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AlgoRex CS1140 Fire Alarm System Modules Survey

AlgoRex® CS1140
System the fire alarm
Survey the modules
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
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1On document ........................................................................................... 5
2 unit control (Control unit) besides ................................................... 6
2.1 storage batteries (Batteries) ................................................................. 6
2.2 converter (Converter) ............................................................................ 8
2.3 filters (Filters) ........................................................................................ 8
2.4 EPROM- complete sets (EPROM sets) ................................................ 9
2.5 RAM- complete sets memory (RAM sets) ......................................... 9
2.6 module administration besides storage batteries (Battery charging module)….10
2.7 module RS232 (RS232 module) .......................................................... 10
2.8 LON- interface (LON interface) ............................................................ 11
2.9 modules administration (Control modules) besides ......................... 11
2.10 linear modules (Line modules) ........................................................... 15
2.11 Master- modules (Master modules) ................................................... 18
2.12 coupling cables (Connection cables) …………................................... 20
2.13 terminal block, the holder the map (Terminal block, card holder).......... 21
2.14 relay module (Relay module) ............................................................. 22
2.15 filter drops in the stress (Surge protector set) ................................ 23
2.16 complete sets cables (Cable sets) .................................................. 23
2.17 accessories for the teletransmission(Accessories remote transmission)26
2.18 accessories (Accessories) ................................................................... 26
2.19 supporting lath (Support rail) ............................................................... 27
2.20 [Skonfigurirovannaya] instrument board (Control unit configured) besides .............. 27
3 equipment administration and indication (Control and display equpment 28
3.1 control panel and indication (Operating and display terminal) ....................... 28
3.2 display (Display terminal) ....................................................................... 31
3.3 accessories for the panels algoPilot B3Q…(Accessories for algoPilot B3Q…). 32
4 printer (Printer) .................................................................................. 38
5 housings, the mechanical parts (Housings, mechanical parts) ................ 39
5.1 accessories 19'' (Accessories 19 ") ........................................................ 39
5.2 the separate cabinet H98G600 the accessories(Free-standing cabinet H98G600
and accessories) .......................................................................................... 41
5.3 plastic housing (Plastic housing) ............................................................ 43
5.4 metal housing and the accessories(Metal housing H28G200 and accessories)44
5.5 metal housing [n]37… and the accessories(Metal housing h37… and
accessories)………………………………………………………………………….. 47
5.6 metal housing [n]38… and the accessories(Metal housing h38… and
accessories) ..................................................................................................... 48
5.7 metal housing [n]47… and the accessories(Metal housing h47… and
accessories) ..................................................................................................... 50
5.8 metal housing [n]67… and the accessories(Metal housing h67… and
accessories) ....................................................................................................... 53
6 different (Various) ................................................................................... 56
6.1 RS232 ITF- modem (RS232 ITF Box) ................................................... 56
6.2 flat cable (Flat cable) ............................................................................. 56
6.3 SW-Dongle for the technical specialist(SW-Dongle for service technician)
...................................................................................................................... 56
6.4 modem, the communication line printed-circuit board(Modem, communication
p.c.b) ............................................................................................................. 57
6.5 LON- modules (LON modules) ............................................................... 58
6.6 synoptic printed map and the accessories(Synoptic p.c.b and accessories)
........................................................................................................................ 59
6.7 printed-circuit board interface (Paging interface p.c.b) ............................... 60
6.8 assembly accessories for the devices the teletransmission(Mounting accessories for
remote transmission devices) ..................................................................... 60
6.9 assembly laths (Mounting rails) ................................................................ 61
7 the subject index (Keyword index) ............................................................ 62
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
On the document
Before this document are described all apparatus modules the system fireman the
[nalizatsii] CS1140.
Area action
Before this document is contained the information about all accessible the apparatus
The task force
This document is intended for all interested persons.
Reference documents
Information before
001260 all EP
1076 (EP5)
008725 (EP7F-Z2)
1033, 003128, 003129 (EP5)
008728 (EP7F-Z1)
004598 (EP7F-Z1)
005590 (EP7F)
005113 (EP7F)
1249 (EP5)
008726 (EP7F-Z1)
1456 (EP5)
005109 (EP7F)
Description apparatus modules (CS1140' modular')
Planning (CS1140' modular')
Operating instructions algoPilot B3Q4.
Operating instructions algoPilot B3Q6.
Operating instructions the system fire extinguishing [s]
Operating instructions the system fire extinguishing [s]
Putting into commission
Putting into commission the fire extinguishing system
Assembly housing h26…./H28
Assembly housing h37…
Assembly housing h38…
Assembly housing h47…
Assembly housing h67…
[Peydzhingovaya] interface map, technical [rukovo][dstvo]
The arbitrary symbols
' .....'
Designations the document
The title page
Last [list]e below to the left
Below to the right
The additional information
Commentaries, the notes
Determinations the designations
- The name the system
- The type the product
- The purpose the document
- The number the order the document
- The date the version
- The management
- The section
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Unit control (Control unit)
Index the modification
Brief description
First version
Second version
Configuration the company siemens - adopted
Configuration the company siemens - adapted, complete set
[vanie] by the new modules
Staffing by the new modules
Spare part: clamp (retaining wood screws) is taken, number
order 483355
Addition new module B3Q685, the insignificant changes
Are added new modules E3M140, Z1I100/110, M3P030, [neznachi]the body changes
Replacement the document quicksilver x1099, the insignificant
changes is substituted on K1H022 (application cerloop)
B3Q670 and Z3S080 are removed, M3C100 is added,
Chapter 2.4: are adapted the Eprom- elements EP7F/ EP7F-Z1
The current version technical documentation can be inquired before the company
Unit control (Control unit)
Storage batteries (Batteries)
Storage battery 12[V], 27[A]- ch the number the order
Storage battery
Gas-impermeable lead battery 12 v.
Capacity in accordance with the required switch time emergency electric power supply.
Î Order 2 storage batteries (voltage supply 24[V]).
Sizes 166 x 175 x 125 mm
Weight 8.460 kg
Storage battery 12 [v], 42[A]- ch
Number the order
Storage battery
Gas-impermeable lead battery 12 v.
Capacity in accordance with the required switch time emergency electric power supply.
Î Order 2 storage batteries (voltage supply 24[V]).
Sizes 197 x 165 x 170 mm
Weight 14.550 kg
Storage battery 12[V], 15[A]- ch
Number the order
Storage battery
Gas-impermeable lead battery 12 v.
Capacity in accordance with the required switch time emergency electric power supply.
Î Order 2 storage batteries (voltage supply 24[V]).
Sizes 181 x 76 x 167 mm
Weight 5.680 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Unit control (Control unit)
Storage battery 12[V], 12[A]- ch
Number the order
Storage battery
Gas-impermeable lead battery 12 v.
Capacity in accordance with the required switch time emergency electric power supply.
Î Order 2 storage batteries (voltage supply 24[V]).
Sizes 98 x 152 x 95 mm
Weight 4.100 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Converter (Converter)
B1F120 the converter 115/230 [v] changes. current - >
24 [v] constant. current, 3a
Number order 4952330001
Assembly is the converter
Is converted 115/230[V] [peremen].[toka] line voltage beside 24 [v] [postoyan].[toka] the supply voltage.
Continuous load to 3a (24 c).
It is allowed by 4 A on max. 1 minute.
Î to use only for the energy input beside the fire-alarm system.
Sizes 140 x 100 x 38 mm
Weight 0.567 kg
B2F020 the converter 115/230 [v] [peremen].[toka] - >
29.6[V] [post].[toka], 6A
Number order 4705880001
Assembly is the converter
Is converted 115/230[V] [peremen].[toka] line voltage beside 29.6 [v] [postoyan].[toka] the supply voltage.
Continuous load to 6 A (24 c).
Î is also necessary module by [upravlenyaiakkumulyatorami] E3C… or master- module E3X….
Sizes 200 x 100 x 40 mm
Weight 0.770 kg
2.3 filters (Filters)
B3P020 the filter the nourishment 250 [v] [peremen].[toka], 6 A for
U-shaped fshoot TS35
Number order A5Q00008751
Assembly is the filter the nourishment
Additional protection from the electromagnetic interferences before the electric power line
Î option, is possible modernization.
For the installation on the U-shaped fshoot TS35
Weight (to the U-shaped fshoot TS35) 0.150 kg
Modem filter
Number the order
Modem filter
Î required use for CERLOOP (V28).
For the installation on the U-shaped fshoot TS35
Sizes 70 x 60 x 20 mm
Weight 0.100 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Unit control (Control unit)
EPROM- complete sets (EPROM
for CC11
for CI11 (B3Q4. /560)
for CT11 (B3Q4. /560)
for CA11 (B3Q4.)
for CK11
for EP7F-Z1
for EP7F-Z1
the EPROM- complete set'
international' the EPROMcompletecomplete
set' china
China tradit.'
the EPROM- complete set' korea standard'
the EPROM- complete set' thailand'
the EPROM- complete set'
international' the EPROMcompletecomplete
set' chinaset'
EPROMChina tradit.'
the EPROM- complete set' korea standard'
the EPROM- complete set' thailand'
EPROM- complete set
(CK1142) EPROM- complete
set (CK1143)
EPROM- complete set for E3X101
EPROM- complete set for E3X101 with
the EPROM- complete set “
international” the EPROMcompletecomplete
set “ china
“China simpl.”
EPROM- complete set “China tradit.”
EPROM- complete set “China tradit.”
the EPROM- complete set “ korea standard”
the EPROM- complete set “ korea standard”
the EPROM- complete set “ thailand”
the EPROM- complete set “ thailand”
2.5 RAM- complete sets memory (RAM sets)
Z3S070 the RAM- complete set memory 512K x 8[bit] the number order 5048230001
Assembly the RAM- complete set
2 RAM for:
Î CC11. /CI11. /CT11. /CK11. /CA11.
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Unit control (Control unit)
Map the expansion memory RAM
Number the order
RAM- map, the
Option for the master- module E3X101.
The map the expansion memory RAM is proposed in addition to BY RAM on E3X101.
Î is required the special EPROM- complete set cCW00xxx for E3X101.
Sizes 85 x 95 mm
Weight 0.153 kg
Spare part
- Stay bolt M2/M2, L=16 mm the number order 5352870001
2.6 module administration besides storage batteries (Battery charging
E3C011 the module administration besides storage batteries the number order 5054790001
Assembly is the module administration
besides the storage
For charging and monitoring backup storage batteries 24 v.
For the additional batteries (more than 38 amp.-hr.) in the instrument board either as the autonomous
module control for the panels CT11, established at the remote points, or before the housings H47/H38
for CI11.
Sizes 100 x 200 mm
Weight 0.250 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
6.3 A
Number order 4333630001
2.7 module RS232 (RS232 module)
Module RS232
Number the order
Module RS232
Converter levels with the electroinsulation and the protection from electromagnetic radiation.
- 2 sequential interfaces RS232, for example, for the printer.
Î in the instrument board: To connect and to fasten, using the Z1I030 complete set
- Use a flat cable “ micro” F20A020 L= 0.165 m before the housing h47 - for CC11
- Use a flat cable “ micro” F20A140 L= 0.650 m before the housing H47/H38 - for CI11
Î IN CT11: Use an assembly accessory Z1B020
- Use a flat cable “ micro” F20A020 L = 0.165 m
Sizes 100 x 160 mm
Weight 0.100 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Unit control (Control unit)
2.8 LON- interface (LON interface)
the LON- interface
Number the order
LON- interface,
the cables the I- tire'
short' (short)
Converter between the I- tire and the LON- tire. Possibility connection to 32 devices LONthe tire
- The controlled two-wire tire without the function train.
- The selective monitoring closing down the mass, detected through E3X…
Sizes 100 x 200 mm
Weight 0.178 mm
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- The flat cable I- tire + the feeding cable
- The coding cross connection 2- is polar the number order 4316080001
Number order 4504140001
Number order 4714510001
2.9 modules administration (Control modules)
Module control “contacts”
Number the order
Module control
the cables the I- tire'
short' (short)
For the devices the control the fire alarm.
- 8 programmed output relays 24 W/60 [v] post. current/1a
- 3 double-throw contacts
- 5 normally open contacts
Sizes 100 x 200 mm
Weight 0.163 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- The flat cable I- tire + the feeding cable
Number order 1456480001
Number order 4714510001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Unit control (Control unit)
Module control “controlled”
Number the order
Module control, the
coupling cables the Itire' short' (short), 6
Module control for the controlled signalling devices.
- 6 controlled control lines 24[V], 2a with the protection from the electro-magnetic. emission and overvoltage.
- Monitoring the short circuit down the mass, detected through E3X…
It is possible to carry out separately the tuning, with which each line must or it must [aktivi]to [rovatsya] before the regime emergency anxiety (“Emergency alarm” mode).
Sizes 100 x 200 mm
Weight 0.360 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- Resistor 4k75,1%, 1/4 W the number order 1371220001
- The flat cable I- tire + the feeding cable
Module control “universal”
Number order 4504140001
Number order 1457290001
Number order 4714510001
Number the order
Module control, the
coupling cables the Itire' short'
Universal module control for the small systems CI11 (instead E3X…).
