HVLC.09.029: Vowels and Consonants | TÜ Moodle 2024/2/16 20:44 Vowels and Consonants There are 9 vowels in the Estonian alphabet ... Listen and repeat. A takso (taxi) palun (please) kaks (two) paar (pair, couple) E kell (time/clock/watch), tere (hello) ema (mother) keel (language) I ilm (weather) minut (minute) nimi (name) siin (here) O kolm (three) foto (photo) kohv (co!ee) koos (together) U tubli (good, good for you!) juuksur (hairdresser) supp (soup) kuum (hot) Õ õpilane (student) õpetaja (teacher) kõrv (ear) rõõm (joy) Ä märts (March) rääkima (to speak) aitäh (thanks) hääl (voice) Ö töö (work) sööma (to eat) öö (night) ööbik (nightingale) Ü üks (one) kümme (ten) nüüd (now) küüs (nail) ... and 17 consonants Female names Male names K KÄRT HEIKI P EPP PEETER T KATI TOOMAS G AGNES GEORG B BIRUTE BRUNO D DEBORA DENISS F FRIDA FERDINAND H HARRIET HANNES J KAJA JOONAS https://moodle.ut.ee/mod/page/view.php?id=504448&inpopup=1 第1/2⻚ HVLC.09.029: Vowels and Consonants | TÜ Moodle 2024/2/16 20:44 L LIINA OLLE M MARET SIIM N NELE ENN R PIRET RAIVO S SIRJE MARGUS V EVELIN VELLO Š NATAŠA ŠURA Ž ŽANNA ŽENJA Estonian spelling is phonetic, the words are spelled like they sound. Single letters signify short sounds and double letters long or overlong sounds. Pronunciation of single vowels is very short. 0:02 ema (mother) isa (father) vana (old) 0:02 0:02 0:02 0:02 0:02 G, B and D are not pronounced softly, they are almost like K, P, T For example: diivan (sofa) banaan (banana) gloobus (globe) Last modified: 10.09.2018 09:49:17 https://moodle.ut.ee/mod/page/view.php?id=504448&inpopup=1 第2/2⻚