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Revisiting Odyssey Plan: Student Activity Sheet

SSP 006 : Student Success Program
Module #1 Student Activity Sheet
Class number:
Lesson title: Want — Revisiting Odyssey Plan
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of the lesson and activity, the student will be able to:
review the plans I made for myself last semester.
reflect to see if my long-term goals are still based on what
I value, believe in, and can do.
review my short-term goals and see if they still connect
with my long-term goals.
make the necessary adjustments in these goals, making
sure they still reflect what I still value, believe in, and can do.
Burnett, W., & Evans, D. J. (2018).
Designing your life: Build a life
that works for you. London:
Vintage Books.
Productivity Tip:
“Start strong! Train your brainšŸ§  to shift to work mode by setting a regular time during the day for your
lessons. Set an alarm and stick to your working hours.”
A. CONNECT (Duration: 10 mins)
Introduction of Concept and Objectives
In the next 10 minutes, try to recall the Odyssey Plan you created last semester. Use the back of the page to
jot down everything you remember. You don’t have to create all the plans, okay? Just try to remember as many
parts as you can; Six-Word Title? Coherence? One question?
If you can’t recall any of these specifically, you can also write a short summary (one sentence will be enough!)
to describe the general Life Plan.
If you need to remember, this is the basis of what you created:
Odyssey Plan is a graphic representation of three possible alternative lives you might live over the next five
Alternative Life Plan 1
I will finish my studies and grab
the CPA title. After that, I will work
on companies that provide
financial services.
Alternative Life Plan 2
I will still finish my studies no
matter what. I doesn’t matter if I
have to be a working student.
Alternative Life Plan 3
If money wasn’t a problem, I will
follow my passion on cooking.
SSP 006 : Student Success Program
Module #1 Student Activity Sheet
Class number:
B. COACH (Duration: 60 mins)
-DO and THINKBuilding of Comprehension
(You’ll find the Odyssey Plan template at the end of your worksheet.)
Use this time to redo your Life Plan #1. What do the next five years look like for you at this point in time?
1. Write a six-word title for each of the life plans that will reflect the theme of your overall plan.
2. Rate your plan’s Resources based on what you have available now to carry out your plan.
3. Rate your plan’s Confidence based on how sure you are of yourself to carry out that plan.
4. Rate your plan’s Coherence based on how aligned your plan is with your overall outlook in life.
5. Rate your plan’s Likeability based on how appealing the plan looks to you right now, at this point of your life.
6.Then, write three questions you have about the plan.
If not much has changed since last semester, that’s okay! If a lot has changed, that’s also okay! Taking time to
review plans and make adjustments if needed is all part of the process of living a full life.
Presentation and Enrichment of Understanding
Answer the questions below on your own first. You can answer in words and phrases, but be prepared to
answer in full when called upon. Use the space below and the back of the page to write your answers.
1. Examine notable the similarities and differences in your old and new Alternative Life Plan (#1). List
them down below.
I am very confident that I will still finish my studies
even if my resources are enough or not enough.
SSP 006 : Student Success Program
Module #1 Student Activity Sheet
Class number:
2. Do your short term goals still affect your long term goals? Explain.
Yes, because in the long run, those short term goals adds up.
3. What adjustments do you need to make so that your plans still reflect what you value, believe, and what you
can do?
I will not adjust my plans because they reflect what I value and what I believe.
C. CHECK (Duration: 60 mins)
Communal Reflection
Share your responses to the previous section’s questions with your groupmates. Listen to each one’s plans
and provide support and encouragement when needed.
Personal Reflection
Write a letter to your Future (5 Years from Now) Self. What would you like to tell him/her? What do you think
you will be doing by then? What words of encouragement would you be needing?
Use the space below to write your letter. You can also continue on to the back of the page if you need to.
SSP 006 : Student Success Program
Module #1 Student Activity Sheet
Class number: