 6 = J dA (2-7)\n \nApplying determined and given by the experimentally if the thumb rule: of the right-hand indicates the direction the the current-carrying conductor in fingers wrap around of flux. This flux is assumed confined to the magnetic has the property of being a preferred path for the flux. the right-hand rule, the flux is seen to have the direction \nindicated by and a direction having \nright-hand \nof current, direction \nthe which \ncore, (3) arrow the (clockwise).\n Since winding 2-2 is on the \nthe flux produced \ncan be described \ncause.\342\200\235 in as of flux number The the where = of terms In 1-1 \nterminal law Faraday\342\200\231s age order the have flux \342\200\234effect, in winding 1-1 is\n Ai$2i be \\pi can (2-8)\n from the voltage computed at as\n = Eqs. Combining 1-1, winding winding 2-2. This linking subscripts linkages $i as core magnetic 1-1 links winding </>2i, same 2-8 and / Vi 2-9 gives the dt (2-9)\n value of flux in terms of the volt\302\254\n t>i.\n (2-10)\n \tBecause (4) \ning 2-2 according fai is changing to with time, a law. Faraday\342\200\231s The voltage is inducedin flux linkages wind\302\254 in winding 2-2 \nare\n ^ 2 and 02 has the = Ni<j> 21\n (2-11)\n magnitude\n (2-12)\n 2-4\n Art. The When convention the magnetic for coupled of Example 33\n 2.\n circuits\n field produced by a changing current flowing in other coils,the coils said to be coupled, If the details of transformer a transformer. constitute windings a current then for are changing in one coil, it is known, and direction of the voltages to the magnitude compute The necessity for cumbersome in all other windings. a voltage in induces \none coil the \nand dot Network 2-8. rig. 2-4. FOR DESCRIBING NE1WCR.S\n CONVENTIONS \nconstruction \npossible are blue\302\254 \ninduced is eliminated construction showing \nprints by two characterizing fac\302\254 coefficient of mutual inductance, M (discussed to details of construction in computing \nin 1) is equivalent Chapter manufacturers mark one end of Most of induced voltage. \nmagnitude with a dot (or some such symbol). The dot transformer \neach winding direction is con\302\254 as far as voltage of construction to details \nis equivalent of the dot we will discuss In this \ncerned. meaning markings, section, and their are \nhow significance in cir\302\254 established, experimentally they \ncuit of the value The \ntors. analysis.\n are shown windings sense is the winding Two \nfigure, Fig. 2-9. A two-winding of (which \nsecondary \nto winding winding). 1-1 \nsource has the In winding dot primary A time-varying in series and and winding) source with resistor Ri. arrow 1-1\n convention.\n a ii(t) is increasing with is vg(t) instant, given current 2-2 winding of voltage, At polarity shown,and the \ndirectionshown by the this magnetic circuit used to establishmeaning\n the be called the might on a magnetic core in Fig. 2-9. indicated for two windings, is (the connected the voltage in the flowing time. The + end\n FOR CONVENTIONS 36\n a battery, of minal the of \nend \npositive, with measured the negative terminal to the remaining of winding 2-2 that momentarilygoes is the terminal to be dottedin a voltmeter, with dots, the generator the voltage of \nterminal A \n2-2. step-by-step current \nincreasing the \ncauses upper to of Fig. 2-9, circuit including\n and resistor load interchanged. The source is connected to the dotted end of positive winding of this transformer will show that an into terminal of winding 2-2 the dotted flowing end of winding 1-1 to be positive and so to be the analysis expect, after all, We would 2-2 Now now establish,in that dots established should agree with those established from 2-2 to that the voltage source of Fig. 2-11 has reverse suppose shown and that an increasing current flows out of or simply intuitive step-by-step analysis reasoning will show dotted terminal of winding 1-1 becomes negative under such terminal. \ndotted from 1-1.\n polarity that dot. the \nAnother the \nthat 2-11 Figure \nanalysis? the dots, which we can the transformer shows are value what Of \nto 2\n Chap. 2-2.\n \nwinding \n1-1 NETWORKS\n connecting The end winding. as DESCRIBING \nconditions.\n with polarity markings (dots), into the dot on one winding induces a voltage in the flowing is positive which at the dotted terminal; conversely, winding out of a dotted terminal induces a voltage in the flowing \nond which is positive at the undotted terminal. This important winding in Chapter will be 3 in formulating circuit equations.\n applied Thus far our discussion been limited to a transformer with two In with several windings, the same type of a system can be carried on for each pair of windings providingsome \nysis in the form \ntion of the dots is employed (suchas to identify between each In Chapter 3-, after relationship pair of windings. of assumed direction of current is introduced, it concept positive be shown that the information given by the pair of dots can in the sign of the coefficient of mutual inductance. For a \ngiven this scheme avoids the confusion of a large \nwith windings, many We conclude that, for a transformer \ncurrent \nsecond \ncurrent sec\302\254 \nrule has anal\302\254 \nwindings. varia\302\254 \342\226\240 \342\226\262 \342\200\242 \342\231\246) \nthe \nthe \nwill be system num-\n \nthe under system inductance flux relate to introduced \nwas =\302\273 Mi. in written be may V2 not if M21 does in induced \nis of rate \ntime (5) of a \nthe transformer, a the \noppose \nto oppose is \nlaw really a magnitude There remains the an 2-2 can be problem the found the of the that voltage a current in in a coil induced the coil in a </>2i direction application another <\302\24321, to direction produced the voltage.The a 2-9 and is increasing.To produce flux (by requires the of terms In in flux that to aid with physicistLenz in 1834. states law establishes the in a flux \nduced Lem\342\200\231s change flow us that a voltage of Mu volts per unit 2-14 tells Equation by the German as\n (2-14)\n in winding voltage in Fig. upward in this increase \ndirected \ncurrent of flux of change more useful) form voltage.\n law given \naid \nby change (but Mn^ having of current i\\. winding (2-13)\n = 2-2 direction \tThe M equivalent time. with vary of this \ndirection For study\n *2 = and Eq. 2-12 35\n NETWORKS\n 1, the coefficientof mutual linkages with current as ^ of Chapter discussion the In FOR DESCRIBING CONVENTIONS 2-4\n Ait. is fax flux <t>\\2 rule) that the right-hand by the arrow (right to left). Lenz\342\200\231s of conservation of energy, sinceif t'2 pro\302\254 current would be induced in\n increasing shown a vicious cycle to produceinfinitecurrent.\n the of current in winding 2-2 is established, that the direction Now and so marked with a is seen to be of the end winding positive \ntop a time-varying voltage, the dotted terminalsare positive \ndot. With same time (and, of course, neg\302\254 \nat the This action at the same time). \native As shown, in Fig. 2-10. \nis illustrated from zero to a constant increases \nvg(t) The current at time \nvalue ix and so t\\. with time as shown \nflux <f>n increase 1- \t1 on in so and is \nin <t>21 in induced \nto the time \nso has the \n(c). This that incidentally, terms Eq.\n directly, since it not apply does \ngives The Note, (b). 2- \t10 of vx rather than vg.\n v2 is proportional voltage rate of change of ix and time example variation suggests shown in a simple Fig. 2-10. \nnetic in Waveforms of Fig. circuit the mag\302\254 2-9.\n of transformer \nexperimental method for establishingthe dotted On the winding selected as 1-1, arbitrarily mark oneend \nwindings. \nthe with a dot and to this terminal connectthe positive winding ends of ter-\n CONVENTIONS 38 2-2. Repeat Prob. 2-1 for FOR DESCRIBING NETWORKS the network shown Chap.2\n in the accompanying \nfigure.\n 2-3. In the accompanying of a cube. For figure, a number of elements are arranged this network, determine L, the and N, the number of independent node \nindependent loops, In the network 2-4. of the figure, the paths for threeloops as shown. Are these three loops independent? \nselected in Li and L2 in terms \nare the currents ii?)\n \non the edges of number pairs.\n have Why? been (What of Prob. 2-5.\n The magnetic system shown in the figurehas three \nmarked 1-1', 2-2', and 3-3'. Using three differentformsof \nlish for these windings.\n markings polarity 2-6. windings dots, estab\302\254 Prob. shown for 2-5 with 2-6. Place three windings on the core terminals in (placed \nwinding senses selected such that the following 1 in the figure for Prob. 2-5) have the samemark:(a) order \nthe shown 3' and 1'.\n \nand 2, 2 and 3', 3, 3 and 1, (b) 1' and2', and 2-7. The shows four windings on a magnetic flux-conducting\n figure 2' Prob. 2-7.\n Art 2-4 ber of FOR DESCRIBINGNETWORKS CONVENTIONS are both and \nproblems, schemes have advantages for particular used in electrical engineering literature.\n Both dots. similar ExampleS the In ,\n JL/.'ll' P\n in Fig. 2-12, the winding senseof eachcoilof The polarity markings for each set of\n indicated. shown system is transformer \nthe 2-12. Fig. was \nwinding-pair then was \ndot the on shown are coils figure. arbitrarily in Guillemin\342\200\231s New Inc., \nSons, Matrix \ninclude & \nWiley of \ntions In each case, one of the dotsfor selected and the position of the Circuit in Chap. 1. by theory\342\200\235 for of the and network dot convention Circuits Magnetic especially 1950), topology,\342\200\235 is geometry) Theory other treated Wiley (John & Other suggestedreferences by LeCorbeiller (John article the \342\200\234On founda\302\254 Ingram and Cramlet (1944). See also Math. Phys., 23, 134-155 Electric \nNew York, network Networks of Electric York, 1950) and the network electrical subject of \nciples New Inc., Sons, topology(or 1953) York, \n\342\200\234IREstandards the each READING\n Introductory Analysis \nappears in J. \nOn 3.\n determined.\n The subject of network detail for Example circuit Magnetic FURTHER \nin 37\n Proc. IRE, 39, which the article 27 (1951). for mutual inductance,see Prin\302\254 by Boast (Harper Chaps. 15 and & Brothers, 16.\n PROBLEMS\n \nvalue ent \nvon each For 2-1. of node the quantities pairs, Helmholtz, of the the circuits shown in the figure:(a) determine t he select N independ\302\254\n E, S, Nt, N, L, and J; (b) using one datum draw L independent node; and (c) loops.\n following the rule of CHAPTER EQUATIONS\n NETWORK 3-1. Kirchlioff\342\200\231s equations\n network Most Kirchhoff by \ngiven \ninstantaneous \nloop are equations in 1845.* formulated from two simple laws first The first law relates to the sum of the elements in a loop. drops must equal the sum of the voltages of the voltage sum the 3\n This law follows from the scalarnature of voltage. It statesthat in of the voltage To illustrate any rises.\n the \nconceptinvolved, consider another scalarquantity, Suppose a trip in an airplane, visiting a number we make cities \nthat but to our place of origin. At each stop, will returning \neventually elevation and record the elevation increase or decrease. the \ndetermine is completed, we can be sure if are the trip sufficiently sum \nrate that the sum of the elevation increases will just equal of we would not be back at our elevation decreases. Otherwise, elevation. of we we \nWhen accu\302\254 the start\302\254 \nthe elevation.\n \ning in a we make a tour around someloop network fixed instant of time. At each node, we will measurethe volt\302\254 \nat some to the previous node and record voltageincreases and with \nage respect the the is sum decreases. Once of completely traversed, loop \nvoltage the sum must of the decreases \nthe equal (or drops) voltage voltage in are other the same fact that there The net\302\254 \nincreases loops rises). (or the exist\302\254 \nwork has no effect on the sum of the drops and rises,just routes does not affect the altitude change \nence alternate airline of that suppose Next, as \nsummations.\n law second KirchhofPs relates to the sum of instantaneous currents the sum of currentsflowingintothe node equals \nthe sum flowing out. In an analogous hydraulicsystem,the of currents out of a junction of pipes must equalthe water \nsum of water flowing If we assume no storage capacity at the junction. \nflowing in, assuming at the a \nno charge nodes of network,then,just asin storage capacity the currents \nthe into that node must equal thoseout.\n hydraulic system, \nat a * that of the work of Kirchhoff closely followed the pioneerworks and electric induction, of Oersted in relating magnetism describing in 1820, of Ampere in relating force and in and of current 1820-25 in current time and At the Kirchhoff 1826. relating published voltage in \nelectricity \nOhm states Historically, \nFaraday \nthe It node. in work \nseveral containing sciences\342\200\224there these are was 23 years of age. He.made Kirchhoff laws in other fields.\n laws, he other 40\n contributions in oore. FOR DESCRIBINGNETWORKS CONVENTIONS 2 Chap. different Using dots, establish polarity shaped 39\n markings for the \nWindings.\n with \nsystem the legs Show \nmatic. The 2-9. the \ndetermine equivalent LlK-My lo-^qnnr\342\200\224wi\n Lz\n l'o-\n (6)\n Prob. \nmary \nand \nweber, Lz\n IlVM7 (c)\n A transformer 2-9.\n has 100 turns on the primary (terminals1-1') the secondary (terminals 2-2'). A current a magnetic flux which links all turns of causes The flux decreases according to the the secondary. 200 on turns t ^ 0. Find: (a) the flux linkages \nsecondary, (b) the voltage inducedin the secondary.\n of the the in both the when - systems, l'o-\n 2-10. trans\302\254 each show two inductors with schematics dot markings. For each of the two inductance of the system at terminals 1-1' lo\342\200\224i/qnnp\342\200\2242jqnnr\\--| \nand a Draw inductances.\n combining \nby three coupled coils. circuit of a similar accompanying with different but \ncoupling shows the equivalent to that shown for Prob.2-7andplacewindings of the core in such a way to the sche as to be equivalent connections between the elements in the same drawing.\n a core with \nformer \non schematic accompanying marks on the polarity The 2-8. pri\302\254 primary law primary <f> = e~\342\200\230 and EQUATIONS NETWORK 42 the With \nlaws as shown in currents loop The two 3-9, are of Kirchhoff sets - 11) + since course, equations, if h = Ia are the they identical voltage \nelements\342\200\224the routes in \ndirectly of \nterms loop than \ngreater terms are currents Ri and of h identical, respectively. R2, and 12 as\n - h h (3-10)\n interested ultimately Positive directions for 3-3. These choice.\n second the h. and\n by or \naddition (3-9)\n in determining currents in the branch currents. has shown that there are Our example to determine the branch currents: (1) write equations terms of the branch currents, or (2) write equationsin currents from which the branch currents can be found subtraction. Since the number of branches is equal or the number of loops, the advantage of simplicity is usually we are analysis, \ntwo (3-8)\n 3-8 currents flowing in - V Eqs. 3-6 and 3-7and Eqs. and /2 = Ic \nin Kirchhoff Rdi = 0 Ie is expressedin 3-5, we find that \nBy Eq. - It) = + -R3(h In Fig. 3-3, the 3\n are\n RJi \nof Chap. currents\n assigned the problem of counting cars travel\302\254 each direction on a busy street in a large city. Ourfirst would \ning step to distinguish \nbe cars traveling in the two directions. We would accom\302\254 this on a positive direction of flow. With decision \nplish by deciding each car could be considered as moving in the positivedirection \nmade, \nor to the direction considered opposite positive (although handier \nterms such as north and south would likely be used).\n were we that Suppose this before Similarly, law, \nvoltage \nbe for assigned the in \nCurrents of \narbitrary, a \nassigned direction but course, clockwise \nmay be traversed \nlaw. If the \nfor positive is loop loop equivalent an branch) and identified establishes a positive or referencedirection. to that considered positive are opposite sign. The direction to be assumed positiveis for uniformity, loop currents will usually be (or for each positive Once the positive \nthis loop a negative with \nmarked each a decision Such \narrow. direction a positive in based on Kirchhoff\342\200\231s equations of the loop (or branch) currentsmust network writing with direction.\n direction for the loop current either direction in applying is assigned, the loop the Kirchhoff voltage in a direction opposite to that assigned the Kirchhoff equation is not changed, since current, to multiplying all terms by \342\200\2241.\n is traversed across the three \nvoltage drops the battery. \nmust Kirchhoff\342\200\231s the equal A The sum of Fig. 3-1. the equals currents \nthe attached branch flowing Kirchhoff\342\200\231s or \nrents \ncurrents, assigned, the Kirchhoff R^Ic = RJb -H node B, the \nequation \nequations (3-2)\n branch equivalence of branch and loop the shown in Fig. 3-3. With cur\302\254 currents as\n voltage Ri b R*\n loop 1) (3-3)\n loop 2) (3-4)\n Kirchhoff current 3-3. Fig. Two-loop network.\n is\n Ia This or\n 0\n (for At node, V\n (for \342\200\224 Kirch\302\254 by using either A = out, Ii 13 are\n Rzlc + that flowing be applied may network the by currents\n To show currents. loop \nequations loop law voltage consider R\\Ia and currents Branch node the node\n law.\n to a particular node. must equal those U= + into the Currents At the node into of current\n direction equal thoseout of by Kirch- h 3-2. 3-2. Fig. hoff\342\200\231s current each for shown the with law. \nhoff\342\200\231s voltage (3-1)\n Vg Fig. 3-2 drops voltage voltage battery 7, = V, + is shown in network of a part due the voltage drops that states law or\n + Vi are there that see We passiveelementsanda voltagerise voltage rises, voltage 41\n 3-1. shown in Fig. circuit series the Consider \nto EQUATIONS\n NETWORK 3-2\n Art. may equation of Eqs. = and 3-4 RJa \342\200\224 Ic = or\n la - h (3-5)\n to eliminate Ic from the Kirchhoff voltage be used 3-3 Ic lb + f?3(/<. + as\n - Ib) = Rz(Ia \342\200\224 Ib) + Rzlb = V\n 0\n (3-6)\n (3-7)\n NETWORK 44\n \nand loops u positive assigned turn in in Fig. 3-6 with loop currentst\342\200\231i, 12, three\n the as shown. Traversing directions is shown network three-loop gives three the Riii 3 \342\200\224 ii) ^\n /\n ^\n /\n + dt C;\n analysis \342\200\224 (t'i _1\n Loop Kirchhoff voltage ii (^3 j \342\200\234 ^2) of circuits with dt -4* dt + coupled = dt U) \342\226\240+\342\226\240 Ci\n 3-5. 3\n 8\n Example A Chap. EQUATIONS\n q- J equations\n (3-15)\n v(t)\n (tj R2H = \342\200\224 t*) \342\200\224 0\n dt 0\n (3-16)\n (3-17)\n coils\n 2-4 regarding polarity of inducedvoltage to dots can be used to advantage \nand current direction with respect \nin with coupled coils. To apply the rule, (1) the of circuits analysis for each pair of coupled coils\342\200\224or (dots) \npolarity markings equivalent \ninformation\342\200\224must be given, and (2) the positive direction of current \nflow must be assumed for each loop. A part of a circuitfulfilling these \ntwo is shown in Fig. 3-7(a). By the rule, current ii\n requirements The rule developed in Art. o3\n 04\n Fig. \ntion 3-7. of Coupled coils current, polarity direc\302\254 illustrating the relationshipof assumed and of induced voltage.\n markings, polarity 1-2 and so willinducea \nin winding 3-4 positive terminal, terminal 3. The thus \nrent induces a voltage drop from 3 to 4, or a rise from i\\ to 3. Similarly, terminal\n tj induces a voltage in winding1-2 enters the dotted terminal of winding at the dotted voltage cur\302\254 voltage \n4 with Art. 3-4. Formulatins \nof of number A Example 3-4 examples will illustrate Kirchhoff\342\200\231s basis\n the formulation of equations law.\n voltage RLC circuit. It a series shows is quiteclear inspection by node one loop, while there are 3 independent pairs. the across the elements must voltage equal drops passive across the\n for the the active element. voltages Expressions is but there voltage to due \nrise on the loop 43\n 1\n Figure \nThe equations using equilibrium \nthat EQUATIONS\n NETWORK 3-4\n L\n elements passive Kirchhoff\342\200\231s \nsions, 1. In terms in Chapter derived were voltage law Ri + L requires + jt ^ of these expres\302\254 that\n idt j = (3-11)\n v(t) times. This is an integrodifferentialequation,which \nchanged to a differential equation by differentiation to give\n all at T dH + \n\342\200\224 \nequations _L + 1 = dt}^>\n ,\342\200\242 ct (3-12)\n ~dT\n been arranged in descending order.\n 3-5 has two independent loops, sinceL = E 4 + and the two loop currents, ii and ii, S = 5 \342\200\224 1=2, directions as shown. The equilibrium assigned positive based on Kirchhoff\342\200\231s are\n of the voltages, law, network The Nt Rdt be 2\n Example \nhave have derivatives the where di P _|_ Ldi^ may + been of Fig. Riii C 1\n (i2 C\n f\n 1\n it) +\n / \342\200\224 fc'i) dt + L -rjj dt = (3-13)\n v(t)\n + R2I2 = 0\n (3-14)\n Example 4\n The in \nshown into taking \nequations, the \ndots, of Fig. system 3 -10. Kg. We 3-9. Fig. flux-conducting material is are required to write the Kirchhoffvoltage With the aid of account inductance. mutual 3-9 can be replaced by the equivalent circuit\n system of Fig. 3-9 Magnetic \nand assumed of to \nance D of n xt \342\200\224 H) \342\200\236\342\200\242 + L\\ tut i ~r M12 ^ \342\200\242 \\ i /\342\200\242 \342\200\224 Ii) + t Li d(ii \342\200\224 d(iz is) n, \342\200\224 M ^ * (*, - \302\253 this d(i2 dis\n is\n \342\200\224 Rziii tj) + w | M ^\342\200\224- + Mu (ii - - If- \342\200\224 iz) \302\253 U particular g - (\302\273, ii) problem, - M\342\200\236 jt the (i, equations - i,) + i (3-21)\n diz\n it-jj\n Mzz + + \342\200\224 t>(\302\243) ii) \302\247 + U,z \nIn - j, M12 %\\) ^ + Lt L, current.\n are\n d\" R*(t2 markings polarity showing direction use a double subscript notationfor mutualinduct\302\254 the two coils being considered, the Kirchhoffvoltage indicate \nequations K\\i\\ positive If we 3-10. Fig. coils on a of three sense winding ^^3 = 0 (3-22)\n %\n J i, dt would have had = 0 (3-23) simpler form\n dotted 1\342\200\224the terminal\342\200\224positive, 1 to \nminal \nthat \nrent is \na when positive terminal and in positive, winding and rise from terminal Figure 3-8 Fig. 3-7(b) \ndotted voltage 2 \nminal \nage \nof rules \nhoff voltage to the + positive, - M ^ polarity terminals. same the the sign conven\302\254 M.\n first loop gives the equilibrium equation\n = ^ a voltage drop the with for coupled two-loop illustrating Kirch- the applied \ntion A 8-8. Tig. \ncircuit circuit. Applying ti produces across \nrise cur\302\254 it leaves the induces 1-2 with ter\302\254 so with a volt\302\254 1 to 2.\n discussed, law from reversed the coupled coils into a incorporated just current \nwhen has a positivedirection hence Riii The a voltage drop from ter\302\254 so with and shows \ntwo-loop coupled \nthe 45\n 2.\n 3-7 (b), the current it Fig. in Fig. 3-7(a). This shown In EQUATIONS NETWORK 3-5 Art. markings (3-18)\n v(t) across but L\\, the current as shown induces In the second it, a voltage loop, the equilibrium is\n \nequation + ** -\302\260 <3-19>\n a term of the M (dit/dt) a voltage drop if positive. long are given dots along with the direction of positivecurrent, polarity is no and the rule of Art. 2-4 can be applied ambiguity, use of to all coupled coils. If the number of coilsis large, \nsively it is \ndots of various shapes may become cumbersome.In this to or M \nmore convenient minussignto to let assign a plus carry in the formulation rather than the sign equation sign be letting these In equations rise a voltage \ncates the sign before if negative and indi\302\254 form As \nas succes\302\254 \nthere the case, M, \nthe of the nature the by \nspecified as just \nfollow, will Consider the circuit in \nthe coupled coils of \ndrops \nbe \nas erased, \342\200\224 M. these either By are loop. provided this in the rise. two These discussion to described 3-8, by Eqs. 3-18 and 3-19. that the equations voltages induced by means of rises of voltage opposite polarity to the With the current directions given, the dots of observe or voltage\342\200\224drop are used both \nWe induced and both be used in the literature.\n \nsystems are equivalent, Fig. voltage can a negative system, sign is Eq. 3-18 is identified with mutual inductance written\n (3-20)\n EQUATIONS NETWORK 48\n \nmarked as J4. = Iz since Now or h (Vb ^MX 3 second the have we = Iz law current Kirchhoff\342\200\231s There the to node c. our attention turn now us Let - requires in current Ii and 3\n is Rt that\n - Iz = 0 It Ve) Chap. = (3-29)\n ^-Vc MX (3-30)\n 4\n equation,\n equilibrium n v,\n Vc\n Rz Rz\n R\n (3-31)\n we Have \ncurrent new \nthis = \nIz is Iz Iz, Vc.\n in choosing positive directions of current nodes? On the network under consideration, a new In terms marked with an arrow such that Iz = \342\200\224 of Iz. this Iz + I* = with Eq. 3-29, is identical equation is law current Kirchhoff\342\200\231s current, \342\200\224 F6 and solved simultaneously to give the flexibility any different the \nfor of values \nunknown 3-31 must be and 3-28 Equations 0. But since and so with Eq. words, the positive direction of the branchcurrents may at assumed each node independent of previous designations. We \nbe have two options: \nthus (1) Assume positive directions for branch cur\302\254 once and for all. (2) Assume new positive directions at eachnode, \nrents that currents flow out of the node for all passiveelements \nfor example in the \nand marked direction for active current sources.\n of As a result this discussion, we see that the stepsto be followed in other In \n3-31. \nnode the are analysis following:\n node all unknown (1) Select a datum node and identify voltages.\n (2) Assume a positive direction for all branchcurrents.\n law Kirchhoff\342\200\231s current to each node of unknown voltage, (3) Apply each in terms of a node-to-node voltage branch current \nwriting \nand It is be equivalent \nthe node located the i(t) circuit this for analysis. source into a math\302\254 In Fig. 3-12(a), let of Fig. of the 3-12(a) v(t) \nSolving source current voltage voltage source and vi(t) be the potentialof between the resistor Ri and the rest of the network. law flows through the resistor Ri. Kirchhoff\342\200\231s voltage potential current \nThe \nfor the parameters.\n convenient to change a sometimes \nematically \nv(t) circuit appropriate equation for i(t) is\n = + Rii{t) t>i(\302\243) (3-32)\n gives\n v(t) i(t)\n Ri _ Vi(t)\n (3-33)\n R\\\n Art. if the v(t) and Ri generator \n(See Prob. 3-6. Formulating of of each the three loops. of currents that node.To in shown \nnetwork there network \nmarked on the node basis\n for formulating the equilibrium equations for cir\302\254 the Kirchhoff law of that the sum leaving to the sum of currents entering illustrate in node analysis, used consider the simple resistive procedures \nthis had been part basis is equal node \nthe equations use makes \ncuits 47\n 3-14.)\n node The \na EQUATIONS\n NETWORK 3-6\n d. Following and c, 6, o, 3-11. For Fig. are four nodes, \nconvention,the negativeterminal of active \nthe element, three \nthen node. datum the as \nlected to \npotential to \nknown \nunknown \nwith respect \nnetwork \naccomplished \nbranch \nb marked in \n12, and know with the Fig. 3-11. Network illustrating pro\302\254 d. However, in node analysis.\n \ncedures a to node from node d is be equal to the battery voltage. There are two in the network: the voltages of node b and node c voltages to the datum node.\n node thus but identified the unknown Kirchhoff\342\200\231s that\n 12 + ^3 = I\\ + What write At the \nwe and c voltages, our nexttask is to in terms of these unknown node voltages. This is equations in terms of branch currents (never loop currents). Each be assigned current must a direction considered positive and with an arrow, just as in the case of loopanalysis. node network of Fig. 3-11, the branch currents are markedas h, current out of the node. By 13, all directed law, Having \nso the voltages, node-pair \npotentials of nodes a, b, \nrespect d, is se\302\254 There are node are \nOhm\342\200\231s law, these they branch 0\n (3-24)\n in terms of the currents node voltages? By are\n h = u = ^ (Vb - - ~ V)\n (3-25)\n o)\n (3-26)\n vc)\n (3-27)\n J\\>2\n /. Substituting these three Vb = ^ equations V , Vb (n - into Eq. 3-24 . Vb Vc\n gives\n EQUATIONS\n NETWORK 50 of the is generator in v(t) - KOI |\302\273'i ^ If is which - 0 (3-35)\n \nat\n , f/i\342\200\231i r(f)\n (it + (\n (it\n lj\n R\n Kq. 3-31.\n Analysis with identical + / /' write\n ('(U'' <U r\342\200\230\n +\n + or\n we may 3-13(a), Fig. source or the fi\n Eramplr current the 3\n of network \nloop of thiw- circuit Kquivalent Hi*. M.\n 2 are designated rt 1 and and tv work net The \nis \nthe three-loop \nFig. 3-0. \nand t he \nAt source.\n current \nequivalent with out earritsl be may \neither the voltage -14. 3\n Clup. source in Fig. 3-14 to equivalent network in shown the datum node, volt ages at nodes unknown = G\\ and\n \\/Ri 1, setting Node mule shown 3 is \342\200\224 Gt,\n \nl/Rt (3-30)\n at and node 2,\n Oi this In \342\200\224 + O\342\200\231j \302\273\342\200\231i) (\\ formulation example, \ndifferential ^ equations than 4- G&t \" 0 (3-37)\n on the node basis has resultedin fewer on the loop basis in Kxainplc 3. Ordinarily simultaneous differential equations in of method of formulation, loopor solving also on the objective of analysis. In this example, depends \nthe at node is 2 the node method has the voltage desired, \nover the But if it is the current flowingin capacitor loop method. \nthat is to tie found, we must weigh the relative advantages the two \nmethods. The loop currents can be assignedso that one loop \nrent flows in Ct, but three simultaneous lie must solved. equations the node we might And the voltage at node2 and method, \nthen determine the current in the capacitor from the \nit requires less \nthan in solving two three. The choice work if \nnode, advantage (\\ of cur\302\254 only first \nUsing equation\n (3-38)\n ic,\342\200\234C*W The second ular example.\n method appears to involve less computationin this partic\302\254\n Art. 3-6\n In this current us current a we will identify each separateterm.The the current i(t) flowing into the network is equal minus a current Vi(t)/Ri. This equation may be of\n of the new network of Fig. 3-12(b)by means that v(t)/Ri terms in \ninteipreted 3-12. Fig. \ncurrent resistor \nthe the \ntions, Eqs. Example 3-32 and the network 3-33, giving \ndescribed, an into converted and node the were voltage \ncurrent equation course, \nsource differ\302\254 they are equivalent.\n before it shown Network 3-13. the for node analysis.\n currents are assigned to flow out of node 1. in each of the elements in terms of currents in Chapter the 1. By Kirchhoff\342\200\231s current law, given is\n iVi Of the current source. all branch for expressions \nthe an equivalent current flowing through in Fig. 3-13(a). The voltagesourcemay current source by the procedure just equivalent the\n network of Fig. 3-13 (b). Node 2 is designated Fig. datum is the 5\n Consider \nThe sources.\n The is the current flowing into the network. Fig. 3-12 are described by the sameequa- networks two of v(t)/R i is from current Vi(t)/Ri in shunt with currents of two these \nSince \nbe connected R\\ of \nence current The source. Interchange The law. current Kirchhoff\342\200\231s 49\n equation, tells \nequation \nto EQUATIONS\n NETWORK + z / Vidt + = C%1 It (3_34)\n to make the conversionto the current network. Since the voltage of the + terminal\n is not necessary analyzing the 50 EQUATIONS\n NETWORK of the is generator i in v(t) - KOI [t>i we may 3-13(a), Fig. Omp.3\n = + C dt r, +\n write\n 0\n (3-35)\n l!\n S r(t)\n dt\n H\n 3-34. Analysis may Eq. the either 2 \nj i (\n V'+L/\"'\n with identical is which , dr dt + or\n net The the is 3-14. Fig. circuit Equivalent of network loop . , the , _. of throe- Fl*- Fi\302\253.:M1. and 1 are 2 and = \\/Rt shown work in Fig. 3-14\n source current node 1, setting = \\/R\\ G\\ and\n Git\n (?,!>, at node and 0\n to\n equivalent net work shown in\n three-loop , , ,\n 3'flNodc ,hc <latllm node.\n 3 the unknown at nodes\n voltages iq and vt. At designated the\n source.\n current Bxamplr ft;I> >*,4=^ or source voltage equivalent with out carried lx* + <?\342\226\240 ^ + - <\342\200\235> I(\"' = (3-36)\n \342\200\231,) s,\n 2,\n Ct ^ (wj \342\200\224 V\\) + G&t + = 0\n (3-37)\n basis has resultedin than on the loop basis in Example 3. equations less in solving two simultaneous differential equations work requires in The choice of method of formulation, loop three. solving on the objective of analysis. In this example, also depends at node 2 is desired, the node method has the voltage the But if it is the current flowingin capacitor loop method. is to be found, we must weigh the relative advantages the two one \nmethods. The loop currents can be assigned so that loop must be flows in Ct, but three simultaneous solved. equations the node we might And the voltage at node 2 method, \nthen in the capacitor from the determine the current In this example, formulation on the node fewer \ndifferential Ordinarily \nit \nthan or if \nnode, \nthe advantage \nover Cj \nthat of cur\302\254 only \nrent first \nUsing and equation\n ic, The second ular example.\n method appears = C, to involve (3-38)\n ^ less computation in this partic\302\254\n Art. 51\n 7\n Example \nAlthough \nunknown From there that in \nexamples of other source. one in Fig. 3-15 differs from the networks is no series resistance with the voltage has four independent loops, there is but that at node shown network The \n2. EQUATIONS\n NETWORK 3-7\n this network node voltage, C3\n current Kirchhoff\342\200\231s we law, K\n \nwrite\n 1\n . /OTTorv\342\200\224,\n ^AA/Vi\n L\n (---) \302\253\342\200\242 \302\243 +\n if Gv + 2\n Ci + -\n I\n dv 2\n = 0 W as before, \nthat Ci does not This \ntion. \ntor or Ci appear is because the other any The \nment. O = (3'39)\n l/B. Note in the equa\302\254 an ideal element), and \naffecting the network equations.\n 3-7. \npendent \ndifferential laws The chapter. of capaci\302\254 so Ci may be without removed have been statements of of a all the word larger voltage by played with of identical behavior patterns in the in network analysis. This similar\302\254 current is termed the principle of duality.\n pattern and implications, (6)\n (a) Fig. Consider \nance shown \nlyzed to noted in the preceding the two Kirchhofflaws with voltage substituted for current, inde\302\254 for node pair, etc. Likewise, the integroloop independent that resulted from the application of the Kirch\302\254 equations have been similar in appearance. This repeated similarity for word part only \nity, this of almost \nwere \nroles 7 Example 1 is independent the will situations analogous \ndiscussions \nis o( Network Duality\n Several \nhoff 3\n element. Capacitor Ci is an extraneousele\302\254 must maintain terminal voltage for any load source voltage Fie 3.18. voltage at node shunt is not \n(or it ^C2\n ^Ci Lwhere, R\n dt\n Vi) (Vt~\n 3-16. Dual networks.\n completely differentin physical shows that the first mightbe 3-16. Inspection basis.\n on the loop basis and the other on the the two networks in Fig. advantage appear\302\254 ana\302\254 node The equations resulting CW two + Ri + + 6v + i J L J idt-v(f) V M (3-40)\n = (3-41)\n specify identical mathematical equations difference \nonly 3\n are\n L~ These Chap. EQUATIONS\n NETWORK 52\n letter in being solution The symbols. operations,the of one equation roles The two networks are duals. \nof current and in the two networks have been interchanged. voltage a word of caution, one network is not the equivalent the other that the sense one can replace the of the terms An of Eqs. 3-40 and 3-41 showsthat inspection \nis the also other. of the solution The \nAs of \nin other.\n the are \nfollowing quantities.\n analogous and Ri Gv\n and\n 1\n 1\n v and\n the Evidently are dual quantities.\n pairs following R\n and\n G\n L\n and\n C\n and\n v, i\n current, loop g\302\260rj\n 1 jidt)\n loop\n circuit\n A simple (1) \tInside each loop \nience. Place \nnetwork. \non \nNew voltage\n or\n J v dt\n and\n node pair\n and\n open circuit\n may be followedin finding the dual network.\n \nof a * construction* graphical node-pair | ^ and\n short dt\n L\n /\n C\n Gardner York, an Arrange the for paper and 1942), Barnes, pp. 46ff.\n for conven\302\254 place a node, givingit a extra node, the datum node, external to the same numbered nodes on a separate space number the construction Transients of the dual.\n in Linear Systems (John Wiley it Sons, Inc., \ninal traversing network, network, original chart the \nment\342\200\224from the in traversed \nelement 53\n to node through the elementsin the orig\302\254 only one element at a time. For each node from lines Draw (2) EQUATIONS\n NETWORK 3-8\n Art. the above\342\200\224on connect the dual ele\302\254 network dual being \nconstructed.\n (3) Continue this processuntil thenumber of is exhausted. \nsingle elements \na connecting element \ndual wire which is an open is construction circuit.)\n \nequations on \nother the be may is dual the network. by writing the differential one on the loop basis and the systems, basis.\n node manner checked two the for through (Should you slip and go through assumed to be a short circuit,the (4) The network constructedin this \nThis paths possible 3-17. Networks This graphical construction is illustrated in Fig. \nare not (that is, cannot be shown schematicallyin planar do not have duals.\n \nwith no wires crossing) that one plane zC\n (b)\n 3-17. Fig. Graphical procedures for \nnal; General 3-8. far Thus \nto successively \nour approach L \nwhere \nin 3-18. Fig. \nbeen replaced \ninductance Consider \ncapacitance is network (b) finding dual of network: (a) origi\302\254 dual.\n equations\n from analysis of very simple networks To systematize network more configurations. complex of networks, consider an L-loopnetwork, to the analysis A of such a networkis shown number. representation any the circuit elements in each branchhave In this diagram, line for simplicity. The effectsof mutual by a straight are indicated but are assumed to be present.\n not 1. This loop loop may contain resistance, inductance, and in any one or all of the branches that make up the loop we have progressed \nLet\n Rube resistance in loop the total in loop 1.\n total inductance total elastance of loop 1.\n Ln be the Su be the 1.\n EQUATIONS\n NETWORK 54\n \nadd a series for directly J_ i = \nin on \nspecialize 4\342\200\224in loop 3, loop drops in loop be voltage will i ++ i+ c, c,+ ^+ c, e\342\200\236 There all fact, two \nthese \nj; \nand Skj j; (h)\n (a)\n (a)\n (A)\n Csi\n (s)\n (h)\n (a)\n \ndrop this \nby letting elastance total + Lkj implies symbolism Rkj, by by \nmultiplication in The total \nsidering loop \nsources voltage within + Skj J symbol J dt^ ij dt (3-42)\n ij = form (3-43)\n dkjij ij is operated upon Lkj and differentiation, and All three operations are the variable multiplication by and integration. Skj by mul\302\254 finally, sum\302\254 ajy.\n k will be found by successively con\302\254 flowing in every other loop. Math\302\254 is done by letting j have all values from 1 to L. This must be equal to the total voltage rise from active drop volt-\n we write as vk. Then loop k, which by Kirchhoff\342\200\231s voltage k and this \nematically \ntotal the that ^ k voltage adopt a special notation for equationsof this be the equivalent of Eq. 3-42.\n following equation + \nmarized The we will the and is\n + Skj Lkj For to loops common common to loops k and j. by current ij k produced point, \ntiplication mutual) (including (^Rkj This on\n network.\n L-loop inductance Rk/ij At loop from 1 to L. k, where j and k are any integers = let Ry the total resistance common to loopsk the in loop general currents in the jth (Ri\n total 2, loop case. Rather than G)\n loops, = the in (s!\n loop \342\200\224 the Lkj in flow (*\342\226\240)\n 3-18. in c.\n 1 produced by current loops Fig. voltage +i\n + the effect of 1, consider loop 3\n of capacitance here because elastance terms circuit, while capacitance terms combine as\n instead elastance use We Chap. drop in loop the currents NETWORK Ait. 3-8\n age law, EQUATIONS\n 55\n have\n we (3-44)\n to repeat this process all loops, by 1 to L. Thus the most generalformfor There remains only from values all \nhave Kirchhoff\342\200\231s network an L-loop for law \nvoltage is\n = k The diiii + ffluti ..., 1, 2, L\n (3-45)\n set of concise equation is the following of this expansion k letting for 022^2 \n\342\200\234b *b ciiiiz + ... + 023^3 \342\200\234b + \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 + = flihiv = oul^l equations.\n V\\ t>2\n (3-46)\n ~b Oi2*2 Oilii ... + Oi3*3 + is \nchart a in the Sucha emphasized. 1\n Hi\n 2\n v2\n L\n vL\n the currents loop \ntion, clockwise \na,jk(j k) \ntwo \nage Z5 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 011,\n an\n an\n ^13\n an\n fliB\n Cl 21\n a 22\n 0 23\n 024\n 026\n . . . . .\n . . .\n . . .\n . . .\n . . .\n . . .\n CIli\n 0,L2\n 0 0 L4\n 0 L5\n L3\n Z jj\n .\n 02Z\n . . .\n dLL\n are all assumed positive in the samepath direc\302\254 then all an terms are positive and all example, In actual problems, of course, many negative. are zero.\n 8\n Example A are terms a-coefficients the \nof for of\n Z$ %2 %\\ Voltage\n Eq.\n of form below.\n shown Coefficient If Vl\n to arrange these equations given above in which the a-coefficientsare (or schedule) is helpful It \nchart = \302\256ii*i -b of sources law in Fig. 3-19. In this network there are and no mutual inductance. The Kirchhoff volt\302\254 is shown network two-loop voltage is\n 2\n Q'kj'ij j 883 1\n \342\200\224 Via\n k = 1, 2\n 56\n 3-19. Fig. expanded = = da = a 12 the Similarly, found -f- R2) (Ri + Ri) + = Ri Li = for \nfound as analysis, loop a Consider \nduality. for equations + (<Si + + {Si + \342\200\224 Si ^ network to = Vi v,\n <*>\n node two and \nto give an = Ci -f Ci j appearing and k. The in \ntentials and be combined replaced + ...; (2) an may \nlent by equivalent system node. of the parameters the between For elements are po\302\254 ele\302\254 nodes con\302\254 3-20, the ele\302\254 be replaced by an equiva\302\254 made up as follows: (1) all shown \nments out of the the considered. as current of terms connected \nnected Kirchhoff\342\200\231s node, in turn, of node-to-node the into \nwritten \nbeing system.\n equivalent capacitances \nparallel \nCu, nodes, L\342\200\231s may terms in law \ndirected into and A\n \nments \nC\342\200\231a, G's, from written is \nCurrents \nbetween be\n analysis will be similar to those be expected from the principle of might with Nt nodes and only one part such\n that there are N = Nt \342\200\224 1 independ\302\254 \nent node Now each of the N pairs. node Elements dt\n j -vb\n \ncurrent 3-20. Si) dt\n j dt\n \nequations Fig. S2) follows,\n j are recognized terms voltage general {Li + Li) ^ \342\200\224 \342\200\224 =\n of the network as + (Li -f- L2) (i2i dn -f- <222^2 dull V\\f by inspection t>i The c3\n network.\n Two-loop = \"t* duti are a-coefficients an 3\n form,\n ffllt'l The L3 R3 Ri or in Chap. EQUATIONS\n NETWORK an equivalent resistance in Fig. of value capacitance found by adding\n Art. value of \ninductance network Ly, where to simplification = \nfromy - l/Rkj = as (?*, conductances \nthis EQUATIONS\n NETWORK 3-8\n = N, 1 toy Gi + Gt 57\n and (3) an ...; + equivalent 1 /Lkj + 1/1/2 + .... l/Li the circuits from node k to all othernodes \342\200\224 we have the Applying equation\n N\n 2, lb-1, (3-47)\n ...,N >-x\n which written be may concisely as\n N\n (3-48)\n i-i\n The \nthe network \nthe sum of the of \nsum = 1/R. for by i\342\200\231s by 6\342\200\231s, and v\342\200\231s, the v\342\200\231s by i\342\200\231a.\n for inductance inverse can elements are 1/L and for conductance be found by inspection by thus \342\200\234hanging on\342\200\235 or \342\200\234hanging simply between\342\200\235 the nodes.\n \nvarious If the all \nlating \nwhen o\342\200\231s replaced Coefficients which \nnoting same form as the expansion to networks, it is not necessary to simplify elements. At node j, the capacitanceCjjis by combining the capacitance connected to node j. The valueof Ckj is the connected between node j and node k. Similar capacitances hold \ninstructions k same convention for positivecurrentis maintained node for a network, the sign of bkj equations = j, and negative when k j* j.\n in will be formu\302\254 positive 9\n Example A 3-48 has the Eq. 3-46, with this equation applying In \nFor of Eq. expansion \nloop case, \nG the operations\n bkj summarize letting by network this with network, two independent current Kirchhoff\342\200\231s -=\302\261=-Datum \nFig. 3-21. node pairs is law is\n node Two-node network.\n shown in Fig. 3-21. 58\n = hM or\n \nform the for Values &i2^2 = + bnVi k ik,\n = 1, Current 1\n Gl solution of \ntion. The + Cl7t v2\n (k+t) 1\n the \n^ 1 by + +6r2 type with straight line dt\n use for systematic derived in the last sec\302\254 brackets on either d 12\n Ol3\n \302\256i\302\273\n \302\25621\n &22\n a23\n tt2\302\273\n dnl\n On dni 2\n + C2 tools we will of the equations of quantities (Ci determinants\n mathematical simultaneous array jdt\n H\n w\n ** \342\200\242ere\n of equations are Determinants \nsolution + l\n ib\n The 3-9. in chart of\n Vi ia\n 2\n *2\n follows.\n as Coefficient Eq. = summarized be i\342\200\231s may 3\n 2\n b22V2 &21^l i\\j\n and the 6-coefficients Chap. EQUATIONS\n NETWORK \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242\n dfin\n side,\n (3-50)\n determinant of order n. Quantitiesin horizontal lines form in vertical lines form columns. Such a deter\302\254 \nrows, and quantities n rows and n columns. Each of the n2 quan\302\254 \nminant is square, having is known as an element. Element position \ntities in the determinant in \nthe determinant is identified by a double subscript, the first subscript column (numbered from the row and the second indicating \nindicating the sloping line extending left-hand Elements corner). along \nupper of the determinant.\n \nfrom to a\342\200\236\342\200\236 the form au principal diagonal A has a value which is a function of the valuesof its determinant \nelements. In finding this value, we must make use of rulesfor expan\302\254 of the \nsion determinant in terms of the elements. Second- and third\norder determinants have that are familiar from studies in expansions for determinants of order higher than \nelementary algebra. Expansions third are in \nthe made terms of minors.\n conveniently The minor of any element of a determinant qp is the determinant\n is known as a =\n A for minor the for example, an, deleted. and row containing a#, are determinant,\n third-order of the terms 59\n column the when remains which \nIn EQUATIONS NETWORK 3-9 Art. 012\n 021\n 022\n 023\n 081\n 032\n 033\n O13\n (3-51)\n is\n =\n An Oil\n 022\n 023\n 032\n 033\n (3-52)\n of the element a,* multipliedby (\342\200\2241),+* The cofactor sign is thus foundby raising \ncofactor. the row and the column,j \nfound + k as\n adding by A minor = (cofactor) ( is ( the to 1) name the given \342\200\224 power \342\200\224 l),+fc(minor) (3-53)\n rule, the cofactor signsalternatealongany row the proper cofactor \nor column, sign can be determined by \342\200\234counting\342\200\235 a from etc.) positive an position to any element, minus, plus, \n(plus, or vertical path.\n along any horizontal \nproceeding in terms of minors (or cofactors)con\302\254 of a determinant Expansion reduction of determinant order. A determinant of \nsists of successive to the sum of the product of the elementsof any row \norder to is equal to this according Since, \nor column rule to the \nApplying this \nalong the first column \342\200\224 022\n 023\n O32\n O33\n or the \nby the \nas 2to equivalent The to columns. are \nrows rule same of to! sum and the \ntial in solving that \nsimilar have resulted equations -|- process Ol3\n 032\n O33\n + a 12 Ois\n \302\25631\n \n022\n O23\n about the to be expanded continued until the valueof given A is factors.\n equations + Oi2*2 013*3 + o 1,2*2 \342\200\234IOisi\342\200\231s H- from from 3-51 (3-64)\n a 12\n determinantsthat \"I\" On*\342\200\231i Eq. O31A31\n \342\200\224 a 21\n simultaneous Oli*i + expansions of the determinant minor determinants can, in turn, product The facts about cofactors. order gives\n an\n There 1) (to of TO21A21 flxiAn \342\200\224 corresponding expansion of the determinant \342\200\224 \342\200\224 A their by multiplied application the Kirchhoff have we of the reviewed just are essen\302\254 form\n ... + au.iL \342\200\224 Vi\n ... of -f\" a Lift l Kirchhoff\342\200\231s current \342\200\224 Vl\n voltage law (and law). The solution to\n 60\n such simultaneous is given equations A is the system determinant =\n A be must which a-coefficients \nof With \nneous . . . au,\n 0> 21\n \302\25622\n . . . a-tL\n aLi\n Oz,2\n ... Oll\n =\n ii or\n (3-56)\n ..., solutions ix, iit zero for the vit Vz, method ..., for =\n by minors, can be solved. For \342\200\224 column simulta\302\254 third- a V3A31\n 4\" V2A21 (3-57)\n A ii be is\n t\342\200\230i ViAn Di jth to i\302\273 vn.\n of expansion of Eq. 3-46 form the solution \norder equation, (3-55)\n as\n 12\n the and of the equations given a column rule Cramer\342\200\231s Dm\n the the by 3\n as\n determinant formed by replacing Dj is the and \nunique, rule \342\200\224\n \342\226\240 lL flu\n from different Cramer\342\200\231s =\n 12 T\n where by D,\n ^1\n \342\200\224 \342\200\234 i Chap. EQUATIONS\n NETWORK A\n An 1 T A2i \342\200\234 + , Asi\n \342\200\235*\n T \"a (3-58)\n Similarly,\n =\n ii A21 , \342\200\234 + A_\342\200\2351 and so on. \nexcept Example For one \"A are zero, all if simplified greatly to only one corresponding (3-59)\n V*~TV*\n The form of these equationsis driving voltage source.\n 10\n a certain three-loop network, the following equations are 5ii - 2i% \n-2it 4- 4\302\273, \342\200\224 It* \342\200\2243ti From A23\n A22 rule Cramer\342\200\231s we 4 10\n \n-1 write - 3t> = - 1 it -|- -1 6\n 5 0\n = 0\n -3 -2 6\n -2 -3 4 -1 as\n 4-0\n \n-1 \n-2 \n-3 = -3 -2 -0\n 10 for t'i solution the given.\n \n4 -1\n 230\n 43\n -1 6\n v\342\200\231s Art. 3-10 EQUATIONS\n NETWORK 61\n \nSimilarly,\n -2\n -(+10)\n -2\n -1\n + -3\n 150 6\n \n43 A\n network Resistive 3-10. in \na-coefficients this we can restriction, \noperations of integration \nKirchhoff\342\200\231s law voltage terms as\n \342\200\224\342\226\272 Gkj\n postpone our questions relating to and differentiation. The for the equations include which 6-coefficients and a-coefficients of \nmanipulation elements, the Rkj\n bkj Under 43\n A\n conductance become 6-coefficients the 140\n \342\200\231\n \342\200\224> ay and -1\n to contain only resistive become resistance terms as\n 3-46 Eq. 4\n -3\n analysis\n restricted networks For (10)\n the of form general resistive case the is\n L\n Rujij = k vk, = 1, 2, ^ ..., L (3-60)\n j-i\n where \nin resistance in loop j, and Rkj is and loop j loop k. If the loopsare total the R,-,- is common to the all VW\n I\342\200\224VW\n drawn resistance total in the same\n \342\226\240AAA/\342\200\224i\n ()l volts*''\n -AAA/\342\200\224\n 1 volt\n |* 0 0\n -AAA/\342\200\224\n 0\n VW\n Fig. 3-22. Resistive network analyzed in direction \nan example, \nKirchhoff consider voltage example: values of resistance\n As Rjj is positive and Rkj is negative. network of Fig. 3-22. For this example, are summarized in the following chart,\n then clockwise), (say in ohms.\n the equations the \342\200\224 \342\200\224 0 ij 4i\\ Otj + \342\200\224 tz\n 1\n 0\n =\n 2\n 1\n =\n 3\n 0\n =\n -1\n -1\n -1\n -1\n 0\n 4\n 0\n 0\n 5\n 0\n =\n 0\n 6\n 0\n =\n 0\n 0\n 7\n 1\n =\n 0\n 0\n 0\n 8\n 0\n =\n 0\n 0\n 0\n 0\n 9\n 0\n =\n 0\n 0\n 0\n 0\n -1\n 0\n 0\n 0\n 0\n 0\n 0\n 0\n 0\n 0\n 0\n 0\n 0\n -1\n -1\n -1\n 0\n 0\n 0\n 4\n -1\n 0\n -1\n -1\n 0\n 5\n 0\n 0\n 4\n -1\n 0\n -1\n 0\n -1\n 0\n 4\n can be made from this are the elements of the (2) \npal diagonal \ntry about elements are positive; the principal \nsymmetry and the \napply when \nmon direction. \nof on \nanalyzed \n\342\226\274aloes of basis node network \ntive in ohms.\n resistance \nlyzed 3-23. \nFig. \nis chart The for node: Current vm p\302\273 sign rule drawn always in a com\302\254 is characteristic A the for equations network node resis\302\254 to be ana\302\254 is shown in basis node-pair voltageequations 6\n 0\n c\n 0\n 0\n d\n 0\n 0\n 0\n 0\n 0\n 5/2\n -1\n 1\n 0\n -1/2\n of\n v, ve -1\n 0\n f\n node Coefficient a\n e\n This diagonal. example will illustrate networks. on symme\302\254 below.\n shown Eq. deter\302\254 of the princi\302\254 all others are equations.\n checking of of the six equivalent This second \nformation in example: are loops in value The Resistive chart.\n system The \nnegativeor zero. (3) Thereisa 3-23. -1\n 5\n importance \nminant. rig. -1\n 0\n -1\n 0\n 0\n *9\n is\n *7\n -1\n 0\n -1\n -1\n chart of the elements \tThe (1) of observations Several -1\n 0\n 0\n *\302\253\n 0\n 5\n -1\n of\n *5\n -1\n 0\n 5\n 0\n =\n -1\n -1\n 4\n 4\" 0i>\n \342\226\240+\342\226\240 Oit 0t7 0*\302\253-I- *4\n 0\n 2\n -1\n -1\n 5/2\n 0\n -1/2\n 9/\n 0\n 0\n 0\n 0\n -1\n -1\n 2\n 0\n 3\n equation\n Coefficient **\n 4\n H- ~l\342\200\234 Ots Voltage Eq. of the is the equivalent row first the where Chap. EQUATIONS NETWORK 62\n -1\n 0\n -1\n 5/2\n 0\n -1/2\n -1/2\n 0\n -1/2\n 0\n -1/2\n 3/2\n Chap. EQUATIONS\n NETWORK 3\n READING\n FURTHER of the formulation of equilibriumequations for For discussions see \nworks, \nMIT \n25-49, New \nInc., \nin the \nmay \npp. \n(John many Mathematics \nApplied \ning in found Inc., New for Wiley principle of duality is discussed Gardner and coupled equations for magnetically Corcoran, and Circuits Alternating-Current New York, 1951), pp. 222-230,or LePage Book Co., Inc., Analysis (McGraw-Hill 102-110. Further discussion of determinants texts in mathematics, for example in Pipes\342\200\231 and Physicists (McGraw-Hill Book Engineers pp. 69-76, in Wylie\342\200\231s Advanced Book Co., Inc., New (McGraw-Hill York, Mathematics 573-579, Inc., pp. 1952), York, be Wiley & Sons, Network General Seely, \nNew \nCo., & Sons, Wiley \nand and Kerchner see \n(John (John by Johnson and by those example of writing circuit subject \ncircuits, 2. The Analysis above.\n cited On for texts, Transient Chap. 1954), York, many \nBarnes Engi\302\254 New York, 1944), More Systems in Weber\342\200\231s Linear and Inc., Engineering Staff at & Sons, Inc., New York, 1940),pp. 112-138. are contained in Gardner and Barnes, Transients (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1942),pp. treatments Linear \nin Co., of Principles Physical net\302\254 by the Electrical Circuits Electric Wiley (John \nadvanced Book (McGraw-Hill or 45-67, \npp. and Mathematical Johnson\342\200\231s Analysis \nneering 63\n in & Sons, 1946), Guilleman\342\200\231s Inc., The Mathematics York, 1951), Circuit of New York, 1949), Chap. Engineer\302\254 1.\n Analysis NETWORK 64\n Chap.3\n EQUATIONS\n PROBLEMS\n 3-1. For the \nKirchhoff part d, select four appropriate the formulate figures, voltage for \ncated; four networks shown in the For parts a, b, and c, equations. the use loops indi\302\254 loops.\n *2\n \nmit we are to write equationsthat will currents in the inductors to be found. Howmany simultaneous the to describe are required equations system? Write Discuss.\n on the loop basis. equations the In 3-2. the \ndifferential \nequilibrium network L2 L\\ shown, \302\24313\n v2\n \302\2731\n pOp\n ic! -\n 3-3. In the \nthrough \nare \non required the loop the t\302\2733\n pOp\n pOp\n \342\200\234\n -c3 ^C2 Prob. per\302\254 -\n 3-3.\n the current shown, the problem is to How many simultaneous differentialequations capacitors. to describe the system? Write the equilibrium equations basis. conclusions with those found for Prob. Compare the network find 3-2.\n \nin the figure.\n 3-5. The shown in the network network a ladder as known is h\n the describe to \nfigure a set of node equa\302\254 shown network Formulate 3-4. \ntions 65\n EQUATIONS\n NETWORK 3\n Chap. \n(becauseof its physical appearance). the on \ntions extended is adding alternately \nby indefinitely inductors and \ncapacitors. Compare the \nloops shown \nnetwork a \nmulate The 3-7. The 3-8. \nwork of of the parameters are is called a Butterworth properlyselected,the low-pass filter. For\302\254 equations on the basis (loopor node)that smaller of simultaneous differential equations.\n the number the network shown in the figure is of a type designed by insertion-loss \nDarlington to\n of differential set in \nresults above number of addition each values the When 3-6. for nodes and equa\302\254 Suppose that basis. loop ladder \nthe of differential set a \nFormulate method. Repeat shown in the figure vacuum tube amplifiers. network some \nnetwork.\n Prob. 3-8.\n Prob. 3-6 for this network.\n represents the interstage Repeat Prob. 3-6 for this net\302\254 NETWORK 66\n network shown two-stage vacuum The 3-9. a of \nwork Chap. EQUATIONS\n in the figure represents tube amplifier. Repeat 3\n the equivalent Prob. 3-6 for this net\302\254 \nnetwork.\n \nwork (the network.\n this \nfor forms inductor problem represents a bridged-Tfilternet\302\254 the bridge across the T). Repeat Prob.3-6 of this network The 3-10. 3-11. For the double-T network shownin the \n3-12. The network shown in the figureis Prob. 3-6 for this network.\n \nRepeat a figure, repeat lattice symmetrical 3-6. Prob. filter. La\n \ncoil. \nfluxes \nof M two Consider 3-13. Show aid, is if the that the sign negative.\n magnetically currents of M is coupled are in such coils with current a direction that positive, while if the fluxes oppose, in each the two the sign Chap. 3\n 3-14. \n4, \nFor Fig. this \nCompare \nfound EQUATIONS\n NETWORK 67\n shown below is identical to that usedin Example the loops are chosen differently than in the example. but 3-10, the differential equations on the loopbasis. network formulate those the number of terms in the equations that result with The circuit in Example 4.\n R i\n 3-16. A network \ncoil winding \nequations 3-16. \nin the for Write sense this the accompanying the mutual inductance is shown below,with indicated dots. Write Kirchhoff the voltage by network. Note that Mu = 0.\n with loop basis network equations for the systemshown figure.\n Prob. 3-16.\n EQUATIONS\n NETWORK 68\n to duals 3-17.\n Prob. 3-18. Find the dual 3-19. Find the dual 3-20. Find the dual 3-21. Find the dual 3-22. The it \nease crossover (a) \tDraw \nplanar 3-5.\n 3-9.\n of 3-12 Prob. to be nonplanar appears (in this particular network, be removed so that the network is network, (b) Find the dual planar a dual). For have can point the of the networkof Prob. of the network of Prob. of the network of Prob. of the network of Prob. 3-10.\n 3-8.\n network not does \nthe give coefficients.\n identical \nhave 3\n dual and (b) element make the network equationsfor the (a) find the shown, schematic the on \nvalues network the For 3-17. Chap. which however, planar,\n equivalent the of network.\n 3-23. system of equationsfor ilf Solve the following i2, and i3, using \ndeterminants.\n - 2i2 + 3ti 9u- + \n-2ix \342\200\224 Answers. 3-24. \nknowns, = ix Solve it, ii, = of system 7it \342\200\224 + \n\342\200\2245ix 0i2 + i2 = -1\n 0\n 0\n 3\n -2\n -2\n O\n 0\n 3\n -1\n = Oij -1\n (a) +9, \342\200\22410 i, = -445/342.\n -615/342, 1\n (b)\n -2\n -1\n 4\n (b) +133.\n 3\n 4\n 1\n 0\n 1\n 1\n 3\n 4\n 2\n 0\n 4\n 2\n 2\n minors.\n by 3\n Answers, 5\n = -10\n Hi, determinants following for the three equations 3i2- 5is= + -295/342, 10\n i, = 270/159.\n i, by determinants.\n -1\n 0\n = and the 0\n 9i, following 3-26. Evaluate 2\n = 0 the \342\200\2243ii t\\ 4i, i2 = 210/159, 405/159, 8ii - Answers. + 4i2 \nOil Oi, = 5 0\n -2\n 1\n -1\n 3\n -2\n -1\n 1\n un\302\254 3\n Chap. 3-26. Consider the equations\n 3x \nx \n4x Is (a) (4, 2, 3) the regarding writing Answer.\n 6 -3 3y + circuit the Oy 2 = + values 7 -4 6\n Answers.\n Repeat Prob. 3-27 for What (b) can these Can you con\302\254 by these equations?\n the write equations), are in ohms and }\n solution? (c) Why? in networks -3 3-28. 1\n \342\200\224 a \342\200\2241) 1, \342\200\2241, Answer.\n -3\n 1 \342\200\224 = 5\302\253 represented geometry Element \ndeterminant. y \342\200\224 determinants? 3-27. By inspectingthe \n(without \342\200\224 \342\200\224 \302\253\342\226\240 1 3z Is ( a solution? \nequations be solved by \nclude 69\n EQUATIONS\n NETWORK -4 11 -3 accompanying the loop basis volts.\n -3\n -3\n 8\n the networks shown in the figure.\n figure system 3-29. the inspecting By write \nequations), the shown (without writing system determinant.\n network basis node node node 1 Prob. Answer.\n 9\n -1\n 5\n \ntains 1-ohm a source. \nvoltage \nof equations. number \nThe the In network 3\n the circuit 2\n 3-29.\n 20\n 3-30. Chap. EQUATIONS NETWORK 70 graph shown in -1\n 5\n 17\n 10\n the figure,each branch con\302\254 as shown, contain a 1-volt branches, on the this network loop basis to obtaina set Analyze in any one equation. like terms by combining Simplify is the loop number.\n inside each square resistor. Four 2h 2h\n graph shown in the figure, each interiorbranch an inductor of 1 henry \ncontains and each exterior branch an inductor \nof A 1-volt The 2 henrys. source is located in one branch as shown. \nnumber inside each is the loop number. Analyze the network square \non the loop basis to obtain a set of equations. Simplifyby combining in any one equation.\n \nlike terms 3-31. In the network a current contains \nbranch in any a obtain to basis \nterms network the In 3-32. \nnode EQUATIONS\n NETWORK 3\n Chap. one graph shown, \nohms and interior \342\200\224 Ri \342\200\224 Analyze 1 ohm, one and on the network combininglike equation.\n R\n Prob. Repeat R source of 1 amp. the set of equations. Simplify by R 3-33. 71\n 3-32.\n 3-32 with external branch of Ri = 1 ohm.\n resistors branch Prob. resistors of R = 2 CHAPTER 4-1. Definitions for differential this of \ntion equations\n study a number we will chapter, the differential simplest equations, a\302\260 ^ This is of equation derivative \nordered be \nmay equations An contain. they of techniquesfor the those of first order such solu\302\254 = 0 + axi first order because differential Thus first. the \nis EQUATIONS\n DIFFERENTIAL FIRST-ORDER In 4\n as\n (4-1)\n the highest-orderedderivative are classified by the highestnth order differential equation written\n dni 3F for equations \nto which of the the dn~H\n + dF7'\n di\n . . + Un-l \342\200\242 + first degree. The + dni degreeof an derivative highest-ordered ^ \342\200\224 is equation appears (4-2)\n V(t)\n after the power all possible reduction.\n \nalgebraic is the dependent variable and t is the independent var\302\254 an energy source, it is known as theforcing \niable. When v(t) represents The variable \nfunction. dependent i, which is to be found,is calledthe or solution. The differential \nresponse equation is linear if the dependent \nvariable and all its derivatives are of first degree. All other equations \nare A differential is said to be ordinary if it con\302\254 nonlinear. equation \ntains not partial) derivatives. For the type of circuits total (and only in \nassumed Chapter equations that describe net\302\254 1, the differential \nworks will all be ordinary, linear differential equations with constant It should be remembered that the techniques we will \ncoefficients. \ndiscuss will in general, not, apply to nonlinear differential equations.\n is to be 4-2 said Equation homogeneous when v(t) = 0; if v(t) is not In Eq. the \nzero 4-2, i is nonhomogeneous.\n equation 4-2. General and In \nknown electrical state particular solutions\n the problems, with all voltages network is assumed to be initiallyin a and currents fixed. At an instant of that the system is altered in a manner the of one or or more switches. \nrepresented by opening closing of is to obtain mathematicalequationsfor \nobjective analysis \ntime designated t * 0, 72\n be can The current,\n Art. altered was \nlibrium 1 to taken \nage equation + \ntial can It be can \nables in 4-3 switching the (4-3)\n linear differen\302\254 constant if the solved be coeffi\302\254 may be accomplished This separated. vari\302\254 by rearranging variables the (4-4)\n L\n - - i + t to can be integrated the equation separated, In give\n K (4-5)\n \302\243 that the logarithmisto e = 2.718 base this equation, the constant K is redefined in where In designates the \nof form the simplify of constant of another logarithm 4-5 may then Equation be = the \nAlso, from of a definition In Eq. 4-7 may so that be the equation In k (4-6)\n \\nk logarithm, In e* = (4-7)\n x, or logio = 10* x. that\n y + In z i = In (ke~M/L) \342\200\224 In (4-8)\n yz written\n In With as\n In e~Rt'L + we know logarithms terms written\n i = In by To\n the K since, Eq.\n form\n t With posi\302\254 volt\302\254 0\n with equation \ncients. the JK\n first-order a is equi\302\254 is\n La This from is changed reference time t * 0.* After the Kirchhoff the place, from the instant K switch the 2 at 73\n switching.\n shown in Fig.4-1, position \nhas the by In the network \ntion of time measured in terms etc. charge, voltage, EQUATIONS\n DIFFERENTIAL FIRST-ORDER 4-2\n in this (4-9)\n form, the antilogarithm may be taken to \ngive,\n = i *It is assumed that \ntransition \nrent i.\n from position the 1 to switch position is ke~Rt/L a (4-10)\n \342\200\234make-before-break\342\200\235 2 does not cause an type interruption that and of the the cur\302\254 EQUATIONS\n DIFFERENTIAL FIRST-ORDER 74\n Chap. 4\n the logarithm of another constanthas the form of the solution. 4-10 is the network \nsimplified Equation or solution. This solution is free of derivatives and expresses \nresponse \nthe between the variables. and independent relationship dependent \nThat it is the solution can be verified by substituting Eq. 4-10into K as constant the Redefining 4-3.\n \nEq. the solution is of Eq. 4-10, form the In known as the solution. general is evaluated, the solution is a 'particular The to any number of situations. A \nsolution. applies solution fits the of a particular problem.\n specifications \nparticular new about the To evaluatethe constant we must know something k, In of i and t. this particular prob\302\254 \nproblem,such as any pair of values know that has taken placemustbe we the current after switching \nlem, as before switching because of the inductor in the the same cir\302\254 \njust of integration solution general constant the \nIf at Thus \ncuit.* t = that the current has 0, we know = i(0) as the initial is known This value \nthis required into condition Z | = (4-11)\n condition of the circuit. 4-10 Eq. value\n the Substituting gives\n jceo = k (4-12)\n XI\n The solution particular of this example becomes\n i = Z e~Rt/L (4-13)\n MX\n The 4-3. integrating factor\n a nonhomogeneous Consider I + \nvariable \302\243 or by \nmultiplied \nthe constant is a P where a constant. the same ept, which quantity written\n equation \302\253-\302\253\n and Q may The factor. be a equation Suppose will be known of function the independent is not altered if every term is that we multiply Eq. 4-14by as an integratingfactor, f There \nresults\n di\n ept jt * \nArt. This is an application + Piept = of the principle of Qept constant (4-15)\n flux linkages discussed in 1-7.\n f If P is a function of time, the properintegrating factor is efPdt. See Prob. 4-5.\n this That factor by a multiplication EQUATIONS\n DIFFERENTIAL FIRST-ORDER 4-3\n Art. of Eq. 4-14 can be recognized solution by of a product:\n for the derivative the \npossible \nequation d(xy) = xdy + letting By the of out \342\200\234pulled = x\n y = i and ept, we y 75\n made hat\342\200\235has the recalling dx\n (4-16)\n have\n (4-17)\n is which 4-15; thus we of Eq. side left-hand the\n have\n (4-18)\n This = iept first \nular \nmentary \nby a \nor = (4-19)\n / Qept dt e~pt Ke~pt\n (4-20)\n comple\302\254 network any network \ntary \nthat is\n function Q.\n a positive constant determined and Q will be either the forcingfunction In the limit, the function. P is a positive constant; zero, because P will be problem, parameters, the forcing must on the forcing depend of derivative function not does function the K\n partic\302\254 integral For dt + the is \nsecond / Qept give\n + in Eq. 4-20 is known as the particularintegral; term as the complementary known function. Note that the does not contain the arbitrary constant, and the i or\n The to be integrated may equation complemen\302\254 approach = Ke~pt lim 0 (4-21)\n oo\n t\342\200\224\342\226\272 Thus i( the When \nvalue at particular t = \302\253is \nwould reduce \nmost frequently to = oo) lim i(t) t > 00 of spoken as contain encountered i = A sin + {wt of the \ncomplementary solution, function; engineering, have the forms\n <j>) and i 4-20 iP be the letting dt (4-22)\n 00\n \342\226\272 not approach zero in the limit,its the steady-state value. For this case, the no exponential factor or otherwise it Let the general solutionof Eq. \nparts Qept is\n does In electrical zero. infinity = lim e~Pt J t integral must integral \nparticular as time approaches of i value the be = written the steady-state values a constant as the (4-23)\n sum of the particular integral and ic be two the thus\n \342\200\242\342\200\242 \342\200\242\n t % == Zp I\342\204\242 %c\n (4-24)\n If \nstate \ning \nthis = i \nand the \nthe in \ntron \nor the \nto a by convention; the purely way of knowing whether it of the current.\n division has no individual is in the elec\302\254 transient and steady-state portions of the solution the network of Fig. 4-1 with the switchmoved consider = 1 at t 2 to position 0. The Kirchhoffvoltageequation position division by L,\n V . R di \ndt+ L% this Comparing to Eq. equation t> \nP R = this to solution L\n 4-14, we see n and a Q j- The 0, transient the problem, \nis, after = 1\n illustrate \nfrom t to account for is made solution steady-state To as havingbeenestablished at adjust itself, mathematically, 0 and all other times. This is an arbitrary division which nevertheless has utility as a conceptualaid. The a current Example (4-25)\n t = at of it must solution \ndivision i\302\273+ value is regarded transient response the \nof steady- convention has been established for call\302\254 the transient portion of the solution.By ic is made response up of two separate parts:\n the convention, steady-state as a written term remaining The be may Chap. 4\n A i\342\200\236. designated value, the 4-23, it forms of Eq. of the either has iP EQUATIONS\n DIFFERENTIAL FIRST-ORDER 76\n is given as equation that\n V \342\200\224\n Eq. 4-20 which becomes for \nthis problem,\n i = r-Rt/L\n eRt/L e\n fa + Ke~Rt/L\n (\n the Evaluating integral, we obtain\n i = as the general \nis zero before \nof the inductor. ^ + Ke~Rt/L\n If the current in the networkbeingconsidered it must be zero afterward because switching action, that i(0) = 0 leads to the particular The requirement solution. the \nsolution\n = \342\200\242 ^ The steady-state and transient (1 - (4-26)\n e~Ri/L) divisions of this current are shown in\n Art. 4-4\n Fig. 4-2 = 0, t = \nrent at 4*4. Time The \na constants\n of Eq. 4-3 be written in solution 4-13 Eq. by cur\302\254 0.\n particular \ngiven is zero there that such \nadjusted steady-state\n is term transient the and The current. actual 77\n at established is (V/R) \nportion \nt sum or the their with along EQUATIONS differential first-order may form nondimensional as\n Fig. 4-2. Transient = Y \n1 where \ntime 7o \nhomogeneous \ndifferent \nattached (4-27) 0\n of parts \nExample the initial t When \nengineering. \342\200\224 T, by Eq. = e-1 = i(T) = 0.3770 In other words, the current to or 0.37\n (4-28)\n constant. A to plot Fig. 37% of its a similar By decreases (4-29)\n initial value in one can it be shown that the computation, initial of its value in four time 2% approximately in 70 is shown if against t/T Fig.4-3.\n decreases \nconstants. of 4-27,\n 70\n \ncurrent solution 1.\n value t\\T)\n \ntime and steady- of current at t = 0 and T = (L/R) is the of the The form of Eq. 4-27 is the solutionof all system. first-order differential where 7o and T have equations, for values different The physical problems. significance the time to constant is of great importance in electrical is the constant e~t/T \nstate of 4-3. Normalized exponential curve for <r\342\200\230/r\n FIRST-ORDER 78\n The a \nwith solution of the constant forcing Chap. 4\n nonhomogeneous differential equation is of the form of Eq. 4-26,which may first-order function form nondimensional in written \nbe EQUATIONS\n DIFFERENTIAL as\n \342\200\242\n i- l = i(T) final its Fig. 4-4. \ntransient \nat disappears this least, requires function \nexponential \nto another. of that \nwith its of 63% for \nstandard final (1 Normalized time \nvalue \n- 0.1 \nT1000 (4-31)\n comparison. constant of 100 Msec. for curve (1 \342\200\224 e t/T).\n is conveniently measured and usedas a As an example, consider a series RC circuit solution,\n i = The T,\n - 0.63/o - 0.37)/o exponential value) a general has \nwhich When t = is useful in comparing the behaviorof one system the It is not possible to compare times at which its steady state) since, mathematically (or reaches infinite time. However, the time interval for an to 37 % of its initial value (orincrease to decrease constant time The (4.30)\n time reached 63% of its steady-state value in one will increase to approximately 98% the current Similarly, in four time constants.\n value \nconstant. \nof e-t/r has current the or 1 _ in Fig. 4-4. is plotted function This = o\n circuit is T for the ohms and C However, hfi~i/RC\n is 1000 jujuf; = RC. Supposethat then = T if R = 1000 megohms sec, or 17 min. For onecombination of R 100 X 1000 X and C R and \302\2731 C, the the has /if, 10\342\200\234\342\200\234 then current\n would decrease to other, the the \nfor \n37 % of the initial value in the smalltime current would require about 17 min to value.\n In experimentally recording a transient, the this of the order of 1 or 2%. For \nment is often \nsometimes assumed to have disappearedwhen value \nfinal \nbe the case \nnential) is \nin an of reaches 2% it is dis\302\254 constants.\n time four is of the expo\302\254 constants, a transient that in \nappears (or 98% increasing time four assumed \noften final of the 2% value Since determined). \nreach the can time to measure\302\254 a transient reason, it ^sec; decreaseto of accuracy 0.1 of as accurately (as 79\n 37 % initial of the EQUATIONS\n DIFFERENTIAL FIRST-ORDER 4-5\n Ait. This basis is sometimes used to meas\302\254 the time constant of a system.\n \nure 4-5. The principleof To di\n ^ ... + \nname \ndoes the of \nnature not forcing of the \nfree response. The and \nparts\342\200\224forced of the + (t>i function the the henry. By the Kirchhoffvoltage t>2(t) + ... + + (4-32)\n vn(t) of a first-order nonhomogeneous = vi 4-20, P = R, a constant, Q is\n \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 + vn)eRt dt + Ke~Rt (4-33)\n integral depends on the particular voltages and, for this reason, is giventhe other hand, the complementary function the function (except that K is fixedby the conditions function at t \342\200\224 circuit exist\302\254 0 and forcing function is given the name complementary total can be thought of as made up of two response We now have three sets of terms definingthe free. solution of the differential equation.\n particular integral \nsteady-state \nforced t>2 before, forcing The time). that \ning / On on depend at parts e~Rt + by Eq. solution the and response. forced \nmagnitude \ntwo n super\302\254 theorem.\n \nposition solution given observed have we with the differ\302\254 V\\{t) general vn = i As + Ri = equation, + t>2 the of terms \ndifferential \n+ 4-5.\n series circuit illustrating have\n we In sources \nvoltage to be 1 taken is L equation, \nlaw, of the form the simplify \nential in Fig. is shown sources \nvoltage Fig. 4-5. RL n series with circuit RL series A superposition\n response solution and complementary and transient and free function solution response\n \nused text the thioughout Chap. 4\n be engineering literature, and our preference will be for the last used in electrical are sets three All EQUATIONS\n DIFFERENTIAL FIRST-ORDER 80\n will although \nset.\n circuits. short by \nreplaced = ix this If the 4-5, \nthat the \nmay be (4-34)\n kxe~Ht of Suppose sum written\n = in \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 + R is dt] dt + + (kx / \302\253 + k2 + we ... + + k2 + kx ... + (4-35)\n kn)e~Rt set\n may kn (4-36)\n in Eq. 4-35 the integral terms a constant, dt\n v<&Rl arbitrary constant, K Because VieRt vneRt so far an k is each e~Rt [J ...+/ + Since vtf*1 dt + each generator of the circuit to that given in Eq. 4-34. in this manner are added together. This response currents found + ia + ix e~Rt J is\n is repeated for will be similar experiment \nFig. except Vi(t), are removed and under this condition all voltage sources The response that assume Next, be may combined \nto give\n + ia + ix This then \na rule general for \nholds is \nand known great hold as the ... + + principle systems in more complex \n1951) in READING\n by York, the pp. Transients \npp. that it differential equations are discussed Fich in Transient in Electrical Engineering (Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Electric 15-30.\n networks systems.\n \nTransients,\342\200\235 \nto Ke~Rt\n network theory. The fact is the root of the greatdifficulty First-order under + applicationof of superposition. This principle located in linear FURTHER \nAnalysis dt vn)eRt This is the responses. arbitrarily importance for nonlinear such \nanalyzing individual sources voltage of not \ndoes the summing t>2 + (vx with Eq. 4-33 which was found for the In summary, the total response of a linear found by considering each voltage source removed and replaced by short circuits sources other all with \nalone e~Rt f that to identical is = functions. forcing \nnetwork in is identical equation \ncombined \nand \342\200\242.. + of heading 36-66. See (John \342\200\234Classical also Wiley Kurtz Solution and & Sons, of Corcoran\342\200\231s Inc., Single-Energy Introduction New York, 1945), Chap. DIFFERENTIAL FIRST-ORDER 4\n EQUATIONS\n 81\n PROBLEMS\n shown in the figure, the switchis changed from = 1 to position 2 at t having pre\302\254 0, a steady-statecurrent been in the RL circuit. established Find the particular solution = current in the circuit. Answer, i (V/J?1)e~(Rl+B*)</z'\n In 4-1. \nposition \nviously the \nfor 4-2. \nthe 2, assuming position source while the switch was in position1. (b) Write as\n for the charge under the same conditions equation the for the charge as a function of time and evaluate \nthe differential Solve (c) (a), In 4-3. \n7o at and of \ntion to (c). q = Answer constant. \narbitrary in Fig. 4-1 with a capacitor, (a) Write in the system after the switch the current that the capacitor was charged to a voltage of the that to for equation integral \nequal inductor the Replace in \nis circuit the circuit = t 0 the the CVert/RC\n the capacitor Ci shown, is chargedto a Solvefor the switch is closed. charge as voltage a func\302\254 time.\n \342\226\240AAAr\n K\n R\n :C2\n v0ipcx\n 4-8.\n Prob. In the circuit 4-4. \nfrom no \n4-5. position on the capacitor. charge We 1 at t 2 to position \nwas of Prob. 4-2, supposethat an \ntion \ngrating \nsolution derivative the equals is factor to the R factor\342\200\235 \342\200\234integrating R P(t)i such d(Ri)/dt. while = that switch is in position changed 2 there as a function of time. equation\n <2(fl\n the left-hand side of the (a) Show that the equa\302\254 required inte\302\254 (b) Using this integrating factor, find the that corresponds to Eq. 4-20.\n equation = eSFdt. differential that Find the charge + jt by and the differential to multiply wish \342\200\224 0 the is \nK \nrent the current assuming a when = that a R/L. follows the closed at (b) t for Solve use of Make Suggestion: R/L. switch time.\n shown, the voltage source a is a constant. The switch is where Ve~at, \nSolve for figure, the steady-state having previously been attained. the circuit as a function of in the accompanying circuit the In 4-7. \n= in current the for \nSolve 0, a at closed shown circuit t = the In 4-6. Chap. 4\n EQUATIONS\n DIFFERENTIAL FIRST-ORDER 82\n law = v(t) 0. the (a) cur\302\254 for rule 1\342\200\231Hospital\342\200\231s forms.\n \nindeterminant L\n 4-7.\n Prob. \na source voltage \ntem, solve for v(t) the response Show that \nintersects the time constant. axis at t \342\200\224 \n70(1 e~t/T) Similarly, at t = circuit. 0 connecting For this sys\302\254 4-8.\n the tangent to \342\200\224 T. \ndecreased at the initialrate, it \ntime RL = t i(t).\n Prob. 4-9. closedat shown, the switch is = V sin u>t to a series circuit the In 4-8. show 0 intersects the curve i would that be to reduced the that line i 70 t = 0 if the current zero value in one to the curve i = tangent = at 7oe_t/r that show will This = at time t = T.\n FIRST-ORDER 4\n Chap. network the In 4-10. shown, is observed \ninitial value of the current is in 0.1 sec. Find \ndisappears \nof and the of (c) C, equation = = 2.5 Mf, (c) i \nC 10-2e~40*.\n waveform \ncurrent EQUATIONS\n DIFFERENTIAL is closedat = 0. The with a cathode ray oscillograph.The measured to be 10 ma. The transient value (a) the value of R, (b) = 104ohms, i(t). Answers, (a) R the switch K t the (b) 4-11. The circuit shown in accompanying \nresistor and a relay with inductanceL. figure the The \nit is \nwhen \nhenrys, 4-12. \nV with \nto the \nof t of \ntion time, is closed K \nswitch = current = at t 0, and when actuated 0.1 sec. i(t) with i = the Find: all 83\n through is relay (a) the inductance L coefficients evaluated. of the the of a so that adjusted the coil is it is observedthat consists 0.008 amp. The is actuated relay coil, (b) the equa\302\254 Answers, (a) L = 620 \342\200\224 e-1**) 0.01(1 amp.\n of A switch is closed at t = 0, connectinga battery voltage delivered a series RC circuit, (a) Determine the ratio of energy to the total energy supplied by the sourceas function capacitor \302\260\302\260.\n that this ratio approaches 0.50 as t \342\200\224> Show (b) (b) a CHAPTER 5\n IN CONDITIONS INITIAL 5-1. Initial conditions in individual NETWORKS\n elements\n chapter, we found that the generalsolutionof a first\norder differential equation contained an unknown designatedan arbi\302\254 For constant. differential of higher order, the pattern \ntrary equations \nwill that the number of arbitrary constants equals the equation develop If \norder. the unknown constants are to be evaluated for arbitrary other must be known about the network \nparticular solutions, things the differential We must form a set of simulta\302\254 \ndescribed by equation. one of which is the general solution, with additional \nneous equations, to total the number of unknowns. The additional equations \nequations as values of voltage, current, charge, etc., or \nare conveniently given these at the instant \nderivatives of network equilibrium is quantities = \naltered t 0. Conditions by switching action, existing at this instant the last known as In \nare that alters network equilibrium, of the network might have voltages across their terminalsor them as a consequence of past history of the through in network. To evaluate initial voltages or currents, the each and current changes when the determine how voltage the switching action Before \nelements \ncurrents \nforces conditions.\n initial the driving we \nmust net\302\254 is \nwork altered.\n assumed to exist before in turn, established \naction takes by switching actionat place were, in the past. Such voltages and currents in the remote time \nwork are said to be in the steady act in zero time. To differentiate switches We assume that before and immediately after the closing of a time \nthe immediately Thus conditions existing just and we will use + signs. will be designated as the switch is operated etc., In problems, many conditions switching net\302\254 \nsome state.\n between \342\200\224 \nswitch, \nbefore t(0\342\200\224), after \nconditions as i\342\200\230(0+), v(0+), v(0\342\200\224) etc.\n in networks, we will study the at the instant equilibrium is of each different element The In the ideal resistor, current and voltage are related Resistor. in Fig. If a step input of voltage, v = Ri. 5-1, law, to a resistor network, the current will have the same applied altered (1 /R). The current througha by the scale factor \nform, Before analyzing initial conditions \naction \nby altered.\n shown Ohm\342\200\231s wave\302\254 \nis resistor\n 84\n Art. if the instantaneously change may NETWORKS\n voltage instantaneously may change was concluded voltage \nSimilarly, IN CONDITIONS INITIAL 5-1\n 85\n changes instantaneously. if current changes \ninstantaneously.\n act at the initial instant, and the inductorwill terminals. an open circuit independent of the voltageat the of value Io flows in the inductor at the instantswitching to flow. For the initial instant, will continue that current of as a current source of Io amp.\n can be thought to flow current \ncause \nas if it were \nIf a current \ntakes connect to switch a \nclosing in Art. 1-7, that the currentcannot a system of constant inductance. Thus not an inductor to a source of energywill in instantaneously \nchange place, inductor \nthe It Inductor. The Vv\n b\342\200\231b\n V\n (V7R)\n O' and Current 6-1. Tig. 6'\n relationships in a voltage resistive\n purely element.\n The \nnot a short (or \nvoltage is \ncapacitor in capacitor and for 5-3. Fig. are summarized in the can\302\254 voltage of fixed capacitance. If an energy source, a current will will be equivalent to a short charge are proportional source of value a voltage to offered that the in a so that zero charge corresponds to zero With an initial charge in the system,the q/C, charge.\n conclusions conditions \nshown a system to an voltage circuit). equivalent initial the These \nfinal v = system, \ncapacitive the because follows This connected since instantaneously, \ncircuit. is is capacitor \nuncharged \nqo in instantaneously change \nflow 1-6, proof was Art. In Capacitor. case special These equivalent Fig. 5-2. of constant Vo A = qo/C, similar where chart of voltage sources is circuits are derived from the \nrelationships\n y Vl d% \342\200\224 L \342\200\224r~ and derivatives \nsources. The \nopposite to It \na is network zero having those not the yy\n C -r: in each case for invariant voltage for L and C are for final conditions conditions for these elements.\n initial possible to interrupt a current instantaneouslyin a switch. If an attempt is made to open a switch\n opening always by for = value circuits equivalent . ic at\n \ndt the J the \nof from a voltage source, an arc will switch to permit the current to flow until field is spent.\n the across \nlished magnetic Element initial land Chap. inductor an disconnect to NETWORKS\n IN CONDITIONS INITIAL 86\n circuit\n Equivalent at t condition) estab\302\254 the energy Equivalent - 0+\n Element\n \ncircuit at t-co voltage sources \n[for R be 5\n R\n \nof constant potential)\n R\n sc\n -o\n o o-\n O oc\n o\n 0\n lQ\302\261 V\302\260\n Vo-g- condition Initial 5-2. Tig. the for \ncircuits equivalent Fig. elements.\n 6-3. \nsources of Geometrical 5-2. to a constant for elements constant potential.\n equation that describesan circuit RL may equation show \nderivative \nthe \nbe circuit the of current. is closed From zero. that relationship Eq. If the at t = 5-2, the (5-1)\n in the be arranged a to con\302\254 source:\n voltage Ljt+Ri=V This voltage of derivatives\n interpretation Consider the differential \nnected Final condition equivalent the for \ncircuits i(F form\n -iR) must exist between switch connecting (5-2)\n current and the time the voltage sourceto 0, the current in the systemat initial value of the derivative = t 0 must is\n = It(0+) Now the \nfunction \nhas quantity of time. a magnitude \napproximate <M>\n ~L of the requiredplot current as a and Equation 5-3 tells us that this slopeis For some small interval of time, this must V/L. actual curve found by solving Eq. 5-1. Assume di/dt is the slope of positive slope the that\n INITIAL Art. 5-3\n the current second A \nt\\. increases \ntime 5-2 Eq. \nusing - differential a equation. more first the curvature \nrepresents Fig. \nz(0+) Curves 0, di/dt( The = 0, dH/dt*(0+) initial of an Approximation \ncurve tangents by to typical corresponding = 0+) 0, dH/dP(0+) = = + K, to the actual curve.\n = = initial conditions: (a) K; 0, *(0+) (b) = K, t'(0+) (c) di/dt( = 0, di/dt(0+)\n = 0+) +Kh\n -K2.\n shows several combinations \nsponding 5-4. Fig. dH/dt*(0+) = 0; = dH/dt*(0+) 0; (d) z(0+) \ndi/dt(0+) ure 5-5 a graph\302\254 solution the 6-6. = illus\302\254 curve approach the actual curve.\n approximate derivative represents slope so the secondderivative or the rate of change of the slope with time. Fig-\n will closely as Just of (5-4)\n intervals are chosen, \nsmaller the time \nthe process, provides of the 5-4, Fig. interpretation \nical \nof this of in as a function point by - hR) (V J Continuation \ntrated time i\\ at value as\n \302\253.) % 87\n NETWORKS\n at the rate V/L to a new to the curve of current linearly approximation made at this be may IN CONDITIONS slope and of initial conditions, with the corre\302\254 curvature.\n 5-3. A procedure for evaluating initialconditions\n that must be followed in solvingfor is no unique There procedure it is usually wise practice to solve first \ninitial conditions. However, \nfor the initial values of the variables\342\200\224currents or voltages\342\200\224and then The first step is essentiallyroutineand based circuits for t = 0+ given in Fig. 5-2. In the \non the second, equivalent and order of manipulation will be differentfor eachdifferent\n \nthe details \nsolve for derivatives. A successful network. Chap. will not be obvious at all, a fact a challenge in the solution of initial 5\n that approach offers and interest \nadds IN NETWORKS\n CONDITIONS INITIAL 88\n value \nproblems.\n voltage may be found directly For each element in the schematic. of the network determine just what will happen when the switchingactiontakes a new schematic of an equivalent From this analysis, = 0+ may be constructed according to these \nstudy a from we network, \nmust network \nplace. t \nfor of current or values Initial rules:\n by open circuits or by current generators of current the value flowing at t = 0+.\n of all capacitors by short circuits or by a voltagesource = is an initial Vo charge.\n qo/C if there are left in the network without change.\n \nhaving Replace (2) \nvalue Resistors (3) the Consider is switch \nthe 6-6. Tig. inductors all Replace (1) network passive t = 0, no solution illustrating (b) equivalent network; time. to that prior Supposethat voltage having been appliedto Network \nloop in Fig. 5-6(a). shown network two-loop at closed for initial conditions:(a) network at t = 0+.\n Since there is the\n two- no initial voltage be replaced by a short circuit;similarly, the be replaced \ninductor by an open circuit, there being no initial may The resulting network is shown as (b) in \nvalue of current. equivalent In this \nthe particular figure. case, there is no need to write equations network. the initial values of thecurrents \nfor resistor the By inspection = and t*2(0+) = 0 because the secondloopis open.\n \nare V/Ri ti(O-f-) the in solving initial values of derivatives is to write The first step \non the capacitor, \nIn loop terms or from equations \nintegrodifferential \nthe it may node of the basis Kirchhoff\342\200\231s employing laws, either give the required quantities moredirectly. of Fig. 5-6(a), the Kirchhoff voltageequations as will network \nare\n i j R,(\302\273. i,di + R,(i, + \302\253,) Bit! - + L U) ^ = = V 0\n (5-5)\n (5-6)\n Ait these Since they hold at in general, hold equations NETWORKS\n IN CONDITIONS INITIAL 5-3\n the it are known at t = 0+. Also value at t = 0+, since this term is the \nhas a known capacitor \ncapacitor, which is known to be zero sincethe \ncircuit. the inductor.)\n \nterms involving \nically solving only for (1/L) basis, v dt \342\200\234 The as t for \nonly Neither 5-5, \nEq. current (5-7)\n = K!)0] (t Z = 0+) (8_8)\n as (general) or (t = 0+) is equations against differentiating equations that hold Eq. 5-5 nor Eq. 5-6 containa in holds which if However, and manipulated is differentiated general, = dii\n R^-Ri^ dt\n + C\n ix for (5-10)\n (general)\n RXC\n known are (5-9)\n (general)\n %j\n dt dt 0\n dt\n di% d%\\ Both dit/dt and term. (dix/dt) results\n there % t = so that (dii/dt) may 0+, be as\n \nevaluated (( it is required that Suppose of point practical of = W 5-7, Eq. at (dHt/dt2) t = 0+. From Z [Rl Tt be applied in solving for all derivatives. gives\n ~ {R' + = 1&^ to evaluate can manipulation \nDifferentiation (5-11)\n 0+)\n and higher-order derivatives are less the first derivative in the solution of differ\302\254 the procedure of continued differentiation However, equations. algebraic = second- view, than required \nfrequently \nand short marking safeguard i_i\n \nential as a = 0+.\n \nalgebraically, \na the (general) ~ (Bl + Z [Sl Ti of a + (fil precaution \nsuggested acts across [***\302\273 \" (0+) voltage gives\n (dit/dt) Yt=Z W J ix dt (1/C) represents similarly \302\247 term the Now to Eq. 5-6 contains a derivativetermin addition = ix and ta, which are known at t 0+. Algebra\302\254 that observe We node the (On \nthrough t = 0-K and of ti \nvalues 89\n -v{r/lc + (general) t)\n (t = 0+)\n <5-12>\n (5-13)\n each In (network \nshould not and be given NETWORKS\n 5\n Chap. have been given in terms solutions to problems parameters); driving in terms of integral or derivative conditions initial the case, \nstants IN CONDITIONS INITIAL 90\n of con\302\254 force expressions.\n 1\n Example = C and \nhenry, in Fig. 5-7, shown circuit the In Let it 10 pf. be\n = V find to \nrequired \nand dH/dt2(0+). \nhoff voltage ohms, L = 1 di/dt(0+), t(0+), Kirch- the From law,\n = v R = 10 10 volts, + m + Lft vIidl\n (general) of Example Network 5-7. Pig. 1.\n for t values element equivalent of the because that shows in terms circuit the Analyzing \342\226\240 \n= 0 (5-14)\n of open\n \ncircuit,\n = \302\273( 0+) last term in The \nthe capacitor, becomes 5-14 Eq. 5-14, (1/C) J = To find = i the second derivative, + LU \nt 0+)\n the represents dt, Eq. 5-15, 0+; general expressionin (t = + 0 values RIt = 10^ Eq. 5-14must + b = for the second \302\260 be (5-15)\n (general) and third \nthe at known are terms -100\n amp\n sec2\n 2\n network the switch find as\n differentiated thus\n Example \nto 0+)\n 0+>\n 3?\342\200\231(\302\260+)\342\200\234-ll<0+) \nthe Eq.\n <\342\200\230 = In across voltage which\n = = i + R 0 (0+) Ljt f(0+) In = (t which is zero at t = 0. The the following for t = 0+.\n V from 0\n K open, and the initial value various currents in Figure shown at t and the \342\200\224 0 of all three voltages 5-8, a steady switch state is is closed. with reached Let it be required loop currents. We must in the network at t = find first before\n 0\342\200\224, 5-3 the switch = 4,(0-) current The is closed. will that Ri; + = 0-)\n Ri\n (5-16)\n + R\\ Rz\n the on the charge divide will capacitors (7x7c, = q\\ = q2 or have \nseries we capacitors must be equal 2.\n in connected when the Hence CzVCt. of Example Network 6-8. Fig. \nthe be\n will is,\n =\n VCt Since and L voltage across the capaci\302\254 be the same as the drop The total FCl flowing through Rz, Rh Rz\n -|\342\200\234 (t \nacross 91\n =\n 4(0-) Ri \ntors IN NETWORKS CONDITIONS INITIAL Art. voltage across as\n rc, Cz _ _ Si\n (general)\n Cl VCt (5-17)\n Sz\n and\n y C| \342\200\224 Ri I\" y- + Sz] + R2 Ui y \342\200\231 ' Sz\n \342\200\224 \t\n #i S i Rz\n +\n + Sz\n (5-18)\n 4 at t find To (not \nloop = 0+, apply the on drawn V \342\200\224 \342\200\224 7c, 7c, that\n since the current \nlast two 4 cannot shows equations \nacross consider the the 4(0+) (5-20)\n \nV\n R i 0-0+) + (5-21)\n Rz\n Comparing instantaneously. = 4(0+) = 4(0+) 0\n the (5-22)\n in the resistor Rx. Since the voltage instantaneously,\n change \342\200\224 or\n 0+) =\n change flowing cannot 4(0+) = that\n current capacitor (5-19)\n + Rz Rz\n 4(0+) Next, outside write\n V \n(t + = 4(0+) - 4(0+) 4(0+) Now, R i the Rz\n R i =\n 4(0+) around this loop, we =\n V\n so law voltage Traversing diagram). = hRz Kirchhoff\342\200\231s = - (t = 0+)\n (5-23)\n 0 0+)\n (5-24)\n = IN CONDITIONS INITIAL 92\n 5\n Chap. NETWORKS\n that\n so V Si ^2(0+)\n Ri Si R2 \342\200\234h V\n V (t R 2 \342\200\234I- \nRi be \nto in found Weber\342\200\231s = 0+) (5-26)\n \342\200\234IS2\n of the method discussion (5-25)\n READING\n FURTHER A good Si 0+) R2\n -f- R\\ S2 =\n i2(0+) Finally, = 01 -f- S2 of evaluatinginitial Transient Linear is conditions \nSons, Inc., New York, 1954),pp. 42-45,and \nTransients in Linear Systems (John Wiley & in and Gardner Barnes, New Inc., Sons, & Wiley (John Analysis York, \n1942), pp. 26-34.\n PROBLEMS\n 5-1. In the of \nvalues \n1000 \nFind \nL = In the circuit In the circuit at t = 0+, 1 yi. Answers. 0.1, closed at t = when \342\200\224100, V = 0. Findthe 100 R = volts, 100,000.\n \nhenry, 5-4. C = from \nchanged at \342\200\224 100 t from a position in circuit position 0+, = 1 \342\200\224100, \342\200\224 volts. the switch K when 10/xf, the In shown, state Find a. \nposition is changed t = 0, having already established a steady = 0+, L i, di/dt, dH/dt2, and dH/dt3 at t and V = 100 volts. Answers. 0, 0, 107.\n b at \nto position \nV dH/dt2 K is switch at of the figure, the switch K is closed t = 0. = 10 the values of i, di/dt, R dH/dt2 at t = 0+, when ohms, = 1 henry, and V 100 volts. Answers. 0, 100,\342\200\2241000.\n 5-3. \ndH/dt2 C = and the shown, and di/dt, i, ohms, 5-2. circuit when Answers. of the accompanying figure, o to position b at t = 0. Solve \\ henry, R = 1000 ohms, L \342\200\224 0.1, \342\200\224100, 0.\n the for i, C K switch di/dt, \342\200\224 1 yi, is and and INITIAL 5\n Chap. \nohms, for solve \nt \302\273 0+, shown, the switch K is v, dv/dt, and dh)/dt2, when I circuit the In '6-5. for \nohms, and \tVi (a) and \nR2Vj circuit t = \nK is \nlished t at R/). 0. = R At 1000 \342\200\224 0+. 100, vx and is t = at opened = 1 amp, = R 0. 100 \342\200\224104, 10\302\256.\n the switch K (b) 5-6.\n is closedat v2 at t = t \302\253. = (c) 0. Solve dvi/dt for:\n and (d) dh)2/dt2 at t = 0+. Answers,(a) 0, 0. dh2/dt2 (c) dvjdt = V/CRU dv2/dt = 0. (d) (b) = R\\LC.\n \\j\n 5-8. Answers. shown, 0+. + RiV/iRj. \n0, of the figure, the switch K and at t = 0+, when 7 dh/dt2 henry. t>2 at \ndo2/dt Prob. \342\200\224 1 the In 6-7. L = t \342\200\2241010.\n 6-5. dv/dt, v, 93-\n opened at = 10 amp, circuit the In \nSolve Answers. 0, 107, and C = 1 nf. Prob. 6-6. NETWORKS\n IN CONDITIONS In changed at shown in the accompanying figure, the been a to b at t = 0 (a steady state having = a). Show that at t 0+,\n network the from position V\n i\\ 1% \342\200\224 \"p tl\\ v -J- Prob. n It2 T ~t~ 5-8.\n p\342\200\235' rtz\n ^ \302\256\n switch estab\302\254 \nt = \nt = = R2 \nvolts, given network, K is closed at switch the \nand the In 6-9. 1 megohm, C\\ = 10 6-10. In the circuit 0 an connecting \nswitch x = C2 open to charged Fo voltage 2 megohms, Fo = 1000 20/ttf, solve for dS^/dt* at = amp/sec2.\n the the figure, F0 sin voltage, alternating K is closed at switch t the to cot, and (b) di2/dtat network shown, a steady state is = with F = 100 volts, 10 ohms, In the K is C\\ 5\n Chap. Find (a) dii/dt \nRL-RC circuit. 6-11. and *tf, in shown NETWORKS.\n the capacitor = t 0. When R 1.41 X 10-6 Answer. 0+. IN CONDITIONS INITIAL 94\n = parallel 0+.\n the with reached R2 = 20 R\\ ohms,\n L = 1 henry, and R ohms, 1 /if. At time t = 0, the switch \n(7 = the integrodiffer\nis closed, (a) Write for the network \nential after equations \nthe switch is closed, (b) What is the C before the switch Fo across \nvoltage 3 = 20 \nAnswer. 66.7 volts, of value \ninitial i\\ for the \342\200\22483,300. (e) \nSolve \ndi2/dt \ndii/dt at t at t = The 6-12. \npairs. \nat t If the \342\200\224 0+: 0-f. Answer. 33.3, values What polarity? (c) Solve the for and \nAnswer. 3.33 amp, \342\200\224 its is What closed? \nis i2 = 0+). (t 1.67 amp. (d) of dii/dt and is the value of oo ?\n shown network switch (a) K is t>i, (b) v2f in the figure opened at t (c) dvx/dt, Prob. \342\200\224 0, (d) has two independent find dv2/dt.\n 6-12.\n node the following quantities Chap.5\n INITIAL In the network 6-13. NETWORKS\n shown, the switch K is 95\n at closed 0. t\n Find\n t = 0+.\n at dvi/dt IN CONDITIONS Vl\n 0\342\200\224W\\r\n 1\342\200\224'CHKT\342\200\2241\n K\n L1\n < <r2\n *>2 ~cx\n 1\n )\n 5-13.\n Prob. is \nrium an shown in the accompanying = is Find K at t opened. 0, switch In the network 6-14. and reached, figure, equilib\302\254 initial\n the V -=-\n 5-14.\n Prob. voltage across the switch \nacross the switch.\n and the initial of derivative time the voltage ^3\n \nthe the In 6-16. t = 0, instant Let \nsource. network Mu = shown connecting 0. Determine the switch K is at an unenergized system to a voltage in the figure, the values and of\n (0+)\n fdt\n ^\342\200\230(0+) closed Answer.\n dii dt dU (L\\ /a K dt F(L2 _ /rti'v 1 \\ + Lz + 2M13) (L2 + V(Lz __ 'ri (Lx + Lz \t\n -f- Lz -f- 2M23) Lz -f- 2Mzz) + M\\z + 2Ml3)(L2 + Lz + + \342\200\224 (Lz -(- M13 + M23)2\n (Lz + + Mzz)*\n M%3)\n 2M2Z)- Mxz INITIAL 96\n The 6-16. At \nitor. \nv(t) = consists of two coupled a closedconnecting t = 0, the switch K is Determine V sin (t/\\/MC). ^(0+), the values and Chap. coils and a of generator 5\n capac\302\254 voltage, of\n ^(0+)\n 0, dva/dt(0+) = (V/L) \\/M/C, Answer. vo(0+) = d2va/dt2(0+) 0.\n the \nafter Find network the In 6-17. (a) IN NETWORKS\n network given t>.(0+), \n= CONDITIONS has network an expression of the figure, the switch K is opened at t = 0 attained a steady state with the switchclosed.\n for the voltage across the switch at t = 0+.\n = are adjusted such that 1 and di/dt (0+) is the value of the derivative of the voltage the 1, what Answers, Ri.\n (a) VR1/R2, (b) l/C dvK/dt (0+)? \nswitch, in In the network shown the figure, the switchK is 6-18. at the with an 0 connecting battery unenergized system, (a) Find = at at t across 0+. (b) Find the voltage point a, Va (b) \n= If the parameters t\342\200\230(0+) \342\200\224 across \342\200\224 closed \nt \342\200\224 \nthe voltage \ncapacitor t = C\\ at Prob. 6-19. For 5-38.\n the network \342\200\2241 (0-f) dt2 \302\273, Fc,(\302\260\302\260).\n = of the figure, show that\n -\n Rx\n dv{t) \"I \n\"l\" \ndt \\\n d2v(t)\\ dt2 )\n CHAPTER DIFFERENTIAL 6\n CONTINUED\n EQUATIONS, Differential limited to linear equations studied in Chapter 4 were In \nequations of the first order with constant coefficients. chapter, \nwe will continue our of differential with the same study equations \nrestrictions as to linearity and constant coefficients but of higher order. \nThe in these two chapters are included mathematical procedures given \nunder of the classical method of solution. As we will see, the heading \nthe classical method affords a better insight into the interpretation of and of a solution. Aside from \ndifferential the requirements equations this the advantages, \nconceptual \ntransformationis better suitedto more but \nmethod be will \nformation use. our differential homogeneous differential second-order in written \nbe the general of this equation\n form\n + solution treat\302\254 with constant coefficients may equation \342\200\234\302\2603* The reason, Laplace our Topics 6-1. Solutionof a second-order A this For the using covered using the classical ordinarily with the aid of the Laplacetrans\302\254 easily developed for the next chapter.\n reserved brief. be will \nment method operational differential + a'i = a'7t equation 0 (6'1)\n must be of such the that form and its secondderivative, add to zero. To satisfy this a constant \ntiplied by coefficient, in their the three terms must be of the same form, \nment, only Is there such a function? By whatevermethod search, \ncoefficients. the search always leads to the trying \nperhaps possible functions, \nsolution itself, its first derivative, each mul\302\254 require\302\254 differing we \nexponential*\n i(t) where- k and \ninto Eq. 6-1 shown (6-2)\n the exponential solution gives\n + aimkemt + atkemt = 0 (6-3)\n two at a time, the sine and the cosineor the hyperbolic sine the and cosine satisfy the requirement; however, the exponentialsolutionwill \nhyperbolic \nbe he1\"* m are constants. Substituting aom2kemt * Taken = to simplify to these forms.\n 97\n DIFFERENTIAL 98\n the requirement \nas the characteristic \nroots for the mh m2 = \nsolution ii if Now, Zd o\n \ninto = . d2 (ii o\302\260 ^ . d2ii + ai w V\342\200\234\302\260 or 0 two (6-5)\n forms of the exponential (6-6)\n the differentialequation of Eq. i\\ ii + (6-7)\n be shown 6-7 of Eq. substitution direct by giving\n 6-1, / 4a0a2 i2 = k2ema and kiemit a solution. This may Eq. \342\200\224 y/ai1 there are two iz = is also by the of these solutions,\n sum \n6-1, the \302\261 each solutions of i2 are and ii ^ Zd o is known are\n they kemt; ~ \342\200\224 that discovered have now We It is satisfied equation. formula\n quadratic (6-4)\n This equation auxiliary) (or by given 0 solution. the be to kemt Chap. 6\n t,\n + a2 = aim + a0m2 as finite be zero for never can kemt since or, CONTINUED\n EQUATIONS, + 0 = 0. . + ii) + dii n d\n ai ^ + (t\342\200\231i / . \\ + a2{i\\ + ii) + ii) dH2 w atH)+ The general solution of the ii+ \\a\302\260 = i(t) kiemit + (6-8)\n . =0 di2 . +01 = 0 . _ \\ a,Iv differential is equation .\n {M)\n k2emit thus\n (6-10)\n coefficients in Eq. 6-1 determines the form of the characteristic \nof the roots equation. In Eq. 6-5, the radical \342\200\224 be 4a<ja2 \n\302\261 may real, y/ai2 zero, or imaginary depending on the with of \nvalue The 4aoa2. forms of the solutionsforthese ai2 compared will be given three cases \nthree by simple examples.\n The of magnitude the 1\n Example The \nrent in differential equation the of Fig. circuit law \nKirchhoff\342\200\231s Kg. 6-1. for Circuit \n1 and and Differentiating \nFig. 6-1 + Examples Ljt 3.\n using numerical values for the cur\302\254 6-1 is givenby as\n R* + fifidt for R, L, = v and C (6-11)\n in shown gives\n dH . 0 di ,\n (6-12)\n Art. DIFFERENTIAL 6-1\n characteristic The \nand m for emt or (di/dt); solution \neral + \nat t = \nneously \nterms \342\200\224 1 = fcx the that so \342\200\2242, gen\302\254 (6-14)\n for a specific prob\302\254 be evaluated k2 can and = Jt initial two gives the ]r zero becauseit is =1 + &2 = i(t) of the separate in Pig. 6-2. voltage into the general solution, Eq. equations,\n \342\200\224 2*2 \342\200\224ki 0, The solution of these equations is to Eq. 6-12 is\n \nparticular solution discussed initial the amp/sec\n substituted conditions, &i \nAs = m2 + ktf-* fcie-* f i dt being Hence\n 0 and (l/C) \nacross the capacitor. A plot and (6-13)\n initial conditions. If the switchK is closed = t(0+) 0, then 0, because current cannot changeinstanta\302\254 in the inductor. In Eq. 6-11, the second and third voltage are at the instant of switching, 7fo'(0+) being zero because zero = \n6-14, 0 of the a knowledge \ni(0+) The (dH/dt2), is\n The arbitrary constants by + 2 = 3m mx = roots the i(t) \nlem for m2 trial thus\n has equation of substituting by the equivalent m2 This 99\n by substituting the be found can equation = i \nsolution CONTINUED\n EQUATIONS, Chapter = ki e~* = +1 and = 1 (6-15)\n k2 = \342\200\224 1; \342\200\224 e~n (6-16)\n is in parts and their combination 4, the total current may be thought Current as a the hence shown of functionof time for the circuitof Example Fig. 6-2. made\n as 1.\n DIFFERENTIAL 100 two of up \nway Example The basis node the on shown in Fig. network the for equation a such 6-3 for\302\254 is\n + Gv + CJt vdt = 1 lJ (6-17)\n differentiation,\n by or, 0 and combinein 2\n equilibrium \nmulated Chap. 6\n the initial conditions.\n to satisfy as exist from t = which components CONTINUED EQUATIONS, <S-i8>\n cS+4<+z=\302\260 as given in this equation into values numerical Substituting Fig. 6-3\n va\n for Example Circuit 6-3. Tig. 2.\n gives\n + 2& The characteristic corresponding the into \nstituting mi = roots as has which \nthe \ntain \nin \nnew = K where + two arbitrary manner solution to to differential successive or \342\200\2242, roots. repeated gives\n solution The = v of repeated for the condition be v = ye~2t, where y is a factor the at arrive we (6-21)\n form of the solution,since differential equation must con\302\254 a second-order 6-19, Sub\302\254 a complete is not roots. If to be modified must ke~2t we assume the and y satisfy be determined, requirement that equation\n \" S Two = (6-20)\n solution, Eq. 6-10, /c2e-21 = Ke~2t + kxe~2t constants. \nsubstitute into Eq. \nthe = This fc2. solution general some ki m2 0 form of the general v(t) and ^\n is\n + 8 = 8m \342\200\224 2 *-\302\260 equation + 2m2 + 8i integrations of the y - 0\n equation ki + kit\n lead to the solution\n (6-23)\n Art. 6-1\n DIFFERENTIAL to our problem with repeatedroots the solution Thus 101\n CONTINUED\n EQUATIONS, becomes\n = v(t) (6-24)\n solution for this problem require knowledge two initial From conditions. the network of Fig. 6-3, must since the capacitor acts as a short circuitat initial \nequal zero, In Eq. 6-17, the second and third terms are equalto \ninstant. the = \nfirst because 0 and the second becausethere is current t>(0+) = at the initial instant. inductor the Then, by Eq. 6-17, (0+) for this network. these initial volt/sec \n1/C \\ Substituting = = 6-24 leads to the result that \ntions into The 0 and Eq. a particular To obtain will \nof v(0-\\~) the zero, not \nin dv/dt \342\200\224 condi\302\254 kx solution \ndesired particular is\n v(t) 6-4. (6-25)\n function of time for as a Voltage the circuitof 2. Example 3\n \nExample this For use the network of Fig. 6-1with values: V = 1 volt, L = 1 henry,R we will example, network parameter C = farad. The characteristic equation m2 + 2m + 2 = 0 the follow\302\254 \342\200\224 2 ohms, becomes\n (6-26)\n roots*\n with mh The This = We letter \ntextbooks will equivalent the letter j in textbooks of mathematics use values for m, + e-\342\200\230(M\342\200\230 becomes\n k2e~*)\n for of the solution is not convenient interpreta\302\254 with Euler\342\200\231s form may be found starting equation,\n form e\302\261i'4= * \342\200\224 1 \302\261 jl\n = particular An \ntion. m2 = 6-10, with these Eq. solution, general i(t) \nThe $te~2t 6-4.\n Fig. \nand = this solution is shownin Fig. A plot of \ning k% cos t + j sin t the letter j for the operator\\A-1 to reserve of electrical engineering is equivalentto and physics.\n (6-27)\n i for i current. \342\200\224 \\/ in \342\200\2241 DIFFERENTIAL 102 = i(t) where = kt ki to equal kt = conditions initial The kt). t)\n = 0 and di/dt (0+) = 1 are the Sub\302\254 amp/sec. have\n ^4 sin 0) + 0 cos e~\302\260(ki = (0+) 1. The 0 cos fc\302\253(e\342\200\234\302\260 particular i(t) of the two A plot ki sin = kt\n zero,\n ^ whence 0 = = t(0+) \342\200\224 j(kt 1: t(0+) Example into the solution, we \nstituting With = and fcj form\n cos l -f- e~*(ki in as \nsame + ki to the solution our reduces which Chap.6\n CONTINUED EQUATIONS, \342\200\224 solution \342\200\224 e~\342\200\230 sin sin 0 c~\302\260) = 1\n is\n t (6-28)\n factors in thissolutionand their product is shown 6-5.\n \nFig. Fig. 6-6. Current as a (a) standard The 6-2. the Consider \ncircuit on the Form of KirchhofT loop basis\n function of time for the circuitof Example (b) e~\342\200\230; sin l; (c) e~( sin the solution of second-orderdifferential voltage equation 3:\n t.\n that describes a equations\n series RLC in Ait 6-2\n DIFFERENTIAL + Ri + Ljt If v(t) \nto a or a zero either is dH . + di dT*+Ldt \nfound of the roots two The the by - as vanish \nto critical the = LCi A\n \302\260\n (6-30)\n equation may be be\n i (6\"31>\n \302\261/(\302\243)-\302\243 standard form, will define the radical term in the above equation Rcr. This value is found solving the causes that resistance of \nvalue . 6-30 to a Eq. converting begin to formula quadratic 1 thus\n characteristic corresponding = To order; (6-29)\n reduces this equation differentiation R . = v(t) idt J of second equation homogeneous \302\261 constant, 103\n CONTINUED\n EQUATIONS, resistance, we by \nthe equation\n fey w\n = Rcr or We will next 2 Vl/C (6-33)\n introduce two definitions; we define f = dimensionless the as The \nzeta.) damping of value \ncritical damping ratio is quantity\n t\302\256-34)\n ratio, the The resistance. the (f is the lower-case Greek letter ratio of the actual other definition is\n resistanceto the = (6-35>\n The for \nreason 3 Case \nof of \nsions \nit con is quantity as a Now such o>\342\200\236 giving in this are o)\342\200\236 section. (time)-1 natural angular frequency.The will be discussed under the heading a name For the time being, we note that the it does not seem unreasonable to define so that the undamped dimen\302\254 frequency.\n the has the product value\n R\n 2fa>\342\200\236\n 2 \342\200\224\n 2 \\L (6-36)\n y/LC\n L\n 1\n and\n (6-37)\n to*\n LC\n DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, CONTINUED 104 these Substituting \nard The form. characteristic m2 Before varies \n\302\243 = R \nto If this from zero oo). There 1: f > 1, the Case = \nwill \nfor \302\243 roots are 1, the roots < \302\243 1, the roots conjugates a locus real.\n m2 with, (6-42)\n \302\261j\302\253\342\200\236 = m2 \342\200\224 \302\261 \302\243o>\302\273 j(>>n are complex numbers parts imaginary of m < \302\243 1, the roots are com\302\254 for \\/l < \302\243 \342\200\224 1, = <r let us define \342\226\240+\342\200\242 jo) Greek letter sigma). The roots of the equation real the complex m plane as shown in Fig. 6-6. The lower-case in (6-43)\n f2 imaginary part the real as\n <r the = imaginary. For m and we \302\260ot as\n roots the plotted to R = roots for a variation of \302\243 from 0 to of roots in the complex plane. To start mi, \nbe (6-41)\n are real and repeated.\n are complex and conjugates.\n roots are purely \nplex the written\n 0,\n is, the (<r is (6-40)\n of the form the that \nand 1 roots:\n mi, Since \342\200\224 0) to infinity(corresponding evidently three different forms for the \302\243 recognize = equation are 2: follow (6-39)\n let us examine the behaviorof the as the dimensionless damping ratio solution, (corresponding Case we 0 + K2e[ \342\200\234f\"\"-\342\200\234-Vcr characteristic Case 3: = \302\261 w\342\200\236 -\302\243co\342\200\236 \\/f2 = simplifying the of = m2 may now be solution i \nroots wb! is\n are\n mi, general -f- 2\302\243u}nm equation stand\302\254 of the characteristicequation and the roots The -|- C5-3*)\n equation is called the differential corresponding gives\n = \302\260 \342\200\242\342\226\240\342\200\231* 2f\342\200\234\" second-order of the form This | + + % Eq. 6-30 into relationships 6\n Chap. = \342\200\224 \302\243w\302\273 (6-44)\n may part (6-45)\n is\n a)\n Vl \302\261\302\253\302\273 ~ \302\2432\n (6-46)\n is\n DIFFERENTIAL 6-2 Art. other In two roots have the same real part, and the by their sign. Since\n only differ <T2 that it follows \nof radius wn \nThis locus \nerty of the W2 = + r2Wn2 _|_ Wn2(! _ f2) the locus of the roots in the complex this locus is formed by and that geometry \ninverse from the measured root either to = inverse tangent \nthe term is co\342\200\236 \nthe angle is\n the \ndently, f circle to 1. is a plane 0 from varying Locus \342\200\224 of roots with f.\n of the in terms is given <r axis tan- = cos\"1 real Since part. and the denominator, f* V'1~ (6-49)\n f and y/1 has unit value, hypotenuse the over the numerator both sides the dmi (<M8)\n of the imaginarypart to common having triangle m (6-47)\n tan-1 = A Wn2 as\n tangent or the \302\253 6-7. Fig. angle imag\302\254 6-7. It is interesting to noteanother prop\302\254 m plane for these second-orderroots. The\n in Fig. of the shown is 105\n the words, parts \ninary CONTINUED EQUATIONS, \342\200\224 f2 is shown in Fig. 6-8. Evi\302\254 and\n (6-50)\n f\n 'A-f2\n \nare of lines \ninary \nhave constant ratio \ndamping part the the origin of the m plane When the f as con is varied. = value the f 1, the imag\302\254 from lines radial Thus of same has the roots vanishes, two Fig. 6-8. Right triangle \nrelationships.\n value,\n (mi, These and the roots superimposed values m2) = (6-51)\n -\302\253\302\273\n are shown in Fig. 6-7. For f > 1, the\n DIFFERENTIAL 106\n Chap. 6\n become\n roots two CONTINUED\n EQUATIONS, = ( \342\200\224f\302\261Vi\"2 mh m2 - 1) \"n (6-52)\n of these roots are real. As f becomes 1 is small such that large \342\200\224 with \ncompared f2, the rootsapproach 2fton and 0. The locus of roots in \nshown 6-7 illustrates this separation of the real roots as f Fig. Both \nincreases.\n \nof f is determined by circuit parameters.With served as an example in deriving the relation\302\254 RLC circuit that of the resistance R will vary the rootsin a simple adjustment for the m three cases. This general solution,Eq.\n plane complex forms for each of the three cases.We reduces to different will this algebraic reduction for each of the three cases.\n investigate The f. \nthe \nships, \nthe 6-41, \nnext Case in and K\\ K-i = The constants arbitrary to evaluate convenient the x of x is sine hyperbolic equivalent these \nsubtracting i = equations; or i = = = or is,\n x cosh by successivelyadding + cosh x x sinh (6-55)\n e~*) \342\200\224 (6-56)\n x sinh (6-57)\n may be used to convertEq. 6-53 terms to involv\302\254 thus\n functions; + \342\200\224 \302\243(e* that two identities e-r\"\"\342\200\230{IiLi[cosh = (6-54)\n as\n two e-* hyperbolic + e~x) \\{ex can be obtained and \ning results\n as\n relationship 6* These = defined x sinh An there equation, of integration. This equation in terms of hyperbolicfunc\302\254 is defined of x cosine hyperbolic cosh and this from factored is e~i<ant is as form exponential e-^C(6-53)\n are more sometimes \ntions. If 6-41. Eq. case, the solutionin 1. For this > f i where ratio damping 1, \ngiven \nis for the values the three possibilities illustrated has discussion This \\/f2 (o)n Kt[cosh ~ (\302\253. V?2 e~iant[Kz cosh y/t2 (co\342\200\236 1 t) ~ + sinh - sinh 11) \342\200\224 1 t) + \342\200\224 1 0]\n \\/f2 (co\342\200\236 \342\200\234 (\302\253nVf2 Ka sinh 1 (6-58)\n Oil \342\200\224 (w\302\253y/t* 12)]\n (6-59)\n where Kz = Ki and Ka = This equation is the equivalent + K.2 - K2 of Eq. 6-53. (6-60)\n (6-61)\n Each has two arbitrary\n DIFFERENTIAL 6-2 Art. which are usually evaluatedto constants, initial the of \nterms \nbecome identical. \nis by For this With 6-24, Eq. of limit this If \nrule. in solution particular of the equation solution the roots, two roots the that shown have we case, repeated giving\n i The a find 107\n conditions.\n = 1. Case 2, f given CONTINUED EQUATIONS, - (Kt + K2t)e^'1 the te~Unt quantity is written quantity be may (6-62)\n by investigated 1* Hospital\342\200\231s as\n t\n (6-63)\n \302\243+\302\253\342\200\242*\n of differentiation with respect to t denominator and numerator shows \nthat\n Case 1. Case For i 3, the roots in terms Euler\342\200\231s e-fcos which again, are, be written ~ Vl constants form by = K Kt = K the y) = \nsinusoid \nsame 3 reduces VT^T* (\302\253\342\200\236 K< = j(K1 - K2) to\n i)] (6-67)\n (6-68)\n This equation of integration. defining\n sin 0 (6-69)\n cos 0 (6-70)\n sin x cos y + sin y cos x (6-71)\n 6-67 becomes\n i = Ke~sin These (6-66)\n identity\n trigonometric sin (x + Eq. quantities\n x sin r21) + K< sin K6 Using \302\261 j + K2 and arbitrary in different cosine and sine for Case solution (\302\253n Kh = where \nmay the equation, x of 6-27.\n Eq. = cos = become complex,and Eq. 6-41 (6-65)\n equation may be written by making use of Euler\342\200\231s equation, i (6-64)\n = This Using 0 00\n written\n be \nmay < \302\243 8, = te~Unt lim <-> algebraic manipulations to equivalent frequency. In the (wn ~ f21 + <t>) (6-72)\n equation of one sinusoids of the the two arbitrary constants in an resulted which contains two have 6-67, revised form, Eq. \\/l are\n DIFFERENTIAL 108\n 6-70. \nand the Summing = \nand 6-69 Eq. + VK62 6\n 6-69 of Eqs. gives the relationship\n 1C\302\2532 (6-73)\n equation for 6-70 gives an by Eq. Chap. means by Ka of K6 and squares K Dividing to Kt and may be related 0, which and K CONTINUED\n EQUATIONS, <f> in of K6 terms :\n K< = 0 ~ tan-1 (6-74)\n As\n \nThe appeared in these solutions are givennames. the name damping factor. The product e~*Unt is given decrement factor or attenuation factor. The three cases expression the is called \n$\342\226\240&>\342\200\236 \nare the given Case Case the names,\n 1. the overdamped case\n 2. the critically damped case\n 3. the underdamped (or oscillatory) Case In have that terms Several sin \342\200\224 where w\342\200\236 -\\A f2 \ning R no to \342\200\224 or Of to \nreduces f2 f21)\n f = 0, When term in the radical correspond\302\254 angular frequency basis, the following definitions are = actual = (on \342\200\224 frequency. the damping, \342\200\224 y/\\ (\302\253\342\200\236 angular On this unity. \\/l o)n an is of the following form appear:\n expressions case, underdamped case\n the frequency\n angular natural undamped made:\n To illustrate these definitions,let us to return is which frequency\n angular the series described RLC by the of Fig. circuit\n original \ndifferential equation of this section. the \nLet capacitor \nchargedto a voltage \nt = RLC 6-9. \nrespectto the circuit.\n \nbe reduced \nFor the \nThe in possibilities With term damped, critically overdamped, \nthree R > or circuit (1/C) K be closed. resistance R with the critical resistance Rer the whether system Consider these underdamped. turn.\n is overdamped.The solution can solution for a given set of initial conditions. Rer, the system to V0, 6-9 be at time switch determine \nwill \nis of value \nThe Fig. the let 0 and particular in shown j idt general Fig. 6-9, = \342\200\224 Vo t\342\200\230(0+) at = t = 0 0 because of the inductance. (the initial voltage on the\n Art. DIFFERENTIAL 6-2\n such capacitor) 109\n CONTINUED\n EQUATIONS, that\n = +T\n |'(\302\260+) \nzero that value; 0 at t = 0, that i(t) = The requirement = cosh - 11) KVC2 sinh + \nbolic term sine term cosine hyperbolic approaches r \nA = i co\342\200\236L V The shape general in \nshown Fig. - 1 (6-76)\n \342\200\224> 0, and the hyper\302\254 - 1 (6-77)\n 1\302\260\n Vo ,\n (6-78)\n - Vf2 1\n case thus overdamped Vf2 (o>\342\200\236 becomes\n \342\200\224 1 (6-79)\n 0 1\n current against time curve for this equationis 6-10(a).\n 6-10. Network response Fig. (a) of the as\n VF^l\n sinh ~ r o>. Vf - for the solution particular condition \342\200\242 = 4 (6-75)\n initial approaches unity as t zero as t \342\200\224\302\273 0. Hence\n uJL The 1t second (w, Vf! = | (0+) and\n - o>\302\253 Vf2 the from jt The sinh Kte-!\"'* can be evaluated = 6-59 has Eq. is,\n i Constant K% in that means (b) overdamped; critically correspondingto the three cases:\n and (c) underdamped damped; or \noscillatory.\n For the critically case, R = damped * subject to the = (Ki same initial conditions Rcrand the solutionin general + Kit)e-ant as the is\n (6-80)\n overdamped case. The\n DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, 110\n is differentiated 6-80 Eq. \ncondition, reduce not does \nequation that implies to zero at condition current initial = Chap. 6\n since otherwisethis To apply the K\\ = 0, t = 0. derivative as\n Kt[Ur\"'*{- ft CONTINUED\n + o>\342\200\236) e\342\200\224\342\200\2301] (6-81)\n Hence\n \" \342\200\234 S(0+) the and damped case for the critically solution particular T\n is\n i\n of Fig. \nas that For the underdamped, \nis given by \nK& be zero, Eq. 6-67. so that the of \native = = current; sin K6e~iUnt cos fan \nsuch that = (0+) V* = i - vi ujj \\/l K%wn solution for the particular the solution and the currentrequires that (6-84)\n initial condition the of deriv\302\254 vT^f\"21)\n (a>n \342\200\224 The appearance \342\200\224 \302\243H) -y/l (o>\342\200\236 by using the Rcr, same thus\n K6e-^Wn jt < R evaluated K6 is constant or oscillatorycase, The initial condition for the solution can be written\n i The and has muchthe in Fig. 6-10(b) 6-10(a).\n is shown curve This (6-83)\n sin \342\200\224 T2 (coft \\/l T2 (6-85) <)] = oscillatory case e-f\"-4 sin \342\200\224 (6-86)\n is\n - (\302\253*VI f21) (6-87)\n r2\n in with time for the oscillatory caseis shown is the product of the dampingfactor Since the current \nFig. 6-10(c). or \nand the oscillatory term, the damping factor represents an envelope factor determines The attenuation curve for the oscillations. \nboundary of current variation The \nhow the rapidly become \noscillations undamped, The physical meaning \npreted in element \nstorage \nAfter terms the switch are oscillations of an (C) is damped. and sustained As R approaches oscillations of this mathematical result might zero, the result.\n be inter\302\254 of energy between the electricenergy and the magnetic energy storage element (L). the energy which is stored in the electric\n closed, interchange DIFFERENTIAL 6-3\n Art. to the inductoras field is transferred \nrent begins \nfrom the \nrent will \nent (and \nto current and the total with each all the energy will be cycle. Eventually current will be reduced to zero. If a scheme can the energy that is lost in each cycle, oscillations This is accomplished in the vacuum-tubeoscillator decrease the and \ndissipated to be supply the sustained. \ncan be the indefinitely. However, if there is resistance pres\302\254 there is in any practical circuit) the flow always will cause energy to be dissipated, the resistor will \ndevised cur\302\254 sustained be \nthrough \nenergy the When energy. magnetic energy This decrease, field. magnetic If 111\n is being returned to the electricfield continues as long as any interchange resistance has zero value, the oscillatory cur\302\254 to remains. \nenergy CONTINUED\n EQUATIONS, audio produce or radio frequency frequency power.\n 6-3. Higher-order homogeneousdifferential The method of solution discussed for first- and second-order \nential be followed in the solution of higher-order equations may \ntions. For an nth order differential equation, the characteristic equations\n differ\302\254 equa\302\254 equa\302\254 will \ntion be\n ... + aimn_1 + + amn + an-im roots. n \342\200\224 \ntion. Thus, \ntions is of the \342\200\224 = wi\342\200\236) form kiemit (6-88)\n a (6-88).\n 0 in the higher-order homogeneous matter of finding the roots n order of (6-89)\n The solution. of the differential the solution constitutes of solution primarily mi). to a factor factors such all .. (m \342\200\224 (m raj) root gives rise of \nsum 0 equation a0(m Each = theorem of algebra states that an These roots can be found by factoring Eq. A fundamental \nhas on differential equa\302\254 equa\302\254 of the characteristic \nequation.\n coefficients the \nbecause because follows \nThis \nreal are There roots, \ninary way only (the and L, R, \nparameters, three and in finding these roots simplification of Eq. 6-88 are 'positive and real coefficients. these coefficients are made up of the system C. And since R, L, and C mustbe positive and is there Fortunately, some appear in nature), so must the a-coefficients.\n forms for the roots: (1) real roots,(2) imag\302\254 possible roots. For the first-order characteristic (3) complex they \nequation\n am the root is m \nare always = positive \342\200\224 di/a0, and is negative which real. am2 ax = + P or a + 0 (6-90)\n and real because do and a} second-order characteristic axm + ai = 0\n equation\n (6-91)\n 112\n DIFFERENTIAL roots the CONTINUED\n EQUATIONS, \342\200\224 Pi\n m2\n the 2^ complex. this coeffi\302\254 Thus, they in occur \nmust or imaginary, forms\342\200\224real, they occur in conjugate pairs, since roots can combine to give positivereal way complex for characteristic roots to be complex, equation only \ncients. (6-92)\n are complex, roots the if the \nis any 4aoa2\n on the a-coefficients,these roots positive have \nBut real restrictions of the three possible ~ \\/pi2 \302\261\n 2ao\n \nmay 6\n are\n Wli, With Chap. pairs.\n conjugate next a third-order characteristic equation. In this case, of the rule just given for complex roots, at least oneroot must The other two may be both real or a conjugatepairof complex For a fourth-order characteristic equation, there are morepos\302\254 four real two real roots and a conjugate complex roots, pair, sets of conjugate complex roots. The general pattern is thus rules may be given:\n and the following Consider \nbecause real. \nbe \nroots.* \nsibilities: two \nor \nestablished occur in conjugate they (1) If the roots complex, pairs.\n at least one root is (2) If the characteristicequationis odd order, be real or occur in conjugate The roots may remaining are of \nreal. pairs.\n \ncomplex (3) occur or \nreal this Summarizing its \ninto equation is of in conjugate complex characteristic the If \ndifferential have which \ntions the as equation pairs.\n of any order can befactored the solution of the homogeneous of first-order (or second-order) determine sum solu\302\254 considered.\n been already An example will illustrate the methodof solution of higher \nhomogeneous differential equations. The differential equation\n dH dH \342\200\236 . + S? 6^ a characteristic has (m , + \342\200\236 _ dH + l)(m . dH . + 28S? + 17d? equation root, the \nUsing \342\200\236. \342\200\236\n = 0 - (Ki see + 1)(m as\n + 2)(m2+ + 2m =0 4) one + KiQe-* + derived already the solution is\n and f = 0.5. and second-order for first-order Kie-v + e-*(Kisin V31 + (6-94)\n nonrepeated 2 <an that (6-93)\n which may be factored there are two repeated real roots, = one conjugate complex pair with equations we \nsystems, * and order . + 24S 8, ^. di In this equation, \nreal be may an equation discussion, the roots and roots, even order, the roots Kt cos V31)\n (6-95)\n * In \nroots.\n this discussion,imaginary roots are considered as a special case of complex DIFFERENTIAL 6-4 Art. \nthe equations\n the nonhomogeneous equation is \nferential equation a simple by +6 This equation has as roots \nm2 the \342\200\2243.Thus ic = Suppose that some function \nthe a also add \nwords, part to the to analogy \nby the solution the \nis nothing of The \njunction. \noperations \nintegral. = v(t) 0 \342\200\224 2 we and is\n (6-97)\n will find, satisfies presently given above since either kxe~u or k2e~3tinto Eq. 6-96 substituting to the right-hand side of the equation. In other a solution of nonhomogeneous differential equation the homogeneous differential equation. That part, discussion in Art. 4-3, is termed the complementary solution, \nwould mx = equation, for the case which Eq. equation, nonhomogeneous \nis (e-96)\n + k2e~3t kxe~u iP} equation\n = solution complete consider the characteristic its of example, +6f a a\302\243 = of but zero, illustrate To \nequation. the right-hand side equation, equal to the forcing function or some forcing v(t). In studying such equations, we function, the solution to the corresponding homogeneous dif\302\254 is a part of the solution of the nonhomogeneous that observe \nfirst differential not the of \nderivative 113\n nonhomogeneousdifferential 6-4. Solution of In CONTINUED EQUATIONS, of the part remaining iP plus ic Then 6-96. the make to solution\342\200\224needed of the differential equation add to v(t)\342\200\224is the particular of the Thus we write the total solution as the sum of two parts \nsolution\n % Since we can 6-5. The particular the analysis In \na forms \nematical \nterms \nthe \nforms \nis sin at, kt, are the trial of constant), driving by only a or products force. few As math\302\254 of these to give our use.\n of undetermined method functions e~at, the differential square waves, pulses, etc.). We of such functions as physical generators mathematical methods are available for deter\302\254 If only driving forces of the practical integral. the method of undetermined coefficients considered, to suited Ordinarily, derivative V (a particular mentioned iP.\n v(t) are represented Several section, coefficients\n forces ordinarily the integral driving encounter particularly \nselecting like last the in discussed of undetermined in the circuits, the term force or a combinations tangent. \nmining of electric linear (or not \ndo (6-98)\n by the method integral matter, practical ic only the particular found be is the driving \nequation ip -f- find ic for any equation,as to remains \nthere = of all possible coefficients is applied forms that might satisfy by the\n DIFFERENTIAL 114\n differential Chap. is assigned an function trial Each equation. CONTINUED\n EQUATIONS, 6\n undetermined trial functions is substituted into the differ\302\254 \nential a set of linear algebraic equations is formedby and equation, coefficients of like functions in the equation resulting from \nequating \nthis The undetermined substitution. coefficients are thus determined If solution of this set of trial function is not a solu\302\254 \nby equations. any It is not of \nforms necessary to study rules for is given in is suggested:\n functions trial procedure \nfollowing the \nof \ngiven \nof in V 2. aitn\n 3. a2ert\n 4. CL3 cos 5. a4 sin 6. astnert cos 7. a6tneTt sin\n choice \nparticular constant)\n (a part The rules functions haveterms 6-1\n Necessary \nv(t)*\n 1. the form of v(t). with TABLE Factor each Compare form.\n mathematical same the the table, modified if these two 6-1 are Table required Table 6-1. In usingthis function complementary in are considering. The complementaryfunctionic. (1) Determine the for the functions trial selecting v(t) we function force driving the of \nform be zero.\n will coefficient its \ntion, of the sum The \ncoefficient. the for integralf\n A\n + ... + B\\tn~l B0tn + -f- Bn\n Cert\n cd\n D <d cos + E sin cot\n ut\n ... cat\n (F\302\261tn 4\342\200\235 4~ Fn\342\200\224it4~ cos Fn)ert 4~ (G\\tn cot\n ... 4\342\200\234 4\342\200\234 Gri)crt sin cot\n * When inte\302\254 v(t) consists of a sum of severalterms, the particular terms individually.\n \ngral is the sum of the particular integrals corresponding listed in this columnis alreadya a term in any of the trial integrals t Whenever to modify of the function of the \npart given equation, it necessary complementary \nthe indicated it. If such a term appears choice by multiplying it by t before using appropriate to these is \nr times \nby in the function, complementary the indicated choiceshould be multiplied tr-\n (By \n1951. (2) McGraw-Hill Write \nEach \ncoefficient, Advanced Engineering Book Co., Inc.)\n from permission the trial form trial different and all Mathematics by of the particular solution similar should functions Wylie. Copyright, integral, usingTable6-1. be assigned should a different letter be combined.\n DIFFERENTIAL 6-5\n Art. CONTINUED\n EQUATIONS, the trial solution into the coefficients of all like terms, form (3) Substitute differential \nequating and (4) Solve for the undetermined \nintegral. These coefficientsmust be in of terms a the particular and circuit driv\302\254 in the the total solution may be function to the particular integral. the complementary by adding the arbitrary constants of ic can be is required, solution particular of the initial conditions. As a precaution, from a knowledge be applied to the total initial conditions must always alone unless iP = 0 [when function to the complementary the determined Having \nIf algebraic integral.\n \nparticular \nfound of constants no arbitrary are There parameters. a set so find coefficients force By equation. coefficients.\n undetermined the in \nequations \ning 115\n integral, particular \nevaluated solution\342\200\224 \nthe \nnever \n= v(t) 0].\n Example 4\n = \nv(t) \nlaw, the V and where Ve~at, with the driving RL circuit a series Consider differential equation force voltageof the a are constants. By is, after division by Kirchhoff\342\200\231s voltage L,\n di V . R , \342\200\224at\n (6-99)\n \ndi+Li=Le\n characteristic The function \nmentary is m equation = Table 6-1, the \nthis a ^ R/L, trial A is the where A is the i The arbitrary = constant ke~Rt/L = the comple\302\254 (6-100)\n sum ~B K Ae~*\342\200\230 + = R aL e~at + ic, ^ gives\n e\342\200\224\342\200\230 a 5* y- f, \342\200\224 \342\200\224\342\200\224f \342\200\224 can Ae~at = ^ of iP and ocJj equation V D (6-101)\n undetermined coefficient.Substituting differential the into solution or solution that be\n -aAe~at The = 0, so trial solution should iP if + (R/L) is\n ic From form (6-102)\n (6-103)\n L\n or\n Ke~Rt/L, be evaluated a L/\n (6-104)\n from knowledge of the initial\n DIFFERENTIAL 116 = Ate\342\200\2241 = A or The solution for this caseis Example a As V\n = TIj\n e~at (6-106)\n ~ (6-107)\n + = a Ke-\302\253t/L, (6-108)\n j- 5\n second force \ndriving gives\n thus\n ~ te~at = equation <xAte~at + e~at) A(\342\200\224ate+ i (6-105)\n into the differential solution this be\n should iP Substituting Chap. 6\n form of the trialsolution = R/L, the a If conditions. CONTINUED EQUATIONS, example, v(t) voltage consider a series RC circuit with a sinusoidal = V sin cot. The Kirchhoff voltage equation \nis\n + Ri V sin <ot\n (6-109)\n ^\n and differentiating or, di dt Table \ncosine term, = \nand of coefficients \nlinear + for A and B a \nA some (6-110)\n the sum of a sine and a cot -J- B A cos are sin cot (6-111)\n into the differential equation the following system of equated, these A = \342\200\236B - \302\273A = 0 (6-112)\n yields\n wCT _ 1 \nafter cos\342\200\234<\n iP should be functions like A Substituting ~R results.\n equations Solving coV\n is substituted solution assumed this = as\n iP If R,\n ml the assumed 6-1, . 1 , + From by dividing + u'RC'V a,2ft2C2\342\200\231\n \n1 + into the assumed values a>2tf2C2\n solution, there (6-113)\n results, simplification,\n %p \342\200\224\n i/tPC* + fi, cos 0,1 + sin\n (6-114)\n 6-5\n Ait This DIFFERENTIAL \ntity use of cosine the for cos =\n tp +1 Vfl2 where\n tan-1 (6-115)\n 0)\n o)RC\n (6-116)\n be added ic = of iP must value this To Finally,\n A>2C2\n = 0 iden\302\254 trigonometric \342\200\224 {(tit *\302\273 1/ooC defining by sin 0, and making of the the difference of two angles. R = K 0 and cos \nK 117\n CONTINUED\n to a single sinusoid be reduced can equation EQUATIONS, complete\n the for Ke~,/RC \nsolution.\n Example 6\n is \nvoltages important Kirchhoff \nequation for this di\n Ri = V + L^ equiv\302\254 system sin (<tit in shown system The 6-11. \nFig. a such of \nalent circuit the Consider \nsystems. with sinusoidal driving force generation and distribution of systems response in studies of power the of Knowledge voltage is\n + 6) \nat\n (6-117)\n \nin for method The last the result The example. integral is like that illustrated the particular finding is\n V\n ip =\n sin V#2 To this result must be 4 \nExample + \302\2532L2\n + Vfl2 = from which ((at (6-119)\n + 6 \342\200\224 + tan'\n (6-120)\n ^\n t = V-USin has zero value current initial the 0, requiring inductor, that\n (\302\256 + Ke\302\260 = 0 \342\200\234tan\" vWT^E'-sin (6-121)\n tan\"Tf) K = ~ angle 0, which Ke~Rt/L \342\200\234>2\302\2432\n switch is closedat the Ke~Rt/L \342\200\234 If the (6-118)\n R)\n (\n thus becomes sin fin or tan-1\n function, \nV\n of i^\\\n \342\200\224 is\n The total solution \nbecause 6 + added the complementary ic Now if the (o)t (* represents the angle of (6_122)\n Tt) the sinusoid at the time the\n DIFFERENTIAL 118\n is switch has the closed, CONTINUED\n EQUATIONS, Chap. 6\n value\n 6 = tan-1 (6-123)\n K\n other In \nvanish. transient. The same conclusioncan be reached network but not for an RLC network.\n \nRC series 6-6. RLC series Capacitor charge in an circuit shown in Fig. The = \nat t words, zero value, and the transient term ic will if the switch is closed at the proper instant, be no will \nthere have will K constant the 0. It is desired to circuit\n by closingthe 6-12 is energized find chargeon the 1 C-ZrZ\n after is, division by of law,\n voltage for the charge equation r\342\200\235j\302\243 +\n \n+1 K switch a function Kirchhoff\342\200\231s differential #\342\200\224the as capacitor time, q(t). By \nv the for L,\n 9c(t)\n series RLC 6-12. Fig. \nequation, and the \nlar or integral circuit.\n of solution = q3\342\200\236 Case q = f 1, qt + > = q*8 \302\260 + -^A f = 2, q = CV f < The parts. particu\302\254 be\n (6-125)\n gives\n equation A = or =j/\n the underdamped, CV\n (6-126)\n corresponding, to overdamped, solutions are:\n 1.\n CV cosh + e-^^Ki \342\200\224 Vf2 (co\342\200\236 11) l\302\273L2(sinh <on \t\n \342\200\224 1 \302\243)] \\/f2 (6-127)\n 1.\n q Case 3, differential the differential + Case two (6_124)\n (a constant) studied, previously or damped \ncritically + cases three the For A this solution into 0 will I a nonhomogeneous solutionwillbe composed steady-state Substituting is This = + + ^ 1\n = CV \342\200\234H (Ki (6-128)\n K%t)e~<*nt 1.\n + e-t^Ki cos (<on \\/l \342\200\224 f21) + K2 sin (\302\253nV1 \342\200\224 f2 <)]\n (6-129)\n Each \nwill not be two arbitrary constants, Ki same for the three cases, but has solution the and Ki. Theseconstants they can be evaluated from\n Ait DIFFERENTIAL 6-6\n CONTINUED\n EQUATIONS, 119\n conditions. As initial conditions, we will that assume at = 0 \342\200\224 \342\200\224 so initial the and on \nt ic 0, 0, qc (no charge capacitor) = 0 (no initial current because of the inductor). will We carry \ndqc/dt two of the constants in some detailfor Case3. The \nout the evaluation value follow a similar (and easier) pattern. Usingthe initial \nother cases initial the \nof condition q gives\n 0 = or = Kx The derivative of q dq K2 CV + e*(Kx + 0)\n -CV with respect to (6-130)\n is\n time _\n dt \t\n \342\200\224 \\/l (jin + \342\200\224 sin r2 \\/l X2e~\"\"\342\200\230[a)\342\200\236 \342\200\224 T2 \342\200\224 cos \342\200\224 f21) (w\302\253a/1 \342\200\224 (w\302\273a/I f2 cos \342\200\224 0 -\\/l (ion sin (<on \\/l \342\200\224 f2 \342\200\224 f2 <)]\n 0]\n (6-131)\n At < = = 0, 0, 0 Hence The g(<) K, = - CV ^ Jl \342\200\224 K\\{ fan) (6-132)\n r2) (6-133)\n ^=L=g is\n \342\200\234 *\342\200\234nt= [Vl r2 cos may also be written in = q(t) CF ^=%= + This equation \342\200\224 K2(a)n \\/l + = - = K, solution particular = so\n - cv Vi (o>\342\200\236 f sin 0\n (c0n vr^T* * + o ^i 8 where For = tan-1 2, the Case q(t)\n for f2/f.\n = solution particular 1, the Case = - (1 + C7[l particular will be found to solution \342\200\224 CV e Jl (6-135)\n j \342\200\224 \\/l q(t) and (6-134)\n (u.VW\342\200\231O]\n form\n the sin - f2 (\302\253\342\200\236 \\/f2 be\n Me-\"\"4] (6-1.36/\n is\n \342\200\224 11)\n j^cosh sinh +\n Vt2 -1\n (o)n \\/{2 \342\200\224 1 0\n (6-137)\n DIFFERENTIAL 120\n three These the \nSince an \nby ratio 6-13. Kg. = = 0.2), (f are \ntions \ninitial circuit as the for valid the and ratio damping changes. These solu\302\254 system with these particular networks but also in mechanical in servomechanisms).\n example, second-order only in electric any not conditions, electromechanical \nand values of f illustrating (f = 1.0), overdamped cases.\n 1.4) charge in the of the behavior\n response for three critically damped System \nunderdamped \n(f merely of the adjustment Chap.6\n the three conditions of damping. as the ratio of actual resistance three conditions could be obtained resistor R. Figure 6-13 shows the the resistance, CONTINUED\n give q(t) for is determined equations damping critical \nto EQUATIONS, (for systems FURTHER READING\n Solutionofdifferential of equations \nis treated concisely Book \n(McGraw-Hill 4, \nChap. \nin Fich, \nInc., \nreading by New titled Transient York, include: Wylie Inc., Co., \342\200\234Classical Analysis 1951). Skilling, the type discussed in this chapter in Advanced Engineering Mathematics New York, 1951), pp. 1\342\200\22445.See also Analysis of Electrical Double-Energy Transients\342\200\235 Engineering (Prentice-Hall, texts recommended for supplementary Currents Transient Electric (McGraw-Hill\n in Other Chap. 6\n DIFFERENTIAL and \nmatical \nBook Mathe\302\254 Johnson, of Engineering Analysis (McGraw-Hill 1944), Chap. 6; Salvadori and Schwarz, Problems Engineering Inc., (Prentice-Hall, 3 and 4.\n Physical Principles New Inc., York, Co., in Equations \nDifferential \nNew 121\n York, 1952), Chaps.3 and 4; Co., Inc., New Book CONTINUED\n EQUATIONS, Chaps. 1954), York, PROBLEMS\n that i = Show 6-1. ke~2tand i = of the solutions are ke~l differential \nequation\n dS + \nential i that Show 6-2. + 2i = 3ft \ndt2\n \342\200\224 ke~\342\200\230 and i = 0\n kte~* are of the solutions differ\302\254 equation\n dH +2s+i=0\n \ndt2\n <*> the general solution Find 6-3. + 3? + 5S + + 6s'\342\200\234\302\260 \302\260\n + <d>3? + 5;l Find 6-3(a) particular and Prob. Repeat = 2e~* subject 6-3(b) = e~2t, Write the characteristic \nfollowing (a) (m (b) (m (c) (m i + 2* 1, i = + \302\260\n + 3e-2< = (0+) j( 2, ^ solution 4f = 0\n 4t\342\200\231 of 0\n \342\200\224 2e~3t.\n 6-4 general 0\n = of the differential equation to the initial conditions:\n solution \342\200\224 + 6x = 0\n variable (0+) = 6-6. + B 7t for the differential equations to the initial conditions\n (h) subject Prob. through (c) w <h)3F the i Answers, \nparts + = 0\n 4\342\200\231 i(\302\260+) 6-6. <\342\200\242> W + 12i = 7m \n^\302\247 \nProb. 2' equations:\n following 3\302\256 (b)S 6-4. = + each of the (0+)] [variable of the differential equations:\n + l)(m + 2)(m2 + m -f 1) = + l)2(m + 5) = 0\n \342\200\224 + a){m -j- b)(m \342\200\224 c) (m d) 0\n = 0\n = of Prob. 6-3, 1\n equations with the DIFFERENTIAL 122\n = \n(m <r + \tR = (b) roots the Plot 6-7. L for ju) 1000 CONTINUED\n EQUATIONS, Chap. equation in the ra-plane = = 1 henry, C 1 and R = 500 (a) R = (c) R = 2000 ohms, (d) = 3000 of the characteristic ohms,\n jff, ohms, 6\n (e) ohms, \n4000 ohms.\n not constants.\n arbitrary In a certain 6-9. 6-7 find to the \nsolution \nthe = R (b) \nohms, = 500 and for described in Prob. (a) R the 2000 general ohms, and (c) R = 4000 ohms, but differential equation. Evaluate all coefficients For the system 6-8. network, it isfoundthat is given current the by the \nexpression\n = i \nShow that \342\200\224 Kie~ait > t K2e~att, maximum value at i(t) reaches a a.2 \302\253i> 0, time\n 1 t =\n ln\n \342\200\224 ai 6-10. The graph CX2K2\n <*2 shown is a record of the current as of a function when a switch is closed at t = 0, connectinga resulting \nto a network. more than a cycle is shownin Only slightly record, Determine the current zero value, the \nbut reaches (a) eventually of for waveform, the current f and (b) Write the equation current as a function of time with all coefficients \ntime battery the \nvalues <o\342\200\236 evaluated.\n \nof Prob. 6-11. \nK is \nthe \ntion In the opened at t \342\200\224 is opened. switch of network time. Answer. 0 6-10.\n shown in the with the current u(<) = 10 cos Prob. the conditions equilibrium Find accompanyingfigure, existing switch before the through the inductor as a 316L\n 6-11.\n func\302\254 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, CONTINUED Chap. 6 that Show 6-12. \342\200\224 Ke~t<iKt i the Give the Solve 6-13. and for K values cos <t> 0)\n and K6 of Eq. differential nonhomogeneous following + f21 of K6 terms in \342\200\224 \\/l (o>\302\273 form\n 6-67.\n equations.\n + ai+*-1\n M$ + + i = Answer, *-\302\253\n \302\273s o\302\273>\302\243 \342\200\224 \302\247\302\243 kxe~l + (c) S +3 s + (d) + + 69 = ^ Answer, ^ 5l = q (e) written in the 6-67 can be Eq. 123\n v = Answer. !| + (fCi A special = t 6-14. = 10 (to = 10i\n kie-2*+ + e-\342\200\234 + t)e~2t + generator sin fe_\342\200\230\n 74\n e-< + ^2 + 5 2< + kgr2*.\n ktfru\n 5e-\342\200\234\n (K2 \342\200\224 bt)e~u.\n variation given by the has a voltage equa\302\254 where t is the time in seconds.This generator is v(t) volts, = = to an RL series circuit, where R 1 2 ohms L \nconnected = Find 0 by the closingof a switch. the equation for \nhenry, at time t \342\200\224 = of time i(t). Answer. i(t) as a function \nthe current x + tC_2\342\200\230-\n \ntion and of lightning having a transmission \nas v(t) te~* strikes \nand inductance L = 0.1 henry (the A bolt 6-15. = An \nnegligible). What \ndiagram. base \ntime is \nat t = of normalized.) Prob. 6-16. ohm line-to-line capacitance is assumed is shown in the accompanying network equivalent is the form of the current as a function time? (This in amperes per unit volt the likewise the lightning; of will be \ncurrent a waveform which is approximated line having resistance R = 0.1 Answer. i(t) = 5t2e~\342\200\230.\n Prob. 6-15. In the circuit 0. Answer, i = shown in the figure, solve 10~4e~\342\200\230 (cos t \342\200\224 sin t) for \342\200\224 6-16.\n i(t) 10-4e~104*.\n if K is closed DIFFERENTIAL 124\n network the In 6-17. CONTINUED\n EQUATIONS, is closedat the switch K shown, having been established previousto \nsteady state time \nof \nsin \nin force 6-19. = * 2L \nthe of frequency w = (1) = o) (2) total the Find is, the con natural undamped \342\200\224 natural (the f2 \nis, \nvalue \nwhich \nis value current, which the as a of time. Show the wR and Wl in peak (a) approach of accompanying angular angular separate frequency)\n frequency)\n experiments. when 0, and (b) the steadycase (that is the maximum (b) In greater? is, which frequency) value of the steady-state (that maximum diagram, is\n transient the case < = two the In which frequency) of at closed maximum \nstate current transient is switch \nthe that values force voltage driving (the oon \\/\\ the of \nthe field energy supplied by the voltage sourcein These frequencies are applied \nexperiment we measure (a) the \nvalue the magnetic a function wL as RLC circuit shownin In the series 6-21. a state.\n steady \nthe that asymptotes, oo. * \342\200\224*\342\226\240 (d) \nas V as 2 RJ\n energy in the an \nsteady-state resistor e\342\200\2242Rt/L\n \n2 R\n for the expression of time, (c) Sketch wR and \nfunction of voltage energy in the 3L\\\n L_ ,-Rt/L\n \nR\n =?(\342\226\240+\n \tFind partic\302\254 is\n wR\n (b) the 3.\n a battery 0 connecting (a) Show that the circuit, RL of time \nfunction at is closed switch series a \nwith time. Prove Eq. 6-137is given for Case conditions initial the with A 6-20. a sinusoidal with at an appropriate with Eq. 6-127,verify that Starting solution \nular vanish cannot is correct.\n statement this \nthat term in the transient circuit series a switch closing by merely in the dia\302\254 as a function i = (20.3 1414* + 1485 amp.\n the solution the \nRLC \ndriving 10-3 that made 6-17.\n Prob. the\n For On page 118, the statement 6-18. \nis cos 0.8 X 1414*) a with 0, shown Answer, i(t). - 377* \ncos = * time. current the find \ngram, this values parameter rt-HPO\n Chap. 6\n current greater?\n In each CHAPTER TRANSFORMATION\n LAPLACE THE 7\n 7-1. Introduction\n Laplacetransformation The forerunner of the \nferential the equations, \nliant dif\302\254 solving was invented by the calculus, Heaviside Heaviside (1850-1925). operational Oliver engineer English of method bril\302\254 was practical solution of electric rather than of his methods. He careful problems justification with an insight into physical problems that enabled him to gifted the correct solution from a number of alternatives. This heuristic of view drew bitter and perpetual criticism from the leading of his In the years that followed publication of time. the was supplied work, rigor by such men as Bromwich, and the work of others. The basis for substantiating Carson, in the writings was found of Laplace in 1780. As the years the structural of the framework of members passed, calculus have been \noperational replaced, piece by piece, by new This transformation has \nbers derived transformation. by the Laplace \na was in the interest his and man practical \ncircuit \nwas \npick \npoint \nmathematicians \nHeaviside\342\200\231s \nGiorgi, \nHeaviside Heaviside\342\200\231s \nhave mem\302\254 The in discussed \nwere of advantages 4 and 6. Chapters (1) The solution of differential no impor\302\254 results.\n Heaviside\342\200\231s for solving differential over the classical number a methods; operational method transformation Laplace offers \ntions in discovered been have errors \ntant of the substantiation rigorous \nprovided equa\302\254 methods that For example:\n is routine equations and progresses \nsystematically.\n (2) The method givesthe total solution\342\200\224the \nthe (3) problem \nsuch \ning \nto step.\n we as operations to quantities have The logarithm is powers. the division, accuracy of the trans\302\254 extracting roots, and rais\302\254 we have two numbers,given we arc required to find the product, given numbers. Rather than just Suppose and an example of a past. Logarithms greatly simplify used in the multiplication, accuracy, seven-place \nmaintaining operation.\n transformed a transformation? that \nformation and integral are automatically specifiedin the are incorporated into the initial conditions Further, as one of the first steps rather than as the last \nequations. is one conditions Initial \nthe What function\342\200\224in complementary particular that mul-\n 125\n THE 126\n TRANSFORMATION\n LAPLACE Chap. 7\n we transform these numbers by are added (or subtracted in their These \ntaking logarithm. logarithms of division). sum itself has little meaning. How\302\254 \nthe case The resulting if we find the antilog\302\254 if we an inverse transformation, \never, perform then we have the desired numerical result. The directdivision \narithm, has been that the use \nlooks more but our experience straightforward, \nof the often saves time. If the simple problem of multiply\302\254 logarithm consider evaluating (1437)\302\260-1328 two is not convincing, numbers \ning numbers two tiplying the \nwithout logarithms!\n together, Logarithm\n Logarithms\n Numbers\n of numbers\n 1\n 1\n Direct\n Addition multiplication \nor \nof division\n numbers\n 1\n Product \nor Sum of Antilogarithm\n \nlogarithms\n quotient\n (a)\n Initial\n Conditions\n Integra-\n Laplace\n differential\n Transform\n transformation\n equation\n I\n I\n Classical\n Algebraic\n solution\n manipulation\n \\\n Inverse\n Solution\n transfo\n Time domain Revised\n Laplace\n Transform\n rmation\n \342\200\242\n \342\226\240 Frequency domain\n (6)\n Fig. 7-1. Comparison of logarithms and the Laplace transformation.\n a product operation of using logarithms to find in The are: individual steps is shown \nof a quotient (1)find Fig. 7-1. of the \nthe numbers, (2) add or subtract the num\302\254 separate logarithm \nbers to obtain the sum of logarithms, and (3) take the antilogarithm the or quotient. This is roundabout comparedwith \nto obtain product or division, \ndirect yet we use logarithms to advantage, multiplication when a good table of logarithms is available.\n \nparticularly The flow sheet idea may be used to illustrate what we willdoin using \nthe transformation to solve a differential Laplace equation. The flow a\n for the \nsheet is also shown in Fig. 7-1with transformation Laplace A flow sheet of the 7-2\n Art. block TRANSFORMATION\n LAPLACE THE to corresponding of the logarithm block every 127\n flow sheet con\302\254 follows. (1) Start an integro\ndifferential and find the equation corresponding Laplace transform. is a mathematical but there are tables of transforms just process, there are tables of logarithms (and one is included in this chapter). The transform is manipulated after the initial algebraically \nditions are The is a revised transform. As step (3), inserted. result to give us the solution. In an inverse transformation \nperform Laplace use we also can use a table of transforms, just as the table step, for in the step logarithms. The flow sheet logarithms corresponding the classical solution. It looks is another that there us way: it is for simple problems). For complicated sometimes direct (and an will be found for the Laplace transformation, advantage was found for the use of as an advantage The above. \nsidered steps will be as with \nThis \nas con\302\254 \n(2) we \nthis we \nof \nreminds \nmore \nproblems, logarithms.\n \njust The 7-2. transformation\n Laplace a Laplace transform To construct first \nwe \nThis is the \nDenoting L reserve \nto mathematical \nthe function time of f(t), a + j<a. f(t) e~ft, where s is a complexnumber,s with respect to time from zero to infinity. is integrated transform of /(<), which is designatedF(s). the Laplace transformation order by the script letter <\302\243 (in Laplace the Laplace transformation is given by for inductance), multiply result given = by product \nThe for a expression\n (7-1)\n letter The \nin above the Although \nthe actual be \302\243 can by the replaced expression.\n once \nFurthermore, of F(s) transform the \342\200\234theLaplace transform of\342\200\235 formidableappearingintegral, given f(t) is usually not a function is found, it neednot can be tabulated. The time is a rather this equation evaluation words for a of difficult. be func\302\254 problem but \ntion and the transform F(s) of this function are calledtransform f(t) A table of transform pairs is given on page 146.\n \npairs. The which a function of s back to a function of operation changes is called \ntime the inverse Laplace transformation. This operation is \nfound again for as \nsymbolized a new <\302\243-1. Then by definition,\n jb-'WWD The inverse Laplace transformation =\302\243-[?(\302\253)]=/(()\n is given by (7-2)\n the complexinversion \nintegral,\n (7-3)\n TRANSFORMATION\n LAPLACE THE 128\n Chap. 7\n This integral is seldom used becauseof the of the Laplace transformation that there isa one\nuniqueness property and inverse transforms. In \nto-one between the direct correspondence to a given a table \nother can be used to find the/(\302\243) corresponding words, as well as an F(s) for a given f(t).\n \nF(s) Not all functions can be integrated to find the Laplacetransforms. contin\302\254 \nThe usual for an f(t) are that it be (1) piecewise requirements and \nuous of exponential order. These requirements are discussed (2) to say detail in references \nin cited at the end of this chapter. Suffice c is where existence the \nfor have the propertiesrequired of engineering interest of the transform.\n functions all \nthat a constant. As an example of the evaluation of \302\243[1] =\n = 1; f(t) then\n \342\200\2248t\n e\n =\n dt e~at let 7-1, Eq. (7-4)\n 8\n Because \ndoes \nf(t) \nt < limit of the integral, the value of f(t) for t < 0 Thus the Laplace transformfor not enter into the final solution. \342\200\224 for 1 is the same as that of a special function havingzerovalue called a unit unit value for t > 0. Such a functionwas 0 and step\n Heaviside. We will by function use the u(t) for a function\n symbol \nu(tj lower the of 1 described m u(t) \342\200\2351\302\260+* in Fig. 7-2. Such a switch closing at network Vu(t); Unit 7-2. Fig. that a function t>Q . (7-5)\n .\n of time\n to 0 by closing a switch, that voltagecanbe described zero for t < 0. is, V times unity for t > 0 and V times a second \nwhere a as ! a function is the mathematical equivalentof physically\n at t = 0. If a battery of voltageV is connected for Vu(t) = of a transform,let Substituting into Eq. 7-1, is a constant. as\n The\n (7-6)\n ^\n o\n of the calculation example a\n is\n \302\243lVu(t)] As f\302\260 t = transform Laplace shown and < <0\n = function. step as\n mathematically we g-(.-o)t dt\n = f(t) eat) have\n *>a dt\n (7-7)\n L\n Thus For e\302\260\342\200\230 and one l/(s further \ndefining equation, \342\200\224 a) example, we a transform constitute have\n let f(t) \342\200\224 sin pair.\n <at. Substituting into the 7-3 Art. 129\n TRANSFORMATION\n LAPLACE THE - 4 +;/\342\200\224\342\226\240]*\n f\342\200\231 o>\n (7-8)\n \302\2532 + two These \npairs can form computations as shown tt2\n the beginning of a table of transform below.\n of Transform Table Pairs\n m\n F(s)\n uit)\n 1/s\n 1\n e\302\260*\n s \342\200\224 a\n CO\n sin ut\n s2 More \nto be in reference found Transforms (1) of \nfunctions time Laplace Linear of and a and + \302\243[a/i(<) the \nthat \nof is theorem This the \302\243[afi(f) integral that terms; + bf2{t)] transformation\n If fi{t) and Combinations. b are constants, = aF1(s) bf2(t)] sum of terms = [afi(t) + a J + bF2(s) is equalto We will make use (2) \nLaplace sum of this of derivative Transforms transformation, (7-9)\n follows from the the of sum the fact integrals dt\n bf2(t)]e-\342\200\230 fi{t)e~tl dt + b fi{t)e~H j = the two is,\n = \nof f2(t) are then\n Eq. 7-1. It with established of a <a2\n as they are computed. Exhaustivetablesare books cited at the end of the chapter.\n for the theorems Basic 7-3. be added can pairs + terms appearing From of Derivatives. we + bF2(s) (7-10)\n the Laplace transformation in taking theorem aF^s) dt\n in a differential the defining equation for equation.\n the write\n s-tf(i)e~',dt 4itf(t>}=r This equation may be integrated by u = e~tl and by parts dv = letting\n df(t)\n (7-n)\n THE LAPLACE TRANSFORMATION 130 in the equation\n fb = udv l6 uv fb\n \342\200\224 I J Then = \302\243 (7-12)\n du\n v = and -se\342\200\224'dt + e-\342\200\230f(t)]\" f(t)\n becomes\n of a derivative transform the v J = du that so 7\n Chap. = dt \302\253 [\"/(()\302\253- sF(s) - /(0+) (7-\n 13)\n [|/(0] = lim provided 0, which follows from pro-\n 1\342\200\231Hospital\342\200\231s rule, \302\2530\n t\342\200\224\342\226\272 all its derivatives are not infiniteat t transform of the second derivative, we follow Since\n but make use of the result of Eq. that vided f(t) the find To and = <\302\273.\n similar a 7-13. \nprocedure (7-14)\n then\n - = = this In \nevaluated The = ^ - for an - *-F(\302\273) \302\253/(0+) ^ (7-15)\n (0+)\n (0+)\n the derivative after switchingactionis immediately expression general ft df/dt (0+) is the quantity expression, = at t 0+ (the time \ninitiated). \302\243 - a!F(s) - /(0+)] \302\253(<#(\302\273) nth order derivative *-* % (0+) s\342\200\224/(0+) of - ... - /(f) is\n 1^/(0+)\n (7-16)\n \nsion, of \tTransforms (S) is found by transform The Integrals. for an integral expres\302\254 with the equation\n starting dt me-1 = F(s)\n (7-17)\n /.\n by parts to and integrating F(s) = e\342\200\2241 give\n + 8 f(t) j The JQ [J quantity\n j m ^](\n fit) dt e\342\200\224*\n (7-18)\n the \nof the at zero becomes upper evaluated integral TRANSFORMATION\n LAPLACE THE 7-4\n Art. limit, and at the lower limit has the at t = 0, usually written by the notation\n m - dt\n the s times \nnized as 7-18, there value (7-19)\n /<~1)(0+)\n t-o+\n /\n where /(-1) indicates 131\n integration. The last transform Laplace of term of / f(t) is 7-18 Eq. recog\302\254 dt. Rearranging Eq.\n results\n = rn+f^f\302\261i\n *[jmdt] is found it Similarly, (7-20)\n that\n -\n m , /(\n -\342\200\230>(0+) 0+)\n /<-\302\273( r .9 I\n -9 (7-21)\n _\n [//*H the In the \nand on the loop basis, f(t) is often a current the current is the charge q(t). Equation20then of networks analysis of integral i(t) has \nthe form\n = rn \302\243[fmdt] where charge (say on the is the q(0+) + rn\302\261i\n plates of a (7-22)\n time at the capacitor) \nt \342\200\224 0-!-.\n If is a f{t) voltage, then\n (7-23)\n \342\226\240[/<\302\253]\342\200\242\302\273*\302\253\n the since 7-4. of the Examples to yet, now are we \nsection, is flux linkage of problems if/.\n with the of transforms that has theorems basic three the \nas solution the short table With \nand of voltage integral equipped Laplace been transformation\n on given 129 page that have been derived in the previous to solve a network problem (elementary using the Laplace be sure) \ntransformation.\n K Example this For example, \nthe Kirchhoff voltage \nRC network shown \nwill be \nis closed \nof the R\n 1\n that assumed at network t = will write law for a series in Fig. 7-3. It K the switch we 0. This information equations by writing Tig. 7-3. RC series circuit.\n will be includedin formation the voltage expression as the Vu(t).\n TRANSFORMATION\n LAPLACE THE 132\n 7\n Chap. Hence\n = dt + Ri the is This \nfirst term, M of the terms \nand may the terms \342\200\236 v-.i\n \302\253/(,) J the taken as\n (7-25)\n 8\n have the Laplace and there has resulted a conditions are automatically trans\302\254 transform specified second step (rather than as the final step classical Now methods). by equations g(0+) the capacitor at t = 0+. If the capacitoris initially = 0 and the last equation reduces to the form\n solved on ?(0+) \nuncharged, for 7-20 as the inserted charge 8 initial required differential \nas in \nis be + \302\253(\302\260\302\261>1 equation integral The \nexpression. + 8 flow chart of Fig. 7-1,we the of \nformation solve. UsingEq. the transforms of the linearcombination of i[\n In we wish to equation integral we take (7-24)\n Vu(t)\n V\n =\n m\n R) Or*+ again according to the flow chart, is algebraic manipula\302\254 of this is to solve for objective manipulation /($). This by s and dividing by R to give\n by multiplying next The \ntion. step, The \naccomplished \nchart is a is \342\200\234revised to perform That \nsolution. s transform\342\200\235 the (7-27)\n 1 IRC\n + expression. next The step Laplace transformation inverse is V/R\n =\n m which (7-26)\n 8\n on our flow and obtainthe is,\n - \302\243-(/(\302\273)] = \302\243- P-28)\n (fZfTfUc) the second transform Using pair of our shorttable, Of) is This \nzero the \342\202\254*\302\273\n (7-29)\n solution (the steady state in this constant arbitrary emerges evaluated case being of (and has the IB\n Example 7-4. is\n V/R).\n \nmagnitude As = complete The value). solution the second our As in example, Example 1, the consider the RL series circuit shownin switch is closed at t = 0. The differential\n Fig.\n is, by KirchhofTs circuit the for equation The corresponding transform - L[\302\253/(\302\253) condition initial \nrent after \nOur equation \nnew + \n[1/(8 This suggests that \nwere some form terms \nlet be could \nation us L this us simplify senes clrcult-\n Ki\n (7-33)\n s R/L\n coefficients.As the first putting all terms overa K i are unknown by common = Ko (*+ of like coefficients r) + functions, KiS\n we obtain a set of linear equations:\n \nalgebraic R K \nKo _ L From prod\302\254 attempt to performthisoperation, s R/L)\n RL 7\"4* rifir* K0 , = Ko,\n equation r equating the of oper\302\254 the trans- and the something We Then\n \ndenominator. By R/L)\n if there -j- K0 equation let \nstep, (7-32)\n \302\253(s+ in our shorttable. need that this term is madeup V/L In 0. terms.\n the inverse s(s = r\n into several parts. As an the following expansion:\n try cur\302\254 of performed to break way the 1\n = individual these of \302\253(0+), /(\302\253); transformation Laplace \neach (7-31)\n Notice (1/s) and the term know the in\302\254 We R/L)]. \nverse - t\342\200\230(0+) table). term the of \nuct is\n by the last however, is not a larger (or (7-30)\n + RI(8) = *(0+>] m This transform, law,\n equation is Because of the inductance, to solve for thus\n manipulated be now may 133\n Vu(t) equation specified is closed. switch the Ri= + Ljt The TRANSFORMATION LAPLACE THE 7-4 Art. these two Ko + Ki = 0\n L\342\200\231\n we find the equations, Ko V = ^ and required values for Kx = \342\200\224 ^\n Ko and K\\\\\n THE LAPLACE TRANSFORMATION\n 134 has permittedEq. This algebraic manipulation 1 V /(\342\200\242)\n V\\l\n R (7-34)\n s [s\n R/L\n -(- transform pairs corresponding to each of \nThe current as a function of time isfoundby taking \ntransformation of the individual expressions;thus\n We have - = i(t) is This \nexpand \nwe of 'partial heading Laplace (7-35)\n - -|- R/L\n )\n (7-36)\n erRt/L)\n solution. The method we (time-domain) a transform into the sum of several separate parts to used is known is this subject fraction expansion. It that next.\n study fraction expansion\n Partial 7-5. expressions. inverse final the the \nunder the 1\n -i\n (1 ^ these \302\243\n s or\n written\n be to 7-32 1\n = + R/L) L s(s Chap.7\n The examples of the in \ncedure last the applying the suggested general pro\302\254 to the solution of of the general equation transformation Laplace differential A equations. \nintegrodifferential have section \nform\n dni o0 as becomes, which \ntion , + ai ^ ^n-1 + \nLet \nand + pairs, \never, the transform any by expression \ndenominator QCs) an algebraic equa\302\254 terms + an~iS + is a quotient polynomials of (7-38)\n a\342\200\236\n in polynomials = (7-39)\n can now be foundin a table of trans\302\254 i(t) can be written directly. In general,how\302\254 for I(s) must be broken into simpler expression transform table can be used. To simplify practical fraction we find the roots of the partial expansion, polynomial\n = aos\" + s. be designated P(s) solution the before \nterms \nthe term P(s)/Q(s) transform \nform (7-37)\n as\n /\302\253 If the ^ .. . ais\342\200\235-1 + denominator and respectively, Q(s), ...\n = v(t) + ani condition initial of this equation form numerator the + \302\243[t)(Q] =\n \na<>sn general on_i solved be m The . di . ... + of the Laplace transformation, for the unknown as\n a result may . dn~H ax\302\256\"-1 + ... + On = a0(s + \302\2530... + (\302\253 s\342\200\236)(7-40)\n Art. 7-5\n coefficients the Because TRANSFORMATION\n LAPLACE THE ..., do, di, are d\342\200\236 \nfunctions of network parameters R, L, \nrestricted to be: (1) simple and real,(2) The rules the three (1) \tIf \nof for possibilities the roots are all \nfraction + Si) repeated), then the partial Kn\n _Kj_ 82) . + (\302\253 terms is\n expansion P(a) (s or\n 6-3.\n fractions are givenin (that is, not simple pairs, complex in Art. I(s) by partial just mentioned:\n expanding (being of Q(s) are roots the C), real and positive conjugate as discussed nonsimple) (or \trepeated (3) and 135\n . . (s + 8 Sn) + Sj 8 *1 + j 8+ 8n\n (7-41)\n \tIf a (2) r times, the partial is repeated one (repeated) root is\n this root to \nsponding -f- (8 conjugate complex (7-42)\n (8 + (* + Si)2 Si Si)r\n terms for every other repeatedroot.\n rule may be given for two rootswhich form special For this case, the partial fraction expansion pair. \tAn important (3) \na Si)r Klr\n be similar will there and 8 corre\302\254 Kxi Kxx _ P(s) fractionexpansion \nis\n P(s) \302\253 + + Qi(\302\253)(\302\253 ^\n a + j<a)(s \342\200\224 ju>)\n K Kx\n (s where Kx* \nroots \nAn are expansion the As + b)(s2+ cs + + In an expansion of a \nof the necessary examples K\342\200\231b.\n quotient any \t\n (s \nSeveral (7-43)\n to expand second- as\n As be ... + jta)\n convenient more sometimes is terms denominator Qi(s)(s2 + as may \342\200\224 sufficientto expand three rules are above it PW \nit a roots.\n polynomials, \norder + (s jui)\n the complex conjugate of Kx. In other words,when fraction so are the partial expansioncoefficients. conjugates, is shown above of the necessary for each pair of type Although \nof a + !*\n is the conjugate \ncomplex + +\n + ai)2 s2 d)\n B\n as + Cs B\n + + b + D\n as)2 + \n+ &>i2 quotient of (s + polynomials +\n by 2 Cs + D\n + cs + + ... +\n d\n (7-44)\n \302\25322\n partial fractions, a combination of the three rulesgiven above. will illustrate the expansion and the determination to use 136\n TRANSFORMATION\n LAPLACE THE the Consider of polynomials,\n quotient I(s) first appropriate + (s denominator \ncommon \nor \nlinear equations: \ntions, we \ntion -f- 3 2s + 3 = = Kx Kx = that 2s may expansion fraction Example + 2)K! K2\n s+ s+ 1 2\n Placing eachfactor the over \342\200\224(s -1- l)iCj (2Ki + K2)\n we obtain the functions, + K2}3 = 2Ki + 1 and K2 = 1. The the of result followingset two these From K2. + 3 2 + 1 = of equa\302\254 partial frac\302\254 1\n s + 1 < -f 2\n by combining the be checked two terms of the expansion.\n of polynomials with repeated a quotient consider example, roots:\n \ndenominator s (s is required form This K2 4\n this For 2\n \342\200\234I- (Ki + K2)s + 3s -|\342\200\234 s2 \npartial 3 is thus\n expansion The 3s = = (s of like 2 find -I- + 2) l)(s 2s coefficients Equating + and not repeated. of the equation gives\n are real roots the \ns2 3 + 2s since 2s =\n factor the denominator polynomialand thenexpand rule. For this example, the expansionis\n is to step the \nby 7\n S\n Example The Chap. + 2 + l)2 . Kn _- s+ 1 K\\2\n (s + l)2\n Multiplying the equation by rule (2). by (s + l)2 \ngives\n s The \n= set resulting 2, or Ki2 = this \nfirst in + algebraic + can expansion the expansion 2 l)2 + (s + 1. The resulting \n(s term 2 = of linear 8 Again, + K\\2\n equations is Kn \342\200\224 1, Kn + Kn partial fractionexpansion is\n 1 1 \" s + 1 \"*\342\226\240 be checked, in by (s + l)/(s (s + 1)S\n this case by multiplying the + 1).\n 7-5\n Art. Example This where \nsider the denominator the quotient\n 1 _ + 5 2s + the \ndenominator, - j2)Kx+ (1 two \nThis 1- + (1 + (a 1 + = be solved to put all terms + Kx*(8 1 -\\-j2)\n 1 Kx + Kx* = and = -n\n \nbetween and Kx for solve \nfirst of equation is found by any method,it is not necessary If the values for Kx and Kx*aresubstitutedintothe this example, there results\n 1\n use \npleting 3x\n square. 