Controlled output nourishment for the internal equipment.
- 2 contacts for the teletransmission `anxiety and malfunction' (“Alarm and Fault”).
- 2 controlled control lines for the signalling devices.
- 7 programmed outputs and the entrances control.
- The integrated monitoring closing down the mass.
Sizes 100 x 200 mm
Weight 0.203 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- The flat cable I- tire + the feeding cable
- The coding cross connection 2- is polar the number order 4316080001
Number order 4504140001
Number order 1456350001
Number order 1456800001
Number order 3388790001
Number order 4714510001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Unit control (Control unit)
Module control “fire extinguishing”
Number the order
Module I- tire as the module control for one section fire extinguishing.
Built-in function operation due to the conditions anxiety.
- 4 controlled programmed control lines
- 5 controlled lines the alarms
- The selective monitoring closing down the mass, detected through E3X…
Module control,
the cables the I- tire'
10 resistors, 2 Z
the diode
Sizes 100 x 200 mm
Weight 0.348 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- The resistor 4k75, 1%, 1/4[Vt] the number order 1371220001
- The resistor 1k21, 1%, 1/4 W the number order 1392270001
- Z- diode 5.6 before, 1.3 W the number order 1914850001
- The flat cable I- tire + the feeding cable
- The coding cross connection 2- is polar the number order 4316080001
Interface teletransmission “CH”
Number order 4504140001
Number order 4714510001
Number the order
Interface module
Interface for the equipment for teletransmission with several criteria anxiety.
Activation through the closing or break contact.
- 4 channels even 2 loop contacts.
Sizes 100 x 100 mm
Weight 0.070 kg
Channel work due to the conditions the
Number the order
Module work due
to the conditions
2 matrix cables
Optional - alternative to the module the administration ` fire extinguishing' E3G080.
- The automatic activation fire extinguishing with the failure main CPU.
- The emergency anxiety
- Connection for the sake the linear modules E3M060, E3M071/171, E3M111 and E3M080 through the
flat cable
F12A100 or F12A470.
Sizes 100 x 200 mm
Weight 0.270 kg
Spare part
-matrix cable is the number order 5052330001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Unit control (Control unit)
E3H020 sluice C-[shiny] the number order 5466580001
Assembly is sluice,
2 supports even 2
screws, 2 terminal
strips, information
strips 1-10
Connection between the network C-[shiny] and the external RS232- compatible
equipment. It is possible to also use autonomously with its personal source power
- Interfaces with the electrical decoupling.
- The recharged lithium storage battery for RAM- buffering.
- The selective monitoring closing down the mass, detected through E3X…
Î EPROM- complete sets - > look chapter 2.4/RAM- complete sets - > look chapter 2.5
Sizes 233 x 200 mm
Weight 0.424 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
Number order 4671770001
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
Number order 4504140001
- The lithium storage battery 3 [v] 0.038-0.07 amp.-hr. the number order 4597290001
- Supports the number order 4751980001
- Terminal strip 4- is polar the number order 4639770001
- Terminal strip 3- is polar the number order 4954400001
- the Channel- insert 2- polar the number order 3534980001
- Information strips 1-10 numbers order 2379380001
Module control “drivers”
Number the order
Module control,
the cables the I- tire'
For the devices the control the fire alarm.
- 16 programmed driver outputs 24 [v] post. the current/ 40 [m]A
- The selective monitoring closing down the mass, detected through E3X…
Sizes 100 x 200 mm
Weight 0.153 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device without the delay the wear and tear
- Safety device without the delay the wear and tear
1.25 A
- The flat cable I- tire + the feeding cable
Number order 1814530001
Number order 4242460001
Number order 4714510001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Unit control (Control unit)
E3L030 the module the administration “ vdS” the number order 4759940001
Assembly is the module administration, the
coupling cables the Itire' short',
2 supports, 2 screws for
the terminal strips
Module I- tire for the connection the outlying equipment vdS:
Î FBF the control panel fire department (Fire department control panel)
Î HM the main block the fire alarm (Main fire Box's alarm)
Î FSK cabinet with the key fire-alarm system (Fire department the key cabinet)
Î SST standard interface (VdS) for activating the devices the fire extinguishing the systems the sides
them producers (Standard interface (VdS) for 3rd party extinguishing actuating device)
Î TK the control unit besides the door switch (Door switch control unit)
Line communications for the sake ÜE, FSK and SST.
Possibility work due to the emergency conditions.
Sizes 233 x 200 mm
Weight 0.352 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- Supports the number order 4751980001
- The flat cable I- tire + the feeding cable
Number order 4503910001
Number order 4504140001
Number order 4714510001
2.10 linear modules (Line modules)
Linear module “ mS9i”
Number the order
Linear module,
the cables the I- tire'
Linear module for the old address alarms mS9i.
Module I- tire with the linear processor and the independent reserve processor.
- It is developed for the train beside the loop or the train beside the line down 50 alarms.
- Linear entrances are protected based on the overvoltage.
Sizes 100 x 200 mm
Weight 0.285 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- The flat cable I- tire + the feeding cable
Number order 4503880001
Number order 4714510001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Unit control (Control unit)
Linear module “interactive”
Number the order
Linear module, the
coupling cables the Itire' short'
Estimated device for one line alarms with the interactive fire alarms.
- 1 interactive train beside the loop or the train beside the line maximum 128 interactive [izveshcha]by [telyami].
- 1 output nourishment 24 [v] post. the current 500 [m]A for the special equipment D- tire.
Sizes 100 x 200 mm
Weight 0.253 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- The flat cable I- tire + the feeding cable
Number order 4503880001
Number order 4503910001
Number order 4714510001
E3M080 linear module is “collective” number order 4602680001
Assembly is linear module, the coupling cables
the I- tire' short',
8 Transzorb
Estimated device for the lines with the fire alarms, which have collective addresses.
- 8 collective trains beside the line, before each which to 25 alarms.
Sizes 100 x 200 mm
Weight 0.189 kg
Spare parts
- Transzorb- diode P6KE20CA bidirected
20 [v] 5% 600
- The flat cable I- tire + the feeding cable
E3M111 the module “ analogPLUS” the number order 5115310001
Number order 4600510001
Number order 4714510001
Assembly is linear module, the coupling cables
the I- tire' short'
Estimated device for the lines with the address alarms the fire alarm analogPLUS.
- 4 trains beside the loop or train beside the line before each which to 128 alarms.
Sizes 100 x 200 mm
Weight 0.241 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- The flat cable I- tire + the feeding cable
Number order 4503910001
Number order 4714510001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Unit control (Control unit)
E3M120 linear module for the alarms
Number order 5340130001
Assembly is linear module, the coupling cables
the I- tire' short'
Estimated device for the lines with the alarms the fire alarm CBA/TS.
- 4 trains beside the loop, before each to 119 alarms.
Dimensions the main map/daughterly map 100 x 200 mm/ 100 x 160 mm
Weight 0.460 kg
Spare parts
- The flat cable I- tire + feeding cable “short” the number order 4714510001
- The coding cross connection 2- is polar the number order 4316080001
E3M140 the linear module “ FD20” the number order A5Q00005602
Assembly is linear module, the coupling cables
the I- tire' short'
Estimated device for the trains the new fire alarms sintesoTM.
- 2 trains beside the loop or 2 trains beside the line maximum 252 by devices in all.
Spare part
Sizes 100 x 200 mm
Weight 0.160 kg
Flat cable I- tire + feeding cable “short”
Number the order
Linear module is " interactive Ex”
Number the order
Linear module, the
coupling cables the Itire ` short'
Estimated device for one line with the interactive fire alarms Ex.
- 1 interactive train beside the line maximum 32 by alarms.
Sizes 100 x 200 mm
Weight 0.348 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- The flat cable I- tire + the feeding cable
Number order 4503910001
Number order 4714510001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Unit control (Control unit)
MS5- adapter
Number the order
Linear module,
2 resistors, terminal
strip 4- is polar
Connection old MS5- alarms (220 [v] post. current) with CS1140.
Is converted signal before the MS5- line beside the signal traditional alarm (collective 20 c)
- 2 lines with the transformation the bidirectional signal.
- It is used only with the linear module E3M080.
- It requires additional nourishment 24 v.
Sizes 100 x 200 mm
Weight 0.238 kg
Spare parts
Resistor 150 kΩ
- Terminal strip 4- is polar the number order 4639770001
Number order 2205500001
2.11 Master- modules (Master modules)
E3X101 Master- module the number order 5466740001
Assembly Master- module,
2 resistors
It contains main estimated module:
- Main processor with the memory programs and the electronic circuits emergency operation.
- The device the battery charging and monitoring (40 amp.-hr.).
- 8 programmed driver outputs 24 [v] post. the current/ 40 [m]A.
- 2 controlled control lines for the signalling devices 24 [v] post. current/2a.
- Interface C-[shiny] the output nourishment for CT11.
- Interface for the converter RS232- level.
- Interface and the output nourishment 24 [v] post. current/2a for the equipment for teletransmission.
- The integrated monitoring closing down the mass.
Î 4 supports with the screws for the terminal strips, supplied before the complete set cables Z3I350
Î EPROM- complete set - > look chapter 2.4/the RAM- complete set memory - > look chapter 2.5
Î E3[Kh]101 is substituted for the sake modules [E]3[KH]102 and [E]3[KH]103
Sizes 366.8 x 200 mm
Weight 0.710 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
0.63 A
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- The resistor 4k75, 1%, 1/4 W the number order 1371220001
- EPROM 512Kx8[bit] “blank” (27C4001 CMOS) the number order 4763620001
- Lithium storage battery 3 before, 0.038… 0.070 amp.-hr. the number order 4597290001
order 1456190001
order 1456800001
order 4503880001
order 4504140001
order 4333630001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Устройство управления (Control unit)
the Master- module 1[Mb] RAM
the Master- module 2 mb. RAM
Number the order
Number the order
Master- module,
2 resistors
It contains main estimated device:
- Main processor with the memory programs and the electronic circuits emergency operation.
- [Flesh]-ROM 2[Mb]x8[bit].
- SRAM: E3X102 - > it 1[Mb]x8[bit], E3X103 - > 2[Mb]x8[bit]
- The module monitoring and administration besides storage batteries (40 amp.-hr.).
- 8 programmed driver outputs 24 [v] post. the current/ 40 mA.
- 2 controlled control lines for the signalling devices 24 [v] post. current/2a.
- Interface C-[shiny] the output nourishment for CT11.
- Interface for the converter RS232- level.
- Interface and the output nourishment 24 [v] post. current/2a for the equipment for teletransmission.
- Integrated monitoring closing down the mass.
Sizes 366.8 x 200 mm
Weight E3X102/ E3X103 0.930 kg/ 0.950 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- The resistor 4k75, 1%, 1/4 W the number order 1371220001
- Lithium storage battery 3 before, 0.038… 0.070 amp.-hr. the number order 4597290001
order 1456190001
order 1456800001
order 4503880001
order 4504140001
order 4333630001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Unit control (Control unit)
2.12 coupling cables (Connection cables)
Coupling cable
Coupling cable
Number the order
Number the order
Coupling cable, with the
terminal block and the
holder the printedcircuit board
Prepared cable with the holder printed-circuit board and the insertable terminals 1 x 10.
- The joint printed-circuit board, including each connection.
Sizes Z1I020/ Z1I040 9 wires, conditional length 0.5 m/ 9 wires,
the conditional length 0.8 m
Weight Z1I020/ Z1I040 0.103 kg/ 0.120 kg
Spare parts
- The holder map the number order 4636860001
Coupling cable
Coupling cable
Number the order
Number the order
Number the order
Coupling cable,
with the terminal block
by the holder the
printed-circuit board
Prepared cable with the holder printed-circuit board and the insertable terminals 2 x 10.
- The joint printed-circuit board, including each connection.
Sizes Z1I030/ Z1I050 19 wires, conditional length 0.5 m/ 19 wires,
the conditional length 0.8 m
Weight Z1I030/ Z1I050 0.149 kg/ 0.190 kg
Spare parts
- The holder map the number order 4636860001
- Grounding is the number order 4639220001
Coupling cable
Coupling cable
Number the order
Number the order
Coupling cable, with the
terminal block and the
holder the printedcircuit board
Prepared cable with the holder printed-circuit board and the insertable terminals 1 x 5.
- The joint printed-circuit board, including each connection.
Sizes Z1I060/ Z1I070 4 wires, conditional length 0.5 m/ 4 wires,
the conditional length 0.8 m
Weight Z1I060/ Z1I070 0.075 kg/ 0.080 kg
Spare parts
- The holder map the number order 4636860001
- Grounding is the number order 4639220001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Unit control (Control unit)
Coupling cable
Coupling cable
Number the order
Number the order
Coupling cable, with the
terminal block and the
holder the printedcircuit board
Prepared cable with the holder printed-circuit board and the insertable terminals 1 x 10.
- The joint printed-circuit board, including grounding.
