Uploaded by Gamboa, Stephanie T.

Aggregate Finer #200 Sieve Test: Lab Report & Analysis

Amount Finer #200 Sieve
This method of test outlines the procedure for determining the total quantity of material finer
than a standard No. 200 (0.074 mm) sieve aggregate
1) The test sample shall be selected from material which has been thoroughly mixed and which
contain sufficient moisture to prevent segregation. Are presentative sample sufficient to yield not less
than the approximate weight of dried material as tabulated below shall be selected:
2) Place the sample in the oven and dry to constant weight at a temperature not exceeding 110°C.
Record original oven-dry weight of sample (fine aggregate).
3) Place the sample in a pan and add sufficient water to cover it. Agitate contents of pan vigorously
and pour wash water over the nested sieves, with the sieve No. 200 at the bottom.
4) Repeat operation until the wash water is clear.
5) Dry washed aggregates to constant weight at a temperature not exceeding 110℃. Record this
weight (B).
6) From the above data, calculate percentage material finer than No. 200 sieve.
Sample Identification
Original Oven Dry Weight of Aggregate + Pan, g
1167 g
Weight of Pan, g
Original Oven Dry Weight of Aggregate
Washed Oven Dry Weight of Aggregate
167 g
1000 g
1125 g
% Finer than No. 200 sieve
% Finer than No. 200 sieve = Original Oven Dry Weight of Aggregate- Washed Oven Dry
Weight of Aggregate/Original Oven Dry Weight of Aggregate*100
𝑥 100 = 4.2%
Our experiments reveal that just 4.2% of the aggregate sample passes through a fine filter (No. 200).
According to ASTM C33 guidelines, this amount is entirely suitable for concrete subjected to wear and
strain, or for any other concrete use. The standards propose that this value remain between 2% and
3%, with a maximum of 4% or 5%.
The 4.2% that passed through the filter is most likely made up of extremely minute particles such as
silt or clay. The remaining 95.8% (the larger particles) are classified as fine aggregate per ASTM C125.
Because the silt and clay content is minimal, the concrete should be robust and durable, with a lesser
chance of breaking or wearing down quickly. The aggregate's low silt/clay percentage (4.2%) indicates
good workability and reduces shrinkage/weakness hazards, making it appropriate for strong concrete.