2s + (s2 + 5) = 1 the is the imaginary The three \nto the cases denominator \nthe \nnecessary \nan form general expansion to + 2s 1) + + [(s + o)2 5 1 fit)\n 4 = (s + l)2 + by com\302\254 root, and 22\n 1 _ that\n \n82 \nb (s2 + 2s + -Jr\n should be revised tables, such terms In this example,\n transform some the +\n ' (s + 1+ j2) (s + 5 + 2s + s2 the conjugate relationship If Ki Ki*. K\\*. use of make not did we In 0\n for Kx and Kx*. simultaneously and In this development, so common a over k'*-th\n To j2)\n gives\n = \nto - terms,\n j2)Kx* may equations Kx*\n results:\n j2) of like coefficients the ^ (a + 1 + j2) equation following 1 = Kx(e+ Equating Kx by a factor is multiplied term These the expansion of a quotient of polyno\302\254 roots are a complex conjugate pair. Con\302\254 illustrate will example each 137\n 6\n \nmials If TRANSFORMATION\n LAPLACE THE (s + l)2 + 62],a is the + real 22\n part of the part.\n rules just given for partial fractionexpansion are restricted in which the order of the numerator polynomial is lessthan If this condition is not fulfilled, it is polynomial. first divide the denominator into the numerator to obtain of the form\n (7-45)\n n is where \nand TRANSFORMATION\n LAPLACE THE 138\n Chap. 7\n of the numerator, d is the order of the denominator, of polynomials with the orderof the is a new quotient than that of the denominator such that theusualrules the order Pi(s)/Q(s) less \nnumerator \napply.\n an As example, let\n P(s) direct + s \nQ(s) By 2 + 2s + s2 = 1\n division,\n s2 + 2s + + 1) s S2 + 2 + (s 1\n 3\n s 2 \342\200\224|\342\200\224 \ns + 1 \n1\n s2 + 2 2s + = or\n in Eq. that so 1, Bi = expansion theorem\n to the problem Let us return of + (s first the As + (2s common canceling 3)(s s. \nof \ns = + s \342\200\224 1, the \nfollow the + \ns (7-48)\n 2\n + the coefficient K x is not multiplied an algebraic factor that can is merely of K2 reduces to zero and we coefficient same result + 2 as found previously. set s = 3\n = s K!\n 1\n \342\200\2242 in + by any have can function value. any for Ki solve = 1 ^ri ,\n multiply Eq. 7-46 by same pattern, Ki} we 3 + \302\253 + evaluate (7-47)\n 2\n s_\302\2611 2\n 2s+ To + \"^2s Als+1 + 3 \ns the 1 factors,\n 2s is (7-46)\n 2)\n equation, Now written\n Ki\n (s +1) 2) K,\n which . 1).\n \342\200\234 \ns this was 3 which Example + l/(s as\n 2s In 1\n (s + the equation by (s + 1) s+ + 1) _ K s + 1 . \n(s+l)(s or, + = K\\ + 2) l)(s multiply step, 1\n +\n 1, andPi(s)/Q(s) -j- 3 2s s s 7-45, Bo = Heaviside's 7-6. + 1\n + \n3 1 K2 2) as\n P-49)\n To evaluate (s + If to and to obtain\n 2\n + Ki\n (7-50)\n 3+1\n order to reduce the coefficient of Ki\n 7-6\n Ait. to zero. TRANSFORMATION\n LAPLACE THE 139\n Then\n + 2s 3\n 4 + 3\n 2 + 1\n K,\n 1\n \342\200\242 + This \nHeaviside's 'partial when \nexample expansion has Q(s) S Q(s) then of the any \ncoefficient In form given = in this (s by Multiplying s = and when the follow + l)2 + \342\200\224 1, same + 2 + l)2 In other words,to to the find this If, in 2 = \nbe evaluated. s = (s + l)tf and we \nindeterminant are + now K\342\200\230~\302\260V\n l)2 problem 0 = Kn evaluated s+2 (s + l)2 Kn (7-55)\n as Kn = 1. If we attempt is,\n <7-56>\n sTl becomes infinite and Kn cannot can be resolved if we return to to s. (This is a reasonable thing before to remove trouble with with Differentiating 1 constants term respect differentiation forms.) (s + Kn, trouble develops. That + with used have one 1, the differentiate Kn\n + \342\200\236 evaluated \342\200\224 However, Kn s + 1^ to evaluate pattern equation, theorem expansion gives\n is readily Kn _\" - The by and setting s coefficient Heaviside\342\200\231s 7T1 do: be evaluated example,\n (s s \nto Sn\n +(7-53)\n equation, s Q(s) 7-55 (7-52)\n + with nonrepeated denominator roots. To case of repeated roots, considerthe P(s) \nEq. can Kn ..., K%, of that [(s of the discussion our *' to functions only \napplied \nto S3 of the denominator. root S Kj,\n the \nstart K1, Kif denominator the the of value Si + Kn\n , S+ S + 82 coefficients by \nmultiplying ,Kt K2 K, P(s) \nthe example manipulation \nalgebraic (7-51)\n has shown will eliminate muchof the is known as the coefficients, of evaluating will work as in this The method method. roots. In general, if\n no repeated the which method, --2\n \342\200\242 + 0 or Kn = and the partial 1,1\n s + 1^ to respect (s + s,\n 1\n fraction expansion is\n (7-57)\n l)2\n 140 LAPLACE THE general case To consider a P(S) R(8) = Kn =\n + (s Q(\302\253) of Kj2 (8 8i\n + + , Kin\n ...\n \342\200\242 \342\200\242 4\342\200\234 + (\302\253 8y)2\n \302\253;)\342\200\231 \nKir\n ... \n+ n is + partial fraction expansionand term in the any (7-58)\n +\n (a where 7\n Chap. let\n roots, r-repeated , 8 + 8y)r TRANSFORMATION\n 8i)r\n is R(s) defined \nas\n - B(,) this + Kn(s \342\200\224 sy, + Kir to be usedto in the terms all ... + sy)r~2 visualize the method s = we let If gives\n + Kiiia + 3y)r_1 we can equation, coefficient. \neach (s + a,)r by \342\200\224 R(&) From 7-58 Eq. Multiplying (7-59)\n W)(*+s,)r\n differentiate \nexceptK^, which can be evaluated. \nonce with respect to s. The term but vanish, \nwithout a multiplying function of 8. Again, the Next, iCy, \nby letting 7-60 (r \342\200\224 n) \342\200\224 s,. let 8 and times the find To be can remain evaluated differentiate /\302\243,\302\273, Eq.\n \342\200\224 \342\200\224 then\n \302\253y; 1 dr-^Ria)\n =\n Kin term general equation fCy,r_i will ICy,r_i 8 = evaluate disappear equation will (7-60)\n \342\200\224 (r d,8r\n n)l\n I* (7-61)\n - -\342\200\242*\n or\n (7-62)\n actual The \nplexity of use of this this 38 + +\n ' + (\302\253 the Multiplying 2 8* this \nFrom + 38 + 2 l)2 (8+ (s + 1)*, by equation = Kn(a + ' +\n (8+1) 1)\302\273 we 1)*+ 2s2 + 38 + + Kn(8 2 - 3 + \342\200\242--i\n we Next, with differentiate 48 so that\n (8 + (7-63)\n 1)\302\273\n have\n = 2\n + K\\a to 8 to respect 3 = 2Kn(8 = 48 + obtain\n + 1) + Ku\n -1\n 3\n \342\200\242--i\n com\302\254 K\n 13\n 1) + Ku equation,\n Kl% = the consider\n K\n 12\n K\n ii\n 2\n from appear might For example, equation. general 2\302\253*+ idea is easier than 2= 1\n THE 7-6\n Art. = 4 \nThe fraction partial 2 + 2 3s rules \nboth i used. the of + (s In this be \nmay s -p (7-65)\n + 3) is\n + 1\n ' +\n l)2 2\n Ki\n s + (7-66)\n 3\n 1\n -3\n l)2, we by (s + 7-66 Eq. of K\n 12\n \302\245TT)i\n Multiplying roots, a combination then\n =\n K2 i)*\n evaluated by Eq. 7-53and Kn and Kn 7-62; Eq. (7-64)\n (* + +\n K2 may be from l)2(s \302\253 + 1\n 2\n K\n n\n + 3) l)2(s + expansion 2\n \342\200\234H expansion, found fraction partial s + (s Q(s) form . + i)>+ (* s POO\n \nThe -1 +\n ' simple and repeated As an example, let\n both be may give\n = 2 Kn , \302\253 + contains to 141\n is\n (*+i)* Q(s) or 2Kn expansion 2\302\2532+ If TRANSFORMATION\n last equation the differentiate we Again, LAPLACE 4\n have\n (7-67)\n Constant is evaluated Kn s Kn =\n -{- 2 Kn be found will + (s 1 - + \n(\302\253 and this \nthe d_ [ ds |_ term \nentiation \ndifferentiation terms + 1)21 (s s -f- vanishes contains multiplying vanishes all to common \nremains (s + 2) (s factor 3 thus\n 2\n 1 + K\" K'l\n \ns 1 because when s = \342\200\224 in the numerator. In (s + 3)2(8 + \342\200\2241:\n (s + l)2 \342\200\242 1) - (s + -f- an the l)2 3\n (s + 1) term example\n \342\200\242 1\n (s -J- 3)2\n J when 1; Eq. 7-67beforelettings = 3)2\n of K2 coefficient The \342\200\242 -I\n by differentiating \342\200\242 3) \342\200\224 1\n 3\n \ns \342\200\234j- and = by letting s directly s = \342\200\224 1, because each term in the differ\302\254 order the + 1). This is always the case,since (s + Sj)T is higher than the numberof times is required.\n of THE LAPLACE 142\n be can \nexpansion Chap. (7-68)\n F(s)\n for roots simple and (nonrepeated) as\n Kjk\n =\n F(s) a single be \nnow \342\200\224 root, Sj, the for found, of \ntransformation The f(t) may corresponding by taking the inverse Laplace case, general Sj)k\n times. r repeated (7-69)\n + (s for 7\n the coefficients of the partialfraction transform equation can be written\n all methods, and the found these using By TRANSFORMATION\n as\n F(s) + + M\n S.) \342\200\242' (7-70)\n Q(s)\n \342\226\240? -1\n the as for simple roots. solution time-domain Likewise,for repeated \nroots,\n = f(t) 1 e-'1 n ^\n = dsr~n n)! \n(r tn~l dr~nR(\342\200\224Sj) \342\200\224 (7-71)\n \342\200\224 (n 1)!\n 1\n this equation, is the root that is repeatedr times.By for the case of both simple and repeatedroots, a equations \nsolution is obtained in the form originally givenas Heaviside\342\200\231s Sj, in where \nboth \nsion using general expan\302\254 theorem.\n be used partial fraction expansion \nto give for finding the inverse transform the a simplified procedure \nterms for a conjugate roots complex pair of roots. Supposethat \nhave a real is part a and an imaginary part, co.The first Heaviside of the method The may of these coefficient \nevaluated the by procedure,\n P(s)\n (s \342\200\224 a -f- = jta)\n and the second Serf\n as\n K'' = = W){\302\260-a-ju)\n The inverse (7-72)\n a \342\200\224jta\n 8\342\200\224 Q(s)\n of these transformation h(f) = Rei9e{a+Mi two terms + Re~i6e(a~iu)t\n Re+*9\n (7-73)\n gives\n (7-74)\n Art. LAPLACE THE 7-7\n to the may be rearranged This equation 143\n TRANSFORMATION\n form\n i p\342\200\224/(\302\253f+0)\"]\n - IT = R The factors \nthe magnitude 7-7. and 0 in this and phase (<at J\n + 0) (7-75)\n equation are easily foundin of the coefficient angle by the Laplace solutions total of Examples cos 2Reat as 6-72 Eq. K\\.\n transformation\n 6\n Example an As \nfraction been have expansion solution, now that the methodsof partial consider the differential reviewed, total of the example \nequation\n The - - \302\253\342\200\231/(\302\253) \302\273(0+) \nin this \ndi/dt equation. *\342\200\242(0+) = + /(s)(s2 or\n s2 W s(s To evaluate be expanded may 6s + + 2 +jl)(s Ki, evaluate K2l _ ~ multiply _ s2 + 6s + s2 + 4s + the -s\n found:\n - (0+) 2\n the transform equation + s+ + 4s + s 5 5\n equation to\n 6\n 5)\n as\n K2 \"*\342\226\240 s 2 + by s and the equation \n1 are by partial fractions + 2 - jl) multiply p- To + 5 Jt + 5)=- /(.).s*+6s+5\n equation is\n conditions are automatically specified from the physical system, \302\253(0+) and s(s! This equation - i(0+)] + 5I(s)= simplifies 4s (7\"76)\n differential and 1 conditions initial these Inserting ^ the following values Suppose (0+). \342\200\234 \302\256* + 4[s/(s) (0+)l Jt initial required We must know, the that Notice + <5 of this transformation Laplace 4 + 3P = ^ +jl let s = 0. K2*\n s+ 2 - jl\n Then\n 1 \n\342\200\242\302\253*o\n by (s + 2 + jl) and let\n THE 144 s = \342\200\224 \342\200\2242 jl s2 \n+ The + 5 obtain fraction - i 6 \nand of \342\200\224 90\302\260for second the 2- ' s + +\n + jl jl\n equation, we take the the first term and use Eq. 7-75 and third terms to give the transform this transformation \nLaplace 2 + =\n becomes\n expansion +\n = j -j2\n (-2-jl)(-j2) -2-,i from i(t) 2\n j2 partial m To \342\200\224 \342\200\2244 2\342\200\224jl)\n complete 7\n Chap. as\n 6s + =\n Kt TRANSFORMATION\n LAPLACE with inverse = R 1 solution\n = i(t) + 2e_2< sin t 1 (7-77)\n 7\n Example this For circuit with the a series RLC consider example, \nVo differential current \nthe Fig. series RLC + Lf circuit, voltage in indicated as \nThe 7-5. to charged initially capacitor\n 7-5. Fig. for equation is\n i(t) JK + = \302\260\n <?/ld\342\200\230 (7-78)\n the \nand corresponding - i(0+)] L[sl(s) The \nL \nand 1 henry. if C The is initially equation [I(s) + g(0+)]- initial as C = specified farad, = R of charged The 0\n 2 ohms, and inductor, polarity),\n Vo\n _ ~ Cs volt. | current t(0+) = 0 because the to voltage V0 (with the given ff(0+) or\342\200\224l/sifVo=l is\n + RI(s) + been have parameters = transform s\n transform for /(s) then equation becomes\n = s2 or, completing the + 2s 2\n + i square,\n /(s) = + (\302\253 \nUsing transform + pair 15 of page i(t) - i)2 146,\n \302\273 er* \302\243-\302\273/(\302\253) sin t\n (7-79)\n Art. 7-8\n Example In \nWith network shown the network parameter Kirchhoff 7-6, the switch in Fig. the the is closedat = t 0. values voltage rAAAr-nnnp\n.4 100 equa\302\254 lh I lh\n are\n \ntions di,\n + ^ - are initially + 10ti are we that 0\n -\\- 20 s \342\200\224\302\273 partial fraction inverse s + The initial 7-8. The and final value theorem value initial \nin network analysis. To \nto approach infinity in the lim In \nare \nexists. this writing / and the two - 40s + 300)\n 3.33 5 s s+ 1.67\n + 10 gives iz(t) 5e-10\342\200\230+ is\n s + 30\n as\n 1.67e-30t\n theorems\n and final value theorem find frequentuse derive the initial value theorem, we allow s for the transform equation f'(t)er\302\253 dt = lim [sF(s) of a derivative - /(OH-)] as\n (7-80)\n we assume that f(t) and its first derivative that the limit of sF(s) as s approachesinfinity has zero value for s\342\200\224>\302\253, and is\n integral /(0+) equation, transformable Since 3.33 + s(s2 of this equation + 30) = *2 of 20\n transformation Laplace 0\n 1000\n -10\n 1000 The = as\n 0 expansion s(8 + 10) (s and 100/s\n -10 The + 20) J,(s) (s to find the current *2 as a function may be found from the last /2(s) 20 + \ns + -10/i(s) s\n -10 I2(s)\n 8.\n before the switch is closed,both ii transform equations may be written\n determinants by of Example Network 7-6. rtg. current equations \nalgebraic = required transform The 100u(<),\n - 10/2(s) = 20)/1(s) Suppose \ntime. KH'a = is unenergized and the zero, network the (s 20\302\273i + 20*2- ^ \n*2 145\n 8\n \nshown, If TRANSFORMATION\n LAPLACE THE TRANSFORMATION\n LAPLACE THE 146\n op Table Chap. Transforms\n m\n 1. u(t) or m\n 1\n 1\n 2. t\n s2\n n\342\200\224 1\n 1\n \t\n 3 = n - integer\n sn\n 1)!\n (\302\273 1\n 4. e\302\260\342\200\230\n \342\200\224 a s \n1\n 5. teat\n \342\200\224 (s a)2 \n1\n - fn\342\200\224lpat\n e\n \342\200\224 a)n (s (n-l)r \n1\n 7.\n '\n \342\200\224 a \342\200\224 bK a) (s \342\200\224 b)\n (s 1 e-at\n 8.\n \342\200\224 (b (c a) a)\n \t\n + b)(s + (s + a)(s \342\200\224 o\342\200\224bt\n +\n - (a b) (c - b)\n o\342\200\224ct\n +\n \342\200\224 (a 9. 1 - c)(b \342\200\224 c)\n \342\200\224a\n e+ot\n \342\200\224\n s(s 1\n 10. \342\200\224 cat sin (a2 + s2 \n(a\n \ns\n 11. COS (at\n + S2 12. 1 \342\200\224 COS (at\n \ns sin (cat + cos ((at + + (a cos 0 sin &)\n + S2 s 14. (a2) + s(s2 13. (a2\n cos 0)\n (a2\n \342\200\224 0 co sin + \ns2 m2\n CO\n 15. e~at sin cat\n (s + a)2 S 16. e~at cos + (at\n (s + a)2 a\n 17. sinh at\n S2 \342\200\224 a2 \nS\n 18. cosh at\n 0\n + co2\n a\n + co2\n 0 c)\n 7\n 7-8\n Art. THE of independent TRANSFORMATION\n LAPLACE a,\n lim = lim (7-81)\n which we conclude from f{t), = 0 - /(0+)] [aF(s) oo\n 8\342\200\224\342\226\272 But/(0+) 147\n that\n tr->0-f*\n lim = sF(s) lim f(t) *\342\200\224\302\273\302\273 In deriving the is 0+ infinity.\n start we dt = fit)e~9t f lim [sF(s) 8\342\200\224>0 JO t are and s to equal final value theorem lim Since Equation 7-82 shows the limit of the product previously. from the but let s approach zero. theorem, derivative are transformable, we write first its and \nf{t) \342\200\224 value initial the \nas at t s approaches as \nsF(s) mentioned of f(t) value the \nthat restrictions the to subject (7-82)\n <\342\200\224\302\273o+\n 8\342\200\224>0\n equation Assumingthat .\n - /(0+)] (and e~9t\342\200\224> 1, independent same as s (7-83)\n \342\200\224> 0) the integral \nbecomes\n /'(<) 0 dt = /.\n This be equated may expression \nlim lim /(f) 00\n t-+ to Eq. 7-83 to - [sF(s)J - /(0+)\n = lim [/(()] (7-84)\n give -\n (7-85)\n 00\n t\342\200\224\342\226\272 from we conclude which that\n lim = [sF(s)] 8\342\200\224\342\226\272O lim [/(<)]\n oo\n t\342\200\224+ (7-86)\n final value theorem. This result holdsprovided \nall roots of the denominator of sF(s) have negative real parts. Because the final value theorem does not apply in the case \nof this restriction, sinusoidal \nof because the denominator roots of the trans\302\254 excitation, are purely imaginary.\n \nform sinusoid of the which is as the known READING\n FURTHER An historical interesting \nHeaviside\342\200\231\342\200\231 by \n1929), pp. is contained Behrend \nside\342\200\231s Operational 173-208. summary Calculus (McGraw-Hill Heaviside\342\200\231s original titled \342\200\234The as an appendix Book writings of Work in Oliver Berg\342\200\231s Heavi\302\254 Co., Inc., New York, have recently been \nreprinted as Electromagnetic Theory (Dover Publications, York, contain an extensive presentation of his method. For \n1960) and New a\n more \nneering \nChap. \nWiley \nModem \nCo., in found be New Controls in Linear Systems Transients Barnes, pp. 334-356 and in New York, 1942), Inc., of Automatic \nPrinciples and tables transform Extensive 1950). York, Gardner & Sons, Wiley \n(John \npp. 7\n Laplace transformation than is offered to the following: Wylie, Advanced the student is referred Engi\302\254 Book New Mathematics (McGraw-Hill Co., Inc., York, 1951), in Linear Systems (John Gardner and Transients 6; Barnes, & New York, 1942), beginning on p. 93; Churchill, Sons, Inc., in Engineering Mathematics Book (McGraw-Hill Operational New 1951) and Thomson, Laplace Transformation Inc., York, \n(Prentice-Hall, Inc., \nmay Chap. of the treatment complete \nhere, TRANSFORMATION\n LAPLACE THE 148\n Nixon, Inc., New York, 1953), (Prentice-Hall, 371-399.\n PROBLEMS\n 7-1. \nof f(t) into following transform 7-1 and integrating.\n Eq. \302\243[cos In each of the \nfor the pair by substituting the Verify ^^5\n the of Prob. procedure of the following pairs value = problemsthat follow,repeat transform various orf] the 7-1 table.\n F{*)\n m\n 2\n 7-2.\n t*\n s*\n a\n sinh 7-3.\n at\n s2 - s2 - a2\n 8\n cosh 7-4.\n at\n a2\n ta\n e~at 7-5.\n sin tat\n (s + a)2 s er** 7-6.\n cos s sin 7-7.\n (tat + (tat -f sin a)2 to prove 7-10. \ncharged \nAnswer. Letting Eq. = f(t) 7-13.\n u + <o \ns2 + \302\2532\n the voltage (Vf2R)e-t/BC.\n cos 0 cos 0 \342\200\224 ta sin 0 0)\n and Rework Example 1, to ta2\n 6 \ns2 7-9.\n + 0)\n s cos 7-8.\n + to2\n a\n &it\n (s + V/2 dv\n = 6~*\342\200\230 dt, + \302\2532\n integrate Eq. 7-1 by is assuming that the capacitor with the upper plate positiveat t parts\n originally \342\200\224 0. Chap. THE 7\n In the network 7-11. \nLaplace 7-12. \nfrom \nthe 0. In the network shown in the to a at established Laplace at t is closed K 0, a state steady is moved having pre\302\254 (V/Ri)e~<'Rl+Rt)t/L.\n to charged current the for Solve K the current i(t), using shown, C is initially \342\200\224 0. Answer. \ntransformation. switch the \342\200\224 Answer. In the network 7-13. figure, a. Solve for position transformation. i(t) using the (V/R)e~t/RC.\n b at t position Vo, and to charged current the for Solve is C figure, Answer. been \nswitch \342\200\224 transformation. position \nviously shown in the at t closed is K switch \nthe 149\n TRANSFORMATION\n LAPLACE sin (V/y/L/C) i(t), using the V0. The Laplace (t/y/LC).\n L\n Prob. to error.\n 2s s2 \nrw\\ Cc') ^ s3 1 _ - 1 2 2s + 3s2 + ^\342\200\224 s2 , 1\n s+l+s-l + + 5s + 6 = (d)4-^r (t/y/LC).\n the following partial fraction expansionsby expanding of polynomials in partial fractions. Two of the set quotient 7s w positiona Check \nthe given /_% ^ shown, the switch K is movedfrom position = t 0 (a steady state existingin before the current i(t), using the Laplace transformation. cos (V/R) 7-16. in for Solve \nAnswer. \nare b at position \nt \342\200\224 0). 7-14.\n network the In 7-14. \na Prob. 7-13.\n r^r = 1 s 2 \342\200\224 - 2 F+\"2 + , 3\n s + 3^s + s + p i\n + 2\n \342\200\2243\n 7+3\n + 1) _ + 1 2(s (e)\n s2 s2 4s + (f)\n + s(s \n3s8 (g)\n GO\n 7-16. \nthe 2\n + (s + l)2 s 2 - 1+ 2 + s2 + s + 9= 1 , , 1_ \342\200\224j 1\n - (s l)2\n +j\n , s s + jZ s2 s \342\200\224 j\342\200\2303\n by partial fractions and find transformation, f{t) = \302\243rlF(s).\n functions following inverse corresponding 1 s the Expand jl\n 1 3s + 2 l)2 5s2 + 9s s2(s2 + 9) s2(s - 88 Laplace 3s\n Answer. F(s)\n (a) + (s2 F(s)\n (b) \ns+ 1\n + 2s\n s2 (c) F(s) sin 2<)].\n (d) F(s)\n \n+ Answer. - 2 2s = f(t) + i(l Answer. + \342\200\224 cos f(t) + 4) l)(s2 = f(t) 1) (s + Answer. + 2)2 s8(s2 + 2) (s2 (s2 + l)s\n (s W\n (g) the Solve \nmation \nd2i\n y d?v\n 7-18. Answer. + given + 4v = sin t 21 \342\200\224 \\t + 7-19. ST q = + H\342\200\230 \nthat \nilarity \nteristic \nroutine 2er> in the equation as + any cos 2 \342\200\224 e-2\342\200\230(l+ \342\200\224 \342\200\224 f(t) = \\e~2t = f(t) 1 t2/2 21\n + t).\n cosh + f.\n + |sin2L\n 2t cos \302\243 cos 21. L\n + K2e~t v = Answer, transfor\302\254 (where specified). = i + * sin by the Laplace conditions Answer, \342\200\224 ^t cos t equations initial e2*. sin ~ <! + % - 25 + Ki sin 2t + is24.\n K2\n t.\n = \302\273.7(0+) = -2. (0+) + Answer.\n 2.\n 6-13 (d), using transformation Laplace the in + -J Prob. Solve 7-20. 2t sin \342\200\224 ?et( at1\n cos 2t.\n cos 4)\n differential 25 + e~l = 1\n - t = at*\n \302\243[1 + = f{t) f(t) Answer. following to the subject 7-17. 1) 2s + + \ns2 F(s)\n (f) Answer. - F(s)\n \342\200\224 5)\n \n1\n (e) t e~2t).\n 1\n (s 7\n \342\200\224 1+ s + l)2 s2 - - s 1 __ Chap. 1 -jl\n 1 + j1 s + j'l + 1 TRANSFORMATION\n LAPLACE THE 150\n of the driving form give other no force concern\342\200\224the problem.\n the Laplace transformation. Note method, special conditions of sim\302\254 v(<) and solution the of roots such of the charac\302\254 a problem is as Chap. 7\n TRANSFORMATION\n LAPLACE THE 151\n In the series RLC circuit shown below,the applied sin t. For the parameter values specified,findi(t) if the 2 sin t \342\200\224 e~* closed at t + t = 0. Answer. i{t) \342\200\224 \302\243(cos 7-21. \nis v(t) \nK is sin \n36\"* V 0, a switch is closed, connectinga voltage a series RL circuit. By the methodof the show that the current is given by the equation\n t = At \342\200\224 cat to sin \ntransformation, = i \\ = Z where sin \342\200\224 (\302\253< 4) in the figure, Prob. the \nof mechanism is represented \nthe advantage studied (to equation for \neffects \nform to \nnormalized 7-24. \nDr. e~Rt/L\n <f> = tan-1 ^\n K\n the following quantities are duals:\n 7-23.\n This etc.). The concentration of the and the voltage va(t) at node a is the dual (kidney, as V0 stream. The analognetworkhas elements may be readily changed and the of the saving of cats). Find the say nothing Va(s) with the coefficient of the highest-orderterm of drug that the amount the Laplace volume of drug-containing fluid, R\\ is the \342\200\234resist\302\254 of the drug from the pool to the C2 stream, passage of the blood stream, and R2 is equivalent to the volume \nbody\342\200\231sexcretion dose source blood the \nrepresents \ndrug \342\200\224 the represents \nance\342\200\235 to + + (a>L)2 and \\/R2 shown network Ci t of the University of Utah Schoolof Med\302\254 Woodbury In use of an electrical analog in studies of convulsions. made has \nthe cos L. A. Dr. 7-23. \nicine switch t).\n 7-22. \nv voltage = in the blood trans\302\254 unity.\n problem Woodbury\342\200\231s analog. is a continuation The following of Prob. 7-23 concerning constants for the network are\n Ci selected: \nohms. \nvA(t), a \nas R2 = 5 and megohms, Vo \342\200\224 100 meg\302\254 is closed at / = 0, solve of drug in the bloodstream, volts for 1286\342\200\230.\n the time C when the concentration of drug in Find for Prob. 7-24, is a maximum. (This information is desired second dose may be given at that time to buildup 16.7 to the point where a convulsion is induced.) sec.\n If a second dose (the voltageequivalent a magnitude blood \n(Note: having volts) is injected tm in found as the maximum that the total giving the made.) sec.\n \n25 K \nswitch \nthe network \nFor the \nthe With \nattains \nFind equilibrium. the voltage across time t = 0, (a) find on (b) find shown values element diagram: ii(t), #\342\200\230.\n shownin the switch is movedto the position R2 a$ a function of Prob. unenergized. previously \342\200\224 4.54e_28 (a). ix = 3.33 + 1.21e~#,36\342\200\230 switch K in position a, the network At at closed is shown, the t = 0 with network the In 7-27. Answer voltage\n plus the voltage at the time the addi\302\254 14 volts in Answer. plates is \ntion obtained? vA volts 100 then \non 7-28. 7-25, what will be Prob. of time, and what will be the second dose we will assume a function In at t = is \nit(t). concen\302\254 Answer. 7-26. as 9 the \ntration \nvA = Rx 7\n so a 100 ni, the \nstream \nof C2 = 8 1 Chap. and the switch the of concentration the equivalent \342\200\224 Answer. va(t) = 13e_002l5\342\200\230 of time. 13e-0 function If 7-25. \nthat = TRANSFORMATION\n LAPLACE THE 152\n figure b. time.\n 7-28.\n 0 with resulting from closing the switch at t \342\200\224 the The = \ncircuit circuit constants are: Li 1 unenergized. previously \342\200\224 = 4 henrys, = = M 2 1 L* R* henrys, \nhenry, ohm, V = 1 volt.\n 7-29. Find ii(t) Prob. 7-29.\n CHAPTER The time-domain in considered \nstudies will \nsources and \ndescribed \nin by 8-1. Fig. forces has cases: (1) single pulses which recur a finite functions (2) time-varying waveforms, which cannot be waveforms and recurring (3) times, of such waveforms are shown a single Examples equation. of networks subjected to The transient response of \nnumber driving specializing to the following by sources) voltage related \nand various In this chapter, time-domain the driving forces (current chapters. previous extended be to networks of response \nbeen DOMAIN\n FREQUENCY THE \nAND DOMAIN TIME THE IN TOPICS 8\n these\n V\n t\n (a)\n 8-1. Fig. force Driving forces using \nstudies, 8-1. The The unit unit using the Laplacetransformation. will be studied, Fourier series step function\n step function The followed be will studies \ntime-domain wave.\n square (c) driving (a) pulse; (b) sectionofsinewave;\n waveforms: the Fourier and is defined | frequency-domain integral.\n as\n - for related by 0,\n t > 0 \nt < 0\n (8-1)\n at which changes abruptly from zero to unit value This be 0. generalizedby the definition\n expression may a function t = \ntime - - \342\200\234> u for \ngeneral, a function step the step which function 153\n (8-2)\n {<: changes abruptly at the. time t = has unit value when the quantity the +a. In (t \342\200\224 a)\n AND FREQUENCYDOMAIN\n TIME DOMAIN 154\n a has will definition \nThis \nfunction u(t function the \nSimilarly, \nvalue apply \342\200\224 u(a t) at time) increasing (with changes from zerotounit a) is one that + is that one uU)\n a t\n Unit step 8-2. t\n functions:\n . t > fl, a) + \nu(l functions\n u{a-t)\n |\n Fig. zero t\n a ^\n \342\200\224a. ult-a)\n t\n a\n from unit to changes 1\n 1\n uW+a) t = at value the time t = a.* These two 1\n 1\n 8\n has zero value when (t \342\200\224 is negative. a) for any form of the variable. Hencethe and value, positive Chap. t < -a; \n\342\200\234(o^ _a\n _ II, \\0, t > V\n V\n ult\n u(t-o)\n <a t -a) - o\n u[t-\n \342\226\240b)\n \342\200\224\342\200\224\n \342\200\224 \342\200\224\342\200\224 \342\200\234 \342\200\224\342\200\234 r l\n l\n *\n 1 -ult*-b)\n V\n V\n u(6-t) u(h-<)\n L\n } t\n f_.J\n : i -1\n - u(c-\n c\nl i\n t\n \342\200\242t)\n t\n) t\n \342\200\224 u{a-f)\n V\n V\n b a t\n a\n uit-a)\n ulb-t)\n u[b-t)>u[t-\n a)\n 1\n 1\n 1\n b a are represented as \ntions Construction 8-8. Fig. illustrated a t\n in Fig. 8-2. in these of pulse l\n > t\n from unit step functions.\n defini\302\254 The use of unit step functionswith examples will make it possibleto represent shifted. Further, the unit step functions \ncan be used as building blocks to represent other time-varying func\302\254 such as a pulse. \ntions The construction of a pulse from two unit step \342\200\224 is illustrated in \nfunctions and Fig. 8-3. A unit step function u{t a) \nfunctions \nm Note that time the with u(a \342\200\224 t) * axis \342\200\224 \342\200\224u(l a).\n unit a function step \342\200\224 u(t two a \nunit be may pulse \342\200\224 a) \342\200\224 u(t \342\200\224 (8-3)\n b) a to t = same The b. step functionbuilding as\n \nblocks = v(t) or \342\200\224 \342\200\224 u(b \342\200\224 u(a t) \342\200\224 v(t) These u(b u(t t) A wave. square constructing of representation a starting at t = 0 is of width pulse functionsin mathematical the consider waveforms, \ntime-varying (8-5)\n a) are illustrated in Fig. 8-3.\n of the use of unit step example another (8-4)\n t) \342\200\224 \342\200\242 \342\200\224 operations As \na By taking the figure. of unit amplitude from t = in terms of the unit formed is formed pulse the 155\n functions,\n step v(t) = u(t in shown are b) these between \ndifference AND FREQUENCYDOMAIN DOMAIN TIME 8-1 Art. the by given \nequation\n \342\200\224 u(t) that \nsuppose \342\200\224 2u(t The subtracted. is a) V\n V\n + +1\n a\n t\n step \nzero value for in \ntrated all time 8-4(b) Fig. \nof of a of 4-1 to \342\200\224 the to 2a) \342\200\224 2 u(t square 1 at function, \342\200\224 a) a. By next adding the the waveform assumes 2a. This constructionis + u(t \342\200\224 in this pattern, any square wave (square only but known as a square wave for any value of a) form can be synthesized. It is clear that a square waveform course, \nvariation \ncontinues infinitely = u(t) This waveform \ntion will \nshown be that \342\200\224 2u(t \342\200\224 is shown found given by the long in duration is to be the Laplace a) + 2u(t \342\200\224 2a) \342\200\224 2u(t 3a) more convenient than time of which series\n infinite \342\200\224 = 1, if a + ... This infiniteseries it appears transformation reduces to a closed in Fig. 8-4 (c). illus\302\254 (8-7)\n 2a) following v{t) 5 a\n 4 a\n wave.\n t = \342\200\224 greater than t = for the function\n v(t) = u(t) By 3 a\n (c)\n Evolution value u(t will\n -1\n 8-4. the from u(t), t\n (6) function \nunit 2 a\n a\n -1\n change from waveform resulting t\n Ia) then a) V\n 1\n Fig. \342\200\224 4-1\n 2a\n a (8-6)\n a) Instead of subtractingu(t in Fig. 8-4(a). as illustrated \342\200\224 u(t (8-8)\n representa\302\254 when form. it is As\n a third \nwaveform has of T is a period with times from t = for all other value zero wave \nsine given y this \nof time a follow \nwill (1) t (2) \342\200\224 is wave time 3) t sin \342\200\224 ir(t \342\200\224 1) \342\200\224 u(t times a similar after t = 3. first the Hence 3). represented product all time.\n waveform all this \342\200\224 cancels 3 v(t same reasoning, the resented cycle \342\200\224 5) sin 3 and to 5) by\n \342\200\224 3) sin \342\200\224 r(t second cycle the 5 to 7, waveform \342\200\224 u(t is the sum function each because \nHence \342\200\224 r(t waveform total follows (8-10)\n 3) wave sine of is rep\302\254\n \342\200\224 7) sin of the \342\200\224 ir(t (8-11)\n 7) two This\n expressions. is defined only for its interval respectively) and is zero all other time. of Fig. 8-5 may be represented the for by \nequation\n t>(<) - tift of as\n u(t The sin 1) inter\302\254 all other eliminates from Subtracting \342\200\224 u(t completely 1) the By \n(1 to \342\200\224 u(t the u(t by 1) \342\200\224 in the shown also exists for waveform the \342\200\224 1. is product \nsine We second. a function to constructing waveform the has 1) \342\200\224 t shifted \342\200\224 but r(t before \nproduct (4) 3, sin times \nThis (3) t to 1 \342\200\224 Multiplying \nat in procedure 1 unit by for sin x(< The function \nval shifted waveform.\n this \nrepresent (8-9)\n and the time axisis the and by 5 units of time step-by-step A +\302\273. as\n T = 2 example, first wave particular for the < = \342\200\224 \302\253to t sin In 8\n Chap. of time-varying waveforms,con\302\254 representation of representing the waveform shown in Fig.8-5.The problem is sinusoidal from t = 1 to t = 3 and fromt = 5 to t = 7.\n the It DOMAIN\n of the example \nsider FREQUENCY AND DOMAIN TIME 156\n \342\200\224 1) + sin x(< - u\302\253 \342\200\224 1) \342\200\224 5) sin r(t u(t \342\200\224 3) - 5) - sin u(t r(t - \342\200\224 3)\n 7) sin x(< - 7) (8-12)\n 8-2 TIME By following similar unit FREQUENCYDOMAIN time function can any patterns, and series time a \nby AND DOMAIN Art. 157\n be represented step functions. 0\n ^ \\\n been described mathematically in the in this chapter to describe driving forces networks of one or more electric elements. The consisting for the individual elements are\n relationships to \napplied doublet\n \nvoltage-current used be will section \nlast and have which waveforms The the impulse, ramp, functions: unit Other 8-2. di , II\n <2\n *\n Jo\n vL\n \n= and\n Vc = Ldt\342\200\231\n 1\n i dt C\n /\n &\n II\n or\n ic\n \342\200\242S\n II\n II\n and\n Q\n \nv su the Whether this \nfrom \nstep \nthe \nunit voltage were derivative of and integrals step function to an inductor, applied be the integral of the would function \nboth a step were waveform this \nIf Consider waveforms. of \natives volt\302\254 is a voltage source or a currentsource, in the network are described by integrals and deriv\302\254 force driving currents and \nages dt\n /\n voltage driving force. the current resulting voltage. If a to a single capacitor, the current wouldbe applied we shall be concernedwith this Evidently voltage. of driving-force functions. For the the derivatives such function, Fig. 8-6. waveforms Derivative are illustrated and integral voltage by Fig. 8-6. The\n functions.\n function varies linearly with time, and is known as a The of the function linear ramp). derivative \na (or step function ramp at of the there \nhas value the function: a nonzero only beginning step for all other values of time the value zero. This \nthe is infinite, value with only one nonzero value (and that infinite) function \nrather unusual integral of the step is \nis known as an impulse function.\n the If function function. \nstep In general, \nnitude of the unit step impulse modified \nthe ramp to the the slope of the ramp functionis equal mag\302\254 from which it is derived.\n is not defined so easily as the unit ramp. Consider shown in Fig. 8-7. This function is linear\n function t = \342\200\224 blot interval \nThe time c and (c of unit Derivation 8-7. Fig. from Chap. 8\n has unit magnitude, the slope of the correspond\302\254 is unity since the ramp function is the integralof the as A ramp a unit function with unity slope is known \nramp. The DOMAIN\n function step ramp \ning FREQUENCY AND DOMAIN TIME 158\n then has a \342\200\224 b) is impulse.\n constant value of unity for The derivative as a. defined time. all of this mod\302\254 pulse of width a as shownin the figure. (Con\302\254 linear the function is the of If the pulse ramp.) the integral \nversely, as the variable i, the pulsehasa magnitude is designated function \nramp of the ramp. The slope of the ramp the distance 1 the slope \ndi/dt, \ndivided a; that is,\n by the distance \nified is a function ramp is cU 1 = (8-13)\n a\n \ndt of the area the Now pulse is o X l/o = 1, for any value of a. As a the modified ramp function approaches a unit step zero, \napproaches the same At time, the pulse approaches infinite height constant at unity. In the limit, with the area remaining \nzero width This as a unit impulse, and is designated 6(t is known \nfunction b).* which is zero when t j*b and a function indicates \nsymbolism since the total area under the curveis \nwhen t = b. Also, and \nfunction. this \342\200\224 infinite unity,\n S(t \nt = the same value for any l (8-14)\n limits which boundthe time b.)\n From is \ntion * has integral (The = -b)dt In this discussion, a unit mathematical impulse. physics, that the derivative of a unitstep func\302\254 The same process of reasoning mightbe used\n we see this function is called a Diracdeltafunction.\n Art. 8-2\n to find the \nshown in 8-8\342\200\224a \nthen d let \342\200\242\n l\n waveform pulse with two limit, first let a zero, i assumes a approaches As \342\200\224> 0. of a up the mathematical to visualize order In \nfunctions. made trapezoid 159\n DOMAIN\n impulse. Considerthe of the unit derivative Fig. FREQUENCY AND DOMAIN TIME the form of a ramp \342\200\224> 0, pulse\n f\302\253o\n Unit impulse\n y\n A i\n 4\n i a\n t\n a -*\342\200\224<*\342\200\224-\n U\n 1\n 1 i\n i\n i\n i\n i\n i\n di dt\n \n! .1.\n Unit doublet\n Had\n ki\n 6\n t\n 1-00\n T\n and is function \nresulting going. negative this Of \njunctions. \nunit and impulse see us what basic These time, are known func\302\254 as singular step function is an old friend.The seems friendly enough. But the too familiar, doublet are rather terrifying! To break the ice, unit when the impulse is applied to ordinaryele\302\254 happens and \nments\342\200\224inductance The d, one two give a unit triplet. with behavior the family, while not function, \nramp be continued to discontinuous with \ntions, \nlet might process by the distance As d approaches of \nimpulse.\n This \342\200\224*\342\226\240 0.\n zero, form of infinite di/dt impulse; the two impulses superimpose at t = b. This called a unit doublet. It is the derivative a unit but impulses, \ngoing d remains in the a unit approaches separated impulses, other the going, \npositive \ni two becomes di/dt doublet in the limit, a\342\200\224* 0, of unit Derivation 8-8. Fig. t\n Had\n equation unit capacitance.\n relating current and voltage in an is\n inductance (8-i5) i=Uvdt (C\n For this problem, v(t) indicating \nfind the a unit current, = |\n S(t \342\200\224 (8-16) a) at impulse we obtain\n 8(t Fig. time t = a. \342\200\224 a) dt =\n 8-9.\n Substituting into Eq. 8-15to ^ for b > a\n 0 for b < a\n Li\n (8-17)\n TIME 160\n That application to start is, current \nof AND DOMAIN unit impulse at t = a causesa flowing at t = a. The current is\n of a = i{t) is a \nafter all, \nimpulse step function \342\200\224 u(t 8\n Chap. (8-18)\n a) rather unusual behavior for the conservative inductance, it was hit by a rather unusual drivingforce.Another of the unit impulse is that this unusual property will cause a current of 1 amp to be established of L units This \nstating DOMAIN\n FREQUENCY inductance but a \ncapacitor. in an\n be found for a may of source current a Let voltage A similar immediately. \nrelationship of way Vtf)\n \nvalue\n = i(t) \nthe is given capacitance Fig. a capacitance 8-10. The voltage to (8-19)\n as shown across i(t) dt = ^ v{t) j = ^ u(t (8-20)\n the result is\n \342\200\224 a) (8-21)\n a unit impulse of current appliedto a capacitance 1 /C on the capacitance volts to appear instantaneously delivers a unit a unit of current charge.\n impulse of a unit impulsein of the illustrate the concept application consider the second-order differential of a familiar problem, other In \nin as before and is evaluated integral applied - a) basic relationship\n by the v(t) This be 8(t \ncauses \nbecause To \nterms words, \nequation\n + LW\342\200\230 If the \nthe of the solution in \nstudied Chapter \nonce as\n This equation \niables voltage driving-force di/dt \nfunction, and equation 6. Now RIt of gi = W\n \302\273W is taken as a unit step function v(t) is the familiar solution for an RLC suppose that the is exactly the same have replaced dv/dt the derivative + v(t) with equation is in form as Eq. i and v. Now if respect to time v(t) u(t), circuit differentiated the where 8-22 = is a unit is a unit var\302\254 step impulse\n \nunit function step driving \nimpulse \nfor found be \ncan In 8-22. Eq. and \nwork by 161\n a with for i(t) of Eq. 8-22 known driving force, the solution for Eq. 8-23with a unit can be found by simply differentiating i(t) found force other words, the unit impulse response of a network for the unit step function responseof the net\302\254 solving solution the With 8(t). function, FREQUENCY DOMAIN\n AND DOMAIN TIME 8-3\n Art. it.\n differentiating in reverse. The step functionresponse be the impulse response. Likewise, the ramp found \nmay by integrating be found the step function \nfunction may by integrating response all the singular functions are related by differentiation Since \nresponse. the solution for one singular function is known, \nand once integration, is readily found by simple solution for other functions \nthe singular same The or \ndifferentiation work will process is an This integration. important property of sin\302\254 functions.\n \ngular The 8-3. and singular sections of this chapter have been devoted to previous of shifted and singular functions. In this representation will consider the derivation of the transforms of these two The transform for shifted Laplace \nmathematical we \nsection, functions\n \nfunctions.\n unit The function step \nshown in \nThe Laplace has been 8-2(6), of this transform Fig. (where a is a represented by the notation u(t a). function may be computedfrom the beginning at t = a constant), \342\200\224 equation,\n \ndefining = F(s) f{t)e~\342\200\230l dt j \nFor the case, = u(t f(t) \342\200\224 a),\n \342\200\224 \302\243u(t le~at a)\n dt\n \342\200\224 (8-24)\n a)\n \302\243u(t factors: the factor up of the product of two is of the unit step function beginning at the time \n1/s is a function which effectively\342\200\234shifts\342\200\235 \nt = the trans\302\254 0; the term \nform from one at t = 0 to one beginning at t = a.\n beginning The for a unit step function may be generalizedfor example given This \nany \ntime, is equation the transform time t = function a. Such made f(t) which a time shifted f(t To find the transform in its beginning to some is delayed other function is represented as\n \342\200\224 a)u(t \342\200\224 of this equation, a)\n we (8-25)\n write the defining equation\n TIME DOMAIN AND 162\n in new variable, of a terms that t\342\200\231; is,\n (8-26)\n =t defined as t' t' be variable the 8\n Chap. =\n m Let DOMAIN\n FREQUENCY \342\200\224 a that such the defining \nequation becomes\n =\n m fit or\n f{t factor constant The \nthe of the lower limit \342\200\224 thus\n a); \nuit = \342\200\224 fit e\302\260* the integral and \342\200\224 \342\200\224 a)uit (8-28)\n within from \342\200\224 (8-27)\n dt\n a)e-*t(ea<') changed to 0 if fit integral Fis) dt\n a)e~(t~a)t removed be e\302\260* may \342\200\224 a)e~H a) is multiplied dt by (8-29)\n J The \342\200\224 \342\200\224 a)uit \ntion/^ is recognized as the transformof expression integral a), time func\302\254 that\n so \342\200\224 \302\243fit \342\200\224 a) a)uit = (8-30)\n e~\302\260*\302\243fit) conversely,\n or, equations at the begin to \ndelayed function the number A In \ntions. tell two last These time t a)uit - - a) us that the transform of = a is equalto the times \302\243-le~\302\260s\302\243fit) \nof the = fit (8-31)\n function any e-04 transform at the time t = beginning will illustrate the use of the last of examples unit shown in Fig. 8-11, a pulse network amplitude\n 0.\n two the equa\302\254 of v\n *R-1 ohm\n 1\n [L-l 0 henry\n a\n (o)\n Fig. and \nthe \nof width current two unit a is applied flowing step in 8-11. Pulsed RL circuit.\n to a series RL circuit. Let it be required to the network. The pulse is givenby thedifference functions find as\n v(t) = uit) \342\200\224 uit \342\200\224 a)\n (8-32)\n From AND TIME DOMAIN 8-3 Art. of this voltage the transform 8-30 Eq. of V value this Substituting - L[al(8) the Substituting is\n (8-33)\n e\342\200\224) into the transform + RI(a) = t(0+)] equation,\n - (1 - (8-34)\n e\342\200\224) condition, t(0+) = and the initial values parameter - - (1 8\n = F(s) 163\n DOMAIN FREQUENCY 0 \ngives\n \342\200\224 (1 - m e~at)\n (8-35)\n *+1)\n This expressionmay be writtenasa of sum 1 terms,\n e~\n =\n m (8-36)\n + \302\273(\302\253 1)\n \nto term first The + 1)\n is easily expanded of this equation by fractions partial give\n (M7)\n -rrn In terms of this expansion, Eq. r, 1 x 8-36 written\n be may 1\n +\n m-J\"7+J\n \nin this Laplace to equation \302\2431I(s) The third waveform (8-38)\n 1\n out term by term give\n \342\200\224 \342\200\224 \342\200\224 1 e~\342\200\230 i(t) \342\200\224 u(t terms of this and fourth \nsecond only in \nThe = + may be carried transformation inverse The 8 a) n*.8 by -12. this from differ time equation Response of RL and are the first opposite is plotted as circuit.\n (8-39)\n a) expression that they are shiftedin represented \342\200\224 + Fig. and in sign. 8-12.\n DOMAIN\n FREQUENCY AND DOMAIN TIME 164\n Chap.8\n obtained is the same as wouldbe found by using \ntwo voltage sources and the principle of superposition. The resulting \ncurrent shown in Fig. 8-12, is the summation of the two waveform, of the circuit caused \nresponses by the superimposed voltage sources The we have result make \nthat the up of square \nperiodic pulse.\n example, consider the problem wave shown in Fig. 8-13 by a As a second been has 3 a\n 2a\n Periodic 8-13. Fig. wave The transform. a\n wave.\n sum of step functions by an infinite represented square\n 5 a\n t\n 4 a\n square the representing of the \nform\n = v(t) The \nterm infinite \nfollowing \342\200\224 \342\200\224 2a) \342\200\224 3a) 2u(t + ... (8-40)\n this expressionterm be applied to that series 2 h s - - from 2 by 3a\302\253\n p\342\200\224 2 s +\n tr- becomes\n - + \342\200\224 e~\302\260*+ e-2\302\260* ...)] e-*\342\200\234\342\200\242 + in this equation may the binomial theorem,\n = 1 (8-41)\n s\n terms, the equation 2e~\302\260*(l appearing expansion V (s) 2a*\n o\342\200\224 \342\200\224 common - [1 = \342\200\224 e_8\302\260* (8-42)\n be identified by +\n the (8-43)\n e\n becomes\n ^ or, 2u(t may s 1+ such -1\n = out factoring V(s) The + a) give\n V(s) By \342\200\224 2u(t transformation Laplace to \342\200\224 u(t) - = K1 \342\200\234 T&) (8^>\n Kr+^-) finally,\n V(s) \nw \342\200\224 tanh * ^2\n (8-45)\n Art. The be outlined in the example applied The transform of any such function period procedure may \nperiodic function. = F(s) dt = \n0 T, we to f(t)e-\342\200\234 dt + ... dt + Me-* / Jt\n any T is\n (8-46)\n where n is the each transform term by to make the limits of the integral expression shifting shifts of \nnumber / Jo Jo By successively to of Me-* / 165\n DOMAIN\n FREQUENCY AND DOMAIN TIME 8-3\n e~n*T necessary have\n rr\n = F(s) (1 now \342\200\224 b). \n8(t terms series,\n dt\n r-'e-r* of limit\n = \342\200\224 8(t b) - lim &\n a\342\200\224>0 - = b) \302\2438(t of this transform Laplace [u(t \342\200\224 \342\200\224\342\200\224 \342\200\224 b) b u(t limit equation l/o\n r-\n as\n I\n \nresult is\n -l/o\n b) = \302\243S(t b where \n(that is, is the the time impulse e~b\342\200\242 of appearance occurs at / = \nvoltage result has ratio transfer significance function of the unit 0), we = Fin(s)\n = 1\n G(s)\n The unit impulse.\n impulse.When 6 = 0 have\n in terms of of a network Fout(s)\n 8-14. Fig. (8-51)\n \302\2438(t) This t\n The l\342\200\231Hospital\342\200\231srule. of \342\226\240i\302\260h\n by the found be may \napplication (8-49)\n is\n (8-50)\n limit a)]\n lim\n a\342\200\224>0\n This (8-48)\n Jo may the as \ndefined The (8-47)\n compute the transform any periodic and requires one only integration.\n turn our attention to the transform of the unit impulse The of this function were discussed on page 158. properties sketch of the be shown as Fig. 8-14, the unit impulse \nwaveform, \nIn dt e-*f(t) be used to may equation We I \342\200\242.) = F(s) This . to identify the theorem binomial \nUsing the + e-T + e-*'T+ (8-52)\n a transfer function. The is\n (8-53)\n TIME DOMAIN AND 166\n If = Vin(t) impulse, then Fin(s) a unit S(t), = Fout(s) is, the output that = 1, and\n (8-54)\n G(s) voltage from a unit 8\n Chap. DOMAIN\n FREQUENCY is voltage input impulse deter\302\254 of the network. Such a response characterizes the network. We will exploit this fact in our study \ntruly \nof the convolution in the next section.\n integral Consider next the unit doublet and the transform of this function. \nThe that for the unit impulse. The unit procedure parallels given \nmined by solely is \ndoublet defined function transfer the the by lim limit\n \342\200\224 2u(t \\ [w(\302\243) \302\256\n a\342\200\224>0 The term transform, Laplace Z rule l\342\200\231Hospital\342\200\231s may \nnumeratorand denominator lim ( JT\342\200\234 + u(t \342\200\224 (8-55)\n 2a)]\n of this limit is\n +\n (8-56)\n sa2\n a\342\200\224>0 Again, a) by term, <! lim \342\200\224 be used. The second differentiation of yields\n \342\200\224se\342\200\234\302\260* + 2se_2\302\260*) = s (8-57)\n a\342\200\224\342\226\272 0\n \nbeen \nunit \nsponds \nby \nshifted has the transform s. This result mighthave from the fact that the doublet is the derivativeof the anticipated are ignored, differentiation corre\302\254 conditions If initial impulse. to multiplication by s, while integration corresponds to division the family of singular functions (not The among relationship as follows:\n from t = 0) is tabulated the Thus s. doublet unit Function Laplace transform\n Unit ramp Unit step Unit impulse 1\n Unit doublet s\n Unit triplet 1/s2\n 1/s\n s2\n either direction (up or \nAs was if the response to any of the singular suggested earlier, the response for any other singular function may befound known, \ndifferentiation or integration. from one known response Further, the the \nquently impulse response), response for any other driving found be the use of the convolution integral to be in \nmay by The table might be further extended down). functions \nis by (fre\302\254 force discussed \nthe next section.\n Art. The 8-4. An DOMAIN convolution integral\n \nwhere where = \nconvolution integral* \ntransform /2($)\n as the expression is known This and /2(f) are convolvedto give g(t) find the and pairs = \302\253\302\243_1F2(s) (8-58) by applica\302\254 convolution the of XV,(X) d\\ In this section, we will study the the use of this equation to integral: the use of this equation to response convolution. of process f/.\302\253 and fx(t) of integration. in which fi(t) variable a is X = - Sr'FfrW) \302\243-1Fi(s) \ntions in network theory frequently appears 167\n form\n g(l) \nthe that DOMAIN\n FREQUENCY AND expression integral the \nhas TIME 8-4\n find new of \nnetworks for complicated inputs.\n = 1/s to F(s) As an example, suppose that the /(<)\342\200\231scorresponding = l/(s transform \nand to + 1) are known, and that the inverse F(s) = = as Fi(s) \nfor + 1) is to be found.If we designate Fi(s) F(s) l/s(s = 1 or then \n1/s, fi(t) u(t), and similarly, if F2(s) = l/(s + 1), then = e~l. From \nfi(t) Eq. 8-58, fi(t) and /2(<) may be convolvedto give \ng(t) follows:\n as 1\n =\n g(t) + s(s 1)\n dk\n X)e-X of this evaluation The in terms \nthe in \nshown \ntial the Fig. is e-x X. The has unit negative \ntion u(t and zero value for function \nstep unit > X n{t X) t, has the from = g(t) positive < X * Proof \nEquations \nalso \nNew of this in in Wylie, York, 1951), p. 188.\n convolution in the integral.\n t\n discussed was = -e~x e-x dk Problems Advanced involved in Art. 8-1. Since the unit unit value over the limits of integration, it integral expression to give\n as equation can be Engineering the of \nevaluation for was given by result same Functions func\302\254 Jq The 8-16. Fig. step value \342\200\224 removed be \nmay both for \nand X) of which are integral 8-15. The exponen\302\254 shown \342\200\224 ex\302\254 interpretation requires \npression integral Engineering = 1 j* \342\200\224 e~* partial fractions in the last found in Salvadori (Prentice-Hall, Mathematics and Schwarz, (8-59)\n chapter. It\n Differential Inc., New York, 1964),p. 214; (McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., be should and \nfi(t) Consider DOMAIN\n FREQUENCY AND DOMAIN TIME 168\n functions to be the out that the choice of pointed is arbitrary and does not affect f2(t) next a two-terminal-pair network, a ratio voltage is \nform Vi(s) input In terms transform. \nage = V2(s) is the equation\n G(s)7,(s) (8-60)\n voltage transform and F2(s) is the output of the convolution integral, let\n = Fi(s) and the by trans\302\254 of the input terms in 8-16. Two-terminal-pair where voltage output transform \nnetwork.\n designated result.\n given \nvoltage = F2(s) 8\n shown in Fig. 8-16,with\n function G(s).* transfer the that \nAssume Fig. Chap. 7i(s) and fx(t) = G(s) and f2(t) = h(t) volt\302\254 (8-61)\n vx(t) (8-62)\n as the transfer function G(s); f2(t) = k(t) \nis the related time-domain From the discussion of the last response. it will be recognized that h(t) is the unit impulseresponse of \nsection, with a \nthe network transfer function G(s). For a unit impulseinput, \nthe is determined the inverse output by Laplace transform of the Function is identified F2(s) = git) = \302\243,-'[Fi(s)F2(s)] = g(t) = g(t) is identified as the output voltage \nconvolution integral has the form\n - v2(t) the only \nknown, the \nmine unit \nthe impulse of terms \nIn \nand when \nmeasured * Transfer \nQ(s) is an get a term, better functions deter\302\254 with of X). An arbitrary from any will be algebraic function t\\ that is, of the convolution meaning each term in us examine \342\200\224 the plot, what is X? When t \342\200\224 *= = vx(t X) t>i(0). X, then backward (8-65)\n unit impulse response,is specified in orderto other words, any input convolved of this t d\\ \\)h(\\) The domain. time if h(t), the Vi(t) need be picture let Vi(t the in gives the output.\n response 8-65, Eq. the \nconsider voltage voltage 1 In input output In order to \nintegral that indicates equation - vi(t (8-64)\n v2(t)\n JB\342\200\2351?^\302\256) Thus This (8-63)\n \302\243-'{Vi(s)G(s)]\n 8-60,\n Eq. By From the convolution integral,\n is h(t). function This function. \ntransfer Vi(t) the expression.First, * 0, then Evidently it is a time studied in Chap. in Fig. 8-17. is shown \342\200\224 X) vx(t X is a interval t>i(\342\200\224X) quantity measured\n 10. Forthe present, relating Vi(s) and Ft(\302\253).\n = assume that 8-4\n Ait. \nthe The figure. \nwhich the 8-17. be of response. \342\200\224 \nall history past of and h(\\) (that is, \342\200\224 Vi(t X) must input, of i>i (t), to find repeated very simple for have present very*little effect on the output is determined by weighted by the unit input response.For it may be necessary to use numericalor v2 (t) from the -V\\Ar\n the Further, be the by recent values influenced mainly input speaking, of the integral. must product integration\342\200\224is integration \ngraphical of response. old\342\200\235values forms \nconvolution The to t = 0 t = t by Strictly \ncomplicated from increasing response.\n to give the output This process as weighting all past values of the input the unit Since h(k) is usually small for large the output at by \342\200\234Very output. X Impulse X, time\342\200\224found \npresent Fig. 8-18. from 0 to t thought input. 8-18). Fig. integrated \nimpulse \ntion \342\200\224 Vi(t voltage.\n with 8-17 Fig. from \nbackward \nnext be input Arbitrary on imposed \nof 0 to t, from super-\n Fig. \nany time t. This is illustratedin from 0 to t, the limits of the the the \ncan vary 169\n t \nWhat \nto can X DOMAIN\n then X) ranges through values of the input is assumed start at to (the input 0). about and ? The is transient h(t) h(\\) quantity h(t) response unit Its form on exact the transfer impulse. depends function, we have not yet specified. It might have an appearancesimilar shown in Fig. 8-18. A plot of h(\\) could be waveform past \nto reference specified quantity varies +X As \nintegration. \nall some from negatively FREQUENCY AND DOMAIN TIME integra\302\254 1 value of t each ohm\n 1 farad\n interest.\n \nof As \nconcept, \ndriving a suppose force Vi of this that the response from the = e~2t is for the required application \ntwo-terminal-pairnetwork shownin Fig. \ntransfer function for the voltage ratio 8-19. 8-19. Fig. For this RC network.\n the network, is*\n 1\n GOO -\n (8-66)\n 5+1\n a table From of transforms, the corresponding h(t) is foundto h(t) * The computation of this transfer = er* functions is given in be\n (8-67)\n Chap. 10.\n convolution the from Then, integral,\n = 0%{t)\n Chap.8\n DOMAIN\n FREQUENCY AND DOMAIN TIME 170\n d\\\n g-S\302\253-Me-X (8-68)\n \302\243 t\n = this For For more be used to Thus of \nterms \nresponse \nintegration \nthe step \nvolution be \nThe - = the \nof step to system to extended by letting u = J' input any any vx \ntion force. driving network to to of the = (8-71)\n \342\200\224 vx(t - k(\\)vi(t fixed and X) and X) dk *= h(\\) do dk. (8-72)\n be determined can for the unit family of singular by con\302\254 impulse and unit step can functions.\n turning point in the response of a our network studies The a sinusoidal time-domain driving study. to Behind are a given time- concern the response force of variable frequencyin yet to come of addi\302\254 topics.\n electrical engineer must be bilingual He must speak the language of the response. The modem \nnetwork is made section marks the \nstudies in the time domain, \na + fc(<)\302\273i(0) This \nvarying X)h(X) d\\ series\n Fourier 8-5. - is\n statements The \nvolution. \nbe is more integral unit step function response of the system. We note within the of h(k) to give k(k) is compensated integral to time.\n of vx with respect a useful property of convolution.If illustrates equation of a system is determined, the response function response last unit (8-70)\n is the integration \nthe \302\273i(t f* by parts equation k(t) This - e-\342\200\230 e~2t\n by partial fractions expansion forms of input, the convolution complicated integrated differentiation \nby = 1) advantage.\n t>*(0 \nthat 0\n is\n resulting where (8-69)\n j e-*\342\200\230(e\342\200\230 vt(t) can e~2tex\n in far the application of the convolutionintegralhas been the unit impulse impulse response of a system. If the unit can be found unit function the is known, response by step in the last section. In some cases,however, as discussed is more conveniently recorded. The con\302\254 function response be put in another form for this case. Equation\n can integral which 8-65, = d\\ e2Xe-x example, particular \ndirect. \ncan = Vt(t)\n Finally,\n e~u when of speaking time domain\n 8-5\n and must at a other mechanical, \npurely two the To begin \ninclude the \nrecurring \nnext study moment\342\200\231s \342\200\234large notice. bandwidth\342\200\235 frequencydomain. able to translate He from translation The may be process \342\200\234desirable equals 171\n function step based on an understanding of the concepts in terms of a common root or origin.\n domains we have now extended our time-domain studies to with, of a network to (1) a nonrecurring pulse and (2) response and waveforms such as the square wave. We will periodic these two classes of driving force functions in terms of it Or \nresponse.\342\200\235 \nof either in the to \none in the language of the but he must be language, be trained also think \nmay FREQUENCY DOMAIN\n AND DOMAIN TIME Art. be may \nsinusoids.\n we do What wave sine \nfamiliar after (at of \nvalue sin = 61 by sin has function the since a periodic function (or If represented as sin (at, is periodic. = cat 0, then for a sine wave,\n mean n = any (2nx + 0i), identical form from (at = waveform)?The if di and is some integer\n 0 to cat = 2ir, from 4ir, etc. Similarly, any function is periodicin (at if = + 2nx) and the period is 2r.\n \nf(di) /(0i were studied functions Such by the French mathematician periodic was the first to show that periodic functions who \nFourier (1768-1830) form in terms of harmonically related \ncould in series be expanded \ncat = (at = to 2ir as\n \nsinusoids \342\200\224 do f((at) + ax cos (at + a2 cos 2(at + ... ... -f* -|- b\\ sin (at + an cos ruat\n bn sin tuat ... -|- (8-73)\n series, and the process represent\302\254 function problem by such a series is Fourieranalysis. \ning a periodic of the of the coefficients of the values is determination analysis time a given a2, ..., bh b2, ..., series, a0, ah of the Fourier series such coefficients the we select Suppose = = coefficients are equal to zero. The all other &2 1, and 1, and of the two functions with t is shownin the combination of the and resulting f((at) has small amplitude from 0 to and large 8-20, from to This distorted waveform resulted from the 2ir. \namplitude two of related terms. It seems quite harmonically merely that function could be synthesized with the any periodic number of terms that are available in the \nnite for the coefficients of the Fourier series for use in Equations found are \nysis by the mathematical procedure of (1) multiplication of series a suitable by (2) integration of the resulting factor, This series is known as the Fourier of The \nof for \nFourier function/(\302\253<).\n that\n \342\200\224 Fig.\n \nplot ir 7r \ncombination infi\302\254 \npossible series.\n anal\302\254 \nthe equations\n 172\n TIME H*. 8-20. Waveform by term over the period, DOMAIN from the addition resulting ( term FREQUENCY AND DOMAIN \342\200\224 sin of Chap.8\n <at) (cos and\n 2col).\n and (3) simplification by the of the use \nfollowing definite integrals.\n ruat d<at = \nsin ruat deal \nsin mat cos /. \ns>\n cos = nat 0 n 0 \302\273^0\n (8-75)\n m 7* m 9* n\n (8-76)\n n (8-77)\n dat = 0 f>\n t6 m r-\n L 7* cos mat cos cos2 ruat d<at sin2 ruat d<at ruat dat = x\n = 0 m m n t* t* 0\n (8-74)\n 0\n n\n (8-78)\n n\n (8-79)\n 0\n (8-80)\n 0\n (8-81)\n \n/.\n These equations \nlimits of the also hold integrals can \342\200\224 x\n n period, 0i to 0i + 2t, be replaced by these moregeneral for any other and terms.\n the In no \302\253o, evaluating \nIntegration r2x term multiplying = dut f(ut) + ... + + nut cos 6 x such that 8-82, \nand 8-75. si\n sin / reduces equation dut = \nEq. all which \nsimplifies to Eq.\n 8-74 Eqs. to\n (8-83)\n dut\n (8-84)\n give\n the over nut cos 6n coefficient the \nintegrating In is On\n Similarly, (8-82)\n zero, each term in the Fourier series from 0 to 2ir. In the resulting cos nut and integrated will vanish except the one of the form of integrals The thus is the integral with a coefficient a\342\200\236. equation by 8-80, ... + than other n for a\342\200\236 \nexpression, dut Oo(2t)\n ut) \nmultiplied nut is permitted. integration or\n find dut\n by total ut) To ut right except the first have zerovalue the Hence do\302\273t\n Jo\n term-by-term on the terms all 2(at cos I a,2 2r\n sin assuming 2r\n Jo\n r [2t I Jo an +\n cos ut doit+ Jo Jo ... r dut + fli / do Jo required. gives\n /*2ir r2*\342\200\242 / series 173\n as step 1 is specified Fourier of the term each of FREQUENCY DOMAIN AND DOMAIN TIME 8-5 Art. period is evaluated by 0 to 2x, giving\n dut\n (8-85)\n multiplying by sin nutand 1\n nut sin bn\n dut\n (8-86)\n T\n These three \nThese integrals at \nwith \nber of f(ut) to The \ncan be must The practical be valid. is without the that represents num\302\254 of maxima and minima and a finite in every finite interval. These are the Dirichlet be satisfied for the Fourier series representation discontinuities which f(ut) of the Fourier series. a finite periodic function all coefficients number a finite \napplication \nfunctions when hold most \nconditions, \nof determine equations Fourier consequence in terms of engineering series can be written for engineering concern.\n amount of labor involved reduced when there in the evaluation is symmetry of with respect to the coefficients the axisin the\n of/(\302\253<). plot \nfor \nhave symmetry \nSuch a function the \nfunction, DOMAIN\n Chap.8\n shows a plot of sine and cosinefunctions values of at. The cosine function is seento 8-21 (a) Figure and positive FREQUENCY AND DOMAIN TIME 174\n negative the is said to be an of the value same value for / axis, the about even \342\200\224 at \342\200\224 ut. and of the sine of that for\n negative f\n wave\n Square -w the is case the In function. for function +ad t\n +ut\n )\n 8-21. Kg. Even (a) and \nfunction vice may and functions\342\200\224cosine and \nfunctions\342\200\224sine wave: square (b) odd waves.\n triangular Such a function is an oddfunction.Any general described as odd or even when it meetsthe following versa. be \nconditions.\n function: Even = /(&><) function: Odd = f(<at) /( \342\200\224 (at)\n \342\200\224/(\342\200\224\302\253<)\n are shown in Fig. 8-21(b), square wave The wave is an even triangular wave, respectively. square \ntion it be made odd (although might axis). by shifting the Being term in its Fourier series even every representation function, odd term \nalso be a would the even even; single destroy \nThe same can be applied to the triangular in that its argument \nFourier series must contain only odd terms. These of this even An and an odd function a \nand func\302\254 cit \nan must symmetry. wave conclusions can \ndiscussion be verified The equation for the mathematically.*\n ao Oo = This * \np. integral For 359.\n example, represents see Wylie, of coefficient 1 4K Fourier the series is\n r2'\n / /(\302\253<) doit\n Jo\n the area under op. cit., p. the /(\302\253<) curve 122,or Salvadoriand from Schwarz, 0 to op. 2x.\n cit., Art. TIME 8-5\n of Fig.\n of value in the following are summarized conclusions three These zero. is \nao of the square wave and the triangularwave is as much positive area as negative area, the there 8-21(b), 175\n case the in as If, DOMAIN\n FREQUENCY AND DOMAIN \ntable.\n of Simplification \nFourier Condition\n = /(\302\253<) = f(<at) negative\n waveform the under areas all 0, = an 0, = 0\n ao -f(-<at)\n and positive Equal bn = f(-wt)\n series\n n\n all n including a0\n over\n one cycle.\n Example such \nany \nare a From series. Fourier that a square shows 8-22 Figure \nby 1\n v(<at) cycle determined adds = wave function which we wish to represent the figure it is seen that the symmetryis\n coefficient the to zero, by evaluating = a\342\200\236 the 1 voltage v(<at) has values may be an Jo\n to set of values over one cycle:\n v{<at)\n V\n 7t/2\n 37t/2 to These The coefficients v(<at) cos mat dtat / Interval\n 7t/2 ao is zero. total area under integral\n the following 0 to 0. Since the P\342\200\231\n - \n* The 6n = so and v(\342\200\224<at), 37t/2\n 2tt\n substituted -V\n V\n into the integral equation to give\n AND DOMAIN TIME 176\n FREQUENCY DOMAIN\n Chap.8\n as\n a\302\273 =\n On Sir/2 dut cos nut ^ V y ^F \nV = \342\200\224 ^Vsl\n The term \nzero for 0 even |3r/2\n )\n of = a. l (cos \neach varying 8-23. Fig. of n, values and 1, 5, 9, ...\n to = 3, 7, 11, \nn = even integers\n ut ... is\n \342\200\224 \\ cos IT\n a Fourier By \nin series \342\200\224 odd = \342\200\2244F \n0,\n t>(w<) = for to \ntot Fourier 4 \302\261 hence\n values; TO?r\n the )\n sin\n has the value +4F\n Thus nw< |2ir\n + |\302\273/2 in parenthesis cos / J&w/2\n nul sin nut\n F + \n/2 I3t/2 \342\200\242\n sin nul cos J ( /*2ir\n \342\200\224 Sut + i cos we have shown expansion, 5a>/ \342\200\224 y 7a>< cos that a sum of + ...)\n terms voltage as illustrated is equivalent to a squarewave, sinusoidally of superposition, the responseof each\n By the principle (U)\n Two equivalent 8 -28. Fig. \ntime-varying can generator \nand \nfound \ning \njust \npute total the (as the one the systems: the Fourier seriesexpansion driving-force of a function.\n with all other generators short-circuited, will be the sum of the individualresponses so be determined response discussed problem being response in rather required. as a appear to be than simplifying it, many solutionsinstead to We have yet to show that it is function of frequency by complexalgebra Chapter 4). This may complicat\302\254 of easy com\302\254 and\n FREQUENCY DOMAIN\n AND DOMAIN TIME 8-5\n Art. 177\n so interested in the actual as \nwe are In frequency response required for a given we have a choice between the solution the \nsolving a problem, \nsient time and the solution of responsein terms domain) problem (the in that many in the we are not cases response waveform. of \nof sinusoidal a Example A saw-tooth) (or 8-24. Fig. the \nby \nstraight for \nand odd an is function including is shown in waveform with an equal function Triangular (or sawtooth) 0 to zero for all to 7r function.\n to \342\200\224 2V\n Z (cat) \nv(o)t) = + 2V\n TT\n 2V\n \342\200\224 0 2t\n ((at) - 4V\n TT\n \n-g- the ,\n ir\n Sir\n 3w out a =\n 2toT\n Carrying n\n v((at)\n 2\n integration, f sin as in Example \342\200\224 o\302\273t ^ sin Scot + 1, gives ^ sin 5(at\n )\n 3\n Example In some \nof mathematical \nrectangles Fig. 8-24. This 0. To 2V \nintegration. domain).\n find the ^coefficients, we represent the waveform each derived in terms of the equationfor following equations, y = mx + 6, where m is the slope,6 is the y intercept line, = v and x = t.\n this y problem, = n Interval\n \ncases, (frequency frequency 2\n triangular \nvoltage of variable generator tran\302\254 the waveforms are not known in the form but rather as recorded graphs. In such equations coefficients be evaluated may by approximate graphical As shown in Fig. 8-25, the waveform is divided into m of width Awt and height f(<at). In terms of a summation\n practical the problems, A recorded 8-25. Fig. \nwaveform than rather AND DOMAIN TIME 178\n Chap.8\n FREQUENCY DOMAIN\n waveform. The Fourier seriesequivalentof may be found by graphical integration.\n the integration, for the Fourier equations approximate this become\n \ncoefficients Aoit\n do\n (8-87)\n i-i\n m\n i = 2x^ ^ ^ cosn (8-88)\n Acot\n 2x^ y-i\n m\n i = 2x^ ^ sin n 2x^ (8-89)\n Acot\n l\n 2x\n where\n Acot \342\200\224\n (8-90)\n m\n The \nform, are required as follows.\n summations for example, 3\n 3- (360\302\260) = \302\273 3 = cos e of for Calculation Table \nm\n carried out in tabular most conveniently Aut = 15\302\260 m = o\302\273\n 24\n \302\273 cos f(6) (jt 360\302\260)\n nO\n /(m360\342\200\234)\n 1\n 15\302\260\n cos 45\302\260= 0.707\n 1.52\n 1.07\n 2\n 30\302\260\n cos 90\302\260= 0\n 1.77\n 0\n \342\200\242\n \342\200\242\n \342\200\242\n \342\200\242\n \342\200\242\n \342\200\242\n \342\200\242\n \342\200\242\n \342\200\242\n \342\200\242\n \342\200\242\n 0\n \342\200\242\n \342\200\242\n m\n 2\n The coefficient has the FREQUENCY DOMAIN\n AND DOMAIN TIME 8-6\n Art 179\n value\n 8-6. Complexexponential form o8 = of the - 2 (8-91)\n series\n Fourier in series studied in the last sectioncan be expressed form in terms of exponential quantities. Supposethat the \nequivalent in the \nterms series are grouped together by harmonic number as\n Fourier The = f(o)t) + o0 + mat cos (u\342\200\236 ^ sin 6\342\200\236 (8-92)\n mat) \302\273=i\n 6-2. Art. in \nlearned sine may be expressed in exponentialform,as we with Euler\342\200\231s equation,\n Starting and cosine the Now = e\302\261iut the cosine is found in terms forms exponential \nnegative cat = is found sine the these <at sin (8-93)\n positive adding by exponentials + e~iat) v(eiat and = (eiat into equations (8-94)\n these quantities by subtracting (at sin Substituting of \302\261 j as\n cos Similarly, (at cos - as\n (8-95)\n e~iat)\n Eq. 8-92, there results\n oo\n ' \\ = +2, In that \nNoting pi nut I = l/j + ^ n = nut p\342\200\224jnut our \342\200\224j, p\342\200\224jnut\\\n *>\302\273 j (\342\200\234\342\200\242 1\n f ) (8_96)\n like exponential terms are grouped. this equation, to simplify order / \302\253o becomes\n equation oo\n - a, + /M \302\253*\302\243 1\n n= To this simplify the \nreplace a and we expression, b coefficients. \302\256n \342\200\236 \342\200\224 The new jbn sn 0 form for Eq. /M) (8-97)\n next introduce By definition,\n dn y 8-97 = + [(~^) co ^ \342\200\224 c\342\200\224n \"I\342\200\235 jbn ) pr and a new coefficientto \342\200\236 \t\n \342\200\224\n CLq\n Co (8-98)\n is\n + ^= n (cne^nt 1\n + c_\342\200\236e-\302\273'\"n<)\n (8-99)\n are \nwe have \noo this in \n(including Chap.8\n to understand better all the been through. just Letting n range through valuesfrom 1 to oo to + oo is equivalent to letting n range from equation zero) in a compact in a now We FREQUENCY DOMAIN\n AND DOMAIN TIME 180\n position maneuvering \342\200\224 equation,\n =\n (8-100)\n /(\302\253fl we Here can c\342\200\236 \ncients The be evaluated easily coeffi\302\254 already bn, Then\n \nknew. 1 f2r r- Cn \342\200\234 2tt\n hr / 7T 2m H*\n 1 = f (cat) / Jo\n f2r\n 7 f(<at) cos \342\200\224 dcat ruat 2tt Jo l \342\200\224 (cos neat \342\200\224 sin j J sin f(cat) / mat dcat\n )\n neat) d<at\n f2*\n do)t\n 2r This form of the Fourier series. which we in terms of an and the exponential have for equation (8-101)\n Jo cn holds n is positive as whether have we assumed, same or zero, as can be shown by exactlythe procedure. \nnegative, series? Fourier \nHas this form any advantage over the otherform of the be\n sine and cosine form usually may \nIn the coefficients, computing But in discussing used to advantage. \nthe of frequency concepts \nthis Fig. \nform 8-26. used in of the Sweep voltage a cathode ray Example oscillo\302\254 The \nin one cycle by the equation \ncn-coefficients,defined by Eq. 8-\n sweep f2r 8-26 straight y\n \342\200\224 <ate~ino>t hj\n _ jv\n 2 TIT\n \no 2t\n n 9* V\n O *\n voltage II\n \302\243\n o\n we need 0\n waveform shown be represented may = v line, (V/2ic)<at. The are\n \n01, next, 4\n Fig. a \nif study form.\n exponential \ngraph.\n over will we \nwhich and Fourier integral, the \nintroducing spectra dcat the Hence ... = v(at) \342\200\224 ~ 4r \342\200\224 e~iZot jf- 6ir ~ e~iwt 2ir ^ + reducethis If we wish to definitions the \nfrom Cn \302\256n these From o\342\200\236 - ( sin ut v(o)t)\n + The sinusoidal of \nber \nFourier phase,* \nspectrum + \nvalues is plot the \nfar), \nas values are related \ncosine * not do in term The (8-103)\n \342\226\240\342\226\240\342\226\240)]\n can We example visualize last the of a large num\302\254 voltage. of exponential voltage picturing of harmonics (merely the function. phase discrete a plot is Such plotted \ncies +\n appropriate frequency n. \nnegative We 3<at series of our interpreted. for different actually is for plot to \nalent \na the fundamental \nthe sin ^ of voltage as specified by the in series to produce a sweep connected difficulty frequency, of a the and \342\200\224V/mr, waveforms\n The plot of the magnitudeand phaseof Actually, \nrequires special interpretation. \nSuch \342\200\224 Co\n generators in contain Eq. 8-102, but the coefficients appearing in Eq. 8-103. This information is con\302\254 information as those of the magnitude of cn, and sometimesof in a plot displayed Such a plot showsthefrequency as a function of frequency. waveform.\n to a particular corresponding \nveniently \nthe series, the equations which follow form the same \nthe all some of \nterms of Fourier generators coefficient, have \nWe form and bn = F/2, 2o>t sin Fourier of the form the most easily \nsection is = of periodic spectra frequency second The (8-102)\n C\342\200\224n), ^ -ds-K-\n 8-7. j(pn ao 0, ... e,2\342\200\234* + becomes\n series \nFourier = equations, ^ \342\200\224 bn d\342\200\235 C\342\200\224n, is\n waveform ^\n 2\n alternate may be found from of Eq. 8-98.\n b coefficients and a \nthe e*\342\200\230 + the to result + \342\200\224 e~i2at 181\n series for this of the Fourier form exponential FREQUENCY DOMAIN AND DOMAIN TIME 8-7 Art. of n or as cn of frequency a function has c\342\200\236 values only for discrete fundamental frequency. values of n, or if we identify <o0 as to in the equations derived thus of a>, the values of the ratio \302\253/wo, which is equiv\302\254 shown in Fig. 8-27for both positiveand co/W\n significance to negative frequencies We do note that these the spectrum. frequency such to exponential factors of the form a term and form e~inat may be added to be equivalentto a or Thus a positive frequency and a negative attach any particular frequen\302\254 einat; sine frequency\n angle of is abbreviated c\342\200\236 as Ang c\302\273.\n 182\n the form to combine AND DOMAIN TIME frequency FREQUENCY DOMAIN\n associated with actual sinusoidal \ngenerators.\n the \nfor wave square other two shows 8-28 Figure 8-27. Tig. \nof 8-26. Fig. of \n(Ang) spectra\n V\n 2r\n 1 I\n 1\n -5\n -6 CO\n 1\n CM\n 1\n 0 line spectrum plots are Separate The 1\n CM\n that \nterms \nfor c\302\253.\n The 8-28. shown of the line (6)\n for (a) a spectrum to \naddition \ntains \nwaveform.\n in Fig. 8-27, we harmonics of the different the many 6\n corresponding to the sweepvoltage made for magnitude and phaseangle \nangular to 1\n 5 CO\n (a) Fig. 8-5 wave. Comparingthese i\n i\n V\n 2w\n I for the examples of Art. spectra, and the triangular Chap. 8\n the waveforms. fundamental, harmonic terms square wave, while of larger (b) a tri\302\254 wave.\n see that the Fourier seriesmust The and in distribution amplitude be quite different wave contains little in triangular the sweep voltage magnitude waveform than for the triangular con\302\254 Fourier The = \nwot \342\200\224 to 7r of of cB are known as magnitude continuous-frequency line\n spectra\n waveform of a periodic pulse of magnitudeV marked on the figure as T, extendsfrom period, the shows The a. duration \nand and integral 8-29 Figure of the plots 183\n for discrete values of frequency components such only, \nfrequency 8-8. are there Because FREQUENCY DOMAIN\n AND DOMAIN TIME 8-8\n Ait 03at = following the practice +*-, where, established in\n volts\n V\n V\n V\n -1\n r\n 7I\n r\n last the rather series \nFourier may be series of the form \nnential cn Since the \n(o/2) and 1 = ^ (\342\200\224a/2), the -v expo\302\254 Eq.\n 1\n ]+o/2 -a/2 jn\n /(coo<)e_,n\"0< do)ot r\n Ve-\342\200\231nmt y- ^gjnaM/2 nir \\ g\342\200\224jnwoa/2^\n )\n particular sin problem, the ratio function This analysis brings cn \twhat \nnonrecurring cooa as change happens pulse?\n the may if the (8-106)\n /\n written\n be (ntooa/2) no) (8-107)\n od/2\n a/T will be fixed,and will c\342\200\236 vary (sin x)/x.\n up a number of of the pulse period becomes width (no)oa/2)\\\n 2tt ^sin \\ no}0a/2 finally \nT the y = 2x/co0,the equation mathematical (8-105)\n do>ot\n 2j a For any except between the limits J_\302\243\n _ Now since T (8-104)\n becomes\n -i \342\200\224\n 2t (2) of f+x\n I integral 2ir \ndoes T.\n of the fundamental the coefficientsfor the computed for this problemfrom has zero value waveform voltage Cn \nas period written\n 8-101 cn +Q)t\n used as the frequency than to. The Fourier too is section, 2\n pulse of duration a and A recurrent 8-29. a\n 2\n \t\n *-r Fig. a\n questions of interest: (1) how or the ratio a/T changes, infinite, leaving us with one and\n the answer = (T/a) To help for \none AND DOMAIN TIME 184\n FREQUENCY \nof there view, the second the second w0 is of the amplitude frequency +<i)t \n2w, etc.\n We \nas begin what to \napproaches \nwill \nthe be added. Fourier second pulse. shorter the pulse, is smaller.\n \342\200\234(t)t\n +wt\n 16) \302\243-5\n (6) \302\243-5\n pulses with differentvalues of (T/a) and holding a constant. The envelopeof spectra Because is of the general form (sin x/x). |cn| is plotted, a- to always positive whereas (sin x/x) is negativefrom Two recurrent line corresponding envelope ampli\302\254 another point the for \302\243-2\n -80. \nthe (2) the plots From components \302\243-2 line in two V\n (a) \nthe differ 1\n \342\200\224cot\n \nthe 8-30, and plot. u\n Tig.S two smaller spectra is a trend that should help answeroursecond question As the an in the case of period aperiodic pulse. happens of smaller more amplitude components infinity, frequency for this limit in terms of the expressions To accomplish we begin with Eq. 8-100, which is\n series,* to see =\n /(\302\253oO (8-108)\n c\342\200\236e,w\n n\n the substitute and f(<aot) equation for giving\n c\302\273, =\n /(wo0e-,w dco01 e\342\200\231\342\204\242*1\n (8-109)\n ]\n * The \nfor the following Fourier 8\n made in Fig. plot 1\n la) Chap. components are required to makeup \nMore frequency \nbut = 5. The 2 and one for (T/a) in the by a factor of \302\243 are more lines because smaller is \ntude two plots are first question, \nrespects: (1) there are more linesin DOMAIN\n discussion integr\302\253d theorem. is intended to It is not providea a rigorous heuristic derivation.\n proof or motivation Art. 8-8\n We next let coo = Aw as of n the as limit, i = new variable by than (8-110)\n a\n \342\200\224 \302\253\n 0, a process of becomes summation the \342\200\224> Aw = m This integra\302\254 the g(a), equation (8-ui)\n r form a slightly in written be \nmay one is equation that\n as a Fourierintegral.It calling the bracket term = dt\n ^ = fit) two these and of what is known different form by as\n g(u) so a introduce and\n \ntion, \nin \302\273 and T\342\200\224\342\226\272 185\n write Eq. 8-109 in terms of fit) rather integration change to give the followingexpression.\n w- In FREQUENCY DOMAIN\n AND If we w. limits the \n/(woO> DOMAIN = nAu \nletting TIME be \nchlet conditions, / f{t)e~iat (8-112)\n ^ gio>)elul da\n (8-113)\n a Fourier transform pair. These used to represent f(t) provided f(t) satisfies the Diriin Art. 8-5, and if the integral\n mentioned constitute equations can \nequations j (8-114)\n is finite.\n |cn| determined Now is \nsion \ncourse, is \ng(a) term The series. \nrier since da finite and to corresponding of The da. g(a) the frequency spectrum in c\342\200\236 in the case of Fourier the integral is g{<x>) vanishingly amplitude is an infinitesimal However, quantity. in magnitude and phase as is plotted da Fou- the expres\302\254 small, of the function the frequency corresponding aperiodic fit). No longer is this spectrum \nspectrum for discrete values of frequency. The function g(a) is a only \ngiven function \ncontinuous for all a. Because of this difference in spectra, is sometimes called a continuous while |cn| is a line spectrum, \n|gf(<o)| In terms of the synthesis of a pulse by addition of frequency \nspectrum. the continuous \ncomponents, spectrum requires all frequencies com\302\254 to \nbined as required by Eq. an 8-113.\n For the single pulse shownin Fig.8-29, \nto infinity in opposite directions, the the other frequency two having spectrum moved may be\n DOMAIN TIME 186 8-112 found from Eq. AND FREQUENCY DOMAIN\n 8\n as\n If 2ir J \342\200\224a/2 Q(u)\n Chap. *<!!$}\n (coa/2)\n 2x (8-115)\n is similar in form to Eq. 8-107 for recurring pulses, given \nbut is a continuous rather than a line spectrum. The plots of the math\302\254 \nematical shown in Fig. 8-30 constitute the enve\302\254 expression |(sin x)/x\\ of the \nlope spectrum |gr(co)| for the single pulse.\n The Fourier transform Eqs. 8-112 and 8-113, pair of equations, \nserves to illustrate the relationship of the time-domain function f(t) \nand the the frequency spectrum, g(ui). frequency-domain quantity, a given we can find the corresponding g(<a). And for a given \nFor f(t), can find the corresponding similarly f(t). The Fourier trans\302\254 \ng((\302\273), we us street with which we can with a two-way \nform provide equations domain time to frequency domain or vice versa. The same \ngo from exists for the Fourier series and the associatedconcept street \ntwo-way and the time domain.\n line \nof the spectrum a single can be synthesized of We know that the waveform pulse \nfrom specified by Eq. 8-115. Suppose that we frequency components transmit to the input of a system whichdoesnot a single pulse \napply of this The \nthe higher-frequency system will no output components. function be a square pulse but will be someothertime-domain \nlonger from Eq. 8-113 using the g(<*>) of the output of \nthat could be computed As we change frequency \nthe system. response, we\n frequency-selective This equation 8-81. Fig. and Input waveforms output \nfrequency-selective also \na frequency Fourier 8-9. Fourier The \nused \ndomain \ntransform in sensitive An input and the correspondingoutputfor in Fig. 8-31.\n are illustrated system transforms and their time change the and for a two-terminal-pair network.\n response. and 8-113,have been to illustrate the relationship of frequency We domain have not yet discussedthe concepts. of these which can be used in equations transforms, last section time property relationship to Laplace transforms\n defined by Eqs. 8-112 solving\n Art. 8-9\n TIME circuit equations in \ntion been has used. FREQUENCY DOMAIN\n AND DOMAIN much the same as manner For the Laplace Eqs. 8-112 and reference, 187\n transforma\302\254 8-113 are repeated \nhere.\n = gM gj /(() = \nof the gMe<- J_ of these character transform The J'j(t)e-*\342\200\234dt equations = %f(t) Eqs. four \nThese \nequations and \n7-1 the use (8-118)\n 9(<\302\273) (8-H9)\n 8-116 and 8-118 define the directFourier transformation, 8-117 and 8-119 define the inverseFourier transformation. are similar in appearance to the corresponding equations for the Laplace transformation, given in Chapter 7 as Eqs. which 7-3, are\n m\n = m\n = \302\243f(t)\n \302\243-'F(s)\n Comparison = = r* +y \302\260\302\260\n jr\342\200\224. / \n2x7 and\n (8-120)\n f{t)e~atdt\n 1 \nences: is emphasized by =m fc-Wco) \nwhile (8-117)\n notation.\n following Equations dw (8-116)\n F(s)elt ds (8-121)\n >-y\302\273\n F(s)\n (8-122)\n m\n (8-123)\n of these two sets of equations revealsseveral differ\302\254 jo) in the Fourier transform occupies the sameposition (1) The the Laplace (2) The letters F and g signifyfunctions roles. \nwith similar (3) The limits of integration in Eqs. 8-116and \342\200\224 oo in the Fourier transform \nare different, corresponding to 0 in the constants transform. (4) The multiplying (l/2x) and (1/2vj) \nLaplace this is a matter of convention since different positions although \noccupy in Eq. 8-111. Since we with either f(t) or g(u>) be associated \nl/2x may of the two systems of transforms, the fac\302\254 \nare the similarities stressing for to Eq. 8-117 \ntor will be shifted from Eq. 8-116 for g(u>) for/(\302\243) 1/27T \nthe remainder of this discussion.\n \nas s in transform. 8-120 an will we To illustrate the consequencesof thesedifferences, study circuits \nexample of the computation of a Fourier transform.In most \nstudied interest has centered on what happensin a\n in past chapters, \nof an after circuit This a switch. \ntime, t \342\200\224 0. A Chap.8\n DOMAIN\n FREQUENCY AND DOMAIN TIME 188\n of time corresponding to the openingor closing of time is conveniently taken as the reference instant of function that has been used to denote the closing instant a function circuit is the unit use of the Fourier transform of u(t), make \nu(t). To determine In this to 8-116. changed case, the lower limit of the integral \nzero, since u(t) has zero value for all negativet. In this in which \nsituation f(t) has zero value before t = 0, Eq. 8-116 as the \nwritten with the lower limit of zero, and is then unilateral out the have \nFourier transformation. Carrying operations just from we removed with l/2ir Eq. \ndescribed, have, force to a a driving connect to \nswitch step we Eq.