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Pathology Exam Questions: Endometrial, Salivary, Ovarian

1. The main etiological factors of endometrial hyperplasia:
a. Excessive action of progesterone in the absence of estrogen
b. Excessive action of testosterone in the absence of estrogen
c. Excessive action of estrogen in the absence of progesterone
d. Excessive action of progesterone in the absence of testosterone
2. Catharral purulent salpingitis most often occur by:
a. Haematogeneously
b. Ascendent way
c. Iatrogenic way
d. Per conti…
3. Epithelium of glands in endometrial hyperplasia is most often:
a. Multilayer squamous, resembling secretory endometrium
b. Glandular, resemble secretory endometrium
4. Mucocele is :
a. A neoplastic disease
b. A specific granulomatous disease
c. A sign of primary syphilis
d. Often associated with mechanical trauma in the oral cavity
5. Pleomorphic adenoma is:
a. Most often localized in the parotid gland
b. Most often localized in the minor salivary glands
c. A malignant salivary gland tumor
d. Most often localized in the submandibular gland
6. Sjogren’s syndrome is:
a. An infectious bacterial disease
b. An autoimmune disorder that principally involves the salivary and
lacrimal glands.
c. More common in the men than in women
d. An infectious viral disease
7. Pleomorphic adenoma is :
a. The most common salivary gland tumor
b. The most common benign odontogenic tumor
c. The most common malignant odontogenic tumor
d. The second most common salivary gland tumor
8. Radicular cyst:
a. Is a benign epithelial tumor
b. Is a malignant epithelial tumor
c. Is not a pathogenically linked to dental caries and pulpitis
d. Is a cyst of inflammatory origin
9. Example of cysts of inflammatory origin is:
a. Ameloblastoma
b. Nasopalatine duct cyst
c. Residual cyst
d. Branchial cyst
10. Example of inflammatory cyst of the jaw is;
a. Gingival cyst of infants
b. Dentigerous cyst
c. Eruption cyst
d. Residual cyst
11. Cysts:
a. Do not contain purulent exudate
b. Are always without epithelial lining
c. Are physiological cavities filled with fluid material
d. Are physiological cavities filled with gaseous material
12. Leukoplakia:
a. Besides the proliferative verrucous form is more common in women
than in men
b. Never leads to invasive squamous carcinoma
c. Encompasses various hyperplastic and /or dysplastic changes in the oral
squamous epithelium
d. Is characterized by dysplastic changes in the stromal fibroblasts
13. Leukoplakia:
a. Is not associated with cigarette smoking
b. Is a precancerous lesion
c. Is a form of dental plaque
d. Causes atrophy of the gingiva
14. Thin leukoplakia:
a. Is an invasive epithelial tumor
b. Progresses to pleomorphic adenoma
c. Is the early form of leukoplakia
d. Progresses to Sjogren´s syndrome
15. Leukoplakia:
a. Is not associated with alcohol consumption
b. Is not associated with cigarette smoking
c. Generally is more common in men than in women
d. Is always caused by HPV infection
16. Inflammatory infiltrate in the dermis in scleroderma is mainly composed of:
a. Basophils
b. Eosinophils
c. Lymphocytes
d. Neutrophils
17. A periapical (radicular) cyst is:
a. Fibrous cyst of inflammatory origin
b. Odontogenic cyst of inflammatory origin
c. Odontogenic cyst of embryogenic origin
d. Fibrous cyst of embryonic origin
18. The epithelial lining of periapical (radicular) cyst is composed of:
a. Squamous non-keratinizing epithelium
b. Squamous keratinizing epithelium
c. Cubic epithelium
d. Cylindrical epithelium
19. We observe bacterial colonies in microscopic image as:
a. Amorphous eosinophilic clusters
b. Compact homogeneous eosinophilic clusters
c. Amorphous basophilic clusters
d. Compact homogeneous basophilic clusters
20. Which of the following belongs to germ cell tumors of the ovary:
a. Granulosa cell tumor
b. Endometrioid carcinoma
