“Magical Matter Girl” Presented by: Olivia Wilson Once upon a time, in a small town named Crystalville, there was a magical potion shop run by an eccentric wizard named Merlin. Merlin was known for his unique concoctions that could transform the state of matter. One sunny morning, a young girl named Lily entered Merlin’s potion shop, intrigued by the tales she had heard about his magical potions. She was curious to witness the transformation of matter herself. Merlin greeted Lily with a warm smile and explained his latest experiment. He had created a special potion called “Metamorphosia” that could change the state of any object it touched. Lily was thrilled and eager to see the magic unfold. Merlin poured a few drops of the potion onto a solid silver coin. Instantly, the coin started to shimmer and melt, transforming into a shimmering silver liquid. Lily’s eyes widened in amazement as she witnessed the solid turning into a liquid before her very eyes. Excited to explore more, Lily requested Merlin to demonstrate another transformation. This time, Merlin poured the potion onto a glass of water. As the potion mixed with the water, the liquid began to bubble and steam rose from the surface. The water was turning into a gaseous state, becoming an ethereal mist that floated in the air. Lily couldn’t believe her eyes. She was witnessing the wondrous transformations of matter right in front of her. She asked Merlin if she could try the potion herself. With a mischievous grin, Merlin handed her a small vial of the Metamorphosia potion. Lily carefully poured a few drops of the potion onto a handful of sand. To her amazement, the sand particles started swirling and compacting, forming a solid rock in her palm. She had turned the loose sand into a solid state. With each transformation, Lily’s fascination grew. She spent hours experimenting with different objects, witnessing the magical effects of the potion and marveling at the wonders of matter and its different states. As the sun set, Lily thanked Merlin for the incredible experience and the knowledge she had gained. She left the potion shop with a heart full of wonder and a deeper understanding of the magical world of matter. From that day on, Lily became known as the “Magical Matter Girl,” sharing her stories and inspiring others to explore the fascinating world of matter and its everchanging states. And every time she looked at a solid, liquid, or gas, she would remember the enchantment of Merlin’s potion and the magic it brought to her life. QUESTIONS: 1. Who was the girl who entered Merlin Potion shop and witnessed the wondrous transformation of matter? 2. What is the special potion created by Merlin? 3. What happened when Merlin mixed the potion to water? What state of matter has formed? 4. What does the potion Metamorphosia can do? 5. Why is Lily hailed as the “Magical Matter Girl” in the stor? Thank you for listening!