Sizes Z1I100/ Z1I110 10 wires, conditional length 0.5 m/ 10 wires,
the conditional length 0.8 m
Weight Z1I100/ Z1I110 0.105 kg/ 0.125 kg
Spare parts
- The holder map the number order 4636860001
- Grounding is the number order 4639220001
2.13 terminal block, the holder map (Terminal block, card holder)
Z1K020 terminal block with the chassis printed-circuit board, without the
Z1K030 terminal block with the chassis printed-circuit board, for
CI11, without the
Z1K050 the holder printed-circuit board for the modem printed-circuit board
Z1K020/030 Z1K050
Number order 4754860001
Number order 4842310001
Number order 4952200001
Assembly is terminal block, screws the holder
printed-circuit board, the
- Terminal block can be used, if is organized distribution with the use [soedi][nitelnoy] panel (without the terminal block Z3I330). This is not recommended.
- A terminal block can be used only for CI11 before the housing h38… (Numeration from bottom to top
- red color.
- The holder printed-circuit board for the modem printed-circuit board. K1D…, or the modules the
Weight Z1K020/Z1K030/ Z1K050 0.058 kg/0.051 kg/ 0.016 kg
Spare part
- The holder map the number order 4636860001
Holder the map
Number the order
Holder the map
For the installation converter B1F120 beside the housing H28G200, if printer is delivered separately.
- Is dismantled chassis map instead tightening screws on the converter B1F120.
Installation - > look document 1393
Weight 0.088 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Unit control (Control unit)
Terminal block with 2 x 20 by terminals 2.5
Number the order
Device the connection outlying devices.
- Device before the assembling based on 2 x20 by terminals (two-level).
Terminal block,
1 information
strip, 4 [informatsi]the [onnye] clips, 2
Î Hull the complete set H47G601/ H47G611 contains 3 terminal blocks - > look chapter 5.7
Weight 0.352 kg
Spare parts
- Information strips 1-40 numbers order 4837530001
- Information clip the number order 4837370001
Z3I420 spare terminal block with 2 x 20 by the terminals
2.5 mm2
Number order 4838180001
Assembly is terminal block,
It is used for guaranteeing the spare terminals.
- 2 x20 terminals (two-level)
Weight 0.400 kg
2.14 relay module (Relay module)
Relay modulus 250 [v] changes. current, 10A
Number the order
Relay module
For the connection the devices the control the fire alarm (for example, fire doors).
- 1 double-throw contact 250 [v] changes. the current/ 10 A
Installation: ≤ 8-> installation down the acting DIN- laths
≥ 8-> installation down the additional supporting lath PN 5644780001 or Z3I580.
the U- lath TS35 l=122 mm
Sizes 70 x 50 x 15 mm
Weight 0.040 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Unit control (Control unit)
2.15 filter drops in the stress (Surge protector set)
Z3I041 the set the filter drops in the stress
230 [v] changes. the current
Z3I121 the set the filter drops in the stress
120 [v] changes. the current
Number order 4962900001
Number order 4963000001
Assembly is the set the filter drops in the stress,
2 safety devices
Additional protection from drops in the stress before the power feeder.
the U- lath TS35 l=122 mm
Weight 0.164 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay wear and tear 4
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
6.3 A
Number order 4333500001
Number order 4333630001
2.16 complete sets cables (Cable sets)
Z3I350 the complete set cables for H47/H67…
Number order 4755380001
Assembly is the complete set the cables
It includes:
- Terminal block “X17” for E3X…
- 4 supports with the screws for the terminal blocks E3X…
- Cables to B2F020 and storage batteries
- Temperature sensor for the storage batteries
- The coupling cables the I- tire “ long” (long)
- 5 catchs for the net cable with 5 screws
- 5 warning signs
Weight 0.217 kg
Spare parts
- The terminal block 4- polar the number order 4639770001
- Supports the number order 4751980001
- Catchs for the net cable the number order 5099830001
Complete set the cables I- tire, “long”
Number the order
Flat cable and
feed line
For connecting the upper and lower modules.
Length = 250 mm
0.028 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Unit control (Control unit)
Z3I390 the complete set cables 'SN the remote over[dachi
Number order 4757290001
Assembly is 2- vein cable with terminal block 6
the 16- vein cable
For the connection the equipment for teletransmission to the master- module E3X… .
Weight 0.030 kg
Complete set cables for H38… /CI11
Number the order
Complete set the cables
It includes:
- The cable the nourishment
- The grounding
- The coupling cable the storage battery
- Temperature sensor
- Terminal block with the holder the map
- The coupling cable I- tire and 5 [V]V/24 beside the cable nourishment for the modules, the length = 400
- 3 warning signs
Weight 0.057 kg
Spare parts
- The terminal block 4- polar the number order 4639770001
- Catchs for the net cable the number order 5099830001
- the Channel- insert 10- polar the number order 2429810001
Complete set cables for CT11 in H28G200
Number the order
Complete set the cables
It includes:
- Terminal block with the cable on the individual order.
- Catchs terminal and cable.
Weight 0.259 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Unit control (Control unit)
Complete set cables for H47… /CI11
Number the order
Complete set the cables
It includes:
- Terminal block for E3C…
- Cables to B2F020 and storage batteries.
- Temperature sensor for the storage batteries.
- Terminal block with the holder map.
- The coupling cables I- tire, 1 x 250 mm and 1 x 650 mm.
- 5 catchs for the net cable with 5 screws.
- 5 warning signs.
Weight 0.085 kg
Spare parts
- The terminal block 4- polar (tire) the number order 4639770001
- The terminal block 4- polar “orange” number order 4639480001
- Catchs for the net cable the number order 5099830001
Z3I520 the complete set cables for the synoptic [pechat]noy pay and K3I050
Number order 4849690001
Assembly 12 pcs the 2- vein cable
12 pcs 2- vein cables with the joint for the synoptic printed-circuit board
Sizes length = 0.5
Weight 0.055 kg
Z3I870 the complete set cables for the additional power source
Number order 4969440001
Assembly is the complete set the cables
It includes:
- Terminal block with the holder map.
- 2- wire cable - dark-blue and red wires - for the supply voltage.
- 2- wire cable for the converter.
- The complete set cables for the storage battery with the temperature sensor.
- 4- pinic cross connection.
- The supply leads I- tire - long and short.
- The terminal block 4- polar.
- Cable for the cascade start.
Weight 0.272 kg
Spare parts
- The terminal block 4- polar the number order 4639770001
- the Channel- insert 4- polar the number order 2429810001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Unit control (Control unit)
2.17 accessories for the teletransmission (Accessories re mote
Z3I1040 the complete set teletransmission “CH” the number order A5Q00004129
Assembly is the complete set [distantsion]noy the transfer
For the connection the equipment for teletransmission AWG, TNA, THE I -AWg, THE I -TNa to the telephone
to installations.
They include:
- 1 ISDN- box
- U- lath TS35, L=133 mm
- 2 ISDN - cable l=1 m
- Cable 4- vein L=1[m]
Weight 0.268 kg
Wall rosette with the adapter “CH”
Number the order
Wall rosette
It is possible to mount down the terminal laths near the net terminals chassis module.
Installation before the housing H38G320.
It is possible to mount down the DIN- prile in the instrument board.
Weight 0.087 kg
Net rosette “CH”
Number the order
Net rosette
It is possible to mount down the terminal laths near the net terminals chassis module.
Installation before the housings H38G320/ h47… /H67… .
Weight 0.166 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
6.3A (GSV)
- Fusible terminal is the number order 5472040001
- Terminal 2.5 mm
Number order 5113790001
- Cross connection is the number order 5253660001
Number order 4333630001
2.18 accessories (Accessories)
Adapter for B3R… /K3R…
Number the order
Adapter, the flat cable
Flat cable adapter - > terminal.
- For the connection data bus as a result the limits housing.
Weight 0.058 kg
Spare part
- The terminal block 6- polar the number order 4992840001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Unit control (Control unit)
Z3I890 catchs for the net cable the number order 5100820001
For the fixation net cable.
Assembly 5 catchs, 5 screws,
5 warning signs
Weight 0.100 kg
2.19 supporting lath (Support rail)
Supporting lath with the clamp
Number the order
Supporting lath, 2 screws
This lath is intended for the maximum 8 relay modules Z3B171.
Sizes the length the lath = 133 mm
Weight 0.120 kg
Spare part
- U- lath TS35, L=133[mm] the number order 5644360001
Supporting lath with the clamp
Number the order
Supporting lath, 4 screws
This lath is intended for the maximum 18 relay modules Z3B171.
Sizes the length the lath = 288 mm
Weight 0.175 kg
Spare part
- U- lath TS35, L=288[mm] the number order 5644230001
2.20 [Skonfigurirovannaya] instrument board (Control unit configured)
CI1142-NL/H38 The [skonfigurirovannaya] instrument board
beside H38
CC1142-NL/H47 The [skonfigurirovannaya] instrument board
beside H47
CC1142-NL/H67 The [skonfigurirovannaya] instrument board
beside H67
Number order 5469880001
Number order 5469910001
Number order 5470000001
Assembly is The [skonfigurirovannaya]
instrument board.
It is [skonfigurirovana] for the version “ dutch” (Netherlands).
Sizes CI1142-NL/H38 520 x 620 x 155 mm
Weight CI1142-NL/H38 18.420 kg
Sizes CC1142-NL/H47 434 x 735 x 300 mm
Weight CC1142-NL/H47 17.950 kg
Sizes CC1142-NL/H67 434 x 1130 x 300 mm
Weight CC1142-NL/H67 18.120 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Equipment control and indication (Control and display equipment)
3 equipment administration and indication (Control and
display equipment)
3.1 control panel and indication (Operating and display terminal)
B3Q321 the control panel fire protection “CH” the number order 5656840001
Assembly the control panel fire protection,
cable, key, protection
ache the element
Standardized unit the control fire protection for Switzerland with KABA8 #100.
- It is connected directly down CT11
- One should mount in immediate proximity from [ST]11.
- It is supplied together with: by flat cable (L= 0.4 m), by the cable nourishment, by key, by
shielding element.
Sizes 125 x 220 x 60 mm
Weight 0.955 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
KABA100 the key KABA 8 #100 the number order 1638370001
- Shielding element is the number order 4762520001
- [Klemmenik] 4- polar (tire) the number order 4639770001
- The terminal block 4- polar “orange” number order 4639480001
- Cover (plastic) the number order 4638090001
B3Q440 working panel “fire extinguishing” the number order 4759520001
Z5B700 the complete set information strips “CH” for
Number order 1456220001
Number order 5104220001
Assembly is control panel, key, plug terminal
blocks, [informa]- the
[tsionnye] strips before
the English
Working panel for the module administration
- 12 indicators, 4 functional keys, soaked KABA 8 #100
- For each section expansion is required one working panel B3Q440.
- Is possible use the maximum 4[kh] panels in the section fire extinguishing.
- Information strips before other languages with the use WORD- templates 006516
Î is arranged at the main entrance beside the accomodation with shielding fire extinguishing system.
Î For other languages use WORD- template 006516
Sizes 125 x 220 x 50 mm
Weight 0.501 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
KABA100 the key KABA 8 #100 the number order 1638370001
- The terminal block 4- polar “orange” number order 4639480001
- The terminal block 6- polar “orange” number order 4639640001
- Cover (plastic) the number order 4638090001
Number order 1456770001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Equipment control and indication (Control and display equipment)
Number the order
Number the order
Number the order
Number the order
Number the order
Control panel
Application as “Control terminal algoPilot” or “Control terminal and main CPU” (CI11).
For control besides entire fire-alarm system.
It is possible also to establish before the instrument board.
- The selected monitoring closing for the mass, the detection through E3X… or E3G070.
- The information, which is concerned the elements indication and control, is contained on the
special change strips.
Î control panel is mounted separately from the instrument board (C-[shina], the maximum 1000[m])
or it is established directly before the housing instrument board.
Î the complete sets information strips Z5B…
Î complete sets EPROM - > look chapter 2.4/RAM- complete sets - > look chapter 2.5
Sizes 360 x 220 x 50 mm
Weight 2.250 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- The terminal block 2- polar the number order 4639350001
- The terminal block 4- polar “orange” number order 4639480001
- The terminal block 4- polar “gray” number order 4836690001
- The terminal block 4- polar “black” number order 4836720001
- The terminal block 5- polar the number order 4639510001
- The terminal block 6- polar the number order 4639640001
- the Channel- insert 10- polar the number order 2429810001
- The coding cross connection 2- is polar the number order 4316080001
- Sonic notification 1.5-24 before, 3000 Hz, 88 DB the number order 5057250001
- Triangular key without the opening the number order 4627610001
- Triangular key c by opening the number order 4627580001
- Cover (plastic is the number order 4627900001
- Soaked KABA type 8 number order 1816570001
KABA100 key KABA 8 (#100) the number order 1638370001
- Soaked Nordic the number order 4956730001
- The key nordic the number order 4843960001
- EPROM 512Kx8[bit] “blank” (27C4001 CMOS) the number order 4763620001
Number order 4503880001
Number order 4671770001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Equipment control and indication (Control and display equipment)
Number the order
Number the order
Number the order
Number the order
Number the order
Control panel
Application as “Control terminal algoPilot” or “Control terminal and main CPU” (CI11).
For control besides entire fire-alarm system.
It is possible also to establish before the instrument board.
- The selected monitoring closing for the mass, the detection through E3X… or E3G070.
- The information, which is concerned the elements indication and control, is contained on the
special change strips.
Î control panel is mounted separately from the instrument board (C-[shina], the maximum 1000[m])
or it is established directly before the housing instrument board.
Î the complete sets information strips Z5B…
Sizes 360 x 220 x 50 mm
Weight 1.710 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- The terminal block 2- polar the number order 4639350001
- The terminal block 3- polar the number order 4954400001
- The terminal block 4- polar “orange” number order 4639480001
- The terminal block 4- polar “gray” number order 4836690001
- The terminal block 4- polar “black” number order 4836720001
- The terminal block 6- polar “black” number order 4639640001
- the Channel- insert 4- polar the number order 5757420001
- The coding cross connection 2- is polar the number order 4316080001
- Piezo-notification 12-24 [v] the number order 5758650001
- Cover (plastic) the number order 4627900001
- Soaked KABA type 8 number order 1816570001
KABA100 key KABA 8 (#100) the number order 1638370001
- Soaked Nordic the number order 4956730001
- The key nordic the number order 4843960001
- Lithium storage battery 3 beside, 70 dip the number order 4597290001
Number order 4503880001
Number order 4671770001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Equipment control and indication (Control and display equipment)
B3Q590 control panel with the text display and the switch nordic
B3Q595 control panel with the text display and the switch KABA
Number order 4961800001
Number order 5341100001
Assembly storeyed [funktsioni]- [rovanie] +
[nezavisi]- the [myy]
Indication and control besides anxieties, the button confirmation and discharges, and also 3
programmed light-emitting diodes, mapping communications based on the instrument board (2 lines).
- Are reflected all alarming communications, which enter based on the connected station.
- The data, which are concerned the elements indication, are contained on the change information strips.
Î the complete sets the information strips z5B7xx
It is possible to place before the housing H23G230.
Î storeyed control panel is established out the instrument board (maximum 1000 m besides the
instrument board).
Sizes 220 x 125 x 76 mm
Weight B3Q590/B3Q595 0.521 kg/ 0.742 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- The terminal block 4- polar the number order 4639480001
- The terminal block 6- polar the number order 4639640001
- Cover (plastic) the number order 4638090001
- Soaked KABA type 8 number order 1816570001
KABA100 key KABA 8 (#100) the number order 1638370001
- Soaked Nordic the number order 4956730001
- The key nordic the number order 4843960001
Number order 1457580001
3.2 display (Display terminal)
B3Q580 text display is the number order 4961770001
Assembly is the storeyed independent panel
Storeyed indicative panel for one region or all regions. Mapping communications based on one
instrument board (2 lines).
- Parametrization for 16 sections in the limits region.
- The data, which are concerned the elements indication, are contained on the change information strips
Î the complete sets the information strips z5B7xx
It is possible to place before the housing H23G230.
Î storeyed control panel is established out the instrument board (maximum 1000 m besides the
instrument board).
Sizes 220 x 125 x 76 mm
Weight 0.495 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- The terminal block 6- polar the number order 4639640001
- Cover (plastic is the number order 4638090001
Number order 1457580001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Equipment control and indication (Control and display equipment)
Z5B710 the complete set the information strips “ nordic”
for B3Q580
Z5B720 the complete set the information strips “ europe”
for B3Q580
Z5B730 the complete set the information strips “ nordic”
for B3Q590/595
Z5B740 the complete set the information strips “ europe”
for B3Q590/595
Z5B750 the complete set information strips “CH” for
Number order 5104480001
Number order 5104510001
Number order 5104640001
Number order 5104770001
Number order 5105740001
Assembly is the complete set [informatsi][onn]yX the strips
Change information strips for B3Q580, B3Q590 and B3Q595.
Weight 0.003 kg
Parallel indicative panel
Number the order
Panel, 4 [informatsi]the [onnye] strips, 2
terminal blocks, the
flat cable
Option to the control panel B3Q… AlgoPilot.
- The individual designation individual pour on display to zones or to sections.
- Possibly the maximum 8 x B3R051 down working AlgoPilot B3Q…
- Directly near AlgoPilot B3Q… or at a distance to 1000 m.
It includes:
4 information strips, 1 terminal block 4- polar, 1 terminal block 6- polar, the flat cable
(Micro, 12- pinic with the length = 0.4 m)
Sizes 220 x 125 x 60 mm
Weight 0.448 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- The terminal block 4- polar the number order 4639480001
- The terminal block 6- polar the number order 4639640001
- The flat cable “ micro” l=0.4 m the number order 4952750001
- Cover (plastic is the number order 4638090001
Number order 1456060001
3.3 accessories for the panels algoPilot B3Q… (Accessories for
AlgoPilot B3Q…)
Cable for lithium storage battery 9 [v]
Number the order
Coupling cable for the lithium storage batteries 9 [v] (3rd voltage source for AFNOR).
- For AlgoPilot B3Q4. /560
Weight 0.026 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Equipment control and indication (Control and display equipment)
Support for lithium storage battery 9 [v]
Number the order
Support with the coupling cable for the lithium storage battery 9 [v] (3rd voltage source for AFNOR).
- For AlgoPilot B3Q6. /565
Weight 0.021 kg
Lithium storage battery 9[V]
Number the order
Storage battery
the 3rd voltage source for AFNOR.
For the signaling “ trouble” (turning f) with the failure supply lead 24 v.
Sizes 25 x 48 x 16 mm
Weight 0.038 kg
H26T020 plastic door to the panels B3Q4. /560 numbers order 4749530001
Assembly is plastic door,
the accessories
Control panels CT11 (B3Q4. /560) it is possible to supply for the sake the locked plastic door.
Weight 0.228 kg
Spare parts
- Triangular key with the opening the number order 4627580001
- Cap is the number order 4754730001
H26T030 plastic door to the panels B3Q6. /565 number order 5705300001
Assembly is plastic door,
the accessories
Control panels CT11 (B3Q6. /565) it is possible to supply for the sake the locked plastic door.
Weight 0.350 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Equipment control and indication (Control and display equipment)
Key blocking for AlgoPilot B3Q4. /560
Number the order
Key blocking,
the accessories
- For organizing the access to the menu instead the use passwords.
- For the cutf plastic door H26T020
- [K][lyuch] KABA 8 #100.
Weight 0.111 kg
Spare parts
- Soaked KABA type 8 number order 1816570001
KABA100 key KABA 8 (#100) the number order 1638370001
- Triangular key with the opening the number order 4627580001
- The switching lever number order 4627740001
Accessory the key blocking for H47/H67
Number the order
Key blocking,
the accessories
It is possible to mount instead the door lock DOM 225-08-01 before the housing H47/H67.
- The cylinder door lock on the individual order.
Weight 0.040 kg
Key blocking for B3Q590
Number the order
Key the blocking
Optional for the control panel with the text display B3Q590
- For organizing the access to the menu.
- [K][lyuch] KABA 8 #100.
Weight 0.103 kg
Spare parts
- Soaked KABA type 8 number order 1816570001
KABA100 lock KABA 8 (#100) the number order 1638370001
- The switching lever number order 5113370001
Key blocking for AlgoPilot B3Q6. /565
Number the order
Key the blocking
- For organizing the access to the menu instead the use passwords.
- For the cutf plastic door H26T030.
- The key KABA 8 #100.
Weight 0.110 kg
Spare parts
- Soaked KABA type 8 number order 1816570001
KABA100 lock KABA 8 (#100) the number order 1638370001
- The switching lever number order 5703650001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Equipment control and indication (Control and display equipment)
Assembly accessory for E3I020
Number the order
Support, 12- contact
joint, the erection
For installation and protection RS232- module E3I020 in CT11. (B3Q…)
Weight 0.117 kg
Spare part
- The terminal block 12- polar the number order 4752370001
Z1B060 assembly accessory for K3I090 the number order 5259830001
Assembly is support, 2 joints,
4 screws
For installation and protection module K3I090 in CT11.
Weight 0.127 kg
Spare the part
- The terminal block 3- polar the number order 3777330001
- The terminal block 10- polar the number order 3777590001
Assembly accessory for E3I040
Number the order
Holder map, the
coupling cables
the I- tire
For installation and protection LON- interface module E3I040 before the housing H28G200.
Weight 0.170 kg
Spare parts
- The holder map the number order 4636860001
- The terminal block 20- polar the number order 4836980001
- The joint grounding the number order 4639220001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Equipment control and indication (Control and display equipment)
Z5B400 the unfilled information strips,
Number order 4757100001
without the
Number order 4755960001
Z5B410 the complete set the information strips “ portu- guese”
Z5B420 the complete set the information strips “ flemish” the number order 4756060001
Z5B430 the complete set the information strips “ dutch” the number order 4756190001
Z5B440 the complete set the information strips “ polish” the number order 4756220001
Z5B450 the complete set the information strips “ czech” the number order 4756350001
Z5B460 the complete set the information strips “ hungarian” the number order 4756510001
Z5B470 the complete set the information strips “ slovenian” the number order 4756640001
Z5B480 the complete set the information strips “ serbian” the number order 4756770001
Z5B490 the complete set the information strips “ croatian” the number order 4756800001
Z5B500 the complete set the information strips “ turkish” the number order 4756930001
Z5B510 the complete set the information strips' icelandic' the number order 4757030001
Z5B520 the complete set information strips' German
Number order 4765240001
Z5B530 the complete set the information strips' german' the number order 4765370001
Z5B540 the complete set information strips' Italian CH' the number order 4765400001
Z5B550 the complete set the information strips' italian' the number order 4765530001
Z5B560 the complete set information strips' French CH the number order 4765660001
Z5B570 the complete set information strips' French B' the number order 4765790001
Z5B580 the complete set information strips' French F' the number order 4765820001
Z5B590 the complete set the information strips' danish' the number order 4765950001
Z5B600 the complete set information strips' Finnish' the number order 4832030001
Z5B610 the complete set the information strips' norwe- gian'
Number order 4832160001
Z5B620 the complete set the information strips' swedish' the number order 4832290001
Z5B630 the complete set the information strips' english' the number order 4832320001
Z5B640 the complete set information strips' English
Number order 4832450001
Z5B650 the complete set the information strips' slovakian' the number order 4837950001
Z5B660 the complete set the information strips' spanish' the number order 4755830001
Z5B680 the complete set the information strips' hebrew' the number order 4849560001
Assembly is the complete set [informatsi]the [onnykh] strips
Change information strips for the elements indication and control.
Change information strips for AlgoPilot B3Q4…
Z5B590/600/610/620 with the additional designations for “Scroll key” (button warming up) on
Weight 0.006 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Equipment control and indication (Control and display equipment)
Z5B415 the complete set the information strips' portu- guese'
Number order 5706530001
Z5B435 the complete set the information strips' dutch' the number order 5706660001
Z5B505 the complete set the information strips' turkish' the number order 5706790001
Z5B525 the complete set information strips' German
Number order 5706820001
Z5B535 the complete set the information strips' german' the number order 5706950001
Z5B545 the complete set information strips' Italian CH' the number order A5Q00004396
Z5B555 the complete set the information strips' italian' the number order 5707050001
Z5B565 the complete set information strips' French
Number order 5707180001
Z5B585 the complete set information strips' French F' the number order 5707210001
Z5B595 the complete set the information strips' danish' the number order 5707340001
Z5B605 the complete set the information strips' finnish' the number order 5707470001
Z5B615 the complete set the information strips' norwe- gian'
Number order 5707500001
Z5B625 the complete set the information strips' swedish' the number order 5707630001
Z5B635 the complete set the information strips' english' the number order 5707760001
Z5B645 the complete set information strips' English
Number order 5707890001
Z5B665 the complete set the information strips' spanish' the number order 5707920001
Z5B685 the complete set the information strips' hebrew' the number order 5706400001
Assembly is the complete set [informatsi]the [onnykh] strips
Change information strips for the elements indication and control.
Change information strips for AlgoPilot B3Q6…
Weight 0.008 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Printer (Printer)
4 printer (Printer)
Printer, 24 [v] post. the current
Number the order
Is established before the housing H28G200 with the cover H28T020 or before cabinet 19 " G2F031.
- With the device the method paper.
- Is working stress 24 [v] post. the current
Weight 2.646 kg
Spare part
- The spare cylinders paper, 4 pieces the number order 3799770001
Loop 19 "/6 HU
Number the order
Loop, 4 screws
For the installation front panel 19 " so that it could revolve.
- Printer B2Q191 in the front panel G2F031.
Sizes 19 "/6 HU
Weight 0.449 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Housings, mechanical parts (Housings, mechanical parts)
5 housings, mechanical parts (Housings, mechanical parts)
5.1 accessories 19'' (Accessories 19 ")
Adjusting pay to 19 " /6 HU
Number the order
Adjusting pay
Metallic panel for the installation CT11 (AlgoPilot B3Q…) before housing 19 ", control panel and the like
Sizes 19 "/6 HU
Color RAL 7039 quartz are gray
Weight 0.460 kg
Adjusting pay to 19 " /6 HU
Number the order
Adjusting pay
Metallic panel for the installation the instrument board the fire alarm “CH” B3Q321, parallel indicator
B3R051, operation unit “ the fire extinguishing” B3Q440 and the like beside housing 19”, control panel
and the like
Sizes 19 "/6 HU
Color RAL 7039 quartz are gray
Weight 0.860 kg
Front panel 19 "/6 HU
Number the order
Front panel
Metallic panel for the installation printer B2Q191 beside housing 19 ".