c. Endometrial sinus tumor
d. Sertoli-leydig cell tumor
21. Teratoma:
a. An ovarian counterpart of seminoma of testes
b. Androgen-producing ovarian tumor
c. A germ cell tumor composed of different types of tissues derived from
three germ cell layers
d. An ovarian tumor composed of cells resembling urothelium
22. Granulosa cell tumor belongs to:
a. Sex-cord stromal tumors of the ovary
b. Secondary tumors of the ovary
c. Germ cell tumors of the ovary
d. Tumors of surface epithelium of the ovary
23. Which of the following is not seen in choriocarcinoma:
a. Cytotrophoblast
b. Invasion of surrounding structures and vessels
c. Syncytiotrophoblast
d. Villi
24. The most common cause of vaginitis is infection caused by:
a. HSV
b. Candida and trichomonas
c. E.coli
d. HPV
25. The most common histological type of endometrial cancer is:
a. Endometrioid adenocarcinoma
b. Squamous cell carcinoma
c. Clear cell adenocarcinoma
d. Serous carcinoma
26. The finding of histologically normal endometrial tissue within the myometrium
is referred:
a. Endometriotic cyst
b. Endometrial cyst
c. Adenomyosis
d. Endometritis
27. Complications of salpingitis do not include:
a. Menopause
b. Adhesions between pelvic organs and bowels
c. Infertility
d. Ectopic pregnancy
28. Scleroderma belong to:
a. Autoimmune diseases affecting connective tissue
b. Autoimmune diseases affecting neuroectodermal tissues
c. Autoimmune diseases affecting exclusively endodermal tissues
d. Autoimmune diseases affecting the epithelium
29. We consider the following to be precancerous conditions of gastric
adenocarcinoma in the case of dysplastic sign … induced gastritis:
a. Pyloric metaplasia
b. Lymphoid follicles
c. Squamous metaplasia
d. Intestinal metaplasia
30. Adenocarcinoma of the stomach most often occurs:
a. At age of 40-70 years in a large curvature
b. At age of 40-70 years in a small curvature
c. At age of 20-50 years in a large curvature
d. At age of 20-50 years in a small curvature
31. In alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver we observe sometimes in the cells:
a. Russel´s hyaline
b. Mallory´s hyaline
c. Simson´s hyaline
d. Sheehan´s hyaline
32. The most common frequently affected side of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is:
a. Oral tonsils
b. Cervical tonsil
c. Nasal tonsil
d. Palatum tonsil
33. Keratoacanthoma is :
a. Slow-growing, benign tumor
b. Fast growing, malignant tumor
c. Slow growing, malignant tumor
d. Fast growing, benign tumor
34. Granular cell tumor of oral cavity occurs:
a. More often in women, in 4-5 decade of life
b. More often in men, in 4-5 decade of life
c. More often in women, in 2-3 decade of life
d. More often in men, in 2-3 decade of life
35. Granular cell tumor of the oral cavity is:
a. Malignant tumor from Schwann cells
b. Malignant tumor from melanocytes
c. Benign tumor from melanocytes
d. Benign tumor from Schwann cells
36. Which of the following represents 90% of malignant ovarian tumors:
a. Germ cell tumors
b. Secondary tumors
c. Tumors of surface epithelium
d. Sex-cord stromal tumors
37. Acute glomerulonephritis:
a. Is a condition in which the nephrotic syndrome is accompanied by no
apparent change in glomeruli by light microscope
b. Is a condition in which there is a glomerulosclerosis and hyalinosis of
some glomeruli ad portions of their tuft, while the other glomeruli are
normal by light microscopy
c. Is a condition following an acute infection which characteristically
presents as acute nephritic syndrome
d. Is characterized by widespread thickening of glomerular capillary wall
and is the most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults
38. The blood pressure in glomerular capillaries is high-due to this renal cortex is
prone to the effect of hypertension:
a. True
b. False
39. Mucinous ovarian:
a. More frequency and their frequency to malignancy is lower.
