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Creative Coding Exam Questions: Hardware, Software, Scratch

Expected questions for the Final Exam
- Creative coding for everything1 2023.12.11.
1. What is hardware?
a. The physical parts of the computer including the monitor, the keyboard, and the mouse.
b. The operating system and other programs such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint.
c. It refers to programs and applications designed to perform specific tasks on a computer.
d. None of these
2. Which of the following is NOT correct about software?
a. Any part of the computer that has a physical structure
b. Software means “computer programs and related documents.”
c. The software provides a logical basis for making your computer work.
d. It corresponds to the computer hardware.
3. Which of the following is NOT an output device?
a. Monitor
b. Printers
c. Speaker
d. Mouse
4. Which among the following is NOT a peripheral hardware device in a computer system?
a. Projector
b. Headphone
c. Monitor
d. None of these
5. Windows, macOS, and Linux are example of ______________.
a. System software
b. Application software
c. Middleware
d. None of these
6. A specialized program that allow user to utilize in a specific application is classified as ______________.
a. Application programs
b. System program
c. Relative programs
d. Replicate programs
7. Which of the following is an example of First Generation computer?
8. From which generation operating systems were developed?
a. Third
b. First
c. Second
d. Fourth
9. A hybrid computer is the one which exhibits the features of _______________________.
a. Both analog and digital computer
b. Digital computer
c. Analog computer
d. Mainframe computer
10. Which is the biggest computer by size?
a. Super computer
b. Mini computer
c. Micro computer
d. Mainframe computer
11. Flowchart help us to _______________________.
a. Specify the problem completely and clearly
b. Know the memory capacity
c. Identify the base of a number system
d. Direct the output to a printer
12. Which of the following are NOT correct about the benefits of the flowchart?
a. It cannot be used as basic data for program coding.
b. Judging whether the problem is correct is easy by logically grasping the problem-processing process.
c. It is easy to interpret, analyze, and communicate the problem to others.
d. It can be used as a resource for storing, maintaining, and maintaining programs.
13. What is a flowchart?
a. A diagram that represents a set of instructions
b. A text-based way of designing an algorithm
c. A bullet point list of instructions
d. A specific programming language
14. What is a diagrammatic representation that illustrates the sequence of operations to be performed to get the solution of
a problem?
a. Flowchart
b. Algorithm
c. Pseudocode
d. Programming
15. What symbol do flowcharts begin with?
a. Oval or terminator
b. Rectangle
c. Diamond
d. Parallelogram
16. What does this symbol represent?
a. Input or Output
b. Decision
c. Process
d. Repetition
17. What type of programming language is Scratch?
a. C++
b. Java
c. Visual Basic
d. Block-based
18. What is the name of the cat character in Scratch?
a. Whiskers
b. Scratchy
c. Sprite
d. Felix
19. What programming concept means following steps in order?
a. iteration
b. sequence
c. selection
d. repetition
20. Which block in Scratch represents a loop?
a. Repeat
b. Loop
c. Control
d. Replicate
21. What is the fundamental event block used in Scratch?
a. Move
b. Click
c. Start
d. Stop
22. Which block is used to make a character speak in Scratch?
a. Say
b. Add text
c. Speech output
d. Dialogue
23. Which block enables interaction between two or more characters in Scratch?
a. Interact
b. Communicate
c. Broadcast
d. Connect
24. What category of blocks in Scratch is used for controlling the flow of the program?
a. Motion
b. Control
c. Sensing
d. Looks
25. In Scratch, what block is used to check if a specific condition is met before executing a set of actions?
a. If-Else
b. Check
c. Verify
d. Evaluate
26. Which block is used to obtain user input in Scratch?
a. Ask
b. Input
c. Request
d. Gather
27. In Scratch, what is the purpose of the "pen" blocks?
a. Drawing on the stage
b. Writing text
c. Creating loops
d. Controlling sound
28. What does the "broadcast" block do in Scratch?
a. Send a message to all sprites
b. Play a broadcasted sound
c. Switch between costumes
d. Change the background
29. Which block is used to detect collisions between two sprites in Scratch?
a. Detect Collision
b. Sprite Collision
c. Touching
d. Intersect
30. What is the primary purpose of the "clone" blocks in Scratch?
a. Duplicate a sprite
b. Create a new costume
c. Change the background
d. Control motion
31. What does the "stop all" block do in Scratch?
a. Stops all sprites and scripts
b. Halts the current loop
c. Ends the program execution
d. Resets variables to zero
32. In Scratch, what block changes the background of the stage?
a. Switch Backdrop
b. Change Stage
c. Set Backdrop
d. Update Stage
33. What is the name of the software that you use to create the game?
a. sprite
b. scratch
c. stage
34. What is the function of the 'forever' command block?
a. runs the script inside over and over
b. point sprite in a specific direction
c. if the condition is true, run the blocks inside
35. Which command block enables you to control the cat sprite?
a. point in direction
b. wait__secs
c. when__key is pressed
36. What is the function of the 'when green flag clicked' command block?
a. If the condition is true, run the blocks inside.