One should mount in such a way that it would be possible to turn with Z2G030 before housing 19 "
or with H28V010 in the extension cabinet H98G600.
Sizes 19 "/6 HU
Color RAL 7039 quartz are gray
Weight 0.581 kg
Adapter for 19 " /6 HU
Number the order
For fastening the forward section the extension cabinet H98G600 in accordance with the adjusting
noy cabinet 19 ".
Weight 0.353 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Housings, mechanical parts (Housings, mechanical parts)
Loop for the installation beside 19 " /6
Number the order
For the installation panels 19 " beside the separate cabinet H98G600, so as to them was [povora]to [chivat].
Weight 0.437 kg
Adapter complete set 19 " for H47E…
Number the order
4 brackets
For the installation chassis H47E… down front panel 19 ".
Weight 1.235 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Housings, mechanical parts (Housings, mechanical parts)
5.2 the separate cabinet H98G600 accessories (Free- standing
cabinet H98G600 and accessories)
Housing 42 HU with the base
Number the order
The separate cabinet with an assembly height 42 HU. Chassis H47E100/ H47E110 is fastened
down the elevation priles the separate cabinet with the use assembly accessories Z3G170.
Sizes 600 x 2012 x 400 mm
Weight 52.000 kg
Door 42 HU, hung up to the right, without the
Door 42 HU, hung up to the left, without the
Number the order
Number the order
- Door without the window. It is opened to the right. Lock KABA 8, interlock circuit 16107/100.
- Door without the window. It is opened to the left. Lock KABA 8, interlock circuit 16107/100.
Weight 17.100 kg
Pair the lateral panels
Number the order
Pair the lateral panels
Pair lateral panels. 1 pair lateral panels is necessary for each separate cabinet or group cabinets
for the lateral protection to the left and to the right.
Weight 7.900 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Housings, mechanical parts (Housings, mechanical parts)
Department for H98T.
Number the order
Section before the door H98T000 or H98T020 the separate cabinet H98G600.
Weight 0.749 kg
G1E010 universal bracket 3 HU the number order 3842760001
Assembly universal the crowns
the matte
For the installation additional modules beside the separate cabinet H98G600.
It is possible to place, for example, 4 x 8 relays Z3B171 or 2 shelves for the storage batteries YAH00
and so on
Sizes 3 HU
Weight 0.616 kg
Shelf for the storage batteries
Number the order
For the installation additional storage batteries beside the housing H98G600.
For 1 storage batteries AX1201. It is mounted down the universal bracket G1E010
Weight 0.942 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Housings, mechanical parts (Housings, mechanical parts)
5.3 plastic housing (Plastic housing)
Plastic housing
Number the order
For the installation operating equipment.
- For the control panel the fire alarm B3Q321, the control panel “fire extinguishing” B3Q440 and so
Sizes 125 x 219 x 76 mm the color pantone 421 gray class protection
IP 40
Weight 0.197 kg
Embedded box for H23G230
Number the order
Embedded box
For the flush mounting housing H23G230.
For the flush mounting the control panel “fire extinguishing” B3Q440 or parallel [indi][katornoy] panel B3R051 and so on.
Sizes 158 x 245 x 77 mm
Material is the tree
Weight 0.462 kg
Embedded box for H23G230
Number the order
Embedded box
For the flush mounting one housing H23G230.
For the flush mounting panel with the text display B3Q580 or the control panel with the text
by [vym] display B3Q590/595.
Sizes 245 x 158 x 77 mm
Material is the tree
Weight 0.462 kg
Embedded framework
Number the order
Embedded framework
The metallic framework, which shuts clearance between the embedded housing H23G230 and the wall.
Sizes 259 x 162 x 1.5 mm
Color RAL is 7035 is light grey
Weight 0.204 kg
H26G220 plastic housing is the number order 4628000001
Assembly is the housing
For the installation operating equipment.
- For the control panel CT11. (AlgoPilot B3Q…)
Sizes 366 x 219 x 76 mm the color pantone 421 gray class protection
IP 40
Weight 0.435 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Housings, mechanical parts (Housings, mechanical parts)
5.4 metal housing and accessories (Metal housing
H28G200 and accessories)
Base the housing
Number the order
Base the housing
Metal housing for the installation operating equipment or printer and others
Sizes 520 x 300 x 70 mm
Color RAL is 7035 is light grey
Class protection IP 30
Weight 2.583 kg
Cover for H28G200
Number the order
Number the order
Metallic cover for the installation printer B2Q191.
- Door lock DOM 225-08-02
Color RAL 7039 quartz are gray
Weight 1.612 kg
Spare part
- Key DOM the number order 5646690001
Cover for H28G200
Metallic cover for the installation operating equipment.
- Door lock DOM 225-08-02
Color RAL 7039 quartz are gray
Weight 1.141 kg
Spare part
- Key DOM the number order 5646690001
Cover for H28G200
Number the order
Metallic cover for installation 4 x B3R051 and others
- Door lock DOM 225-08-02
Color RAL 7039 quartz are gray
Weight 1.300 kg
Spare part
- Key DOM the number order 5646690001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Housings, mechanical parts (Housings, mechanical parts)
H28T130 cover and department for the documents the form
Number order 4759100001
Assembly is cover, the accessories
Metallic cover with the carved panel, for example, for the installation the parallel [indika]trodden device.
- Door soaked KABA 8 #100
It is supplied together with the special department for the documents for the installation beside the base
the crusts
[pusa] H28G200.
- Sealing carved panel with H23B020.
Color RAL 7039 quartz are gray
Weight 2.539 kg
Spare parts
- Soaked KABA type 8 number order 1816570001
KABA100 key KABA 8 (#100 the number order 1638370001
H28T150 cover for H28G200 the number order 4843670001
Assembly is the cover
Metallic cover without the cuts.
- Door soaked KABA 8 #100
Color RAL 7039 quartz are gray
Weight 2.340 kg
Spare parts
- Soaked KABA type 8 number order 1816570001
KABA100 key KABA 8 (#100) the number order 1638370001
Embedded framework for H28G200
Number the order
Embedded framework
The metallic framework, which shuts clearance between the embedded housing H28G200 and the wall.
Color RAL is 7035 is light grey
Sizes 560 x 340 x 100 mm
Weight 2.030 kg
Embedded box for H28G200
Number the order
Embedded box
For the flush mounting one housing H28G200.
Sizes 560 x 340 x 100 mm
Weight 1.831 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Housings, mechanical parts (Housings, mechanical parts)
H28Z020 the adapter the embedded framework the number order 4136000001
Assembly is the adapter the embedded
Accessory for the flush mounting two housings H28G200 - one above another.
Color RAL is 7035 is light grey
Weight 0.906 kg
Embedded box for 2 H28G200
Number the order
Embedded box
For the flush mounting two housings H28G200 - one above another.
Sizes 560 x 640 x 100 mm
Weight 4.664 kg
Cover plate
Cover plate
Number the order
Number the order
Cover plate
The metallic plate, which tightly shuts the flush mounting the control panel fire department.
- H28…. = H23B020
- H38… = H23B010
- H47… = H23B010
- H67… = H23B010
Sizes 122 x 218 x 1.5 mm
The color H23B010/H23B020 RAL 7035 light grey/RAL 7039 quartz are gray
Weight H23B010/ H23B020 0.331 kg/ 0.336 kg
H23B040 information panel is the number order 4845900001
Assembly is information panel the collection the
languages: “Ger- man”
and “ english”
Brief operating instructions instead the cover plate.
- For other languages use WORD- template 006516
Weight 0.245 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Housings, mechanical parts (Housings, mechanical parts)
5.5 metal housing [n]37… and accessories (Metal housing
H37… and accessories)
H37G410 housing for AlgoPilot B3Q… (CT11) the number order 5339590001
Assembly is the housing
For the control panel B3Q.
Sizes 510 x 540 x 200 mm color
class protection IP 30
Weight 18.550 kg
RAL7035 the light grey
Spare part
- Key “Nordic” the number order 4843960001
H37G420 housing for AlgoPilot B3Q… (CT11) the number order 5341070001
Assembly is the housing
For the control panel B3Q.
Sizes 510 x 540 x 214 mm color
class protection IP 30
Weight 18.100 kg
RAL7035 the light grey
Spare part
- Key “Nordic” the number order 4843960001
H37G430 housing for the special uses the number order 5339620001
Assembly is the housing
For the special uses.
Sizes 510 x 540 x 210 mm color
class protection IP 30
Weight 14.700 kg
RAL7035 the light grey
Spare part
- Key “Nordic” the number order 4843960001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Housings, mechanical parts (Housings, mechanical parts)
H37T000 internal door for the housing H37G430 the number order 5334670001
Assembly is the door
For the special uses.
Color RAL7035 is light grey
Weight 3.522 kg
Internal door for the housing H37G420
Number the order
Inscription on the front glass is made before the Swedish language (other languages they are not provided).
Color RAL7035 is light grey
Weight 5.320 kg
Separator for the housing h37…
Number the order
Separator is used when 2 and more than housings they are mounted by a number with each other.
Color RAL7035 is light grey
Weight 0.627 kg
5.6 metal housing [n]38… and accessories (Metal housing
H38… and accessories)
H38G210 hull complete set (flat), door without the cuts
Number order 4849010001
Assembly is housing, the chassis
- With the chassis
- Without the cuts
Sizes 520 x 602 x 100 mm color
class protection IP 40
Weight 11.100 kg
RAL7035 the light grey
Spare parts
- Open-end wrench is the number order 3841790001
- Regiment for the storage batteries the number order 4835200001
- Chassis are the number order 4835040001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Housings, mechanical parts (Housings, mechanical parts)
H38G220 hull complete set (flat), door c you
by the
Number order 4849140001
Assembly is housing, the chassis
- Without the
- With the cut for the control panel
Sizes 520 x 602 x 100 mm color
class protection IP 40
Weight 10.000 kg
RAL7035 the light grey
Spare parts
- Open-end wrench is the number order 3841790001
- Regiment for the storage batteries the number order 4835200001
- Chassis are the number order 4764980001
H38G230 hull complete set (flat), with the department for the documents size
Number order 4849270001
Assembly is the housing
- Cylindrical soaked “Nordic”
Sizes 520 x 602 x 100 mm color
class protection IP 40
Weight 10.600 kg
RAL7035 the light grey
Spare parts
- Soaked Nordic the number order 4956020001
- The key nordic the number order 4843960001
- Holder for the documents the number order 4847360001
H38G310 hull complete set (deep), door without the cuts
Number order 4849300001
Assembly is housing, the chassis
- With the
- Without the
Sizes 520 x 602 x 155 mm color
class protection IP 40
Weight 12.750 kg
RAL7035 the light grey
Spare parts
- Open-end wrench is the number order 3841790001
- Regiment for the storage batteries the number order 4835170001
- Chassis are the number order 4834940001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Housings, mechanical parts (Housings, mechanical parts)
H38G320 hull complete set (deep), door you
by the
Number order 4849430001
Assembly is housing, the chassis
- With the chassis
- With the cut for the control panel
Sizes 520 x 602 x 155 mm color
class protection IP 40
Weight 11.925 kg
RAL7035 the light grey
Spare parts
- Open-end wrench is the number order 3841790001
- Regiment for the storage batteries the number order 4835170001
- Chassis are the number order 4763880001
5.7 metal housing [n]47… and accessories (Metal housing
H47… and accessories)
H47G601 hull complete set without the cut the number order 4953720001
Assembly hull the complete set
It enters into delivery:
- Housing with the door without the cut H47T101
- Chassis H47E100
- The cable channels
- 3 terminal blocks Z3I330
- Supporting lath for the relay
- The net terminals
- Assembly pay for the storage battery
Sizes 434 x 735 x 300 mm color RAL7035 the light grey class protection IP
Weight 19.500 kg
H47G611 housing with the cuts the number order 4953850001
Assembly hull the complete set
It enters into delivery:
- Housing with the door, which has cuts, H47T111
- Chassis H47E100
- The cable channels
- 3 terminal blocks Z3I330
- Supporting lath for the relay
- The net terminals
- Assembly pay for the storage battery
Sizes 434 x 735 x 300 mm color RAL7035 the light grey class protection IP
Weight 18.000 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Housings, mechanical parts (Housings, mechanical parts)
H47E100 chassis “ complete” the number order 4748850001
Assembly is the complete chassis
For constructing the instrument board.
It enters into delivery:
- Assembly pay for the storage battery
- The cable channels
- Net terminals with the cable for the converter
Sizes 430 x 690 x 240 mm
Weight 6.170 kg
Chassis “ not equipped”
Number the order
the chassis
It serves after support for the additional storage batteries.
It is supplied without the assembly pay for the storage battery, the cable channels and the net terminals.