\n be may circuit usual be may known we 8-116\n r = dt f(t)e~iat *\n iat e~>' I dt\n (8-124)\n /oo = g(a>) \n-1\n e~>wt -r-^ cot (cos no meaning, since neither cot. This difficulty can be factor defined in the equation\n has equation for infinite \ndefined \nconvergence j sin (8-125)\n (at)\n 3<\302\273\n \n3<*\n This \342\200\224 = Mt) the sine nor avoided is cosine the a introducing by (8-126)\n e-'W)\n is a modified function and is real and positive. This difficulty \nprocedure provides the convergence necessary to avoid of the Fourier and \nin evaluating computation permits Eq. 8-125, = e~atu{t) into as 0. limit \nform as the fi(t) Substituting Eq. 8-116 where fi(t) <r the trans\302\254 <r factor the \nwithout g{u>) and\n \ng(co) this From \342\200\224\342\226\272 l/2ir = lim = lim gives\n [ /\n a\342\200\224>0 JO\n equation, fi{t)e~iot dt = e-(<r+;\302\253)< we have _ fa lim / e-*te-iot 1 lim\n <r <r\342\200\224>0 + ^ (8-127)\n 1\n (8-128)\n ja jco\n the Fourier transform of u(t) <r = with 0 \nas\n 5\302\253(<) = (8-129)\n ^\n Thus a real \nducing \ntion difficulty has been avoided the part to be added to j<a. Since s Laplace = as a complex s we + ja, number, the convergence is defined by effectively of <r intro\302\254 transforma\302\254 see that the\n Ait automatically has the Laplace transformation \never, the \nform of incorporating transform by \nconvergence Laplace the the study transform Fourier \nthe transformation Laplace conveys is conceptually tie-in this \nseries, \nthe Laplace transformation is \nthe Fourier transformation and \nextensive of compilation the Fourier more physical is more extensively used.\n an example being are available, excitations READING\n York, Thomson, \nby Linear Problems Book Inc., Co., Fourier on Wiley (John and Schwarz, Inc., (Prentice-Hall, and Wylie, \n214r-219; \nreading response of a system to step Systems Salvadori 228-241; pp. \nEngineering \nHill the impulse, ramp function, square function, (Prentice-Hall, Inc., Laplace Transformation Thomson, is also discussed The convolution 23-26. integral pp. 1950), and in such references as Gardner and Barnes, pp. 37-38, the as in \nTransients \n1942), of subject see etc., \nwave, \nNew the the Foster.*\n and FURTHER \nsuch derivation Fourier integral and Fourier Aside from this advantage, important. a more powerful mathematical tool than Campbell For further reading on a heuristic transformation. Since meaning than the Laplace from transforms Fourier of Tables as regarded unifies two important out of the does it as arising \ntransform, How\302\254 (8-130)\n The preceding discussionmightbe \nof stronger factor. \342\200\234built-in\342\200\235 convergence relationship of transforms of electric circuits.\n of this in \ntopics of = \302\243f(t) Recognition advantage of f(t) is identical with the Fouriertrans\302\254 by the convergence factor e~**;that is,\n multiplied f(t) a 189\n DOMAIN\n FREQUENCY AND DOMAIN TIME 8-9\n Advanced New series, Engineering York, see & Sons, Inc., New York, Differential Equations in New York, 1954), pp. Mathematics (McGraw- 1951), pp. 188-197. For further Kerchner and Corcoran, Alternating- New York, 1951),Chap. 6. series and integral is given very complete The Mathematics of Circuit Analysis Guillemin, (John Wiley New \nSons, York, Inc., 1949), Chap. 7. Chapter 5 of Wylie (op.cit.) concise on these subjects and is especially recommended. Two very information on the Fourier references valuable containing and are Fich, Transient Analysis in spectra frequency \ntrical New York, 1951), pp. 199-214; (Prentice-Hall, Inc., Engineering and General Network Analysis (McGraw-Hill Book Seely, LePage Circuits \nCurrent \nA Wiley discussion (John & Sons, Inc., of the Fourier & \nby \nis \nadditional Elec\302\254 \nintegral \nand \nCo., Inc., New York, 1952), pp. 444-463.\n * Campbell and Foster, Fourier \nNostrand Company, Inc., New Integrals York, 1950).\n for Practical Applications (D. Van TIME DOMAIN AND 190\n Chap. DOMAIN\n FREQUENCY 8\n PROBLEMS\n 8-1. \nthe Write an equation in terms of unit figure for the nonrecurring waveform shown in step functions.\n 1\n 1\n 1\t\n 1 1\n 2 4 J\n Prob. an Write 8-2. unit of \nterms step 6 5 f i\n *\n i 9 t\n 8-1.\n for the nonrecurring waveform shown in equation functions.\n 10\n 8 12 3 4\n (Jl\n 9\n t\n Ol\n -10\n Prob. the In 8-3. \nincreases to \nnentially to waveform \nThe Write \nnitudes. \nfunctions. 8-4. \nis applied \nMhenry. A waveform shown, the function suddenly nonrecurring b at the time t = 0 and then decreases a value expo\302\254 a at t = c before decreasingsuddenlyto zero. a value then the same cycle with negativemag\302\254 goes through an for this waveform, expression using unit step v = Partial answer, voltage an to pulse of 10 volts RL series circuit Plot 8-2.\n the waveform of be~[ln<-a/b)]t/cu(t) \342\200\224 .\n magnitude and of 5 duration Msec ohms and where R 2 the current as a function of \342\200\224 time.\n L = 10 A 8-6. \nis applied = R \nwhere and \nrent plot a \nthe of frequency One RL series a radio Prob. transmit\302\254 is 8-5.\n shown\n the equation for this repeated, (b) Suppose that circuit with R = 1 ohm and L the a duration shift to used is of staircase cycle figure, (a) it is not \nassuming \nto /usee waveform known \342\200\234staircase\342\200\235 \nter. and of 5 of time.\n A voltage 8-6. \nas 10 volts magnitude circuit = ohms and C 0.05 pulse of RC series 191\n for the cur\302\254 equation the current waveform function a \nas 100 the Find \nnf. in voltage an to DOMAIN\n FREQUENCY AND DOMAIN TIME 8\n Chap. Write voltage this voltageis = 1 Sketch waveform henry. v(t), applied the\n volts\n 6 waveform to scale on approximately sec\n 8-6.\n Prob. current f, the same coordinatesas \342\200\234staircase\342\200\235voltage.\n \nthe Show 8-7. that the of the square wave transform is\n 1\n F(s) =\n s(l The 8-8. \ntified waveform The voltage. \n\342\200\224sin t from it to shown equation 2x, etc. -f- e~\302\260s)\n in the figure is that of a full-wave for the waveform is sin t from Show that the transform of this function rec\302\254 0 to t, is\n cathode a in \nbeam DOMAIN\n FREQUENCY Chap.8\n is a sweep voltage used to deflectthe Show that the transform of this oscilloscope. shown waveform The 8-9. AND DOMAIN TIME 192\n ray is\n \nfunction pi \\ 1\n ~ as* - s(l \302\253r*4)\n the waveform shown in of the voltage transform the Find 8-10. / {s) \nfigure.\n 8-11. = F(s) \ne0*, (a) - ^ 8-12. a).\n (c) a)2 + (\302\253 \342\200\224 (s ^ \342\200\224 a)(s find \342\200\224 a)(s the \ni(t) = \ninput \noutput \nas for 8-14. Laplace transformation inverse of + $\n (b) l)2 on a Tests \342\200\2242e~l + at current of previous The (s + l)(s2 + 1)\n certain network showed that t i(t) \342\200\224 an same Answer, of a half-wave cos cot,\n v = \342\200\224 4e\342\200\230 3.\n rectifier is given by 0 sis Cot < ^\n v(wt) was output a unit test? output the current voltage was suddenly applied to the 0. must be applied to give What voltage = 2e~l if the network remains in the form when 4e-8* terminals the \342\200\224 c)\n b)(s 1 8-13. b)\n functions.\n following (s2 + o)(\302\253 \342\200\224 (s 6) convolution, By the time functions corresponding to the with the transform pair f(t) = starting \342\200\224 1 /(s (\302\253 \nthe functions transform \nfollowing find convolution, By ~\n T <r S*\n t o,\n cos at,\n y ^ <*t g 2x\n the equation\n this that Show FREQUENCY DOMAIN AND DOMAIN TIME 8 Chap. can be represented waveform periodic 193\n by the Fourier \nseries\n t 1 v(ut)\n Find 8-15. 8-16. Draw 8-17. The of \nfunction 2 the Fourier ut) other in \342\200\224f(ut); positive line words, 4ut cos +\n jg loop from r negative f(ut)\n ut\n 0\n 85.0\n 120\n 77.9\n 30\302\260\n 75\n 135\n 77.8\n 45\302\260\n 77.8\n 150\n 75\n 60\302\260\n 77.9\n 165\n 49.7\n 75\302\260\n 85.0\n 180\n 0\n 90\302\260\n 90\n coefficients for the for this waveform.\n Fourier and |fir(w)| and sketch the to 2ir /(\302\2530\n 105\302\260\n 49.7\n spectra spectrum the v.\n 8-18. For the waveform shownin \nuous 2\n \342\200\224 15\302\260\n the Determine the g cos 2ut loop from 0 to 0\n \nDraw 2 line the ut\n (a) + of the trapazoidal wave\302\254 series representation 8-10. Draw the line spectrum for this waveform.\n Prob. the to similar cos for the waveform of Prob. 8-14.\n spectrum table following gives the ordinates of a waveform as a The values for r to 2?r are defined by the relationship <at. = + \n/(*\342\200\242 \nis a\n for shown \nform + first five harmonics, (b) the determine figure, contin\302\254 Ang g(u).\n V\n V\n ~ a\n 2\n 1\n * -V\n Prob. The 8-19. defined \nwave 8-18.\n aperiodic function shown in \342\200\224 to only from v/2 +ir/2. \nspectrumand sketch 8-20. An aperiodic v(t) and \ntrum represents for this and |gr(w)| Ang the figureis part Determine a damped function and Ve~at of a cosine continuous g{u).\n function is defined by the = the sin uot, t ^ equation\n 0\n Determine the continuous oscillation. sketch both |(7(w)| and Ang g{u).\n spec\302\254 CHAPTER the operationalmethodstudied be used to introduce the concepts In this chapter, will \ntransformation FUNCTIONS\n ADMITTANCE AND IMPEDANCE 9\n the by of Laplace and impedance \nadmittance.\n 9-1. The concept for networks has differential equations functions of the form\n the time-domain to \nrise frequency\n of solution The of complex Kne-t where a is s\342\200\236 = Sn the Here equation, (or \nquency (9-2)\n has been interpreted as radian fre\302\254 and it appears in time-domain equations frequency) angular + jun <Tn of part imaginary co\342\200\236, forms\n the sin Radian T, in period of frequency, terms in cos unt or ccnt (9-3)\n of radians per secondand in fn, cycles per second,orin the dimensions has frequency \nexpressed \nthe of the characteristic as\n \nexpressed \nin (9-1)\n a root number, complex given be may of terms seconds, by the equation\n 2_\n = = co\342\200\236 2tr/\342\200\236 By we see 9-2 Eq. \ndimensionof \n(being length that and <rn is (time)-1,since radian of arc per length radius). time. unit Since I\n that \nsion that the is <r the \342\200\234something\342\200\235 unit. logarithmic for of quantity <rn The usual I oe*nt\n (9-5)\n T\n (9-6)\n per 70\n unit unit time This 194\n should for the natural unit is commonly neper. neper per second.\n the be must <rn\n evident \nlogarithm dimensionless dimension factor,\n tln \nsional The The in dimensions. an appears as an exponential 1 it is is a the of \n\342\200\234something\342\200\235 per such identical be must co\342\200\236 (9-4)\n y be a nondimen- (or Naperian) used making the dimen\302\254 AND IMPEDANCE 9-1\n Art. The complex ADMITTANCE 195\n FUNCTIONS\n sum\n - (9-7)\n \302\253\302\273 <r\342\200\236 + jun as the complexfrequency. The imaginary part of the complex is the radian frequency (or real frequency),and the real \nfrequency part \nof is neper (rather than the misleading complex frequency frequency* \nterm The of complex interpretation \342\200\234imaginary frequency\342\200\235). physical in will be the e,Ht studied function \nfrequency appearing by considering \na number of special cases for the value of \302\253\302\273.\n = <rn + and negative Let \302\253\342\200\236 (1) positive, zero, jO and let <rn have an \nvalues. The function of Eq. 9-1 becomes Kne9nt, expo\302\254 exponential is defined <rn = 0, When so that - a time-invariant \nin terms \342\200\234direct real for the for are s\342\200\236 (2) Let = 8n of \nterms \na unit \nthe the sign. A frequency).\n neper 9-1.\n this In only). frequency (radian case, the becomes\n = The equation. o)nt \302\261 j sin e\302\261,w is (9-9)\n uj) in interpreted usually no actual physical significance)of f the direction of rotation being determinedby phasor, positive Kn(cos exponential model physical rotating \n(a \342\200\224 with time of e9i Variation 9-1. possibili\302\254 in Fig. Kne\302\261iUnt Euler\342\200\231s The Jig. three \302\261 join factor \nexponential is voltage current.\342\200\235 shown 0 (9-8)\n which and current of variation by decreases 0 and > + jO, = Kn Kneot quantity \ndescribedas \nties <rn < 0.\n <r\342\200\236 = s\342\200\236 0 Kne\342\200\230*\342\200\230 \ntime for exponentially becomes\n term \nthe for exponentially decays) \n(or increases which function \nnential sign, e+jWnt (with implies counterclockwise positive) (or clockwise \nrotation, while a negative sign, e~iUnt (or implies negative) \nrotation. For positive rotation, the real part of the (or projection \non the real varies as the of while cosine the axis) o)nt, imaginary part on the varies sine as the of This o>nt. \n(or projection axis) imaginary is illustrated 9-2. The variation of the \nconcept by Fig. exponential with is sinusoidal \nfunction time and corresponds to the case of the \nsinusoidal \342\200\242The terms \n\342\200\234The potential state.\n steady used radian analog magnitude and Air by W. Force H. Huggins, Cambridge Report No. E5066, March 1951.\n the word vector in place of phasor. A phasor is characterized with respect to a reference.\n phase \nResearch Laboratories, texts used t Many \nby and neper frequency were frequency in network synthesis and analysis,\342\200\235 9-2. fig. ADMITTANCE AND IMPEDANCE 196\n and imaginary and phasor Rotating (sine \tLet (3) = s\302\273 this For \ncomplex). jun shows expression \nthe of the product \nrepresented real 9\n Chap. axis projections\n cosine).\n the frequencyis general case and case,\n = Kne(9n+iUn)t = Kne'nt This and is the (this <r\342\200\236 + FUNCTIONS\n for result by the rotating (9-10)\n has a time variation such a term that Kne9nteiUnt for = s\342\200\236 \302\261ju>n. phasor model, the other term \na and in Fig. 9-3. The of this projections imaginary a Such time. with changes \nphasor is illustrated \nreal func\302\254 be thought of as with a magnitude phasor rotating \nwhich expo\302\254 can result This an by is term One or decreasing increasing \nnentially \ntion. is which = and s\342\200\236 <r\342\200\236 \nphasor are\n Re(e**0 \nand 9-8. Fig. \ning in Rotating magnitude phasor with Im(e*\"\342\200\230) = e~9nt cos = e~9nt decreas\302\254 for time.\n a phasor rotating sin o>nt (9-11) <ant (9-12)\n in the positive \ndirection and negative a. These 9-4. Such waveforms have been classified pro\302\254 are \njections \nas \nconcept \nreal this part Fig. of there is nothingreally in the frequency. The imaginary part of complex (or real) frequency corresponds to oscillations. neper frequency, corresponds to frequency, discussion, of complex the \nquency, in sinusoids.\n damped From shown radian complex we see that new fre\302\254 The expo-\n nential or decay two the of \342\200\234kinds\342\200\235 \nquences are \ncomplex frequency.\n should We work the \nof or ghostlike) words the \nborrowed \nas quantity in the sense often \nwe \nematician\342\200\231s 9-2. \nnext determine \neach of the as is the mathematicians (which about connotation have We or function phase). The the given by corresponding to the transform of parameters.\n expression for the The time-domain Ohm\342\200\231s in law v(t) = Ri(t) The from invis\302\254 math\302\254 physical transform V(s) = the or equations RI(s) a current generalized) impedance. The reciprocal (or generalized) admittance. We will for the impedance and admittance for expression network Resistance. \nresistor frequency.\n admittance\n transform, (or the transform an the no name\342\200\224 imaginary (that is parts of a quantity of magnitude and of a voltage transform of the defined is complex not physicallyreal. \342\200\234imaginary\342\200\235 carries and impedance as defined \nis \nratio under one conse\302\254 us!\n Transform ratio that it is terms \342\200\234imaginary\342\200\235 about The part the even though semantic difficulties in the use of a complex quantity. The is not physically distinct in reinterpret \nuniverse one \342\200\234real\342\200\235 and two of designations s is e~\342\200\242* where against as of a part \nimaginary \nible \342\200\234imaginary\342\200\235 same, the two concepts unify guard constantly the is Time variation of 9-4. Tig. (depending on sign) or to no We have talked about such expo\302\254 of the time constant. Since the role frequency we different, 197\n increase frequency. in terms neper before functions \nnential FUNCTIONS\n ADMITTANCE exponential zero for \nvariation \nof AND IMPEDANCE 9-2\n Art. or voltageacrossa forms\n i{t) = Gv(t) (9-13)\n GV(s)\n (9-14)\n are\n I(s) = m\n the Following transform \nand definitions given admittance, we Z(s) is the F(s) is the transform impedance, transform \nlent (9-15)\n and\n _ Y(s) the actual be replaced Two such quantities. R G (9-16)\n admittance.\n shows can current and \nvoltage transform which schematic The = Z\302\253 _ where impedance have\n = where for the transform above Chap.9\n FUNCTIONS\n ADMITTANCE AND IMPEDANCE by time-domain a diagram to represent resistor and the equiva\302\254 are shown in diagrams (a) Fig. 9-5.\n (6)\n Resistor 9-5. Fig. and admittance.\n impedance of the actual The time-domain schematic is a representation physical element diagram is composed of time-domain \nsystem. The transform actual element is replaced but letter for the the symbol \nrepresentations, an \nby or admittance impedance symbol.\n The time-domain relationship betweenvoltage inductor is expressed by the following Inductance. in \nrent an and equations.\n v(t) The = terms, we = this \nLi(0+) L[sl(s) ^ (9-17)\n expression Designating Fj(s) = F(s) is\n - i(0+)] (9-18)\n = 7(s) + Li( 0+) (9-19)\n transform of the appliedvoltage, resulting from the initial current in the across Z(s) as Fi(s), transform the voltage + Li{0+), the transform impedance expression, V(s) is the is a transform voltage \ninductor. \nwhere j have\n Lsl(s) In Jj for the voltage equation F(s) the ~ and L transform equivalent Regrouping cur\302\254 and becomes\n Vx(s)\n \342\200\224 Z(s)\n m\n = Ls\n transform The imped\302\254 equivalence in Fig. for the current is\n is shown schematic time-domain \nto the transform source a voltage and 199\n diagram thus containsa due to. the initial current. This The equivalent transform \nance FUNCTIONS\n ADMITTANCE AND IMPEDANCE M\n Ait equation 9-6.\n (9-20)\n initial-value The Li \nlinkages can be evaluated w-1(0+) integral in terms of as\n tr'(o+)\n be for 7(s) may The equation = dt\n (t) Lt*(0+)\n (9-21)\n 1-0+\n -/\342\200\242\n rewritten\n iEW+S2\302\261l\n s L n this (9-22)\n s\n - m F(s) or\n In flux -\n \302\273\342\200\242(o+)\n (9-23)\n source t'(0-f )/s is an equivalenttransformcurrent initial from the current in the inductor. Designatingthe in current as Ii(s) = /($) \342\200\224 the transform\n Y(s) becomes .... r..\n equation, \nresulting \ntransform admittance = = F(s) m ^\n rs The equivalenttransform diagram \nthus contains and \nvalue 1/Ls \nrent source \nThis equivalent \ntime domain \nFig. admittance an equivalent in defined Z(s) of cur\302\254 note 9-23. Eq. for schematic the in is shown diagram We 9-6. an that,\n = = U (6)\n (9-25)\n 9-6. Fig. Capacitance. \nrelationship time-domain The between i(t) L and current for voltage = and C (a) Impedance diagram for \302\273dmi\342\200\234ancediagram \342\200\242(b) a capacitoris i(t) v(t)\n for\n L. as\n given dt\n (9-26)\n \342\226\240H\n The equivalent transform for the voltage equation V(s) = i cL [ ^ 1\n \302\253\n * J\n expression is\n (9-27)\n where initial voltage of the is the q(0+)/C is \ncharge polarity, \342\200\224 This Vo. i the of \nratio transform the Designating transform - /(\302\253) voltage the Vo/\302\253, is\n = 7(s) ' _L\n (9-29)\n Cs\n an equivalent charge thus has an initial with (9-28)\n ^ Vi(s) = V(s) + to the transform current 7(s) capacitor be written\n of Z(s) as voltage the to due which, + F(\302\253) = The capacitor may equation Chap.9\n FUNCTIONS ADMITTANCE AND IMPEDANCE 200 in \nshown \ncurrent my\n 9-7.\n Fig. of = for the equation expression /(\302\253) is combination this transform The The \342\200\224v(0+)/\302\253. of \nschematic V0zfcC\n source voltage a transform \nhaving 1/Cs impedance a with scries \nin an with diagram itf).\n transform\n 9-26 Eq. C[\302\253F(\302\253) - is\n K0+)]\n (9-30)\n lrc\n or\n - CeV(s) - 1(a) CF,\n (9-31)\n 9-7. Fig. \nC, (b) for diagram to transform - ^ the - an - the C70, becomes\n (9-32)\n transform equivalent of value Cs admittance /(\302\253) Ca CVo. This schematic of value source \ncurrent \nFor of representation /,(\302\253) voltage with an initial chargehasan The capacitor \nmatic Y(a) as V(s) current transform the Designating C.\n \nin current transform of \nratio diagram for (a) Impedance admittance in parallel sche\302\254 with a is shown in Fig. 9-7(b). capacitor,\n *w (9^>\n -mmn 9-3. Seriesand parallel combinations\n In \nseries, \nTo \nreserved this we will section, and parallel series-parallel schematic simplify for the consider resistor diagrams, together the impedance and combinations we with will admittance of of different elements. the use symbol normally the letters Z(a) or Y(e) to des\302\254\n FUNCTIONS\n ADMITTANCE AND IMPEDANCE 9-3\n Ait 201\n We will not consistentlyuse a transform broken \nthe zigzag impedance symbol, but either element symbol depending on which is most or the actual \nthis symbol the series combination Consider of ele\302\254 and \nconvenient descriptive. and the equivalent transform impedance in Fig. \nments shown 9-8(a) In Fig. 9-8(a), the same current i(t)\n in Fig. shown 9-8(b). \ndiagram a transform ign&te or admittance. impedance line for \t\n nnro^nnr \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 1>\\ Rt R\\ 1(\342\200\224|( \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 Ci \342\200\242\n \342\200\242 \342\200\242 Cj v(t)\n (\320\260) \nila)\n * '\302\273\342\226\240 V\\ArAAAr-\342\200\224WWW-\342\200\224-WWW\342\200\224*\n Zci Zi, ZLl Zr, Zr, zc,\n Vb)\n \342\226\240 '\342\226\240 I\n (\320\261)\n Fig. \nments. elements, sum = V(s) this Dividing of \nvoltage and so in Fig. VRl(s) Z(s) to v(t). + ele\302\254 of is,\n ... + ViM + by element each that V(s); equation I(s) ... + + VcM and recognizing that by the current divided \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 (9-34)\n the ratio for that of the is element have\n we \nimpedance, to networks.\n 9-8(b), J(s) is commonto all the sum of the drops of voltage law, Hence the transform of all voltages voltage is equal elements elements \nthe Impedance Kirchhoff\342\200\231s By all \nfor all in flows of series 9-8. = Zr,(s) + \342\200\242 \342\200\242. + + Zl^8) . \342\200\242 \342\200\242 + Zct(s) + ... (9-35)\n n\n or Z(\302\253) = V (9-36)\n Z\342\200\236(s) 1\n in \nelements It where n is the total number of series.\n be recognized that in performing such a summation, the are not being combined. Rather, only a characteristicfea\302\254 the element is being summed and added to (its impedance) of a of \ncharacteristic Consider 9-9(a) of elements, should \nelements \nture combination series a for and another element.\n next the parallel combination of elementsshown in equivalent transform form in Fig. 9-9(b).In in this Fig.\n net-\n \nis the Chap. 9\n is the same across all elements, andso F(s) the sum of\n From Kirchhoff\342\200\231s current law, drop v(t) voltage for all elements. same the work, FUNCTIONS\n ADMITTANCE AND IMPEDANCE 202\n (h)\n the currents \nthe network; that the and If this \nof the = \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 + *\302\243,(<) transform (9-37)\n is\n \342\200\242 \342\200\242. + + /c,(s) ... (9-38)\n it is recognizedthat the voltage transform is transform to transform equation \342\200\242 \342\200\242. by F(s) and is divided current + icXt) + ... + + ILl(s)+ ... + /o,(s) equation ratio the admit\302\254 results\n there \ntance, + iai(0 corresponding I(s) to supplied is,\n = i(t) networks.\n the total current is equal to elements the in of parallel Admittance 9-9. Fig. = Y(s) Yai(s) + \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 + + FLl(s) ... + YCl(s) \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 (9-39)\n + W\n or = Y(s) Yk(s) ^ (9-40)\n k~\\\n For a series-parallelnetwork,rules for admittance of \nand \nsingle equivalent with \nillustrated Example In \ntion the a until where n is the total of number in parallel.\n of elements \nall kinds of elements, combination a parallel for be can used a number successively or impedance the admittance. of impedance combination to reduce a networkto a This procedure will be of examples.\n 1\n series such circuit a time shown that switchK is a current 70 flowsin the in Fig. 9-10, the inductor held in and posi\302\254 the\n Art. 9-3\n is capacitor to \nthrown \nThe to charged I(s) transform \nmarked with RLC 9-10. Fig. find to is problem HJNUIUNb\n 203\n Vo. At that instant, the switch is the circuit to a voltage sourcev(t). voltage 6, connecting position AINU: AUMIII AND IMPEDANCE and so i(t). An circuit equivalent The circuit.\n Fig. 9-11. the and values of derivations \nthe \nrevised The \nOhm\342\200\231s law. V(S) iy_ current I(s) _ \nw Z(s) This transform \nthe corresponding \nthe current, may be found by the total transformvoltage total transform impedance. Then\n i(t) and + + L/o\302\253 Rs - F0 /n ^ }\n + l/C be expanded by partial fractions to find the inverse Laplace transformation. This can by found been system, a transform is given as V1(s) + LIo - Vo/s\342\200\234 sVris) R + Ls + 1/Cs Ls2 equation has \nsolution by the divided network the \nin I($), for 9-10.\n voltage source values are taken from given on pages 199 and 200. In this equivalent this section current the form, imped-\n diagram Equivalent \nimpedanceof Fig. ance diagram impedances is shown in Fig.9-11. without automatically the differential equation of initial the required incorporates writing \nconditions.\n 2\n Example network of the dual The the switch \nnetwork, of Example 1 is shownin Fig.9-12. K i is opened Fig. 9-12. rent \ni = \nthe \nalent at an instant when the In this cur-\n inductor Parallel RLC network.\n is charged to F0. At the same capacitor the transform of A2 is closed. It is requiredto find 0, the switch can be node so that v(t) determined. Fromthe equiv\302\254 voltage F(s) is 70 and admittance instant, the diagram shown in Fig. 9-13, the transform voltage\n is found F(s) Cs Y(s) 9-13. \ndomain CT0s + Cs2+ 1/Ls h /\302\253 ^on\n '\n ^ + Gs 1/L of Eq. 9-41 (and for admittance diagram \342\200\224 of could\n 9-12.\n Fig. by inspection). The correspondingtimecan be found by taking the inverse Laplacetrans\302\254 above transform has been expanded by partial the after \nformation s-^i(s) written v(t) voltage, _ of the transform Equivalent been have + G+ dual is the transform therefore \342\200\224 ^\302\260/s ^i(s) _ w Fig. Chap.9\n as\n t/y\302\253a \342\200\224 This FUNCTIONS ADMITTANCE AND IMPEDANCE 204 \nfractions.\n 3\n Example In \ntion \nmine this make use of the lawsfor the series combina\302\254 and the parallel combination of admittance to deter\302\254 shown in Fig. 9-14, it will the network be assumed\n we will example, of impedance current. In is initially relaxed (no current, no charge)and that = 0. It is requiredto find the current in the was closed at t \nthe switch The imped\302\254 I(s). \ngenerator i{t) by finding the transformof this current the 1-ohm of the branch resistor and \nance 2-henryinductoris\n containing that the network = Z(s) This \nThe impedance is in admittances be - + 2s (9-43)\n 2/s of the with the impedance parallel may 1 added directly. + 2s2 r. impedance from s + 2 +\n (9-44)\n \n2(2s The capacitor. Thus\n a to Zobis') & =\n is the 1 Yab(s) reciprocal = 2 (2s 2 s2 of the + + 1)\n admittance; thus\n 1)\n s -+- 2\n (9-45)\n total The resistor. i -z total This FUNCTIONS\n ADMITTANCE is now found by adding to Then the total impedance impedance 1-ohm the \nof AND IMPEDANCE 9-4\n Art. + in series impedance impedance is\n 5s + 4\n (9-46)\n 2s2 + + a + 2 2s2 the \302\243\342\200\236&(\302\253) _ 2s2 + +1) 2(2s i 1 205\n a 2\n + of the voltage with the transform source\n \342\226\240AAAr\n 2**+\302\253+2\n 9-16. Fig. of \npedance in shown is transform \nfor Fig. that 9-4. several When by Ohm\342\200\231s (9-47)\n 4)\n at t = 0 more somewhat the if or compli\302\254 theorem\n in a network, sources are present \nvoltage as far as sources, one by due \ntheorem law are involved.\n Norton\342\200\231s or current + or branch the current in at one node are concerned, may be taken into account due to ThGvenin* (and the dual of this theorem of all effect net \nthe and voltage problemis sources voltage theorem Thevenin\342\200\231s flowing through it at t = 0, the several since [(\302\253+ a current has is charged \ncapacitor \ncated, Z(s) diagram of 9-15.\n now be found 2(2s2 + s + 2)\n l)2 + 4](2s2 + 5s V(s) ~ inductor the If Equivalent is,\n ' . 9 -16. \nFig. The current may quantities; 1( IW Fig. 9-14.\n 9-16. Fig. for im diagram Equivalent the a to \nNorton).\n The network \n(less one One branch) \nactive and passive \nany \nsources\n Fig. that Suppose The \nnetwork. * shown are \nbox \nNorton Comptes of the Arbitrary elements\n network.\n in the current in one branchof a interested and the remainder of the network as single branch in Fig. 9-17. We will assume that the remainderof the\n we are was first theorem This \njournal, 9 -17. branch \ncontaining rendu*, Bell in Telephone a proposed by M. L. The dual of Laboratories.\n 1883. Thdvenin Thgvenin\342\200\231s in the theorem French scientific is due to E. L. IMPEDANCE AND 206\n is network of \nnumber a \nIf \nthat voltage the current source may as far as \nentire network \nalent \nbeing considered. If affecting the \nwithout to the net effect this onebranchis in the connected generator it contains an arbitrary waveform as a function of time. that in the branch under consideration andis in this branch is equal to zero at all time, be said to be an equivalentvoltage in source it is identical that \nthe sense 9\n Chap. inserted is now until \nadjusted of arbitrary sources voltage generator and complicated arbitrarily FUNCTIONS\n ADMITTANCE current no network. of all this With concerned. the in generators equiv\302\254 circuit, no current flows in the branch flows, the branch could be broken The voltage across the network termi\302\254 removed is the voltage the Thus the equivalent generator for polarity. \nalent generator except same as the voltage measured by removing the is the circuit the \nand considering voltage but of opposite open Now if the equivalent voltage generator is placed in the loop with all active sources within the \nconsidered polarity reversed, them with short circuits, and the could be removed \nwork by replacing will be the same as in the original in the branch The is of an equivalent \nconcept voltage source for a singlebranch, in Fig. 9-18. This is illustrated \nthe basis of theorem, in the to that of Fig. 9-17 as far as the is equivalent one \nwork and generator branch the with \nnals of equiv\302\254 branch \nvoltage polarity.\n being net\302\254 network. \ncurrent which Th6venin\342\200\231s net\302\254 current \nbranch is concerned.\n network The \n(less one \nall active One branch branch) sources \ncontaining \nany elements\n \nshort-circuited\n Fig. To time-domain. \nare \nonly to find the currents, the time domain. The and the resulting to the frequency convert Laplace network.\n equivalent far apply to time-domain are considered \nrents Th^venin\342\200\231s thus made statements The 9-18. transforms domain it is cur\302\254 voltages necessary for all time-domain quantities \ninvolved.\n we can say that by Th^venin\342\200\231s \ntheorem we network shown in Fig. 9-18with one have the equivalent one passive branch \nvoltage (although it is not necessarythat source, \nit be and with a network passive) containing passive elements only. \nWe in terms of an equivalent transform consider this network may and of network elements. These impedances \nvoltage by impedances be combined rules for series and parallel combinationpre\302\254 \nmay by the To \nviously summarize discussed. our Finally, discussion, the entire passive network may be made\n let and \nZtq(s) branch is given as\n in this current the Then 207\n Let this impedance be impedance. the branch being consideredbe Zfcr(s).\n transform a single of the Impedance to equivalent FUNCTIONS\n ADMITTANCE AND IMPEDANCE 9-4\n Art. AAAr\n Z^B)\n Vtq(s)\n =\n m (9-48)\n + Z\302\253q(s) \nalent for The equiv\302\254 in Fig. 9-19, does not the one than other branch. given shown circuit, \nhold branch any and over start As far as the current network \nthe as \n(1) the \nalent \nof transform a replaced open-circuit and (2) as branch \nimpedancefor current of dual Thevenin\342\200\231s the concerned, of remainder theorem is Norton\342\200\231s 9-17. The theorem. in current Once more the single being placing a current may in parallel with the branch and adjusting the current until the across the branch is zero. The voltage across the branch is the current from the network is just balanced by an \nsource \nvoltage \nzero because \nsite current the from \nall parallel current source. one active One branch) sources \342\200\242ejlfl\n Fig. source \nall sources \nand the Norton\342\200\231s equivalent branch elements\n network.\n a short circuit may be placedin parallel with the the network. The current in the shortcircuit affecting be zero, because there will be a current from the equiv\302\254 which cancels the current from the network. If exactly is zero, without actually 9 -20. across\n \ncontaining \nany \nremoved\n branch Since the voltage network The \nbranch to zero by oppo\302\254 \n(less \nalent be sources.\n be reduced considered \nbranch \nwill can theorem by an equivalent network having: source, the transform of that voltage terminals resulting from the removal shown in Fig. network \nconsider the the is necessary series transform impedance, an equiv\302\254 of the network from the terminals to that equal with all energy sources replaced by their internal for and infinite sources voltage impedance branch, \nimpedances\342\200\224zero The equiv\302\254 network.\n is needed, it Th&venin\342\200\231s in one branch is voltage the at impedance the be may \nappearing \nof Th&venin\342\200\231s transform \nalent follows:\n as \nstated theorem. the reapply 9-19. rig. current branch If another consideration. \nunder \nto to a only \napplies that this analysis be recognized must It Zbr(s)\n within equivalent the network current are replaced by their internal impedance source which caused the voltage across the\n FUNCTIONS\n ADMITTANCE AND IMPEDANCE 208\n Chap. 9\n (but with opposite direction) is placedin with the then this network, shown in Fig. 9-20,is \nparallel branch, to the network. This equivalent current source has \nequivalent original \nthe value and is found by short-circuiting the branch direction that \nin consideration and the current in the short circuit. In sum\302\254 measuring can be stated as follows:\n Norton\342\200\231s theorem \nmary, to reduce to branch zero As far as the voltageacross network the \nof transform a \nin short circuit an \nadmittance, and sources \nage transform net\302\254 equivalent internal their by \nreplaced across terminals the from \nwork an equivalent network having: the transform of that current the branch, and (2) as parallel to that of the admittance equal of the branch with all energy sources be replaced by current source, may a as \n(1) infinite in shown two admittances. is given voltage =\n 7(s) node basis network transform parallel unknown /\342\200\242,(\302\253)\n as a 9-21 Fig. The\n as\n m\n + YU*) Y(%) 1VW\n volt\302\254 sources.\n for current impedance and source current a for impedances\342\200\224zero impedance The equivalent networkis \nwith the remainder is concerned, branch any YU*)\n (9-49)\n Norton\342\200\231s network.\n \nform \ncuit, \nThese will operations Example The \nswitch reduce \nto an form the equivalent series simple illustrated of the current by two examples.\n is unenergized until the instant t be network of any can be cir\302\254 found. 4\n shown network K \nto the transform circuit this from and trans\302\254 equivalent will allow us theorems two These 9-21. Fig. It is required is closed. /?! to find the current = 0, the when flowing ii(t) in\n L]\n \302\253\342\200\224VA\342\200\224\n 10 1 ohms henry\n jr*1\n V _=. 100 volts\n 10 Fig. the resistor \nthe ohm, \nelement I2\302\273. The the henry, impedances 9-22. values and Two-loop given in Fig. ohms\n network.\n on the the farad. is shown 10 ohms\n schematic have the units of An equivalent schematic 9-23. Th&venin\342\200\231s theorem showing will be\n Ait \nthe 10-ohm impedance 9-23. Fig. the the of \nance and network series resistor; \ncircuited R%. The imped\302\254 thus\n 10(100/s) 1000\n _ s(s + + 10 10 + s (9-50)\n 20)\n with the voltage network source 100/s short- is\n + 10(s 10) (9-51)\n Zeq{$)\n \ns The net\302\254 9-22.\n by 10 ohms,the this current multiplying of the impedance for Fig. schematic Impedance VoeKS) The and L% simple series network, and the voltageacross will be the open-circuit voltage for the Th6venin is found by finding the current in\n This voltage network. \nequivalent containing 209\n is a remains that \nwork branch the disconnecting by applied FUNCTIONS\n ADMITTANCE AND IMPEDANCE 9-4\n current T/ 20\n is\n 1000/s(s Vqc(&) \\ W which 9-48, by Eq. transform, + 10(s + 10)/(s + Zeg(s) + ZUs) 20) \t\n + (s 20) + 10)\n to\n simplifies = s($2 This may equation s(s! With Ki, Ki, + and 40s - js ^ (s + time-domain -5 \nformation =\n s + 10 s current i(t) + 10) as\n K,\n (s + the current transform Kz evaluated, 3.33 The K, - g. + 300) m ^9\342\200\23453)\n 300) by partial fractions be expanded 1000 + 40s + { 30) becomes\n 1.67\n + s + is found by the (9-55)\n 30\n inverse Laplace trans\302\254 as\n i(t) = 3.33 - 5e-10\342\200\230 -f- 1.67e-*0<\n (9-56)\n '\n a As this check, ADMITTANCE AND IMPEDANCE 210\n reduces to the equation 9\n Chap. FUNCTIONS\n correct valuesfor initial and conditions.\n \nfinal 5\n Example in Fig. 9-24, it is requiredto find the current \nin the resistor R%. The equivalent impedance schematic is shownin Fig. It is assumed that the capacitor C2 is initially unchargedandthat \n9-25. at t = 0. Thevenin\342\200\231s theorem is applied at ter\302\254 switch K is closed \nthe \nminals shown network the In the and a-a', and equivalent voltage at\n impedance equivalent AAA/ 1\342\200\224\n Ao\n \342\200\224 -fe.\n *1 9-24. Fig. Fig. 9-25. network. Two-loop Th6venin\342\200\231s will be terminals these the of \ncombination The equivalent impedance is a found. of two impedance + (Ri =\n Z\342\200\236(\302\253) Ri current The /*(\302\253) Ri E2 through parallel thus\n 1/Cis)l/Czs\n + I/C2S\n 1/CiS (9-57)\n (Vo/s)(l/C2s)\n =\n Us) and\n branches; of\n equivalent 9-24.\n Fig. (9-58)\n 1/C2s\n \342\200\234b 1/CiS is\n Voc(s)\n =\n R2\n Zeq(s) V0/C1\n -f- RiRts2 \nC2 \nWith the that Suppose \342\200\224 8 pf, these Ri (R1/C2 following = 9 parameter -|- \342\200\234IR2/C1 network:Ci = = 75 5 megohms, and R* megohms, Vo Eq. values, 9-59 reduces 0.208 This h(s) \nThe inverse Laplace + 0.045) (s be expanded can equation = X transformation + volts. (9-60)\n 0.0077)\n to 1 0.0077 gives 8 pf, 10^6\n by partial fractions 10~#^\ns + = to\n 1 5.55\n X ^\n -f- I/C1C2 are given for the values (s R%/Ci)s give\n 1\n s + 0.045. \302\273*(<) as\n (9-61)\n Art. AND IMPEDANCE 9*4\n U{t) = 5.55 X which the is it \nrequired current. to start required is necessary 211\n FUNCTIONS\n ADMITTANCE - 10-#(e-\302\260-0077* e\"0 (9-62)\n 046')\n If the current in any otherbranchis over, applying Th^venin\342\200\231s theorem.\n READING\n FURTHER of the concept of complexfrequency,the and Seely, General Network Analysis to LePage \nstudent is referred Book Co., Inc., New York, 1952), pp. 189-193 and to \n(McGraw-Hill Feedback Network and Amplifier Design (D. Van Analysis \nBode, \nNostrand New 1945), pp. 18-30. For a discussionof York, Inc., Co., in \nthe direct use of transforms solving equations for a network,read in Linear Transients \nGardner and Systems (John Wiley & Barnes, New 1942), pp. 176-214.\n \nSons, Inc., York, For discussion further PROBLEMS\n that differential the For systems described equations follow, in the and \ndetermine the complex frequencies that appear solution, \ndesignate whether these frequencies are natural frequencies of the system or frequenciesdetermined \nby the passive parameters \nthe nature of the force. Call these two kinds of frequencies driving by will determined by \n\342\200\234free\342\200\235 and & * / \\ ^ 9-1\342\200\230 \342\200\234forced,\342\200\235 respectively.\n dt2 M + 1~ dt + + 4p 4- \t(p2 (b) 9-2- .di dH % + ^ + \302\253-al 9-4. 9-5. \nfigure. ^ + = Be~* sin t, p = d/dt\n *\342\200\242-\302\253\302\273<\n + 25? 4- i\\ De~2t 4* E sin 5i= 4- \342\200\224 3i2 the Consider Given 5)(p2 4- 2p 4* 5)y \302\253!' di\n (b) .\n Ae\n that + 25 = two vx{t) sin = ,\342\200\231 1 2 t, + 71\n e\342\200\234I\342\200\230sin3<\n + it ^ \342\200\224 = 3t\342\200\230i 1\n series circuits shown in the = sin for t 10% v2(t) = e-looo< L\n tfeU)\n (a)\n ib)\n Prob. 9-6.\n accompanying > 0, and C =\n AND IMPEDANCE 212\n 1 id. the Determine \n(b) the \nDiscuss \nfrequencies two the 9-6. Two black is known It \ntical. the that \nShow complex as (b) with Zin(s) = V'\302\273n(s)//,-n(s) shown network impedance, input \nthe the If 9-7. \nrent for J(s) be may ,, Prob. 9-9. \nnetwork In the reaches purely etc.\n flows Answer.\n v 9-7 for + l)(s2 s + 1)\n + 2s + the network shown + s(s (s2+ + 10(s2 \\ w Yf both\n cur\302\254 (s2 Repeat for 9-6.\n examined, w 9-8. R in uncharged and no current determine the transform of the generator shown in the accompanying figure. network the (a) y/L/C. are initially capacitors at t = 0, inductors = of distinguishing the measurements may be made, initial external Any conditions final \nand R and (a) the possibility Investigate network. \nresistive as = (6)\n Prob. (b) iden\302\254 externally shown (a) networks, (c) of circuits.\n each the 0. t > all for t2(l) L for (a) to hold, this problem in terms of the boxes with two terminals are that one box contains the network contains other \nthe meaning series = Chap.9\n of R and values required physical of FUNCTIONS\n to have ii(t) it is possible that Show (a) ADMITTANCE 4s + 2) (5s 13) (10s2 2)\n in the figure. + 6)\t\n + 18s + the switch K is in network, a steady state. Then at t \342\200\224 0, the given Answer.\n 4)\n positiona switch the until K is moved\n \nthe the \nin of Example 4,\n modified as shown \nstate in current using Rit find 10 9-9.\n Prob. Th&venin\342\200\231s with result this Compare steady existed, previously having \ntheorem. at t = 0, a closed is K the If figure. accompanying \nswitch \nthe been has 0-22, Fig. network The 9-10. capac\302\254 theorem.\n Thevenin\342\200\231s using \nitor, 0.5-farad the across voltage 213\n transform of b. Find the to position FUNCTIONS\n ADMITTANCE AND IMPEDANCE 9\n Chap. 10 Q\n Eq. 9-56.\n 9\n I\n ioov^-y\n 10 Q\n *3 <109\n i\n Prob. 9-11. The network in \nstudied \nand the 9-10.\n shown in the is 14). The input voltage Vi(Z) have the value R and load resistors of the transform that show theorem, input F,(S) (LC)*'* 9-12. In \nage \nalso a of pulse, + [\302\253(\302\253* network the chosen are pulse a 1-volt and such shown that amplitude L 4 s* y/iJLC in \342\200\224 CRf and find its amplitude the filter low-pass unit a Chap. \nThevenin\342\200\231s \nments is figure = step y/L/C- (to be function, By using the output voltage + 8s/LC + is\n 8/(LC)*'1\n sketch, the ele\302\254 R*. If Vx(t) is a volt\302\254 accompanying and R\\ = T sec duration, and time duration.\n show that Vj(f) is 10\n CHAPTER FUNCTIONS\n NETWORK the concept of transform and transform which was introduced \nadmittance in the last chapter be studied \nand extended. a function relating currents or voltagesat Further, of the network, called a transfer function, will be parts similar \nto be to the transform mathematically impedance function. In this chapter, impedance will \ndifferent found two \nThese 10-1. Terminalsand an Consider \nTo \nthe pairs\n made up entirely network nature general of a symbol \nnode in terminal arbitrary the indicate network functions.\n called are functions of the network, (or a box). If rectangle and brought out the network of passiveelements. let it be represented by a conductoris of the box for to fastened access, any of end the Terminals are required for connecting some other to the network, forces \nconnecting driving The or for making measurements. a load), (say the are is two. terminals of terminals that useful \nnumber Further, in pairs, one pair for a driving force, another pair the \nassociated are given the name terminal terminals etc. Two associated \nload, In Fig. 10-1 (a) is shown a symbolic representation of a network. The terminal pair is customarily two-terminal) (or \npair to a driving force and so is sometimes given the \nnected driving\n \nthis conductor is designated as a terminal. for minimum \nnetwork are for pair.\n one-terminal- con\302\254 name (6) la) Fig. point. Figure 10-1. Network 10-1(b) shows a (c)\n representations.\n two-terminal-pair network. The ter\302\254 connected to a driving force pair designated usually while terminal the \ninput) pair marked 2 is usually connectedto a The number of terminal pairs in a networkcan \n(as an output). \nwithout limit: 10-1 (c) shows a representation of an n-terminalFig. network. All the discussion in this chapter, however, will be 1 is \nminal (or load increase con\302\254 \npair \ncerned with one- and two-terminal-pair 214\n networks.\n 10-2. Driving-point transform The FUNCTIONS\n NETWORK 10-2\n Art. immittances\n current the defined as the that is,\n has been impedance to \ntransform 215\n transform; voltage V(8)\n -\n Z(s) ratio of the (10-1)\n m\n admittance is definedas Similarly, the transform m\n =\n Y(s) ratio\n the (10-2)\n V(s)\n \nimpedance \nterminals. transform The impedance a driving-point Because of the \navoid writing driving-point terms \nimpedance \nof bosm In this of \nbe + his\342\200\235*-1-|- \nis a \norder order will we the two Figure bm\n integers).\n numerator m and polynomial The polynomials may \302\260\342\200\224 \342\226\240AAA\342\200\224annr\342\200\224,\n R in Ls\n 2(sl\n Cs\342\200\242\n o \t\n \nform impedances marked \nance is\n Z(s) = ~J\n an RLC series 10-2 shows network or\n there that \302\253\\\n al\302\254 polynomials. one-terminal-pair Z(s) are m polynomial. 1 Example of quotient an + bm-is + order of the difference the in .. and zero, including later show restriction . denominator the of #any of combination in the form of a fln-is of s (n n is the equation, order \nthough admittance.\n This algebraic function flis\342\200\235-1 function a rational is the 1/Cs) -f- apsn \nis and or an found by combining or admittance terms (Cs, G, and or dividing. immittance in an are quantities as\n \npolynomials which and to (and of impedance (a multiplying, results terms two admittance\342\200\235), the and R, (Ls, adding, by \n1/Ls) admittance and impedance combination is thus an impedance immittance of a network is immittance An The of immittance name, \nadmittance). (or admittance).\n impedance similarity \342\200\234impedance one \nassigned admittance or transform relate to the same pair of found at a given terminal must admittance and called is \npair that define and current transform transform The voltage with , r\302\273, R r + Ls + z(\302\253) = element. each for L ^1^7^ nrtwork. trans\302\254 *.+ 1 Jr = LCs2 The driving-point + RCs \t\n+ jr imped\302\254 1\n (10-4)\n R*Jk\302\261}lMl\n S\n (10-5)\n 216\n polynomial for this The numerator \nond is of first polynomial of sec\302\254 order.\n shunted network n/ \\ w this complicated network consisting of a series a capacitor. The driving-point impedance is\n a more shows 10-3 Figure In is driving-pointimpedance 2\n Example \nRL denominator the while order, Chap.10\n FUNCTIONS\n NETWORK by 1 _ \342\200\234 + Cs + Ls) 1 /{R _\" 1 C s2 + s -I- R/L ...\302\273\n U + Rs/L the numerator is of first function, second order. The driving-pointadmit\302\254 is the reciprocal of Eq. 10-6.\n this network driving-point impedance is of the denominator \norder and \ntance function Y(s) for 2\n 1\n The \nAlthough \nminal pair and \ntion terminal of a quantity (1) several ratio The The \nfer (3) The ratio having at one of one voltage or the to another voltage, of one current to another current, or ratio of one current voltage current the to another voltage or trans\302\254 \nterminal-pair, and terminal computing one to voltage current.\n transfer function for a voltage or current 10-4 \nsymbol G(s). If terminal pair 2 of Fig. In networks with Such The \nsero.\n network.\n ratio.\n \nanother * Two-terminal-pair ratio.\n \ntransfer (2) 10-4. terminal pair to the transform ofanother terminal pair is given the name transferfunction.* forms for transfer functions in electric networks:\n another at are \nThere Fig. a network is shown in Fig. 10-4. pairs. immittances at terminal pair 1 and ter\302\254 the driving-point we are also interested in theratioof excita\302\254 2 are of interest, for the two terminal response pairs. The function relatingthe two \ntransform \nquantity 2.\n function is identified of a transfer concept least of Example functions\n Transfer 10-3. \nat Network 10-3. Fig. '\n 1/LC the transfer pair 1 is designated function, all initial ratio is the output is designated the input, conditionsare the assigned assumed then the\n to be 10-3\n Art. ru~\\ GW a ratio such \nterminals, transfer The \nmhos. immittance \ndriving-point \nFor since but \nimmittance, ^2(5)\n VIW VdW\n (10-7)\n or current to voltageis are not measured at the same the two quantities a transfer immittance in ohmsor is designated imfhittance is given the same symbol as the with to identify the terminals. subscripts dimensionally example,\n = Zls(s) identifies \nsecond \ndetermined \nas This vider. the 61s\"*-1 + \n60s\" has the same + ... + ... + -|- an (10-9)\n bm\n general form as the driving- 8\n network two-terminal-pair in as 1 \342\200\234I<Zis\" function.\n immittance Example \nFi(s) thus function transfer \nshown numerator the ctoSn =\n Q(S)\n The (10-8)\n ^ of polynomials,\n G(s) \npoint r\342\200\236(\302\253) quantity and the The transfer function is quantity. and can always be reduced to immittances network the by quotient The = and identifies subscript denominator the first the where \na VU8) is\n to current of voltage ratio 217\n output to the input ratio of the voltage transfer The FUNCTIONS\n NETWORK the 10-5 Fig. a voltage in the current no Two-terminal-pair net-\n work,\n di- as acts 10-6. transform. voltage network marked and F2(s) voltage input output With has terminals, the voltage equations output \nare\n + ltl(s) ~ /(\302\253) = (10-10)\n F^s) ->,(.)\n ^/(s) (10-11)\n The ratio of these equations is\n G(s) =\n V*(s) \nV, (l/Cs)/(s) (.R (s)\n + l/Cs)/(s) 1 or\n G(S) _ =\n \ns + 1\n RCs + 1\n (10-12)\n /RC 1 IRC\n (10-13)\n FUNCTIONS NETWORK 218 and order zero \nof Example order.\n 4\n The Example \nIt is the resistor has been to write Kirchhoff\342\200\231s equations that 1 except not necessary this network is \ntransfer function, since the for function transfer =\n G(s) or\n Ls is of + above as a essentially inductor. divider. voltage LCs2 + (10-14)\n 1\n \nl/LC\n s2 the to find 1\n 1/Cs =\n G(s) + (10-15)\n l/LC\n is of zero The numerator polynomial replaced by an 1/Cs F2(s) is similarto that ratio becomes\n voltage Fi(s) \nnomial in Fig. 10-6 shown network two-terminal-pair \nof \nThe has a numerator polynomial polynomial of first function transfer a denominator This network. this for Chap. 10\n the and order, denominator poly\302\254 order.\n second \342\226\240Kr\n o\t\n \342\200\224ORRP 4\342\200\234\n i\342\200\224\342\200\224o 1\n 1\n Cs\n 1\n 0\n o\342\200\224l same The one can network voltage-divider current shows 10-7 \nFigure be loop such \n1 v2w\n 1 O\n 1-\n Network of Example5. combined can be used with concept the transfer Ri\n =\n Cs = G(s) (10-16)\n 1 / Ri\n \342\200\224f\342\200\224 Ri =\n RiRiCs 4- RiRiCs may be reduced G(s) 1\n Ri\n Vt(8)\n Fl(s) \nG(s) 4- RiCs becomes\n function or\n more the network by using network reduction. a network. The transform impedances Ri and into an equivalent impedance having the value\n 1 which 1 in Zeq(s) Then |\n >R2 \n1 \t\n Fig. 10-7. network. Two-terminal-pair > 5\n \nExample \n1/Cs VXW \n1\n 1 10-6. Rl\n 1 \n1\n o\342\200\224\n 4-\n \nthan V^(s) 0\n h\n 1\n | 1\n Fig. 1 i\n 1\n __ Fife)\n \t\n O \ni\n Ls\n + Zeq(s)\n 4Ri (10-17)\n Ri\n -t- (10-18)\n Ri\n to\n =\n s s -|- (Ri 4~ 4~ 1/RiC Ri)/RiRiG\n \t\n (10-19)\n 10-4\n Art. 219\n FUNCTIONS\n NETWORK transfer function, the order of the numerator and \ndenominator are the same. This particular network finds \nin servomechanisms where it is known as a \342\200\234lead\342\200\235 network.\n In this \ndenominator \nbe 1 + Cl\\8n + \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 + \nboSm + biSm~l + ... + bm-i8+ the in (s (s \n8i, values \nthe Si, - s2, ..., are zeros \ntwo equations its \nby are that and zeros, function becomes infinite.These called poles of the network function. Poles in network theory; a comparison of the last function is completely specified a network the scale factor.\n possibilitythat of roots to corresponding roots, \nmultiple Such complex s has the When sm, the network important There is the s has variable the function. network the roots the and factor, vanishes. function network the s\342\200\236, shows poles, (10-21)\n When ..., sb, \nand scale ... are complexfrequencies. frequencies \ncomplex Sn)\n known as the of So, -<>)...(*- \342\200\224 \342\200\224 8m)\n s\342\200\236)(s \302\253*)...(\302\253 \nfrequenciesare called zeros \nvalues into its n roots, and the its m roots, the equation can 8b, s0, ..., \302\2532, - Si)(a is a constant = a0/60 H (10-20)\n bm\n form\n H where into is factored polynomial written fln-lS is factored as\n + On gpsn polynomial of polynomials of a quotient the form have functions numerator the application zeros\n network All If and Poles 10-4. of the order 10-21 Eq. may of the form a factor Such coincide. (s \342\200\224 sq)r, are or zeros (depending on location in the numerator or = that r \ndenominator) of order r. For a nonrepeated root, such 1, the or said zero is to be simple.\n \npole Both zero and infinitevaluesof s are possible pole or zero locations. \nFrom 10-21 it is seen that:\n Eq. as poles \ndescribed s= (1) When n > m, (2) When (3) When < = n n \302\253is a pole of order is a zero of order m, s = = co is neither a zero m, s <\302\273 n m \342\200\224 m.\n \342\200\224 n.\n a nor pole but an ordinary \npoint.\n for If, any are \ninfinity \nthe \nthe total number network into account of zeros is equal taken function, poles and zeros at zero and in addition to finite poles and zeros, network rational to the total number of poles.Forexample, function\n (s + l)(s + \ns3(s 2 + jl)(s + '+ 5)\n 3\(\302\253") + 2 -j 1) (10-22)\n five has \nS3 = 10\n \342\200\224 = \342\200\2242 five poles. The zeros are at Si = \342\200\224 1, s2 jl, and s* = s8 = \302\273. The occur at the fre\302\254 poles complex jl, = = Sb on the s\302\253 plotted Chap. and zeros \342\200\2242 + \nquencies \nare FUNCTIONS\n NETWORK 220\n sc = sg 0, Sd \342\200\224 \342\200\2243, s complex plane (s = = <r \342\200\2245.These + ju) in Fig. poles and zeros 10-8. The real\n JO)\n 2 zeros\n /\n 00 <\342\200\224 \302\256\n >1\n 3 poles\n +<r\n -4 -5 \342\200\2422 -1 -3\n \no\n Fig. The 10-9. \nplex is part The \naxis. \nzero. the location of a zeros becomes \nfunction At other plane, the <r axis, and the imaginary part along the ja is used to the location of a zero and the O designate symbol and Poles network function plottedinthe com\302\254 showing two poles and one zero.\n of a along plotted x for \nsymbol magnitude frequency -A\n Poles and zerosin the s plane.\n io-8. ng. - frequencies. At poles the network at zeros the network function becomes while the network function has a finite,\n frequencies, designate infinite, complex pole.\n critical 10-4\n Art. \nFig. 10-9, three-dimensional for one represented \nplane in shown Fig. finite one \npoles, at zero \norder The x\n function zero represents the which at frequency or up\342\200\235 \342\200\234blowing 10-10. Fig. opposite place: the network \nbehavior takes \nEither Ju\n a frequency network the \n\342\200\234blows up.\342\200\235The \na complex infinity.\n pole represents which \nat oo \342\200\242*o3 zeros a third- and zero, finite in shown ..\n * particufour the of - ni\302\273n\302\253 is 10-9 Fig. has function network of complex frequency is portion This 10-10. of the magnitude of the s plane. The quadrant in 221\n representation function as a function transfer the lar A value. nonzero \nof FUNCTIONS\n NETWORK for Fig. function becomes sounds like 10-9.\n at nothing nothing\342\200\235 \342\200\234becoming s plane all. drastic rather network function.VWemight if it would not avoid poles and zeros, to select networkfunctions wise to completely or zeros. Such is not the case at all. Polesand are poles \nthe lifeblood of a function; without poles and zerosthe reduces \nbehavior for the wonder \nbe \nwithout zeros function a \nto \nunder grubby drab, dull, any of \nrepresentation \nmathematical \nzeros desert\342\200\224absolutely springs concepts \ns the Consider of spectacular peaks (elevation: \302\253) and (elevation: 0). This picture will becomecleareras we with the aid of poles and zeros of network behavior function for a voltage ratio\n transfer a land have we and \nbeautiful \nstudy network the not change and the three-dimensional poles zeros, function becomes a tedious expanse of flat. But add a few poles and a few Without conditions. does which function constant\342\200\224a = GW (10-23)\n G(s)Vin(s) (10-24)\n tSkt which may be written\n = Vout(s) In the usual \nthe network. \nlast equation fraction \npartial \nno repeated problem, vin(t) is specified, and problem \nFtn(s)- from is to V\n l p computed find the response, vout(t). When the is expanded by partial fractions, the denominator of each term a pole of either G(s) or Vin(s);that is, with gives roots in the denominator of Vout(s)\n The P where can be G(s) is the Perfornung number the of poles of inverse ^ \302\243 *=1\n G(s), and Laplace v is (10-25)\n s the transformation number of poles of this equation\n of FUNCTIONS\n NETWORK 222\n Chap. 10\n gives\n p = Voul(t) = \302\243,~'G(s)Vin(s) V\n + ^ the the natural complex frequenciescorrespond\302\254 The frequencies sk are the driving-forcecomplex The poles therefore oscillations. to forced Sj are frequencies oscillations. to free \ning corresponding \nfrequencies \ndeterminethe waveformof the since \nresponse, response, the out\302\254 of each part of the the magnitude of K, and Kk in the par\302\254 the magnitude determine as we shall see.\n they fraction \ntial of the variation time determine zeros The voltage. \nput (10-26)\n *-i\n y-1\n Thus Kke^ \302\243 expansion, immittances, poles and zeros have easily = a pole of Z(s) implies Since \nvisualized Z(s) V(s)/I(s), meanings. which means an open circuit.A zero for a finite voltage, \nzero current or a other hand, means no voltage for a finitecurrent, \nof Z(s), on the an network is Thus a one-terminal-pair \nshort circuit. open circuitfor for zero a circuit and short frequencies. This can be frequencies \npole of driving-point terms In \nvisualized \nthe the \nat \n= Ls at circuit \nshort zero s 1 = at s = and frequency as an behaves a short circuitat the driving-point \302\273) function as an open open circuit infinite fre\302\254 impedance element this and a capacitor, network This /Cs. <\302\273.It 0) and as inductor, s = 0, pole at (zero an for Likewise, \nquency. (to = frequency pole \342\200\224 Z{s) a zero at = 0 and at s a pole \nhas is impedance driving-point element networks. For of single terms in easily circuit at Z(s) as a behaves infinite \nfrequency.\n on Restrictions 10-5. The and poles in \nlocation the in \nterms of \nnation \n(the only \nered are \npoles \nfunctions, and R, way made zeros and L, to the of the aoSn + (a<>, Oi, each because \nfollows OiSn ..., of these form\n 1 -f- ... numerator \ntance functions on\342\200\224is~h an (10-27)\n which are positive coefficients is determined on) and real. This by some combi\302\254 and real C, and these parameters must be positive (2) The networksbeingconsid\302\254 they appear in nature). elements only. The rules for location of up of passive are different for driving-point functions and for transfer so will be considered separately.\n and Driving-Point Immittance Functions. \nboth s-plane\n functions have limitationsas their These restrictions follow from twofacts:(1) polynomials coefficients have in zeros of network s plane. the and zero locations pole and are denominator positive and (1) Since the coefficients of polynomials of driving-point immit\302\254 real, poles and zeros are eitherreal\n 10-5 Art. or in occur \nArt. This pairs. conjugate 223\n was discussed in more detail in 6-3.\n All (2) a pole \ntive, \342\200\224 sa), where s\342\200\236 If and imaginary part, sa = <r\302\253. + jo>\342\200\236<rB is posi\302\254 give rise to a time-domain factor (by findingthe will pole \ninverse (s a real having this factor a denominator Consider parts. immittance functions have of driving-point zeros and poles real \nnegative \nis FUNCTIONS NETWORK of the transformation) Laplace form\n = Kae,at (10-28)\n term (e*at) increases exponentiallyas t increases.For in Z(s), a pole the voltage would increase without limit for any \nsuch for such a pole in Y(s) the current would \ncurrent and increase input, limit for any voltage input. Since this cannot happenphys\302\254 \nwithout in the network, the poles and zeros with elements \nically only passive a immittance function \nof have negative real parts. In driving-point in and zero location the of s plane, all polesand zeros \nterms must pole half and in the left can never occur in \nbe the half plane (LHP) right and Poles zeros can be on the boundary (the \nplane (RHP). jot axis) limitations we to the discuss next.\n \nsubject and zeros on the j<a axis of the s plane (corresponding Poles to (3) The exponential radian \nreal the \nconsider made a network for \npossible limit without increase \nterms listed in (2). Multiple polesgiveriseto type (t cos ut), (t sin ut), etc., and such as t increases. Such an increase is not up of passive elements only. For example, transform following pair.\n ^ w2)2 (s2 transform wt to two poles corresponds expression sin = \302\243_1 The reason for this be simple. The of the functions domain always as that same the is \nrestriction \ntime will frequency) (10-29)\n at time domain factor of the transformpairis \n+jo). The a \342\200\224 jca at two and increas\302\254 linearly sinusoid.\n \ning poles Multiple of \nhalf s plane, the the having \ntne~at, and zeros are permitted since such poles required at other locationsin give rise to zero limit since\n lim tne~al = terms of the the left form 0\n oo\n t\342\200\224> n by finite for (4) \nnomial \nunity. \nalgebraic The for If rule.\n l\342\200\231Hospital\342\200\231s polynomial and denominator function can differ at most driving point immittance immittance function is found without driving-point this restriction will always be observed. It can, order a the error, of the numerator poly\302\254 by how\302\254\n NETWORK 224\n under \nlisted \ninfinite above. (2) We frequency. visualize usually sinusoidal \nincreasing Starting frequency. \ngenerators, we next Chap. 10\n a requirement which follows from the restriction we must further discuss the meaningof First, to be shown be ever, FUNCTIONS\n high frequency in with conventional visualizean audio radio a oscillator, terms of an 60-cycle frequency frequency oscillator, and then, somewhere This is a rather nebulous and infinite frequency. \nbeyond, but it is the best we have. In terms of the s plane, have \nconcept, \nfollowed It the jo> axis from a value near the originon to infinity. axis. not to follow the Following any other necessary path in the will lead us to infinity, and once there we are get plane eventually the same as if we had followed the ju axis. In place words, one frequency, and is reached by \ninfinite is just frequency direction from the origin of the s plane. Infinity is a \nany point not be infinity). We can say that the s planeis not \n(or it would to earth. the at is similar the Let north pole a sphere, plane at the the s the north of plane. Standing origin pole, s not too unreasonable since it is of looks which is really \nplhne flat, of infinite But if you go far enoughin radius. direction sphere \nfrom the north south which pole of the s plane, you end up at pole, from the north pole of thes far removed one point infinitely if infinity Now is only one point in the s plane,it the ja date line in the s world). \naxis (sort of an international item by (3), zeros on the axis mustbe and and zeros poles \npoles jo simple. immittance for a driving-point function must be simple.* infinity at we can get a simple pole or a simple is to only way infinity exceed that of the denominator the order of the numerator and have the order of the a pole at infinity, for \nunity \nexceed that of the numerator This by unity for a zero at when you compute the driving-point is satisfied \nrule automatically is If it function. not, you have made an algebraic The restrictions Functions for transfer Transfer for Output/Input. are not as those for driving-point immittances, so rigid is determined the transfer function as the ratio oftwo in one network. The restrictions at different be \nquantities points to those for driving-point immittance functions \ngiven by analogy a microwave \noscillator, far lies hazy we out \nis jn> we \ns other \nat traveling unique really all\342\200\224it \na the \nrepresent part \na any the \nis plane.\n includes But Hence \nat \nThe zero \nhave by denominator infinity. \nimmittance mistake.\n \nfunctions \nbecause different will and same the \nin (1) This \nzeros The * this This also holds for transfer functions. and real or occur in conjugate of a transfer function must have negativereal does not hold for the zeros. zeros with network restriction either are (2) \nbut order.\n poles restriction is intended Poles pairs.\n parts, A to be only a suggestiveor heuristic proof.\n in\n Art. 10-6\n the left half the \nin This (3) the on For (4) \ntor order this In transfer its \ndriving-forces. \ncurrent J(s), pole and zero plot\n from the behavior show that the time-domain behaviorof a from the s plane plot of the poles and zeros be determined of the transform of the active-source function and those transform that the of some variable, say a Suppose and the poles and zeros are determinedas\n is found, we will section, can \nsystem order may Time-domain 10-6. the order of the numera\302\254 functions, of the denominator by one. However,the be any value less than that of the denominator.\n transfer the exceed \nnumerator \nof zeros only is classified as minimumphase;thosewith half plane are nonminimum phase.\n for transfer restriction holds function poles. Poles and will be axis simple.\n fa always (output/input) may 225\n plane right \nzeros FUNCTIONS\n NETWORK = m P(s) = where\n (s H (s \nQ(s) (10-30)\n 7(a)\n \342\200\224 Si) - (s \342\200\224 .(s s2).. \342\200\224 sn) (10-31)\n \342\200\224 s\342\200\236)(s sm)\n shown in Art. 10-4 that the polesof this function \ntime-domain behavior of i(t). It was suggestedthat of each of the terms of i(t). In the \nmine magnitude It was the determine zeros the this deter\302\254 we section, these \nwill amplify by showing how i(t) can be concepts of the poles, the zeros, and the scalefactor a knowledge \nfrom ratio f and the undampednatural of the damping In terms discussed on page as 104, the poles and zeros of the last \nquency, determined H.\n fre\302\254 co\342\200\236 the have will \nequation *1, Si = \nin \nlines \nare s plane, the through \nof fan\n \302\261 fan Vl \342\200\224 f*\n - r < i\n (10-32)\n r > i\n (10-33)\n = i\n (10-34)\n = o\n (10-35)\n Si, Si = \342\200\224 Si, Si = \342\200\2240)n\n r Si, Si = \302\261fan\n r fan\n \302\261 o>\302\273 Vf2 \342\226\240\n are circles on page 105 that contoursof constant \302\253\342\200\236 that contours of constant damping ratio are straight the and that contours of constant damping {fan) origin, lines straight \nparallel \342\200\224 also shown was It forms.\n following to the oscillation, parallel a axis of the to the ju axis of s planearelines \342\200\224 Vl \302\253\342\200\236 \302\243l. These of facts are the s plane. constant summarized Further, actual lines frequency in Fig. 10-11.\n 226 NETWORK the \nof s plane can be in terms of f and response poles in the of the location The time-domain general = i(t) w\302\273.\n (10-36)\n + the use of the contoursof To illustrate terms in interpreted A',e(_r\"\"+w\"v/f7:r3)\342\200\230 10\n Chap. FUNCTIONS consider 10-11, Fig. s-plane\n the array of\n jej\n (d I\n <*,; \nf and + un 2fw\302\253a in shown of \npair actual Fig. 10-12 sa* and Typical plane.\n poles in the real part and se \nof decreasing for of \nmately the same corre\302\254 So* is higher than that just as the damping (or rate is less for s\302\253 and amplitude) sc and sc*. The natural fre\302\254 sc*, \nquency oscillation the two same, radius pole pairs is approxi\302\254 since they are on about from the origin. The \ndifferencein actual frequency to a lower damping ratio for sa and and different from the conjugate pairs just ss are quite to the overdamped They correspond case, and have of \ntion is The \nconsidered. due poles of \302\261 \302\253\342\200\236 \\/l~\342\200\224J*- 8a and to \nof \nthe of frequency \ns0* than \n8 lines u = (zeros have been omitted for clarity). The the pair se and sc* correspondto oscillatory\n in the time domain. The expressions \nsponding 10-12. (-\\/l any \342\200\224 \302\243*/\302\243); second-order characteristic equation by the \nactual Fig. radius constant \342\204\242 0.\n \302\253,* + and s\302\253 poles (a) \342\200\224 tan-1 \342\200\224 fw\342\200\236 (or *= <r of oscillation frequency defined are line damping \302\253 plane: line 0 ratio damping negative constant (d) \na* poles (b) constant \n(c) \na); constant in the contours Constant 10-11. Fig. \n=\342\226\240 oscilla\302\254 sa*.\n s\302\273 an\n Ait. 10*6\n \nthe for than sti Sb is pole sb. From another than that greater to each pole \ncorresponding for for \npoles tit) As \ngive is found = Kae+ usual, the factor. each for by adding Fig. 10-13 terms response an for the s arbitrary\n plane\n amplitudes).\n The total response correspondingto each of the individual factors as\n Ka*e>\302\260'\342\200\230 + + K*e^ Kce^ + Kbe^ + to conjugate pairs corresponding sinusoidal damped time-domain s\302\253j. Typical is shown in (arbitrary amplitude damping is greater point of view, the time constant Response comparison for various polesin 10-13. Fig. 227\n time domain. The in the form decay exponential \nfor FUNCTIONS\n NETWORK Kde*\302\253 these (10-37)\n will combineto expressions.\n remains the problem of determiningthe multiplying constant for each of the terms (or modes). The startingpoint \n(or magnitude) 10-31. To find the time-domain response correspondingto \nEq. \ntransform we expand equation, by partial fractions. Hence\n - There I(s) = Any the of ~ Kr Ka + 8 ... \342\200\224+ S Sa Sb say A-coefficients, + S -4Sf Ar, can be .... + is this Km\n 5 (10-38)\n $tn\n found by the Heaviside as\n \nmethod v ' - \342\200\224 u *i)(* (\302\253 \" Is \342\200\224 So). -\302\253\302\273)...(\302\253 . . (S-\342\200\224-S;) . . . (s - s\302\273)\n (10-39)\n \342\200\224 Sm)\n +\302\253r\n NETWORK 228 Eq. 10-38 gives the s in sT for Substituting (Sr This both \nwhere \ntwo in \nwritten form polar for Sn)\n - (10-40)\n Sm)\n (sr as\n 8n) = - (10-41)\n is where Mnris the magnitude the phasor and (ar \nangle of the same phasor. The differenceof the complex and in Fig. 10-14 (other poles and zeros 8h is illustrated \342\200\224 *\342\200\236), of the <f>\342\200\236r two for again \nthe phase \nrespect angle to the <t> 10-40 are 10-40, the V =* The easily found. of Kr is value \342\200\224 If r as interpreted and magnitude and so all In terms of seen to a phasor with measured \302\253r, phase of the factor terms of this general type M and <t> for each factor in become\n . .Mnr MirMuMlr. and the distance from s\342\200\236 to sr; of the linefromsnto measured, easily is Mnr is magnitude line. 0 \342\200\224 \302\253*) (sr is the angle thus \nEq. The to #\342\200\236 sr. \342\200\224 are *\302\273) Eq. term The clarity). \ndirected from \nin omitted\n and phase of (\302\253r\342\200\224 \302\253\302\253) (other poles diagram.\n (a) polar diagram; (b) string 10-14. Magnitude \nzeros omitted): phase quantities are \n\302\253r \n(sr Kr.\n of (*r nr 10\n of the general form sn), known complex numbers. The difference is another number which may be complex numbers complex followingvalue of factors is composed sn are 8, and equation - \342\200\224 So)(\302\253r Chap. 82) . . ,j(ST Sb). . . (Sr $l)(&r (&r ij jy FUNCTIONS ..)\n (10-42)\n MarMbrMCT...Mnre\n This equation \noperations \nuated. \nby a (1) gives Kr as a indicated by this the Determining \tPlot \ncomplex the poles 8 plane.\n By which and performing the the constant Kr can be in Eq. 10-42 is readily accomplished may be outlined equation, quantities procedure graphical magnitude and phase. zeros of eval\302\254 as:\n /(\302\253) = P(s)/Q(s) to scale on the Art. 10-6 Measure (2) and Measure and An \ndure. Suppose /(\302\253) evaluate Kr.\n \342\200\224 \342\200\224 1 origin, and H transform has current The 5. as given 10-42 and so Eq. proce\302\254 s poles at the a zero \342\200\2243 and \nand this has of the other finite sr.\n into quantities illustrate will example \nis these Substitute (4) pole given other finite \302\253f.\n angle from each the compute) zeros to a (or \npoles pole given 229\n from each of the distance the compute) zeros to a (or \npoles (3) FUNCTIONS NETWORK 0r\n \342\200\224M-\n -1\n -3\n form\n \nthe \342\200\235 Pole-zero 10-15. Kg. \342\200\224|\342\200\224 \342\200\224|\342\200\224 3) l)(s configu\302\254\n ration.\n \ntial \nto is easily can but function This fractions, is seen it 10-15, Fig. by par\302\254 expanded be evaluated as also that\n M oie,>#l More*\" = Ki = H\n = le,l80, = ieiHl \nMz Hence\n outlined above. Referring (10-44)\n (10-45)\n 2e,\342\200\2300,\n 5 X =\n ie+'180\302\260 (10-46)\n -2.5\n \nMz ief*n\n Similarly,\n 3g/18\302\260*\n = Kz 5 H\n X\n Since the poles determinethe the for write \nwe since \nand zero have we locations, (in case this neper (10-48)\n evaluated from a as a of knowledge the pole solution,\n particular i(t) = 2.5e_< + 7.5e~3t this discussion and with the aid Eq. \342\200\224 From frequency), = Ktf-' + Kze~u Kz have been K\\ and (10-47)\n 7.5\n solution,\n general i(t) and frequency = 2^nos\n Mize\342\200\231*1*\n of (10-49)\n 10-40, the of influence can be visualized. Consider one response If all other say Fig. poles and zerosin the s plane \npole, sr, \nremain in position and the zero s\342\200\236 the fixed is of a moved, proximity is seen by Eq. 10-42 to reducethe magnitude \nzero to a pole of the \n^-coefficient associated with the complex frequency of the pole sr. from of a pole to sr is seen to have the Eq. \nAgain, 10-42, proximity \na time-domain the on zero 10-14. in \nopposite \nand \ncoefficient effect\342\200\224since of proximity Kr. pole another When the magnitudes pole zero in appear to sr increases is s\342\200\236 moved so the denominator\342\200\224 the magnitude of the close to sT that they\n 230\n the coincide, \nular to Kr reduce the value zero caned and and pole zero.\n Chap. FUNCTIONS\n NETWORK of the 10\n partic\302\254 of the ^-coefficient corresponding to a particular determined \npole by the proximity of both poles and zeros.If, can be \nin the of a network, the position of the polesand zeros design pattern:\n they should be selected according to the following \nselected, The magnitude thus is Select (1) \nin pole locations to give the complex frequencies.\n of terms Fix the position of the zerosin \nmagnitudes of the various K (2) required time behavior.Do this the to plane complex the adjust coefficients.\n \nof the graphical interpretation of the position for the case of nonrepeated (orsimple) and zeros was discussed In the case of multiple poles, it is suggested that expansion by a rather than modification of be followed the fractions seeking discussed to fit the new case.\n that have been be should It poles \npoles. \npartial \nprocedures that network functions for for finding Procedure 10-7. noted general two-terminal-pair \nnetworks\n For the networks, two-terminal-pair complicated of computation become \ntransfer functions and driving-point immittances quite In this section, we will discuss systematic procedures \ninvolved. may for functions.\n network such \nfinding of network can be thought of as made \nnumber of one-terminal-pair networks. There up Any of a combination the is no unique rule for\n Z3\n 10-16. ng. Grouping \nalternate the dividing \nponents. \nthe \ncases. The arbitrary of certain network in impedances However, voltage of elements in network such series a and to form admittances in network a system of parallel.\n into elementary one-terminal-pair com\302\254 in is made on the basis of interest a division nodes of Fig. in certain branchesin 10-16, for example, is groupedintoa or the current many num\302\254\n Art. 10-7\n ber of transform the can \nFig. 10-17. and combination parallel each of the one-terminal-pair Z(a) or the transform admittance impedance This computed. Such combination be \nY(s) in for a number of examples is accomplished by the usual rules for discussed earlier.\n of immittances is illustrated Several two-terminal-pairnetworksoccurso \nthat are given special a series impedance, they to \nreduces 231\n For networks. one-terminal-pair \nnetworks, \nseries FUNCTIONS\n NETWORK in often networks useful names. The general network sometimes a parallel impedance, and another series\n l Zla) 1\n or Yfs)\n i\302\260\342\200\224m\342\200\224\302\2602\n 2o\n lo\n Z{s) or Y(\302\253) \nlo-^VW\342\200\224\302\2602\n 2o\n rVWi\n Z{a)or Y(s) io-^wv-L_|j_J\n \nlo\342\200\224VW\342\200\224\302\2602\n Immittance 10-17. Fig. 10-18. Fig. as shown in impedance \nT network. = \nZi \nshows \nis Zz, Zc \nwork \nnetwork, \nIf T network other two network, \nnetwork of If network the a v \nwhen if Further, = and Fig. of one-terminal-pair Network configurations.\n Fig. 10-18(a).Sucha the series networks.\n impedances is designated configurations. network is are equal, that Zd and Za two terminals a is if as a symmetricalT. Figure10-18 The network of Fig. 10-18(b) Yi = F3, the networkis a symmetrical or a symmetrical 10-18(c) is a lattice network with as known ir. The lattice \342\200\224 Zb.\n of a terminal pair of a two-terminal-pair net\302\254 are connected to a terminal pair of another two-terminal-pair the networks are said to be connected in tandem or cascade. or ir networks networks are connected in cascade, the resulting\n the FUNCTIONS\n NETWORK 232\n is an network of \nber \nwith important and sections = Zi(s) begin as shown in Fig. 10-19,or 10\n num\302\254 begin may in manner in com\302\254 are computed as impedances, and the are computed as admittances.\n immittances immittances shunt) (or \nparallel structure. same thing may be said about the ends (at terminal pair 2). For convenience series the \nputation, It may contain any network 0. The network \nwhich the may Chap. \302\260\342\200\224VW\n Zi(s)\n 1\n 2\n Ladder 10-19. Fig. network.\n any network can be found by or node If the network can be made into a \nwriting loop equations. it is possible to find the driving-point immittance \n\342\200\234ladder structure/' and combination of immittances without writing loop series \nby parallel Assume that the ladder \nor node network of Fig.\n directly. equations of the six immittances shown. is made 10-19 up Combiningimmit\302\254 The is \nimmittance this \nNext sum required, is inverted the until continued \nbe terminals the at \ntances of immittance driving-point for which the driving-point is first inverted and combined with Z6(s). F6(s) and combined with F4(s). This pattern network reduces to a single immittance. In opposite those may \nsummary,\n = Z*M Zi(s) + i Y*(*) + Z*(\302\273) (10-50)\n \t\n \t\n + = -T-\n + F4(\302\253) + which is read from the to bottom the the pattern of com\302\254 to give top F^i)\n \nbraic is configuration \ntinued fraction an Such immittances. \nbining or a alge\302\254 a called con\302\254 continued Stieltjes \nfraction. Forming a continued frac\302\254 \na 10-20. Two-terminal-pair net-\n \nwork.\n \nfor \nwhen \nWhen the the network transfer driving-point The function of interest function is desired, ladder network procedure systematic \nthe ng.\n a for \ntion use network provides for finding immittance.\n of a continued reduction fraction applies only is a driving-point immittance. a different procedure must be\n 10-7\n Art. In followed. several \nwith current \nvoltage \302\253 - (10-51)\n r4 + zji\n (10-52)\n Theseequationsdescribethe (10-54)\n F, + Zj/1\n network and \342\200\224 and (10-55)\n (10-56)\n = the usual contain they Z4i(s) V4(s)/Vi(a), equation Ztlt\n - F, first (10-53)\n - U + r,F,\n h the Y4Vt\n \342\226\240 F\302\273+ Fj \nwith com\302\254 f.f4\n /.-/.+ (?(*) that requires opposite the driving-point terminals. write the following equations for Kirchhoff's Vi quantities, redrawn As in finding designated. procedure following It \nfer 10-19is terminals we may laws:\n network, and the at begin \nputations the the immittance, currents and voltages pertinent 833\n network of Fig. the ladder 10-20, Fig. \ndriving-point \nFor FUNCTIONS\n NETWORK V4(s)//i(\302\253), etc. Starting second equation it into the substituting trans\302\254 \ngives\n - V, In turn, this to \nequation (10-57)\n V\302\273Zt)V4 with Eq. 10-51into may be substituted equation the next give\n /, = Vi = (10-58)\n YMIV, + r\302\253(l pattern,\n + z$ir, + yj>) + {(i + [K, to this according Continuing (1 + y4(i + ym)\\v4 (10-59)\n /l-\n ([F,+ r4(l + Y#>)) + r,|(l + YM+Z4Y.+ 1 Y4( + YJM\\)V4\n (10-60)\n This equation gives the transfer which is\n \nadmittance F^s), y\342\200\236(.) - - 5*1 \nthis procedure (io-6i)\n r.\302\253] ) eZ4 (10-62)\n voltage ratio may be foundby carrying one step further by substituting into Eq. 10-56;that is,\n for the function transfer + of the inverse the + z,(Y. + r, + where The impedanceZ4i(s)as Vfr)\n 0(b)\n V4(b)\n 6 + Z\\(Y % + r\302\2535) + %\\\\Y% + Y46 + r,(\302\253 + Z,(K* + r4*)J)\n (10-63)\n 234\n FUNCTIONS\n NETWORK The transfer \nThe method \342\200\234 rKKK\\ Z-8\n Vi \t\n Z-8\n \" 1 1 v2\n and s, \nnetwork, \nvoltage \nin the inductances series of shunt the net\302\254 is made which 10-21, Fig. (1 henry) net\302\254 \nand The (1 farad). capacitors series elements \nimpedance of the of the shunt elements is s. Forthis likewise, the and the transfer function of the driving-point impedance will ratio be found. Other currents and voltages that will aid on the computation (but not appear in the solution) are shown admittance the The \nfigure. of \nwork o\n Two-terminal-pair with a \nspecific example, consider farad\n \nwork.\n \nis pat\302\254 by this method the illustrate To Y-\302\253P\n- \nup 10-21. Fig. the\n \nexample.\n henry\n \t\n o general established been has \ntern 10\n given. The network. ladder 1 henry\n Y-8~\n 1 farad\n of G(s) as of sectionsin is the reciprocal F4(s)/Fi(s) above holds for any number function illustrated ft Chap. in continued-fraction written impedance, driving-point is\n \nform, = Zdp(s) S +\n (10-64)\n 1\n +\n + * ~8\n This \nto the be reduced, can equation at the bottom starting = (10-65)\n 2~\342\200\224 \342\200\224+ find \nand the F\342\200\236(s) /i(\302\253) 7i(s) = = = Vt /* + + F\342\200\236 Zh = YVt = aVi + ItZ - (s* + YVa = = + (\302\253* Vt(s) s4 particular terminals as behaves a low-pass additional to discussion Gardner and (10-66)\n l)Vt + s(s\342\200\231 + 1)F, (10-67)\n (10-68)\n l)]Vt + \302\253(\302\253* 2s) Vt (10-69)\n becomes\n + 3s* We will show network. + (10-70)\n 1\n in another chapterthat this filter.\n READING\n FURTHER \nis referred V% 1\n = F,(s) For + [\302\253 ratio transfer function thus The voltage \nnetwork the as\n proceed this function start at transfer ratio voltage J,(s) for up, working form\n ZdpW To and relating Barnes, to network functions, the Transients in Linear Systems reader (John\n FUNCTIONS\n NETWORK 10\n Chap. 235\n 1942), Chap. 5; to ValleyandWallman, \nVacuum Tube 18 of the Radiation Laboratory series, Amplifiers (Vol. \nMcGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1948), pp. 42-53; to Tuttle, 2 \nNetwork vols. in Synthesis, (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, and to \npreparation); Guillemin, Communications Networks, Vol. I & \n(John Wiley Sons, Inc., New York, 1932). It should be notedthat \nthe s is equivalent to p and X as used by some authors.\n quantity A Sons, Wiley New Inc., York, PROBLEMS\n 10-1. Find the the \nin 2s2 + \ns3 s3 o normalized term + + fs + fs\n r000> 2 10\n p\n - $f +, s3 the Find * + the 10-2.\n shown network in the figure.\n s\n for the network shown with the the polynomials Arrange to unity coefficient. Answer. Z{s)\n admittance figure. + V+ 10\n + * \342\200\242\n driving-point normalized term + t _? s2 + 2_f accompanying , lh<\n Prob. Prob. 10-1 for \nhighest-ordered _ Hf-\n If\n Z(s)\n 10-1.\n Z(S) = Anmer. Ht-\n O \t\n 10-2. Repeat the - lfP\n \t\n Prob. \nin o\342\200\224\n 1\n h\n If\n Zt\302\273) 10-3. of this function with the high\302\254 polynomials to unity coefficient. Answer. Z(s) = 1\n Vv\\r\342\200\224i\n O\342\200\224 shown network the for the Arrange figure. ordered \nest driving-pointimpedance f\n + \302\245\302\253\302\273 *)\342\226\240\n O \t\n Hf\n if\n GHHP\342\200\224|\n h\n 3 >\342\200\224 \342\200\224yOOP \n2 h\n yis)\n Y(s) =: if:\n -\n 3 h\n if-\n 0\342\200\224\342\200\224\n 10-4. =\n + 13S2 + fs(2s2 Find 10-5. \nratio, for the 10-3 Prob. Repeat S4 Y(s) Prob. 10-3.\n Prob. the + the network shown above. Answer.\n 5\n '\n 1) transfer networks for 10-4.\n the output voltage to input voltage function, in the figure. Arrange the polynomials\n shown 236\n FUNCTIONS\n NETWORK the with /n \302\261 w /y( to unity coefficient. normalized term highest-ordered Chap. \t\n I/R1R2C1C2 \\ S2 + RlCi + + R2C2)s/R1R2C1C2 + 0\342\200\224VW\n 0\342\200\224vw\n Answer\n l/RJl&Ci\n \342\200\224Wv\342\200\2241\n O\n r2\n Ri\n \342\200\234\n -\n -Cl u, 0 10\n ^C2 \t\n \n\t V2 0\n 10-5.