Uploaded by Joel Osano


1. Online Presence:
Develop a professional website that showcases your accommodations, conference facilities, and bar
section. Ensure it's mobile-friendly and optimized for search engines.
Utilize social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to engage with potential guests
and share updates, special offers, and photos of your facilities.
Encourage satisfied guests to leave positive reviews on platforms like TripAdvisor, and Google
Reviews, and help to enhance your online reputation.
2. Targeted Advertising:
Run targeted online ads through platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads. Use geo-targeting to
reach potential guests in your area and those searching for conference facilities.
Partner with local businesses, event planners, and travel agencies to cross-promote each other's
services. Offer referral discounts or incentives for bookings.
3. Content Marketing:
Start a blog on your website featuring travel tips, event planning guides, and highlights of local
attractions. This can attract organic traffic and position your hotel as an authority in the area.
Create video tours of your accommodations, conference rooms, and bar section. Share these videos on
your website and social media channels to give potential guests a glimpse of what to expect.
4. Email Marketing:
Build an email list by offering incentives like exclusive discounts or a free drink at the bar for
subscribers. Send out regular newsletters with updates on promotions, upcoming events, and local
5. Special Packages and Promotions:
Create package deals that combine accommodations with conference room rentals or include perks
like complimentary drinks at the bar.
Offer seasonal promotions, such as discounted rates for booking conferences during slower months or
themed events at the bar.
6. Networking and Events:
Attend industry conferences, trade shows, and networking events to connect with potential clients and
industry professionals.
Host your networking events or workshops at your conference facility to showcase your amenities and
attract businesses looking for event venues.
7. Community Engagement:
Get involved in the local community by sponsoring events, sports teams, or charity initiatives. This
can raise awareness of your hotel and foster goodwill among locals.
Offer special discounts or packages for residents of nearby neighbourhoods to encourage staycations.
8. Visual Branding:
Invest in professional photography and videography to showcase your hotel's unique features and
ambiance. High-quality visuals can attract potential guests and set you apart from competitors.