Sizes 430 x 690 x 30 mm
Weight 5.055 kg
Assembly pay for the storage battery
Number the order
Assembly pay
Maximum 3 assembly pays for the storage batteries can be established beyond the chassis H47E110, [k]
H67E111 - maximum 5.
- With each H47E100/H67E101[postavlyaetsya] one assembly pay for the storage battery.
Sizes: the effective area storage for two
Weight 1.175 kg
H47T101 hull frame with the door without the cuts the number order 4953560001
330 x 205 mm
Assembly is hull frame, the door
For the installation chassis H47E…
- Door without the cuts
- Door lock DOM 225 -08-01
Sizes 434 x 735 x 300 mm
Color RAL is 7035 is light grey
Class protection IP 30
Weight 12.500 kg
Spare part
- Key DOM the number order 5646690001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Housings, mechanical parts (Housings, mechanical parts)
H47T111 hull frame with the door with the cuts the number order 4953690001
Assembly is hull frame, the door
For the installation chassis H47E...
- Door with the cuts
- Door lock DOM 225 -08-01
Sizes 434 x 735 x 300 mm
Color RAL is 7035 is light grey
Class protection IP 30
Weight 11.150 ru
Spare part
- Key DOM the number order 5646690001
Z3G170 assembly accessories for H47E… in H98G600 the number order 4762230001
Assembly assembly [aksessua][ry]
For the installation laths on the rear panel extension cabinet H98G600.
Assembly accessories: 4 pieces.
Weight 0.039 kg
Sea collection for H47...
Number the order
For the shock-steady installation instrument board CS1140 beside the cabinet h47.
Î on questions installation - > look document 1732.
Weight 8.895 kg
Z3G240 assembly complete set for increased [vib]the portable
radios h47...
Number order 5329500001
Assembly is the assembly complete set
For the shakepro installation instrument board beside the cabinet h47.
Î on questions installation - > look document 1760.
Weight 0.200 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Housings, mechanical parts (Housings, mechanical parts)
5.8 metal housing [n]67… and accessories (Metal housing
H67… and accessories)
H67G601 hull complete set with the cuts the number order 4955500001
H67G620 hull complete set without the cuts (sea) number order 5778630001
Assembly hull the complete set
It enters into delivery:
- Housing with the door without the cuts H67T101
- Chassis H67E101
- The cable channels
- The net terminals
- Assembly pay for the storage battery
Sizes 434 x 1130 x 300 mm color RAL 7035 light grey class the protection
H67G601/H67G620 IP 30/IP 22
Weight H67G601/ H67G620 27.070 kg/ 29.000 kg
H67G611 hull complete set with the cuts the number order 4956600001
Assembly hull the complete set
It enters into delivery:
- Housing with the door, which has cuts, H67T111
- Chassis H67E101
- The cable channels
- The net terminals
- Assembly pay for the storage battery
Sizes 434 x 1130 x 300 mm color RAL 7035 light grey class protection IP 30
Weight 25.550 kg
Chassis “ complete”
Number the order
For constructing the instrument board.
It enters into delivery:
- Regiment for the storage battery
- The cable channels
- Net terminals with the cable for the converter
Sizes 434 x 1120 x 240 mm
Weight 9.200 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Housings, mechanical parts (Housings, mechanical parts)
H67T101 hull frame with the door without the cuts the number order 4956150001
Assembly is hull frame, the door
For the installation chassis H67E101.
- Door without the cuts.
- Door lock DOM 225 -08-01
Sizes 434 x 1130 x 300 mm color RAL 7035 light grey class protection IP 30
Weight 17.000 kg
Spare part
- Key DOM the number order 5646690001
H67T111 hull frame with the door with the cuts the number order 4956280001
Assembly is hull frame, the door
For the installation chassis H67E101.
- Door with the cuts.
- Door lock DOM 225 -08-01
Sizes 434 x 1130 x 300 mm color RAL 7035 light grey class protection IP 30
Weight 16.250 kg
Spare part
- Key DOM the number order 5646690001
H67Z020 shielding cover for H67E101 the number order 4969020001
Assembly is cover, the accessories
For the installation chassis H67E101 beside the groups strange producers in accordance with [instruk]by [tsiyami] CE.
It enters into delivery:
- The cover
- The protective shield
- The cable the grounding
- Cable the nourishment
Weight 5.450 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Housings, mechanical parts (Housings, mechanical parts)
Sea collection for H67…
Number the order
For the shock-steady installation instrument board CS1140 beside the cabinet h67.
Î on questions installation - > look document 004725.
Weight 12.000 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Different (Various)
6 different (Various)
6.1 RS232 ITF- modem (RS232 ITF Box)
B3D021 two-interface RS232 ITF- modem the number order 5052590001
Assembly RS232- modem with Cable
Interface between the instrument board or working panel and service PK.
Sizes 120 x 65 x 40 mm
Weight 0.183 kg
Spare part
- The flat cable l=0.2 m the number order 5053300001
6.2 flat cable (Flat cable)
F12A100 flat cable 12- is vein, 0.4 m “micro” the number order 4952750001
F12A470 flat cable 12- is vein, 1.5 m “micro” the number order 4952880001
F14A230 flat cable 14- is vein, 0.25 m the number order 4029670001
F14A320 flat cable 14- is vein, 0.5 m the number order 3196520001
F14E320 Y-shaped flat cable 14- is vein, 0.5 m Number order 4514390001
F20A020 flat cable 20- is vein, 0.165 m “micro” the number order 4763170001
F20A140 flat cable 20- is vein, 0.650 m “micro” the number order 4968630001
F20A410 flat cable 20- is vein, 1 m “micro” the number order 4953270001
Assembly is the flat cable
Flat cable for the connection:
- Modem printed-circuit board - > the printer
- Modem printed-circuit board - > coupler
- Coupler - > sluice C-[shiny]
- RS232- device - > the printer
- Master- module - > the printer
- Master- module - > the RS232- device
- AlgoPilot - > the parallel annunciator
- AlgoPilot - > the synoptic printed-circuit board
- So further
Weight 0.008 kg… 0.024 kg
6.3 SW-Dongle for the technical specialist (SW-Dongle for
Service technician)
M3C100 the SW- key USB M3C100 the number order A5Q00010410
Weight 0.010 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Different (Various)
6.4 modem, communication line printed-circuit board (Modem,
com- munication p.c.b)
Modem printed-circuit board v28
Dual modem printed-circuit board v28
Dual modem printed-circuit board FSK/PSK
Modem printed-circuit board FSK/PSK
Number the order
Number the order
Number the order
Number the order
Modem map
The interface between the printer and the RS232- device in the instrument board, and also between
by [zom] and LMS/DMS.
Maximum length modem line between printer and instrument board (or panel): 100 m.
Dual modem printed-circuit board v28, maximum the long line… 1 km.
Dual modem printed-circuit board FSK/PSK, maximum the long line… 10 km.
Modem printed-circuit board FSK/PSK, maximum the long line… 10 km.
Î It is mounted with the use a holder map Z1K050.
Sizes 100 x 160 mm
Weight K1D012/K1D081/ K1D121/ K1D140 0.160 kg/ 0.160 kg/0.173 kg/ 0.142 kg
K1H021 (not for the new are
other [stallyatsii], replacement
on K1H022 (Cerloop "
Communication line module is the number order 4522340001
Assembly is the communication line pay
Interface between the sluice and the modem printed-circuit board for CERLOOP v28 or FSK.
Î is mounted with the use a holder map Z1K050.
Sizes 100 x 160 mm
Weight 0.192 kg
K1H022 communication line module (application
Number order A5Q00014427
Assembly is the communication line pay
Interface between the sluice and the modem printed-circuit board for CERLOOP v28 or FSK.
Î is mounted with the use a holder map Z1K050.
Sizes 100 x 160 mm
Weight 0.100 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Different (Various)
6.5 LON- modules (LON modules)
LON/[Sinopticheskaya] printed-circuit
Number the order
The synoptic chart
Interface between the LON- tire and the synoptic printed-circuit board K3R… or to the parallel [indi]by [katorom] B3R051.
- It is possible to connect to 8 devices through the flat cable F12A100 or F12A470 or the adapter
Î use a complete set cables Z3I520 for the outputs “ buzzer” and “LED power on” and the entrances “
switch f buzzer” and “Lamp test”.
Sizes 105 x 200 x 45 mm
Weight 0.237 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
1.0 A
- The terminal block 6- polar the number order 4639640001
- Support for the printed-circuit board the number order 4967950001
Number order 1457580001
K3I110 LON I pay the number order 5288120001
Assembly LON I pay,
the accessories
Device LON- tire with 16 programmed entrances -/[vykhodami] before each.
- It is connected for the sake the instrument board/besides control panel through the LON- interface E3I040.
- It is equipped for the sake assembly pay for the installation beside the plastic housing H23G230.
It enters into delivery:
- The assembly pay
- 16 resistors: 4k 75,1%, 1/4 W and 1k 87,1%, 1/4 W
Sizes 122 x 220 x ca 50 mm
Weight 0.237 kg
Spare parts
- The resistance 4k75 the number order 1371220001
- The resistance 1k87 the number order 3289440001
- The coding cross connection 2- is polar the number order 4316080001
- The terminal block the 4- polar “ orange” the number order 4639480001
- The terminal block 6- polar the number order 4639640001
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
1.0 A
- Support for the printed-circuit board the number order 6293710001
Number order 1457580001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Different (Various)
6.6 synoptic printed map and accessories (Synoptic p.c.b and
K3R072 synoptic printed-circuit board for AlgoPilot
Number order 5286050001
Assembly is the synoptic chart
Option for the control panel B3Q… (AlgoPilot CT11)
- 2x24 output for light-emitting diode activation display or uncontrollable contacts relay (K3G060).
- 2 outputs for local “Buzzer” and LED “ operation”.
- 2 entrances for “Buzzer f” and “Lamp test”.
- The connection through the special series tire.
Î [Ispol][zuyte] cable F50F410
Sizes 105 x 200 x ca 45 mm
Weight 0.273 kg
Spare parts
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- The terminal block 4- polar the number order 4639770001
- The terminal block 6- polar the number order 4639640001
- Support for the printed-circuit board the number order 4846840001
F50F410 LED- flat cable for K3R072 the number order 5291410001
Number order 1456060001
Assembly is the LED- flat cable
50- vein flat cable with 24 red light-emitting diodes.
Sizes the length = 1 m
Weight 0.108 kg
K3G060 relay printed-circuit board is the number order 5287860001
Assembly is relay map, PLO
the [skiy] cable
Option for the synoptic pay K3R072.
- 2 K3G060 it is possible to connect down each K3R072.
- Free relay normally open contacts to 24 volts
Sizes 105 x 200 x ca 45 mm
Weight 0.396 kg
Spare parts
- Flat cable is the number order 5288410001
- The coding cross connection 2- is polar the number order 4316080001
- The terminal block the 4- polar “ orange” the number order 4639480001
- Safety device with the delay the wear and tear
- Support for the printed-circuit board the number order 4846840001
Number order 1456060001
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Different (Various)
6.7 printed-circuit board [peydzhing]- interface (Paging interface p.c.b)
Printed-circuit board the [peydzhing]interface
Number the order
Interface between instrument board and by [peydzhing]- system.
Map [peydzhing]interface,
Cable the nourishment
the I- tire
- In the instrument board: connection and protection with the use a complete set Z1I030/50.
- Use a flat cable “ micro” F20A020 L = 0.165 m before the housing H47/H67 for CC11.
- Use a flat cable “ micro” F20A140 L = 0.650 m before the housing H47/H38 for CI11.
- IN CT11: use an assembly accessory Z1B060
- Use a flat cable “ micro” F20A020, L = 0.165 m
It enters into delivery:
- Terminal block with 4 terminals and feed line “I -Bus”.
Sizes 100 x 200 mm
Weight 0.148[kg]
Spare parts
- The terminal block 4- polar the number order 4639770001
- The coding cross connection 2- is polar the number order 4316080001
- The lithium storage battery 3 [v] 0.038-0.07 amp.-hr. the number order 4597290001
- EPROM 512Kx8[bit] “blank” (27C4001 CMOS) the number order 4763620001
6.8 assembly accessories for the devices the remote overyesch(Mounting accessories for remote transmission devices)
Assembly accessories for TNA/ AWG
Number the order
Metallic [pla][stina],
2 guides the
The metallic plate, which supports the printed-circuit board the teletransmission TNA/ AWG.
Weight 0.479 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Different (Various)
Chassis for TA109
Number the order
The aluminum bracket with the guide, which supports equipment by the automatic
gabout telephone call TA109.