\n Prob. O\342\200\224wv\n Ri\n Ci\n LAA/V\342\200\2241 \n*1\n v2\n Vl\n U2\n <>1\n (6)\n la)\n 10-6.\n Prob. 10-6. s2 -(s2 Prob. Repeat + (R1C1 (R1C1 10-7. Show + RiC2 + that both shown. for the networks -l- \342\200\234IR2C2)s/RiR2GiC2 X/R\\R2CiC2 Answer to (b).\n 1\n R2C2)s/RiR2CiC2 + of the networks of the figurehave the (s + l)(s + 3) I \\/RiR2CiC2\\\n Z(s)\n impedance driving-point 10-5 \ns(s + 2)(s + 4) same\n J\n jo\n 10-8.\n Prob. 10-8. c|riving-point Show that the network of impedance Z(s)\n the accompanying figure s4 + 18s2 + 7s* 4- 12s\n 24\n has the\n Chap. 10\n that the total number of poles is equalto of zeros for any network function having the form of Prove 10-9. \nnumber \nof 237\n FUNCTIONS\n NETWORK rational total the quotient polynomials.\n shown below is known to have the the figure. In addition, it is known that network The 10-10. \nconfiguration pole-zero in shown the\n (a)\n 10-10.\n Prob. \nis Z(0) \nAnswer. 10-11. \nis is (s = 0 or direct current) 1 ohm, that frequency = 1. Determine the values of R, L, and C in the network. = = = L C 0.1 farad.\n 1 ohm, R \302\243 henry, the that It is known response in the time domainof a system zero at impedance of summation the terms f = 0.5 (second = 0. Plot 1, f = \n\302\253\342\200\236 2, (c) = \t(on 10-12. is A transient order); (b) T (the time the poles of this systemin found to be of the a = - 2e~* constant) the s 3 (a) sec;\n plane.\n le~6t\n for 7(s) that configuration pole-zero = form\n i(t) Find the following characteristics: having gives this time-domain \nresponse.\n is found A transient 10-13. a pole-zero - = i(t) Find to be of the 2e-8\342\200\230 +\n for I(s) configuration form\n that gives this time domain \nresponse.\n Given 10-14. \nthe value 10 and that that of a current transformI(s) has the following finite poles and zerosdescribe the scale factor the \nsystem:\n Zeros\n Poles \342\200\224 2 \302\261 j 1 none\n -5\n Find \ni(t) = the time-domain response corresponding to e~6t + \\/l0 cos (t \342\200\224 108.4\302\260).\n this 7(s). Answer. NETWORK 238\n and 5.0 value \nthe Chap. 10\n of a current transformI(s) the following finite poles and zerosdescribe the that Given 10-15. FUNCTIONS\n that scale factor has the \nsystem.\n Zeros\n Poles -1 -6\n \302\261j2 -3\n response i(t) corresponding to this J(s).\n the 10-16. For each of the networks shown in the figure,find transfer = ratio and the transfer func\302\254 voltage Z<r(s) V0ut(s)/Iin(s) \nimpedance Find \ntion the G(s) time-domain = Vout(s)/Vin(s).\n (81\n Prob. 10-16.\n /il\302\253) \no\t\n \342\226\240o\n -c\n o \342\226\240 \342\200\224O\n -\n Prob. 10-17. \nJi. The output = \nZti(s) The network F2(s)//i(s). voltage V^(\302\253)\n shown in the 10-17.\n figureis driven by a current source W (a) Find the transfer impedance, (b) Show the pole-zero configuration for Zsi(s).\n is FUNCTIONS\n NETWORK 10\n Chap. For a given 10-18. network, it is = Z21 V n 2/11 _ 239\n that\n known \342\200\234 *i)(\302\253 (\302\253 \t\n - Si)\n s\n where Si, Si 10-19. \nat = (a) \342\200\224 1 \302\261 jlO. For \nG(s) = Vi(s)/Vi(s) Zn(s) for this \342\200\224 e~0 ii(t) network the 1 is terminal-pair If 6t, function network.\n are \nregion \nthe 0 fan specifications given Vz(t).\n shown, show that the input impedance = 1 ohm. (b) Find the transfer 10-20. Two conjugate complexpoles \nious find For belqw. each required to specification, the var\302\254 sketch the crosshatching for identification) that be located, ^ ^ may (a) f ^ 0.707, poles 1, (b)\n actual 1 ^ = ^ ^ t frequency 2, fan negative, 0.5, 2.5.\n g ^ 0.5. (d) 0.5 ^ f < 0.866, in the s plane (using \342\200\2244. \302\253\302\273 ^ meet (c) con 4,\n CHAPTER 11\n CONFIGURATIONS\n POLE-ZERO \nFROM There is somethingdistinctiveabout sinusoidal \na in \nonly the in \nsinusoidal steady state, and phase amplitude waveform. sinusoidal If to a network of linear passive in that network will be current every differing from the driving-forcesinusoid angle. This property follows from two and voltage every the is applied force driving \nelements, ANALYSIS STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL \nfacts:\n (1) The sinusoid \nstill be sinusoid a (2) The sum of a of number and amplitudes \ntrary be repeatedly differentiated of the same frequency.\n may sinusoids phase angles of one or integrated and frequency is a sinusoid with arbi\302\254 of the same \nfrequency.\n In distinction, the sinusoid is gen\302\254 in nature: a bottle bobbing in the water, a rather commonly on a wheel\342\200\224all these of a crank-handle devices the shadow A sinusoidal voltage is generatedby a con\302\254 motion. sinusoidal in a circular path at right anglesto a to move constrained to addition \nerated \npendulum, \ndescribe \nductor this mathematical field.\n \nmagnetic the under Analysis assumption of a sinusoidal driving forceand a fields as electronics, network theory,and the driving forces are sel\302\254 In these \nservomechanisms. fields, however, We \ndom sinusoidal. rightfully question how valid such analysis might of this method stems from Fourieranalysis: \nis. Part of the justification be approximated can waveforms by a finite sum of sinusoids. \nperiodic waveforms can be expressed (and nonrecurring) \nFurther, nonperiodic \nin terms of of sinusoids by use of the Fourier integral. This concept state \nsteady \nanalysis \nresponse \nfrom In \nsolution \nstate. \nof is used in such allows the frequency components of a network to a nonsinusoidal waveform to be predicted a known as a function of response frequency.\n this we will the section, develop relationship between the general of a network and the solution for the sinusoidal problem steady This will be accomplished in terms of the pole-zeroconfiguration network in terms of harmonic functions.\n 240\n Radian 11-1, 241\n sinusoid\n and the frequency ANALYSIS STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL 11-1 Art. cosine The term sinusoidincludesthe sine or either wave, the or cosine with a phase angle. The transforms of the the wave, \nthe cosine are\n = wt \302\243 sin The the on appear 11-1, w2 ju s-plane\n s-plane\n 9\n (\n5 (a) 11-1. Pole-zero (6)\n for sinusoids: (a) configurations (b)P radian (11-1)\n w2\n + \342\200\2245 j<a\n \302\253 Hg. s2 for these transform equations, as shownin Fig.\n j<a axis. Such frequencies have been definedas\n zeros and poles <at =# cos \302\243 \342\200\224r> + s2. sine wave;\n wave.\n cosine described by positions on the jca axis Frequencies represent pure radian frequencies such as occurin the state and correspond to the time-domain factors eiot frequencies. s plane the \nof and sine \nsine \nsinusoidal steady e~iut.\n \nand and Sine cosine to exponential factors by the are related functions \nequations\n sin (at cos (at = pjut p\342\200\224jitit\n (H-2)\n jp ei<*t e jut \342\200\224\n (11-3)\n \n2\n term The \nphasor* likewise e\342\200\231at is rotating is * For in the interpreted direction. \n(clockwise) those interpreted commonly who prefer, positive as a The terms of a unit (or counterclockwise) unit rotating unit in phasors rotating direction; e~\342\200\231at\n phasor rotating in the negative in Fig. are illustrated the term phasor may be read as vector,\n 11-2,\n the Now \nof two \nby the \nunit unit rotating factor Fig. \n(1 is illustrated 11-3. The exponentials and phasor /j) \nzero when 0 to 1 The 11\n of a sine in of these terms Fig. 11-3. The combination of wave the\n from rotating wave sine on the a phasor gives of rotation a negative phasors.\n ja axis. The factor 90\302\260 (\342\200\224x/2 radians). is a real number (on the axisof reals); it has a value of at = 0, and a value of unity when at \342\200\224 As at increases x/2. the limits 2x, the sine function is seen to have valuesbetween of at sine \nof to corresponds \342\200\224j \nThe \nfrom in (\342\200\224e~iat/2) (e,\342\200\231\"</2) = phasors, The construction (2j). Chap. to Eq. 11-2, is made up of the difference in opposite directions, divided rotating according sinusoid, ANALYSIS\n STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL 242\n and \342\200\2241.\n as factors \nnential similarly constructed in terms of expo\302\254 in Fig. 11-4. The cosine is alsoa real\n may be is illustrated function cosine eiwt+g-jut\n -cos t\n 2\n Fig. number having The 11-4. cosine wave from +1 to variation a total \ncosine has a value of unity; from rotating at when = x/2, phasors.\n \342\200\2241.When the cosine has at = 0, the zero value. sine are generated by two \342\200\234frequencies\342\200\235: \nand This is also shown from the pole locations of Fig. 11-1.\n \342\200\224ja. The factors to the cosine or sinetermscan exponential corresponding in computing \nbe used for the sinusoidal steady state. Con\302\254 impedance a series with a cosine driving force givenas\n RL circuit \nsider \nBoth the cosine and the F cos = \302\253i r +\n (^-\342\200\230 (U-4)\n STEADY-STATE ANALYSIS SINUSOIDAL Art. 11-1 cosine The single \nbe equivalent to \ngenerating the Using (7/2)e-,\342\200\230\"\342\200\230. \nconsider the \ncurrents to \nferential equation forces driving \nof Ri the resulting generator, the Aeiut. i\342\200\236(t) =\n dif\302\254 (11-5)\n (the particular integral) will be this solution into the equation solution of the part = form other becomes\n steady-state the to seen we may of superposition, For the first solution. the (F/2)e,\342\200\231\"<, and then combine separately final the obtain cos at is thus generating principle + The v(t) = 7 generating generator two generators, one 243\n Substituting \ngives\n or - V/2 = A A = 7/2 RA + jaLA ZZ?\n R+jaL \nwe is Z where let may \nreplacing Z\n steady state. Similarly, e~iat solution of Eq. 11-5 for the sinusoidal the impedance Be~iat be the eio>t to steady-state with give\n 7/2 for the solution total 7/2\n _ - jaL R The (11-6)\n (11-7)\n Z*\n state becomes\n steady (11-8)\n If 7/Z is defined equation may be writtenin as 7, this = *..(<) In this equationI \nnumbers to relating the I* number, exponential cosine and form\n (11-9)\n + I*e~iat) v(Ieiut complex the and number, \ncomplex is a the is the of this conjugate eiat and e~lulare factors complex sine functions according to Euler\342\200\231s \nequation,\n e\302\261jo>t = If we let 7 = a + jb, i$*(t) 11-9 Eq. = a cos = Re where \nimaginary the letters part Re mean of\342\200\235). But to the reduces at \342\200\224 b sin [(a + jb)(cos \342\200\234the real (a sjn + j cos part (11-10)\n form\n at (11-11)\n at + j sin of\342\200\235 (similarly, + jb) = I &><)] (11-12)\n Im means and (cosat +sin \342\200\234the at) is\n defined Euler\342\200\231s by = i\342\200\236(t) = i\342\200\236(t) \nthe equation sinusoid for Re f that \ncircuit in the written be forms\n = we (11-15)\n Ve\342\200\231at (11-16)\n of the exponential equivalent of the sinusoid, consider the differential equation for an RLC series as\n given of the and \nferentiation idt + Ri + The sinusoidalimpedanceis is given = R + j- this real part \nV\n Re\n U = Re 1/ f = j (uL \342\200\224 (11-19)\n = of ^ this e,w (11-20)\n is taken; expression = Re that is,\n (11-21)\n (\302\245 example,\n i(t) i(t) (11-18)\n as\n i(t) For dif\302\254 as\n defined i(t) provided only the required R+]L)l = Z(j(a) (11-17)\n = v + current VeP* gives\n integration (j\342\200\236L The = ^ J solution must be Ieiat. Performingthe jt form Ie,0,t use the L The the differentiated v(t) = \nsuppose of place take i(t) illustrate (11-14)\n and may To ey\342\200\234M\n ^ the exponential is easily method of the solution is convenient. Providedit is that the real part has meaning, currents only understood \nvoltages 11\n (11-13)\n in may use the exponential solution providing we only the this integrated, \nalways (Ie\342\200\231at)\n steady-state the solution. Since of \nreal part \nand Re us that we tells last This Chap. Hence\n etut. as equation or\n ANALYSIS\n STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL 244\n + (J- |^-R - +j(aL r i/ggp [R ~ / (11-22)\n 1/coC)\n - i\n +irin\342\200\234\n i)\n i)](cos\342\200\234' (11-23)\n Ait Z Since \342\200\224 R \342\200\224 = ut cos + ANALYSIS\n 245\n of i(t) in part \342\200\224 <at sin (wL t.hia equation is (11-24)\n j finally,\n = i(t) same This \na real the 1/toC), j(\302\253L \ni(0 or, STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL 11-2\n j^| for example, exponential this form, aL tan\"1 (11-25)\n to represent a sinusoid at let\n t>(\302\243) In - may be used factor exponential angle; phase cos (ad \342\200\224 V COS (bit -f- (11-26)\n <f>)\n becomes\n equation (11-27)\n \342\200\224V-\342\200\224J\n or = v(t) The be will \nwhich a (Ve\342\200\231+)is quantity represented by \ning as = + This exponentialfactor result \nsame to \nnecessary that \nment In this \nto with less carry the only the s plane.\n \nin s; in 1 = long as the kept require\302\254 in mind.\n correspond frequencies located on the complex j<a functions\n network as a quotient be written may sinusoidal P(s) Q(s) j \nZ(s) the so of polynomials form,\n general G(s) For phase of functions network have and 11-2. Magnitude and All manipulation. the factors of 11-26 to give the Again, it is not of Eq. place the result has meaningis we have seen that the sineand cosine section, reason\302\254 (11-30)\n of\342\200\235 notation part same the by real part of the exponential \naxis in mathematical \342\200\234real (11-29)\n V*e-i\342\200\234t) (Ve**) used be may phase angle 0, Then\n to\n = Re v(t) V. as Eq. 11-9,and is equivalent given previously V and magnitude notation the the same form is of equation of phasor v(t) This (11-28)\n + ^[(Fe,\342\200\231*)e,\342\200\231\"\342\200\230 (Ve~,'+)e~\342\200\231at]\n steady = apsT + ais\"-1 bosm + blSm~l\n state, + \342\226\240\342\200\242\342\226\240+\302\253\342\200\236 (11-31)\n s = ja, and the network function\n \nbecomes\n G(ja) \nZ(ju) J j = P(j<*) _ ao(j<a)n + bo(joi)m + aipo?)\"-1 + ... -J- ...\n (11-32)\n this In the n whether \non will alternately be real and imaginary.Which are real and which imaginary depends general expression and m are even or odd. However, in every case it will be the quotient of polynomials in \npossible to write where\n A(a>) Z(j\302\273)\n \nC(\302\253) A(w) A(a>), P(j<a) and = Re Q(jo>) and the = and C(w), phase form\n + jX( (11-33)\n <*)\n P(j<a) (11-34)\n Q(ju)\n by rationalizingthe Phase D(a>). in terms defined are R( co) B(u>) = Im D(co) = Im X(w) are found function for equation \ning jB(a)) the jD(\302\253)\n Re B(\302\253), network \ngeneral + = R(o>) and quantities \ninvolving -f- G(i\302\253)\n \nC(o)) The Chap. 11\n terms equation, of \nterms ANALYSIS\n STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL 246\n and expression of the magnitude of R and X. The defin\302\254 is\n = *M ten\" (11-35)\n IM\n equation for magnitude and the defining is\n = M(\302\253) The complex variable, V[X(o>))* -f R(o)) jX(oj), + [^(co)]2\n is thus defined (11-36)\n in polar coor\302\254 as\n \ndinates (11-37)\n the Alternately, \nbe magnitude from directly computed and phase of the networkfunction may form of Eq. 11-33as\n the quotient =\n [Af(w)]2 of a network \nimportant in magnitude network \nquantities are \nand phase The \nquency. [B(\302\253)]\302\273 \n[C( a,)]2 + [D(<o)]2\n (11-38)\n tan-1^\n A (11-39)\n C(\302\253)\n ((a)\n that have been describedthe function may be found as a function and phase characteristics of networks theory, partly because measurements of these methods of the either + tan-1\n <!>(<*)\n By [A(q,)P magnitude of fre\302\254 are made.\n easily of problem before us is the computationand plotting magnitude a as function of The amount of phase frequency. computations The \nand be reduced \ncan frequently \nof functions these \ngiven as Eq. in terms 11-32.\n Asymptotes. High-Frequency \nbeing considered by first considering the asymptoticvalues of the original quotient of polynomial form is a transfer Assume function the network function G(jw). For large values of that \302\273,\n Art. 11-2\n only the ANALYSIS\n STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL 247\n %\n are \nG(ju>) that significant; lim is,\n = G(jo>) \nthat .. + . + ...\n (11-40)\n H\n 00\n co\342\200\224\342\226\272 \n(jo>)n = function (j<\302\273)n lim oo co\342\200\224\342\226\272 Thelimit of this and denominator of numerator in the terms highest-ordered lim H(joi)n~m\n which on depends (11-41)\n n or m, number, is larger; is,\n 00 g/(n-m)T/2 lim \n\342\200\242 0\n =\n G(j<j}) n > m \nn < m\n n = m\n 00\n CO\342\200\224> H\n The limiting \nThe angles value in each case is zero, infinity, or a magnitude are some multiple of w/2 radians.\n is determined polynomials. The \nwork function \ntient of case The Asymptotes. Low-Frequency \nthis of the (11-42)\n net\302\254 terms in the quo\302\254 of the network part important of the behavior low-frequency the lowest-ordered by constantH. function for is\n .. . ~b an-i(ju>) o>n (11-43)\n \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \n\342\200\242 \342\200\235(\" bm\342\200\224l(j\"oj) If neither nor a\342\200\236 bm is zero, the low-frequency lim G(ju>) =H^ co\342\200\224>0 function network \nthen the may be + ... \\a0'(j<a)\302\273 where p may small \nbecomes be positive of this that \nnegative; while In \nways: a polar etc., + a/1 (11-45)\n as function \302\253\n function (j\302\273)\302\273\n on whether p depends is positive, zero, or is,\n p > 0 p< p 0\n = (11-46)\n 0\n a of the magnitude is zero, infinity,or con\302\254 the is some multiple of (w/2) radians.\n angle the phase and magnitude information is plotted in two coordinate plot, and separate plots of M and <f> against\n limiting practice, \302\253n-i, H(a\342\200\236\342\200\231/bJ)\n {oo H(a.\342\200\231/bJ), \nstant, an, G{ju>)\n 0e~ivT/i, the bm-i, bm, bm'\\\n e~ipT/2, Again, as ... + or negative. The limit of this + LW(jo,)m co\342\200\224\342\226\272 0\n limit (11-44)\n is\n lim The is\n written\n H \n(i\302\253)p asymptote Vm\n are zero such terms or more one if However, \342\200\234f\342\200\234 bm\n value part \ninary real and types made be can plot \npolar two These frequency. part ANALYSIS\n STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL 248\n of plots are in terms of Chap, n\n illustrated in Fig. 11-5. either M(u) and The the or <f>(<a) imag\302\254 of\n U)\n Tig. 11-6. of phase Plotting and magnitude, \noo\n 11-6. Fig. High frequency asymptotes of G(jw)f wherem n and denominator =\n order of = order of\n numerator.\n 00\n j Im G{ju>)\n Jl\n P-3/\n fpm~1 '~2\n *\"73 Re P-0 \\p--3 G{ju)\n 1\n oo\n Tig. Plots on the lla7* M(<a) \ncurves. The quantity phasor represented \nfusion, only \nof the phasor the by Low-frequency and <\302\243(co) asymptotes coordinates of\n are made however, is usuallythought an arrow as shown in Fig. 11-5.To of the is plotted. The locus of the phasor as the phasor locus of the function. of avoid \342\200\234tip\342\200\235 is known as continuous network as a\n con\302\254 \342\200\234tip\342\200\235 The\n 11-8\n Ait in shown Fig. Thus the low-frequency and of \ntask the Example points. in shown is made network Vt{s) R o -\n low \nhigh \nand \nis \nthe the frequencies, \ncomes X especially magnitude \nsummarized other One for convenient while for value be\302\254 the phase is 11 - 8. pair RC 1/RC. At \342\200\22445\302\260. This Two\n = *W\n 5- -terminal-\n network.\n this frequency, is information 11-1\n GW\n locus M(w) and Pig. 0 <\302\243(o>)plots 11-9. at is that of a RC are network 0\302\260\n at 0.707 oo\n phasor at 1 0\n 1 /RC\n \nequivalent 0\n in Table 11-1.\n (O\n complete -\n Pig. a) = TABLE The \342\200\224 \342\226\240 V\\Ar\342\200\224\n frequency computation: and 0.707 is 1, is, zero magnitude angle. letting by Vi (s) asymptotic that e-,T/2; \342\200\224 90\302\260 phase is found (11-48)\n \342\200\224> G(j<a) frequencies 0 1\n R\n jo> + 1/RC\n 1 + jaRC (11-47)\n RCs + 1 /RC\n 1 is\n 1\n ~ jo)', thus\n 0(j\302\273) transfer function sinusoidal steady state for the function transfer l/Cs + l/Cs _ } and one of one resistor up The voltage ratio 11-8. Fig. Fx(S) For a network There remains the tedious A number of examples will by inspection. two-terminal-pair _ = of behavior procedure.\n general \nK \n8 frequency 1\n \ncapacitor The for low and high high-frequency intermediate computing \nillustrate A determined be can \nfunction 249\n ANALYSIS\n of the network functions 11-6 and Fig. 11-7.\n values asymptotic \nare STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL -45\n -90\302\260\n circle as shownin Fig.11-9. The also shown in the characteristics.\n figure.\n SINUSOIDAL STEADY-STATEANALYSIS\n 250\n 2\n Example 1 \nple are interchanged, in \nshown the capacitor of the RC networkusedfor there results the two-terminal-pair and resistor the If 11\n Chap. \nstudied. Fig. 11-10. This function the voltage ratio Again, the has RCs\n s\n s+ 1 RCs +1 1/Cs (11-49)\n /RC\n at s \342\200\224 = 1 /RC. at s = 0 and a pole Letting\n s = jo: gives the transfer functionfor the a zero to corresponding + be to value\n R\n R network transfer functionis =\n 0(8) Exam\302\254 ft\n \nsinusoidal state steady as\n Cs\n V2(s)\n Vi(s)\n 0(i\302\253) =\n \nbe applied). \nand 90\302\260 to \nreduce = \nG(ju) \nmarized phase Again, angle. an simple especially In eir/i. 0.707 as asymptotes. high-frequency becomes large, the (alternately, tabular form: co = 1 /RC. 1/RC can be term For can rule ^Hospital\342\200\231s of co, G(ju>) approaches causes one frequency values small co unity approaches a,ndG(ja>) For and \nquency \nAs \nneglected, low-fre\302\254 Ex\302\254 2.\n \nample will be examinedfor This function of Network 11-10. Fig. (11-50)\n 1 /RC\n + jdi zero magnitude the function to that form, these computations frequency, be may sum\302\254 follows:\n TABLE 11-2\n co 0 1 /RC oo G(ju>)\n 0 at 0.707 +90\302\260\n at 1 at +45\302\260\n 0\302\260\n computation. In orderto other several values will have to be found. The plot, \ncomplete locus is that of a circle, as shown in Fig. 11-11. phasor and Af(co) <f>(co) plots for this same function are also The two plotting \nfigure. systems display the same information. it will be possible to visualize one form from an These values serve as a guide to the make the com\302\254 The \nplete \nalent equiv\302\254 in shown the With \npractice, the \nof inspection other.\n of Example 1 and Example2,itis all provides positive phase shift (or phase lead) while the latter \nquencies, provides negative phase shift (or phase \nfor all at For the first, the output per unit input is frequencies. \nlow frequencies and low at high frequencies. The opposite behavior in the second network. This result can be correlated place Comparing the first \nthat the two networks seen for fre\302\254 lag) high \ntakes with\n STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL Art. 11-2\n the behavior of \nquencies and 251\n elements of the two networks.In the acts as an open circuitat low fre\302\254 11-8, the capacitor Fig. the same voltage hence appears on the output terminals\n individual of the \nnetwprk ANALYSIS\n characteristics.\n RC network 11-11. Fig. the as appears on the input terminals.At high frequencies, however, the circuit and short output voltage approaches \ncapacitor acts as a the For the net\302\254 the across \nzero capacitor). drop magnitude (being low fre\302\254 \nwork of Fig. 11-10, the capacitor acts as an open circuitfor is no output voltage; however, at highfrequen\302\254 so that there \nquencies, as a short cir\302\254 behaves \ncies the capacitor \nage to on the appear the on \nappears same the approximately causing \ncuit, output \342\226\240AAAr\n volt\302\254 R\n terminals as Z[s) terminals.\n input and 3\n Example 11-12. Fig. As Ls\n Yts)\n the \npoint third consider example, of immittance a series the have functions \nimmittance = Z(s) the drivingRL network shown in RL Fig. 11-12.The forms\n R -J- * Ls\n + -H\n y(s) = W> the impedance function has a (11-51)\n f) = Thus \ninfinity, state, admittance become (poles \nfiguration \nsteady the while s = zeros; function zeros s + + Z(\302\273=i(> (11-52)\n R/L at zero s = \342\200\224R/L has the opposite become poles). In j<a, and the immittance r(M network.\n functions = B(l+>|) f) and at a pole pole-zero the sinusoidal con\302\254 become\n (11-53)\n 1/R\n =\n jo)L/ R -j- (11-54)\n 1\n STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL 252\n ANALYSIS\n Chap. 11\n real part of Z(ju) is constant and the imaginary part form with frequency. 11-54 has the same \nincreases Eq.\n Equation aji and\n has circular a locus. The locifor which impedance phasor 11-48, the 11-53 Eq. By or G(\302\253) characteristics Immittance 11-13. Fig. Locus Z(s)\n j Im Magnitude plot\n G.\n for RL network.\n Phase plot\n plot\n ReG\n 0\n 1- \342\200\242\n 1\"\n 00\n j Im G\n I 00 It\n \302\2532+a*+1\n IZJ.\n j Im O \noo Re G\n Re G\n \302\253(as+1)\n j Im G a\n \noo 1\n M\n \342\200\242*(\302\253\302\253+!)\n Fig. admittance 11-14 \nFig. 11-3. As \nwaveforms shown are for given was pointed in any in Fig. 11-13. transfer network Sinusoidal 11-14.\n functions functions Several other plots are or immittance in terms of poles and shown in functions.\n zeros\n earlier in this chapter, all voltage and current linear network are sinusoidal in the steady stateif\n out 11-3 the network \nare STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL Ait. V(jot) = /(j\302\253) not interested in we are waveform \nthe \nis: (1) V(jot)? to \nnecessary the will to \nV(ju>) \nof of give an that of V between \nship if V is this ratio is \nThe term \nratio of \nwith Y of \n(and, \nmined \nand to = the magnitude the all relation\302\254 values of Y(jot),\n \\Y(jo,)\\e\302\273\342\204\242 (11-56)\n = (11-57)\n YW complex ratio of to voltage. current thus the are in radian frequency) is deter\302\254 specializing that is, by immittance functions ratios; now complex functions.\n same arguments given in the because equations typical V(jot) V2 for (jot) = previous paragraphapplyto of their to Eq. 11-55.\n similarity (11-58)\n G(jot)Vx(jo>) = Z(jot)I(jo>) = the ' (11-59)\n (11-60)\n Ztr(jo>)I(jot) is the transfer impedance).Thusit is the that in to network function in the general apply Y(jot) any and so on (Ztr \nsinusoidal of phase form\n F,(j\302\253) \ncussions relates 10 V of amp, implies not only the magnitude of the but also the phase of the onequantity to another other. Network behavior as a function of frequency by entirely \nfollowing in the ratio we course, Y (jot) and phase of magnitude quantity transfer The likewise, (jot); often described as the respect 1 of I (jot). In the caseof the last equation, and I (jot) is given completely (for (jot) complex one 1 volt to give I the I (jot) is is written 11-55 (jot) is linearlydependent 10 amp. The quantity that relates Y(jot) Eq. of I magnitude V(jot): I of by the \nfrequency) If know We I(jot). of that to F(jcj) the linear, magnitude \nvolts of waveform a sinusoid. The informationwe do need of the voltage V(jw), what is the mag\302\254 it is magnitude are \nconsideration \non (11-55)\n I (jot) of in terms (2) what is the phaserelationship we are interested only in magnitudeand words, and I (jot). To find this information,it is not V(jot) know the magnitude of V(jot). Since the networksunder relating \nphase we I (jo>), and In other of \nnitude \nof a given for reason,if Y(jot)V(jo>) solving for the advance: in 253\n waveforms. For this by sinusoidal in this equation,\n is driven gjven ANALYSIS steady seen state.\n dis\302\254 SINUSOIDAL STEADY-STATEANALYSIS 254 which \nnomials may - (8 either a pole where sr is \ns = the and ju, typical or the plane, complex \ndifference of these in \nis, complex; general, Direction 11-16. Tig. poly\302\254 (11-61)\n sinusoidal the state, steady term becomes\n ju and sr are the (11-62)\n \302\253r) phasors. in the interested are We The a phasor. also is phasors\342\200\224which two phasors These \nju axis. two of form\n In zero. a quotient Sr) (ju In form of a of the Y(s) has the into roots be factored function admittance The 11\n Chap. phasor s, phasor ju is purely imaginary and is and their difference are shownin Fig. the on 11-15.\n of the phasor (ju (b) string diagram.\n \342\200\224 \302\253,): (a) diagram;\n polar the phasors with respect to the s plane origin. shows the The \342\200\234string\342\200\235 phasor diagram. ll-15(b) equivalent \nFigure to be a phasor directed from sr to is seen Sr) \nphasor difference (ju \342\200\224 of ju changes\342\200\224always from 0 to <\302\273,the As <o changes position \nju. of several of thesephasors The combination on the ju axis. \nremaining network functions. This will be sinusoidal \ncan be used to determine 11-15 Figure \nillustrated (a) shows a number by of examples.\n first the admittance Consider of a is \nof in shown this 11-12. Fig. network a Such circuit. RL series The impedance is\n = Z(s)\n (11-63)\n *,(\302\253+!)\n and so the admittance has the y<*> Thus \nand 11-16. a As u has form\n - (1MH)\n i jjTFm a finite pole at s = \342\200\224 R/L This pole-zero configuration is shownin Fig.\n infinity. increases from zero to infinity, the phasorohanges position\n at aero Y(a) circuit\n in shown \nfound Phasor 11-17. Fig. as STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL 11-4\n Art. + Then the admittance be may It can be frequency.\n variation of the impedance is the from found (11-65)\n equation\n from changes l/R variation for \nvoltage has \nlinearly for as 0\302\260 o> changes \342\200\22490\302\260 with frequency \nfrequency to 0 as similarly, the phase changes from to The polar coordinate representation of zero to infinity. in Fig. 11-18. The variation of admittance is shown is exactly the same as the variation of current of voltage of l/R volts. If the a constant magnitude the current will increase or decrease different magnitude, to infinity; from \n\302\253 varies = M^^*M f) seen that the magnitude \nfrom zero \nwith 255\n writing\n by \nthis changing with diagram 11-17. The frequency Fig. ANALYSIS\n a of frequency.\n values all AA/V\n Ls\n R\n 1 JCs-Ztz\n Y[s)\n o Fig. 11-18. Variation of \nwith 11-4. \ncuit \nwork circuit circuit shown as RLC circuit.\n in Q, and bandwidth\n by means of the study networks. Considera series other applies to Fig. 11-19. The driving-point impedance for this that method \nRL series Series frequency.\n Resonance, The phasor \t\n Fig.11-19. has been illustrated of RLC the cir\302\254 net\302\254 is\n Z(\302\253) = Ls + R + ^\n (11-67)\n the and is the admittance ANALYSIS\n STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL 256\n of Z(s); that reciprocal Chap. is\n = or\n L (s2 \\s2 + \nL ((B Y(s)\n (11-68)\n 1/Lc)\n Rs/L Its/L + X/LC, - \302\253.)(\302\253 11\n (11-69)\n \302\253.*))\n where\n Sa, = V\n 1vr:rT\n \302\251\342\200\230 (11-70)\n In this expression, is wn natural the undamped and is f consider we If ratio. \ning of the frequency dimensionless the system,\n damp\302\254 the only \nunderdamped (or oscillatory) case of the < 1, the variation f of Y(s) for constant of the \ntion poles and variable f is shown in Fig. 11-20, \nwhere posi\302\254 \ncon Pole-zero 11-20. \ntion for In F(s).\n \n(s \nthe \nallowing co \na frequency as quantities a to over vary range variation are shown such system, Fig. plete magnitude \ncies, the \nmagnitude phase starts 11-21. and s \nthe configura\302\254 Frequency has Y(s) \ntion, Fig. locus the \nwhere = |/(j'<o)|, is In addi\302\254 at the origin of a zero plane.\n sinusoidal the the ju>), \\ Y(ju>)\\ steady frequency may etc., state response of be found by of frequencies. Several steps in such in Fig. 11-21, together with the com-\n response of an RLC network.\n Over the characteristic. 0\302\260to from +90\302\260, through phase changes from zero a circle. value, attains a range of frequen\302\254 while \342\200\22490\302\260, maximum value,and the then\n phase The maximum \nhave a \napproach \nchanges \nslowly. the \342\200\224 jco of magnitude terms in of Y(joo) value Since I (jo) varies just as Y(jo),the the frequency of maximum I (jo).\n of resonance. is also resonance of The of magnitude this from in the may be written Y(jo) 1 -\n l*WI \n(1 The function frequencies. a form\n frequency \nquency and 257\n evidently takes place near the frequency value. The frequency to cause Ma to has a minimum Ma near to the point of closest minimum value is a frequency very In that to one of the conjugate frequencyrange,Ma poles. and same time and at the Mo are changing Ma* very rapidly, Y to a maximum is defined The (jo) corresponding frequency which \nas ANALYSIS\n high letting 11-69, Eq. the in factors \nand \nat from found is for zero approaches asymptotically \nY(ja) STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL 11-4\n Art. form\n \t\n (11-72)\n \342\200\224 1/oC)2\n (oL \342\226\240\\/R2\342\226\240+\342\200\242 it is seen equation fre\302\254 that F(jco)has a of value maximum when\n /R) (11-73)\n the opposite \nAn that resonance occursat is to say that is \nphase angles \naxis of \n4>a* is point\n various reso\302\254 The phasor jon is along the jco has a constant phase +90\302\260. equal at the not (and to zero thus and on 11-22. The poles to jon and <f>a the Fig. the from marked \nangle in = jco axis). the condition of shown \nnance \nfrom of view enlarged \nphasors for the \nare on the pole o to of sum The <f>a and the 90\302\260because tri\302\254 is a right ABC triangle (being \nangle \ninscribedin a semicircle). The total \nphase 0o angle, \342\200\224 <l>a which \342\200\224 <f>a* is\n \342\200\224 +90\302\260\n \342\200\224 (+90\302\260) = 0\302\260 Fig. (11-74) 11-22. Phasors drawn for reso\302\254\n nance.\n thus has zero value. The phase\n at angle of Y(jco)is zerodegrees \nresonanceis (1/R), and the magnitude The resonance. of I (jco) magnitude at resonance of F(jo) at is (V/R).\n Q or circuit The \342\200\234 (R/2L) is \ncircuit defined is Q 1 _ 1 \302\253\342\200\236 _ 2 2 the Thus the 11-70. Eq. by the length the length O A\n (11-76)\n EB\n 11-22. The circuit be thus can Q of from a scale plot of the polesandzeros an RLC circuit. The circuit Q can alternately \ntaken directly \nfunction for \nin X shown in Fig. of quantities terms as same the as\n ^ in (11-75)\n 2 R/2L\n R 11\n as\n defined 1 oanL ~_ _ q \nV Chap. RLC seriescircuitis Q for an simply Now the quantity ANALYSIS\n STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL 258\n immittance the written be form\n (11-77)\n 1\n the 0 is where these From 11-22. from the angle last 9\n the to \342\200\224a axis three (11-78)\n cos 2 of OB (or OD) line Fig.\n be several conclusions can equations, \nwritten:\n (1) \nQ. (2) poles (This R sa* the jta axis, to are A of \nvalue and s\302\253 EB.)\n value The \nlow the higher the follows since Q varies inversely with the distance of Q varies inversely with damping ratio, f. high circuit with Q infers a low value of damping ratio. closer The A has thus high Q.\n of Plots various \nfor \nin Fig. of Y(jw) values of Q are shown 11-23. The circuit Q is an the magnitude \nimportantfactor in circuits the (of for used considered) being \ntype \nselectors (filters).\n means Another Fig. 11-23. Variation of | Y(jut) ] with\n \ncircuit Q is Q.\n \nof the shown, current \ncurrent has the at resonance \nhas \nhalf-power has been specification in terms As points. When V/R. magnitude the\n V\n =\n (11-79)\n y/2 power the the magnitude\n I the half-power of specifying half of that at the magnitude points, will be R\n resonance(beingequalto of the admittance Y(j<a) I*R). is At {\\/y/2R)\\\n the Art. 11*4\n SINUSOIDAL this requires that\n + Vtf2 - (\302\253L to the reduces equation II\n (11-80)\n H-\n (11-81)\n form\n . , = V2R\n 1/coC)2 I\n or\n This 259\n ANALYSIS\n STEADY-STATE 1 R n\n (11-82)\n \"^\302\261r\342\200\234_Ec\342\200\234\302\260\n values The that a of\n this satisfy = \302\273 \302\261 of dampingratioand or, in terms = the \ncondition, last form,\n positive are the approximation be frequency \npower = \302\261 w\302\273 frequencies defined by\n half-power frequencies. Let the highest half\302\254 is defined which designated \302\253i, = = \302\2532 the is (f\302\253\342\200\236) quantity Fig. \npoints The + <o\342\200\236 as\n (11-86)\n fwn the smaller half-power frequency be \302\2532be and let from (11-85)\n frequencies). OJl The (11-84)\n damping that only (considering frequency,\n \302\253.(\302\261f \302\261 w this natural undamped ratio networks used as selectors,the f is with is Under this f2 negligible compared unity. to an reduces especially simple equation practical small, \nvery the in the 11-24. as\n given \342\200\224 \302\243\302\253)\342\200\236 EB distance Bandwidth to the pole sa (or s plane is shown in jco axis (11-83)\n 1/LC\n + VF+l) \302\253 so are\n \302\261V(*/2t)* gg in most equation (11-87)\n of Fig. 11-22, on the The \302\253\342\200\236*). s or the distance\n plane.\n location Fig. 11-24. A circle of the of half-power radius (fa>\342\200\236)\n \nthese The 11-79. \nEq. the magnitude given as (coi of frequencies range At has Y(jo>) frequencies, half-power 11\n at the half-powerpoints. the ja axis j<an crosses at centered and Chap. ANALYSIS\n STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL 260\n A by as the defined is to2) with Q. varies inversely \nbandwidth. Bandwidth to a selective network.\n \ncorresponds 0.707(1/#) \342\200\224 bandwidth small can thus be The concepts of resonance,circuitQ, and for the RLC \nvisualized in terms of the pole-zeroconfiguration Y(s) \ncircuit. These concepts are easily visualizedand do depend upon The definitions of numbers. \nalgebraic manipulation specific complex in this section do not circuit and bandwidth Q, given resonance, For example, resonance network to all possible configurations. the sense of a maximum impedance or admittance does not coincide of unity the power factor for most networks. frequency can be visualized in terms of phasor magnitude \nall these quantities can be accomplished and design by means of simple graphical \nphase, bandwidth of not \nof \napply \nin \nwith However, and \nconstructions.number some In \nSince the \nthe analysis RLC networks are used as selectors. is the dual of the seriesRLC RLC network network, in this section applies in terms of impedance and parallel applications, parallel given of instead \nvoltage \nand magnitude with and driving-point functions of the factors frequency which in the sinusoidal - \nlarger, \ncompared become\n (11-89)\n of to, this factor can be approximatedas (\342\200\224So)*1, As to becomes point sa to the origin of the s small values from the with the phasor as is valid. But an approximation no such (11-88)\n - So)*1 O'to phasor up s,,)*1 state steady \na immittances are made form\n (s very of poles terms in frequency zeros\n transfer Both current.\n and admittance 11-5. Asymptotic change of For analysis concepts in these illustrate 14.\n \nChapter \nof of network examples further will configuration pole-zero \nby additional of A plane. to becomes sa, the frequencyfactorcan large very be represented \nas\n 0\342\200\230to)*1 For large to, the \nor inversely with \nor \342\200\22490\302\260 depending on ' asymptotic whether (11-90)\n (\302\253)\302\2611e\302\261fr/l of this factor magnitude to. The = the changes either phase angle is factor is a zero or linearly either +90\302\260 a pole. This\n 11-5 Ait of behavior and magnitude ANALYSIS STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL with phase 261\n is illustrated in frequenoy 11-25.\n \nFig. To \nfer we are interested that suppose illustrate, in a voltageratio trans\302\254 function,\n 7*(j\302\253)\n w\n (11-91)\n VrU<o)\n sinusoidal the Assume that \nand that for frequencies magnitude |s0| the to \nof = the is of Vi(jo>) voltage \nif G(s) result form\n the had unity (11-92)\n V2 would of variation of form\n CO\n Such magnitude in excess of the\n - - |F,(j\302\273)| voltage has a input 1\n =\n 0(a) is provided a \nto The unity. s (11-93)\n -f- a\n small very = |<?0\302\273)| The \nof logarithmic \nvoltage is but powers i\n be\n (11-94)\n Cl)\n decibel, was originally defined for a ratio used for voltage and current ratios. The in decibels is defined by the equation\n ratio amplitude For the example = I 20 log,. (11-95)\n being considered,the db) has the \ndecibels (abbreviated 20 = \302\253 function would then the unit, often now |G(\302\273 When \nfrequency.\n compared of the transfer magnitude with variation Phasor 11-25. Fig. 1, G(j<a) in form\n \342\200\224 = logio ratio amplitude voltage o) \342\200\22420 logio (11-96)\n CO\n has a value of 0 db, and when logic 2 = <w = 2, G(jo)) has the \nvalue\n -20 Two frequencies \noctave. In \ndecibels. \nan additional one In having a ratio the octave, another of 2:1 (to The w = said are db -6 \302\253 to be of this example magnitude octave 6 decibels. X 0.301 -20 4), magnitude the magnitude (11-97)\n separated by an has decreased6 would decrease is thus changing at the rate of\n decibels\n -6\n octave\n octave\n (11-98)\n SINUSOIDAL STEADY-STATEANALYSIS\n 262\n G(s) given in pole in to one due Eq. 11-93.*Had = G(s) of \nasymptotic (11-99)\n 11-90.\n \nEq. form the of \ntors that considered; G(s) - \nasymptotic \nfrequency limit, these of an example, (11-100)\n Sm)\n transfer frequency function of the of finite = transfer ji>> and function for large in cancel pole-zero of one zero). The net asymptotic will thus be the number of finite effect the db per octave.\n network having a volt\302\254 form\n s\n H\n \342\200\224 (s = ~ . . . (s consider G(s) This Sb) poles times 6 a two-terminal-pair number the ratio \nage Sn) \342\200\224 sa)(s will with magnitude less As \342\200\224 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 (s S2) increases and decreases cancels pole (one \nzeros fac\302\254 will cause an asymptotic increasein the expression of G(s) of +6 db per octave, while each pole will cause an \342\200\224 in magnitude of G(s) of 6 db per octave. decrease In the \nmagnitude \nchange of number this in zero \npairs \342\200\224 (s Si) H\n up of a is,\n \342\200\224 (s = \n(s Each will be made in general function transfer A \ns + a form\n in G(s), the asymptotic change in the mag\302\254 the ratio function would have been an transfer voltage 6 decibels This case would correspond to the per octave. form from the choice of the positive sign in resulting of \nincrease of the been G(s) zero one to corresponding \nnitude s 11\n Chap. sa)(s the o>, 0(j\302\273) s6)(s = (11-101)\n \342\200\224 sc)\n finite poles and has three values of - one finite of G(jw) magnitude For zero. has the H\302\261\n form\n (11-102)\n 8 =JO)\n The output \ndetermined \nular network \nput compared network will fall off at a rate two-terminal-pair excess the of poles over zeros. The rate for thispartic\302\254 by octave. The is \342\200\22412db per asymptotic phase of the out\302\254 will be 180\302\260 as given to the input by Eq. 11-90.\n of this The RLC selector \nadmittance function\n network studied in 1 Y(s)\n corresponding \nthis * \nper selective Quantities octave to two network in the is equivalent L previous section has the 1\n (S poles and one for the constant \342\200\224 Sa)(s (11-103)\n \342\200\224 So*)\n zero. The current passing will vary with voltage through frequency\n beseparated ratio of 10:1 are saidto to 20 decibels per decade.\n by a decade. Six decibels the as with \ndecrease of Fig. curve M(w) frequency 11-6. An application: The \nzero The 11-26. as configuration, shall we symmetrical The lattice structurecanbeput in a Assume network. bridge in \nfer the function, \nare \nof the and the network \nKirchhoff\342\200\231s If of these the determinants; Fig. The load current ZaI + ZL(I Vi = zj + zbr Vi = thus\n ZaI and I' been has is a function in the are arranged (2Za (11-104)\n (n-105)\n shown quantities = is marked as 12. From - 1') + ZaI notation functional Fi sym\302\254 lattice.\n write\n = equations Bridge form of the 11-27. \nmetrical Vt the unknown currents I \nof Fig.\n symmetry we law, the s. trans\302\254 configuration. In theseequations, \nquency load marked marked I' of the voltage \nplicity\342\200\224each \342\200\234unwrap\302\254 F2(s)/Fi(s).\n currents two because equal a identified in currents two The 11-27. the ratio voltage = G(s) Several currents are \n/ by and that we are \nimpedance ZJs) \ninterested that in terminated is \nnetwork form familiar more of the pole- 11-27 as in Fig. shown as it \nping\342\200\235 \na lattice.\n easily visualized in terms show in this section.\n are network this of shown in Fig. 11-26is a two-terminalfor phase correction. The\n application frequent Fiff. properties lattice\n symmetrical network finds that network \npair 263\n 11-21. For large frequency, the currentwill at the rate of \342\200\224 6 db per octave.\n the lattice symmetrical ANALYSIS STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL 11-6 Art. + ZL)I for omitted of the complex fre\302\254 forms\n - ZlF (11-106)\n -f- ZbIf may be sim\302\254 (11-107)\n found conveniently by the use -ZL\n Vi Vi zb\n -ZL + ZL) (2 Za \nZ a Vi\n Vl + T2 7 = The Vi IiZl _~ lattice \nments are these such selected \342\200\224 properties when the = \nVi and R ZaZb - Za) (Zb -\\- {Za Za)(R {R Za){R (11-112)\n - 2 RZa\n \342\200\224 R Za\n (11-113)\n R -f- Z^) Z02 -}- Za2 R2 \342\200\234H Za) {R \342\200\224 R^\n fi2 = \342\200\234IZb) \342\200\224 Za\n to a specificnetwork,let impedance in the LC network shown by Fig. parallel this derivation apply \nrepresented ele\302\254 network becomes\n the equation 2R (11-111)\n zb)\n that\n restrictions, Vi = To ratio ZL(Zb Za)\n 2ZaZb + ZL{Za+ has very useful network Zl With _ ~ ~V\\ Vl The ZaZL\n becomes\n function \ntransfer (11-110)\n + is IiZL\\ hence the voltage load impedance the across voltage as\n Za)\n + ZL) Zb{2Za /' and I of (11-109)\n ZaZL\n \342\200\224 Vi(Zb = \342\200\224 T' + ZL) found in terms /2 may be current load Zl) + (Za \nZb(2Za The (11-108)\n ZaZL\n Zl) \nZb(2Za Zb\n + ZL) (2 Za ZL) + Vi(Zb Za be the 11-28. o\n The net-\n o\342\200\224nnnp\342\200\2241(\342\200\224o\n ^ C2\n zb\n work \nseries \nfor the Zb must for Zb is to represent LC network parallel Networks 11-28. Fig. / aW and Zb.\n of that representing also shown in Fig. 11-28. be the dual LC network y for Za Za. The The impedance is\n 1 \\ Cis + 1/Lis \" L\\S\n LiCiS2 + (11-114)\n 1\n 11-6 Art. series the while STEADY-STATE LC network has impedance given - z*\302\253 + * the = \nL\\ such \nother \nthe = Li frequency by\n o1-118)\n ^r1 C2, and R must be selectedto satisfy One set of parameters that satisfies the requirements is \342\200\224 = 1 henry, 1 farad, and 5 = 1 ohm. There are C\\ C% these are selected for their simplicity in illustrating values; behavior of the lattice network. With this choice of the \nparameters, z. = L2, C\\, Lh parameters 11-112. \nEq. 265\n \302\243 Now ANALYSIS SINUSOIDAL become\n functions impedance Zi. = s^r-[; Z.Z, transfer function is given \nassignedparameters, this transfer function The voltage ratio = R* (11-116)\n With 11-113. Eq. by = 1 the becomes\n 72(s) _ Vi(s) F2(s) or\n s2 = S2 Fl(s) The Si, and the poles have the 1 + + 1)\n s/(*2 + 1)\n s/(s2 (11-117)\n (s - Si)(s (s Sa)(s \342\200\224 Si*)\n (11-118)\n - \342\200\224 8a*)\n transfer function have the 8!* * = I + 1 2 .\n 1 \302\261 J values\n (11-119)\n -~2~\n values\n Sa, The pole-zero configuration The poles and \nFig. 11-30. 1 \342\200\224 - 8+ 1 + S + 1 of the voltage zeros two 1 * = s\342\200\236* - 1 2 . -\\/3\n \302\261 J (11-120)\n ~2~\n is for the network of Fig. 11-29 about zeros are located on a unit in shown circle the\n farad\n jo>\n \"V1\n /A\n /\n /\n N\n \\\n \\\n t\n 1\n l\n \\\n 1\n /\n \\\n \\\n /\n /\n /\n Fig. 11-29. Symmetrical values \nelement of origin \nthe axis lattice assigned.\n with Pig. 11-30. 1 \t\n\\\n \\\n \342\200\242\n b*\n Pole-zero s plane. They are symmetrically located with reals and axis of imaginaries. The two two the of configura\302\254 \ntion.\n polesand respectto zeros so\n \nare selected \nand zeros are known as a quad. If otherparametervalues the requirements of Eq. 11-112, the poles satisfying still be located with respect to the axisof symmetrically The zeros will always be located in the right half plane will in the left half plane, and both polesand zeros occur\n either in conjugate pairs or on the will the poles axis.\n \nreal the \nfinding response\342\200\224the frequency the of \nvariation angle \nwith frequency. and magnitude function transfer of the \nphase problem of to the come now We in outlined As \nprevious sections, the frequency different \nto \nfrequencybehavior of the Vi{joy) function {joy _ the from \342\200\224 is Si*) \n{joy last \nthe V2 of magnitude always we equation \342\200\224 \342\200\224 \342\200\224 \342\200\224 is angle and For V\\. sa) Si*) {joy (11-121)\n sa*)\n the magnitude we see that figure, the to \nequal 11-31 positive examine the us let relating Si)(j(o {joy \nVi(ja) But respect First transfer phase to the A 11-118 becomes\n Eq. joy, with axis. \na Each joyi. \nfound \nputation.\n \ns s \nfor com\302\254 response Frequency in Fig. is shown graph \342\200\224 joy axis. the on re\302\254 phasors drawing by points \ntypical Fig. 11-31. found is \nsponse = 11\n still \nimaginaries. \nand Chap. s plane the in arranged ANALYSIS\n STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL 266\n \342\200\224 of \342\200\224 equal to the have discovered magnitude v*U*)\n of Si) the likewise, sa); {joy {joy of magnitude \342\200\224 s\302\253*). {joy is always In of terms that\n = 1\n (11-122)\n Vi{joy)\n other In \nthis network, of \nnitude the four \ninductors, There \ntion as \ngiven as\n resistor, and yet it has the same with purely resistive net\302\254 must be else of interest this far. from something Let us examine in this network the phase after the of transfer func\302\254 of frequency.\n In computing the and one associated a function \npositive and characteristic come have \nwe capacitors, invariant \nfrequency \nworks. we have arrived at the remarkableconclusion for that of the output is always equalto the mag\302\254 the magnitude Our network is made up of four any frequency. input\342\200\224for words, phase, pole terms we regard the as negative. phase When from <0 = zero terms as 0 the phase is 6 = STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL 11-6\n Art. - 0i* ~ 0. + = <t>a* + 240\302\260 ANALYSIS\n - 120\302\260 267\n - 300\302\260 60\302\260 = 0\302\260\n (11-123)\n There \nof is no phase 11-29 that Fig. inductor the \nwith the As \ntogether.) \nbecomes frequency The Tig. and phase circuits. \nfound zeros \ntransfer functions, neither \nfunction; \nfor Fig.\n network in\n symmetrical\n network.\n that for the first time we have last in the right half plane. As discussedin the in the right half planefor (output/input) are permitted but are not. This is true only for the transfer poles nor zeros are permitted in the right half plane poles located zeros \nchapter, of a characteristics incidentally, Note, are shown in as a phase-shifting magnitude lattice telephone becomes frequency characteristics application and Phase 11-32. the as \342\200\224360\302\260 magnitude finds network This 11-32. directly connected two-terminal-pairs the phase of V/V increases, approaching negative, \ninfinite. the thus and circuit, \nopen the shift at zero frequency. (It is seenfrom network and output are identical at zerofrequency, the input as a short circuit, the capacitor acting as an acting driving-point immittances.\n READING\n FURTHER in state reading on analysis in the sinusoidal Network \nterms of poles and zeros, see LePage and Seely, Analy\302\254 Book (McGraw-Hill Co., Inc., New York, 1952), pp. 8-12, 193-196; Circuit Theory (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Guillemin, Introductory 6. See also D. F. Tuttle, Jr., York, 1953), Chap. 2 vols. \nthesist, (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, in For further steady General \nsis \nand Network \nNew Syn\302\254 preparation).\n PROBLEMS\n 11-1. By manipulating unit phasors as sin2 (That is, start \nphasors to prove with the <at + phasors cos2 eiut tat in Art. 11-1, show = 1\n e~iat and the identity givenabove by that\n and a graphical manipulate these construction.)\n SINUSOIDAL STEADY-STATEANALYSIS 268 the Find 11-2. + Ri(t) a sinusoidal for the Find 11-8. ^ i(t) dt j steady-state ^ a sinusoidal j i(t) dt = equation\n v(t)\n have v(t) the exponential Ve^K\n \nform of \ncomponent network the For 11-4. when i(t) a function as of <o coordinates rectangular \n(b) Prob. For the network 11-5. (ju>) shown in the figure, find the v(t) = V sin cat, by using Eq. 11-14.\n 11-4. Prob. \nVi v(t)\n v(t), by letting force driving \342\200\224 form\n L for equation\n v(t) have the solution of the differential by letting v(t), of the differential solution steady-state Chap.11\n shown in the for (a) coordinates polar M vs w sketch figure, and <f> \nindicatethe low- and high-frequency Prob. 11-5 for the network 11-6. Repeat vs co. steady-state 11-5.\n = G(j<a) M(ca) On the and V2(ja)/ 0(\302\253), plots, and clearly asymptotes.\n Prob. \nas (a) 11-7. Repeat 11-8. Show Fig. 11-9 11-9. For \tthe \ndinates as Prob. 11-6. Prob. 11-6 for the network shown.\n the impedance admittance in 11-7.\n of Eq. 11-48given phasor locus representation = is a semicircle centered at Re G(jta) 0.5.\n the one-terminal-pair network shown in the figure,sketch:\n that driving-point \ndriving-point shown.\n Fig. 11-13. Z(jta) as a function Y(ju) as a function The sketches should of o>, of using a>, and the (b) coor\302\254 polar have one point located\n 11\n Chap. low- and high-frequency asymptotes clearly the and accurately 269\n ANALYSIS\n STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL \nindicated.\n Wv\n \342\226\240AAAr\n 1 R\n and Z{ju) Yiju)\n and \n10\n =t=lf\n Yiju)\n 11-10.\n Prob. 11-9.\n Prob. \342\226\240AAA/\342\200\224i Q\n network Repeat Prob. 11-9 for the one-terminal-pair 11-9 for the oneProb. Repeat 11-10. 11-11. \nterminal-pairnetwork shown.\n shown.\n 1 pole\n +J4\n L\n and Z{ju) Yl/w)\n +>3\n 11-11.\n Prob. +J2\n 11-12. The the in \nshown in \nshown determine: \nconfiguration, \nnatural \nf, frequency \nthe the (f) \nsponse, \ntransient of of L if the values of \nnitude the admittance frequency (to cannot of frequency, u\n -l -2\n fre\302\254 re\302\254 the of -;2\n otherwise be Sketch | Y (ju) If the the | as a mag\302\254 func\302\254 \342\200\234>3\n frequency \nscale is of 1000, how magnified \ndo the values of the parameters, R, L, and \nC Answers, change? 4.04, (b) 0.124,\n (a) (c) \t4.04, (d) 1.0, (e) 4.0, (f) 0.5, (g) 4.04, = = R C \n(h) L, 0.061/L.\n \ntion 1\n 1 zero\n parameter values (in (i) determined), \nuniquely transient factor of the (g) \nresonance, (h) the \nterms the damping response, actual the (e) oscillation of \nquency the bandwidth points), half-power undamped ratio damping the Q, (d) +j the (a) w\302\273,(b) circuit the (c) From 11-19. admit\302\254 circuit the pole-zero the for Fig. the RLC represents series figure function \ntance configuration pole-zero (j) by a factor 1 pole\n g \t\n -;4\n -;5\n Prob. 11-19.\n ANALYSIS\n STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL 270\n Chap.11\n is The passive network shown in the accompanying figure net\302\254 as a double-tuned circuit. It consists of two parallelRLC with a capacitor Cc. For a certain combination of\n coupled 11-13. \nknown \nworks A ,c \t\n -0.5+; 2.0 x\n -0.5+7 1.5 x\n (Scale factor 3 zerosv\n ^\n ^\n h 1 -0.5-7 1.5 -O.5-7 (61\n Prob. the \nand (b) \npole-zero \ntransfer 11-14. \ngiven for the transfer impedance The network, in the = Vi(s)/Ii(s). impedance, Z2i(s) (accurately configuration as frequency Draw 11-13.\n is as shown configuration pole-zero *\n x\n -0.5->2 (0)\n parameters, c\n ^ *\n x\n -0.5->2 j(jJ\n 1 x\n 3 zeros * x\n -1)\n -0.5+7 factor-1)\n (Scale 2 -0.5+7 jo) a function response a pole-zero plotted), of frequency as figure From (a) the plot the magnitude of the to.\n in the figure is observed a for that can give this\n configuration shown is no unique (Note: there must be such response. \nsolution as to meet and \nhigh frequencies, a the since \nhave, \nlem can how \nstate, oscillate will \nbox = \nG(s) the Draw 11-18. -f- l/(s2 varies an RLC series phasor 1/L, where L is locus corresponding the Draw locus phasor the identify Carefully 1). \n+ your as vacuum tube range. the product of | inductance.\n to the transfer function, the high- and low-frequency identify Carefully a). the network \nasymptotes.\n 11-19. In you would perform.\n with the circuit inversely experiment B bandwidth B equals bandwidth the \nand the Show that for 11-17. will oscillate circuit.\n RLC series a for compo\302\254 frequency generators\342\200\224any the Describe 11-16. Show that \nQ no fre\302\254 oscillation. of \nquency but Circuit\342\200\235 prob\302\254 is face you frequencies, cathode ray oscillograph. You are detect oscillation with the instruments you you could of oscillation may be very high. The frequency made in the sinusoidalsteady this: with measurements the determine whether current through the black you is closed and what will be the when the switch that certain every no adequate have you \nHowever, \nnot wave sine ammeters, \nvoltmeters, Series RLC test equipment such standard have you \nlaboratory, low are seeking a circuit that box by the closingof a switch. You to the is connected battery but problem, the requirements at is marked u indicated. are values \nnent solution to the resonance.)\n 11-16. A black box \nif 271\n ANALYSIS\n STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL 11\n Chap, for the function G(s) = l/s(s2 + and high-frequency as low-frequency \nasymptotes.\n zero shown in the s planeof the accom\302\254 function of a two-terminal-pair sketch are for the transfer = zero is on the The G(s) F2(s)/Fi(s). at a position to correspond with the The poles have of the part poles. = to f 0.707(0 = 45\302\260); corresponding \npanying \nnetwork, axis \nreal real \nsame \npositions the of \nthe modified chapter as = 0 to the of \nbandwidth by computations (a) The bandwidth zero, is \nsystem the origin to the pole as we will investigate the problem, finite zero the without \nand \n<o this In \nshown. and poles from distance the is \nw\342\200\236 \neffect two The 11-20. the point. system \nconfigurationshown above; with \nwidth \nand by what the zero factor? from removed. Compute the with in given of frequencies range halfpower the definition the from with of the the pole-zero computethe band\302\254 In which case A graphical construction is the bandwidthgreater is suggested, (b) We\n the define per STEADY-STATE cent overshoot in response to \342\200\224 value \nmaximum the per cent is case \nwhich \nof \ntively G(*)-V2(*)/Vi(\302\253)\n \n<r axis \nfrom x\n -1+/2 \nto (1) Test\n -4 -5 zero\n *\n \" 9\n the For 11-21. \nbandwidth \na function \n<r = zero Show 0. in defined (as of pole-zero configuration figure, compute a \nshown in the any 11-21.\n Prob. In \nbandwidth.\n I -1-/2x\n in (a). described cases two By what factor? Check point:\n the zero, (c) Discuss qualita\302\254 without of another the effect pole on the real ten with a times further but position than the zero with respect the origin and (2) the transient the response % jta\n zeros and 100%\n greater? 4.3 Poles value\n final overshoot for the overshoot the Chap. 11\n a step functioninputas value\n final Compute ANALYSIS SINUSOIDAL 272 position changes of curve Prob. 11-20) as from a = \342\200\2244 to in curvature \ncarefully.\n 11-22. \nthe \nof the Consider \342\200\234test zero.\342\200\235 a zero at <r = To of Prob. 11-21 without configuration is added a so-called \342\200\234dipole\342\200\235 configuration pole-zero the \342\200\2240.1 and a pole at = <r \342\200\2240.105. \342\226\240AAAr \nR\n Yl\302\253)\n Prob. 11-28.\n Show that this dipole\n not does \nto a \nof network relating \nthe to respect Plot driving-point 0 (with to RL series the current values) of the admittance 10 the waveform coordinate RL circuit.\n 30 20 Frequency Prob. response to change certaincharacteristics bandwidth is described in the as lag or integral compensation.)\n of the voltage waveform phase is measured and plotted in the the pole-zero configuration for of a dipole circuit, 273\n ANALYSIS\n or the transient bandwidth without changing servomechanisms response 11-23.For a \nfigure. use (The input. step the affect appreciably \nliterature \nwith STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDAL Ckp.11\n 40 50 60\n in cycles/sec.\n 11-24.\n 11-24. The curve of the accompanying the current figure represents as a with constant for function of \nmagnitude inputvoltage frequency \nan RLC series From this plot, determine the locationsof the circuit. under \npoles and zeros in the s plane for the network study.\n CHAPTER 12\n NETWORKS\n REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 12-1. Reactive networks\n The \nways. \nand \nments, \nnetworks in this chapter will be restrictedin two will be assumed to be made up of inductances The networks (1) capacitances only. Since these networks contain no resistiveele\302\254 are said to be dissipationless. (2) Only one-terminal-pair they The appropriate will be considered. network function for the be studied to networks network is \none-terminal-pair \nimpedance the immittance driving-point V(s)\n =\n Z(s) =\n Y(s) the voltage and where F(s) is terminals.\n respectively, \ndriving-point \nadmittance for expressions and inductance are found by immittances Driving-point m\n 7(s) is of capacitance Admittance Ls of \ncombination = Zt(s) Zt(s) = (Li + = In this \nulated be broken into parts con\302\254 of elements. For a series and capacitances, the total can combinations of inductances is\n \nimpedance or Cs\n network number any l/Ls\n 1/Cs complicated and parallel series or impedance in the network. These expressions in the following table.\n are summarized Capacitance \nsisting the elements \nInductance arbitrarily at current the combining Impedance Any (12-1)\n V(s)\n I(s)\342\200\231\n \nalent admit\302\254 are\n \ntance \nfor (either The driving-point impedance and or admittance). algebraically Li -j- L% -f- ...)\302\253 + \342\200\242.. + + (12-2)\n Zn(s) ~ \342\200\224h ^ Leq is the of (12-3)\n (12-4)\n + L\342\200\236s expression capacitance + Zt(s) Zi(s) series the to equivalent inductanceand the is the 12-4 may be equiv\302\254 manip\302\254 form\n S2 Zt(s) Equation system. Ceq \342\200\224 + 1 /LeqCeq Leq\n \n8\n 8\n 274\n (12-5)\n and inductances of \nnumber - Yt(s) or = (Ci = Ceqs F)(s) of a parallel admittance total the Similarly, capacitances + Y1(s) 275\n combination of any is\n F,(\302\253) + Yn(s) ... + ...)s + + C3 + 4- C2 NETWORKS REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 12-1 Art. (12-6)\n \342\200\224 .. \342\200\224|- \342\200\224f- (12-7)\n + -=J- (12-8)\n LieqS\n where be may \nequation elements those from different symbolized in rearranged system. Yt and Zt for \ntions Ceq + 1/LegCag (12-9)\n s\n only difference in The a parallel thus\n ** = Yt(s) for capacitance and inductanceof the (hence this set of equivalent values in Eq. 12-4). The last identically a form similar to Eq. 12-5; the equivalent of combination \nparallel \nis Leq are and Ceq two equa\302\254 is the multiplying constant.\n o o\342\200\224 L2 L1 the form of the 1( 1( Cl C2 \342\200\224 Leq \342\200\224|(-o\n Ceq\n la)\n 0 l\n : ill\n l2 i Ci Ln =\n *\342\200\224J Leg 0\n O\n Ceq\n 1\n ?\n \302\243\n . l\n \342\200\224 \342\226\240 si\n lb)\n 12-1. Fig. function immittance Equivalent representations.\n The driving-point immittance for a complex network found is by and the reciprocals of admittances, or admittances \nadding impedances \nand the of impedances. Since all networks can be arbi\302\254 reciprocals and parallel networks, the into a divided number of series \ntrarily of terms for immittance will be a combination driving-point \nexpression of Eqs. 12-5 and 12-9, and \nof the form \ntheir \nwill Several reciprocals. such illustrate Example 1\n The network \nis seen \nLC network \nLC network. to in shown made be in The examples combinations.\n series Fig. 12-2 of a series with a parallel up impedance driving-point Zae = Zab + is given y\342\200\224\n 1 be\n as\n (12-10)\n REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 276 = Zac This + *2 = Zac L\\S -f- +\n t=\342\200\224- U (12-11)\n C%8 C\\S \342\200\234f\" I/L2S\n in the form be rearranged may equation + (1/LxCx + s4 r _ V 1 \nac of Eqs. 12-5and12-9 as\n s\n l/L\302\261Cl (12-12)\n +\n + C2(s2 or\n 12\n Chap. element immittances,\n of individual terms in or, NETWORKS\n 1/L2C2)\n 1/L2C2 + 1/LiC2)s2+ + S8 1/UUCrC, s/L2C2\n (12-13)\n Example 2\n values \nelement 2\n 1 farad 2 . 7^.\n henry\n \nseries and 1 farad \342\200\242\n \nThe 2*\n \nb found parallel from impedance combinations. 1S-S. Tig. The of \ntance the 1-farad = Y& can be impedance capacitor; (12-15)\n 3s + (12-16)\n + \n2(sl impedance admit\302\254 2<\302\273* +1).\n 2s8 \nthe combinedwith the *+ =\n F22'(s) driving-point (12-14)\n s\n thus\n K-+h.= or\n node ^ ^ s = The + - = 2s network.\n of this reciprocal a to node is\n Za6(s) LC ladder this\n several into -o-\n l'o-\n specific for by grouping elements network \nthe with admittance be will network lo\342\200\224nflflT'-\n 1 henry network in Fig. 12-3 is a ladder The designated. driving-point shown network The 1)\n 1-1' is found at terminals impedance of the 1-henry inductance by combining with the reciprocal of Ytr) \nthus\n 7 Zn'(s) - f\302\273\\ _ . 7 + J_ Zla ytr =\n The driving-point \nby the admittance (12-17)\n 3s\n + 2 (12-18)\n is the reciprocalof Zw and so is given expression\n Yn<>) or\n 1)\n 3s\n + \n2s8 + 2s8 + 5s* + 2s4 Zn'(s) Simplifying,\n 2(^ , +\342\226\240 Fn'(s) = =\n \ns4 5s* + + 2s4 2\n (12-19)\n 1.5s s8 + + 2.5s* + (12-20)\n 1\n A a number show will \nimmittance the equations\342\200\224Eqs. \nintermediate steps\342\200\224are All \nconstant NETWORKS derived expressions for of common features:\n various the of comparison (1) REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 1J-1 Art. 12-9, 12-5, quotients The \nin as well as a with \302\253 multiplier.\n one never polynomials even powers of s or odd powers of s if the numerator polynomial Further, have polynomials any driving-point 12-13, and 12-20, of polynomials in (2) The order of the numeratorand denominator \ndiffers by more than unity.\n (3) 277\n only polynomial. the denominator polynomial always \nhas even and vice versa.\n only powers In a polynomial with even powers of a, no even term of degree \nless than the term of maximum degree can be missing. The \nsame condition holds for odd terms in odd polynomials.\n \nhas (4) only odd powers of a, of a, whatever the is by definition an even polynomial. Similarly, a may be) with odd powers of a is by definition an oddpolynomial. only in different words as: the statement be (3) may expressed immittance functions are all odd to even or even to odd a Now \niable with polynomial even only powers of a (or var\302\254 poly\302\254 \nnomial \nHence \ndriving-point of \nquotients polynomials.\n illustrate To odd polynomials, of even and the concept further the \nequation\n = Px(a) even an is the \nilarly, a8a8 since polynomial, odd an a\302\253a# + cua4 + + 02a2 it contains only aoa\302\260 (12-21)\n even powers a. of Sim\302\254 equation\n P2(s) is + = a7a7 + a6a6 + a3a3 + containing polynomial 01a only odd powers (12-22)\n of a. The equation\n aia + both and odd powers of a and so is neitheran contains even nor an and an both even odd but has polynomial, a four The statements only just given are made on the basis of examples. However, these statements are \nlimited number for LC networks in advanced textbooks.* true in general be statements (2) are true for the driving-pointimmittance (1) and or the general RLC. Only statements (3) network\342\200\224RL, RC, any in the case of the dissipationless LC only apply P3(s) = ats* + a3a* + a2a2 + a0 (12-23)\n even odd \nan part.\n of shown \nto Fur\302\254 \nther, \nof \nand network.\n (4) \342\231\246See Guillemin, \nNew \nSons, York, Inc., 1935), New Communications Network, or Tuttle, pp. in preparation).\n York, 184 ff., Network Vol. II Synthesis, (John Wiley 2 vols. A Sons, (John Inc., Wiley A 278\n \npoint \neven to \norder of \nfor the than admittance) + a2n-2S2n~2 at nS2n =\n \nto even \nbe an ... + + qp\n (12-24)\n blS\n = 0 such that even to odd polynomial, and with ao factored out of both numerator and denominator,an odd be The polynomial. in s2 which equation be \nequation can \nequation becomes\n 7(n\\ W numerator into its n roots. the denominator of the last 1 roots + *32). S22)(S2 + + = H where\n \342\200\224 \302\256l2)(s2 \342\200\224 ff S(S2 the After the equation, into n factored may be consideredto polynomial may be factored from factored s is \ncommon + c^s2 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 + of an a quotient s may + 62n-3S2n_3 + &2n-lS2n_1 \nan of polynomials Z(s) as driving- are quotients networks (LC) dissipationless 12\n or odd to even polynomials. Further, the and denominator numerator polynomials will never differ hold Such a general impedance (and the samewill unity. in the form\n can be written odd more \nby for immittances Chap. will assumethat above discussion, we of the basis the On NETWORKS\n REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR ,a2n s2. . . (S2 + + \342\200\242 \342\226\240 \342\200\242 \302\25342) (S2 \302\2532n-l2)\n (12-25)\n \302\2532n-22)\n constant a > form, the In factored in (12-26)\n t>2n-l\n roots \ntwo previously \nthis of \nof the the will \nequation = s = -s:2; form\n the if Oo = 0 in Eq. (s2 + S (s2 + for becomes\n o>12)(s2 + o>32)...\n + 0)42) . . .\n G>22) (s2 (12-29)\n 12-24,\n = Hs\n (s2 + 0)22)(s2 + + \n(\302\2562 reason (12-28)\n \302\261jan expression impedance driving-point Z(s) \nlater.\n of numbers H The (12-27)\n impedance Z(s)\n or, \302\261js i purely imaginary. s = Then into factors emphasize identification, \nterms which Si2), Such imaginary values roots been associated with radian frequency. To will we notation at this point by letting change form Hence typical roots of the sn become in pairs as purely imaginary have roots occurring are thus roots \nhave (s2+ as\n s2 The in Eq. 12-25 is factors of the form Typical the particular 0)12)(s2 + 0>42) . . . (12-30)\n 0)32)...\n choice of subscripts for to will be discussed REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 12-2\n Art. 279\n NETWORKS\n considerationsto the special consequence of in terms the point on, we will restrict our of state. The mathematical the sinusoidal \ncase steady = restriction is that s \nthis j<a and that the s2 For the two cases of the become s2 = \342\200\224 w2. \nequations this From \ntions, s = substitution the jta H - (w2 The are state, the general steady of the and complex or = R(a) = \nB(o)) driving-point admittance), \nterms of the form is H constant fl(\302\253) - account for there being than the denominator <?(\302\253) = jX (\302\253) Since the impedance function \nspoken of as reactive networks.\n the When reactance with differentiated Pig. is always + 12-4. positive; and (12-33)\n jX(u) (12-34)\n jB(\302\273) Y(j<*) function respect (12-35)\n jB(u) LC networks are networks\n X(u>) discussed in the previoussection to radian frequency w, the resultant func-\n of positive Geometry that = is purely reactive, for reactive property Separation + = reactance, G(a) = conductance, to Eqs. 12-31 and 12-32 written for According of the same form for the drivingimpedance (and is purely This follows because Z(jw) imaginary. \342\200\224 are co\342\200\2362) real, and likewise the multiply\302\254 (<o2 always always real as well as positive. Thusfor LC networks,\n Z0\302\253) 12-2. driving-pointimmittance X(w) resistance, susceptance. \npoint tion (12-32)\n form\n = F(j\302\253) where \nis W42)\n \342\200\224 \302\253J2)\n is introduced to from the numerator Z(j\302\273) \ning (12-31)\n \342\200\224 \302\261j\302\273H \342\200\224 Wi2)(o)2 \302\243\302\243\n equations sinusoidal the \nfunctions \nthe &>22)(tt2 .\n versa.\n vice In 0>82) \342\200\224 \302\25342).\n \342\200\224 &>22)(\302\2532 = removed (\342\200\2241)factors \nmore \nor these in \302\261 sign (j\302\273) \342\200\224 \302\253i2)(tt2 - fa2\n \nj<0 z equa\302\254 gives\n ZU\\n") or\n previous last two and negative slope.\n is,\n dX\n > dco\n 0\n (12-36)\n \nfrequency, \nof the postpone \nexpansion be \nmust a \nmust increase, 12-5. At finally the frequency of \nvalue before a the zero which result in a zerovalue (of frequency). Frequencies resultingin are poles (of frequency). The zerofre\302\254 of as resonant frequencies (frequen\302\254 spoken the pole frequencies are called antiresonant property derivative network always must the and poles. by The be positive. again of reactive networks that the be positive, the poles and zeros of the reactive alternate. The poles must be separated by zeros This is referred to as the separation for of the \nfunction must reactance).\n (infinite Because \nzeros and reactance), \nfrequencies \ndX/dco reactance sometimes also are of \ncies reac\302\254 property networks.\n \ntive The and poles located be \ncan \nthe form \nco of magnitude \nquencies zeros are reactance the slope of frequency values Those changes. \ninfinite \342\200\224 \302\260o,the frequency.\n to increase to zero value, thenceincrease to infinite cycle of change is repeated. The reactancefunction which from zero value to infinite valueasfre\302\254 varies magnitude \nquency = X(<a) function of is shown X \ncurve \nfor at again as a Reactance 12-6. Fig. Starting X coi, then as frequency increases, frequency value. This is illustrated in Fig.\n to an infinite of infinite reactance, the sign of X changes.\n some at Xx reactance, \nhas Chap. 12\n proof for this statement until the partialfraction In terms of a plot of X as function of of X(co) is studied. the of the curve must always be positive;that is, slope co. If we start with a givenvalue with increasing increasing will We NETWORKS\n REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 280\n = zeros of the inspection by (co2 \342\200\224 in w\342\200\2362) \nlocatestwo poles at at zeros \nand \nstudy The \nthe of these of \nhavior zero elements reactance equation\n co = 12-5 A at term a Similarly, \302\261con. the reactance function illustratedin Fig. of term of the reactance function. of X(co) locates two zeros numerator (to2 \302\261 com. frequency \342\200\224 There com2) remain and at infinite lower and upper in the to consider the only frequency. limit frequencies and combinations of an inductance of X(a) denominator by We will considering = 0 and of elements at varies with frequency as co poles start the co = given our be\302\254 <*.\n by Art. with \ndirectly w = at zero a has XL \302\253.The 0 and a for expression 281\n = (oL XL Thus NETWORKS\n REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 12-2\n (12-37)\n pole at = w reactance the \302\273, since of a capacitance\n X\n \nfrequency so \nquency inductance \nfor varies Xc Xc\n XL\n 0\n pole\n zero\n 00\n zero\n pole\n CO\n \nthe terms \nof reactance pole does \ncapacitance inductance an \nilarly, an open circuit at zero frequency(direct are not in physical contact. Sim\302\254 capacitor plates to be an open circuit at very high appears to be appear the since \ncurrent) zero \nreasoning, a \nreactance (and word \342\200\234choke\342\200\235 is to applied high reactance at high frequency. By dual means zero value of reactance. Zero of reactance since there is no resistance pres\302\254 zero impedance, of this because inductor The frequencies. infinite) \n(approaching \nthe LC networks, we can attach a physical to significance and zero. A pole of reactance means an infinitevalue as an open circuit. The we which physically interpret case of the In (12-38)\n at zero inversely with w, Xc is infinite that zero frequency is a pole and is zero at infinite so fre\302\254 that infinite defines a zero. These relationships frequency and are summarized below.\n capacitance since that showing varies XL thus is interpreted as a shortcircuit. considered) to be a short circuit at zero frequency(direct \nAn inductance appears = 0 and no voltage appears across the because \ncurrent) (d/dt)(Li) the to be a short circuit at \ninductance. capacitance appears Likewise, This of poles and zeros at \ninfinite interpretation physical frequency. = oo allows the zero and infinite poles and zerosof a net\302\254 \n<o = 0 and \302\253 \nent \nwork networks the in to be found being Several examples will illustrate this by inspection. \nfeature.\n o-\n o\342\200\224\342\200\224If \nL c\n Z-+\n Z\n o \t\n L2\n o-\n (a)\n Fig. 12-6. Figure 12-6(a) shows a \n(direct \ndriving-point current) the impedance for examples.\n LC networks simpleseries LC for this At zero frequency as an open circuit. Hence has a pole at zero. At infinite\n network acts capacitor network. the in \nshown 12-6(b). Fig. the at infinity. A more At zero frequency, C\\ a pole has also \nfunction \nmaking the behavior of any other The Irrelevant. \nzero \nand to \nterminal \nof a has \nance 12-6 Fig. of can \nfrequencies the place of j<a to simplify notation,the as Eq. 12-24 may be rewritten as\n Un$n _ is even be need \npolynomials dp + ... + bi$\n (12-39)\n s = jcoapproachesa is to say This considered. = Z(s) large very value, and denominator numerator of the term lim ... 6m_2sOT-2 and m odd. As highest-ordered ~l~ 2 dn-2Sn ~f~ -f- \nbmsm \nonly short circuits, impedance at zero and infinite the mathematical form of the from given \\ yr the has a pole at s in Using impedance \ndriving-point n thus impedance and C3 behave as driving-point determined be function. \nimpedance where open circuit, at zero fre\302\254 network from open circuits. There is a zero impedance path terminal Ci-Cz-Cz. Then the driving-point imped\302\254 through at infinite frequency. zero We conclude that the network (b) has a pole at zero and a zeroat infinity.\n behavior The C2, C1, <*>, an as acts the is network L2 as and L? = \302\253 At frequency. driving-point impedance complicated in elements \nquency Chap.12\n acts as an opencircuit.Thus the inductance frequency, NETWORKS\n REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 282\n that\n lim\n (12-40)\n bmsm\n at most by unity and never as equal, \ndiscussed in the last section. Hence as s approaches Z(s) either zero or on m is whether \napproaches infinity, depending \nthan than m. In either worn larger case, because n and can differ the pole or zero at infinity will be at most, (not unity If the order of the numerator polynomial is . In summary: \ntiple) \nthan of the denominator the order polynomial, there will be a at If the converse is true, there will be a at infinity. zero \npole m can differ and n Now are infinity, larger m \nby mul\302\254 simple greater simple simple \ninfinity.\n the For low-frequency of \npolynomials the 12-39, the case, only the may be ignored terms higher-order =\n Z(\302\253) two The can \npolynomials \nin this cases possible equation: be taken (1) do ... -f- d2s2 account ^ 0, and (2) by do = the Eq.\n as\n -|- do \n... -f- 6js* -|- of an even-to-odd into be considered. In need function impedance lowest-ordered terms in (12-41)\n bi$\n or odd-to-evenquotient considering two possibilities of 0. For case (1),\n REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 12-2\n Art. lim = Z(s) lim NETWORKS\n 283\n + oo \342\200\224 = (12-42)\n \n\342\200\242\342\200\224\302\273o \302\253->0 \302\253\n is a there and For case at zero frequency. pole lim = Z(s) (2),\n = 0 lim Hs (12-43)\n 8\342\200\224>0\n at zero \nple term lowest-ordered the \nthan From this discussion, see that is of higher order there will be a term converse is true, there will be a at pole zero frequency. lowest-ordered the \nwhen zero at is a there and If the zero. we of the numerator of the denominator, sim\302\254 simple \nzero.\n all In networks. LC \nfor \nTwo Example \nby the these conclusions.\n S\n this For zeros these Further, will illustrate examples (frequency) are either polesor poles and zeros are always simple. and infinity zero cases, the driving-point impedance is given that suppose example, expression\n Z(s) (s2 = (12-44)\n \ns(s2 \ninator \ninfinity \nof \nform the 4)\n of the x at s-plane\n at to = 12-7. \nand different The s plane 12-7. = \302\253 \302\2611 and and reactance plot of Example3.\n \302\2613, and a finite pole at reactance values of o> = \302\2612. The pole- in of this reactancefunction shown function X(<a) may be found from Eq. 12-44 and a plot \nzero configuration \nFig. oo\n ju\n Fig. zeros + numerator polynomial is 4, and that of the denom\302\254 is 3. the rule for infinite frequency stated on page282, Applying is a pole, since the order of the numerator is greaterthanthat denominator. Since for small values of s, Z(s) approachesthe zero is also a pole. By inspection, there are finite\n H/s, frequency order The + 9) 1 )(s2 + 2\n \302\253 substituted are into this equation to make the plot.\n Example this consider example, denominator the greater an impedance than that of the - In this equation, 4. is \ndenominator of there that numerator. at zero finite that of the shows that both zeroand this equation are finite poles at = and go \nreactance function plot four reactance been shown The 12-3. has It \nfrequencies are two possible \nthe = w~3 \nance two but \nare + \n(\302\253* an2) Ccue 1. \n8 in the With representation and the 12-8.\n = CO 0\n = 1\n pole\n pole\n 2\n zero\n zero\n 3\n pole\n zero\n 4\n zero\n pole\n of finding the of factors forms and s-plane forms\n <o corresponding admittance) (or 4.\n in the previous section that zero and infinite either always poles or zeros. The four possibilitiesfor conditions at the two frequencies are tabulatedbelow.\n the task remains The to-oo\n Example are shownin Fig. Case\n There \342\200\224 \302\2613\n *\342\200\224\342\200\224<}>\n \302\2612. function go \302\2611 e w Plots of 12-8. <o (m3)\n is 3 and numerator the | one Let\n 9) \302\253\342\200\2341 w\342\200\2340 \302\253-2 Fig. order function with the (* + l)tA of Analysis and zeros are \ninfinity 3 order the and 12\n 4\n For \nof Chap. NETWORKS\n REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 284\n form of the to each 00\n driving-point of these four for the numerator imped\302\254 cases. There and the denominator: 8.\n a pole denominator at both and one zero and infinity, there must in factor more (a2 + type be s\302\2732) an the\n ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 18-3 Art is\n impedance \npoint H 8 where\n \302\2731< Fig. 12-9. This #. it infinity, additional has impedance (12-47)\n \302\253\302\273\n = the same the plot 12-47. the Case for 1.\n zero at both and and numerator For Case 2, the form\n + (a2 &>22)... He\n relationship The reactance in 12-9.\n Reactance \n(a2 Eq. < is the Z(a) \nin \302\253n-l (12-46)\n tt\302\273_i2)\n inverse of Case 1. With a zero that there be an s term in the is necessary in the denominator. term (a2 + a\302\2732)type \ndriving-point where \342\200\242 . . in Fig. shown is function \nreaction \nan < \302\2533< a>n2)\n last finite critical frequencies (poles or zeros)are of this equation. The general form of the corresponding \nnumerator \nat + (a2 + ttj2) . . . (a2 + (S2 \302\2732< a>x\302\273).., and first Case + (a2 Z(8)\n The 285\n The general form for thindriving- denominator. in the than numerator NETWORKS REACTIVE wi2)... + + w\302\273-i2) (a2 + \302\253\342\200\2362)\n (a2 this of exists for the to\342\200\231s function plot for Case (12-48)\n as given equation 2 is in shown Fig.\n 12-10.\n Case S. \nfor the To have a impedance \norder of is already (a2 + a\342\200\2362) type an a in terms in H/s multiplier zero at infinity, total be greater than that the numerator. For there must an requires frequency the denominator \nSince there \nmany pole at zero function. to be a the of the denominator, there the numerator must as in the be denominator.\n just as 286 7(K) H s + (s2 S (s2 . . (s2 + C0n-12)\n + o>22)...(s2 + g>\342\200\2362)\n fa?l2) . Fig.12-11. Reactance Case \n(s2 \nan (Hs) for \nance 4 = Cs2 Hs\n \n(s2 Case 4 reactance From \nCase 3 that COi2) for ^ > .\n positive + imped\302\254 0)n2)\n (12-50)\n Wn-12)\n 12-12.\n it is seen that in the for function _ sinusoidal Case 1 and (\302\2532-mi2)(\302\2532-<032)...\n +H 0) = 0>22)(w2 4, the form (to2 i case the slope Ho)\n dX/du 0>22) \342\200\242 \342\200\242\n is\n (t>)2 \342\200\224 \302\253l2) (ft)2 \342\200\224 0>42) \342\200\224 Wa2) \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 (12-52)\n \342\200\242 \342\200\242\n \342\200\242 to give reactance function mustbe (see Prob. 12-7). In order to havethis sign of the to \342\200\224 \302\25342). \342\200\224 (w2 \n(tt2 \na (S2 form of the reactance 2 and Case Case X(\302\253) each + . (s2 \342\200\224 In addition, is\n y, and + discussed, just (s = ju) the state \nsteady + W) function is plotted in Fig. cases four the of number is\n Z(s) The 3.\n The driving-point numerator. in the factor multiplying Case Case must also be there case, in sn2) factors + for an equal the numerator and denominatorwith, in this For 4- plot (12-49)\n Fig. 12-11.\n is plotted in function 3 reactance Case 12\n Chap. impedance becomes\n The driving-point The NETWORKS\n REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR selected posi\302\254\n sign of X Consider the The \ninfinity. zero. a X at the value of tive slope, \nor REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 12-4\n Art. = <a each time the changes 287\n be zero or either must 0 NETWORKS\n negative frequency passesa pole factor\n - the alternate \nmust (the the pole \nfunction zero and above, given to changing successively negative, In of the reactance the two forms frequencies. the pole and zero frequencies must satisfy the from alternates \nfunction \nat of the sign \n6)\342\200\236, the sign of the factor is negative.When <a exceeds factor becomes positive. Since the polesand zeros the sign of the reactance separation property), than a less For (12-53)\n \302\253n2) (\302\2532 positive \ncondition\n < 0 \nis the function.\n susceptance H which appears The factor \nDoubling for function \nance < ... (12-54)\n in all the as the reactance multiplying is equations or scale factor. a The posi\302\254 func\302\254 reactance. of the reactance is to fix the scale of H, for example, doubles the values of the react\302\254 Thus H fixes the levelof all values of frequency. value the <04 of the in terms H of \ntion known constant real \ntive < section for the reactance functionX(u) admittance case, where Y(ja>) = jB(co),and B(w) the to directly \napply <03 in this made statements The 0)2 < COi < \nimpedance.