b. Points sprite in the specified direction
c. Runs the script
37. What is the function of the 'Move 10 steps' command block?
a. runs the block inside over and over,
b. moves the sprite forward,
c. runs the script below when the specified key is pressed
38. What happens to the cat if the number increases in the 'Move _ steps' command block?
a. the cat moves quicker,
b. the cat stops,
c. the cat moves backward
39. What will happen if we place the instruction blocks in the scratch incorrectly?
a. the program will start working slowly
b. the program will not work well
c. the program will terminate
d. the speed of the program will increase
40. If the space key is pressed, what will the sprite do?
a. It will move to the right
b. It will move to the left
c. It will move up
d. It will not move
41. Is it right this program for the ball to start moving?
a. Yes, because the ball will move properly
b. No, the program needs more blocks
c. Yes, but the ball will moves slowly (only 10 steps)
d. No, because the ball coordinates are wrong
42. To create a SCORE, first you must make a ___
a. List
b. Score
c. There is a block called “SCORE” you must click to be crated.
d. Variable
43. In this program, you can find …
a. A delay and a random
b. A loop and a delay
c. A loop and a random
d. Only a random
44. In which direction will the paddle move when executing this program?
a. To the right
b. To the left
c. To up
d. To down
45. The sprite has only a costume. What will happen when the sprite touches red color?
a. Nothing
b. It will change to a random costume
c. The program will stop
d. The sprite will stop moving
46. To make a variable you must clock on:
a. operators
b. control
c. events
d. variables
47. Which sprite does the script that is displayed affect?
a. Griffin
b. Hippo1
48. Look at the Scratch stage below. What is the coordinate of the center of the screen?
a. x: 0, y:-180
b. x:0, y:0
c. x:240, y:180
d. x:-240, y:0
49. Look at the Scratch stage below. Where on the stage is the position (x:240, Y:180)?
a. top left corner
b. bottom right corner
c. the top middle
d. top right corner
50. Where will the jellyfish end up after the script block has been run?
a. x:100, y:50
b. x:50, y:50
c. x:50, y:100
d. x:100, y:100
51. Looking at the script block below. What is the jellyfish's starting position?
a. x:100, y:50
b. x:50, y:50
c. x:100, y:100
d. x:0, y:0
e. x:50, y:100
52. The code blocks below are examples of what type of action to take.
a. pen
b. events
c. looks
d. control
53. Where does the jellyfish sprite end up after the script has been run?
a. x:0, y:0
b. x:240, y:0
c. x:-240, y:0
d. x:180, y:240
54. Look at the script above. What would the cat sprite do?
a. meow, then glide to the right
b. meow, then glide to the left
c. meow then glide up
d. glide to the left and then meow
55. Look carefully at the scripts below. How many times does the costume change happen?
a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 40
56. Look carefully at the scripts below. What happens after the first Sprite broadcast Dance ends?
a. the second sprite does a dance
b. the second sprite appears and speaks
c. nothing, because the second sprite doesn't receive the broadcast
d. the second sprite hides
57. Look carefully at the scripts below. What happens after the second sprite broadcasts the End of Message?
a. the first sprite does a dance
b. the first sprite appears and speaks
c. nothing, because the first sprite doesn't receive the broadcast
d. the first sprite hides
58. What happens to the shark when the spacebar is pressed, AND it is touching Fish1?
a. nothing happens
b. the shark broadcasts a message and then switches to costume shark-a
c. the shark switches to costume shark-b and broadcasts a message
d. the shark switches to costume shark-a
59. What happens to the shark when the spacebar is pressed, AND it is NOT touching Fish1?
a. Nothing happens
b. the shark broadcasts a message and then switches to costume shark-a
c. the shark switches to costume shark-b and broadcasts a message
d. the shark switches to costume shark-a
60. Look carefully at the script below. How many times is the outer repeat done?
a. 36
b. 5
c. 4
d. 6
61. Look carefully at the script below. Each time the outer repeat is done, the inner repeat is done 4 times. How many times
is the inner repeat done?
a. 36
b. 4
c. 36 * 4
d. 6
62. Look carefully at the script below. The block turns right 10 degrees, and the change of pen color by 10 is repeated. How
many times is that repeated?
a. 3
b. 36 * 3
c. 6
d. 36