b. More frequency and their frequency to malignancy is higher
c. Less frequency and their frequency to malignancy is lower
d. Less frequency and their frequency to malignancy is higher
40. In abortion samples, we always identify:
a. Decidualization
b. Chorionic villi
c. Extravillous trophoblast
d. Parts of fetus
41. With a complete hydatidiform mole:
a. Genetic information most often comes completely from the mother,
b. Genetic information most often comes completely from the father,
c. Genetic information most often comes completely from the father,
d. Genetic information most often comes completely from the mother,
42. In cervical ectropion we can observe metaplasia:
a. Single-layered cubic epithelium to multi-layered non-keratinizing
b. Multi-layered squamous non-keratinizing epithelium to single-layered
c. Single-layered cylindrical epithelium to multi-layered non-keratinizing
43. Trichophytobezoar is composed of:
a. Plastic detritus
b. Vegetable fibers seeds or fruit skin
c. Hair and vegetable matter
d. A ball of hair
44. Choose the correct statement:
a. Hyperplastic (inflammatory) polyps are more often located in gastric
b. Hemophilia is the commonest cause of hematemesis and melena
c. Hyperplastic (inflammatory) polyps have thick fibrous stroma
d. Peptic ulcers are the commonest cause of hematemesis and melena
45. Choose the correct statement:
a. Acute gastritis is the commonest histological change observed in
biopsies from the stomach
b. Crohn´s disease is very common in the stomach
c. The gastric rupture is relatively frequent condition
d. Pyloric stenosis may cause acute dilatation of the stomach
46. Choose the correct statement:
a. Gastric lymphomas are most often Hodgkin’s lymphomas
b. Leiomyosarcoma of the stomach is the commonest soft tissue sarcoma
in the stomach
c. Carcinoid tumors are very frequent in stomach
d. Gastric lymphomas constitute less than 25% of all bowel lymphomas
47. Ischemic bowel disease:
a. The wall of infarcted intestine is pale and narrowed
b. Mesenteric venous occlusion is more frequent cause of transmural
infarction of intestine than mesenteric arterial occlusion
c. Histologically, in transmural infarction of the intestine there is
liquefactive necrosis, chronic inflammatory cellularization hemorrhage,
d. Transmural infarction is more common in small intestine than in the
large intestine
48. In stomach, pepsin is secreted by :
a. Endocrine cells
b. Parietal cells
c. Mucin-secreting neck cells
d. chief cells
49. Barretts esophagus predisposes to development of: esophageal
50. With portal hypertension, the following do not occur:
a. Duodenal ulcers
b. Hemorrhoids
c. Esophageal varices
d. Caput medusae
51. Stomach ulcers are:
a. More often than duodenal, they occur most often on the small
b. Rarer than duodenal, they occur most often on the small curvature
c. More often than duodenal , they occur most often on the large
d. Rarer than duodenal, they occur most often on the large curvature
52. Balzer´s necrosis include:
a. Far necrosis
b. Coagulation necrosis
c. Liquefaction necrosis
d. Fibrinoid necrosis
53. Blastema cells of nephroblastoma are:
a. Large cells with round nucleus
b. Small cells with a spindle-shaped nucleus
c. Large cells with a spindle-shaped nucleus
d. Small cells with round nucleus
54. Corpora amylacea is:
a. Basophilic material, formed by lipids
b. Eosinophilic material, formed by proteins
c. Basophilic material, formed by proteins
d. Eosinophilic material, formed by lipids
55. Carcinoma from the cells of the kidney is mostly in macroscopic picture:
a. Spherical, yellow on the cutting surface
b. Polygonal, yellow on the cut surface
c. Polygonal, grayish on the cut surface
d. Spherical, grayish on the cut surface