\n 12-4. for reactance Specifications functions\n and number quantities \nwhich known to completely specify the impedancefunction an LC network. The term critical frequency will be definedto From the last section, know that a pole or a zero frequency. \nzero frequency and infinite frequency are always critical frequencies. and zeros at zero and infinity (frequency) are defined as we will this In section, must be discuss the nature of mean \nfor \neither we \nThese poles critical \nexternal \ncies are Poles frequencies. defined as critical frequencies \nlar pole-zero \ntified \nthe \nas in poles frequency for a Fig. and 12-13. zeros increases at finite, nonzero frequen\302\254 Internal\n exter\302\254 particu\302\254 are configuration zeros critical internal \nfrequencies. The internal and \nnal and iden\302\254 We know that alternate of the because must Fig. 12-13. Designations for critical \nfrequencies.\n critical frequencies\n \nseparationproperty for LC networks, If the internal as or there \nare remains no choice for the external zeros, specified poles must be the opposite of the nearest finite(or \ncritical They frequencies. in order critical that the poles and zeros alternate\n \ninternal) frequency as In required. is \ncies \nThe critical internal of specification Chap. 12\n If the nature of the internal criticalfrequen\302\254 of the external critical frequenciesis fixed. summary: the nature specified, NETWORKS\n REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 288\n specifies all critical frequencies \nfrequencies.\n next We reactance the \nof remains \nthere only determine to \nin order or \nfrequency, \nsome In a value (b) than other frequency the driving-point impedance function of the value of H, an equivalent spec\302\254 place value of the reactance at somenoncritical of the slope of the reactancecurvedX/duat This information is sum\302\254 a pole frequency. (a) a either be would \nification Eqs. completely networks. reactive \nfor forms 12-51 and 12-52, the onlypossible if all critical frequencies are known, that function, the scale factor H (or the equivalent) to be specified from observe, below.\n \nmarized A. The internal One B. \nto be computed. value of (b) the value of X (c) the value two at a noncritical frequency, or\n at some nonpole frequency.\n of dX/du of specification types = \302\253 first investigated \nby \nThe \nwhich study Foster form of partial fraction considering Case Eq.\n study the problemof designing net\302\254 the in now classified are thus chapter far Tel\302\254 by R. M. Foster, then of the Bell at Brooklyn Institute. Polytechnic 1924 reactive under the heading of Foster\342\200\231s networks\n functions may bestudied specializing to the other three function for Case 1 is given in Eq. 1246, expansion 1 and then impedance driving-point of reactance cases, is\n nt where by theorem.\n \nreactance The found the type studied but \nFeaturesof this 12-5. in Laboratories \nephone are made, Z(s) can be of the form of the equations Z(s) specification.\n Reactance functions of \nwere in s/j We will next 12-52. Eq. the to meet or \nworks H,\n substitution the H are:\n the \nmaking 12-51 of information to give H or to allow The three most common forms of this second (a) these frequencies.\n bit additional \nspecification When critical Networks\n Reactive for Specifications there is one \\ _ H (s2 + o>i2)(a2 + q>s2).\342\231\246.\n * (s* + more factor \302\2532*)(s2 + of the form W4*) . (s24- . coj2) .\n in the numerator\n 12*5 Art. the in than denominator. the of terms \nequation, NETWORKS REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR fraction expressionof this In the partial type (s2 + \302\253j2) will as\n expand g.\302\253 m + (\302\253* ^-coefficients \nthe are roots \ninary \nKt* are k2*\n + 1 \nCase in \ninfinity Case = \342\200\2241 + Z(s) \nis philosophy to identify \nple network \nin to series , t2*''* + 0)22 + ,2f48 S2 + 0)42\n, expansion, Hs, is necessary to give be 1. The H value of the coefficient may or rule ^Hospital\342\200\231s = last the \ncapacitor. Z,(\302\253) + Zz(s) + the at pole either verified division.\n direct by (12-58)\n total impedance ... + Zn(s) will be (12-59)\n design procedure to arrive at a Fosternetwork a sim\302\254 of each term in the last equation as the impedance will then be combined These configurations configuration. give a composite this equation philosophy, with the network having the required driving-point L = same H henrys. and form The this associate we will term K0/s in the impedance Zi Eq. 12-58. Thus Zi(s) = in K0/s of value C = l/2Co. Similarlyassociating Zn(s) conclusion that Zn(s) represents an inductorof All other terms in the impedanceexpression are represent of impedance Z^ Comparing + Zi(s) a capacitor \nrepresents \nand Hs leads to the \nof ... +Hs + of the Following \nvalue for 12-55 Eq. terms, Z(s).\n \nimpedance \nthe 0)22\n o>22) the For a series combination of impedances, that is,\n \nthe sum of the series impedances; The (12-57)\n + 82 for the (s2 + 82 8 of application \nby JO) 2)\n in the term last \342\200\224 (s 2) as\n expands Z(\302\253) The JO) of expansion form texts that that\n (8 this JO) 2)\n fraction expansion of terms with imag\302\254 and real. This being the case,K2 and K2 Using \342\200\224 in advanced shown is It f*L2. (8 JO) 2) + (8 positive always so equal, (s (12-56)\n I \342\200\224 of conjugate in the partial the is where + (s \302\25322) 289\n equation a parallel combination such a network is\n = Cs + l/Ls with, = s2Vl/LC for example, of inductorand (12-60)\n Eq. 12-57, gives values\n 290 and inductors in the for the capacitors NETWORKS\n REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 12\n Chap. as\n network 1\n (12-61)\n Cn\n 2 Kn 2 \n1\n Kn\n Ln\n (12-62)\n 0>n Cn\n the \nare summarized fraction expansion.These in the partial term nth for in conclusions 12-14.\n Fig. values\n Element Network\n Term\n K0\n **\n C0~fara(J\n 8\n Co\n Hs\n henry\n L0mH L0\n C.- r-Wn\n 2K\342\200\236b\n farad\n 2Jt_ Ln\n \302\2532+\302\253i\n 1/\n 11\n henry\n Ln-~^~ Cn\n 12-14. Fig. for \nexpression \nis of realization The the \nas Impedance Z(s) network in Fig. shown networks.\n to the corresponding 12-15. This realization first 1. figure at Pole 12-16. Fig. Before cases. element each Pole origin\n Network of the this undertaking in the in network first Foster study, other\n I\342\200\224\342\200\224\n c\342\200\236 \nof known form (series impedances). The network of the There remains the problem of specializing to the \342\200\224 three expanded is Foster Case for is the and equivalent expressions at /\n infinity\n type.\n let us consider the terms of the known role pole-zero \nconfiguration.\n Capacitor (1) term \nthe \nto \na Kq/s a pole pole (2) \nance at at the the Inductor expression in the network because in the partial fraction expansion. This term corresponds being origin. Hence the presence of Codepends there Co. Capacitor Co appears of on origin.\n La. Inductor L0 appears in the network fraction expansion. Hs in the partial from the imped\302\254 This term is pres-\n Art. 12-5 ent because a pole at \nthere being \tParallel (3) \ndenominator each of \no>n LC \nual \nthe networks gives function increases of a reactance Lo on depends in \302\253\302\2732) the parallelLCnetwork.The Thus antiresonance in the rise to the poles of Z(s). The any specific elements. In terms the of the parallel circuits changessignas frequency individ\302\254 of of At some frequency, antiresonance. through of parallel group type (a2 + zeros with X(<o), each associated be frequency \nthe of the term Each of Z(s) gives rise to a term is a pole frequency. parallel \nreactance of 291\n infinity.\n network. L\302\273Cn cannot \nZ(s) Hence the presence pole at infinity. of the NETWORKS REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR circuits is equal to and in opposite of all remaining parallel circuits. Underthiscon\302\254 There will be as many zeros as there are \ndition is a zero of Z(s). there These zeros can be thought of because of the property. separation \npoles first network res\302\254 the caused \nas parallel being in \342\200\234series\342\200\235 by being with the rest of the network, of zero impedance) \nonance resonance (the the and second \nthen the first parallel networks in resonance with and so on, until finally the last parallelnetwork network \nremaining \nsign to the reactance combined the with \nresonates network.\n preceding features of the Since the distinguishing cases four of reactive net\302\254 the poles and zeros at zero and infinity,it follows 4 can be specialized from Case1 simply \nthat Cases by leaving 2, 3, and of Co and Lo. For example,if thereis no s term in the \nout either or both term in the partial fraction \ndenominator of Z(s), there will be no K0/s are considered \nworks is polynomial \nexpansion. Similarly, if the order of the denominator in polynomial, there will be no Hs factor \ngreater than the numerator and consequently, in terms of the phys\302\254 \nthe partial fraction expansion, in the circuit. The nature of the \342\200\234end inductor \nical elements, no series summarized is below.\n four cases for the \nelements\342\200\235 CO Case\n Values Element End = = CO 0\n \302\260\302\260\n present\n short-circuited\n pole\n short-circuited\n zero\n 3\n pole\n 4\n zero\n \nit is possible found \nNetworks \nof the second Consider \nand 1924 paper, Foster a given to realize infinity. by Foster present\n pointed out that present\n if the admittance corre\302\254 function Y(s) = 1/Z(s) is determined, impedance a physical network for the admittance function. an admittance expansion are known as networks form.\n an admittance This Lo\n Co\n zero\n pole\n zero\n to Networks\n Foster present\n short-circuited\n pole\n \nsponding First short-circuited\n 1\n 2\n In his in function function of Case 1 a pole at both zero has the same form as Eq. 12-55 Y(s)\n with with Chap. 12\n NETWORKS\n REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 292\n expansion for F(s) is the sameas remains the problem 12-58. There of identifying individual terms \nEq. \nin the fraction as admittance expansion expressions for LC partial of parallel net\302\254 The admittance \nnetwork driving-point configurations. of the networks in parallel;that is,\n is the sum of the admittances \nworks The Z{&). replacing = F(\302\253) fraction partial + Fx(s) ... + + F3(s) + F2(s) (12-63)\n F\342\200\236(s) Eq. 12-58, we see that the termKo/s so that Fx(s) = K0/s. ThenFx(s) to admittance, \ncorresponds of an inductor of value L = l/K0 henry. admittance the \nrepresents = of a capacitor ofH farad Hs is the admittance value. F\342\200\236(s) \nSimilarly in the admittance \nAll other terms expression are the sameandrepresent and capacitor (the dual of the net\302\254 of a series inductor admittance \nthe the first Foster for \nwork found form). The admittance of the series this Comparing network \nLC with equation the first is\n this \nrequired \npole of Ls values equation of L and admittance as\n Comparing 1 -\n Y(s) + with _ s/L\n s2 + 1/LC\n l/Cs (12-64)\n 12-57 permits identification of the Eq. network correspondingto the C for the nth 1\n Ln\n (12-65)\n 2 Kn\n 1 _ Cn\n 2Kn\n (12-66)\n co\342\200\2362\n L\342\200\2360)\342\200\2362 These summarized are conclusions in Fig. 12-16.\n Kp\n L0- t\n |f \342\200\224 henry\n Ap\n Lq\n Ha\n values\n Element Network\n Term\n \302\260\n Cq-H farad\n Co\n 2K\342\200\236t\n \342\226\240\342\226\240 o o\342\200\224\342\200\224\342\200\242 ir uuu \342\200\242L\302\273'dbhenry\n \302\2732+\302\253S\n \nCn\n Fig. 12-16. Admittance expressions C\342\200\236farad\n and equivalent networks.\n shown in Fig. 12-16 is shownin Fig. \nconform with Eq. 12-63 for parallel admittances \nThe network is for Case 1 but specializes to the other cases shown each as in the first Foster type of network. The role type \njust The combination of networks of the types to 12-17. three of of\n network is function admittance \npoint terms in configuration (1) Inductor Lo. Inductor \nthe which origin poles and zeros summarized as follows:\n of the Lo 293\n of the drivingpole (of Y) at the partial fraction Kq/s term in the the of because appears to rise gives NETWORKS REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 12-5 Art. \nexpansion.\n Co. Capacitor (2) \nat infinity of the pole (of the partial fraction because Co appears Hs term to appear in Capacitor the causes which Y) \nexpansion.\n (3) LnCn network. type of each (s2 such Series the of \nfactor <an \nquency + in \302\253\302\2732) of denominator the is a pole term corresponds to a series LC network Each frequency F(s). is which The fre\302\254 associated\n ^C0\n Pole at Pole \norigin\n resonance with \ninfinity\n second Foster type.\n in the series impedance to antiresonance contrast (in of the Network 12-17. Fig. at Thus all poles can be associated in the sense that resonance within elements with \ndirectly specific \nindividual cause the entire network to have a pole of admit\302\254 networks \ntance. cannot As in the case of the first Foster form, the zerosof Y(s) \nbe so element contributes identified. some part to the condi\302\254 Every \ntions with a zero of admittance, in much the sameway as associated \ndiscussed for the first Foster form.\n The \342\200\234end elements\342\200\235 (that is, L0 and Co) are associated with the poles \nof F(\302\253) \nplace of \ntions for a pole the End thus infinity (frequency). infers the absence of for <o 1\n pole\n 2\n a zero in networks condi\302\254 sum\302\254 functions.\n in Second Foster Values \342\200\224 0\n The presence of an end element.End the second Foster type of are impedance Element Case\n of cases four below \nmarized and zero at networks. LC the of \nrealization) co = oo\n Networks\n Co\n Lo\n zero\n zero\n absent\n present\n absent\n 3\n pole\n zero\n present\n absent\n 4\n zero\n pole\n absent\n present\n this discussion, From equivalent \npletely \nform is a series networks impedance pole\n present\n we see that from any specifications two com\302\254 be designed. The first Foster network realization of Z(s); the second Foster net\302\254\n can then and \n1/Z(s), with identified \nare \nthat and Z(s) \nset of Y(s) \ninternal \n1 /Z(s). as a given If is: Z(s) The 2 \nCase 1 \nCase 3 \nCase 4 \nCase 4\n \nCase 3\n Foster networks for + (s2 = Z(s) 9)\n (12-67)\n -f- Case 1 and is of function impedance + l)(s2 2\n s(s2 This first and procedure for finding the a given Z(s). Consider the impedance\n the illustrate will is: \nCase 2 \nCase example \nsecond F(s) corresponding \nCase 1 An 12\n a function interchanges poles and zeros, Inverting will never have the same number of internal poles Z(s) case will differ for Z(s) and Y(s) = the designation zeros, conclusions can easily be verified.\n The following specifications. since \nand Chap. = by forming Y(s) by inverting Z(s), as F(s) as parallel admittance functions which expanding network forms. It is important to observe specific will never be of the same case classifications for one found is form work NETWORKS\n REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 294\n 4)\n the partial fraction expansion\n is\n \342\200\234 T + s-T72 i farad\n \nbe 2 farad\n Hs\n (12-68)\n -j2\n of this constants evaluated the by equation may Heaviside rule henry\n '~\\SlQSLrJ Zls)\n + i\n The Mr\n & k2*\n + \nas follows.\n \n$ henry\n 2 9 X =\n Ao = \n1 First 12-18. Fig. network of Foster K2 2(s2 =\n H since by = ^\n 2(158/4)\n + s2 + 4 Using the equationsdisplayedin Fig. form Foster To \nfunction is found are found network the determine 4\n -}2\n inspection,\n *(.) \nfirst 15\n *= i2)\n \n\302\253(\302\253 \342\200\224 2 2\n + 9) l)(s2 ~ \nexample.\n and + 9 \342\200\235 the 12-14, as shown in form Foster second +ZS\n (12-69)\n element values and Fig. 12-18.\n of network, the admittance as\n Y(s)W ^ = i 2 (s* Z(s) 2KiS _\n\342\200\234 s2 + 1 + s(s2 + 4)\n + l)(s2 + (12-70)\n 9)\n 2Kzs s2 + 32\n (12-71)\n constants two The REACTIVE NETWORKS ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR Art. 12-5 92+ = Kl \nelement values are Fig. 12-19. in \nshown 5_\n - l)(s two 32\n \302\273--j3\n jZ)\n the network configurationand as O 1\n equiv\302\254 <\n 3 c\n henry number same the have networks \nalent 4)\n determined The 32\n \302\273-ji\n 9)\n of Fig. 12-16, chart the of use Making + + 2(s2 z_\n + s(s2 =\n as\n 4)\n 2(s-il)(s2 \nXs by the Heavisidemethod K* are found and Ki \nof equivalent \nto consider unfinished the Second 12-19. Tig. \nwork \na for proof the Now that we \ntance \nof, have completed the partial fraction we functions, at most, three net\302\254 immit- for function is composed of terms:\n types 2 Kns\n Hs\n S2 s\n reactance Foster example.\n expansion any immittance that know Ko The of property.\n separation farad\"\n \t\n o us digress of business let networks, =: farad\"\n h other forms two consider we Before \302\253\n henry Zis) elements.\n \nof 295\n + terms for these expressions i*l\n H\n II\n (12-72)\n 0>\302\2732\n are\n 1\n (12-73)\n *1\302\256\n Y 2Knu\n \342\200\234 \342\200\235 *\n CO\nII\n (Susceptance \ntives of these\n have expressions \nthree (12-75)\n _ values \ndriving-point of 09\n II\n typical terms is (and deriva-\n + 2EW (12-77)\n the +\n iS\n positive for both (12-78)\n positive and neg\302\254 the reactance function for the same thing might be said for the sus-\n co. Since frequency terminals The (12-76)\n \342\200\224 (co\342\200\2362 co2)2\n ft\n \native form.) co2\n +2tfnco2 \ndco three same ,Ko \ndo) of the the are\n dXi _ Each 0>\342\200\2362\n 3\n exactly expressions dXn (12-74)\n + -CO2 296 ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR sum is given as a function) ceptance NETWORKS\n REACTIVE = X \342\200\242 of 12\n reactances,\n Xi ^ Chap. (12-79)\n y-i\n which by term to term differentiated be may ;= y give\n dxj\n (12-80)\n do\n A/ /-1\n Then is positive,\n dX/dw ft\n 8-1 both for and positive the \nclusion, o\n (12-81)\n values of frequency negative \302\253.From this con\302\254 follows.\n property separation V\n 12-6. Cauer form of reactive networks\n An \nin could function \ntions a continued by of form basic \nThe W. by Germany \nance Foster reactance theorem was made in 1927. He first pointed out that the react\302\254 Cauer* be represented by two different network configura\302\254 fraction expansion of the driving-point impedance. for the Cauer realization is the ladder\n the network to the extension important o VW\n \342\200\224AAA/ Zi\n ^7\n Z{s)\n n\n 12-20. Fig. with shown \nof a and impedance of impedance \ndriving-point fraction continued Z(s) - Zx Ladder network.\n admittance designations in Fig. such a network may be written +\n +\n z% +\n Yt Cauer, Arch. The form (12-82)\n +\n f4 W. 12-20. in the as\n Z* * \t\n Elektroteck., 17, 365 (1927).\n +\n Art. 12-6\n Let us \nat our restrict the In infinity. general \nit This must). procedure the Consider \nexample. 12s4 division \n6s8 as 6s8 3s) + + =\n proceeds that for forming the + 1 12s2 + 12s2 + 12s4 + + 1\n (12-85)\n + 3g\n and dividing 6s8 gives\n + 3s (s\n s + 6s8 (2s\n 1\n + + 1) 1 6s2\n Qg3 + 6s2 (12-84)\n 3s\n + 12s4 =2s term remainder the (12-83)\n follows.\n Z(s) Inverting ...\n procedure 6s2 so + function\n impedance Z(s) Direct ... divide, this continue and \ndivide, The m. 4~ pole then invert and divide, invert and until the expansion terminates (as process can best be illustrated with a numerical to is fraction \ncontinued bm-iSm~2 + than greater 2 an_2Sn Q>\302\2738n+ =\n \nbmsm n is 297\n to an impedance function with a for the driving-point impedance\n expression discusssion Z(8) this means that NETWORKS\n REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR \n2s\n or = ZW 28 + \302\273 + Continuing the invert and divide 2s) + 2V(6s> (12-86)\n 1)\n procedure,\n 6s2 + 1 (3s\n 6s2\n 1\n such that, finally,\n Z(s) \342\200\224 2s (12-87)\n -|-\n s +\n 3s + 2i\n Comparing \nresents \n1 \na farad, capacitor with Eq. 12-82, we see that: Z\\ = 2s rep\302\254 of 2 henrys, a capacitor of inductor s represents an Yz \342\200\224 = 3s an inductor of 3 henrys, Y* = 2s represents Z\302\273 represents The network 2 farads. of configuration for this specific\n this expression \nfirst 12-22. For this case, a poleat will always be of the form of Fig. network Cauer and \n\342\200\234series\342\200\235 inductors \342\200\234parallel\342\200\235 o\342\200\224<innrL-\n i-W-n\n Lx\n Li\n L%\n \342\200\234\n ~'C2 \nbe will \nexpansion this with equation Zi Eq. +\n 2 henry\n 3 henry\n case. If is Fig. In 12-23. \nfor Eq. form \nwork network Cauer then of \nior 12-84.\n the the \nthat the first first A element is\n l3\n Let \nthat us we focus have our studied -\n -c4 ^pC4 form General of first =:c8 ^C8 Cauer requires requires r\n -\n -C6 ^C6 is shown the first or l9\n L?\n -\n =:C2 net\302\254 Cauer net\302\254 is determined by the behav\302\254 network function at infinite at infinity pole \nfrequency. be a series inductor. at infinity zero be a parallel (or shunt) capacitor.\n element Tig. 12-28. Cauer first summary, the first in \342\200\224'T5W'1\342\200\224i\n \342\200\224nm'\342\200\224|\n \342\200\224\342\200\224i\nr-^tRKP Zls) the first\n from Fig. absent A \nthat differ\302\254 Li, at infinity zero a with \n\342\200\234end\342\200\235 element First 0, farad:\n \nin Fig.12-22. that the only = Z\\ inductor, \nwork 2 +\n \n12-22.The form of the 1\n farad:\n Z 6 12-82, we see series 1 the +\n in the second = 0 -nm' Zls)\n of +\n f4 that form (12-88)\n Z* is by can =\n i% \nence n exceeds m be\n m Comparing *>).\n expansion it made, infinity. For this case, 12-83, and before the continuedfraction is necessary to invert the polynomial. The in Eq. \nunity ^Cq\n first Cauer network (poleat form of a zero at considered: be to case -\n -C6 -c4 General other\n one only as far \342\200\224'TRHP\342\200\2241\n l3\n ~\n 12-21. with 12-21 as is There 12\n the infinity, extending capacitors continued fractionexpansion. \nrequired by the Tig. Chap. in Fig. shown is example NETWORKS\n REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 298\n network ^\n ^Cio\n (zero at \302\253).\n on the way the Cauernetworkendsnow the factor controlling the way it begins.There\n attention Art. 12-6\n are but ways possible in Fig. as shown 12-24 in \nshown can end. Oneis other is with a an with as in capacitor networks attached to the general form any number of elements in a ladder arrangement) (with 12-22 and 12-23. With the inductor as the last element, in a path from one terminal to the other. inductors At\n Figs. series are \nthere 12-24 (a); the 299\n these Imagine (b). network the \nof NETWORKS\n the ladder network two \ninductor \nFig. REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR \342\200\224i\n (a) zero (direct frequency element Last 12-24. lig. (6)\n forms for first Cauer network.\n these current), inductors offer zero impedance zero of impedance. Alternately, if the in from ter\302\254 the there is a \342\200\234break\342\200\235 path \nminal to terminal and at zero frequency there is a poleof impedance. \nIn The is last (or far end) element in a first Cauernetwork summary: \ndetermined of the impedance function at zerofrequency. by the nature \nA zero at zero at that the last element be an inductor.A pole requires \nzero a capacitor as the last element. These conclusions are requires is a zero \nsuch that \nlast element frequency is a capacitor, below.\n \nsummarized w Case\n 1\n = = 03 0\n 00\n Last element\n First pole\n pole\n Elements\n End Network Cauer First element\n L\n C\n 2\n zero\n zero\n C\n L\n 3\n pole\n zero\n C\n C\n 4\n zero\n pole\n L\n L\n basic The but \nnetwork, \nthe \nsecond a first the with Fig. Such for form ladder Second 12-26. is or Cauer is illustrated network element (parallel second Cauer network is again the ladder of capacitor and inductor interchanged.\n position the Zi(s) shunt) = l/Cis; element network form (pole at 0).\n in Fig. 12-25. The impedance the admittance of the similarly, is F2 = 1/L2s. The of continued frac\302\254\n tion of this network realization the for expansion = zw NETWORKS REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 300 form must be\n 1 + c^ Chap. 12\n -1 , 1\n 1 L%s ^ ,\n \342\200\242 \342\200\242 *\n CiS \ndifferent An a function of such example of case the consider \nzero. that than procedure \nillustrate, fraction expansion will requirea used for the first Cauer network. To an impedance function with a poleat of continued form this obtain To is\n - (1M0)\n w-6 To expand \nfor end this of Eq. 12-89, in the form function we = \nis \342\200\234invert-and-divide\342\200\235 the and inverted then 3s to obtain numerator division + \n6 2 3s2 that Z(s) + s4) + 3s + 2s8 \n3s + = f s4\n (12-92)\n 2s8\n gives\n (1/s s8\n 1\n (12-93)\n +\n i +\n 3s2 s final + is\n Z(s) The s4\n and dividing term remainder + 3s s the example,\n + s4 (2/s 3s2 , + \302\260r Inverting We divide +4s2\n 3s2 * started. one term; the remainder In our repeated. 6 + 7s2 2s8) be now may procedure the into denominator such it end (12-91>\n 2s1 + 3\302\253 \nthe turn as\n m The first \342\200\234invert-and-divide\342\200\235 step s8) 3s2+ + gives\n s4 \n3s2\n <*\n (3/s s4\n Art. 12-6\n such that REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR of the continued form final the - Z(s) + -s NETWORKS\n fraction 301\n is\n (12-94)\n j J-j\342\200\224 + s 3,1 1 \n\302\253\"*\" \n\302\253\n this Comparing 2\n - = s\n - = r*(s) a capacitor represents an inductor of 1 henry, 3\n = = Yi(s) a capacitor of - represents \ns\n an inductor of 1 henry. \nFig. must \nnetworks \nto-even farad. second Cauer form, is shown in function for LC impedance i farad be an even-to-odd or odd1 \nZ(s) The 12-26. ^ of the configuration last equation, the to \nalent of quotient the following farad.\n \302\243 - represents \ns\n network The of represents \ns\n Zz(s) 12-82 and 12-89, Eqs. made:\n are \nidentifications Zi(\302\253) with expression L henry\302\256\n the For polynomials. which is equiv\302\254 i farad \n1 henry*\n \nprocedurejust shown by exampleto work, \nthe \nat \nto invert \nof the the If zero. poly\302\254 first = -j ES j + T- c.s+ of Eq. Comparison first \nThe first is element element function \nimpedance \nfunction Second 12-26. Cauer net\302\254 form\n Z(\302\253) \nthe Fig. that for example.\n \nwork pole function has a zero at zero, it is necessary impedance before such that the continued fraction will be dividing to saying equivalent must have a expanded function \nthe even-to-odd is This \nnomial. be an must quotient has a zero (12-95)\n \t\n 1 j_\n a zero at zero 12-89showsthat and that C\\ is not present. In summary: an inductor in the second Cauer network is a capacitor the the impedance has a pole at zero; it is an 12-95 and Eq. with if inductor at zero.\n if By the \nof \nsible network the networks \nlast element the general (6)\n element network being forms for second Cauer network.\n of Fig. 12-25, we the network has is a capacitor, there \nfrequency, Last 12-27. Fig. to 12\n other (a) networks Chap. Cauer case, the infinite frequencybehavior is determined by the way the network ends; that is, last is an inductor or a capacitor. The two element pos\302\254 are shown in Fig. 12-27. Attaching these terminating\n the to analogy \nwhether NETWORKS\n REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 302\n a short-circuited can see that zero impedanceat path if the infinite from terminal to ter\302\254 element is an inductor, at infinite frequency. In summary:The \nwork has a pole of impedance second in the Cauer network is an inductor if the element has a pole at infinity; it is a capacitorif the \nance function These conclusions are summarized at infinity. a zero \nfunction has \nminal. On other the if the last hand, the \nlast net\302\254 imped\302\254 impedance \nbelow.\n = \302\253 Case\n O) 0\n End Network Cauer Second = CO\n First Elements\n element\n Last element\n 1\n pole\n pole\n C\n L\n 2\n zero\n zero\n L\n C\n 3\n pole\n zero\n C\n C\n 4\n zero\n pole\n L\n L\n 12-7. Choice of network realizations\n network to the In discussing the specificationsfor a reactive leading of (1) the specification \nsummary on page 288 it was found that the or some \ninternal critical frequencies and (2) the scalefactor equiv\302\254 H, fix the was sufficient to \nalent driving-point impedance specification, be shown can In last two we have that a network the \nZ(s). sections, \nrealized in four basic forms from the driving-pointimpedance only. \nIn are network there are as unknowns as there many elements, any \nand these unknowns must be specified by Z(s). In the solutionof any as there are of equations, there must be as many specifications \nsystem \nunknowns. The of specifications total number that we have found \nsufficient is one more than the number of internal critical frequencies. total number of unknowns \nThe equals the total number of elements. \nFrom the equality of specifications and unknowns, we conclude that\n REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 12-7\n Ait NETWORKS\n 303\n in a network realization is one more the number of internal critical frequencies. It should be noted \nthan in this each pair of conjugate critical frequenciescount statement \nthat and critical We do not distinguish between \302\253\302\273 \nas one \342\200\224\302\253\302\273.\n frequency. number A knowledge of the of elements required to realize a net\302\254 of end elements with with our association \nwork along specification \nnetwork at zero and infinite behavior frequency can be used in drawing the minimum \nthe four of elements number network possible configurations As configuration. \npole-zero example directly will illustrate by inspection of the the procedure.\n Example 5\n the Consider critical \nnal specifications of two consist pole-zero frequencies 00 s-plane\n given in Fig. 12-28. The inter\302\254 poles and one zero for Z(s). The\n Q\n JO\302\273\n <>\n <T\n -6-\n X O -H\n Q> *0\n ci)\n o\n 0)\n critical external \nerty be must \nthere Since at two \nthe poles 12-29 \nFig. by the separation prop\302\254 a time.\n infinity network The 12-15. \nFig. 5.\n are both network. Because zero and zeros, Foster form of in the basic are missing must have two parallel LC networks to give network The network is shown in frequencies). (antiresonant elements end constrained of Example are three internal critical frequencies, in each network realization. Considerthe (1) First Foster \nthe configuration there elements four one \nrealizations are frequencies zeros. be to Pole-zero 12-28. Fig. (a).\n for\n network. In finding the critical frequencies versa. the poles of Z(s) become zeros of F(s) and vice Y(s) 1/Z(s), are \nSince both zero and infinity are poles, both end elements present. in the network series LC \nThe one internal pole is caused by a single network in Fig. 12-17. The four-element network is shown \nbasic shown Foster Second (2) = \nin Fig. (3) \nfirst \na zero \nsince 12-29 First Cauer of there \342\200\242\n (b). Cauer network. network. Z(s) at The Referring infinity is a zero is a capacitor. the at zero, last elementis means of Z(s) end elements will first be foundfor the to the table of page 299, we see that the first element Also An inductor.\n REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 304\n There in the network, specification of the element determines the schematic shown in Fig. 12-29 (c).\n Ca/uer table of network. The page 302 may be usedto the second Cauer network form. From the\n investigating last \tSecond (4) in \nadvantage Chap. 12\n 12-29. Fig. elements four only being and \nfirst NETWORKS\n The four network realizations of Example 5.\n implies that the first elementis an inductor.The identifies the last element as a capacitor. The fourat infinity \nzero is shown in Fig. 12-29 (d).\n realization \nelement the value of H must be given,andthe partial find element To values, must be completed.\n fraction \nor continued expansions in selecting a net\302\254 matters involved There are a numberof practical four forms for a specific application. These \nwork the from possible at zero a zero table, \ninclude:\n Element (1) \ncapacitors with \nEconomic factors (2) \nout reasonable thus may size the This \nrealization. the when Use com\302\254 For example, 1-farad quantities. voltage rating are hard to come by. one network form the advantage over give to construct inductors into account This capacitance the parallel capacitor in the first Foster It is impossible with\302\254 of vacuum important is high.\n frequency tube circuits. Vacuum capacitors of normalized of when specifications are rigid in interstage tube circuits frequently coupling \nrequirementmay specify whichnetworkmustbe Use by form is especially operating in blocking \nrequire 12-8. of can be taken capacitance. \nreducing (3) any capacitance. Stray stray \nor limited range three.\n other \nthe are but a in commercial available sizes \nponent There values. component networks. This used.\n frequency\n made The examples given in this chapterhave \ncritical frequency values to advantagein simplifying use of small numerical integer opera-\n Ait problems, the criticalfrequencies in radians per second. In such cases, the arithmetic to some value that makes normalizing frequency lions. In many practical \nsands or \ncan be \nthe critical by simplified small \342\200\224 Xl values, OioEaet thou\302\254 frequency let\n - \342\200\224 CoLaet To normalize integers. on element effect the are values frequency observe \nand of millions 305\n NETWORKS\n REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 12-8\n ) = LnW*' (12-96)\n y\n\n>\302\253o/\n and\n = \342\200\224 Be <oCaet MoCact = Cner^o' -) (12-97)\n ^\n\n.\"0/\n where\n = Laet inductance,\n = the normalized inductance = = the normalized capacitance = = the normalized frequency Lnom Cnorm w' the \nfrom can be found values element actual The Co* = the actual the = actual capacitance\n <o0\302\243/\302\253\302\253* (12-98)\n u>oCaci (12-99)\n (12-100)\n o\302\273/oto from the normalizedvalues equations\n Laet = L^i (12-101)\n COo\n = Cact (12-102)\n 0)0\n With can \ninductance the \nillustrate expansion. an equation An example will in function reactance frequency.\n the per second. Fromthe data, X c\302\2602 + 1QI)*TC fa)[-w2 + (6r X frequency normalizing = o)o Several other choices of = \302\253 \nSubstituting w X(w) at 1000and 4000 is\n [ = at 3000 cycles a pole and to have zeros is known impedance second per X(<o) \nLet fraction in normalizing procedure driving-point \ncycles \nthe actual values of capacitance and the normalized values found in the 6\n Example A from continued or fraction \npartial the normalized, be found frequency wow' \342\200\236 _ X 1Q3)2] 103)2] (12-103)\n be\n 2v X 10s normalizing into +a^1T Eq. -Ho,o(-co/2 w' (12-104)\n radians/sec\n frequency 12-103 might have been made. gives\n + + l)(-\302\253'2 (-fa)'2+ 16)\n (12-105)\n 9)\n 108 X radians/sec into Eq. 12-105 fixes the valueof \nthese values normalized \nthe ^ \nKS) + \nthis of the elements values can be values normalized After actual the equation, - \302\253'= 2. at Huo l)(s'2+ _ 1000(s'2+ 36s'(s'2 ^ when Substituting so that 1000/36 becomes\n function impedance Chap. 12\n be 100 ohms that the reactance to corresponding is required it that Suppose \na) = 4tt NETWORKS\n REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 306\n 16) (12-106)\n 9)\n are found by the found by division of expansion <12-107)\n 2^00 = C\342\200\234\342\200\230 2ir on \nE. A. \nD. F. \nYork, M. \nR. New in \n(1924), \n17, 355 and one-terminal-pair II Vol. Networks, Wiley (John 5, is recommended, as & as well New Synthesis, 2 vols. (John Wiley& Sons, Source material may be found in articlesby \342\200\234A reactance W. Chap. networks, Network preparation). Foster, \nstanden 1935), York, Jr., Tuttle, of topic Communications Guillemin\342\200\231s Inc., \nSons, the (12-108)\n 1000 X READING\n FURTHER For further study as\n w0 by Cauer, theorem,\342\200\235 Bell Tech. J., 3, 259 Wechselstromwider- von \342\200\234Die Verwirklichung vorgeschriebener System Arch. Frequenzabhangigkeit,\342\200\235 Elektrotech., (1927).\n PROBLEMS\n For the networks shown in the as a quotient of polynomials. \nimpedance 12-1. figure, Prob. polynomials. Compare \npolynomials. Answer. (s4 + 4s* the Identify the driving-point even and odd\n 12-1.\n the order of (a) find the numerator and + l)/(3s* + s); (b) 3s/(s*+ denominator 1).\n 12-2. shown 3(s\302\256+ \n(b) NETWORKS\n 307\n find the driving-point admittance of Answer, below. + 1/6)/(s* + s/2); + lls2/6 (a) (\302\2534 + 14s2 + 30).\n Prob. Repeat networks \nthe REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 12 Chap. 7s/2)/(s4 but 12-1 1 \302\256-\n io\342\200\224nmrHt\n 2f\n 3h<\n lh\n lo-\n 3z__T\n lo-\n (a)\n (6)\n Prob. A certain 12-3. \nance \n1 with and \nquotient \nunity. 12-4. 3 poles LC network is known to havea driving-point imped\302\254 at the frequencies of 0 and 2 radians/sec and zeros at of for \nimpedances \302\26173 X\n - \n(co2 (co2 (c) \302\261jo) X\n (w2 Answer, (a) - No\342\200\224no In 4)(co2 16) - l)(a>2 pole case, - 25) (co2 3)\n each or why?\n 10 (b)\n \n\302\261 X (co2 - 25) (co2 (co2 jco 64)\n - (co2 (d) driving-point \302\261j'5co X\n 5)\n - at \302\253 ; (b) 4)(co2 No\342\200\224separation 36) 49)\n 16) (co2 \n(co2 zero - - - 25) - 9)\n property.\n shown in the determine: \nwhether zero frequency whether represents a pole or a zero,and a pole or a zero of the \ninfinity (frequency) represents Do this of the networks (and not by inspection determining 12-5. For a is (s4 networks? LC (co2 (a) + 10s2 + 9)/(s3 + 4s).\n the following functions may represent = Z(s) of driving-point impedance as the multiplying factor, if ff, (expanded) polynomials Which the Determine radians/sec. Answer. 12-2.\n the LC networks figure, (a) (b) impedance \ntion. \nthe driving-point by impedance).\n Prob. 12-5.\n func\302\254 12-6. For the following (a) sketch the \nworks), the of \nExamples 12\n net\302\254 configuration X as a function desired are given of sketches type Chap. (representing LC in the s plane, and functions network pole-zero function reactance the sketch \n(b) NETWORKS\n REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR 308\n of frequency w. in Fig. 12-7 in and 12-8.\n \nFig. M w + 4) (s2 l)(s2 -1- (s2 + s(s2 that for case 1 be negative and should \nequation + (s2 + 36)\n + 64)\n + 64) + (s2 81) + (s2 144)\n 100)\n will consider which sign shouldbe used that for Case 2 and Case3 the sign of we problem, 12-52. Show and 12-51 10 W s (s2 9)(s2 , (s2+ 25) w 25) (s2 + 81) (s2 + this In 12-7. \nEqs. ... (s2 + 36) (s2 + 100) (s2 + 16) (s2 + 81) + 5 )(s2 + 49) s(s2 . W be should 12-8. \nat = a) the sign\n positive.\n A network function 4 and a zero at o> = internal only is required that the are \ntwo 4 the Case and in has a pole These 10. critical fre\302\254 the magni\302\254 be 100 ohms at <a = 6 \ntude of reactance Determine (a) the sche\302\254 \nradians/sec. It \nquencies. \nmatic \nworks two Foster the and (b) the specifications, net\302\254 element values networks.\n two the \nfor these to corresponding of diagrams to serve as the load for a 12-9. A reactive network is to be designed for \nvacuum tube amplifier. The following specificationsare given the \nLC function. impedance \n1000 of \nslope a frequency at \nifications: (a) Sketch the Determine (b) each Determine (c) the of \nWhich two the \naccount 12-10. A stray spec\302\254 configuration pole-zero schematic for the diagrams networks factors of coils, capacitance impedance driving-point impedance (b) \nconfiguration, \n(c) Find the nature and the X(u>) two Foster curve.\n networks.\n value in the two networks of part (b). (d) would you select for a practical applica\302\254 as estimated cost of elements, taking into element , this internal kilo- \nZW For The the such Consider \ntion? vs. reactance the \ncycle/sec zero), (a cycles/sec critical frequencies are: 3000 cycles/sec, 4000 cycles/sec. (2) The must curve be 100 ohmsper frequency of 1000 cycles per second. From these (1) function: Determine of the _ 15s6 7.5s4 etc.\n is given by + 29s3 + + 7s2 + the equation,\n 6s 1\n Cauer in the external critical frequencies (that is, the first (a) Determine the value of each element network network, does\n 12 zero frequency \nzero REACTIVE ONE-TERMINAL-PAIR Chap. for configuration =\n \n12s8 \nconfiguration, Find the nature \tInvestigate (c) or \npoles the For the of \ndiagrams element \nmine Plots * -O > 0 f external critical frequencies (are they the pole-zero configuration for Z(s).\n configuration shown, draw the schematic and two Cauer networks. (Do not deter\302\254 are of impedance unless otherwise noted.\n pole-zero two Foster values.) 58\n of the Sketch (d) zeros?), 12-12. the (b) + the second Cauer network (a) Determine for each element in the network,\n value function: impedance as\n 13s2 + 5 + 2 s* this etc.), (d) Sketchthe pole- impedance is given Z(s) For ^ X w-0 0\342\200\224x <\302\253>\"oo\n w -0 (!) <*>\n For the pole-zero \ndiagrams of the two Foster element 12-14. 12-13.\n Prob. 12-12. 12-13. \nmine \302\253\342\200\224if\n <f <*>\"\302\253> Prob. 309\n Z(s).\n A driving-point 12-11. or a zero, a pole represent NETWORKS the configuration shown, and two Cauer networks. draw (Do schematic not deter\302\254 values.)\n 12-13 for the Prob. Repeat pole-zero configuration of the \nfigure.\n 1 co *0 <*> \342\231\246\n \342\200\242 oo\n <*>\n 12-14.\n Prob. 12-15. two the Draw \nzero with Starting 12-16. Eq. 12-103, verify Eq. 12-106.\n and two Cauer networks for Foster in the shown configuration co the pole- figure.\n *\n * \"0 co\n CO\n Prob. first the (b) the \nat 1 \nthat \nnumber \nment are following specifications must be a capacitor in element The 12-17. (a) network of values. avoid <a the \\Z(jl)\\ made for an series(to must have zero impedanceat = 2 radian/sec, is, 12-16.\n = impedance LC network:\n a d-c radians/sec, path),\n (c) have a magnitude of 10 ohms; must have the smallestpossible schematic and indicate the network farad.\n henrys, C = must 10, (d) the network elements. Answer. Draw L ele\302\254 = -rtr 13\n CHAPTER REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR \nNETWORKS (FILTERS)\n The discussionsin Chapter12 confined to networks with one \nterminal pair (the driving-point terminals). In this we will networks. One of the terminal pairs be \nstudy tow-terminal-pair \nidentified as the input, the other as the output. Our ultimate to networks to give a specified relationship between voltages design currents at one terminal pair and voltages or currents at the were chapter, will objective \nis \nor other.\n The in this concepts \nnature well contrast in \ndriving-point Fig. 13-1. net \nnetwork \nwork.\n work \nthe \nmarked 1-1 will the \nwith Most structure \nladder \nin our of constructing for \ndeveloped be identified \nBy convention, \narate \nthe \nvalues T input specifically 12. A rep\302\254 two-terminal-pair in Fig. 13-1.In the two terminals follow, and the two marked 2-2 noted.\n the ladder network structure.The is important it was the first structure used historically; a design for filters. In addition, the concepts procedure the ladder structure can be applied to other will concern studies structures\n 13-3. lattice. the A Standard standard impedance ladder ladder of all network designations.\n network is shown series elements is in Fig. 13-2. Zi(s) and of all to sep\302\254 For our studies, it will be convenient the network into two other network structures: standard ladder section and the t section. This separation and the resulting is illustrated in Fig. 13-3.\n for the series and shunt impedances elements \nshunt otherwise is shown to to exclusively Chapter a in driving-point network\n Fig. such as the the with unless outpilt The ladder 13-1. of \nresentation Two-terminal-pair as as in \ntransfer are thus chapter is Zs($). 310\n \nance 13-3 (c), together with the specific imped\302\254 will be adopted as a standard T section.The net\302\254 r section. (d) will likewise be adopted as a standard shall for T or w sections will refer to these develop The T and ir section building blocks can\n networks. designations, of \nwork \nAll 13-3 Fig. we equations standard \nspecific (a) \nan L Evolution 13-3. Fig. \nof (b) x T sections; of the ladder network into tandemnetworks a x section; and (e) (d) sections; (c) a T section; section.\n VWtAA/V AAA/\342\200\224\302\260\n o\342\200\224A/W-\n \nZJ2\n Zj/2\n Zx/2\n 2 Z2\n 2 Z2\n '2Zz\n \342\226\240o\n o\n lb)\n (a)\n 13-4. Fig. (a) from two L T section L 13-3 \nFig. \nsection the \nin 13-4. to the term These follow.\n three x section (b) from into a more primitive is designated as a network seem ir section network two\n shown network similarity). standard sections; sections.\n \342\200\234inverted might geometrical and \nstudies primitive end-for-end, of \nsection Fig. This (e). (although \nturned \nview step further one divided be 311\n NETWORKS\n in Fig. shown network The REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 13-1\n Art. more The or L,\342\200\235 gamma appropriate construction in standardL network when from the point of of the standard T from the primitive L sectionis shown will form the basis of the structures REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 312\n 13-2. NETWORKS\n 13\n Chap. impedance\n Image in the T section and t section just discussed are symmetrical L sec\302\254 1-1 and 2-2 could be interchanged.The \nsense that terminals In order to derive an equation that is unsymmetrical. \ntion, however, \nwill a symmetrical or an unsymmetrical network, con\302\254 to either apply T section \nsider the shown in Fig. 13-5. Let the gen\302\254 unsymmetrical and the load be ZL. We will also\n \nerator be Z\342\200\236 impedance impedance The at terminals 1-1 with ZL connected (and as the at and terminals 2-2 Za* similarly impedance When the impedances Zg ZL disconnected). (but the as Zu define impedance disconnected), \nZ, \nwith connected Zg \nand are ZL adjusted such Zg that\n * \nZu, the Ztt (13-1)\n match is said and empha\302\254 will Ztt \nwritten 2.\n The the \nUnder specified 1-1 is \nterminals the conditions, the same as that \nimpedance) which views the the when of the \nimpedance seen impedance a mirror \342\200\234seen\342\200\235 in For the \nwritten network in terms An the their of Fig. of Zh Zt, = 13-5, expressions for and Zi These Z%. Z\302\273(Z = i + Z% -f- +\n Z\\ \nalgebraic + Zt(Z\\ Zt equations +\n \nZt + Z% Zu and can Zu be are\n Zu) + Zu\n (13-2)\n Z\\i)\n + (13-3)\n Zu\n two equations in two unknowns, Zu and Z\302\253. it is possible to solve for the unknowns. operation, here match image image impedance is the same as if terminals 2-2 are also terminatedin generator Zu\n in\342\200\235 at to see (constructed driving-point at\n have \342\200\234looking generatorimpedance. impedance.\n \nimage We \342\200\224 Zi, To add 2-2. to exist at terminals1-1 be defined by Eq. 13-1, Zn written impedance special at terminal pair 1, and similarly will be image impedance at terminal pair Zw, the image impedance for using the word image is suggested by Eq. 13-1. reason an image the \nsis to \nexists and Z\\\\ By routine However,\n a more useful \ncircuit and = \nZu 313\n of by solving for Zu and Zuin terms openLet impedances. at terminal-pair 1 with terminal-pair 2 open, at terminal-pair 1 with terminal-pair 2 short- short-circuit the NETWORKS is found result impedance \342\200\224 the \nZu REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 13-2 Art. impedance \ncircuited,\n Zu \nZu = the impedance = the impedance 2 with terminal-pair 1 open, 2 with terminal-pair 1 short- at terminal-pair at terminal-pair \ncircuited.\n terminal for \nances of Fig. network the For pair 13-5, the open-circuit 1 have the values\n \342\200\224 Z\\ Z\\o \342\200\224 Z i Zu + (13-4)\n z%z%\n +\n = Zu two For \nlow. \nFor this the case, the are equations symmetrical the notation Several examples, important given Image 13-3 (c) that\n (13-6)\n VZioZu (13-7)\n = Zu = Zi in terms (13-8)\n to discussion the of follow, will in Fig.\n next.\n Section. For the T section of the T Impedance shown the image impedance = Z* = 7 ZiT ir the \342\200\224 VZioZu 7 .%/7 ZiT + ZxZ2 The Section. (13-9)\n (13-10)\n is shown in v section Fig.\n as follows:\n is found -\342\200\224/ (I + z) Mfz) V^i2/4 impedance image + V(t Image Impedanceof The is\n = vz^zr. ZiT 13-3(d). it is found of much of the analysisto fol\302\254 foundation the image impedances are equal. network, will be simplified by letting\n Zu \nbe Zs\n Zu = s/Z^Zu Similarly, These (13-5)\n + last four equations, of the manipulation algebraic imped\302\254 Zz\n Z% By and short-circuit + 2Z2(Zi y/2z2 + 2Zi 2Zj) 2ZiZj\n + Zi (Zi + (13-11)\n 2Zj) Z\\Zi\n =\n \\/ Zi2/4 + Z \\Zi\n (13-12)\n is 13-3(e) L Section. The L section shownin Fig.\n below as Fig. 13-6. This network is unsymmetmust be computed for each terminalpair.\n impedance At terminals 1-1, the image impedance is\n reproduced the and \nrical, image -o2\n 1\302\260\342\200\224AAA/\n Zi/2\n \342\200\224 Zul + y/(Zi/2 2Z,\n -o2\n with \nComparison \nZul + ZxZi (13-13) 13-10 Eq. L section.\n 13-6. 2Zz)Zi/2\n = v%2/4 lo-\n Fig. Chap. 13\n the of Impedance Image NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 314\n = (13-14)\n ZiT the image impedance of the L sectionat terminals of the T section. At the otherterminal \nimage impedance or that Z 2Zs(Zi/2)\n (2 Zi)\n *2iL\n 2Z2 this of Comparison + with equation Zul \nir The section. \nanother point combined be \ncan one in \nlooking impedance \nimage y/z i2/4 + Eq. 13-12 shows is the 1-1 pair\n 2\n \\Z (13-15)\n ZxZz\n that\n \342\200\224 (13-16)\n Zir\n image impedanceis that the symmetrical of the L section appears as a T impedance image From and as a ir section looking in the direction, of view this conclusion seems reasonable. Two L sections an image with match to form a T section, ZiT on each end as shown in Fig. 13-7. pair 2 the at terminal Thus Zi/2 that shows of section other. the with Similarly,\n o\n \342\200\242o \302\260AAA/\n A/W-0---0-VW\n AAA/-\302\260\n -Zir\n Zt.\n ZiT\n ZiT\n o o\n (c)\n of image Combination 13-7. Fig. \nT L both \nat with combine sections terminal pairs section, and matched L sections to form (b) the an image match as required.\n 7r (a) the section.\n to form a ir section with Z\342\200\236 13-3. Image transferfunction\n It \nance \nis \none a concept in driving-point terminal we need something that is evident pair the two-terminal-pair We need concept. to the other in addition to the problem. image imped\302\254 The image impedance a function to relate variablesat terminal pair. For the time being,we\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 13-3\n Ait. ratio function to the the transfer will restrict NETWORKS\n of 315\n thus\n currents; h(s)\n (13-17)\n -<?(\342\200\242)\n /*(\342\200\242)\n and input current, 12 is the output (or load) current, In the sinusoidal steady state, the trans\302\254 transfer function. a complex number which may be expressedas a becomes is the h where the is \nG(s) function \nfer and \nmagnitude angle phase as\n = G(ju>) In practice, the = e\342\200\234 \\G(j<\302\273)\\ The /3, so is designated of G(j<a) angle = G(jco) where a = a logarithmic in measured is |Cr(jw)| (13-18)\n unit that\n so neper) \n(the magnitude a(ia) \\G(ja)\\eiAna (13-19)\n that\n = ey eae* the attenuation = /S (nepers), (13-20)\n the phase shift (radians), As a practical matter, the mostcom\302\254 function. transfer \n7 image \nmon unit for attenuation is the decibel, abbreviated db, even though the ratio of powers\342\200\224not \nthe involves definition for the decibel voltages = the currents\342\200\224as \nor follows.\n oidb = If the powerratio is 10 logio to related Ei\n Pi\n P2\n Then\n otdb the 2\n Pi\n or =\n K Ei\n or logxo\n that \nrestriction last 20 adb in \n8.686 (the should It \nthe \nto decibels be input the = 20 logio magnitude e\" = 8.686 a is found by multiplying emphasized attenuation current (13-23)\n It\n the under neper, neper being the The \nnature. I_i\n logxo\n ratio current as\n adb Thus (13-22)\n of decibels correspondingto a Eq. 13-22 applies, we substitute for the equation as\n 2\n the number To find the Ii ratio It\n E2\n \nin (13-21)\n or current voltage Ej2\n \342\200\224 20 db (P1/P2) (which of the larger db (13-24)\n a in nepers the by factor unit).\n in that the quantities a and /9 are transfer of is a measure of the ratio of the magnitude must be sinusoidal for a to have meaning) output current. The phase angle /3 is the phase\n TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 316\n the of the \nKnowing input with respect to the output sinusoid. and the image transfer function, the out\302\254 when the network is terminated in the image current is determined current \nput 13\n Chap. measured sinusoid input REACTIVE NETWORKS\n \nimpedance.\n 13-8. Tig. the \nconsider the \nby the find To for computing Network function for a symmetrical network, in Fig. 13-8. The currents are related transfer image T section shown equation\n Ii \n7- this Solving = ^ ey = Zi + Zi/2 for Zit equation = This image impedanceis Eq. by given the Eq. \nthere 13-26 after results, Z2V7 e27 of the = (13-25)\n (13-27)\n this squared equation to Eq. 13-27, are canceled,\n 2ey + 1) \342\200\224 2e7 -I- - = ZiZ2ey 1 0 (13-28)\n Z\\\n (13-29)\n Zl\n e7 This \n?(ey equation + e~y) can be put in hyperbolic = cosh 7, so that finally\n cosh \nthe /10 T section which ZlZi\n 1\342\200\234 or\n A -7- is\n terms - Zi (13-26)\n impedance and equating common Zi | ot~ + 1)-^] image ZiT2 Squaring = 1 1 +, there results\n Z,Uer- which 13-10, 4- Zi 7 Z< \nis image transfer function.\n similar expression for the y = 1 + hyperbolic form by recognizing that (13-30)\n ^ sine is found by making use identity\n cosh 7 sinh 7 = e7\n (13-31)\n of REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR Art. 13-4 this Comparing with equation Dividing Eq. 13-32 by \ntion the for found is 13-25, it is Eq. sinh 13-30and seen 317\n that\n = t (13-32)\n the canceling tangent hyperbolic NETWORKS\n common of 7, which Z2, an = tonh f13-33*\n \302\273 zjhz> This equation can be expressedin terms \nparametersby making use of Eq. 13-6.\n = Zi (which could be is \nnetwork two these expression \ntion, \nto which This follow. \ntion. It 7 = and l\342\200\231s by short-circuit 2*s, the since for the open-circuit equation for any holds Zl0 imped\302\254 (13-35)\n written\n (13-36)\n \342\226\240%/Zu/Z\\o equation for the the basis of much of the discussion is more general than is implied by our passive reciprocal network. (See Prob. 13-2, useful form of the with 13-34 forms Eq. most is a the 13-33 may be Eq. identities, tanh This open- (13-34)\n replacing by Zi/2 + Z2 = Using the T network.\n the for \nance the and symmetrical) of y/ZuZu written for side2 equa\302\254 is\n func\302\254 image-transfer deriva\302\254 for \nexample.)\n 13-4. In a purely \nurements LC networks 12, is purely class we is approximate. however, well, sufficiently \nChapter \nwork of two-terminal-pair networks, all the and capacitors. Since all the network are inductors have any result based on the assumption\n resistance, elements \npractical networks\n important very within \nelements of to LC Application know reactive The results conform to to be of engineering value. meas\302\254 From the driving-point impedance of an LC net\302\254 (and the admittance purely susceptive) such\n that TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 318\n Chap. NETWORKS\n REACTIVE 13\n that\n Z = 0\342\200\230co) foundation The \nthese given equations networks reactive \nFor and impedance \nimage From our knowledge the of \nwith for frequency \na of As \nmagnitude Xu and Case\n 2\n Xu \nreal or con\302\254 tanh Zi\n +\n \342\200\224\n real\n an , , both cosh For real. is investigation y = Ri\n imaginary\n opposite the image and tanh Z, is real signs, is impedance y only choices. Both Zt and tanh y must be can never be complex. We next turn our atten\302\254 of the conditions under which tanh y can be sinh y \342\200\224L cosh = a + j(3,tanh sinh and denominator be can y a cos P + a cos P + \342\200\224r cosh y numerator a cos imaginary\n the Since y = imaginary. Dividing y Ri\n and Xu, same for Xu but imaginary, +\n y\n real\n jXi\n \342\200\224\n are These tanh \nfactor are four possiblesign \342\200\224\n \342\200\224\n imaginary. to There +\n signs are the \nimaginary and tanh \ntion as the the sign as well Xu\n the or relates to quotient changes, changes. +\n 4\n \nreal their although jXi\n 3\n \nis discussed in networks LC the reactance functionchanges reactances. Here Xu and Xu are frequency Xu\n 1\n If of properties below.\n summarized \nditions (13-40)\n i.) (\302\261jX ('W\n functions, function. transfer (13-39)\n y/jjk driving-point reactance \ndriving-point yjZ^/Zio\n the sign of that know we \342\226\240\\/(\302\261jX i.) * = tanh 12, (13-38)\n In the Zi = \nChapter y/ZuZu\n equations to follow, the subscript1 that it can be replaced by a 2 asin understanding as long as the network is symmetrical. above, in the sinusoidal steady state, equations for the transfer function become\n image the with used be \nwill VZuZu networks. symmetrical = \342\200\224 (13-37)\n \302\261jB(u>)\n are\n y = y/Zu/Zt\\0 = tanh = Y(ju>) for our analysis equations Z% for and \302\261jX(ui) expanded j cosh a sin j sinh a sin P as\n ,10\n (13-42\n /3\n of the equation by the 0 gives\n tanh y = ,tonh 1 \nT +j a +J a tanh tan 3 tan (3\n (13-43)\n 13-4 Art. Our y = Let (2) tanh = 0 t/2 Let (3) \nnot sir; of then\n 0, \302\261t, (13-45)\n ...) \302\2612x, of this angle) suchthat of a and there tanh tan 0 0 = \302\261 (13_46)\n \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \302\261 t\342\200\231 \302\261 t r ) real.\n purely 0, as summarized Value (13-44)\n 0) limit,\n (for Hence permitted. for the In and again tanh y is Any other values \n\302\253 and = 0; condition,\n \342\200\224 real.\n = tanh'>' a (for (or odd multiples infinity. \napproaches this For 0. (for 0 = a tanh y is purely tanh and = 7 \342\200\224 j tan 0 y is purely imaginary.\n 0 = 0 such that tan 0 tanh and or purely possibilities.\n Let a = 0 such that tanh a tanh 319\n either purely real expression several are There \nimaginary. this make to is problem (1) REACTIVE NETWORKS TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 0 will maketanh only three below.\n of a and 0 Conditions y\n is this and complex, y possibilities for values for are \n' = a tanh- ^\n 1 0 = 0, +ir, I +2t, ... (13-47)\n or\n Real\n = I a tanh-1\n 0 = a Imaginary\n 0 = 0\n = tan-1 possible to extendthe table of a and 0 for the four It is now values \nthe Case\n 2\n We \nterms jXu,\n Zi\n +\n +\n \342\200\224\n \342\200\224\n jXi\n \342\200\224\n +\n \342\200\224\n 4\n now of ^ (13j*8)\n (13-49)\n 318 page to include cases.\n JX<\n 3\n \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \302\261 on given jXl8\n 1\n | \302\261 +\n have sufficient both a transfer Ri\n Ri\n information quantity, tanh a\n 7\n 0\n real\n a tA 0\n 0 or real\n a 5^ 0\n 0 or imaginary\n 0\n MO\n imaginary\n 0\n 0*0\n ir/2\n x/2\n to examine the differentcasesin the image transfer function, and a\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 320\n the quantity, driving-point \nterminals 1-1 \npresented to is of fre\302\254 con\302\254 the at 2 apply. Then the image impedance This is the impedance of the network when terminated in Z\302\273. We associate this imaginary. the Xu are such that of Xu and signs 13\n Chap. At some value impedance. image Case 1 or Case of \nditions the that assume \nquency, NETWORKS\n generator condition of no powertransfer. the a is \nfer point of view, the attenuation means positive and real, is than \nthat the load current smaller the It h (see generator is attenuated The current so to 13-17). or, speak the of Case 1 and Case 2, the frequencies \nUnder conditions \nnated and the band of stop frequencies is designated stop frequencies, load with the \nreactive trans\302\254 From which current \342\200\234stopped.\342\200\235 \nEq. are \nthe desig\302\254 band.\n stop the When of Xu signs and Xu are opposite, we 3 and Case have and the attenuation a is \nCase 4, where the image impedanceis real is now the load \nzero. From the driving-point impedance point of view, the \nresistive and there is power transfer. Withno mag\302\254 to the magnitude of h (althoughthere will be a \nnitude of 72 is equal attenuation, \nrent is \nand Case \nis identified \nto stop The phase Such \342\200\234passed.\342\200\235 4 are or vice band rules The (2) As discussed slope of the a consequence of resonance \npoints currents). For thesecases, the as frequencies versa function reactance (1) of the two designated a pass band. as several \nto the in \ndifference give the conditions cur\302\254 of Case 3 pass frequencies. A band of pass frequencies The frequency of transition from passband is assigned the name cutofffrequency.\n Xu and Xu vary with frequency according in Chapter 12:\n reactance curve dX/do) is alwayspositive.\n of the slope property, the polesand zeros (or and antiresonance) alternate as a functionof \nfrequency.\n (3) The external \neither poles frequencies (that is, u> = = \302\253 0 and \302\273) are always or zeros.\n function determine the Since the critical frequenciesof the that the \nnature of the reactance versus frequency plot, suspect \ncritical frequencies somehow relate to the pass band, stop band, can the the cutoff We relationships by frequencies. study and have made for the reactance curves Xu Xu. Both plots \ning \nthe general of the plot shown in Fig. 13-10.In appearance \nthe critical of Xu and Xu, we recognize that there are frequencies the will coincide but be opposite critical \npossibilities: (1) frequencies the will coincide but be the same critical (2) nature, frequencies and the critical will not coincide. These three (3) frequencies reactance we the \nand compar\302\254 will comparing three \nin \ntype, are illustrated \npossibilities in Fig. 13-11.\n Art. reactance The in \nshown \nXu, are for the plots for Xu and Xu, 13-12. At noncritical frequencies, on page table the plot for Xu\n !\n A\n i\n i\n \302\253i\n 1 \n1 \n1\n 1\n 1\n 1\n 1\n 0) * i\n o)\n Xu\n 1\n 1\n |\n 1\n Xl0\n 13-11. to correspond \nwhere Xu and \nfrequencies are holds \ncondition The \nplots second having Case T\n i\n |\n u>\n Xu\n i\n \302\245\n \342\200\242\ni\n 0)\n l\n i\n i\n i\n i\n i\n T (6) Comparison 3 and of critical thus A possibility the same sign band 0)2\n frequencies of Xl0 and Xu.\n a = 0. in sign, thereis a pass band.\n shown in no At all frequencies and attenuation of frequencies for which Fig. 13-11(b) results for all values w\n (0\n Case 4 for which pass frequencies. w ! \ni\n i\n i\n i\n \342\200\242\n 0)1\n 012\n u>2\n Xu are opposite is i\n i\n i\n i\n i\n !\n (a) Fig. Xu,\n LC network.\n xu\n 1\n 1\n 1\n 1\n are the signs for Xu and the two functions for Reactance *1.\n possibility opposite sign nature. see that oppositesigns Xu and 319, we 13 -10. Fig. frequencies, first 321\n to preserve this time same the at signs critical At opposite. always \nchange \nFrom Fig. NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 13-4\n the this in reactance of frequency. Sucha reactance\n shown is plot \nhave Case a stop last The \nexists same sign for Xu and critical being in the other one. l\n l\n 1\n A\n 4\n frequency At \342\226\240\n \302\273-\342\226\240 i\n M\t\n l\n l\n and .Yu \342\200\235' T\n 1\n \n1 \302\253 I\n \nother the not. This a stop band does \nband to \ncutoff frequencies. \ntions existing \nstop band, sign An and and (a) condition -00\n bands and cutoff frequency.\n reactance function changes but to changing from a pass the corresponds or vice versa. Such critical frequenciesarethus of a plot with each of the threecondi\302\254 example with cutoff and pass of one Xu.\n stop\n cutoff'\n Stop crit-\n \302\253 f\n l\n l \n1\n pass\n 13-15. the 1\n i\n 1 frequency, to corresponding Condition for cutoff frequency from t\342\200\224r\n ical we Xu, of page 319, in Fig. 13-14: a without or Xu Zh\n Fig. 13\n Xu is illustrated Xu is-14. ng. Chap. band.\n possibility either in NETWORKS\n with the same sign for Xu and of frequencies A band therefore 13-13. With the 2 on the table in Fig. 1 or Case \nattenuation. \nis REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 322\n corresponding designation of is shown in Fig. 13-15.\n frequency the pass band, \nimpedance \ncircuit terms of the Z, in 13-6 Eq. by \ngiven critical frequencies of ZXo and functions, impedance of open- the image and short- The image impedance is = (13-50)\n VZioZu poles and zeros and Zu of Zu, the impedance image written\n be \nmay Zu. the 323\n as\n Zi In terms of the the nature to study further a position in now are We NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 13-4\n Art. 7 * + (s2 /rr 1\342\200\236 (s2 + _ \\ W42) . + \302\25322)(s2 + \302\253i2)(s2 o,32) .. H2 (s2 + . .\n W\342\200\2362). (13-51)\n ... \302\253 (s2 + o\302\2732). . .\n possible impedance forms have been assumedfor Zi<, In the pass band, the poles of ZXo are zeros \nand Zu. of Zu or vice versa. = \nSuch for and cancel if factors, (s2 + o>22) (s2 + a>62) \302\253&, example \nterm by term not critical In the and hence are stop frequenciesof Z<. the and removed and zeros of coincide be and so Zi0 Zi, \nband, poles may \nfrom the critical radical. critical fre\302\254 are thus frequencies Stop-band of the two where A of \nquencies \neither or Zi0 \nsinusoidal Zia cutoff (never In a both). s = where state steady the \nwithin \nto an This radical. number imaginary 13-16. Fig. changes as term of the sign Image as a critical ju),\n (\342\200\224O)2+ the frequencyin typical frequency term (in the appears frequency (13-52)\n <0l2)\n \302\253 exceeds \302\253i,causing of sign changes Z, change or vice versa. One plot variation impedance in the of sign a change from a real of Zi for a number filter is\n pass band and stop\n band.\n \nance \nof \nstop Zu at the and band.\n Note that 13-16. in Fig. shown cutoff Zu frequency, in the Z< changes from and again, that stop band are to a a resistance react\302\254 the critical frequencies the criticalfrequencies Z, of in the the illustrate \nnetwork consider T network 13-17. of Example 1 circuit We will determine \nand and Zu, \ncutoff The n Zl short-circuit the \342\200\236 \nhave zerosof the / . \\ \342\200\242(*) 2 L* 2 impedance values tabulated LCs1 _J_ + Cs function 1 , functions, Zeros\n the and 2\n (13-53)\n is\n _ Cs + 2/Ls Zu stop band, 2 Cs\n L(LC\302\253\302\273 + 4s)\n 2(LCs*+ the poles and (13-54)\n 2)\n zeros are to found below.\n Zu\n Zu>\n Poles\n short-\n functions impedance the pass band, the impedance is\n open-circuit two these the _~ and open-circuit determine impedance *uW with networks.\n the poles and this from frequency. From 13\n of the concepts of this sectionto specific first the T section shown in Fig. 13-17.\n application configurations, ng. and Chap. 1\n Example To NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 324\n zero\n infinity infinity\n = \n\302\253 = \302\253 zero\n V2/LC\n CO = y/2/LC\n 2\n 7=\n \\/LC\n \nfrequencies \ncutoff Fig. 13-18, together with the designations the the the pass band and in the stop band. The of for this network is seen to are shown in These in frequency of value be\n - which is a zero of Zu. As a filter, - (1W\n this network passes the low frequen\302\254\n Ait 13-4\n cies and \nname the rejects Another \nsponding Filters of this frequencies. high NETWORKS\n 325\n type are giventhe filters.\n low-pass Example REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR #\n is shown in T section and open-circuit Fig. 13-19,together the corre\302\254 For this network networks. short-circuit with we\n cutoff\n Fig. 13-18. filter poles Low-pass and zeros.\n \342\200\242\342\200\224Hf\342\200\224\n 2 C\n Zlo\n Z.\n , 2C\n Z\\, Fig. 13-19. T network of Example 2 with circuit the =r=2C\n L\\\n and open-circuit short-\n networks.\n o) \302\256oo\n Fig. see 18-20. filter poles High-pass zeros.\n that\n ^2 Cs\n + L. + - poles and \342\200\224 7T?T 2Cs zeros +\n 1 2 Cs 1\n (13-56)\n 2Cs\n 4 LCs2 1\n Zu The and + l/Ls for these two 2Cs(2LCs2 + 1\n + (13-57)\n 1)\n functions are shownin Fig. 13-20,\n the with together This \nfrequencies. stop band, and cutoff frequencydesigna\302\254 rejects low frequencies but passeshigh a high-pass filter.\n filter is designated of type the \nsimplify rig. example has element values given in orderto in computing The network is a T\n impedances. this for network The algebra of Example 3 with T network 13-21. circuit \t\n 4\nf1 T ? I i |\n i\n i i\n i I\n : 1 the o \t\n \342\200\224T 1 f\n 1 1\n 1\n \n1 1\n 1\n 1\n 1\n 1\n 1\n w\n x\n 1\n T\n \n1\n 1\n 1\n J\342\200\224\n U 1\n cutoff\n 13-22. 7 u u found s _ 2 + l + 2s s and zeros.\n From the schematic diagramsthe branch. are expressions \nimpedance filter poles Band-pass in each elements two stop\n pass\n Tig. -00\n cutoff\n stop\n with short-\n w\t\n 1\n 1\n \342\231\246\n and open-circuit networks.\n ! T * 13\n S\n Example and Chap. pass band, this network a filter, As \ntions. NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 326\n to be\n 1 _ + 1/s + 4s2 + 2s(s2+ 1\n (13-58)\n 1)\n similarly,\n _ \342\200\242 2 +, 1 2s +, 1 s + l/\302\253 + l/(s/2 _ + l/2s) \302\2736 + 2* (s4 + 7s1 + 4s2 + 7s4 + 1\n 1)\n (13-59)\n This last equation looks rather formidable, being of sixth order (or\n the \nin equation \nmight also be 13-22 with all \nthe 7s4 s\302\253 + + 1 = all zeros can \nsummary of values for the from which (s2 + l)(s4+ be found using poles and zeros the 6s2 co = are \nthere cutoff two = \302\253 1\n \nare frequencies. pass-band An filters. \npass opposite and \nfrequencies \nelimination V2 \302\261y/Z\n a/ 2 +\n CO = 1\n w = y/3 2 \302\261 shownin Fig. \\/2\n It 13-22. is seen that both low-frequency and in a center band are bands. Frequencies stop Filters of this type are designated band\302\254 and high type of filter with pass bands at low a stop band that and at a center band of is a frequencies band- filter.\n and Short-circuit an unknown the that Suppose \nlaboratory. can be used measurements open-circuit of analyzing means \ntical A formula. infinity\n frequencies bands \nhigh-frequency (13-60)\n 1) zero\n poles and zeros is of these A plot to Zu\n infinity\n Zeros\n Fig.\n follows.\n zero\n co = + quadratic Z\\o\n Poles\n 1) of 7s2 -f appears (s2 results\n there Factoring, suspicion. term of and poles 327\n an s2+ 1 leads one to suspectthat + of the pole zero plot Zu> Inspection zeros plotted except the zeros Zu adds of zero a NETWORKS\n the fact that in s2). However, for Z\\a as a pole order third rather REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 13-4\n Art. as a prac\302\254 network in the network is connected\n two-terminal-pair two-terminal-pair O-T\n I Sine wave or Open \nclosed\n \\)\n \ngenerator 1\n Fig. to a sine wave \nmeasured by \nwith a cathode 13-23. apparatus Experimental generator as shown in an ammeter marked ray oscillograph) to study filters.\n Fig. 13-23. I (or a as frequency If dropping the resistor current together is changing with output\n is maintained voltage a and \nance of \nresistance The \ninfinity. be \ncan applied \nwhen is lot in made the but It \nWhen Itc and now \noff the \npass band, \nconcerned to were cutoff a low-pass filter.\n in locating pass bands, stop bands, and cut\302\254 to the problem of com\302\254 next turn our attention a in the stop band, and the phaseshift /3 in the attenuation for a number of important filter networks.We with the variation of the image impedancewith and phase shift in symmetricalT for the will be also frequency Eqs. the significance to show \342\200\224 V^i*/4 =\n + that ZiZ, of the factor = V%Z*(1 networks\n (Zi/4Zi) net\302\254 be as\n + Zi/4Z*) (13-61)\n ZiZ,\n ZiZ,\n \342\226\240^Zi*/4 shown and t of symmetrical T and r impedance 13-10 and 13-12. These equations may image as derived Zu have for recorded practice We Ztr We or minimumis given have Expressions \nrearranged be other, that frequencyis a frequency. maximum or minimum at a are both It frequency, is in the stop band. The case illustrated in Fig. Attenuation \nworks will networks.\n \nfor these 13-5. in Fig. 13-24 not for the frequencies. \nputing When a maximum band. corresponds We shown 13-24 frequency \nevidently plot 13\n will have current pass or \n/\342\200\236 \nthat a constant, Chap. a maximum value at a zeroof imped\302\254 value at a pole of impedance. The incidental minimum the current from becoming zero or the elements prevents same rules that have been used in our networkanalysis If /,\302\253is at a minimum value results. to the experimental and vice versa, measurements are being\n a maximum at The \nobtained. NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 328\n + in the pass ZiZi\n + Zi/4Z,\n is band the imageimpedance (13-62)\n real and\n Art. in the that \ntions determination 329\n factor\n the When criterion. impedance NETWORKS\n the image impedance is imaginary.Theseequa\302\254 of pass bands and stop bands, using this band stop permit \nimage REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 13-5\n 1 + Zi/4Z2 or \nimaginary image impedance must change,real to real. Hence cutoff frequencies occur when\n of the nature the sign, changes (13-63)\n to imaginary Zi\n 1\n (13-64)\n 4Z2\n This of \nterms frequency.\n be derived relating the imagetransferfunction The derivation begins with Eq. 13-30,which An equation may \nthe factor (Zi/4Z2). cosh This equation \ntion a T to is\n 1 + (13-65)\n but also applies to section, both sides of Dividing 13-2). we \nrearranging, = y for derived was Prob. (see last section. used in the in the analysis of filters, the nature of the network is the network passes or stops known, whether knowing by additional one are frequencies established \nreadily \nat (Zi/4Z2) network impedances rather than in for analyzing a impedances of importance is evidently cutoff once \nsince short-circuit and open- factor \nThe the of terms in \ndirectly alternate method series and shunt an offers equation ax the equation and 2 by sec\302\254 have\n cosh \342\200\224 1 7 z _ 1\n (13-66)\n \n2\n By an for hyperbolic identity cosh 7 this Expanding \n7 functions,\n - 1_ . , a ^ t, = sinh Z\\ two \nare and in possibilities Z2 the have \npossibilities the 2\n 4Z2\n (13-67)\n of part imaginary same \342\200\224jXi or Zi \342\200\224jXi \302\261jXi and Z2 = sin ^ ^ = (13-68)\n yj^ +jXz, so that there expression depending on or opposite signs. We will consider separately.\n = = cosh radical (1) When Zi and Z2 have = | + j cos ^ Now for reactive networks, \nZ2 Zx\n the real and in terms of equation 2\n 7\n gives\n sinh \nZ\\ 4Z2\n and oppositesigns,that is, Z2 = -\\-jXi, then Z\\ = whether these +jXi (Zi/4Z2) is negative.\n and 330\n last The equation sinh ^ cos ^ cosh | Isin Thus a = = 2 sin-1 or\n 0 = +ir, and\n a = 2 cosh-1 When sinh which \nway the \nThus \nwhen \nto Eqs. a stop \nfor equations is negative (Zi/4Z2) 13-71 = ^ (13-74)\n \342\200\224Zi/4Z2\n Eq. 13-68is 0\n (13-75)\n (13-76)\n .\n f and and\n real, Uz2\n is only be 0, \302\261 2?r, one etc. is\n = a = two \302\2613t, (13-73)\n there 0 These \302\261tt, . . .\n \302\26157r, can never equal zero, so that can be satisfied: 0 must equations these = 0 (13-72)\n cosh (a/2) solution or ZX/4Z2\n \\/ c\302\260s 5 in a = 0 the radical of ^ case <13-70)\n yji\302\247; V- sin cosh this = +3ir, is 'positive, (Zi/4Z2) (13-69)\n (13-71)\n 0 In factor 0\n and\n (2) a positive = 0 in two ways: be satisfied may either\n equation \netc. 13\n Then\n \n(\342\200\224Zi/4Z2). This in terms of be interpreted may Chap. NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 13-72 0, \302\2612x, \302\2614x, ... (13-77)\n 2 sinh-1 \\/Zi/4Z2 apply there (13-78)\n when (Zi/4Z2) is positive. However, are the two possibilities corresponding for a pass band, and to Eqs. 13-73 13-74 and band.\n at different conclusionsfor positive for negative \nvalues of (Zi/4Z2), zero value for (Zi/4Z2) is evidently a of \ndivision for the various forms of equations for a and 0. (Zi/4Z2) there are two possibilities. The point of division for these negative is given The 1. different equations by Eq. 13-64 as Zi/4Z2 = are summarized in the following table. The for \npossibilities values find the most frequent application, because of (Zi/4Z2) \nnegative of our studies will concern networks with opposite signs for Since we arrive and point When \nis \342\200\224 \ntwo equations \nmost \nand X\\ X2.\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR Art. 13-6\n NETWORKS\n 331\n Zi/4Z2\n of Type Lower\n \nband\n Upper\n limit\n -1\n \n-1 00\n \nrelated sinh-1 sin-1 2 \\/Zi/4Z2\n \\/\342\200\224Zi/4Z2 ...\n +47T, \302\2612ir, \n0, ...\n is designed under the conditionthat Zi T and standard t section)are the standard where R is a constant both positive below, of filters class the by 2 \302\2613tt, filters\n for defined (as \302\261ir, \n0\n stop\n important Z2 equation real.\n \nand = ZXZ2 This equality of and \ntive a is requires that the sign. opposite \nZobel* used \n11 \n0\n -\\/\342\200\224Zi/4Z2 pass\n Constant-# \nand 2 cosh-1 stop\n 0\n \n0\n An a\n limit\n \342\200\224 00 13-6. shift Phase Attenuation\n symbol to be (13-79)\n impedances Zx In the first Z2 be purely of of R the quantity because and discussion of filters K in place of the the letter preferred R2 our equation. this reac\302\254 type, Actually is dimensionally ohms, the value of the terminating resistance.Even R has K in the defining equation, filters designedon \nthough replaced \nthe 13-79 are universally designated as constant-K of Eq. assumption of the assumedrelation\302\254 if not the justification The \nfilters. advantages, between Zi and \nship Z2, will become evident by algebraic simplifica\302\254 and network structures.\n later \ntion, by simple we will define To simplify the equationsderivedin the last section, R \nand \na out turns variable new for the (Zi/4Z2) quantity ** - since \nThe Z\\ and = ZXZ2 It is now \nvery * See possible simple reference form in order to make x2 a positive opposite signs for constant-# in Eq. 13-79 are, for reactive networks,\n Z2 have expressions impedance (13-80>\n if1 This particular choice of sign is made \nquantity, as\n (\302\261jX1)(+jX2) = +M2 = R2 filters. (13-81)\n in to write the expressions for the imageimpedance in terms of R and x. Equations 13-61and 13-62\n at end of chapter.\n NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 332\n Chap. 13\n become\n = ZiT the Similarly, become \nsection for \nvalues be \nneed \nwe x2, . (13-82)\n (13-83)\n , v i \342\200\224 x\n time being. In the last considering only positive in the table on page331 the stop band, by Eq. = 2 cosh-1 x (13-84)\n and phase of the attenuation in form. Since we are simple values for (Zi/4Z2) only negative for expressions for considered the 13-74, have\n a 0 = +?r, In X2 R = Zi, - RVl the pass +3ir, etc. (13-85)\n by Eq. 13-72,\n band, a = 0 = 0 x for x 2 sin-1 a, and 0 against the \ngeneralizedplots. In order Plots of ZiT, Zir, (13-86)\n (13-87)\n in Fig. shown are plots to These are to specific\n 13-25. be specialized \t\n N\n 1\n ^^stop 0 -x\n i1\n i! 1 pass \342\200\236 +i +x\n (xj\n \\;x I ^'\n stop i\n ib)\n Tig. 13-26. Normalized x as plots a function networks, only \nOnce x(o>) is known, the in terms of x = of frequency \\/ \302\253 need \342\200\224Zi/AZ*.\n be coordinates may be adjusted for determined. the special\n Art. cases. This Example the in earlier \nsidered for several will be illustrated procedure 333\n NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 13-6\n con\302\254 examples chapter.\n 4\n \nFor this \nare opposite network, = Z\\ in shown in Fig. T section standard the Consider and jwL as sign Z2 = The required). \342\200\224 13-17,(page324). that (note j/u>C Z\\ and Z2 variable x then normalized \nbecomes\n x\n j\342\200\224Z\\ = / w\n 2\n (13-88)\n 4 /LC\n sm\n frequency for thisT 13-55, the cutoff by Eq. ~ \\4/coC V4Z7 Now uL I = section is\n 2\n =\n (13-89)\n \302\253o y/LC\n x becomes\n that so W\n \342\200\224\n = x (13-90)\n COO\n we have the T section, this for Then = 0 8 = 2 and following information:\n sin-1 \342\200\224 0 ^ w ^ w0\n (13-91)\n Wo\n a = 2 cosh-1 = 8 \342\200\224; tt, ^ w wo\n (13-92)\n Wo\n (13-93)\n =\n R The for plots a \nuation = x replaced with \nnetwork, is and ZiT, a, usually /3 by (13-94)\n in given discussed As \302\253/a>0. 13-25 Fig. apply directly to this previously, the atten\302\254 using the relationship, computed in decibels consider the T network a*\n 8.686anepets.\n Example For \nThe 5\n this example, of variation x with \302\253 is found ll/uC x\n _ \342\200\234 \\ ~4wZ7 where \nsection the has cutoff an frequency inverse wo is relationship of Fig. 13-19(page325). as\n _ I \342\200\234 \\4^LC 1 _~ Wo\n (13-95)\n ^\n identified from Fig. 13-20.This T to that of Example 1. Theequations\n NETWORKS\n REACTIVE\n TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 334\n Chap. 13\n become\n = a = a 0 = and 0 2 cosh-1 \342\200\224 and \342\200\2242 sin-1 3\n \342\200\224>\n All\n 3\n \302\251\n (13-96)\n <0\n = 0 0 \342\200\224x,\n w ^ ^ 0)0\n (13-97)\n Cd\n 0)0 1\n = (13-98)\n 7=\n 2 VLC\n R = These the the \ninverted, \nThe becoming origin for plots resulting ZiT, a, 13-26. Fig. filter. In order to a high-pass evidently identify normalized of plots equations of \nuse (13-99)\n VL/C\n make Fig. 13-25, only the x axis need infinity and infinity becoming the origin. and 0 are shown in Fig. be 13-26.\n of high-pass Characteristics filter.\n 6\n Example of Fig. 13-27, x section the For x for \nvariable this network = Z\\ and j<aL Z2 = \342\200\224j/oaC. The becomes\n or\n o\302\273\n (13-100)\n (do\n 4/LC\n since cutoff the condition, Zi/4Z2 = \342\200\224 1 with identical lo\n L\n \ning that of shift =r^C/2 ^C/2\n \ncal 13-27. \n13-25. x network section 3.\n \nExample being \nthe impedance \nare identical.\n this those that given in Fig. characteristics There of\n \nference, \nance \nent, with the however. variation This <d0. equation 13-90, Eq. are x network of the are phase\n identi\302\254 T network of in given Fig. is one important The with is\n indicat\302\254 and attenuation \nExample1, and lo\342\200\224\n Kg.\n defines image dif\302\254 imped\302\254 o)/o>o is differ\302\254 13-25(5). For these two different are quite different even though a and 0 networks, 335\n 7\n Example this For was network This 13-21. network this for the network of Example 3 shown to be a band-pass filter. consider example \nfunctions = Z\\ shown in Fig.\n The reactance are\n j\342\200\224 <j\302\273 and Z2 O)2 that\n so NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 13-6\n Art. = \342\200\234 -j ur 2 (13-101)\n T \342\200\224 1\n \342\200\224 1\n X\n (13-102)\n 2o>\n the frequency w for the filter to the variable \nx of the standard phase shift, and image impedance char\302\254 attenuation, we perform a frequency transformation. \nacteristics. this By equation, \nThe same bandcan be used for any filter\342\200\224band-pass, technique a and or combination of such Plots of \nelimination, any specifications. the filter of this example as shown in Fig. 13-28.\n \n0 for band-pass This last 13-28. Attenuation networks of our Fig. The \nsame relates equation \naccomplish multiple-pass \nconstant-# type have been very simple, but the more networks necessary to complicated or multiple-stop All networks of the bands. have must characteristics for a band-passfilter.\n four examples to apply concepts and phase Z\\ and obeying the inverse relationship\n Z, = ~ (13-103)\n Z2\n and \nfamiliar \nFoster limits restriction this two with forms of forms networks. possible forms for Z\\ of networks that obey this the The and Z%. We are relationship,the relationship\n (13-104)\n is satisfied for if, _ + (\302\2562 D2 (S2 _ y 2 and\n as will factors multiplying + Si2) . . S22). . + s(s2 \342\200\242\n \342\200\242 \302\256i2)\342\200\242 13\n .\n (13-106)\n .\n also satisfy Eq. 104.) Hence if No. 1 type of network and Y2 a Foster (13-105)\n + s22)...\n s(s2 \nrealized Chap. example,\n 7 Zl~R (Other NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 336\n as realized is is Z\\ a Foster\n Fig. 13-29. Foster networkforms.\n 2 No. \ntypical \nit admittance term in filter will be is expansion of given the resulting network, admittance the (\302\253) Eq. 12-64; s/L\342\200\236\n =\n (S2 + (13-107)\n 1/LnCn)\n for a series LC network. Similarly,typical terms \nexpansion of Z(s) will have a form givenby Eq. + (s2 Since by Eq. \nabove typical terms of the This l/LmCm) equality similar (13-108)\n F(s) and = Z(s) the containing R2Y2(s)\n (13-109)\n product formsfor F(s) and _ = is possible only if, term network \342\200\224 LnCn configurations, by Z(s), N2(s)\n D2 R2\n + (s2 + l/L LmCm for impedance as\n have\n \nN 1(8) + 12-60, the l/LmCm)\n 13-104 these equationsfor terms must be equal, we Z1(s) or, in of s/C\342\200\236\n =\n Z(s) or, by Y2 A is\n Y (s2 constant-#. (13-110)\n l/LnCn)\n term,\n \342\200\224\n in the two (13-111)\n Foster forms,\n (13-112)\n Ait. 13-6 for the illustration of these conclusions, in Fig. 13-30. In order for this network to shown network the is necessary it constant-#, 337\n As an network. constant-# \nconsider \nbe REACTIVE NETWORKS TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR that\n = L1C1 L2C2 = (13-113)\n wo2\n This two We = \nstant-iC \nTo illustrate, satisfying the requirement Note that Zx is the driving-point of a ladder element.\n impedance of for Z\\ and shown Z2 need not recipro\302\254 imped\302\254 Foster forms. be of the the requirement in Fig. 13-31 satisfy R2.\n of a networks provided filters.\n = R*. the is structures define will \nconnection \nfilter Z\\ used ladder ZxZt \nthat that and networks The \nThe ZXZ2 impedances, \nance design of constant-# networks Ladder 13-31. Fig. \ncal in the is useful concept an a composite number filter as a of standard T can be connected in image consider impedance a standard match filter made up or standard tandem to ir form of the sections. a cascade Concomposite terminal pair. 13-32 shows Figure exists at each T section. a\n terminal \neach \nmatch n such pair in the that (such Chap. 13\n connected in tandem. Note that at there exists an image structure the composite we have derived hold). The attenua\302\254 equations of representation NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 338\n sections sections n of \ntion = a is\n cosh-1 2n \342\200\224 (13-114)\n 0>o\n from 13-33. Attenuation in Fig. of \nness attenuation \ning \nincreasedby increasingthe \nif a is cutoff \342\200\234sharp\342\200\235 \nstant-# composite the sections filter shown in effective\302\254 in provid\302\254 stop band is in tandem. However, a large number of T the filter. The limitations of con\302\254 are:\n filters composite of T sections is required to attainhigh atten\302\254 the stop band near the cutoff frequency. This large elements make the cost of the compositefilter may number A large (1) in the T composite in specifications, by required used be must \nsections of number the n are Evidently com\302\254 filters.