Weight 0.261 kg
6.9 assembly laths (Mounting rails)
- U- lath TS35, L=122 mm the number order 5644780001
- U- lath TS35, L=133 mm the number order 5644360001
- U- lath TS35, L=288 mm the number order 5644230001
Assembly the U- lath
For the installation:
- The relay module
- The set the filter the thrusts
- The plug socket
- The supply-line filter
- Net terminals
Sizes L = 122 mm/133 mm/ 288 mm
Weight 0.040 kg/0.090 kg/ 0.100 kg
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
The subject index (Keyword index)
7 the subject index (Keyword index)
B2F020, 8
B2Q191, 38
B3D021, 56
B3Q321, 28
B3Q440, 28
B3Q460, 29
B3Q480, 29
B3Q485, 29
B3Q490, 29
B3Q560, 29
B3Q565, 30
B3Q580, 31
B3Q590, 31
B3Q595, 31
B3Q660, 30
B3Q661, 30
B3Q680, 30
B3Q685, 30
B3R051, 32
CAQT1xxx, 9
CAQT5xxx, 9
CAQTExxx, 9
CAQTLxxx, 9
CAR00xxx, 9
CC1142-NL/H47, 27
CC1142-NL/H67, 27
CCQ00xxx, 9
CCW00xxx, 9
CI1142-NL/H38, 27
CIQ00xxx, 9
CIQT1xxx, 9
CIQT5xxx, 9
CIQTExxx, 9
CIQTLxxx, 9
CIWT1xxx, 9
CIWT5xxx, 9
CIWTExxx, 9
CIWTLxxx, 9
CKQ00xxx, 9
CKW00xxx, 9
CTQ00xxx, 9
CTQT1xxx, 9
CTQT5xxx, 9
CTQTExxx, 9
CTQTLxxx, 9
E3C011, 10
E3G050, 11
E3G060, 12
E3G070, 12
E3G080, 13
E3G091, 13
E3G110, 13
E3H020, 14
E3I020, 10
E3I040, 11
E3L020, 14
E3L030, 15
E3M060, 15
E3M071, 16
E3M080, 16
E3M111, 16
E3M120, 17
E3M140, 17
E3M171, 17
E3M220, 18
E3X101, 18
E3X102, 19
E3X103, 19
EPROM 512Kx8[bit] “blank” (27C4001 CMOS)
the spare part for B3Q4., 29
spare part for E3X101, 18 spare
part for K3I090, 60
EPROM the complete set
for CA11, 9
for CI11, 9
for CK11, 9
for CT11, 9
EPROM- complete set for [SS]11, 9
F12A100, 56
F12A470, 56
F14A230, 56
F14A320, 56
F14E320, 56
F20A020, 56
F20A140, 56
F20A410, 56
F50F410, 59
G1E010, 42
G2A130, 39
G2A140, 39
G2F031, 39
H15Z200, 42
H15Z300, 51
H23B010, 46
H23B020, 46
H23B040, 46
H23G230, 43
H23U220, 43
H23U230, 43
H23Z230, 43
H26G220, 43
H26T020, 33
H26T030, 33
H28G200, 44
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
The subject index (Keyword index)
H28T020, 44
H28T110, 44
H28T120, 44
H28T130, 45
H28T150, 45
H28V000, 39
H28V010, 40
H28Z010, 45
H28Z020, 46
H37G410, 47
H37G420, 47
H37G430, 47
H37T000, 48
H37T120, 48
H37Z010, 48
H38G210, 48
H38G220, 49
H38G230, 49
H38G310, 49
H38G320, 50
H47E100, 51
H47E110, 51
H47G601, 50
H47G611, 50
H47T101, 51
H47T111, 52
H67E101, 53
H67G601, 53
H67G611, 53
H67G620, 53
H67T101, 54
H67T111, 54
H67Z020, 54
H98G600, 41
H98T000, 41
H98T020, 41
H98Z010, 41
K1D012, 57
K1D081, 57
K1D121, 57
K1D140, 57
K1H021, 57
K1H022, 57
K3G060, 59
K3I050, 58
K3I090, 60
K3I110, 58
K3N010, 10
K3R072, 59
LED- flat cable for K3R072, 59
LON I pay, 58
LON/[Sinopticheskaya] printed-circuit
board, 58
LON- interface, 11
M3C100, 56
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Master- module, 18
the Master- module 1[Mb] RAM, 19
the Master- module 2 mb. RAM, 19
MS5- adapter, 18
the RAM- complete set the memory 512[K] X
8[bit] for SS, CI, CT, CA, CK, 9
SW- key, 56
Transzorb- diode [R]6[KE]20[SA]
spare part for [E]3[M]080, 16
UPR28, 45
UPR29, 46
U- lath TS35, L=122 mm, 61
U- lath TS35, L=133 mm, 61
U- lath TS35, L=133[mm]
spare part for Z3I570, 27
U- lath TS35, L=288 mm, 61
U- lath TS35, L=288[mm]
spare part for Z3I580, 27
V2G040, 32
V2G050, 33
YAH00, 42
Y-shaped flat cable 14- is vein, 0.5 m,
Z1B020, 35
Z1B060, 35
Z1B070, 35
Z1I020, 20
Z1I030, 20
Z1I040, 20
Z1I050, 20
Z1I060, 20
Z1I070, 20
Z1I100, 21
Z1I110, 21
Z1K020, 21
Z1K030, 21
Z1K040, 21
Z1K050, 21
Z2B040, 60
Z2G030, 38
Z3B150, 61
Z3B171, 22
Z3B180, 40
Z3G170, 52
Z3G220, 52
Z3G240, 52
Z3G270, 55
Z3I041, 23
Z3I1040, 26
Z3I121, 23
Z3I140, 26
Z3I330, 22
Z3I350, 23
Z3I380, 23
The subject index (Keyword index)
Z3I390, 24
Z3I420, 22
Z3I450, 26
Z3I470, 24
Z3I481, 24
Z3I510, 25
Z3I520, 25
Z3I530, 26
Z3I570, 27
Z3I580, 27
Z3I870, 25
Z3I890, 27
Z3S010, 34
Z3S070, 9
Z3S090, 34
Z3S100, 34
Z3S200, 34
Z5B400, 36
Z5B410, 36
Z5B415, 37
Z5B420, 36
Z5B430, 36
Z5B435, 37
Z5B440, 36
Z5B450, 36
Z5B460, 36
Z5B470, 36
Z5B480, 36
Z5B490, 36
Z5B500, 36
Z5B505, 37
Z5B510, 36
Z5B520, 36
Z5B525, 37
Z5B530, 36
Z5B535, 37
Z5B540, 36
Z5B545, 37
Z5B550, 36
Z5B555, 37
Z5B560, 36
Z5B565, 37
Z5B570, 36
Z5B580, 36
Z5B585, 37
Z5B590, 36
Z5B595, 37
Z5B600, 36
Z5B605, 37
Z5B610, 36
Z5B615, 37
Z5B620, 36
Z5B625, 37
Z5B630, 36
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Z5B635, 37
Z5B640, 36
Z5B645, 37
Z5B650, 36
Z5B660, 36
Z5B665, 37
Z5B680, 36
Z5B685, 37
Z5B700, 28
Z5B710, 32
Z5B720, 32
Z5B730, 32
Z5B740, 32
Z5B750, 32
Z- diode 5.6 before, 1.3 W
spare part for E3G080, 13
Adapter for 19 " /6 HU, 39
Adapter for B3R… /K3R…, 26
Adapter the embedded framework, 46
Adapter complete set 19 " for H47E…, 40
Storage battery 12[V], 12[A]- ch, 6
Storage battery 12[V], 15[A]- ch, 6
Storage battery 12[V], 27[A]- ch, 6
Storage battery 12[V], 42[A]- ch, 6
Accessory the key blocking for H47/H67, 34
[AKH]1201, 6
[AKH]1209, 6
[AKH]1210, 6
[AKH]1212, 6
Base housing, 44
[V]1F120, 8
[V]3[R]020, 8
Internal door for the housing H37G420, 48
Internal door for the housing H37G430, 48
Open-end wrench
spare part for [N]38…, 48, 49, 50
Door 42 HU, hung up to the left, without the window, by
Door 42 HU, hung up to the right, without the window,
Dual modem printed-circuit board FSK/PSK, 57
Dual modem printed-circuit board v28, 57
Two-interface RS232 ITF- modem, 56
Holder for the documents
spare part for H38G230, 49
Holder map, 21
The subject index (Keyword index)
spare part for Z1B070, 35 spare part
for Z1I020.040, 20 spare part for
Z1I030.050, 20 spare part for
Z1I060/070, 20 spare part for
Z1I100/110, 21 spare part for
Z1IK020/050, 21
Holder printed-circuit board for the modem
printed-circuit board, 21
spare part for Z1I020.040, 20 spare
part for Z1I060/050, 20 spare part for
Z1I060/070, 20 spare part for
Z1I100/110, 21
Soaked KABA type 8
spare part for B3Q595, 31
Lock KABA 8 (#100)
spare part for Z3S100, 34
spare part for Z3S200, 34
Soaked KABA type 8
spare part for B3Q4. /560, 29 spare
part for B3Q6. /565, 30 spare part for
Z3S010, 34 spare part for Z3S100,
34 spare part for Z3S200, 34 spare
part for [N]28[T]130, 45 spare part for
[N]28[T]150, 45
Soaked Nordic
spare part for B3Q480, 29 spare
part for B3Q590, 31 spare part for
B3Q680, 30 spare part for
H38G230, 49
Spare terminal block with 2 X 20 by terminals 2.5
sq. mm., 22
Spare cylinders paper, 4 pieces
spare part for B2Q191, 38
Shielding cover for H67E101, 54
Shielding element
spare part for B3Q321, 28
Sonic notification 1.5-24 before, 3000 Hz, 88 DB
spare part for B3Q4. /560, 29
Interface teletransmission “CH”, 13
Information the clip
spare part for Z3I330, 22
Information panel, 46
Information strips 1-10
spare part for [E]3[N]020, 14
Information strips 1-40
spare part for Z3I330, 22
Channel work due to the conditions anxiety, 13
the Channel- insert the 10- polar
spare part for B3Q4. /560, 29
spare part for Z3I470, 24
the Channel- insert the 2- polar
spare part for [E]3[N]020, 14
the Channel- insert the 4- polar
spare part for B3Q6. /565, 30
spare part for Z3I870, 25
Map the expansion memory RAM
for [E]3[KH]101, 10
Terminal 2.5 sq. mm.
spare part for Z3I450, 26
Terminal strip 3- is polar
spare part for [E]3[N]020, 14
Terminal strip is 4- polar spare part
for [E]3[M]220, 18 spare part for
[E]3[N]020, 14
Terminal block the 10- polar
spare part for Z1B060, 35
Terminal block the 2- polar
spare part for B3Q4. /560, 29
spare part for B3Q6. /565, 30
Terminal block the 3- polar
spare part for B3Q6. /565, 30
spare part for Z1B060, 35
Terminal block the 4- polar
spare part for B3Q590/595, 31 spare
part for B3R051, 32 spare part for
K3I090, 60 spare part for K3R072, 59
spare part for Z3I350, 23 spare part
for Z3I470, 24 spare part for Z3I870,
Terminal block 4- polar (tire)
spare part for B3Q321, 28
spare part for Z3I510, 25
Terminal block the 4- polar “
orange” spare part for K3G060, 59
spare part for K3I110, 58
Terminal block 4- polar “orange”
spare part for B3Q321, 28 spare part
for B3Q4. /560, 29 spare part for
B3Q440, 28 spare part for B3Q6.
/565, 30 spare part for Z3I510, 25
Terminal block 4- polar “gray”
spare part for B3Q4. /560, 29
spare part for B3Q6. /565, 30
The terminal block 4- polar is " black”
spare part for B3Q4. /560, 29 spare
part for B3Q6. /565, 30
Terminal block the 5- polar
spare part for B3Q4. /560, 29
Cable for lithium storage battery 9 beside, 32
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
The subject index (Keyword index)
Terminal block 6- polar spare part
K3I050, 58 spare part for B3Q4.