56. The major complication of typhoid ulcer is:
a. Malabsorption
b. Intestinal obstruction
c. Fistula formation
d. Intestinal perforation
57. Elevation of carcinoembryonic agent (CEA) level is particularly significant in:
a. Early lesions of colorectal carcinoma
b. Ulcerative colitis
c. Advanced primary colorectal carcinoma
d. Metastatic colorectal carcinoma
58. Mucinous cystadenoma of the ovary is in the most cases :
a. Unilateral and multilocular tumor
59. Tubal pregnancy main histological characteristic?
a. Extrauterine chorionic villi, trophoblast, edematous muscle layer,
dilated tube lumen, leukocytes
60. What are the germinal tumors in women?
a. Teratomas, dysgerminoma, yolk sac tumor, choriocarcinoma
61. Peptic ulcers hematesis/melena ratio?
a. Melena is more common
62. Chorioamniocarcinoma:
a. No chorionic villi
63. What is not a cause of vaginal bleeding?
a. Polyp
b. Cyst
c. Tumor
d. (don’t have the missing answer)
64. Endometriosis place of occurrence:
a. Vagina
b. Ovaries
c. Perineum
65. Malignant ovarian cancer:
a. Epithelial tumors: serous, mucinous, seromucous, endometrial, clear
cell and brenner
66. Meconium bodies color:
a. Dark green
67. How many layers can we find in esophagus?
a. 4 – mucosa, musculares mucosa, submucosa and musculares propia
68. Most common malignant cancer of colon:
a. Adenocarcinoma of the colon
69. Sex cord cancer in women:
a. Granulosa-theca cells, gynadroblastoma, Leydig cell tumor
70. Transmural infraction of small intestine:
a. Red type
71. The most serious complication of tubal pregnancy is:
a. Rupture
72. Lining of pseudocyst:
a. No lining
73. How long is the distanced from gastroesophageal junction to incisor teeth?
a. 25cm
b. 30cm
c. 35cm
d. 40cm
74. Which layer does acanthosis affect?
a. Epidermis
75. Nephroblastoma:
a. Embryonal malignant tumor
76. Size of nodules in micronodular cirrhosis:
a. 3mm
b. 12mm
c. 9mm
77. Hepatocellular carcinoma:
a. Men> women, peak : 50-60 y.o
78. Intrinsic factor in the stomach is produced by:
a. Parietal cells
79. What increases the risk of developing ovarian tumors:
a. Late menarche
b. Pregnancy
c. Familial history of breast cancer
d. Breastfeeding
80. What pathogen causes entercolitis?
a. E.coli, TBC, salmonella, shigella, campylobacter
81. Which is not a risk for salpingitis?
a. Risk factors are: puerperitum, intrauterine contraception, abdominal
infections, tbc
82. Anatomical position of upper esophageal sphincter:
a. At lower end of pharynx so it´s upper proximal esophageal part.
83. Which HPV is related with ovarian cancer?
a. 16
84. Amniotic fluid when there is meconium what color is it?
a. Dark brown
b. Yellow
c. Green
d. Blue
85. Papillary hidradenoma where and what is it?
a. Is a benign tumor arising from apocrine sweat glands of vulva
86. What kind of necrosis can we kind in small intestine?
a. I would say that transmural infarction is the most common one
87. Vaginitis common agents:
a. Candida albicans and trichomonas vaginalis
88. Nephroblastoma:
a. Children <10 y.o, malignant fast growing tumor
89. What is the common location for esophageal tumors:
a. Middle 1/3 (50% of cases)
90. Age onset of esophageal tumor:
a. 6-7th decade of life
91. Which tumor is the most common?
a. Squamous cell carcinoma
92. Ulcerative colitis where can we find it?
a. Entire length of large bowel: rectum, sigmoid colon, descending colon,
transverse colon
93. Benign nephrosclerosis is caused by:
a. Hypertension
94. Classification of teratomas in ovarian tumor:
a. Mature and inmature?
95. Sliding hiatal hernia of esophagus
a. Herniated part of stomach – subdiaphragmatic bell due to sliding up of
both sides of esophagus
96. Which lead will lead to prehepatic jaundice?
a. Gilbert syndrome