\n \nposite 13-33. \nFig. of values several \nfor curves Attenuation 13-92. Eq. in \nuation of \nnumber \nprohibitive.\n The (2) The for cutoff \nnear \nO. m-derived need The filter\n led o The 1923. in VW\n attenuation in the stop to development of the m-derived filter filters considered in the last section section with high a filter frequency Zobel J. R introduces resistance \nstant 13-7. exists. impedance \nminating in shown impedance \nimage be terminated in the required because no such ter\302\254 Fig. 13-25(a), the filter with a con\302\254 Terminating mismatch at all but one frequency.\n cannot network composite were \342\200\224V\\A/ zy Z[/2\n band \302\260\n 2\n a\n AAA/\342\200\224\302\260\n Zi/2\n z,T\n \"*~Zix\n Z$ by o\n la)\n Fig. with the same imageimpedances: (a) Networks 13-34. new; (b)\n old.\n restricted very \nuct Z\\Z\\ it seems \nmitted, \nwill be of filters satisfying the requirement that theprod\302\254 a constant. If other combinations of elements are per\302\254 class give \napproached the possible that some arrangement of elements near cutoff frequency. Zobel high attenuation with one specification for the new network.\n intuitively required this problem REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 13-7\n Art. the that Anticipating filter \nconstant-# he sections, might be used in tandemwith that the image impedance section resulting 339\n NETWORKS\n specified of same as the standard T or standardir section. in Fig. 13-34. The new impedance terms is illustrated \nThis requirement terms constant-# for the and \nare Z\\ Z2'; the impedance designated the and We have are \nsections Z2. Zi requirement that the designated and \nZ\\ and Zx, Z%, Z\\, we need somefurther impedances; image by the related were Zi relate to order in \npremise same the have networks \ntwo the be network new \nthe Z2'. Zobel equation\n Zi' = mZi where should We \nmake. of \nform properties impedance. image With Z\\ let fixed, Z\302\2611 4 \nfor \nin schematic Z2. (13-116)\n equation and solving - z- + (tjt) <mi7>\n new m-derived network of the is shown may be given that by assuming derivation same the \nthe standard the \nmaking as image impedance tt network and further assumption Z2' image \nequation = impedance and must structure network new \nhave The this into vnZx representation tt section the \nany and 13-35.\n Fig. A similar \nfor ^r4\n + Zxz2 \342\200\224 Z\\ z*' The Zi results\n there Z2', = Z/Z2' + condition the Substituting beginning.\n happens to Z2' in termsof simple see what us impedances,\n image \nEquating this from follow that \nresults to may seem to be an unusualassumption that our assumption might instead relate to new the of filters, or perhaps the desired to anticipate the surprising It is difficult expect attenuation \nthe (13-115)\n This a constant. m,is that assumed 13-118, that\n \342\200\224 13-35. Fig. (13-118)\n m-derived T section.\n section is given by Eq. 13-12. Using the impedance Z\\ is found to have the value\n of the ir Zi' = *\342\200\224 \342\200\224: mZ (13-119)\n \t\n 1 4m i 1 \342\200\236\n \342\200\224 m2\n this z2\n of a parallelcombination the is the impedance which of ,1 13\n impedances\n ,Z2 (13-120)\n m2\n x section is shown x section.\n for the standard schematic Chap. \342\200\224 m-derived resulting \nthe 4m and mZi The NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 340 in Fig. 13-36, with together (4m/l-m2)Z2\n rVWi\n (a) 13-36. Fig. (6)\n of (a) Comparison standard section, and (b) m-derived\n section.\n a \nFirst, attenuation the \ncompute \nshown that Suppose example. in structures, our next task is we have attained our objective. of the results thus far can be seenina we select a low-pass filter of the m-derived to see that interpretation physical \nspecific the have we that Now type 13-27 for the T andx and in Fig. 13-17 Fig. to respec-\n sections, mL\n o rflpr-\n nm' mL/2\n \t\n mL/2\n HH\n _ mC/2^-\n l-m2 r ^ _ ^\n \342\200\224 \nAm mC/2\n o \t\n m-derived 13-37. Fig. o\n (6)\n (a)\n low-pass filter sections: (a) T section; (b) r\n section.\n The tively. \nFor \ntion \nFig. these at 13-37 \nseries LC \nseries LC \nrent \nof by-passes infinite Fig. 13-37. can possibly give infinite sections are shown in attenua\302\254 what The m-derived T section shownin frequency? particular will have infinite attenuation (or no transmission) when the circuit is in resonance. Under this resonance condition,the is the equivalent of a short circuit, such that allcur\302\254 circuit networks, a m-derived equivalent the attenuation let us ask, load. This designated resonant as to.. 1 = \302\260\302\260 \\/[(l \342\200\224 frequency is thus It has the value\n \t\n m2)/4m]L(mC)\n a frequency (13-121)\n Art. 341\n NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 13-7\n top\n or\n since the cutoff frequency At this same frequency, \nin resonance parallel \nthis and \nsponds to \nthat one \nat \nin be can the of terms Under impedance. the series pass through ele\302\254 be no current in the output. Thiscorre\302\254 for the t section. We now to see begin element a new transmission frequency.\n equations \nsections be will T, and Z2 in the t has introduced as to prevent in such a way or in parallel particular The can current 13-37(b) the Z\\ in series in \neither attenuation infinite altering will there hence infinite having no condition, by Eq. 13-55.\n 2/\\/LC circuit of Fig. parallel (antiresonance) open-circuit \nments, the m*\n value the has o>0 (13-122)\n ~ y/l and phase shift in the filter found by computing the factor x definedby Eq. 13-80 functions new reactance Z\\ and ZJ. for attenuation m-derived Thus\n \342\200\224Z\\ _ ~ _ ~ 4Zi \342\200\224mZ1 4[Zi(l - m2)/4m+ \t\n (13-123)\n Zj/m]\n \342\200\224 to2 1 in the used \nfactor is substituted TO2 -|- \t\n (13-124)\n 4Z2/Z1\n we recognizethat In this expression, \nfactor \342\200\224 into Eq. 13-124, x\n there the x is where this When results\n to2\n '2\n \342\200\224 \342\200\224 (1 From this equation, 1/x2, filter sections. constant-# of the study \342\200\224 \342\200\224\\Z%/Z\\ we see that + wi2) as x (13-125)\n 1/x2\n approaches the value given by\n 1\n x2\n 1 x'2 then approaches an \napproaches be will \ntion infinity value. infinite such that cosh-1 The value of x such designated (13-126)\n \342\200\224 TO2\n this Eq. definition, (13-127)\n 13-125 may be \342\200\224 1/x.2 In this \nfilters, = x a equation, = a normalized x' attenua\302\254 that\n 2\n x\n 00\n With x', the attenuation,also causing infinite + written\n (13-128)\n l/x2\n normalized frequency relating to constant-# derived for TO-derivedfilters as frequency a\n NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 342\n Chap. 13\n value of x causing x' to be infinite,and m = a \nconstant for the m-derived filter section. Inspection of this equation while for x x is less than x\302\253, then \nshows that when x'2 is negative, In order to associate these conditions than \nlarger xM, x'2 is positive. or stop band and the equation for attenuation, we will \nwith band pass = the of x, function on page 331. Comparing this table with the different summarized for the sign of x2, we reach the conclusions table the to \nrefer \npossibilities \nbelow.\n of Limits of Sign band ** \nx'2 positive 0 g i\342\200\230 ^ positive 1 ^ x2 ^ 1 0 a = 2 cosh-1x' a \302\253ostop = 2 sinh-1 /3 = 0\n A + together 13-38, Vi - (b) 13-74 \n13-77, 13-78\n m2\n is in shown Fig.\n constant-A filter\n of the m-derived filter: (a) Characteristics 13-38. Fig. 1/x*) equations (for positive values of x) with the same characteristics for the these of plot \n13-73, 1\n \" V(-l/x\302\253* \n13-71, 13-72 x'\n +*-\n m , \nequations 2 sin-1 x' as Derived 0\n a = pass stop x2 ^ ^ x\342\200\2362 negative Phase shift Attenuation Type of m-derived;\n constant-A.\n of the plot illustrates the high attenuation near the edge of the m-derived filter. Comparing the plot with feature \nstop-band \nthat for the constant-A filter, it is seen that the attenuation for the a minimum \nm-derived filter value for large values of x, approaches section. The \nwhereas the constant-A Each type \nlarge x. \nSince sections both 13-38 Figure section \nequations, attenuation a large value for sections has advantages and disadvantages. the same image impedance, there is a pos\302\254 have of both filter types to get both the high a comMnation at the edge of the stop band and large = shows that when x xK,the phaseshift changes this approaches of filter near \nattenuation \nfilter of use of \nsibility filter abruptly is caused from x to in from x.\n m-derived the 0 degrees.In by the sign of x'2 changing of values of terms positive the to\n Art. \nAs from \nchanges no no gives to \ncorresponds In with the samekind is possible in a network the \342\200\234effective\342\200\235 inductive arms, This resonant shift. phase all to inductive). (or from capacitive positive shift in \nonance to LC circuit reactance the resonance, through negative phase \nreactance seen Fig. increases frequency \nSince in illustrated filter \npass for this phenomenacanbe in the low13-37 (a) in terms of the seriesLC circuit. A physical reason negative. 343\n NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 13-7\n above network of res\302\254 frequency, incidently, x\342\200\236.\n m-derived designing will arise, the question filters, not why make m = 0 to make the filterhave an extremely sharp \ncutoff in the to the atten\302\254 band? More what stop generally, happens \nuation characteristics as m is varied? To answer this question, we will the attenuation of the m-derived filter at large values of \ninvestigate \nx. From the for attenuation equation given in the table on page342, = \ni. 1 by making for attenuation \nthe a value x approaches large = atim 2 sinh-1 -\n the from cosh2 identity &lim\n = cosh2\n Now\n 1 sinh (aum/2) cosh (aum/2) \ning zero, \naiim also \nas this in of the \nnitude \nvalues of \nsharp cutoff \nall of x frequency. in illustrated \nare \nvalues of \nsmaller results m \342\200\224 &iim 2 = 1 m/V = l/y/1 2 tanh-1 - m2\n - m2\n (13-130)\n \342\200\224 1 m2 m2\n (13-131)\n m\n (13-132)\n asm becomes small, approach\302\254 from Also, paid price for attenuation being some These conclusions Fig. 13-39 for func\302\254 \342\200\224> 0.\n for avoiding in finite 13-39. Fig. \nation for two \nfilters \n(x reason elements as +\n m*\n * Another \nfilter the reduced is frequencies, \ntion 1 to become small small (for any value of turn reduces the mag\302\254 attenuation all for Thus x. h 1,\n is seen x' becomes and \nx), small. becomes = m-\n = it is seen that for large x, attenuation the 13-125, m an m\n aKm 1 last equation, the sinh2 sinh:\n a/\302\273m From \342\200\224 &lim\n + Hence\n \nEq. aKm (13-129)\n - Vi or, as\n given atim = as of attenu\302\254 m-derived closer to cutoff of a:* moves 1).\n small values of m is that at zw, this attenuation Variation characteristics finite finite dissipation attenuation in the being this From is \ntion with \nm-derived x. The T and determined \nare determine to seen \nfilter m also determines element values in the Since in these structures, elementvalues it follows that m factor (1 \342\200\224 ms), multiplying a by in value; that < 0 (Note: This limitationapplies only \nin of terms next \nour to (13-133)\n ladder the for Values structures. of char\302\254 phase m impedance image subject 1 m < structures to give linear attached to the value of significance of the m-derived sections. This will be is another There \nacteristics.) is,\n used in lattice 1 are than larger 13\n constant x sections. \ncannot exceed unity \nm Chap. value of the constant m of the m-derived the nature of the variation of attenua\302\254 the discussion, NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 344\n study.\n Image impedance of m-derivedhalf (or L) sections\n and the m-derived T section is shown in Fig. 13-35, The m-derived in Fig. 13-36. These sections were found under the assumption \nx section are the same as the constant-^ filter sec\302\254 the \nthat impedances image an If the T and x sections are divided into half (or L) sections, \ntions. 13-8. characteristic is found. This result of any bonus; certainly it is not a consequence the m-derived filter. A different image \nunexpected image \nmust as regard \nments a of made impedance we require\302\254 impedance\n (2m/l-m2)Z2\n Z,\n filter half-sections: (a) m-derived 13-40. vig. m-derived behavior at \nsection) might the the section L 13-40. \nignated The ZiTm half T; (b)\n r.\n T or x section of the imageimpedance it was found that 314. There image terminal pair was ZiT, and at the pair m-derived for the filter are shownin terminals of a divided be expected from the discussion other on page at one terminal \nimpedance \nwas Ziw. The half-sections \nof half m-derived image and impedances Ziwm. They (the half the other Fig.\n at the \342\200\234back door\342\200\235 terminals may be determined by i\302\253dng are Eq. des\302\254 13-6.\n TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR REACTIVE Art. 13-8 we T section, the For 345\n NETWORKS\n have\n \342\200\224 ZiTm VZloZu\n \342\200\224 rri1 mZi +\n Zi \342\200\236 i Zl \n~~2~ \\~~2m~ \342\200\224 + Zi\\\n m J\n l_^m> + (m Zi + 2m\n 2 m 2 ^ \\ Zi)\n (13-134)\n z\n m\n L\\2\n 1 + \nSince IB2 - m>) (i = Z1Z2, 1 4Z2J 4]\n (13-135)\n 4\342\200\234 Zi/4Z2 the image impedance \342\200\224 \342\200\234 \" ZiTm (1 [1 = same The defined for the constant-# be used to find Z\302\273,m for the filter may procedure (13-136)\n **\n factor the is Zi/4Z2 m2)x2]\n filter.\n of Fig.\n thus\n 13-40(b); Zi* m \342\200\224 \342\200\224 - Vi where x2 becomes\n \342\200\224 VZ10Z1.\n 1\n 1\n \342\226\240V\n 2/mZi -+- (1 +\n \342\200\224 2/mZi m2)/2mZ2\n + (1 \342\200\224 m2)/2mZ2 ]\n \n(13-137)\n (1 - [1 + + Zi2/4\n (13-138)\n m2)Z!/4Z2]\n \342\200\224 so that\n z2 -\\/l \342\200\224 iB\n Z.-Tm [1 \342\200\224 (1 \t\n (13-139)\n \342\200\224 m2)x2]\n as a function of x for plotted = 0.6 givesan values of m. The impedance plot for m m of \nconstant within 4% over 90% of the pass band. Other this. This image impedance variation is than \ngive variations greater constant the constant-# more than image impedance functions = = note that for m 0, Z,xm Zir by Eq. 13-83, that for m = 1, = In the other 13-82 and vice versa for ZiT by Eq. words, with \nm-derived filter sections reduce to constant-# filter - 1. The new m = 0.6 or ZiTm for image impedance function a constant, and so an image impedance nearly approximates with a constant resistor is a reasonable terminating This is a very \ntion. important advantage for the m-derived half In Fig. 13-41, Z,Tm and Ziwm are shown \nseveral image values \nmuch and \nWe \nZi*m ZiTm- sections \nm Ziwm \nmore \nmatch approxima\302\254 sec-\n 346\n With tion. Composite The the of the m-derived use of such filter estab\302\254 filters in combination with filters\n summarizes table following the advantages and disadvantages filters.\n m-derived and constant-# \nof properties 13\n filters.\n \nconstant-# 13-9. to turn next we \nlished, remarkable these Chap. NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR m-derived\n Constant-#\n Attenuation near cutoff (x at Attenuation large = 1): small\n x: large \nsmall large\n \nmore nearly Image impedance in pass band: not constant\n \nconstant; depends \non \nm m; = best when 0.6.\n the inverse attenuation characteristics of the two a combination of the two types wouldhave that and suggests \ntypes either Such a filter is called a composite over alone. type \nadvantages the filter which forms the nucleus about which The constant-# \nfilter. is known as the prototype.Them-derived filter is designed \ncomposite the same image impedance as the prototype will have \nfilter sections values found in terms of the constant-# section element \nand will have illustrates table The \nelement values.\n In designing \tthere must (1) \nfilter \nbe \ndesired. section, so selected The must be kept in impedance match at the terminals attenuation properties of each section a composite be an image filter, two factors mind:\n of each must (2) the the composite that attenuation characteristic is that and attenuation of the various net-\n properties impedance and work are configurations \nThese are blocks building \nSeveral REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 13-9\n Art. will examples o\342\200\224VW summarized basis the 347\n NETWORKS\n 13-42 and Fig. 13-43. of filter design on the imagebasis. in Fig. illustrate.\n AAAr\n A/VV\342\200\224\302\260\n ZJ2\n \nZx/2\n z1\n Z\342\200\234\342\226\272< \342\200\242Zit %\n -o 2Za 2Z2 \342\200\242\n o-\n (c)\n AAA/ o\342\200\224vw\n &,r-\n 0\n Zx! 2\n ZJ2\n \342\200\230 Z i\302\253Zjr 2Z2\n * ^ 2Z2\n o\342\200\224\n (6)\n 'if am\n 13-42. Fig. filter \nstant-K \nfilter Example sections; of networks: (a) conimpedance properties half (L) sections; (c) m-derived (b) constant-if sections; half (L) sections.\n (d) m-derived Image 8\n prototype constant-/^ filter and one filter will \nm-derived be used in a cascade connection. This is to be a For this filter. we have shown in Eq. 13-90that x = \nlow-pass case, sec\302\254 The \nco/o>o. prototype (a T section in this case) and the m-derived in Fig. 13-44. These two sections will make up the com\302\254 \ntion are shown The m-derived of filter. section section is first split into half \nposite to realize the best impedance properties. An arrange\302\254 \nsections in order sections such that there is an imagematch at each\n of the three \nment For the first example, one is shown input \nat the REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 348\n load, Pig. in Fig. 13-44. The the computed so that 13-48. approximately\n of function correct. \nThe The attenuation is found by adding at as shown in the figure. impedance properties as a\n x.\n arrangement of sections. the separate attenuations,\n is ZiTm for this impedance input 13\n Chap. match, however, is only approximate properties are only and image phase Attenuation, NETWORKS\n \342\200\224 aje + = ft + ft* am (13-140)\n Similarly,\n ft (13-141)\n filter are The input impedance and attenuation the composite filter or the m-derived the constant-# \nrior to those of either series The inductors of the prototype and the m-derived \nseparately. are when actually constructing the section together lumped of supe\302\254 filter \nhalf filter.\n REACTIVE rWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 13-9\n Aft. ' QjflP' ' 1 1 o\n o-\n m-derived\n prototype\n section\n -o\n 349\n /Tnnp\342\200\224o\n constant-*\n o\n NETWORKS\n o-\n o\n -\n nm^>-4 -o-\n -o-\n r\n JiTm\"\n -ZL\niT\n JiT\n HT\n -o -O-\n R-\n \342\200\230iTm\n JiT\n -o o\n m-derived m-derived \nhalf section\n \nnear cutoff \ndropped would frequency too to property of the low-passfilter of either because the attenuation not be satisfactory, was not sufficiently sharp or because the at curve a value before beginning to rise again. In thiscase,\n the cases, 8 \nExample low \302\251\342\226\240\n attenuation \342\200\224i o\n o\n o\n o\n o 13-45. (a) o\n \t\n 1 \342\226\2400\n lb)\n (C)\n Fig. Load\n characteristics.\n low-pass filter Composite section\n 9\n some In \nhalf Prototype\n 13-44. Fig. Example o-\n Constant-AT prototype and (b) m-derivedlow-pass\n sections.\n match can be used as longas an image \nis realized at each terminal of the cascade connection of sections. input \nTo that a ir section is selected for the prototypeof illustrate, suppose \nthe low-pass filter and a decision is made to use two m-derived sections, \none with m = 0.6 and one with m = 0.3. Theprototype and m-derived \nsection are shown in Fig. 13-45. Sincethe m = 0.6 section has superior\n two or more m-derived sections at use \ntions for \nhalf sections in an attenuation \nthe total image The 13-46. Fig. it will be divided into and Zirm = at* + am(0.3) + with higher 13-46. attenuation at the section filter resulting Note the improvement all frequencies (13-142)\n in the attenuation\n and sharper cutoff in the band.\n \nstop In the practice, 13-46 combined we \tFirst, \nthe to should Fig.\n may and w-derived be us now formulate specifications to be required for a function of frequency. The attenuation with some combination met of constant-A filters to the equation\n according decide as attenuation \nrequirement \nfilters first two examples, let use on any filter sections.\n of the conclusions procedure design parallel capacitors of the schematicof into equivalent capacitors.\n various 10\n the From (1) be would Example \na in Fig. am(0.6) of properties shown sec\302\254 filter. An arrangement of sections match at each terminal pair impedance and input impedance in this case is The impedanceandattenuation also two half 13\n is\n os* \nare Chap. ends of the the giving shown \nis characteristics, impedance image NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 350\n on the at = Aa k +\n (13-143)\n /-1\n Art. NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 13-10\n 351\n the number of constant-# sections,Bj is the number m a specific for \nof sections m, and n is the numberof different solution to the and num\302\254 is usually no unique \nused. There type often must be used to and \nber of sections cut-and-try required, A is where constant-# prototypeand (2) Select a and beginning values. find all element values for values, the (4) The type of ending m properties.\n prototype selected and the limited usually = 0.6 for filter section with of the filter. This gives the section impedance image \noptimum \nare element one m-derived least at Include \nthe the find sections.\n \nm-derived (3) element these \nFrom the specifications.\n meet to solution a \nfind of used sections considerations.\n cost by number 13-10. The problem of termination\n \nbe such arranged that there Zi 13-47. Fig. \ntion of \nThere filter, are no the \ncutoff \nthe frequency. generator \nresistance function be? of Actual when is an resistive and half sections can easily image impedance match at each point\n r\n of image termination we come designed filters.\n to the beginning or to the termina\302\254 a problem in approximatingan imagematch. resistors with the properties of our image impedances, to change from resistance to reactance at the ability The best that can be done is to terminate(andmake What value should this constant a constant. impedance) for image impedances as the expressions Let us review x. By Eqs. 13-82 and 13-83,\n the \nespecially \na But connection. of sections m-derived and constant-# The we have ZiT = R \\/l \\/l ~ \342\200\224 x2\n x2\n (13-144)\n (13-145)\n Eqs. 13-136 and From NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 352 Chap. 13-139,\n 1 D \342\200\224 \342\200\224 (1 m2)x2 ZiTm\n xi\n \nx \342\200\224 0. This \nstant-A impedance Z\302\273- con- as\n prototype = R2 given thus far All results network filter \nthe of \nquences of \nance a \nin in the elements \npationless (13-147)\n m2)x2\n termination The \nused.* - - (1 ZiTm m with \nZi\342\200\236m 1 = R when expressions reduce to is a constant value or good approximation to either = 0.6 in the pass band. This is the commonly has a value resistor determined from the terminating these all that VLzl1-\n r Zirm\n (13-146)\n \342\200\224 \ny/\\ Note 13\n using ? What inductors) impedance, nonimage (13-148)\n have been on found What termination. the finite with of (1) basis the dissi\302\254 image match throughout and (2) an network including elements +ZiZ2 dissipation are the consequences are the (primarily the conse\302\254 resist\302\254 of terminating thefilter R?\n the computed values of attenuation of finite dissipation. This because correct only approximately in the pass band and finite attenuation causes attenuation \nsipation A rule of thumb the of infinite attenuation. so-called frequencies the that results of image basis design will be acceptablein if the Q of the inductors is 15 or applications \nengineering answer An to the second question requires that we first definethe when a network is loss as the loss resulting insertion \nduced between a generator and a load. The insertion loss is defined to answer In the first question, dis\302\254 \nare \nat \nstates most higher.\n intro\302\254 \nquantity by \nthe equation\n eN =\n (13-149)\n u\n is the N where insertion loss in nepers, I% load in the current the is with the load current \nconnecteddirectly to the generator,and /s is \nnetwork in place. For numerical computationof insertionloss, let with same \nI\\ = h. We thus assume that the generatorcurrentis without the network and so have a basis for comparison.This a unit value for J2 and then is best made by assuming the to find the corresponding value for I\\. network through the we the \nand \ncomputation A\n \ntracing \342\200\242 A \nthan \nsection better slightly R for as approximation the m-derived the termination.\n results if the half t section or larger than terminating resistor is smaller R for the m-derived half T TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR REACTIVE Art. 13-11 Even m = 0.6 is with 13-44 \nFig. actual the to useful. be close to \nbeing simple effect The 13-48. Fig. and routine. attenuation 13-11. Lattice filters\n \nA to discussion Another \nnetworks. lattice symmetrical Fig. shown \nCo., For easily and Inc., New structure for attenuation.\n filters.\n Fig. 13-49(b). The advantage of the that of the bridge is that sectionsconnected drawn as lattice structures.\n short-circuit impedance image impedances. + may be computed Since\n Zb see Terman, Radio Engineers\342\200\231 York, 1943), pp. 228-236.\n example, sufficiently\n in Za Zio = * are usually termination on filter network the open-circuit is only approximately point For the symmetricallattice, \nfrom 13-48.\n of on the image basis has the advantage with their Tables showing various networks are found in handbooks.*\n characteristics Lattice over more are this 13-49. representation cascade \nin of network has related to the ladderstructureof used in filter design is the lattice. common structure in Fig. 13-49(a), and the \342\200\234bridge cir-\n is shown is cuit\342\200\235 equivalent \nlattice of non-image Design \ncorresponding The shown in Fig. 353\n a for the N and attenuation basis attenuation image insertion loss, the results the though \nequal loss insertion of comparison NETWORKS (13-150)\n Handbook (McGraw-Hill Book 7 and\n follows that\n The equation End Zjf = Zi = VZuZu = 2 tanh-1 it is seenthat cutoff the in lattice the for filter, when summary, made analysis frequency poles 13-6, is\n which (13-154)\n y/Zi,/Zi0\n (13-155)\n for pass-band, previously a the results we By Eq. 13-43,\n , 7 _ \ntann the sign critical A band. stop cutoff frequency. functions is, (that only).\n have \nphase shift. If versa, with coincide Za Zu Zy,\\ Zb} of zeros Zb also and Zb defines elements stop-band, poles and zeros of Zu with Za replacing Zu and replacing of Za coincide with zeros of or vice of the terms When poles or a \npoles or zeros, respectively, of Zb, there is defined in Za but not in Zb, or vice versa, \nfrequency are reactance \nThese rules assume that Za and We Z\342\200\236\n (13-153)\n y/Za/Zb\n a pass band. defined \nthere is \nLC of function a also\n \\ZZioZi,\n 7 = tanh-1 13-39,\n Eq. \nIn is \342\200\224 Zi \nholds (13-152)\n \\/ZaZb\n EhS\n Comparing these equations with Eq. \nand Z6\n image transfer function for the y and (13-151)\n + z0 it 13\n 2ZaZb = \nZu Chap. NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 354\n of Za tan (fi/2) tanh (a/2) tan that of is opposite to Zb, and attenuation the tanh (a/2) + j l+. g need to compute _ \\Za (13-156)\n (j8/2)\n tanh then (y/2) is imaginary, \nand\n (13-157)\n tan! ~yl = a If Za and Zb have = by Eq. 13-45, y \nto infinite tanh (13-158)\n either\n and ^ (3 = 0\n (13-159)\n or\n tanh by Eq. 0\n then the same sign, tanh z>\n 13-46. Now tanh a. It ^\n = \302\243 \n2 follows ... -\342\200\224, . tanh (a/2)\n and /3 = ir (a/2) cannot exceedunit that the choice of these (13-160)\n value corresponding two possibilities\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 13-11 Art. the on depends a = a \342\200\224 2 and Zb. of Za magnitude 2 tanh-1 tanh-1 Then\n = j8 y/Zb/Za, /3 = it a of computation Zb > when 0 sjZa/Zb, Theseequationspermit 355\n NETWORKS\n Za (13-161)\n when Zb < Za pass and stop in the and (13-162)\n \nbands.\n From \nZa/Zb approaches \nZa/Zb is \nand Zb, \nand their the \ntient \nA variation as remains Za/Zb for of Za and zeros and poles procedure quo\302\254 as possible as frequency varies. poles and zeros has been given by Bode unity nearly these locating the so that selected are Zb Dietzold.*\n \nand From \nreverses 13-49(b). \nthe The there being For a perfect must components one disadvantage attenuation \ninfinite if \ndissipation, 13-162, that as it is seen the output exceeds Zb output voltage action in the filtering Za by changes of the lattice the condition, polarity. by and vice versa, the phase of the or this \nUnder \nplace 13-161 Eqs. \nmagnitude, \nis poles linear the Za is determined position \nhowever, when selecting pass-band example, \n(for value. unit In small. the attenuation becomesinfiniteas the attenuation is small Similarly, positions for the poles and zerosfor and zeros determine the phase variation, by the desired form of phase variation In the stop band, is often required). we see that 13-161, Eq. in 180\302\260. effectively case of the lattice takes of the bridge circuit shown in a balance to infinite attenuation, balance, corresponding be of high quality and carefully matched. This filters. However it is possible to get of lattice the of balance even with finite at frequency Fig.\n resistances effective also balance.\n 1 henry\n Za\n pass lattice shown *H. 215 poles\n and zeros W. Bode (1935).\n and 13-50 has element in Fig. Za \n14, and oo\n of Za and Zb.\n 11\n Example The Lattice 13-60. >\342\226\240\n 1 6 Fig. stop\n | \342\226\272r* R. L. = s Dietzold, and values such that\n Zb = \342\200\234Ideal Wave (13-163)\n Filters,\342\200\235 Bell System Tech. J., The that this isa with filter ~ 0 = 2 = 0, a by Eqs. 13-157 = 2 tanh-1 tan-1 ~ V(\302\2532 by Eq. 13-162, since > Z0 - 0 = 1)M Zb for w = Zi Another an \nby equation 13-12. A Bartlett\342\200\231s \nThe This networks. the \ning w2 (13-166)\n lattice of the symmetrical lattice theorem bisection for a lattice impedances Zb provides for a means network equivalentto a find\302\254 symmet\302\254 network.\n ladder \nrical the Bartlett\342\200\231s lattice - \\/l and the impedances Za and short-circuit impedances was suggested on page 354. of these is given in a theorem originallydue quantities theorem applies only for symmetrical two-terminal- equivalence \npair the theorem\n between and Bartlett. For this particularlattice, page 11-6, bisection relationship \nopen-circuit ^ 1. (13-165)\n 263. For that particular case, the entire was and the phase characteristic was given pass band, of the form of Eq. 13-157.\n range \nfrequency (13-164)\n lgu^oo t, properties illustrating example in Art. given ^ 1 0 ^ 1), \\/w2/(\302\2532 is\n impedance \nwas =\n Zb and\n 13-158 and \nimage ju and low- 1/w),\n i(\302\2532 a 13\n Chap. NETWORKS\n plot shown in Fig. 13-50 indicates of o>0 = 1. Since Za = a cutoff frequency pole-zero \npass \nto REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 356\n in the application of this theoremis bisection of the ladder network. that we By the term bisection,we mean \nsymmetrical two \ndivide the network into identical parts such that the networks, end for end, have identical geometricalas well as elec\302\254 \nwhen reversed a bisected Such network with only connecting wires\n \ntrical properties. The first step Half section\342\200\224\342\200\224Half Bisected \nFig. 13-51. without \nhere Bartlett, \nSons, \ntion Inc., Fig. A. C., of Theory York, Phil. theorem,\342\200\231\342\200\231 The a series has New 13-51. states: proof, network \nladder * in appears showing arm Electrical symmetrical Bartlett\342\200\231s lattice Artificial 14, network.\n bisection equivalent Za equal to 1931), pp. 53-58; Mag., section Lines the impedance a of and Filters, Brune,Otto, 806 (1932).\n given theorem,* of a symmetrical \342\200\234Noteon (John Wiley Bartlett\342\200\231s half\n A bisec\302\254 terminals \nother \nance of \nples will the short-circuited; network half the the illustrate is the to equal with the bisected terminals of this theorem.\n application Example 357\n 1-1 or 2-2, with at terminals shunt arm Z\\> measured network bisected the of NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 13-12 Art. the imped\302\254 open. Two exam\302\254 IB\n \nin 13-52. Fig. is shown in T section standard The bisected bisection Bartlett\342\200\231s Following original form and also the theorem, open-circuit\n \342\226\240o\n (c)\n (6) 13-62. Kg. of Application bisected \n(b) Bartlett\342\200\231s theorem: original (a) (c) equivalent network; network; lattice.\n L/2\n o\n 0\342\200\224\n L\n -\n =C/2 ~d 2\n \302\273\n 0\342\200\224\n fa)\n of Networks 13-63. Fig. \nbisected short-circuit and equivalent Example 13\n this For \nfilter The equivalent \nresulting in avoid To \nusual the figure.\n v the figure.\n the complicated lattice practice to a dashed \nidentical with the \narms by in the network. The low-pass and network bisected also are lattice the of for the half found is shown the standard for shown case. \nshown \nture lattice example, is \nsection are lattice.\n equivalent (c) network; impedances \nresulting 13: (a) original network; (b)\n Example struc\302\254 in drawings, one of replace Fig. Conventional 13-64. \ntation of the it is the series arms line. Thus the lattice lattice of Fig. 13-53.\n represen\302\254 lattice and one of Fig. 13-54is network.\n of defined the shunt to be NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 358\n Chap. 13\n READING\n FURTHER on the constant-# and ra-derivedfiltersby in the Bell System Technical Journal underthe \nO. J. Zobel are found of uniform and composite electric wave \342\200\234Theory and design \ntitles, and volume for 1923 and \342\200\234Extensions to the \nfilters\342\200\235 in the theory For additional discussion of \ndesign of electric wave filters\342\200\235 in 1931. The \nthese see: topics & \nWiley \nin Book Co., Lines, Networks, \nRyder, 114-163; pp. \n1949), II (John York, 2 vols. W. preparation); Vol. Networks, 1935), Chaps. 5, 8, 9; D. F. Tuttle, York, (John Wiley, & Sons, Inc., New L. Everitt, Communication Engineering (Mc\302\254 D. New J. Inc., York, 1937), pp. 179-240; and Fields (Prentice-Hall, Inc., New York, and LePage Seely, General Network Analysis New Synthesis, \nGraw-Hill Communication Guillemin\342\200\231s Inc., Sons, Network \nJr., articles original Book Co., Inc., \n(McGraw-Hill \nReed, A-C Circuit Theory (Harper New & pp. 1952), York, New Brothers, and 218-236; 1948), York, 553-597.\n \npp. PROBLEMS\n The 13-1. \nalso known T and t in electrical networks shown in the engineering o O\n figure accompanying are as Y and delta literature networks,\n V\\A^\n \342\200\224VW o\n z2\n Zi\n z3\n O\n o-\n o\n lb)\n Prob. a Show \n(a) (a) x or can Networks respectively. \nfrom 13-1. Y to that, delta network; (b) * be simplified by converting or from a delta to an Y.* of a Y networkexists, following equivalent the _ Z1Z2-|- ^2 \t\n Z i article, of delta-Y \342\200\234The equivalence \nworks,\342\200\235appeared in Electric \t\n Z\\Zz -|- ZzZz Yc\n notion ZzZ\\\n ZiZz Zz y The network.\n sometimes an equivalent delta if a delta equivalent y \nHis wye hold.\n \nrelationships * T or %iZz -|\342\200\234 Z%Zz \342\200\234IZzZ\\\n \t\n -p ZzZ i\n in 1899. equivalence is originally due to A. E. Kennelly of triangles and three-point stars in conductingnet\302\254 World and Engineering.\n the Find (b) and Yb, \nYa, for the transformation corresponding Give the values network. a delta of \nalent NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 13\n Chap. 359\n network Y for Zi, Zz, and equiv\302\254 Fc\n in the x network is shown A two-terminal-pair figure. = = where a for this coth y y \"s/Zu/Zu, network, = = the impedance at terminal pair with ZXo ey, and 13-2. \nthat 1 \nh/Iz 2 \npair of terms in Z% = Zu open, the at terminal pair 1 impedance Show + jfi and terminal terminal- with \npair 2 short-circuited.\n lo-\n nnnY\342\200\22402\n lh\n io\342\200\224\n lh\n :2f\n lo\n 13-2.\n Prob. 13-3. network shown abovein image-impedance Z, for the Zi = \nAnswer. 13-4. Answer. the determine figure, range frequency co = and, 0 to o> = 1. \342\200\224 y/l w2.\n for the x 13-3 Prob. Repeat = Zi 13-3.\n Prob. For the T the \nplot -o2\n lo\n the network shown in figure.\n \342\200\224 a>2.\n l/\\/l [0 \t\n \342\200\224o2\n 2h\n - =Uf -\n -If\n o\n T\n lo \t\n K\t\n o\n 1\n 1\n 1\n 1\n 1\n K \t\n 1\n Xl\\\342\200\224\n u) \342\200\2340\n \302\2531\n \342\200\224o2\n \342\200\2249\342\200\224\n i\n 1\n i\n 1\n i\n \t\n \342\200\2241 1\n -1\n 1\n 1\n |\n \342\200\2246\342\200\224 \nl\n \342\200\224<\n 012\n CO-00\n 013\n f\n for Zu and A pole-zero plot 13-5. \nfigure. From \nbands, (c) the \t\n i\n i\n 1\n 0)3\n 014\n i\n \302\253i\n012\n T\n UUU L/2\n L/2\n \napply to the \nthe attenuation \nband. Answer, T network, a in the a = figure.\n u\n -C\n \\\n 01 -00\n 0)5 02\n lo\342\200\224\n Prob.\n 13-7.\n network shown in the with Eqs. 13-30 and/or derive an equation in terms L, stop band and for the phase The symmetrical T \nvalues as indicated. Starting 13-7. the in shown uuu\n 13-6.\n Prob. accompanying bands, (b) the stop |\n T the in shown iv\342\200\224\n 1 oi*0\n is Prob. 13-5 for the pole-zero plot M\342\200\224\n \342\200\224K\342\200\224\n 0\n \342\200\224e\342\200\224\n i\n 1 i\n i\n Xuf\342\200\224\n i\n i\n \n1\n I\n a\n i\n 1\n 1\n i\n i\n i\n i\n i\n 1\n I\n 1\n i i\n *lof Z\\0 (a) the pass Determine: plots, cutoff frequencies.\n the 13-6. Repeat 13-5.\n Prob. 13-4. Prob. cosh-1 figure of shift (2 \342\200\224 u2LC)/2, = /3 cos-1 (2 element has 13-32, which C, and /S in \342\200\224 the u2LC)/2.\n \302\253 for pass 13-8. For the cutoff \nall schematic shown in Chap.13\n the Analyze (a) figure, <oCi = 0.781, Answer. frequencies. the and the stop pass bands the determine to \nwork NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 360\n bands, (b) \302\253C2 = net\302\254 Determine 1.282.\n lo\n lo-\n 13-8.\n Prob. 13-9. Repeat 13-10. Design 0 \nat \nL = and a second. per cycles 31.8 t section below.\n shown cutoff frequency 1000 purely resistive image impedance 100 ohms Give element values. Answer. C = 3.18 filter having a a low-pass second per \ncycles 13-8 for the Prob. of of nf, mh.\n Prob. In 13-11. that Z, = y/\\ found, for example, in attenuation \nband. The it was found 13-3, lo GTOID-\n \342\200\224 \302\2532 in the pass Prob. 13-7 only\n applies \342\226\240GHHD-\n lh\n lh\n ^2f\n 10-\n 13-11.\n Prob. the when \ntion, \nan let is: approximation \nabove by On \n(b) \n1 T section is Zi = R = 1 < a? the < 2. 13-12. \nas a for solving function For same terminated in this ohm (constant). To Z\302\273. As \\I%/Ii\\ eN the filter \302\253.Make defined plot given by loss of the Eq. 13-149 a such good circuit shown for 0 < \342\200\224 2 cosh-1 w < c*> 2. for result.\n in Prob. 13-8, a careful how the function, approximate approxima\302\254 investigate the insertion \342\200\224 coordinates, This is the of Plot (a) a practical sketch of: determine the value (a) the attenuation a as of x a\n of function a 13-25 in working 13-13. Repeat 13-14. Show ft as of the (d) What is problem, the value in R of 13-12 for the network givenin Prob.13-9.\n a single if F is the number of cutofffrequencies, filter requires 3F elements.\n that 13-15. Designa composite \nspecifications:(a) the termination is a m-derived 0.127 \n) to the filter low-pass 600-ohm (b) resistor, o -i\342\200\224'7RRT'- 0.085 (c) the image normalized plots of of co, a function use \302\253.Make 361\n Prob. a constant-# of \nsection of this \nEq. 13-81?\n shift phase function as \nimpedance \nFig. the (b) w, NETWORKS\n REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR 13\n Chap. following the cutoff\n o-\n h\n h\n \342\200\230'6000\n infinite of cycles per second, (c) the frequencies are 1500 and 1700 cycles per second. Draw the sche\302\254 for the filter with all possible series and parallelelements is 1200 frequency \nattenuation, \nmatic Solution.\n 13-16. Prob. diagram 13-16. Design a filter to the 0 to band: Pass Cutoff: values.\n element all Indicate \ncombined. Output specifications:\n following 2000 cycles per second.\n must be no more than 2100 at input cycles per 5% of second and all higher the\n \nfrequencies.\n Termination: End section: Load resistor End sections m \nwith (a) Draw values. \nment to \nsolution \nare meet 13-17. A network \nfour Draw \nsections can \nat each of be m-derived half sections 0.6.\n specifications?\n is to be composed half constant-# \nsections. should the schematic diagram of the filterandindicateall ele\302\254 As in most design problems, there is no unique (Note: this (b) How many sections of constant-# filter problem.) to needed = a value of 600 ohms.\n will have of sections schematic be combined the \nm-derived half cascaded sections.\n (or L diagrams sections) and of all the possible such that there is an terminal pairs. two Consider half m-derived ways image of connection cascade the match impedance both the half these ir and T 362 the in 1 Zi band, - all A \nmine a \nMark \nand element Zb ladder element values be image impedance. = = (c) 2 tanh\"1 (a) 1 radians/sec,\n - 1)M vV (f)\n equal.\n equivalent of the network of Prob. values.\n shown in the figureis equivalent of the network as known is shown without of this lattice equivalent structure possible must lattice the lattice (e) phase Answer, radians/sec, a the (f) \302\2532-\n 13-20. The network \nDetermine the lattice 13-21. \342\200\224 \302\273 yV/(o2 - 1), i/Vi Show \n13-8. 1 (b) Determine 13-19. in the stop band, and (g) the band stop radians/sec, = shown below, determine (a) the pass (c) the cutoff frequency, (d) the phaseshift\n (e) the attenuation = 2 tan-1 (d) (g) the in \342\200\224 stop band, pass \nshift \n0 the (b) \nband, 13\n Chap. filter lattice the For 13-18. NETWORKS REACTIVE TWO-TERMINAL-PAIR (Lx, Lt, if L\\ = a bridged T. L2.\n element values. by studying and Deter\302\254 Za Zb. Ci, etc.) noting which elementsin Z, CHAPTER AMPLIFIER Shunt peaked 14-1. \nsome \nthe \na shown the be the vacuum The resistor of plate pentode. \ncapacitor C may the of \nance R represent the wiring tube. If the vacuum tube the of \ntance usually tube, plate resist\302\254 is very high (as in the F2 where gm 14-1 \nFig. = The denominator \nand may also \nand the natural +Ls undamped function The pole-zero there \nequation: analysis \n(Prentice-Hall, (14-1)\n the impedanceof the impedance for the network of and Z is The has = configuration are a pair 14-1 Inc., C frequently + Rs/L + l/LC\\ 1 r-.\n K }\n many times before is\n _ 0m CsH s + 2fa>n 2f<OnS+ ,14 U o\\\n ;\n COn2 transfer function is evident fromthis of conjugate poles and one real zero.How\302\254 made in terms of the circuit Q discussed\n of the in Ryder, Electronic EngineeringPrinciples, 2d 220.\n York, 1952), p. is derived New |_s2 been encountered equation resulting is s + R/L lT the dimensionlessdampingratiof con. From Eq. 14-1, the voltage frequency in terms of the impedance be written may V1(s) Equation the pentodes), in terms of be written V*(s) * of i -gmZV + R) + R polynomial transfer \nexpression. \never, = plate. (Ls (V^s) l/Cs The the case is\n Z(s) \nratio the to connected \nnetwork amplifier \nnetwork.\n equation*\n transconductance tube the is peaked capaci\302\254 is given by \noutput voltage Shunt 14-1. Fig. interelectrode and \ncapacitance to connected represents and the inductor, the of resistance \nthe inductor the element only filter-amplifier. Such a give Fig. networks, practical \nmay in in conjunction with used often are a combination 14-1. In to amplifiers is \nnetwork network\n networks tube \nvacuum NETWORKS\n amplifier Frequency-sensitive 14\n 363\n ed. 364\n AMPLIFIER and so this equation Circuit Q is defined as\n Art. in 11-4, \nquantity. The \nnew frequency this of terms 14\n 1\n con (14-4)\n 2 R/2L R 2r\n s will be normalized will be designated by frequency variable complex will be rearrangedin 1 WnL _ q ^ Chap. NETWORKS\n by division the letter p and by This &>n. defined \nas\n P these With = = s/w\342\200\236 + ff/w\342\200\236 the substitutions, jctf/oon equation == <Tp + jo) p (14-5)\n for the transfer function \nbecomes\n Vt(p) gm _ ^i(p) The of this poles co\342\200\236CLp2 function are - Pa* P\302\253> P + 1/Q [ 2Q + + p/Q 1\n (14-6)\n lJ\n evidently\n ~ ^(20) 1 Q (14\342\200\2347)\n (u-8)\n \302\253>* In of terms \nin considered be will \ntion Q is much larger than case. The the typical networks, practical Q is circuit p-plane\n shown in Fig. and so the second equa\302\254 pole-zero configuration 14-2. The locus of the poles and\n y\302\253/w\302\273\n D v.\n T\n A-U/2Q)2\n -1/2Q\n 1\n * a <r/\302\253\302\273\n l\n \342\200\2341/Q\n \t\n \302\253\342\200\242 i\n t 1\n Pa V\n Fig. 14-2. \nof zero location Pole-zero is shown in terms Q.\n Q.\n in Fig. 14-3 for various values of Q greater than the crit\302\254 As Q decreases toward -y, the zero approaches the point and the the point \342\200\2241.\n poles \n\342\200\2242, approach of the shunt peaked amplifier is found by letting response Frequency \342\200\224 the gain and phase for a number of frequen\302\254 \nV j\302\260>pand computing \ncies. The of the voltage ratio or the amplifiergain found\n magnitude \nical value of 7. is the from NETWORKS\n AMPLIFIER 14-2\n Art. 365\n relationship\n Vl(jUp) = 0)nC Vl(jup) ~ | jtJp 9m \\joip - Pll\n (14-9)\n Pa\\\\jo)p V*\\\n \342\200\224 0 to \302\273, the length changes |ja>p pa| a when nearest minimum value is through \302\253p pa. The \nrapidly, going reaches a maximum value at a frequencynear \nresponse magnitude As frequency increases, the magnitude minimum. not this at) \n(but the rate of 6 db \nfunction falls at the As for octave \nper \nFig. 14-4. \nRLC circuit \nthe angle be \ncan \ntion the by res\302\254 fact inspec\302\254 of visualizing the of the terms \nsults in \nbraic investigation Pig. configuration.\n pole-zero This method 14-2. 11-4, at This established readily of zero network. this for series Art. in not is in shown to the contrast considered phase \nonance is curve In A frequencies. high response \ntypical from varies frequency peaked response curvefor amplifier network.\n re\302\254 involves amplifier 14-4. Typical shunt configuration pole-zero which Sta3ser-tuned \na is simpler than manipu\342\200\231ation of complex an alge\302\254 numbers.\n networks\n of the shunt peaked amplifier in \nshown was not discussed in the previous section.This 14-1, Fig. follows fact that the input to the grid of the from the \ntube draws current and thus has high internal impedance. negligible the is that this amplifier network may be property \nnected to another without loading; that is, without causing network flow such that the output voltage of the current to significant network would be altered by connecting the amplifier network. this successive of amplifier networks may be reason, stages \nnected in cascade and each network will be together (or tandem), An important property network, vacuum \nproperty con\302\254 \nSpecifically, \nany \nother \nFor con\302\254 of \n-independent others.\n all Stage 2 Stage 1 14-6. Fig. A \neach \nis cascade connection stage is represented to connected \namplifier is the connected Cascade connection of amplifier Stage3\n networks.\n stages is shown in Fig. 14-5,where a block. The output of the first amplifier by of the second, the output of the second input to the input of the third, and so on. Any num\302\254\n of amplifier Chap. NETWORKS\n AMPLIFIER 366\n 14\n If the amplifier input has a and the has a low impedance, the impedance \nhigh amplifier output of and will be independent in the sense amplification filtering the not second will not affect the first, the third amplifier other \naffect the and so on. Each stage is isolated all second, it each the voltage \nstages; stage lives in a world of its accepting and \nreceives without influencing the in turn without being \ninfluenced by the stage that receivesits connection of stages of amplifiers The reason for cascade practical that one does not provide enough voltage gain. The ordinary stage uses at least two stages of amplification (the receiver it is common for intermediate or IF amplifiers); frequency, to of amplification to be used in radar receivers. eight stages in a network made up of resistors, is ordinarily terminated \nstage the output voltage is a and For such networks, \ntors, capacitors. we will investigate desirable forms In this section, \ntion of frequency. of the output the variation radian voltage to the input voltage of ber be so may stages connected. very \nstages will \nthat from own, \342\200\234giver/\342\200\231 output.\n \nis \nsuperheterodyne \nso-called Each \nsix induc\302\254 func\302\254 with \nof \nfrequency.\n the Under \ntions assumption the voltage ratio transfer func\302\254 written\n be may of no loading, r\302\273(\302\253)\n vm\342\200\231\n where G2, Gi, \ntions for \nmay be the found Gz are successively the voltage ratio transferfunc\302\254 and third stages. The output voltage F4(s) first, second, in terms of the input voltage V i(s) by the following and \nmanipulation.\n F2(s) Fj(s) F4(s) Vi(s) Vi(*) where Gt(s) is the had \npossible not voltage This cascade. in \nnected Vz(s) the output F4(s) Fi(s) transfer mathematical /nr / Gt^ \\ function /\342\200\236\\/nr /\342\200\236\\/i (\342\200\236\\/nr Gi(s)G2(s)Gz(s) for the three a\n (14-11)\n stages con\302\254 operation would not have been been a function of the inputvoltage voltage each stage isolated from the In the sinusoidal state, two properties of the total transfer steady in design. The first is the maximum are important G(j<a) or the maximum gain. The otheris \nnitude transfer of the function, with radian \nvariation of magnitude It has been found that frequency. and gain variation combinations of gain with frequency cannot attained identical by cascading simply amplifier network stages. can be realized if each stage is made slightly performance tuned. \nent. The network is then said to be composite amplifier \nThe of stagger-tuned networks is easily design amplifier \nonly for each stage (i.e., others).\n \nfunction mag\302\254 the \ndesired \nbe differ\302\254 \nBetter stagger accomplished\n of the will be terms in \nproblem \nfor Our approach to this design configuration. first the desirable pole-zefo configurations consider We will then show how such pole-zero amplifiers. be realized by the design of the amplifiernetworks to can \nconfigurations each stage.\n \na filter; low-pass \nThe techniques filters, \nhigh-pass time \nthe being, functions \ntransfer high the having Vn+l(s) = form\n 1\t\n K Fi(s) + bosn ... bis\342\200\235-1+ Fn+l(ico)\n 1 = K'\n Fi(jco)\n This \nis of raised \nfrequency co \nexponent when For squared. a the = 0. of \nrate w for of the as magnitude (14-14)\n + ju>\n + \\A>2 contains 0 up curve The co to a2\n even as and a j exponents only.\n then approaches octave rate the \nflat can \nflat characteristic the | v\n Ns\n !\n ^ ! ~\n asymptoti/J u_6 IdealflatcharacterW\" the n X 6 db per\n Justhow We now face a number of problems: of decrease. this How do we go about accomplishing be made? curve \342\200\224 \ncally \342\200\242 is flat from called the for _______\n to have is shown to a frequency frequency CUH curve frequencies 14-6. Fig. be may function 1\n magnitude frequency intermediate = ikf(oo2), of a complex by Eq. 14-13 has the value K'/y/~An represented As frequency becomes larger, the magnitude decreasesat \342\200\224n X 6 db per octave. An function in (14-13)\n An\n example,\n function magnitude form \nideal for + function The \nco ... + designated 1\n and form\n is equal to the squarerootof the real magnitude squared, plus the imaginary part squared. The either an even or an odd power has an even to function the way the has \t\n AiO)2n~2 <o2, the sinusoidal In the is, the that formed; \npart the reviewing by of a function is magnitude + vVn (14-12)\n +bn\n where n is the number of stages of amplification. the of this transferfunction \nsteady-state, magnitude \nseen of frequencies by means of a low gain. will to the case of band-passfiltersand apply directly as will later be illustrated by several examples. For we will also restrict our discussion to voltageratio attenuates and gain \nhigh to follow, we will restrict ourselvesto the case that is, a filter which passes low frequencieswith discussion the In 367\n pole-zero stagger-tuned \nof NETWORKS\n AMPLIFIER 14-2\n Ait in terms of Eq. 14-13?\n NETWORKS\n AMPLIFIER 368\n Chap. 14\n ratio function with frequency can be made to that the derivative of M with to zero respect \nequal If the M is a function of <o2) be equal to zero. than <a since \no)2 (rather to of of the slope of the Jlf(to2) curve is also made \nrate equal change of the curve will be improved.The pattern becomes \nzero, the flatness The of M(u>2) zero as we can. as many derivatives make \nclear: just the curve will be that are zero at w = 0, the flatter \nmore derivatives above w = 0.\n a band of frequencies \nat with respect to to2, there results\n is differentiated If Eq. 14-13 The of the voltage by requiring slope Fn+lO'to) _d_\n dto2\n This (to2\" \nVl(jto) zero. to make all \nEq. 14-13 has A successively zero A-coefficients the + = to V A 0 An-i setting by equal to zero these Under i. '\n AnY'2 derivatives up to conditions, K'\n (14-16)\n l(i\302\253) + Vto2\" An\n let of this equation, form the ... An-1 \342\226\240 \342\200\242 + form\n y simplify . + at higher Fn+i(ja>) To 4 2^<02w + Axto2\"-2+ Setting the \nwill + equal to zero be made can expression \nequal A /CO2\" 2 _ = An ft2n and to//3 = <op. \nThen\n Vn+i(j<*p) a 1\n = (14-17)\n K' Vi(j<*p) are designed to satisfy the relationship this they are said to be maximallyflat. Suchstag\302\254 by equation, Butterworth also called are amplifiers after an author amplifiers in 1930. (Networks with no such first described design amplifier and no isolation may also have the maximally flat character\302\254 When amplifiers staggered \ngiven \ngered \nwho \namplifiers last \nthe \nThe \nmade, \nto the Maximally flat character\302\254 \nistic.\n \nthe in The \nratio 0.707 point \nlater the (the larger the the better value the curve. ideal given by fil\302\254 by not exactly in Fig. 14-6. of n can be approximation A plot of Eq. 14-17 the for \nseveral values of n is shown in Fig.\n 14-7. All the curves pass through = at 1. This will be shown point) wp chapter.\n next problem transfer half-power shown ideal \nfunction 14-7. does equation the \nfit realized curve actual The \nters.) Butterworth called are and \nistic Fig. 1\n + V\342\200\234P2n function is to find the that will positions of the poles of the give an absolute magnitude voltage function\n of The \np/j. 14-17. To simplify notation, let root factor of Eq. 14-17 then becomes\n square \342\200\224p2\"_|_ + p2n We The in proceed route. indirect of poles = H(p) = the of H (p) poles \342\200\224 the find 2wth of roots = (14-19)\n 1 + 1 = _1 = +1 = Setting these \nsides of the equation pm pk = = p2n = or we \302\261 1, = this write (14-21)\n of the first these of \342\200\224 1 (14-23)\n number = ... = e\302\261*2\302\273 = ... e*iT in generalized to p2n (14-22)\n condition\n = e\302\261\302\2738ir e\302\261)'5T = 1, 2, 3, k = 0, 1, 2, in polar form as\n (14-24)\n (14-25)\n form m e\302\261>-2*', equal (14-20)\n p2n = +1 or c\302\261f(jm-i>* equations an\n is,\n occur under the e\302\2610r even n is odd + t. written be may equations *s be what appears to taking the denominator e\302\2613> = \342\200\224 These is even 1=0 + p2n To if n 1=0 + p2n Similarly, 1 _pif to zero; that co\342\200\236 (14-18)\n w when = or is odd p2n\\^. occur F(p) j<ap if n investigation by the functions\n Consider F(p) p= i our is equal \nequations 369\n of Eq. form the NETWORKS AMPLIFIER 14-2 Art. as\n ... ... and taking the (14-26)\n (14-27)\n 2nth root of both gives\n **<\302\253\342\200\224\302\273*/\302\273*,m = k = e***'*, 3, ..., n 0, 1, 2, ..., n 1, 2, (14-28)\n (14-29)\n H(p) given above. The of each root of the last two equations is unity, and the \nare radians. The location of the roots for an odd separated ir/n by = = and an even n (n in Fig. 14-8. Similar plots (n 3) 4) are other values of n are readily made by following these These expressions locate the poles of F(p) and roots \nmagnitude \nn \nfor shown rules:\n 370\n NETWORKS\n AMPLIFIER \342\200\224 \nthe <rp For even values \nRoots are located (2) (3) There is a symmetry are the and on +o> roots from these real displaced are negative occur roots of roots Location 14-8. real axis. of n, no roots located on the r/2n radians from the positiveand are displaced by t/u radians.\n with to both the real axis and the respect No axis. \nimaginary Kg. roots All axis. \nreal on roots Other axis. root is alwayslocated 14\n radians.\n ir/n \nby of n, a values odd For (1) Chap. of on the jup \302\2611: (a) = n 3 axis.\n (odd); (b) n = 4\n (even).\n \nand in Fig. 14-8 are really polesof the functions F(p) and 14-21. We know that impedance 14-20 defined by Eqs. cannot functions have poles in the right half transfer and These have. and H(p) functions, however, are not neces\302\254 F(p) roots The H(p) \nfunctions \nplane as \nsarily network invented \nbeen transfer \nthe Because functions \nthe \nnated functions that have only arbitrary that they might somehow relate to in the expectation of the maximally flat form.\n functions magnitudes having of rule above, there are always as many polesof (3) stated half in the right half plane as in the left and H(p) F(p) functions. the If \nplane. plotted fr(p), we \nfi(p), poles are grouped together and poles are similarly grouped as half-plane half-plane right left the and are They desig\302\254 write\n can = fr(p)fi(p) Fip) When p = equal \nalways in ju>p to axis \ncerned. the sinusoidal can Because be matched of this steady of fi(p). magnitude of F(joi) |F0't0p)| of fr{p) is pole the con\302\254 equality,\n |/r0'*p)| the the magnitude state, This can be seenfrom the each of the poles to a point on from drawn in identical pairs as far as magnitudeis magnitude phasors \nconfiguration: \nj(ap the (14-30)\n may be = = (14-31)\n I written\n \\friM\\\\fl(jo>p)\\ = |/lO\342\200\230\"p)|*\n (14-32)\n Art. NETWORKS\n AMPLIFIER 14-2\n the Extracting of this equation root square - l/<(i\302\273,)l 371\n gives\n (U-33)\n VWGZil. for even Now F(p) is definedby Eq. 14-20 \nof n, is a real number having the F(jo>) n even values these For only. value\n = \302\273\302\253*>\n rrsjs this Substituting into magnitude /iO\342\200\231u) This equation \nmaximally \nfi(p) \nistic. the is These by \nnately \nplane are the ne- + W(1 yields\n (14-35)\n <\302\273p2n) of Eq. 14-17 defined the flat function. Thus the pole configuration described one required to give a maximally flat magnitude are found by Eqs. 14-28 and poles readily of the form is precisely which by character\302\254 14-29\342\200\224alter\302\254 the of page rules retained. = same 14-9. V H Polo (jo)p) = \\/l/(l that requirement locations that in poles only 370\342\200\224provided it follows Similarly, \\hi(jo)p)\\ under = Eq. 14-33 for odd values + of n, half that\n (14-36)\n \"P2n) only left half-plane for maximally flat frequency the negative real axis).\n the left poles be response con-\n ($ \nmeasured from sidered. \ncharacteristics The pole for configurations several values to give maximally flat of n are shown in Fig. 14-9.\n magnitude NETWORKS\n AMPLIFIER 372\n Chap. the two network functions we have found, Eq. is normalized radian frequency. If this term is rewritten Eq. 14-36, then in each case we are considering terms of the form\n \302\253/\302\253\342\200\236, \nand \nas b), of the Now 14\n 14-35 1\n (14-37)\n + \\/i (\302\253A>\342\200\236)2n\n = = when 1 or value 1 at <*>/\302\253\342\200\236 0. And co/co\342\200\236 \nto = function has the value (l/\\/2) independent of the value <on, the the half-power frequency as was done \nof n! This is designated frequency and there is another half-power frequency at negative \nin Eq. 11-79, \noon. The \nfor larger 14-3. the has function This of values Overstaggered function \nnitude \nbut \nillustrated for the as amplifiers in 14-10. Fig. as a dashed disadvantage of flat (or Butterworth) maximally a constant becomes Fig. polynomials)\n (Chebyshev points to a approximates frequency a constant value approximates nearly n.\n This last discussion \namplifer more curve response larger the 14-10. approximation Comparison line. The Butterworth condition. The for a range The ideal characteristic response an stagger-tuning mag\302\254 of frequencies, is poor. This is is a constant shown\n of responses.\n closely the approximates but the differencebetween and actual characteristic becomes \nideal large as frequency increases. between the ideal and the actual) is the error (the difference total characteristic would seem to be better \nat high The frequency. low this error could be spread out over the entire band frequencies a is in Such this filter case). frequency response \n(for low-pass = = as an is spread out from 0 to The error \nFig. 14-10(b). a series of hills and dales. The maximum error is the a frequency Such for several response appears to be points. We face two problems: Can than flat response. the maximally form for this response? Can write an expression in mathematical that gives this response?\n find the pole configuration \nideal characteristic for low frequencies, the \nAll lumped of \nif shown \302\253 w w\342\200\236 \n\342\200\234equal ripple,\342\200\235 \nsame \nbetter \nwe \nwe in Fig. functions illustrated The equal ripple P. \noriginally studied by the Russian mathematician type 14-10(b) of L. Chebyshev\n were AMPLIFIER 14-3\n Art. 100 some in \nuseful \nThese the The by polynomials, Chebyshev* equal ripple form we have polynomial of order n is defined\n Chebyshev general equation\n = C\302\253(a>) (n cos-1 cos as follows.\n Ci = cos (cos-1 C2 = 2\302\2532 - 1 (14-40)\n C3 = 4o>3 - 3co (14-41)\n 8co4 - 8<o2 + C4 = C6 C6 Cn+1 may equation are n of last (14-38)\n to) Chebyshev polynomials for severalvalues The engines. call in the characteristic will we which a constant \nillustrated. of polynomial in steam polynomials, \napproximate 373\n found a certain type Chebyshev of the action of linkages used ago. studies years his NETWORKS\n = 16co6 = 32(o8 = 2(0Cn o>) = (14-39)\n 1 - 20(o3+ - 48w4 + - a) (14-42)\n 5co (14-43)\n - 18(o2 1 (14-44)\n Cn\342\200\224i (14-45)\n calculate higher-orderedChebyshev be used to \npolynomials.\n The \ntion (for the defined case \nflat of the voltage ratio transferfunc\302\254 magnitude sinusoidal state) corresponding to the maximally steady 14-17 has the form, for n stages,\n by Eq. the for equation V n+lQ\342\200\230(Op)\n Vi where be \n\302\273 will of number \nthe (to to the related G\n (14-46)\n 0\302\253,)\n constant \342\202\254 is a 1\n = + \\/l be defined). and number eC\342\200\2362((op)\n the maximally flat case, location of the poles(andhenceto Just as in stages).\n amplifier this equal ripple function, must start with a n and square it. The squaredfunctionis \nshev of order polynomial e and added to unity. The reciprocal constant the \ntiplied by root of the resulting function is the transfer function \nsquare can be duplicated This \ntude. by performing each step process To construct we Cheby\302\254 mul\302\254 of the magni\302\254 graphi\302\254 The \ncally. polynomial\n Chebyshev = cos (n Cn(io) is defined for \342\200\242Chebyshev \nforms \nman apparently to French, \ntranslation.\n a range of also variously from is resulted etc. u> from The spelling +1 spelled repeated to cos-1 a) \342\200\2241 (that (14-47)\n is \342\200\2241 ^ w ^ +1).\n as Tchebycheff, Tchebichef, etc. These translation: Russian to German, Ger\302\254 used is consideredthe bestRussian to English 374 AMPLIFIER When \\a\\ > 1, cos-1 *= <a cosh-1 j Cn(\302\253) = This function does not have a \nat a rate \nof n are \nthe Chap. NETWORKS\n 14\n and\n u> cosh cosh-' (n \342\200\234rippling\342\200\235 (14-48)\n w) hut nature with increases o> value of n. Plots of C\342\200\236(w)for several values in Fig. 14-11. The functions vary from +1 to \342\200\2241 over of the Chebyshev\n 0 ^ w 5* 1. Several features range by the determined shown frequency Fig. 14-11. (a) polynomials: Chebyshev for > \302\253 plot for 0 < < \302\253 1\n 0\n n - Fig. 14-12. Squared 1; (b) plot\n 1.\n 5 Cl>\n (odd)\n polynomials.\n Chebyshev all from the plots of Fig. 14-11. For odd values = \nof the initial slope is alternately has zero value at \302\253 0 and n, Cn(o>) For even values of n, C\342\200\236(o>)alternately has the and \npositive negative. = \nvalue +1 and \342\200\2241at <o 0. When the Chebyshev polynomials are values of the Cn(w) plot will be \342\200\234reflected\342\200\235 the all negative \nsquared, from zero and have \nas positive For odd n all plots of Cn2(<o) start values. can polynomials be seen \ninitially increasing values; \nand \nfunction have an are in Fig. even n all values. 14-12.\n decreasing initially shown for plots of Typical C\302\273J(w) start from plots of the +1 squared Ait our construct To \nFig. 14-12 \nscale) and frequency response, the curves by e (which will merely reducethe equal-ripple are above substituted 375\n NETWORKS\n AMPLIFIER 14-3\n multiplied the into of equation\n 1\n =\n I G(M\\ (14-49)\n + Vl When C'n(ttp) has zero value, G(je>p) the value of unity (the maximum \nhas will \nfunction will eC'n2(cop)\n have unit when value; value it canhave), the C\302\273(<op) magnitude be\n 1\n (14-50)\n Vl+~*\n The 14-13 in Fig. will vary between these two limitsas shown to Fig. 14-12). The ripple\n values of n (corresponding typical ripples two \nfor Fig. width is often 14-13. frequency Equal-ripple specified in decibels.This width response.\n and related t are by the \nequation\n width ripple = * 8 = +20 1\342\200\22420 log\342\204\242 log\342\204\242 . V1 8 or 8 is where a \n(in design At this \na in \ntified order later in decibels. = + (14-51)\n \302\253\n (1 + e) 10 logio From this equation c can be foundif (14-52)\n 8 is specified problem).\n in terms of a new factor, point, the quantity e will be defined the computation. This relationship will be jus\302\254 to simplify and will appear as Eq. 14-71.Then,by in this chapter \ndefinition,\n 1\n sinh2 o or\n where n is the order of the = (no)\n - sinh-1 Chebyshev \342\200\224;=\n polynomial\n (14-53)\n (14-54)\n the In flat maximally to \ndropped at 0.707 \ncosh Now the factor in value another a) C\302\273(cosh \na Chebyshev equal-ripple frequency + c at the same frequency. In 1/-\\A Let coPl = has significance. frequency to a particular frequency for the Chebyshev polynomial,\n equation 14-56 Eq. a is defined 14\n response curve had frequency corresponding a, the \nBy Chap. the For 1. \302\253p case, Chebyshev the case, = \nresponse,the curve has a \nthe NETWORKS\n AMPLIFIER 376\n = cosh [n cosh-1 \n= cosh na\n (cosh a)] (14-55)\n (14-56)\n 14-54. Eq. by = 1. larger than this value for Substituting gives\n (14-57)\n The hyperbolic sine and hyperboliccosine related are the by identity\n (14-58)\n (14-59)\n cosh a; = -\\/l x or\n Then 14-57 Eq. = + cosh-1 y/\\ (14-61)\n 1/e\n + 1/e) cosh (cosh-1 \\/l If this equation is squaredand to added is unity = + y/l both (14-62)\n 1/e of the sides equa\302\254 results\n there 1 This + be written\n may <7n(cosh a) = \ntion, (14-60)\n l/c\n is in equation + eCB2(cosh a) the form of = 2+ cosh \\G(j (14-63)\n the square root factor the of given by Eq. 14-49. Makingthis response e\n . ^ a) | = substitution frequency\n gives\n \302\253 0.707\n (14-64)\n >/2Tl\n if \302\243 is \n(the much usual \npower\342\200\235 \nFig. 14-14 \nfar). The smaller case), frequency (along approximate 1. Thus for than the frequency in with \302\253Pl = the approximationthat cosh flat maximally other information the half-power frequency, is to the a corresponds case. This is that we have cosh a, is e small \342\200\234half\302\254 illustrated in deduced thus determined by\n Art. 14-3\n the value \nof a large value of a, which is determinedby bothn ande. For than a value is small and cosh a has onlyslightlylarger unity. the faster the value of the the frequency n, larger words, = 1 better above falls off with (giving filtering <op frequency a n, other \nIn 377\n NETWORKS\n AMPLIFIER \nresponse is also characteristic dependent \naction). This steepness of the response size of the is in turn which ripplesin the upon the dependent \nupon \342\202\254, = 1. The summary of our knowledge = 0 to range \302\253p o>p \nfrequency shown in Fig. 14-14,\n \nof equal-ripple characteristics, response frequency Fig. 14-14. point Half-power half that indicates the \ngive next We n. \nand of frequency response of ripple).\n cycles (n = number of\n of specifications are complete and givenin terms e, a, turn our attention to the pole configuration that will 5, characteristics.\n equal-ripple for determining the locationsfor the parallels flat (or Butterworth) case. In this procedure, a \nthat for the maximally form 14-49 with some other of the of Eq. replaced by is written, and the poles of this function are determined.As in \niable flat the poles in the right half plane are maximally case, the discussion leading to function. \nto give the Paralleling magnitude = = and examine the and we let p or 14-18 p/j 14-19, cop 14-49 which under the radical in Eq. appearing The procedure poles \nfunction var\302\254 cop \nthe rejected \nEqs. joyp is\n \nfunction 1 Now \n|x| = 0 *Cn*(p/j) x is where Cn(x), ^ + Cn2(p/j) = -1/e or any variable, is defined as \ndefine the cosine = a inverse cos-1 (p/j) of a complex \342\200\224 ja cos Expansion of the cos n cos-1 cos x, the last equation becomes\n 1, so that cos n cos-1 (p/j) = Since = Cn(x) (14-65)\n (na such na cosh na + j number is complexin general, we that\n \342\200\224 cosine of the (14-66)\n \302\261j/s/e jna) = \302\261j/ differenceof \\/e (14-67)\n two sin na sinhna angles = +j/\\/e gives\n (14-68)\n NETWORKS\n AMPLIFIER 378\n and real The Since \ngiven the by = 2AT -I- 1 r\n ft z\n sin na = of a, - any value - sinh-' \nequation,p/j or \nstep \nthe = \342\200\224 cos a\n (a \342\200\236 = W ~ja)f 2 , . 2AT + 1x \342\200\224\342\200\224 . , 4 \302\253 811. + J 2 the form of to modify the of = p ~ = b where a cos 1 N *>> on \nlocated found with a circle p where \nEq. b' 14-29 are values for odd given values e*v = ..., 2N + l 0\n cos b' n\n (14-72)\n n\n (14-73)\n r\\\n <\342\200\242<\302\253 = 0, 1, 2.\n next Our 14-73 = 0, + j by Eq. 14-28 of n as\n with comparison identities, cos be written\n b) 1, 2, -\n x may + i sin 6 that the poles for locations given by as . 0, 1, 2, for \342\200\224^ already a in the a and 14-65 as required. Eq. a ( \342\200\224tanh n this equation x\n cosh to of case. From the flat maximally sin 14-54in order 2)'\n roots of Eq. the (14-70)\n (14-71)\n values . \\ lr + n write\n we ja), defines equation will be have ..., required I\342\200\224-\342\200\224 ( and We 0, 1, 2, values have point.\n \342\200\224 (2N 3 cos p = cosh results must proof as Eq. N This a a, of (14-69)\n (l/\\/\302\253) Since we have now determinedthe V \302\261 l/\\/\302\253 and\n without at that discussion the N = \302\2611 \302\261 ft\n introduced was equation \nsimplify = radians, a This give\n equation\n values these and equal zero for na cannot cosh a For = 0 na cosh na cos equation may he equatedto sin na sinh na parts of this imaginary 14\n Chap. (14-74)\n ..., n (14-75)\n the maximallyflat case are the equation\n sin b' (14-76)\n for even values of n and by 1 V \342\200\234 V = We next compare these kr/n, angles \302\273even x, n odd with those of Eq. (14-77)\n (14-78)\n 14-73.These two\n NETWORKS AMPLIFIER 14-3 Art. are angles 14-75 Eq. \nequating following integer values 14-77 and 14-78\n to Eqs. the for equal 379\n = m \342\200\224 (n 2N)/2 for m and k, found by for even for odd n\n (14-79)\n \342\200\224 k and\n \nare = 0, N where the in \nroots be can \nflat case \nfor the \nin The 14-15. Fig. are multiplied = <fp + two \nthese can This \nan ellipse. jo)p, \nlength roots the then equations of by tanh for poles pt = cosh for the equal for the maximally flat case equation a ripple the by the circle the maximally real part the poles located a. This constructionis illustrated in Fig. 14-9 will be foundusefulin of of for the equal configurations pole and 6' sin ripple for Fig. 14-16. Pole locations shev case.\n Cheby' case,\n of equal ripple case are located on the periphery be demonstrated by noting from Eq. 14-74that if \342\200\224 = a sinh cos b and wp = cosh a sin 6. From av it follows that\n a +\n = cosh2 1\n (14-80)\n a\n of an ellipse with its majoraxisalongthe j<>>p a major semiaxis of length cosh a and a minor semiaxis These features sinh a. are illustrated in Fig. 14-16.\n is the \nhaving that roots tabulated sinha This = cos6' + j parts of poles on by (tanh a).\n the for roots The Real case. \nChebyshev \np Location 14-15. Fig. case angles new the \nconstructing circle flat maximally the angles b and of n, value (1) Change the radius of to cosh a. (2) Multiply the 1 from given see we the from found steps: \nfollowing case.\n j sin b), \n(-tanh a cosb + \ncase a For the equations, pi Comparing n\n the ripple equal 2N)/2 max\302\254 equality is the cases flat \nimally 1 b' are specified in different orders according to of these angles for the equal rippleand basis for a simplified method for locating they The 14-79. \342\200\224 \342\200\224 ..., n. 1, 2, although equal \nEq. (n axis of NETWORKS\n AMPLIFIER 380\n All cutoff unit and \nnitude be may \nfrequency \nmined by the \nscaled by multiplying the \nas of \nin the of the under system the leaving scaling required. network a \nor \nbeen found. \nArt. 14-1. the \nfor of Q the case, poles in \nbe varied). \nand that plate high \ntion the for resistance voltage in mind, have another to attention might a zero, be ignored. Keep and let us turn still we cannot zero problem \nour network.\n But adjusting a tuning resistance the (alternately, \nthis RC amplifier practice by means of by inductance \nslug \na plane two poles (conjugate pair) and one zero.The in the complex plane can be controlledby control\302\254 This is ac\302\254 the Q of the network. \nling \nthe 14-17. complex that \ncomplished Fig. the of examination only poles are present; no zeroshave with this transfer characteristic, networks There are can be constructed by using results that have already the shunt Consider amplifier network studied in peaked function for this network has, transfer ratio The voltage high \nlocation of these stagger-tuned characteristics.\n to realize shows case Chebyshev \nbeen there will be advantage the An the maximum design, because the actual small numbers. We turn next to Low-Pass Filter Amplifier. \nfor taken (usually ton which is the the magnitude and with of working used networks \namplifier by frequencies In many cases, study. to the last step in the ease \nrelative cutoff be normalized frequency) mag\302\254 deter\302\254 tube), all half-power \ngain frequency. kilocycles/sec gain 14\n transfer function case where the and the magnitude is large (as the magnitude and frequencycan been for unit In a practical far have thus computations Chap. network \nshown in Fig. 14-17. If the tube has (and acts as a current source), the transferfunc\302\254 ratio is\n (14-81)\n where \nthe Z(s) network is the shown, of the plate has the impedance impedance the circuit (termination).For value\n = s C and the voltagetransfer function YM ViCp) The network has a pole = in is, ^ (14-82)\n + l/RC\n 1 ( 0>\302\253C Vj> = of p terms s/w\302\273\n \\\n (14-83)\n + 1/cOnRC)\n on the negativerealaxis \nposition can be adjusted by adjustingeither R of or C. the Return s plane; now to its our\n \nlated (and \nfiers), the Here zero: we have a iso\302\254 of = vm = is\n \t\n ~ Vout(p) p the function transfer (14-84)\n G1(p)G,(p) transfer functions are Eqs. 14-6and 14-83; The two appropriate where ampli\302\254 function\n G(p) \nover-all Might two pole connected \nbe 381\n network with a singlepole. can be used to cancel the unwanted zero? If the stages in cascade such that the two networksare together the this is the case because of the isolating action has a transfer answer is yes. The cascade connection the of problem \nthis NETWORKS\n AMPLIFIER 14-3\n Art. <o\342\200\2362CiC2\n + (p2 normalized is \302\253/&>\342\200\236 + 1)(P P/Q If we frequency. = JL + 1 (14-85)\n /anRC)_\n set\n 1\n (14-86)\n u>nRC\n Q the transferfunctionhas two cancellationis illustratedin Fig. the pole and zero cancel, and \ndefined in terms of Q. This 14-18.*\n \\ 1 Stage poles only 1\n *\n 2\n Stage ju>\n jw\n a\n a\n <*\n x\n Composite poles x\n <r\n x\n Fig. 14-18. Use of two stages of amplification to give * Another \n14-6. For \nProc. IRE, amplifier network with a discussion 43, 923 of stagger-tuned (1955).\n conjugate poles\n zeros).\n (no the same characteristics is shown amplifier design, seeMcWhorter and in Prob. Pettit, NETWORKS\n AMPLIFIER 382\n a \nbuild This response. \nfrequency are \nworks in Fig. 14-18 may now be usedto to give either maximally flat or Chebyshev in Fig. 14-19, where the net\302\254 is illustrated to give maximally flat varying parameters configuration pole by adjusted adjustedto \nresponse.These poles might be of networks \nthe basic same the using response, \nquency 14\n shown unit network basic This Chap. a give fre\302\254 Chebyshev blocks in the building form of 14-18.\n Fig. Pole pair\n Filter \nto made \nadjusted as \nple, we \nhalf of \nwork as where, was in the Vi(p) 9m Vl(p) 0>nC L(p pi)\n - Pa)(p filter case, p low-pass - (p r = s/\302\253n. - (14-87)\n Pa*)\n \nfour in Fig. and the polesare adjusted 14-20. This time we The zeros. is stages VUP) V inip) have The over-all transfer numbers to designate account. into taken be for subscript (using four that Suppose \nnetworks are cascaded \nmust moved of Fig. 14-18. The transfer function of this net\302\254 zero as\n derived as Eq. 14-6 and has two polesand one network the amplifier \nshown zeros can be the poles and s plane by merely adjusting parameters(of the within of practical adjustment: the network Q can range with practical so large only elements), the poles can be filter characteristics, to give band-pass using the same basic in the low-pass filter case. As the building block in thisexam\302\254 will make use of the shunt peaked network which is the first \ncourse, \nideas 4).\n the in position any \nbe Since Amplifier. = (n response Band-Pass to give maximallyflat\n of networks connection Cascade 14-19. Fiff. the such configuration of the zeros effect function for the the stage)\n QmiQmiQmjQmj \t\n _ 2C 1C WftjO7n1b)n|C0n4Cr zC (p w ~ (P 4\n - Pn)(p \342\200\234 P\302\253,)(P Pa*)iP (p w ~ (P Pat) (.P ~ - pn)(p - Pa*)(p \t\n Pat)(p P12) ~ Pat*)\n ~ Pu) \t\n - Pat)(P~ (14-88)\n Pa*)\n Art. NETWORKS\n AMPLIFIER 14-3\n 383\n thus has eight poles and four zeros.The position and zeros can be fixed the \nof the circuit for each by adjusting poles Q the poles also fixes the zeros, however).Fora maximally \nstage (fixing \nflat response, that the poles are assigned positions as shownin suppose one pole in the upper half plane, 14-20 contributes One \nFig. (b). stage \none pole in the lower half plane, and one zero. The poleshavepositions\n The cascaded system 14-20. Fig. of \nstages for \nand the are \nthe sinusoidal \nEq. 14-88 of a frequencies \nthe greatest \nfrom these \nfrom the many state, steady be represented from poles are in the practical to \302\253pi on effect poles circle having frequencies half-power can \nFor \nIn network); periphery copi maximally peaking \n(shunt on networks): amplifier \nconfiguration band-pass filter characteristics (four (a) four cascaded stages; (b) pole-zero flat response; (c) basic unit of each stage flat response curve.\n (d) maximally flat Maximally the changing when a diameter for p = the jo>p, (\302\253pi \342\200\224 \302\253P2), maximally each where wP2 flat case. For term frequency in by a phasor as shown in Fig. o>P2, the poles in the upper half plane have function magnitude. The phasors transfer 14-20(b). rapidly in magnitude, while the lower half plane and the zerosarechanging the mid-band frequency coq is high designs, phasors slowly. and the\n 384\n of band last \nthe frequencies pass Voutjp) _\n K\n \342\200\234 is only K ~ (P ~ (p =\302\273\n ~ (p <*nl0>nt0>ni0>ntClC2CzCi ~ as\n Pu)(P ~ Pa*){p ~ ~ Pli)(P ~ ~ Pa*)(p ~ Pa*)(P (14-89)\n P\302\253\302\253) P\302\253*)(P and is given Pll)(p as\n ~ ~ ?>\302\253,)(? constant approximately gmigmtgm&ml K in approximate form Pai)(P %4\n these conditions Under is small. wpi) be written Vin(p) \nwhere to (\302\253p2 can equation Chap. NETWORKS\n AMPLIFIER Pu)\n Pa*)\n (14-90)\n This \ntypes \ncan \nresponse \nThe \nThe the for equation the form required have been studied. The poles this that of responses the for of two equation flat (Butterworth) frequency be to give either maximally adjusted as illustrated or equal frequency response. ripple (Chebyshev) in Fig. 14-20(d). case is shown flat for the maximally response are evident. Such response features of this response band-pass are \ncharacteristics over-all the outside \nresponse \nthese the n specifications, \ntions. The to \nadjusted For the in \nspecified case of stages) is determined.\n the (Butterworth), frequency over-all gain. From pole configuration is of Fig. 14-9 or from correspondingequa\302\254 of the actual network are used and then parameters the required real and imaginary part for each pole.\n give (Chebyshev) equal case, the ripple width is usually ripple addition to the list given above. From these specifications,\n (1) Determine from 8 8 = 14-52 Eq. from cosh a and decibels\n Eq. (14-91)\n 14-54.\n -- sinh-1\n a = Compute as\n (1 + e) 10 logio (2) Calculate the factora (3)\n frequency chart the from selected \nthen (a) the mid-band of decrease of the (c) the rate band, and (d) the pass number (the For the maximally flat fre\302\254 receivers.\n for design are: bandwidth, of as intermediate applications superheterodyne The usual specifications (b) such in required in amplifiers \nquency \no)0, ratio is of voltage tanh a. Draw (14-92)\n a circle of radius (cosh a), the bandwidth, with a center at the mid-band frequency. the on this circle as in the maximallyflatcase(given poles the real part of each pole by tanh o. This Multiply \nequal to \nLocate \nabove). \ngives (4) \tAdjust \npole the pole the locations.\n locations parameters for of the the Chebyshev case.\n network being used to give these AMPLIFIER 14-3\n Ait NETWORKS\n 385\n procedure just outlined. Three of with shunt are to be stagger-tuned \nstages amplification peaking \nwith an The mid-band characteristic. equal-ripple frequency is to be \n5.0 and the bandwidth to the half-power frequencies megacycles/sec, be 500 kilocycles/sec. The ripple width is specifiedas 1.0 db. \nis to \nWe are the mid-band to find required frequency and the Q for eachof \nthe three The R, L, and C of the shunt peaking stages. parameters it often is \nnetwork can in turn be found if one of the three is fixed (as the interelectrode and wiring capacitance).\n \nin practice\342\200\224for example, An the illustrate will example Following the steps just 8 = 10 Since 8 =\n 1 given logio (1 + 1 = 10 logio (1 next of the value this e = - 1001 factor a, the the (14-94)\n 14-92 as\n 0.475\n (14-96)\n hyperbolic tangenthas a = our attention on 1\n (14-95)\n \\ sinh-1 1.963 = tanh We next turn (14-93)\n 0.259\n a from Eq. - sinh\"1 = a For factor the compute equation\n decibels\n \302\253) + e) or e = and\n We the e from find first we have\n we db, design value\n the 0.442 (14-97)\n configuration\342\200\224in pole-zero partic\302\254 of the poles. Figure 14-9 showsthe pole location \nular to the with to the negative and at 6 = 3 as occurring \nfor n = respect of 0.500 megacycleare for a bandwidth locations These axis. pole the 14-21. With respect to the midbandfrequency, in Fig. locations 0\302\260 60\302\260 \302\261 \nreal \nshown poles\n 3 poles\n 3 JU\n zeros\n 3 poles\n <\n (a)\n yig. 14-21. \n(a) Pole full location scale for maximally (approximately); flat (b) region frequency of interest.\n response: AMPLIFIER 386\n = Sl + >0.866)0.25,\n (-0.5 s2 = (-1.0 = \302\2533 + >0.866)0.25\n (\342\200\2240.5 plane are shownin Fig. For the equal ripple is multiplied \nlocation by (tanh a = \npoles then become\n \nscale even so). si' = (-0.221 s2' = Eqs. Q is and defined for 11-87 by Eq. 11-77 the (14-99)\n ->0.866)0.25\n these to are equations f <K 1), the made with bandwidth B is as\n = B pole + >0.866)0.25,\n (corresponding and 11-86 the of new by from to (hardly response,the real part locations 0.442). The indicated where all measurements \nrespect to 5.0 megacycles/sec.\n \nfound 14-21 +>0)0.25, (-0.442 S3' = (-0.221 For the high-Qcase (14-98)\n >0)0.25, \342\200\224 in the s locations actual The 14\n Chap. locations:\n the have NETWORKS\n (14-100)\n 2{*b>n\n as\n Q = (14-101)\n 2T\n these Combining two we equations, r\\ * where \nBf \nIn is /\302\273 is the the bandwidth 14-22(b) Fig. natural Wn B undamped in cycles the distance _ have\n /\302\273\n (1+102)\n Bf\n frequency per second (the from the ><o in cycles per second,and common 2irterm cancels). axis to a location pole jw\n la)\n Tig. 14-22. (6)\n pole location for the equalripplecase;(b) to show distance to jo> axis.\n \nenlarged (a) New Si pole is\n d. marked NETWORKS\n AMPLIFIER 14-3\n Ait \n(fa,,). But \nthis it is seen real part of the complex polehasthe 11-70 this Eq. By by Eq. 387\n 14-100, the bandwidth is givenasB = value From 2fo>,. that\n = i (14-103)\n \302\247 d is the \342\200\234half bandwidth.