/560, 29 spare part for B3Q580, 31
spare part for B3Q590/595, 31 spare
part for B3R051, 32 spare part for
K3I110, 58 spare part for K3R072, 59
spare part for Z3I530, 26
Terminal block 6- polar “orange”
spare part for B3Q440, 28
Terminal block 6- polar “black”
spare part for B3Q6. /565, 30
Terminal block the 12- polar
spare part for Z1B020, 35
Terminal block the 20- polar
spare part for Z1B070, 35
Terminal block with 2 X 20 by terminals 2.5 sq.
mm., 22
Terminal block with the chassis printed-circuit
board, without the cables, 21
spare part for H28T020, 44 spare
part for H67T101, 54 spare part for
H67T111, 54 spare part for
[N]28[T]110, 44 spare part for
[N]28[T]120, 44 spare part for
[N]47[T]101, 51 spare part for
[N]47[T]111, 52
Key KABA 8 (#100)
spare part for B3Q4. /560, 29 spare
part for B3Q595, 31 spare part for
B3Q6. /565, 30 spare part for
Z3S010, 34 spare part for
[N]28[T]130, 45 spare part
[N]28[T]150, 45
Key nordic
spare part B3Q480, 29 spare part
for B3Q590, 31 spare part for
B3Q680, 30 spare part for
H38G230, 49
Key “Nordic”
spare part for H37G410, 47 spare
part for H37G420, 47 spare part for
H37G430, 47
Key blocking for AlgoPilot B3Q4. /560, 34
Key blocking for AlgoPilot B3Q6. /565, 34
Key blocking for B3Q590, 34
Key is KAVA 8 #100
spare part for B3Q321, 28
spare part for B3Q440, 28
The coding cross connection is 2- polar
spare part for B3Q4. /560, 29 spare
part for B3Q6. /565, 30
spare part for E3G080, 13
spare part for E3I040, 11 spare
part for K3G060, 59 spare part for
K3I090, 60 spare part for K3I110,
58 spare part for [E]3G070, 12
spare part for [E]3[M]120, 17
spare part for [N]26[T]020, 33
Communication line module, 57
Complete set teletransmission “CH”, 26
Complete set the information strips' danish', 36, 37
Complete set the information strips' dutch', 37
Complete set the information strips' english GB',
36, 37
Complete set the information strips' english', 36, 37
Complete set information strips' Finnish', 36
Complete set the information strips' finnish', 37
Complete set the information strips' french B', 36
Complete set information strips' French CH, 36
Complete set the information strips' french CH',
Complete set the information strips' french F', 36, 37
Complete set the information strips' german CH',
36, 37
Complete set the information strips' german', 36, 37
Complete set the information strips' hebrew', 36, 37
Complete set the information strips' icelandic', 36
Complete set the information strips' italian CH', 36,
Complete set the information strips' italian', 36, 37
Complete set the information strips' norwegian',
36, 37
Complete set the information strips' portuguese',
Complete set the information strips' slovakian', 36
Complete set the information strips' spanish', 36, 37
Complete set the information strips' swedish', 36, 37
Complete set the information strips' turkish', 37
Complete set information strips “CH” for
B3Q590/595, 32
Complete set the information strips “ croatian”, 36
Complete set the information strips “ czech”, 36
Complete set the information strips “ dutch”, 36
Complete set the information strips “ europe” for
B3Q580, 32
Complete set the information strips “ europe” for
B3Q590/595, 32
Complete set the information strips “ flemish”, 36
Complete set the information strips “ hungarian”, 36
Complete set the information strips “ nordic” for
B3Q580, 32
Complete set the information strips “ nordic” for
B3Q590/595, 32
Complete set the information strips “ polish”, 36
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
The subject index (Keyword index)
Complete set the information strips “ portuguese”,
Complete set the information strips “ serbian”, 36
Complete set the information strips “ slovenian”, 36
Complete set the information strips “ turkish”, 36
Complete set the cables I- tire, “long”, 23
Complete set cables for CT11 in H28G200, 24
Complete set cables for H38… /CI11, 24
Complete set cables for H47… /CI11, 25
Complete set cables for the additional
power source, 25
Complete set cables for the synoptic printedcircuit board and K3I050, 25
Complete set the cables “ SN teletransmission”,
Set the filter drops in the stress 120 A
changes. current, 23
Set the filter drops in [napryazheniya]230 [v]
changes. current, 23
Housing 42 HU with the base, 41
Housing for AlgoPilot B3Q… (CT11), 47
Housing for the special uses, 47
Housing with the cuts, 50
Hull frame with the door without the cuts, 51, 54
Hull frame with the door with the cuts, 52, 54
Hull complete set (deep), door without the
cuts, 49
Hull complete set (deep), door with the
cut, 50
Hull complete set (flat), door c by cut,
Hull complete set (flat), door without the
cuts, 48
Hull complete set (flat), with the department for
the documents size A3, 49
Hull complete set without the cut, 50
Hull complete set without the cuts (sea), 53
Hull complete set with the cuts, 53
Cover & department for the documents the size
A4, 45
Cover (plastic)
spare part for B3Q321, 28 spare part
for B3Q4. /560, 29 spare part for
B3Q440, 28 spare part for B3Q580,
31 spare part for B3Q590/595, 31
spare part for B3Q6. /565, 30 spare
part for B3R051, 32
Cover for H28G200, 44, 45
Linear module “ analogPLUS”, 16
Linear module “ FD20”, 17
Linear module mS9i, 15
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Linear module for the alarms
CBA8000/TS9000, 17
Linear module “interactive”, 16
Linear module is " interactive Ex”, 17
Linear module “collective”, 16
Lithium storage battery 3 [v] 0.038-0.07 amp.-hr.
spare part for K3I090, 60
Lithium storage battery 3 beside, 0.038… 0.070[A]ch
spare part for E3X102/103, 19
Lithium storage battery 3 before, 0.038… 0.070 amp.hr.
spare part for E3X101, 18
Lithium storage battery 3 beside, 70 dip
spare part for B3Q6. /565, 30
Lithium storage battery 3[V] 0.038-0.07 amp.-hr.
spare part for [E]3[N]020, 14
Lithium storage battery 9[V], 33
[M]3[R]030, 8
Matrix cable
for E3G110, 13
Modem printed-circuit board FSK/PSK, 57
Modem printed-circuit board v28, 57
Modem filter, 8
Module RS232, 10
Module the administration “ vdS”, 15
Module control besides storage batteries, 10
Module control “drivers”, 14
Module control “contacts”, 11
Module control “controlled”, 12
Module control “fire extinguishing”, 13
Module control “universal”, 12
Assembly pay for the storage battery, 51
Assembly accessories for H47E… in H98G600,
Assembly accessories for TNA/ AWG, 60
Assembly accessory for E3I020, 35
Assembly accessory for E3I040, 35
Assembly accessory for K3I090, 35
Assembly complete set for the increased
vibrations h47…, 52
Sea collection for H47…, 52
Sea collection for H67…, 55
Collection cables for [N]47/[N]67…, 23
Cover plate, 46
Unfilled information strips, without the text, 36
Support for lithium storage battery 9 beside, 33
Support for the printed-circuit board
spare part for K3G060, 59 spare
part for K3I050, 58
spare part for K3I110, 58
The subject index (Keyword index)
spare part for K3R072, 59
Supporting lath with the clamp, 27
spare part for E3L030, 15 spare
part for Z3I350, 23 spare part for
[E]3[N]020, 14
Department for H98T., 42
Pair lateral panels, 41
Parallel indicative panel, 32
Front panel 19 "/6 HU, 39
Switching lever
spare part for Z3S010, 34 spare
part for Z3S100, 34 spare part for
Z3S200, 34
Cross connection
spare part for Z3I450, 26
Loop 19 "/6 HU, 38
Loop for the installation beside 19 " /6 HU, 40
Printed-circuit board [peydzhing]- interface, 60
Fusible terminal
spare part for Z3I450, 26
Plastic door to the panels B3Q4. /560, 33
Plastic door to the panels B3Q6. /565, 33
Plastic housing, 43
Flat cable
spare part for K3G060, 59
Flat cable 12- is vein, 0.4 m “ micro”, 56
Flat cable 12- is vein, 1.5 m “ micro”, 56
Flat cable 14- is vein, 0.25 m, 56
Flat cable 14- is vein, 0.5 m, 56
Flat cable 20- is vein, 0.165 m “ micro”, 56
Flat cable 20- is vein, 0.650 m “ micro”, 56
Flat cable 20- is vein, 1 m “ micro”, 56
Flat cable I- tire + the feeding cable
spare part for E3G060, 12 spare
part for E3G080, 13 spare part for
E3L020, 14 spare part for
[E]3[M]060, 15 spare part for
[E]3[M]071, 16 spare part for
[E]3[M]080, 16 spare part for
[E]3[M]111, 16 spare part for
[E]3[M]171, 17
Flat cable is the I -[shiny]+[pitayushchiy] cable “
spare part for E3G050, 11 spare
part for E3G070, 12 spare part for
E3I040, 11 spare part for E3L030,
15 spare part for E3M120, 17
spare part for [E]3[M]140, 17
Flat cable l=0.2 m
spare part for B3D021, 56
Flat cable “ micro” l=0.4 m
spare part for B3R051, 32
Shelf for the storage batteries, 42 spare
part for H38G210, 48 spare part for
H38G220, 49 spare part for H38G310,
49 spare part for H38G320, 50
Safety device 0.063 A
spare part for E3X101, 18
Safety device 0.063A
spare part for E3X102/103, 19
Safety device 0.1[A]
spare part for B3Q321, 28
Safety device 0.25[A]
spare part for E3G070, 12
Safety device 0.4A
spare part for B3R051, 32 spare
part for K3G060, 59 spare part for
K3R072, 59
Safety device 0.5A
spare part for E3X101, 18
spare part for E3X102/103, 19
Safety device 0.5A
spare part for B3Q6. /565, 30
Safety device 0.5[A]
spare part for B3Q4. /560, 29 spare
part for E3G050, 11 spare part for
E3L020, 14 spare part for
[E]3[M]060, 15 spare part for
[E]3[M]071, 16
Safety device 0.63A
spare part for E3X101, 18
spare part for E3X102/103, 19
Safety device 0.63[A]
spare part for E3G070, 12
Safety device 0.8A
spare part for B3Q6. /565, 30
Safety device 0.8[A]
spare part for B3Q4. /560, 29 spare
part for B3Q440, 28 spare part for
[E]3[N]020, 14
Safety device 1.0 A
spare part for K3I050, 58
spare part for K3I110, 58
Safety device 1.25[A]
spare part for E3L020, 14
Safety device 1a
spare part for B3Q580, 31
spare part for B3Q590/595, 31
Safety device 1A
spare part for E3L030, 15 spare
part for [E]3[M]071, 16 spare part
for [E]3[M]111, 16 spare part for
[E]3[M]171, 17
Safety device 2a
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
The subject index (Keyword index)
spare part for E3X101, 18
Safety device 2a
spare part for E3X102/103, 19
Safety device 2[A]
spare part for E3G060, 12 spare
part for E3G070, 12 spare part for
E3G080, 13 spare part for
E3I040, 11 spare part for E3L030,
15 spare part for [E]3[N]020, 14
Safety device 4 A
spare part for Z3I041, 23
Safety device 5[A]
spare part for E3G070, 12
Safety device 6.3 A
spare part for Z3I121, 23
Safety device 6.3A
spare part for E3X102/103, 19
Safety device 6.3A
spare part for E3X101, 18
Safety device 6.3[A]
spare part for E3G060, 12
spare part for [E]3[S]011, 10
Safety device 6.3[A] (GSV)
spare part for Z3I450, 26
Converter 115/230 [v] [peremen].[toka] - 24[V]
[post].[toka], 3a, 8
Converter 115/230 [v] [peremen].[toka] 29.6[V] [post].[toka], 6[A], 8
Printer, 24 [v] post. current, 38
Control panel “CH”, 29, 30
Control panel “China”, 29, 30
Control panel “Guinard”, 29
Control panel “International”, 30
Control panel “Nordic”, 29, 30
Control panel “Standard”, 29, 30
Control panel fire protection “CH”, 28
Control panel with the text display and the
switch KABA, 31
Control panel with the text display and the
switch nordic, 31
Piezo-notification 12-24 [v]
spare part for B3Q6. /565, 30
Working panel “fire extinguishing”, 28
Separator for the housing h37…, 48
Joint the grounding
spare part for Z1B070, 35
Stay bolt [M]2/[M]2, L=16[mm]
spare part for K3N010, 10
Resistor 150[KOm]
spare part for [E]3[M]220, 18
Resistor 1k21, 1%, 1/4[Vt]
spare part for E3G080, 13
Resistor 4k75, 1%, 1/4 W spare part for
E3X101, 18 spare part for
E3X102/103, 19
Resistor 4k75, 1%, 1/4 W, 13
Resistor 4k75,1%, 1/4[Vt]
spare part for E3G060, 12
Relay printed-circuit board, 59
Relay modulus 250 [v] changes. current, 10 A, 22
Net rosette “CH”, 26
Synoptic printed-circuit board for AlgoPilot
(B3Q…), 59
[Skonfigurirovannaya] instrument board
CC1142 beside H47, 27
[Skonfigurirovannaya] instrument board
CC1142 beside H67, 27
[Skonfigurirovannaya] instrument board
CI1142 beside H38, 27
Coupling cable, 20, 21
Resistance 1k87
spare part for K3I110, 58
Resistance 4k75
spare part for K3I110, 58
Wall rosette with the adapter “CH”, 26
Text display, 31
Triangular key c by the opening
spare part for B3Q4. /560, 29
Triangular key without the opening
spare part for B3Q4. /560, 29
Triangular key with the opening spare
part for Z3S010, 34 spare part for
[N]26[T]020, 33
Universal bracket 3 HU, 42
Adjusting pay to 19 " /6 HU, 39
Embedded box for 2 H28G200, 46
Embedded box for H23G230, 43
Embedded box for H28G200, 45
Embedded framework, 43
Embedded framework for H28G200, 45
Catchs for the net cable, 27 spare
part for Z3I350, 23 spare part for
Z3I470, 24 spare part for Z3I510,
Filter the nourishment 250 [v] [peremen].[toka], 6 A
for U
descriptive fshoot TS35, 8
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
The subject index (Keyword index)
spare part for H38G210, 48
spare part for H38G220, 49
spare part for H38G310, 49
spare part for H38G320, 50
Chassis “ complete”, 51, 53
Chassis “ not equipped”, 51
Chassis for TA109, 61
Sluice S- tire, 14
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
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Siemens building technologies
Russia, Moscow
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Document No. r_001099_m_[Obzor] the modules
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
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Siemens switzerland ltd
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