\342\200\235\n the We next make use of these last two identities to design stagger\ntuned amplifier to the computed pole configuration, corresponding \nunder the the that zeros have negligible effect. Assume assumption \nthat 1 will be made to correspond to the poles/ and stage conjugate, or 1 stage /, \nBf \nQ \nFor + (0.866 X 0.25) = 5.217 megacycles/sec X 0.221 X 0.25 = 0.110 megacycle/sec = 5.0 = 2 = fn/B, = \nQ = 2 X = 22.6 megacycles/sec 0.442 X 0.25 = 0.221 megacycle/sec 3 (s3'),\n stage fn = \nBf \nQ 5.0 = 2 = 43.2\n \342\200\224 0.866 X 0.221 amplifier-network \nacteristic 47.2 2 (s2'),\n stage \nB/ The conjugate.\n (\302\253/),\n /, = 5.0 \nFor its stage 3 to poless'andits and its conjugate, and 2 to \nstage For distance the that shown is in X 0.25 = \nBf, \nQ\n mc/sec mc/sec 0.110 megacycle/sec 1 Stage \n5.217 5.00\n \n0.110 0.221\n \n47.2\n megacycles/sec of the required equal-ripplechar\302\254 If required, the circuit parameters\n realization Fig. 14-23. Stage fn, = 4.783 0.25 X 22.6\n 2\n Stage 4.783\n 0.110\n 43.2\n 3\n AMPLIFIER 388\n of the characteristics the \nhow found, if one is C can be and L, R, to connection \ntandem the give The frequenciesmarked fa the of \nend \ncies was fb are fre\302\254 25\n a cogh the of the that is gain the because \nfollows 5.224 megacycles/sec, One advantage to \ncase. Referring \n(5.00 megacycles/sec) \nratio of \ngiven as\n of gains (14-104)\n megacycles/sec \302\261 = 4.776 higher poles Fig. the ratio of gains the maximally over case equal-ripple megacycles/sec (14-105)\n gain at the mid-band frequency be found in terms of phasor lengths. The may case to the maximally flat case is equal-ripple the 14-22(a), pole same \nzero \nconverting For \nform. and (14-106)\n distances)\n the zeros by may the this maximally megacycles/sec.\n polar problem\n particular equal 5.00 pole the other polesand is approximately cases. The three significant distances be found numbers of Eqs. 14-98 and 14-99to complex to each of both \nsame for zero and \ndistances)\n =\n (the distances flat case for the equal-ripple configuration. This are closer to the ja> axis in the equal-ripple (other at to the corresponding frequencies the fb ft = 500 fb, fa The shows individual stages are combined by frequency response.\n equal-ripple as\n \ngiven \nis 14-24 Figure frequen\302\254 and (4.75 fixed. assumed the preceding discussionthis normalized to unity. By the specifications of this more convenient to work with the 3-db point are 5.25 megacycles/sec). The frequencies fa and been it \nproblem, and 14\n Chap. In most of band. ripple has \nquency NETWORKS\n ripple gain flat gain _ ~~ (0.25)8\n (0.223)2 X 0.1105\n (14-107)\n 389\n NETWORKS\n AMPLIFIER 14*3\n Art. phase disadvantagethat a as frequency input in the maximally this gain advantage is the Offsetting with respect to the \nangle of the output \nis not so linear in the equal-ripple case as such in amplifiers \ndesigned applications Series \ntory (McGraw-Hill is account \nThis Wallman \nHenry \nare based on issued in 536 7, \nneer, \nmaximal \nCircuits Network Jour. \namplifiers,\" on \nbibliography CT-2, IRE, found New F. R. the to with (1941). Further discussions in T. L. Martin, Jr., Electronic of Book Baum, and Seely, Inc., New York, LePage 1955), York, Co., \342\200\234Design of IF broad-band 721 (1946). extensive by H. A. Wheeler, is given subject Engi\302\254 amplifiers 17, 519 and Phys., Appl. the applied analog \npotential and Labora\302\254 Wireless \342\200\234Cascade (McGraw-Hill Analysis 238-256, pp. \n1952), to be Inc., (Prentice-Hall, \nGeneral \nProc. Rev., 5, 347 are amplifiers \nstagger-tuned in Valley and is that amplifiers/' V. D. Landon, RCA flatness,\" of filter theory and (1930) tuning stagger Chap. 4. an MIT Radiation Laboratory report by 1944. Two earlier papers on stagger tuning \342\200\234Onthe Butterworth, of equal-ripple Vol. 18 of the Radiation Amplifiers, Book Co., Inc., New York, 1948) Tube Vacuum \nWallman, of treatment known case. flat READING\n FURTHER The best of function the application as television.\n restricts characteristic nonlinear \nThis the An \342\200\234The of stagger-tuned synthesis filters,\" 86 (1955).\n PROBLEMS\n 14-1. For the the \nfind voltage \nspond \nin to the \naccording which \namplifier The transfer can be oscillatory case. components Networks figure, accompanying a current considered network shown in has high\n source. Show a have values to of this type amplifiers.\n amplifier the The vacuum tube function. if the configuration cascade-connected 14-2. \nfor and pole-zero \ntypical in shown ratio resistance plate amplifiernetwork corre\302\254 find application Fig. 14-3is to be designed The tube used in a 6AK5, following specifications. be assumed. The capacitance of the a gm of 4500 /xmho may the is the tube,\n interstage capacitance only (including stage to the AMPLIFIER 390\n NETWORKS\n Chap. 14\n has a value of 12 wxf. If the circuit Q has a \nvalue of the frequency 75 and at resonance is 12.00 megacycles/sec, \ndetermine:(a) the values of R and L, (b) the maximum gain of the and bandwidth. Answer, (a) 14.7 ohms, \namplifier stage, (c) the \n14.7 Mh, (b) (c) 160 kc.\n 375, is to be used as a voltage couplingnetwork, 14-3. The network For the ratio transfer function to have a maximally flat\n voltage \n(a) and socket, which wiring) Prob. the must what \nradians/sec, \nDetermine \n(of of the characteristic frequency a value for flat maximally 14-4. Plot the 14-3.\n form, l/-\\/l + characteristic) functionl/\\/l + the co where between be the relationship R and for L suchthat \302\2532n> and R L? in (b) frequency half-power is 10 radians/sec.\n 0 ^ co ^ 4 o>2n for is for n = 1, 2, 3.\n \nand \nButterworth filter. in the figure shown network The 14-6. Find the is known as a of magnitude the transfer second-order impedance as\n \ndefined F2(io,)\n hU\\n") and show \nthe frequency it has maximally that response Sketch etc.\n frequencies, \nhalf-power and curve flat frequencycharacteristics. identify significant points such as the i In 14-6. 14-5 \nProb. \nthat the two \nwork \n50 ohms this is problem, to be used frequency changes (purely the second-order - -gmVg\n Butterworth network of in the amplifier network shown. It is desired characteristic be maximally flat, but for this net\302\254 must be made: (1) the load resistance R must be and (2) the half-power frequency must be\n resistive) 250 network, |Zi20\342\200\231\302\253)l transfer the \342\200\234 = sx = \342\200\224 s2 1, 1 \342\200\224| <\n If-\n '\n -If 18^ a of \nform a of 1 O\n 14-8.\n defined 8th where eCV^co) C\342\200\236(w) is 14-38 if c = by Eq. nth the 0.25 for 0 ^ 3.\n order Chebyshev polynomial, C\302\273(u>), in the in the polynomial.\n the 9th order Write 14-11. \nform the Write 14-10. <10\n the transfer impedance, Zi2(s)= U2(s)//i(s), in the figure differs from that given in Prob. the constant.\n Determine multiplier. 1, 2, and n = 4 for 0\n 1 0\342\200\224\342\200\224\n Prob. polynomial Chebyshev ^ O if-\n ^ - if-\n v2 functionl/\\/l + 14-9. Plot the \norder \342\200\224| \n4h\n 14-7 a constant by s2*.\n of shown network and g3)\n II\n 14-7. that Show 14-8. transfer characteristic 0 \t\n 0 1 1 Prob. \n(j> and s3 = ' <<10 *\t\n > \nonly S2)(S _ _ \n2h\n jl \nthe Sl)(s + j * last the form\n \342\200\224 \t\n > _ Butterworth flat frequency the has (s where nf.\n is a third-order in a pentode circuit as shownin show that the magnitude of the in the figure impedance Zi2(s) C to meet these C = 0.113 X 10~4 henry, 1.414 a maximally has \nimpedance, \nthat this For used be might (that \nproblem). shown network The 14-7. = L Answer. \nrequirements. 391\n of L and values the Determine kilocycles/sec. \nJUter NETWORKS AMPLIFIER 14 Chap. Chebyshev polynomial, Cg(w), polynomial.\n An equal-ripple frequency response of the form given by 14-49 has the following fixed parameters: n = 5 and e = 0.1. For value of |G(ico)|, (b) the determine: (a) the maximum response, 14-12. \nEq. \nthis (d) \ndecibels, \n0.414 the half-power Repeat 0.913, |G(j\302\253)| 0.79 (c) 14-14. It is the ripple the pass frequency. Prob. 14-12 for n db, (d) 1.076.\n requiredthat a (c) the ripple width 8 in Answers, (a) 1, (b) 0.953, (c) band, system = 4 and having by Eq. 14-49 have a half-power width is limited to 0.5 db, what \nequation given \nIf in 1.07.\n (d) db, 14-13. \n(b) of value \nminimum \nmay have?\n The constant 14-15. \nUnder this condition, of n.\n \nand a function e = 0.2. the Answers, (a) 1, frequency-response frequency at = \302\253 1.10. is the minimum value is in factor a in Eq. 14-54 fixed derive a relationship betweenn and8. assumed Sketch n value. 8 NETWORKS AMPLIFIER 392 to Refer 14-16. of the \nthe locations \nhalf-power to be \nof n, and plotted 14\n give case, =\n poles a with n = 3 has low-pass filter-amplifier An equal ripple (Chebyshev) filter of o> = 1.00. frequency with the same half-power frequency, the samevalue designed a ripple fre\302\254 width of 0.5 db. Determine the upper lower limits of the pass band (the frequency at which the equalripple A 14-17. \nis for n = 5. For this for the Chebyshev caseif a 14-16 Fig. Chap. flat maximally and \nquency \nends).\n 14-18. is \nIt specified is to A filter-amplifier that the magnitude be designed on the Chebyshevbasis. of the voltage transfer ratio must be\n 1\n G \342\226\240 1\n 0.5 V//////A\n db\n t\n G-0.2\n 777777777777/\n 0 l.(\n 1 Prob. = \302\253 \nrange \nflat frequency \nfier is to have the \nto 1.0 The 14-19. half-power \nrequirements. \ntem. ripple made (gain vs. to) for composite sys\302\254 for response frequency first the to \nDetermine the mid-band network is to stage. the frequency be designedto com\302\254 the fol\302\254 is 10.0 megacycles/sec, the half-power to 0.5 db. frequencies is to be of \nnetwork mid-band 14-21. \nfrequency \nflat gain for the 500 kilocycles/sec is limited Based on gain requirements, a decision to use 3 stages. Stagger tune these three stages a Chebyshev give equal ripple characteristic, using the basic shown in Fig. 14-23. Determine Bf, and Q for each stage. ratio of the maximally the flat gain to the equal ripplegain to bandwidth \ntion amplifier the specifications: \nlowing \nthe response frequency A band-pass 14-20. \nthe maximum system.\n \nposite \nat the the Compute the second stage. Plot the \nRepeat for \nis (b) Plot (c) 14-18.\n sections. (No specifications are given for the to 1.1.) What is the required value of n?\n a maximally network of Fig. 14-18 is to be used to give for a low-pass characteristic filter amplifier. The ampli\302\254 a bandwidth of 100 kilocycles/sec (measuredfromw = 0 an amplifier to meet these (a) Design frequency), a vacuum tube for each stage. Specify all com\302\254 Select values, \nponent it)\n crosshatch the inside 1.1 frequency.\n amplifier network having given in Prob. 14-20 but for the Design a band-pass and amplifica\302\254 bandwidth the mid-band maximally case.\n 14-22. \namplifier In this networks problem, designed we will investigate the transient on the equal ripple and maximally response of flat\n this For basis. NETWORKS AMPLIFIER 14 Chap. the of \ns plane * 2 corresponding let n problem, and \nand maximally rise time (s \nthe rise of \ninition the times value. \nstate) Two overshoot response, The overshoot \ndetermine \namplifier the these \namplifier seems overshoot for two cases (equal ripple of interest are the\n quantities for the input. One def\302\254 as\n \342\200\224 value) (final value) X 100%\n value)\n current is a step function; that is, i(t) = u(t), for (a) a maximally flat designed (b) an equal-ripple design amplifier network. for two the quantities amplifier networks. Which to have transient response? (Check point: superior the maximally flat amplifier is about 4%.)\n time and network, \nCompare \nthe rise s2)\n from a step-function is defined \n(final If the driving-force \302\253i)(s time interval, measured in secondsbetween that has 10% and 90% of the final (steady- transient (maximum - time-domain resulting is the time values different have \302\2532 flat). and the 1\n Vt(8) /l(s) si to two polesin form,\n Z12 (s)\n where 393\n and overshoot 15\n CHAPTER DIAGRAMS\n BLOCK widely used Block diagrams are \nentirely, in \nindicate the \ndiagrams, Severalblocks \ncomponents. block one or blocks the Indeed, \ncomputer. a single represent compo\302\254 a complex mechanism such as a digital the solution of a math\302\254 may represent represent may to used be may \nnent sym\302\254 block represents components: describing system. or in combination. Lines given direction by arrows part, of operations that take place in the system. Block sequence as we shall use them, are not pictorial representations of The a in \nbolism a shorthand as engineers by significance. The block a system in such a for representing as a method provides between the input and the \nto express a cause-and-effect relationship are also referred to by the descriptive name Block diagrams the where we define signal as any causal quantity flow diagrams, introduced into a system (in contrast to As we study we should keep in mind the block diagrams, \nematical no with equation direct physical \ndiagram way \noutput. \nsignal noise).\n \nintentionally underlying \nobjectives (1) Block diagrams The \ndiagrams. Block (2) \nthe (3) use:\n their in it \nonly The construction Once \nysis. of a in reduction \nThis system the Let \n(where does.\342\200\235\n one step in system anal\302\254 be manipulated by a a simplified equivalent block diagram. is equivalent to algebraic reduction blocks may equations.\n block diasrams\n as system be designated as tq and the output such as voltage, current, etc.). The relation\302\254 any variable input v is find complexity Basic operations for 15-1. it block diagram is the to algebra function, indicate They tell the engineer not system. \342\200\234what constructed, of \nsystem is\342\200\235 but notation.\n the transfer with of the behavior dynamic schematic detailed draw together diagrams, \342\200\234what \nof than are easier to block diagram is shorthand to a the between \nship be \nmay expressed input and in terms output of an \noperator G, such that \nFig. 15-1. We define the Block y2 = diagram. blockdiagram in shown 394\n Fig. 15-1 Qvl (15-1)\n to be equivalent to\n Ait 395\n DIAGRAMS\n BLOCK 15-1\n G may be any operator any linear of operators. For example, \nbination suppose that G represents is This means that the input \ntiation with to time. respect The block as dvi(t)/dt to be equal to the output, \nentiated diagram is shown in Fig. 15-2(a).If operation \nequivalent to this statement of a transform function Fi(s) by a be is multiplication performed the block diagram and algebraic equivalent then function Kis, as A linear combination of shown in 15-2(b). Fig. this equation. The function com\302\254 or differen\302\254 \302\273i(f) differ\302\254 v%(t). the \nto \ntransfer \nare operations,\n doM\n v2(t)w'\n dt\n V2(8)-KlsVl(s)\n V2M-.K1\302\2532ViW+*2ViM\n (0\n and equation equivalents.\n Block diagram 15-2. Fig. -Vl v3-vx\302\261v2 +>Q\342\200\224=> \n\302\261T \nv2\n 15-3. Fig. Summing V2\n point symbol.\n V4\n \342\226\240*\302\273\n Vi-Vx + V2-V3\n n\n \342\200\224 v3\n 16-4. Fig. as expressed \nin the G(s) = Kis2 operates expression Summing + K3, is on Another basic symbolis shown Fi(s) in point.\n shown in Fig. 15-2(c). Each term as illustrated.\n independently The circle with arrows 15-3. Fig. point. Quantities entering the circleor are either added or subtracted according to directions \nsumming point \342\200\224 If the sign on the arrow. \nin the form of a + sign or a on the sign to be positive. in a diagram, it is presumed \narrow marked V i is omitted a block \nIn constructing however, it is wise to use a signfor diagram, be doubt. This is very in whenever there \neach might necessary input when more two inputs enter a summing point as illus\302\254 \nthe case than into \npointing \ntrated in Fig. it is a 15-4.\n summing BLOCK DIAGRAMS\n 396\n a When line single diagram separates into on a block all lines carry the a is called \nSuch a point pickoff point. pickoff \nillustrated in Fig. the same point, \nlines leaving Chap. 15\n A in point more variable. unaltered same or two is a system 15-5.\n Cj Vi\n \342\200\242\n Vi >\n =\t\n G\n Vi\n Vi\n V!\n Vl HVi\n H\n >\n \342\226\272 V.\n (6)\n (a)\n Fig. Pickoff 15-5. Tandem 15-6. Fig. points.\n system.\n that several blocks are connectedin cascade as (or tandem) \nshown in Fig. 15-6. The transfer function for each blockis given on and is the ratio of the output to the \nthe figure, for each of the input Suppose Since\n cases. \nthree total the (or over-all) Vt Vz Vj V*\n Vi V, Vz Vi\n function transfer Gt This \nas equality be will in a being (15-3)\n \342\200\234no loading\342\200\235 a between Thus blocks connected in Expansion blocks, tandem\n of blocks.\n a single equivalentblock multiplying the functions for the equivalent transfer function. together be expanded into several parts as illustrated in system may be combined into \ntransfer \nwise 15-7. is\n GiGiGz\n later section. Fig. may = depends on there discussed (15-2)\n by Like\302\254 15-7.\n \nFig. 15-2. Block diagrams for electrical elements\n Instantaneous value of voltageand ments are related by the following current equations.\n for the electrical ele\302\254\n DIAGRAMS\n BLOCK 15-2\n Ait resistance: \302\273*(<) or * Qvn(t), G ii{t) = 1/L j dt or \342\204\242 1/R\n dt v^t) (15-4)\n \342\200\224 C dvc(t)/dt\n ic(t) to the block diagrams are equivalent These equations ia(t) L dtL(t)/dt = 1/C J ic(t) Vc(0 capacitance: or Riii(t) = i>l(0 inductance: * 397\n in shown Fig.\n 15-8.\n Current output Voltage output\n Resistance\n Inductance\n Capacitance\n To \nthe \nwith chart a similar construct of transformation Laplace conditions initial resistance: ignored. = Fr(s) inductance: Vl(s) Vc(s) capacitance: The Block diagrams for electricalelements.\n 15-8. Tig. same or RIr(s) = LsIl(s) = (1 /Cs)Ic(s) Ir(s) GVr(s), sinusoidal the for \nFig. 15-9 \nand the for transform for expressions impedance or admittance. impedance and admittance Impedance chart diagrams and elements.\n Admittance\n transfer of The block diagrams shown in Fig. 15-9\n Capacitance\n Block the admit\302\254 Inductance\n 15-9. of the transform Resistance\n Tig. 8 with voltage transform),a may be constructed as shownin elements electrical (15-5)\n steady state, impedance is the ratio Since transform by (jw). to the transform current \nvoltage (and, similarly, is the \ntance ratio of the current to the \nblock diagrams 1/R\n Cslc(s)\n the \nreplaced G = \342\200\224 Il(s) = (1/Ls)Vl(s) or Ic(s) = or for apply equations for the transform voltages and currents, each expression in Eq. 15-4 will be taken The resulting equations are:\n functions for electrical\n 398\n \nfor sinusoidal the to reduce Chap. DIAGRAMS\n BLOCK with the substitution state steady of 15\n (jo>) s.\n \nillustrated \nThe this of use The an by of block diagrams for the elementswill be the electric circuit of Fig. 15-10. Consider example. chart and current relating equation voltage is\n = v(t) in or, L ^ of voltage terms + Ri(t) (15-6)\n and current trans\302\254 \nforms,\n if RL 15-10. Fig. circuit.\n = 15-7 and 15-8 Equations be may = 1l(s) There remains these this \n/($), corresponding to Block 16-11. Fig. for \nblock \nmay \nis, at arrive be current the block diagram equivalent the input and output quantities. 15-1 and the as the V (s) the each found Now, following equivalent block of Fig. 15-1,\n Fig. 15-12. Block of net- as output diagram for of Fig. 15-11. Instead of this diagramwith in the network, a single blockrepresentation solving Eq. 15-7 for the ratio of outputto input,that Thus\n voltage. 1 I(s) V(s) RL\n network.\n system element by to the and response. of Fig. work we diagram 15-10. Eq. (15-9)\n (15-11)\n the excitationand by suggested pattern form and (15-10)\n identify the input let us identify problem, following draw must We equations. the in Fl(s) we before task one drop (15-8)\n = RI(s) 7*(s) is voltage 7*(s) written (15-7)\n voltage VR(s) = VL(s) - V(s) + VL(s) \norder:\n \nthe + RI(s) This last equation tells us that the applied across the inductor addedto the to the voltage drop that is,\n the resistor; V(s) \nFor Lsl(s) = 0. t(0+) \nequal \nacross \nof = 7(s) Ls + _ R 1/R\n Ls/R + (15-12)\n 1\n a Thus an \nform, is block diagram of Fig. 15-11,amplifiedin The two diagrams for one networksug\302\254 in Fig. 15-12. shown can be found for reducing one to the other. a method Rules a will in later be section.\n given manipulations such \nfor 15-3. An Open-loop and open-loop system block This \nput. block closed-loop in 15-13. Fig. in Fig. 15-13 = G(s)E(s) loop is closedaround the input identified as by two equations:\n \ndescribed E(s) = Fi(s) = y2(s) The quantity E(s) E(s) \ning equations F2(s)\n = this \nfunction \nrelates equation and the to Vx(8) new system is (15-15)\n error the transform. Eliminat\302\254 gives\n G(s)\n L(s)\n 1 + (15-16)\n G(s)\n spoken of as the open-loop closed-loop transfer function. The last equation transfer function.\n the closed-loop as the open-loop shown\n (15-14)\n is sometimes G(s) L(s) Fi(s). The G(s)E(s) Vi(s)\n In 15-13 as Closed-loopsystem.\n \302\261V2(s) is now identifiedas two the from of Fig. Fig. 15-14. a new with out\302\254 (15-13)\n system system. Open-loop 15-14, with E(s) as the the error input) and 72(s)as the to the algebraic equation\n is equivalent 7*(s) Fig. equivalents\n be called diagram Suppose that a diagram is represented later will (which \ninput 399\n of the equivalent that \ngest DIAGRAMS\n BLOCK Art. 15-3\n } Bis) Q transfer 1\n V2{s)\n y\n G(s)\n A(s)\n H{8)\n Fig. In a \nelement \nhaving 16-15. Closed-loop system.\n an more generalized representation of a closed-loop system, of elements is included in the feedback or combination loop in a is shown 15-15.\n function Such a transfer Fig. H(s). system 400 The for equations this system = and B(s) _~ L(s) - from these are eliminated \302\253\302\253. . 1 \nF.(\302\253) Thus, the two blocks \nsubstituted for the other.\n 16-16. Pig. Block 15-4. (15-19)\n equa\302\254 results\n there \ntions, (15-18)\n G(s)B(s)\n --- H(s)V,(s)\n A(t) (s) (15-17)\n \302\261A(s)\n r,(\302\273) = Vi(s) A 15\n are\n B(s) If the two quantities Chap. DIAGRAMS\n BLOCK of Fig. 15-16 are one and equivalent, open- and Equivalent (15-20)\n G(s)H(s)\n + closed-loop may be system.\n transformations\n diagram be sections can of block diagrams in the last two Manipulations in into a system of block diagram algebra. The objective \ngeneralized num\302\254 \nthe use of this algebra is simplification; that is, reduction the of \nber of blocks and number the number of loops of a system. A large in \nrules for manipulations are tabulated \nimportant Rule 1. \nthe Vt \n(by the = Vi law associative be may in the illustrated As Fa = Vi + + Vt + 2. F, + Va \342\200\224P\342\200\224*9\342\200\224\n |v3 |v3 in tandem Blocks |v2\n 1\n are multiplied.\n V2\n V2\n Ox\n G2\n 0\\G2\n Rule * See references at the the most altering of algebra).\n Rule Rule without interchanged figure,\n \342\200\224*<?\342\200\224[v2 of few below.\n Summationpoints system. the literature;* a are given in end of the chapter.\n 2\n 3. Rule DIAGRAMS\n BLOCK 15-4\n Aft. Blocks in parallel are added.\n 3\n Rule The following four or summing-points \npast Rule rules the procedure for indicate take-off 4.\n \nRule 5\n 6.\n Rule The shifting blockc points.\n Rule Rule 401\n following 8. Removing rules are applications a block 7\n of the rules in the feedback loop.\n given above. DIAGRAMS\n BLOCK 402\n from Transformation 9. Rule open-loop Rule 15-5. Limitations the in \nsented block by to \nence be must Care Fig. G \nfunctions from Transformation 10. Rule exercised diagrams. 15-17. and Fig. block Chap. to closed-loop.\n 9\n closed-loop to open-loop.\n representation diagram 15\n of physical in dividing a system into parts to This limitation may be illustrated systems\n be by repre\302\254 refer\302\254 Two systems are shown, characterized by transfer two systems can be connected together in\n H. The 16-17. Fig. 16-18. Two-terminal-pair net\302\254\n work.\n F3, only if in making this connectionV2 is This is the assumption of negligible loading of one system \nunaffected. of the electrical In terms network shown in Fig. 15-18, another. \nby means that the output current \nthe of negligible loading assumption so If this is zero or be small that it may be \n12 must equal must be considered in writingthe dynamic \nnot the case, the interaction the system. In other words, a sectionof a to describe \nequations making tandem, V2 = neglected. system \ndynamic \nwithout \nthe cannot the considering rest of the be separated interaction from the system of this section of the for analysis system with system.\n shown To illustrate, consider the double RC networkof Fig. 15-19, for into two separate RC networks. The transferfunction \nseparated be found by multiplying the transfer func\302\254 \nthe entire cannot system \ntions of the of the system, since the second network loadsthe parts first RC that \nfirst; is, it causes a current to flow in the output of the in 5 of this section. \nnetwork. This will be discussed Example However, an is connected between the as such \nif some amplifier, isolating device, \ntwo networks, then\n Gt = GiGi&cf\n (15-21)\n Art. BLOCK 15>;5\n the over-all transfer function, G\\ is the transfer function RC Gt is the transfer function of the secondRC section, function of the cathode followeramplifier\n Get is the transfer Gt is where first \nthe and \ntion, 403\n DIAGRAMS\n sec\302\254 O\n \342\200\224VV\\r\n Cathode\n of R2\n follower\n C2:\n (isolation)\n o\n (b)\n 15-19. Fig. a (considered \nhas Several \nfer the \nof block of function, restrictions draws and impedance will examples input high follows This constant). (b) modificationof (a).\n RC network; Double (a) the cathode follower because negligible current at its input.\n to illustrate the conceptof the trans\302\254 of physical systems, and representation be given diagram on tandem connection\n o\342\200\224 of blocks.\n \302\260\n 'WV-\n T ^pC\n 1\n Example \"\342\226\240 15-20 as \napplication <Rz\n V\n Fig.\n lag network. It finds as a is known in shown network electrical The network a compensating in = V* = these = are Lag network.\n by given Kirch- as\n Vi From 15-20. Fig. \nservomechanisms. The relationships be-\n tween the instantaneous voltages and currents \nhoff\342\200\231s law \302\2562\n < rT\\\n equations, (5T+ + q J % dt (15-22)\n idt + R2i ^ J the transfer R2Cs _ R2)i (Ri 1 r2)Cs~+1 (15-23)\n function is found - be\n (s 4- 1/R2C) #2 Rl'+Tt2 to [S + i/{Ri + __\n k2)U\\\n (15-24)\n block The DIAGRAMS\n BLOCK 404\n * of the lag equivalent diagram r,\302\253+i\n in Fig. r2 = Chap. network of Fig. 15-20is where 15-21 (\302\253x + shown\n \342\200\224 T\\ 15\n and\n R2C r2)C.\n ,\n r*+i\n 2\n Example 16-21. Fig. Lag block network jn circuit, the transfer functionis to found tube Vacuum be\n hRl\n Vi\n 16-22. the equivalent\n From 15-22. Fig. h\n Fig. amplifier is shown An electronic \ndiagram. Tp (15-25)\n + Ri\n (a) schematic; amplifier: equivalent\n (b) circuit.\n S\n Example \nin 15-23. Fig. Fig. equivalent schematic follower cathode A 16-23. circuit transfer The Cathode to follower: Vi value electronic of the transfer circuit.\n (a) schematic; (b) are shown from the\n equivalent circuit.\n be\n Yj The and the equivalent circuit function can be determined + (m/1 _ r9/{ 1 + p)Rk\n m) + (15-26)\n Rk\n function is a constant equal to the gain of the\n Art. 15-5\n Example 4\n for network The a very has \nRg is high 16-25. Tig. the \ngrid draws is actually cathode a these assumptions, it is seen that of a lag network, shownin Fig. shown 15-20, in Fig.\n 0\n diagram representa\302\254 is in Fig-\n shown system the of \ntion the that assumed With composed follower, be may block The 15-23. Also, it network). current. negligible network Block diagram equivalent of Fig. 15-24.\n of the remainder load \nand example is shown in Fig. 15-24.Theresistance value such that the current flowingthroughit with that Ri (in other words, R0 does not\n through this compared \nnegligible \nthe 405\n DIAGRAMS\n BLOCK r2\n Ri\n Vl -C2 \302\260l~\n V2\n 15-25.\n n\n 5\n Example this For network \nRC \nt2. By shown Kirchhoff\342\200\231s V\\ in Fig. the law, = Riii ii) +\n (*2 \342\200\224 4*1) dt + C2\n \ninitially corresponding uncharged,\n 4*1 and are\n + 4*2\n dt\n -q~ (15-27)\n J 4*2 dt\n v2\n The network.\n dt\n Riiz I\n RC currents are marked equations system Double 16-26. Tig. the double 15-26. The two consider example, I\n transform equations are, if the capacitors are BLOCK 406\n = F,(\302\253) = \nThe 15-27 block - 15\n /\342\200\242(\302\253)]\n RMs) + els /iW (15\342\200\23028) /.(.)\n input and V* as the output, the blockdiagram from the algebraic equations of Eq. 15-28. is constructed Fi Considering Fig. \302\261 l/i(\302\253) ~ /l(s)1 + chlh(s) \nr,(s) \nof + *./\342\200\242(\302\273) = 0 Chap. DIAGRAMS\n diagram Fig. as the reduction 15-27. following procedure, Double BC network block the rules stated in\n diagram.\n Combined\n (6)\n Fig. 15-28. Block diagram reduction.\n in Fig. The of blocks Art. 15-4, is outlined by the sequence 15-28(a). are shown in \nsimplified block diagram and compositetransferfunction result could be found by algebraic manipula\302\254 The same 15-28(b). \nFig. of Eq. 15-28 instead of the manipulationof blocks.\n \ntion of the equations READING\n FURTHER discussions Excellent literature by of the use T. M. Stout, of block diagrams are \342\200\234A block diagram approach found to in the\n network\n Chap.15\n AIEE Trans. analysis,\342\200\235 (Applications for solutions \342\200\234 \nand Block-diagram \nAIEE \342\200\234Block \nGraybeal, \n985 and approach 3, 255 (1952), Industry), vacuum-tube transformation,\342\200\235Elec. to the same Feedback Mason, \ngraphs,\342\200\235 Proc. 1144 (1953) is especially Eng., of signal theory\342\200\224some properties 41, IRE, by T. D. 70, subject, the paper \342\200\234 J. Trans. circuits,\342\200\235 9, 561 (1953), and Electronics), network diagram a different For (1951). S. \nby and (Communication 407\n DIAGRAMS\n BLOCK flow recommended.\n PROBLEMS\n For the network diagram with 15-1. \na block excitation the \nbe 15-2. 15-3. \na 15- \t4. Repeat 16- \t5. The \ntation shows \nidentification. \nthe quantity amplifier. number Give F*(\302\253) the associated Rl as the draw response.\n shown in the figure.\n shown in the figure.\n Prob. schematic a but the network the network 16-4.\n the network shown in the figure.\n shown in the figure is the equivalent circuitof block diagram represen\302\254 The accompanying of blocks and arrows labeled a, b, ..., g for function for each block and identify transfer all marked arrows.\n with 15-1 for Prob. tube vacuum as the excitation 16-3. Prob. (a) figure, for each element, considering Vi(s) to and I(s) the response (or output), (b) Prob. 15-1 for Prob. 15-1 for Repeat Repeat accompanying block one (or input) with Fi($) (a) part \nRepeat shown in the v\342\200\236\n )-ltv\n o\n Prob. 16-6.\n 16-6. Simplify value the Give the block diagram shown as of Gt in terms of Gi, G%, G%, and (a) to form the of (b).\n GY\n 00\n Prob. Reduce 16-7. the giving \n(b), 16-6.\n shown the block diagram shown in (a) to the form value for A and B in the feed-forwardand feedback in \nloops.\n (a) (6)\n Prob. 16-8. Repeat Prob. 15-7 for the 16-7.\n block diagram shown Prob. T. M. Stout* has shown that many \nnonlinear element can be represented by shown \nform diode \nequivalent T. \nReport accom\302\254 16-8.\n 16-9. * the figure.\n \npanying \nis a in M. No. networks one containing a blockdiagram The nonlinear element in the circuit having in (a). of \342\200\224 = described by a conductance function, i2 g(t>i v2). block for the system is shown in (c). Donotattempt\n diagram below \342\200\234Block Stout, E. E. 9, Dept., diagram simplification of some University of Washington, 1952.\n nonlinear the (b) The circuits,\342\200\235 409\n DIAGRAMS\n BLOCK 15\n Chap. the nonlinear block with other blocks(thisisnot permitted does not hold). By manipulation and combination superposition reduce the block diagram of (c) to the standardform blocks, in (a). Give the values for Gi(s), Gi(s), and H(s).\n to combine \nsince the \nof \nshown Input Forward block block Output block\n (a)\n (c)\n Prob. The 16-10. \nwith \nShow \nrepresented series and and discussion by figure shows a general ladder network shunt elements or combinations of elements. that the ladder network can be equations of the figure.\n diagram accompanying alternating by 15-9.\n the block -X/3-/5\n /i-/3\n 1/Z3\n Prob. 15-10.\n to\n CHAPTER 16-1. Feedback \nfeedback \nat by For input. electromechanical and path the systems\n electric Many SYSTEMS\n FEEDBACK IN STABILITY 16\n Fig. example, incorporate a so-called the output is 16-1 (a) shows a plate-tuned a part of of which means systems reintroduced oscillator.\n (a)\n (0\n Fig. 16-1. (b) temperature Examples of feedback regulating system; Feedback, which is essentialto \nplate means by \nplished the to \nthe Figure system. \nture-regulating \nmeans grid. of the of temperature the the systems: (a) plate-tunedoscillator;\n (c) feedback system representation.\n operation of an oscillator, is accom\302\254 coupled coils returning the output from the 16-1 (b) shows an electromechanicaltempera\302\254 is accomplished in this system by Feedback thermocouple, in the vat. which produces a voltage proportional This feedback is compared with the 410\n stand-\n to 16-2\n ard to produce \nof an \342\200\234error into introduced steam FEEDBACK IN STABILITY Art. voltage\342\200\235 the in which 411\n SYSTEMS\n system.\n in last chapter, block diagram algebra,discussed as the oscillator and the temperature controlsystemcan form of a feedback system shownin to a standard By means of \nsuch systems reduced \nbe the amount controls turn the Fig.\n 16-1(c).\n Feedback \nand such A capable to be stable being systems is said system or does not \nremains small such as accurate control advantages These advantages are partially offset of instability.\n many of response. time improved \nby afford systems if, for small values increase of time. with We the input, do not output ordinarily capable of instability by this system \ntion. If the is made up entirely of passive linear elements, system time is no source to supply an output which increases energy \nand thus without limit. There will be a distinct relationship and as expressed \ninput by the transfer function. Linear output \nments can form or the power level the input.\n at most the modify If the output is to increase without limit,energymust supplied to This must be within the system closedby the system. supply \nback for the output to increase with the input remainingsmall. loop is required for an unstable system to introduce feedback path new into the system from the output to overridethe initial input a of \nthink as being linear defini\302\254 \nthere with between ele\302\254 of be \nthe feed\302\254 \nThe \na \nsmall input.\n essential features of a system capableof being within the system, must be a sourceof energy and (2) (1) there \nthere must be at least one feedback path.\n These but not sufficient conditions for instability. are necessary \nThat is feedback to say, are, with proper design, not only systems in many \nstable but respects to systems without feedback. An superior is to meet specifications and yet for the engineer \nimportant problem This can be done from transfer functions by a math\302\254 \navoid instability. It is these procedures we will con\302\254 \nematical or a graphical procedure. are there Thus two \nunstable: \nsider The \nand is, by the definition just given,fundamen\302\254 in nature, and is related to the transientresponse of the The transfer function of the closed loop written system. transfer function was studied in Chapter15, the open-loop question transient \nclosed-loop \nin chapter.\n equation\n System stability in terms of the characteristic 16-2. \ntally this in terms of of stability is\n V2(5)\n VAs)\n = G(s)\n L(s)\n 1 + G(s)H(s)\n (16-1)\n STABILITYIN 412\n where and \noutput a \nof and G(s) quotient V* or = (a0sn form polyno\302\254 aoSn + OiSn 1 + + aisn_1 + ... + when \nG(s)H(s)], the of \nequation na\302\253x\n ... a\342\200\236-is + a\342\200\236)Fj(s) = an\n (16-3)\n G(s)Vi(s) form, the denominator polynomial, that is -f set equal to zero is recognized as the If the characteristic equation is factoredinto system.* this in Written n the Vi(s) (\302\253) V i(s) \nits are Fig. 15-15; Fj(s) and This transfer function has the s. Expanding the denominator write\n we \nmial, respectively. in of polynomials 16\n Chap. are defined in H(s) input, SYSTEMS\n FEEDBACK 16-2 can Eq. roots, [1 characteristic F\302\273(\302\253) = Vi(s) be written\n \t\n G(s) o0(s - - sb)... s\302\253)(s (s - (164)\n sn)\n n\n y-o\n In \nspecified, \nfractions, \nportion initial \nall \nIf solution of this equation vi(t) this is to the usual expand equation by partial procedure of the transient the constants thus arbitrary evaluating of the solution. (In using the transfer function, we assumethat time domain solution.) conditions are zero in this particular are no repeated roots in the characteristic equation, the for solving there with expres\302\254 for \nsion time-domain the will v2(<) be\n n\n = Vi(t) K,*'* ^ (16-6)\n y-1\n other In in \ndetermined \nthe form the case, general is portion of the time-domainsolution of the characteristic equation. For by the roots roots of the equation are complex and the transient words, written s form of the The the on \ndepends \342\200\224 <r + jco (16-7)\n time domain solutioncorrespondingto magnitude and for a finite as\n signs of <r and o>. Several root each are cases of \ninterest:\n Case \n(for the 1. <r negative combined terms of the conjugate Ke-' * Compare this equation case, the solution pair a j<a)}\n o>. For this sin + (\302\253< will be \302\261 <f>) with Eq. 6-88 and Eqs. 7-37 (16-8)\n and 7-38.\n FEEDBACKSYSTEMS STABILITY IN Art. 16-2 413\n a damped sinusoid; the as time \nto zero t becomes large.\n Case 2. <r = 0 and finite a. For the conjugate \nthe solution will be similar in form to Eq. 16-8with This sin K and 16-8 \nEq. a finite and tr positive S. Case of Case 4. for <r = and \nconstant large 0 and does 16-2. Fig. 5. \nthis case <r (for = 0; that as a function of not = either + time.\n to or root) (16-10)\n increases values negative \ntime. For positive case, the solution limiting illustrated <r, the in term Fig. negative, but of a system(Vo) with plane.\n <a = 0. The for solution form\n (16-11)\n magnitude of the increases 16-2. is a time.\n has the of a, the and exponentially t.\n this with 0) of the time response in the complex s position positive a simple (<at oscillations For 0. change Comparison For are is,\n is similar solution the Ke^ \ncases \302\261jco, (16-9)\n amplitude of time values <a \npole Case <r <f>) \302\253.Again, sin In this case, the magnitude limit pair of roots is\n Ke+vl \nwithout + {(at at constant oscillates function This magnitude reduces is termed expression From term diminishes exponentially. the figure, the These with several effect of the\n For of values negative Chap. the <r, \302\253 response increases time, but for positive values of <r, the response \nwithout limit with time. Our concept of stability evidently ties with the sign of the real part of the roots of the characteristic \ndirectly \ndecreases 16\n value of nonzero A finite seen. be \302\253 can oscillation. to \ncorresponds role of the <r and of sign SYSTEMS\n FEEDBACK IN ST ABILITY 414\n with in \nequation.\n small of stability, that the output should of 16-2 \nor not increase with time, the responses of parts (e) and Fig. These both correspond to positive identified with unstable systems. of case shown as part (e) of Fig. 16-2is, transition <r. The The output does not increase without a stable case. speaking, It to sustained oscillations as, for example, in an corresponds values of a, there is damping, and oscillator. With negative as stability is related directly to the is stable. Just system real part of the roots of the characteristic equation,so basic \nof the is finding an answer to this question: in determining stability \nproblem = 0, 1 + G(s)II(s) the characteristic with roots any equation, \npositive real partst This is the basis of all stability The of determining is thus one of findingthe problem stability our definition By remain (f) \nare \nvalues \nstrictly \nlimit. \nelectronic \nthe sign the have \nDoes studies.\n roots the \nof 1 equation\n = + G(s)H(s) do8n + ai8\"_l + ... + at\302\253\"-5 + an-i\302\253 + = a\302\273 0\n (16-12)\n some or \nequations, \nequation \nincreases, \nconsuming equivalent 1 n = Suppose For first- and the roots. finding second-order factor the 2, this is a simplematter: and so find the roots. But as the of the equation and time the task of finding the roots becomes tedious machines are available), and alternate (unless computing and n = merely order very used.\n are \nmethods to that the characteristic do* equation + oi = - is of first order,\n = 0 (16-13)\n The root of this equation is\n s The \nand \na real part real; this of this root requirement is met have two roots given longas Ui for all physical and a0 are positive systems. Likewise equation,\n do\302\253* will (16-14)\n is negative as characteristic second-order \342\200\224 + di\302\253 + dj = 0\n (16-15)\n by the equation\n dj. , X 2d0 /oi*\n dj\n \\4d02\n do\n (16-16)\n STABILITY IN Art. 16-3 Si* both \nsign of \nreal part of the roots \nthis rule is not sufficient. + 4)(s2 (s this In even There \nparts. the to \ntion of form \nthe \npolynomial \nthis criterion, the be polynomial one least \ncoefficient 16-3. The of a \nroots is polynomial first the alternate \nof etc. \nfifth, coefficients \netc. made + (16-17)\n or the negative, has polynomial only the way negative).\n Routh rule*\n gives a procedure for determiningthe number with positive real parts without actuallyfinding polynomial the ... d,n\342\200\224is -}\342\200\242 -f- in the application of the rule,form that is, coefficients of the equation; coefficient form one row, and from the form a second row as follows:\n step disn_1 of polynomial\n row doSn 40 + 2s + (since that is the root dosn -|- ais\"-1 -(- a2s71\342\200\2242-|As 2s2 rule Consider roots. \nthe + positive.\n real positive could be criterion Routh Routh The s8 with be no roots of a polynomial positive it is necessary but not sufficientthat the coefficients (2) If a coefficient of a \nat = there that \nreal parts, \nof -2s + 10) of the third-order polynomial are al there are clearly two roots with positive real though are further that must be satisfied in addi\302\254 requirements coefficient requirement. The requirements take positive of the magnitudes of the coefficientsof the relationships Routh\342\200\231s criterion. Before to a study of turning given by let us summarize our findings thus far:\n order In (1) poly\302\254 coefficients the example, \npositive will follows.\n as formed \nnomial as long system, a requirementthat the is sufficient to guarantee that the positive be negative. But for higher-orderedsystems, consider the third-order To illustrate, be coefficients all real parts onlyas will have negative , do, ai, and 02 are positive.\n the first- and second-order \nthe coefficients For Si and roots two The 415\n SYSTEMS FEEDBACK + a2sn_2 + a3s\"-3+ \342\200\224 0 two rows (10\342\200\22418)\n made up from the first, third, second, fourth, sixth, 1\n a4sn_4 row dn + a6sn_6 + a6sn~6 + ...\n 2\n (16-19)\n * \n(6th E. <J. Routh, ed.), (Macmillan Part of Dynamics of a Co. Ltd., London, 1930).\n Advanced & System of Rigid Bodies, Vol. II next the As in the rows two the Write \na IN FEEDBACK ST ABILITY 416 sixth-order form\n do\n d 2 a4\n do\n d8\n dl\n \n#3\n dg\n d7\n dg\n (16-20)\n the following array complete step, 16\n Chap. SYSTEMS\n of numbers for (shown system):\n use\n a0\n CL 2 d4\n ai\n d3 dg\n bi\n bz &6\n Ci\n Cz\n di\n dz\n a6\n C\\\n fi\n and g coefficientsare \ncoefficients by the following the where 6, c, d, e, /, in defined of the terms a pattern:\n \342\200\224 ctiUz _ a0a3. *\n a\\'*at\n \n3 a<Kv -'CU _ ai'^as \nax aiQ4 ~~ <*<#6 a\\\n \342\200\224 bzdi biQz Cl\n ;\n etc.\n \nbi new element is found from the two elementsabove element in the same column and the two elementsabovebut in \nthe \nthe column to the right. These elements form a determinant-like elements The \nstructure. by a line with positive slope have a joined In any general, a \nhave negative subtract \nWe on \nelement joined the opposite and two these products left-hand corner the lower (just sign to \ncontinued elements the while sign, \npositive give the Routh with negativeslope of the rule for determinants). divide this difference by the of the array. This processis by a line array.\n The number of changes in sign in elements of the first column with \n(marked use) indicates the number of rootsof the equation posi\302\254 \ntive real For there to be no roots with real parts. positive parts,all \nelements of the first column must have the same sign.\n For the rule as given to hold, it is necessarythat no of s in powers \nthe \nterms \nroots at has \nequation \ntest be equation missing. least one An inspection. by which are are purely all However, if any such terms are missing,the fails root with a positive real part andso the occurs when the equation contains exception even imaginary.\n powers or all odd powers, indicatingthat all Art. Example 417\n 1\n the Consider identity\n l)(s + 2)(s (s + SYSTEMS\n FEEDBACK IN STABILITY 16-3\n + 3)(s + - 4) + 10s3 + s< 35s2 + 50s + 24\n (16-21)\n Routh The to give the is formed array following:\n 35 1 24\n 10 50\n 30 24\n 42 \n24\n \nreal first the From (agreeing parts Example As positive Eq. 16-17.\n consider example, 2s + s8 + 2s2 + which with 2\n second a it is seen that there are no roots the known roots).\n with column, is known to have two roots with 40 = positive 0 (16-22)\n real parts.\n to \342\200\22418 40) 2 1 40\n \n2 -18 \n40\n There \nExample changes of sign (2 a third-order equation,\n two are to as required. 8\n Consider OoS3-f- Ois2 + The and \342\200\22418 Routh array for this equation did2 a2s -J-a3 = 0 (16-23)\n is\n do d2\n dl #3\n \342\200\224 dods \ndl\n d3\n From the \nthe equation \nthat there that it is necessarythat all coefficients in be positive and, in addition, that Oi\302\2532 > Ooa8 in order no roots with positive real parts in a third-order equation.\n array be we conclude polynomial is a A Hurwitz stable \nwith even \ntient of parts a polynomial.\n (16-24)\n +\n aiS Q(\302\253)\n aaS +\n ass -f\n +\n en$ a*s +\n + <*6S to polynomial * be positive the \na-coefficients \nto + (s* \302\253!*) + odd and even \nthe + \302\253i *)[P(\302\253) (\302\253* = Q(s) is \nQi(s) is \nnomial the of \ntors either an \nby type it \nexample. comes + (s\342\200\231 A step to Consider \nchapter.\n derivation au on*) \342\200\231)Q(s) cancel = + Px(s) when (16-25)\n Qi(s) the quotient the test. The test does assurethat the or a Hurwitz polynomial multiplied fraction Pi(s)/ poly\302\254 by fac\302\254 only. an end the of this is most easily accomplished of step (1) After completion of the other lower degree into part part and Invert the remainder and continue the process (as it must). This is best illustrated by an polynomial\n 4s4 + 2s* + * Thus\n procedure. the divide one \ncomplete + (s\342\200\231 continued the of above, \nuntil + \342\200\234invert-and-divide\342\200\235 \nlisted in both + (s\342\200\231 \302\253i\342\200\231).\n form, Formation correspond are incorporated which 1\n in applying Hurwitz formed under test. Suchroots polynomial + (s\342\200\231 Wl*)P(\302\253) Hence, terms of the of of the polynomial. parts .\n the the in . the it is necessary that all However, the test we have describeddoes of roots without real parts (i.e., on j<a in the polynomial factors . be Hurwitz, possibility s plane) of the \naxis the out rule \nnot frac- thus\n \nion; For steps:\n continued the quotient of polynomials as a Stieltjes Expand (2) following polynomial numerator the \nas equations into even and odd parts (that is, in s and with odd powers in s). Form quo\302\254 powers two with the part of higher degree these polynomials the Separate (1) negative To apply the polynomials. carry out the a polynomial, to criterion \nHurwitz with the characteristic Hurwitz therefore are systems polynomialhavingroots representing Polynomials only. \n\342\200\242eal parts \n)f criterion\n Hurwitz The 16-4. 8s\342\200\231 + 3s criterion is given by + 1.5 Guillemin; - 0 see (16-26)\n reference at end of The IN FEEDBACK STABILITY 16-5 Ait. is formed as of polynomials quotient \n2s8 one Dividing step (16-27)\n 3s\n + gives\n 2s8 + 6s2\n and divide as\n 2s8 + 3s 1.5) + 2s2 1.5\n + 2s2 we invert 1.5 (2s 4s4 + 8s2 + + 3s) \n4s4 Again, follows.\n 1.5 + 8s2 + 4s4 419\n SYSTEMS\n (s 1.5s + \n2s8 \n1.5s\n and + 1.5 2s2 1.5s) again,\n (|s\n 2s2\n 1.5\n and fraction continued the Hence 4s4 + 8s2 + \n2s8 \nThe 2s8 a continued + expansion + 1-5 2s is\n +\n (16-28)\n 3s\n are positive, the polynomialis Hurwitz. in four steps above are conveniently carried shown as illustrated below.\n operation operations as \nout (Is\n a-coefficients the all Since 1.5s 1.5) finally, 4s4 + 8s2 + \n4s4 + 3s) 1.5 (2s 6s2\n 2s2 + 1.5) 2s8 + 3s 2s8 + (s\n 1.5s\n L5s) 2s2 + 1.5 (|s \n2s2\n 1.5) 1.5s (s\n 1.5s\n 0\n The 16-5. The \nof the stability Bell is \ncriterion \nthe Nyquist criterion\n Telephone the same approach * H. Nyquist, study next was developedby Nyquist* Laboratories in 1932. While the objectiveof this as the Routh criterion and the Hurwitzcriterion, criterion differs we will in several \342\200\234Regeneration respects.\n theory,\342\200\235 Bell System Tech. J., 11, 126 (1932).\n the than \nrather the of of \nanswer characteristic closed-loop (3) Analysis is madein of terms \nconceptsof phase and sinusoidal the be will shown, the are inspec\302\254 \342\200\234yes or no\342\200\235 where the state steady ratio magnitude transfer function equation.\n more than criteria.\n plot gives and Hurwitz graphical Routh the Chap. 16\n of the open-loop is partially graphicaland,as (2) The method \ntion in terms made is Analysis (1) SYSTEMS IN FEEDBACK STABILITY 420 to related readily \nexperiments.\n The basic operation in s plane the \nfrom of values a set \nthat to the applying the These \nF(sa)]. \nin Here 16-3. Fig. infinite an three\342\200\224and and s2, 16-3. of number for a have, F(si), F(s2), and are other\342\200\224points s planeis given \342\200\234 shown \342\200\235 into\n mapped illustration.\n Mapping Flsl-plane\n 6-plane\n s3) [namely, F(s), contour in the an arbitrary Fig. of values mean we of s (for example,Si, of mapping the term mapping, F(s) plane. By \nF(s),a corresponding set is a criterion Nyquist jImF{8)\n ju>2\n 7a)i\n a\n Re 00\n F{s)\n 0*f\n \302\253l\\\n 16-4. Fig. a \nin \ns As \none The 16-4. Fig. = j<a for w another given example above, suppose \342\200\224 l/s(sT F(s) plane. A specific is made for imaginary mapping ^ 0. The for F(s) in the contour corresponding example Mapping specific function mapping operation, that two function are - P(s) 1).\n example is shown values of s; that is, is\n of a F(s) + + 1\n not so difficultas related by the the equation\n (16-30)\n Art. 16-5\n that is, \ntion F(s). IN FEEDBACK STABILITY 421\n plus a constant (unity) is equalto the func\302\254 plot in the two planes is shownin Fig.16-5.The typical moves the plot one unit to the left.\n evidently function the SYSTEMS\n A \ntransformation P(s) F-plane\n jlmF\n jlmP\n P-plane\n ReF\n ReP\n PA\n U\n suppose Next, \nare in given the Tig. 16-6. Mapping that F(s) is factored = is \302\253i, \nin Eq. 16-31. \342\200\224 \n(sa are in isolated $i) - Si)(s - Mi \nFig. \nfor Fig. may be is the This and and other are so = <f>i M the These poles. plane in shown is phase the sb) = phase Fig.\n zero,\n single \342\200\224 Si) value as\n le\342\200\231*1 (16-32)\n angle are shown on in Eq. 16-31 term - terms are from the term (s in polar form Si) magnitude magnitude Any (16-31)\n Sm)\n frequency sa, this termhas a expressed example,\n all 8n) \342\200\224 . (s This zero comes 16-6(b). (s\302\253 When - \342\200\242. (s A At some particular which 16-6(b). which array for purposes of illustration). \342\200\224 \342\200\224 \n(s\302\253 Si). s2). \342\200\224 \302\253fc).. Sa)(s (sa where polesand zeros the zeros and s0,sb, ..., sm on a plot of the s displayed (an arbitrary 16-6(a) 1.\n + sn are ..., zeros and \npoles \342\200\224 P(\302\253) to find its \342\200\224 (S K\n \n(s \302\253i, s2, P(\302\253) equation\n F(s) where of of the phasor the s plane in can be similarlyexpressed; Mbe\342\200\231+> (16-33)\n expressed, Eq. 16-31 takes the form\n KMiMiMiMi... |F(s)|e,An*y(*)\n MaMbMcMd... e ,.A<\n \342\200\230\n (16-34)\n IN FEEDBACK STABILITY 422\n where\n <l>t last This the \nfor and ^1 02 + + .. ~ ~ \342\200\242 <t>a \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242\n <f>b\n the total phase at some may be found by adding the phase F(s) the (16-35)\n sa frequency the of subtracting 16\n Chap. us that tells equation function \nphasors\342\200\235 = SYSTEMS\n of the phase \342\200\234pole \342\200\234zero other in phasors\342\200\235; \nwords,\n F(s) Ang = \342\200\224 (s Ang si) + Ang \342\200\224 (s \342\200\224 - \342\200\224 (s Ang sa) ...\n (16-36)\n for any value s.\n the shows 16-7 Figure of two zeros, Si and s plane with \nthe \nSi \nin C contour \nping s2) (ignoring a (sa is a clockwise sa moves along C After one direction. \nterm (s Si) \nradians. \ns2 on the C, \342\200\224 of the closed has factor the of the phase Next, of effect as \ncomplete traversing \ncontour map\302\254 point on the Consider contour). a and s2, phasor increased \342\200\224 s2), \342\200\2242r of effect the consider (s by time this same same closed contourC is in the \nwise There is no net gain in phase of the phasor direction. s2). (s \nIn summary, if the closed contour encircles a zero in traversinga 2r in the clockwise the function changes in phase \npath direction, if no zero is encircled, there is no changein \nradians; a pole the same conclusion Exactly may be reached in the case the phase is changed by +2tt \nexcept that next a contour is selected in the s plane Fig. 16-6(a) that Suppose is traversed \nsuch that P poles and Z zeros are encircledas contour a clockwise direction. The net change in the phase of the \nignoring si, as the clock\302\254 traversed \342\200\224 term closed \342\200\224 by phase.\n of radians.\n of the function \nin will \nF(s) be by the given A F(s) = 2t(P \342\200\224 Z) radians (16-37)\n Let the of the s plane F(s) plane. examine of the F(s) plot in the complexplaneas the behavior contour in the s plane is traversed. An increase in the phase manifests itself in the F(s) plane by an encirclement of the 2?r radian increase. Further, every zero encircled will cause every of the origin just as every pole will counterclockwise encirclement next Return \nus Ang equation\n to the mapping into the of \nclosed \nF(s) \nfor \none origin \ncause a \npoles or \ncontour \nthe closed encirclement. clockwise zeros\342\200\224or in the contour F(s) if it encircles Should equal the contour not encircle any of poles and zeros\342\200\224the numbers plane will not encircle the origin. In summary, C in the s plane encircles in a clockwise (or negative)\n if Art. P direction \nplane in times Z) examples are to a closed-loop system\n reviewed in the F(s) a counterclockwise (or\n 16-8 to illustrate given in Fig. conclusion.\n 16-6. Application The concepts the closed-loop in terms written of related are \noutput \ntransfer by function, and H(s) His)\n G(s)\n The poles and zeros of \nNyquist 1 + (16'38)\n \302\251(.)\302\273(.) = two must be consideredin the = (s two functions Si). Si)(s (s Sq) \342\200\224 have the same s0)(s (s . \342\200\224 Sfi). .(s - . .(s of derivation the \342\200\224 sn)\n (16-39)\n Sb) . . . (s Sa) (s K'\n \n(s The \342\200\224 \342\200\224 K\n \342\200\224 = system.\n Closed-loop func\302\254 (8 G(s)H(s) 16-9. Tig. the GH) and (GH) Let\n criterion. + (1 V.\n G[s)\n equation\n 1 + G(s)H(s) Vl(s) v;\n O\n the by V2(s) \ntions a last section will next be appliedto a feed-forward transfer function G(s) and shown in Fig. 16-9. The input and H(s), function transfer feedback \nG(s) having system \nclosed-loop \na \342\200\224 (P origin Two direction. positive) \nthis the encircles 423\n corresponding contour in the Z zeros, the and poles SYSTEMS\n FEEDBACK IN STABILITY 16-6\n Sm)\n \342\200\224 s\342\200\236) \342\200\224 (16-40)\n Sm)\n *)...(\302\253 poles. In Eq. 16-39, the order of the\n is polynomial P(s) \nNyquist criterion, FEEDBACK IN STABILITY 424\n SYSTEMS\n and the order of Q(s) orders are restricted to n, the Chap. is m. In the case n < 16\n the deriving such m, \nthat\n lim or a constant =0 G(s)H(s) (16-41)\n oo\n 8\342\200\224> is important \ntabulated as It follows:\n 8i, are \302\2532.. .s\342\200\236 \nsa, sb.. .8m are \ns0, sb.. .8m are 8a, Sp.. The si, the for \nof 1 equation + (1 In GH) are, by Eq. + (1 to us because 0, whichis characteristic the must roots interest specific equation not have positive to be stable. 16-38, the polesof these zerosare Note that the the s real zeros (V2/V1).\n is the zeros of the polyno\302\254 choose positive real parts. This suggeststhat plane to include the entire right half planeas in Fig. 16-10. This contour will enclose the zeros of interest. The contour is with GH) in contour of G(s)H(s).\n concern represent our stability, studying \nmial [1 + G(s)H(s)]. poles of G(s)H(s).\n zeros the These they system poles of also the + GH = system. closed-loop \nparts \na the + G(s)H(s)]. of [1 zeros of vital are roots the \nof are .8\342\200\236 s\302\253 \302\2532,\342\200\242.., of \nzeros and zeros. They are the various poles to distinguish we shown\n \nall \ning \n(s s = at = to \ntinuing \nof for 0) \342\200\224jo0, s = to start\302\254 the avoiding +jo0, contour This 1-2-3-4-1, time the radius infinite \nning. direction the in \ntraced being, origin and con\302\254 thence on a circle the is point of traversed begin\302\254 in a \nclockwise(or negative) direction. \ncontour in the s plane can be mapped plane.\n either the (1 + GH) plane or the between these mappings was (the simple relationship If any poles or zeros of (1 + are Eq. 16-30). half s in of the then locus the right plane, (1) (1 + GH) encircle the or locus in the will (2) the origin, plane The \nin \nGH con\302\254 plane in \nsidered \ncled \nencircle Let \npoles \nplane. GH the point (\342\200\2241+ j0).\n Z = the zeros of (1 + GH) real with positive parts, of with real the (1 + GH) positive polesof parts (also \npositive \nthe the will \nplane point encir\302\254 GH) the in real parts), (\342\200\2241+ jO) P = the (GH) with R = the in the net counterclockwiseencirclements (GH) plane or the origin in the (1 + of GH) Then\n R = P - Z\n (16-42)\n Since be equal must parts, characteristic \nwith the of the \342\200\224 = R In most cases \342\200\224 0 for \nR P = 0, and the Nyquist criterion, \342\200\224 \nof with \nof G(s)H(s) \nthe system pole \nthere the \nat transfer a \nthrough is the the \nthe point). \nsee, vital joined If the and together (as is, as we point.\n small, only the function \ntransfer This unstable. becomes As s \nbe is system a (+0) points the \342\200\224 \302\273< range \302\253 locus closes the half the sys\302\254 right plane, = since R 0; however, stable, locus closes the other direction left half then R = 1 and plane, same \ntem The be \n(\342\200\2240)should \nthe function,\n detail. one \nin the right half plane), in in Fig. 16-11 for frequencies plot is complete except The co. + \nif and (and so in parts range net counterclockwise P is the number of poles the is is plotted which \nfor jO) the that if and is stable \nconsider \n< for (\342\200\2241+ real positive requirement P.\n only if R \342\200\224 have thus far avoided of any problems that might arisebecause of G(s)H(s) at the origin or several poles at the origin.Actually, is a practical matter involved in taking into account thesepoles To illustrate the problem, of special attention. origin deserving We \na point to the plot the G(s)H(s)locus R if\n (16-43)\n reduces If \302\273<\302\253<\302\253. frequencies, \nencirclements*of the P criterion the stability.\n To apply 425\n OH) and the poles V%/V\\ with positive to zero for the system to be stable, system 0 is stable and equation (1 + OH) only if of (1 + zeros the Z, \nreal IN FEEDBACK SYSTEMS\n STABILITY 16-6\n Ait G(s)H(s). pole at the Thus for small Plot 16-11. Tig. origin has an s, the transfer of\n effect on the function can written\n G(s)H(s) n where is the order (or multiplicity) = (16-45)\n \302\247 of the polesat the origin. For\n the value of R, imagine a phasor with one end securelytied to the point away from this point. Let the end of this phasor trace the \342\200\224 \342\200\224 \302\273 at 0 and \nlocus +0 finally ending at + 00. Count the net through starting of counterclockwise rotations of this phasor. This is the value of \nnumber R. A is for R.\n number \nclockwise rotation designated by a negative * To find \342\200\224 1 \n( + jO) pointing STABILITY 426 semicircular the locus \nphasor shown path IN FEEDBACK SYSTEMS in Fig. 16-12, the equation of the s plane is\n from directed 0) \n(s function \nthe transfer lim s->o as Hence \nof G(s)H(s) \nthe origin at \ntions = G(s)H(s) ^on\n e~in9 = lim s->o = s the odd, \npart = +0. follows Im \nfor the \nthis \nbe \nthe \n(w) function Routh or Hurwitz Nyquist such of advantage. plot. nearest \nunstable; if on n = 1 see that locus of G(j<a)H(jui) ingoing phasor = values of transfer to we 16-44, Eq. plot completed.\n 16-13.\n be con\302\254 imaginary +Re G(+ju)H(+ja>)\n made be \302\253 can (16-48)\n by the plot reflecting real axis of plane.\n making rule Trace from (\342\200\234walk\342\200\235) If the point approach = -ImO(+i\302\253)H(+i\302\253) the GH has no poles in the righthalfplane G(s)H(s) criteria can be used to advantagein of thumb that P = 0 in Eq. 16-43,a may the upon determination) used Nyquist co \342\200\224ju))H(\342\200\224jo>) frequency the \n(and (16-47)\n Figure 16-11 is completedin Fig. plot, only positive values for need part of G(jo))H(ju>) is even and the G{-ju)H(-jv) plot for negative positive If 5 \342\200\224> 0, As that\n Re G( The of the Nyquist the real Because it of rotation \342\200\2240 to making \nsidered. phasor the circle. ooe-*nfl 16-13. the example this rule to clockwise \ncauses In the in Fig. 16-12 varies from \342\200\224 the phase to +t/2, t/2 from to \342\200\224nir/2. In summary, the n poles at ranges nx/2 in the transfer function G(s)H(s) cause (n/2) clockwiserota\302\254 infinite radius of the phasor locus of G(j<a)H(j<a).\n Applying s of angle 6 shown Fig. \nfrom (16-46)\n of the semicircle and 6 is the the origin to a point on has the limiting value\n radius the 8 is \342\200\224 0) = he* - (s where Chap. 16\n of the left the + (\342\200\2241 system is is on jO) G(ju>)H(ja)) stable = \302\253 to (P 0to\302\253 = the right at (\342\200\2241+ = 0 jO), only).\n the +\302\273 on the point system is Several the \nof IN FEEDBACK SYSTEMS be considered to illustrate the STABILITY 16-6 Art. will examples next studies to the criterion Nyquist this For the transfer consider example, = The Nyquist plot \ncircle. No matter is shown stability.\n \nstable jaTK+ i (16-49)\n of the diameter becomes, the locus the encircle cannot function transfer the function\n in Fig. 16-14, where K is the how large K \342\200\2241.Hence \npoint an unconditionally represents system.\n locus impossible \nvalue Example The + I) plotted. Fig. 16-16. of plot Nyquist 16-50.\n Eq. 5\n the Let is = K/(sT GH 16-14. Example \nit application 4\n Example Fig. of system 427\n of gain plotted for the as Fig. 16-13 serve as a secondexample. for locus to encircle the point \342\200\2241 except infinite Again, any positive gain.\n 6\n transfer function\n - awuw O\342\200\235\302\256\n jSgar+oo.:r,+T) shown in Fig. a value of 16-15 for two values of the constantK. = such that B results, curve the system is stable, since 0. then if the value of K is increased to give the curve A, = = and P is since 0 by inspection of Eq. 16-50, 2, system \nunstable. Such a system is described as a conditionally stable is For \nK How\302\254 R marked \never, \342\200\224 \nR the system.\n Example The 16-16 7\n exact is not nature of the transfer given, but it is function for the known that P = 0 plots for both in shown cases. Fig.\n The\n of locus \nof in shown \nlocus the locus net (a) Fig. the about \none point the \342\200\2241, decreases a \nrepresents Example for Loci two of the lb)\n 16-16. or \nincreases 16\n Chap. a conditionally stable system. The is similar to that of (a) except shape 16-16(b) no are rotations\n there altered. Since has been Fig. the of part SYSTEMS\n represents 16-16(a) Fig. FEEDBACK IN STABILITY 428\n conditionally stable systems: p = R = Z = 0.\n is stable. system corresponding other loops, the if the gain However, of the a shift (b)\n either into \342\200\2241 point system becomesunstable.This locus stable.\n is conditionally that system to and (a) 8\n a system shows 16-17(a) Figure having a transfer function\n de-si)\n For this locus, P = 1, R = \342\200\224 1 clockwise (one (a) Wff. \nreal are two \nbe unstable \nunconditionally Loci parts: (a) P of (1 zeros for any so there\n (6)\n transfer for 16-17. and rotation) =* 1, R = functions \342\200\224 1, Z = having poles 2; (b) P - 1, R with = positive 1, Z = 0.\n will + GH) with positive real parts andthe system value of gain. Such a system can be designated as unstable.\n 16-6\n Ait. Example transferfunction particularsystem, plotted with pole one this \nclosed, that Z = 0, and This \nfeedback the in once 1 a counterclockwise With the loop is stable. with the loop open, the system is, of course, caused by another system However, \342\200\234open-loop\342\200\235 the at discussed (as beginning chapter).\n READING\n FURTHER comparison of the variousstability For an interesting Both E. \nF. \342\200\224 point instability open-loop the within path the is stable. system unstable. the encircles locus the \ndirection such \nof 429\n in Fig. 16-17(b) comes from a a positive real part. For this locus \nhowever, \nis SYSTEMS\n 9\n The \nwith FEEDBACK IN STABILITY \nstability \nthat their in \nprocedures 1345 (1950). \n\342\200\234Regeneration Routh-Hurwitz Bothwell points out all employed essentially the The articles of these writings. original Bell theory,\342\200\235 the Hurwitz Dynamics Routh, Co., Ltd., London, Part & \n(Macmillan diagrams and J. E. are: 38, IRE, and Routh, Nyquist, \nauthors \342\200\234Nyquist Proc. criterion,\342\200\235 see criteria, well\342\200\231sarticle of a System of System Bodies Rigid II, 1905),Chap.6; H. Tech. J., same three Nyquist, 11, 126 (1932); and welchen eine Gleichung Math. Teilen 46, besitzt,\342\200\235 Ann., negativen \n273 For additional on the Routh-Hurwitz criterion, (1895). reading \nsee The Mathematics of Circuit Analysis (John Wiley & Guillemin, New Syn\302\254 \nSons, Inc., York, 1949), pp. 395-409, or Tuttle, Network 2 in New vols. & \nthesis, Wiley York, preparation). (John Sons, Inc., \nA. Hurwitz, \nIn reelen Wiley (John Design \nSystem Mayer, Servomechanisms and & Sons, Inc., New York, and Chesnut see addition, unter Bedingungen mit Wurzeln \nnur die \342\200\234Ueber Regulating 1951), pp. \n124-156.\n an For \nin terms \nHomer Jacobson, \nAmerican explanation interesting of feedback Scientist, system \342\200\234Information, 43, of the process of organic evolution concepts and language, see p. 126 of and the origin of life,\342\200\235 reproduction 119-127 (1955).\n PROBLEMS\n 16-1. Determine by \nthe \nnot. + (d) having systems \tnot of Routh\342\200\231s + 2s3 (b) 6s s2 + whether criterion equations are stable s2 - 5s + 2 = 0. (c) + 2 = 0. Answers, (a) or s3\n stable,\n stable.\n \n6s3 + Repeat Prob. 16-1 for the 4s2 + 2s + 3 = 0. (b) s4 + 3s3 + 6s2 16-2. stability characteristic following 4s3 + 7s2 + 7s + 2 = 0. 4s + 1 =0. (d) 5s8+ + (a) 3s2 the means + 7s + 2 = 0. Answer, characteristicequations: 3s3 + 2s2 + s + 1 = 0. (c) (a) (a) not stable.\n 5s4 + 2s4 +\n STABILITY IN 430\n 16-3. 144s4 \n+ + 1 = 0. Answer, 20s + \n120s2 A 16-4. 10s + 1 + 38s2 + 214s3 + s3 + 5s2+ = K \nwhen 25s5 stable.\n equation,\n Ks + 1 = 0\n determine the range of the valuesof criterion, the make system stable, (b) Investigate system stability Discuss your results.\n will that (b) equations: (a) 720s6 + 105s4 + 120s3 + Routh the Using (a) \nK 0. the characteristic has system (a) = 16\n Chap. for the characteristic 16-1 Prob. Repeat SYSTEMS\n FEEDBACK 16-6. The feedback system shown in accompanying \nbeen analyzed by J. F. Koenig in his paper the if\n L\n Ri for\n diagrams \342\200\234Stability i\342\200\224w\\\342\200\224\n has figure Amplifier\n Vi\n gain-X\n Prob. feedback Routh\342\200\231s Using \n(a) \nbetween Ri, Ri, Ri, same \nOn the that \ncriterion, \nhave negative \nsystem. Assume equation, characteristic fourth-order must exist + ais3 + plot K as of will insure real parts that all system between Ri/Ri. equation,\n aiS2 + a3s + = \302\2534 0\n to those given in Example3, that all roots of the characteristicequation such that the equation will represent a stable must be positive.\n coefficients similar of rules, set a that relationship 1950. a function regions of stability and instability.\n this From aos4 find the Oct., the system to be stable, (b) For the what must be the relationship damping, plot, show 16-6.For a find Baltimore, K for and K? and Paper, Conference criterion, without \nto oscillate \nRi, AIEE systems,\342\200\235 16-6.\n by Routh\342\200\231s characteristic 16-7. Repeat Prob. 16-6 a fifth-order equation.\n 16-8. Classify the polynomials given in Prob. 16-1as all roots in the left half plane) or \n(having test to the polynomials given in Prob. 16-9. the Hurwitz Apply 16-10. Test the polynomials given in Prob. 16-3 using the for Hurwitz not.\n 16-2.\n Hurwitz \ncriterion.\n 16-11. Rework Prob. 16-4 making use of the Hurwitz criterion.\n 16\n Chap. \noscillator 43 figure first described \nis = <*>o The \nmay by represented Show schematic. \ning the that equivalent the smallest when Fig. 16-1 of G(.)ff (b) G(\302\273)ff(*) (C) 0(.)*(.) each For values \nof \nNyquist 16-16. \ntem with K = K\n text the is gm = and LP/MR = that the 1 /y/LpC.\n ~\n -\n of these = \302\253 from \n(///-plane = (\302\253) 29 shown in the accompany\302\254 value that the tube constant is o>0 \nfrequency of oscillation under this condition 16-14. Consider the following transfer functions:\n (a) = gmRL circuit are to start if oscillations have can \ngm of oscillation oscillator shown in tuned-plate 431\n SYSTEMS\n shows an equivalent circuit of a phase-shift in Proc. IRE, and Hollingsworth Ginzton the necessary condition for oscillation is that the frequency (b) Show RC.\n 1/y/Q 29. 16-13. be by that Show (1941). ^ \n9mRL below The 16-12. \n29, IN FEEDBACK STABILITY of K that (a) plot G(j<a)H(ju>)in the complex K = 1. (b) Determine the range functions: 0 to w = \302\253> with will result in a stable system by means of the criterion.\n in the is for a sys\302\254 (a) The locus of G(ja)H(ju) shown figure two of G(s)//(s) with positive real parts. Apply the\n poles Prob. 16-16.\n \nclosed, The (b) G(s)H(s) in the the loop closed?\n with stable be \nsystem right half plane. Will the 16-16. The following transfer functions servomech\302\254 two to relate \nanisms 16\n Chap. if the system is stable with the loop locus shown in (b) is known to represent G(j<t))H(ju)) no poles of with system SYSTEMS\n to determine criterion Nyquist \na IN FEEDBACK STABILITY 432\n :\n 3000\n =\n G(s)H(s) (a) + s2(l =\n G(s)H(s) (b) + In 16-17. \nfarad (these gmRL \n(a) the \nrepresent 16-18. = stability closed-loop by unstable.\n (7 for two a stable A 0.004s)2\n of system 1 and system 2 criterion. Answer. Nyquist System (a) is of Prob. 16-12, let R = 1 ohm and = 1 the network are normalized values). Plot the Nyquist diagram conditions will 10 and (b) gmRi. = 40. Which of the the of \nmeans + 0.04s) 1500(1 \ns2(l Investigate 0.004s)\n system?\n (nonoscillating) certain by the transfer is described system closed-loop \nfunctions\n K =\n GOO Determine \nthe system 16-19. the \t\n s(TiS + 1)(T*2S+ value maximum and making unstable.\n (a) Consider two functions:\n H<s> H(s) these \nthe s plane 1\n may be used without of K that ew - Plot = H(s) 1)\n functions two in (a) of for values -1\n = 1\n of s along the the figure. Discuss how contour shown results your \nNyquist criterion.\n 6-plane\n s-plane\n Ju ju)\n 3\n \\*\n rC r-1^\n -45-y r) \nJ 3\n /!'\n (6)\n (a)\n Prob. 16-19.\n relate for to the (b) IN FEEDBACK STABILITY 16\n Chap. two Consider G^ G(S) functions:\n ~ a2 + + 5\342\200\231\n 4. + 5\342\200\231\n ~ \nthe Does figure. \neralized \nDiscuss.\n as a this criterion //(\302\253) =\302\273 1\n = 1\n of s along the contourshown in (b) of how the Nyquist criterion might be gen\302\254 suggest for other than poles in the right half plane? for values functions these H(s) 2s \302\253\342\200\231 + Plot 433\n SYSTEMS\n INDEX\n Active element, Admittance 27\n (also 197 215 200 \nCathode 217 363 \nAmplifier networks, of \ncomparison responses, frequency \nCharge, 2 382 270 \nChart, peaked, 363 365 \nCircuit 280 \nAntiresonant frequencies, of magnitude, \nAuxiliary equation, \nComplete solution, 75, 113 Fourier \nComplex 328 315, \nAttenuation, 260 inversion \nComplex 179 series, 194 \nComplex frequency, 98\n 75, lib function, Complementary change Asymptotic 97 59\n \nCofactors, 18\n \nApproximation, 30 elements, \nClassical solution, 228 difference, phase 249, 251 30 \nCircuit, \nstagger-tuned, 372 polynomials, \nCircle diagram, 372 118 circuit, 55\n Chebyshev \noverstaggered, \nAngular 2\n series RLC 380 411 98, equation, \nelectron, \ndouble-tuned, 296 of networks, \nCharacteristic \n388\n \nlow-pass, 365 403 follower, \nCauer form 11 band-pass, 91 divider, \nvoltage \nCascade connection, \nAmpere\342\200\231s law, \nshunt 24 \nnonlinear, 199\n \nresistor, 198 \ntransfer, 22 in, \nCapacitor, 22 combinations, parallel stored \nenergy \ndriving-point, \ninductor, 7 \ndefinition, 200 \ncapacitor, 5 Capacitance, see Immittance), integral, 127 \nComplex plane, 220 Band-pass 335 filter, to \nrelated scheme, 1 \nConceptual 386 Q, 18 \nConductance, 353 \nBartlett\342\200\231sbisection theorem, \nBilateral 21 \nConductors, 353 \nConjugate, 135 elements, \nBisection theorem, \nBlock diagrams: systems, 331 of, 14 296, 418 principle linkages, 232, fractions, \nContinuous \n402\n spectrum, 183, frequency \n185\n 399 open-loop, \nreduction pulse, 406 procedure, pulse, \nConvolution 30 network, 186 \nrecurrent \ntransformations (table), 400 \nBridge filters, flux \nContinued in representing 15 laws, \nConstant 397 elements, \nlimitations \nBranch, 3 \nConstant-if \ndefinitions, 394 \nelectrical 17 \nConductivity, \nConservation 399 \nclosed-loop, 346 337, filter, \nComposite 384 \nBandwidth, 259, integral, \nCoulomb\342\200\231s 263 \nButterworth amplifiers, \nButterworth filters, \nCoupled 368 \nCoupling, \n435\n 167 6 law, coils, 44 magnetic, \nCramer\342\200\231srule, 391\n 183 60 15, 33, 44 INDEX\n 436\n Critical 220 frequencies, 287 \ninternal, 287 \nCritical resistance, \ncurrent 2 \nCurrent, 28 Thfrvenin\342\200\231s \nvacuum 41\n 42 direction, \nError in networks, \nCurrent ratio \nCurrent source, \nCurrent source 315 407 tubes, 399 transform, \nEven 48 equivalent, function, 320, frequency, \nEven 277 174 symmetry, of phasors, representation \nExponential 367\n 179 107, 101, 174 \nEven polynomial, 27 205 theorem, \nEuler\342\200\231s equation, 17 density, \nCutoff 200\n \nseries, \nelectron,28 positive 207 202 \nparallel, 2 \ndefinition, \nCurrent 358 \nNorton\342\200\231s theorem, \nconventional, \nloop, 48 source, \ndelta-Y, 41 \nbranch, 275 circuits, \nEquivalent 108 solution, damped 40 equations, \nEquilibrium 103 372 characteristics, ripple Equal \nexternal, \nCritically 110\n Envelope, \n241\n Damped 196 sinusoid, \nDamping factor, \nDamping ratio, \nDatum Exterior 103 Faraday\342\200\231s \nDecade, 262 \nFilters per \nDelta octave, 261 358 transformation, \nDependent variable, 72 \nresistive 62 network, 60\n Differential equation, \nDirichlet 72 definitions, 173 conditions, \nDriving-point, impedances, 194, 274 \nresistrictions on poles and \nDuality, zeros,222 52 quantities, impedance \nimage transfer \nlattice, 353 \nFlux 52 \nFoster 6 27 51 \nextraneous, \npassive, Elements \nEnergy, \nEnergy 131 14 constant, 79 222 oscillations, 72 function, of form 145 14, 11, of 340 288, 336 networks, 288 theorem, \nFourier analysis, 171 \nFourier integral, 183 \nFourier series, 170 \ncoefficients,173 30\n of 314 339 section, \nFoster\342\200\231s reactance \nElements: \nactive, T \nForced response, \nForcing 7 \nElectric field, of, 324 234, linkages, \nForced 51\n Edastance, of, 312 function \nm-derived *- section, \nFinal value theorem, \nprinciple construction, graphical 346 325 \nimage \nTO-derived 214 \nDriving-point \nDuals, 337, \nm-derived, 338 \nDoublet, 159 \nDual 327 \ncomposite, \nlow-pass, 331 \nDot convention, \nband-pass, \nhigh-pass, \nsymmetry, 62 \nsystem, filters), Amplifier \nconstant-K, 331 \nexperimental study, 327 58 \nDeterminants, also (see \nattenuation band, 358 networks, \nDelta-Y 410 systems, 319 3 \nband-elimination, 27 \nDecibel,261, 315 change 12 law, \nFeedback 31 29, node, \nDecibel 70\n branch, 108 determinant, \ncomplex exponential \ngraphical evaluation, 22 sources, 58 3\n \nsquare wave, 175\n form, 177 179 310 437\n INDEX\n sweep voltagefunction, Fourier series, \n180\n \nHomogeneous differential equations, 72, 173 symmetry, \n111\n \nsymmetry rules, 175 Hurwitz \ntriangular wave, 177 \nHurwitz 187 \nFourier transformation, transform \nFourier to \nrelated 185 pairs, Image 186 transforms, Laplace \nL 367 320, \ncutoff, \nx 368, 376 258, infinite 383 \nmid-band, 242 181, \nnegative, \nFrequency spectra, 181 \nFrequency scaling, \nFrequency plane, \nFrequency response, \nImpulse function, interpre\302\254 30 loops, \nIndependent variable, \nInductance 75, 113 of interpretation \nself, deriva\302\254 \nInitial 29\n of duals, of Fourier construction evaluation \ncoefficients, Half-power impedance sections, 13 series 258 properties, \nInitial 171, \nHeaviside, Oliver, 182 352 \nInstability conditions, \nInsulators, 3 factor, \nIntegrating \nInverse roots, repeated 139\n (multiple) J, roots, 140\n 74, 81 178 43 equations, transformation, 101 defined, \nJunction 411 numerical, \nHeaviside's expansiontheorem,138,142 \nreal 145 theorem, \nInsertion loss, \nIntegrodifferential 125 87 procedure, value \nIntegration, 344\n 84 conditions, \nevaluation 52 177\n frequencies, 10 parameter, \nInductor, 22 29 of networks, 72 13 \nmutual, 86\n Harmonics, 157 158\n \nunit, Independent solution, \n314, 391 232, 217, \ntransfer, graphical 200 combinations, 304 364\n \nGraphical 198\n \nresistor, series 256\n \nGeometrical \nHalf 177 220 of, 222 zeros and \npoles 126, 200 combinations, \nparallel 222 230 215, 198 \ninductor, 79 domain, Graphical 200 \ndriving-point, 225 \nFrequency Geometry 232, 391 217, \nImpedance, 197 natural, \ntation, 230 215, \ncapacitor, \nFree oscillations, 246 275 \nequivalent, 320\n response, of function, \ndriving-point, 257 undamped 101 215 \ntransfer, \nresonant, 314 function, part 323 338 312, match, \nImmittance, 241 194, \ntives, with frequency, numbers, 320 General 313\n section, \nImaginary \nnormalization, 304 \nradian, 313 section, \nImaginary 195 \nneper, 344 L sections, \nImage transfer 340 attenuation, 312 314 section, \nImage 224\n \ninfinite, \nGraph, 106\n variation 211\n Gain, functions, impedance, \nT half-power, \nFree 418 \nm-derived \nforced, 211 \nstop, polynomials, \nHyperbolio \nFrequency: \npass, 418 criterion, 188 \nunilateral, \nfree, 333 325, filters, High-pass (aee Node)\n 126\n INDEX\n 438\n equations, 40 Kirchhoff-law laws: \nKirchhoff\342\200\231s \ncurrent \nvoltage 58\n Minors, of phasors, Multiplication law, 57 law, 55\n \nMutual Natural L Section \nLadder of analysis \nLagging phase \nLaplace transform \nopen- \nLaplacetransformation, Fourier to related \nNeper 127 125\n 186 transformation, \nLaplacetransformation theorems, 129 \ninitial value, filter, network, 183 41 of nodes, separate parts, 31 30 29 datum, \nNode, 30\n differential Nonhomogeneous 324, 333 22\n Nonlinear 338 filter, \nMagnetic field, \nMagnetic flux, 10 wave analysis, \nloop analysis of \nMagnitude \nMapping, Maximally \nMesh (also see 205 integration, \npoles at 178 419 criteria, \nNyquist 33 origin, 426\n of, 44 phasor, 228 420\n flat frequency, \nNumerical 170 304 \nNorton\342\200\231s theorem, 11 convention, 21 elements, \nNormalized \nMagnetically coupled systems, 15 \ndot equations, \n113\n \nNonsinusoidal m-DERivED 205 47 \nNode analysis, \nNode pair, 352 system, \nLumped 48 30 \nNode, filter, \nLow-pass 205 interchange, \nTh&venin\342\200\231s, number insertion, 288 \nsuperposition, 79 44 and 358 transformation, \nNorton\342\200\231s, \nLoops, independent, \nLoss, 353\n \nsource 30\n \nbranches 248 \nFoster\342\200\231sreactance, 43 to the 220 theorems: delta-Y systems, 247 245 \nbisection, 21 \nLoop currents, related fre\302\254 230 procedure, locus, \nphasor 125 \nLoops, at high 245 \nNetwork complex frequencies, 105 \ncoupled 214\n asymptotes, \nphase, angle, 250 analysis, \nLoop 53 \nmagnitude interpretation, 35 \nLogarithm, general, 260\n \nmagnitude, elements, \nLocus of 61 magnitude \nlow-frequency 353 66, 231, \nLine spectrum, \nLinear 356 219 \nLenz\342\200\231s law, of \nquency, of networks, phase resistive, \nhigh-frequency asymptotes, 246 network, \nLeading 310 computation 353 \nLattice \nLattice 214, 374 pair, equations, change equivalent \nLead terminal-pair, \nNetwork 129\n Lattice terminal \ntwo analysis, 130 \nlinearity, 30\n one 145 \nintegration, 195 315 \nNetwork 145 \nfinal value, 181, 242 \nNetwork functions, 129 \ndifferentiation, 108, 225 321 short-circuit, unit, \nNetwork, 164 \ntables, 129, undamped, frequency, \nNeper angle, 250 pairs, and \nNegative frequency, 403 network, frequencies: \ndamped and 232, 310 for, 230 65, network, \nmethod \nLag 311 network, 66\n 45, inductance, 228, 421 368 characteristics, Loop), 30 \nMinimum-phase functions, Odd function, \nOdd polynomial, \nOhm\342\200\231s law, Open-circuit 225\n 174 277 17, 84\n function, impedance \nOperational calculus, 125\n 313 INDEX\n Oscillator: 439\n \nResistance, 18 \ntuned-plate, 431\n 108 response, \nOverdamped response, 108 18 \ndefinition, 22 \nResistor, 255 \nResonance, of admittances, combination Parallel \n200\n \nfor 75, 354 332, 320, band, of phasor, 328 shift, 421 254, 28 on locations, 222 direction, 42 current \nPotential, 5, \nPower, 415\n 220\n 177 waveform, 219, 287 \nSchedule, 55 \nSelectors, 258 13 22 \nPrototype, 346 resonance, \nSignal 255 network, function, impedance flow 394 diagrams, 159 \nSingular functions, Q, 255, to related \nQuad, \ntransforms 363\n 386 bandwidth, 266\n 112, 414 equation, Quadratic \nQuasi-stationary state, 21\n \nSinusoid, damped, \nSolution, general, \nSolution, particular, \nRamp loss, 20 72 \nRational \nline, 215 function, \nReactive networks, \nCauer form, \ncomparison \nFoster form, \ncases, 288 \nspecifications, plots, 287 284\n 48 274 \nStability, 302 183 155, 164 wave, Hurwitz, \nNyquist, \nRouth, 410 criteria:\n 418 419 415\n \nStaircase waveform, \nStandard 365 amplifiers, Stagger-tuned 284 \nReactance of, 181\n \nStability functions \nReactance Square 296 of features, 72 \nSources, 27 \ncontinuous, 157 function, 196 \nSpectrum: 194 frequency, \nRadiation 166 (table), \ntransformation Radian 200 255 \nShort-circuit 162\n 154, of impedances, combination \nSeries RLC 58 and zeros, of poles 295\n \n279, \nSeries 30\n property Separation Series 226 coptours, \nSawtooth 3 diagonal, \nPrincipal \nPulse, phasor, \nSeparateparts, 219\n restriction \nPositive 242 \nSelf-inductance, 44 markings, possible forms, 112 of equations, \nScale factor, 396 point, \nPolarity time, constant 311 231, network, 34 rule, 393\n Right-hand s-plane, 228, locations, pole-zero \n225\n \nRotating 241 addition, \nPolarity, 142 315 function, \nunit rotating, \nPoles, 228 195 \nPickoff from \nRouth criterion, \nimage transfer \nPhasor, 252\n transient, Roots \nPhase \nPhasor 72 \nsinusoidal, \nRise 171 function, \nPhase angle \nit roots, 113 conjugate integral, \nPeriodic 134 expansion, complex \nParticular \nPass 20 effects, fraction \nPartial 280 \nResonant frequencies, \nResponse, Parasitic 17 \nparameter, 393\n \nOvershoot, 103 \ncritical, transient Oscillatory 100 roots, (multiple) Repeated \nphase-shift, 431 form 191 of solution, 102\n 313 INDEX\n 440\n 75 Steady-state, 320, 332, 354 \nStop band, \nSubscript \nTransient mutual for convention \nSuperposition, principle of, 79 \nSusceptance,279 \nSustained \nSymmetrical lattice \nSymmetrical ir \nSymmetrical T network, \nSymmetry network, series, 175 \nTandem \nTerminal 351 \nTermination problem, \nTheorems (see \nThfrvenin\342\200\231s functions, phase, Fourier, 188 \nLaplace, 127\n 161\n transform, Vector 29 216 zeros,224 \nVoltage conventions, \nVoltage divider, \nVoltage source, Y 195 (phasor), \nvon Helmholtz 225 \nrestrictions on poles and \nTransform:\n 128 153 205 of networks, \nminimum 165 \ndefinition, 77 networks, 28 218 27 rule, 219\n 31\n 358 \nY-delta transformation, Zeros, 159 inductor, function, step \nshifted theorems) 126 domain, \nTransfer Network theorem, \nTime constants, \nTopology \nresponse, \nUnit 160 capacitor, 168 \ntransform, 214 \nTerminals, \nTime 373 214 pair, to \napplied to (see Chebyshev), \nTchebycheff 158 impulse, \napplied 365 connection, 21 166 \ntransform, 231, 311 method, 21 systems, \nUnit doublet, \nUnit T network, coefficients \nUnilateral 60\n determinant, \nSystem 231 Fourier for frequency, angular \n103\n Undetermined 231 network, natural Undamped 231, 263 termsof 241\n \nexponentials, 110 oscillations, rules 177 waveform, \nTrigonometric functions in 395 point, Summing 225 locations, pole-zero \nTriangular 108 oscillatory, response, \nfrom induc\302\254 16\n \ntance, 129, 164 {table), pairs \nperiodic function, 165 170 128, function, \nStep Transform 358\n 113