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Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Functions & Benefits

• Lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels- Vitamin B3 well known as Niacin is an
essential nutrient for improving bodily functions. It plays a key role in lowering
cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. Several studies show that regular
intake of foods containing B3 vitamin helps in lowering the low-density
lipoproteins (i.e. LDL or bad cholesterols) and effectively increases the highdensity lipoproteins (i.e. HDL or good cholesterol).
• Maintains optimal energy Metabolism- Vitamin B3 carries out a pivotal
fundamental role, in maintaining optimal energy metabolism in the body. It
primarily exists in two forms – nicotinamide and nicotinic acid. These are
converted into two central compounds in the system – NADP and NADPH, which
work as electron carriers, essential for the processing of complex molecules in the
food to simpler substances, as well as for oxidative respiration of cells. Only when
these operations proceed unhindered in the system, the crucial aspects of
conversion of food to energy i.e. metabolism, regulation of hormones and
formation of the fundamental genetic material of cells, tissues – DNA, are
preserved in the body.
• Lowers risk of Coronary Heart Diseases- It is useful in lowering the
risk of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). Regulating blood cholesterol
levels is requisite, to support a healthy heart and niacin, when
ingested as food or supplements, significantly reduces the bad LDL
cholesterol and triacylglycerol (TAG) concentrations in blood and
elevates the amounts of good HDL. By balancing the quantities of
cholesterol fatty acids in the system and averting the clogging of
arteries, niacin confers noteworthy merits for preventing cardiac
ailments and promoting heart health.
• Helps treat infections and hardening of arteries- Niacin is also used for treating
various infections and extreme fluid loss conditions like diarrhoea, cholera, etc. It
is also extremely effective in treating the hardening of the arteries i.e.
atherosclerosis by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation and hence reduces
the risk of cardiovascular diseases like heart attack, stroke, angina, etc.
• Manages Diabetes- It plays a key role in managing diabetes. Foods containing
vitamin B3 when taken adequately controls the release of insulin from the βpancreatic cells, thereby reducing blood sugar levels in your body and keeping
diabetes under control.
• Improves cognitive functions- Vitamin B3 is also essential in improving the
cognitive functioning of the brain. It helps in repairing the brain cells and in turn,
is used for treating symptoms associated with psychotic conditions like brain fog,
schizophrenia, depression, hallucinations, etc. It is also used for preventing and
treating Alzheimer’s disease.
• Helps treat skin conditions- It plays a role in treating various skin conditions and
reducing signs of aging like fine lines, dark spots, wrinkles, etc. It also potentially reduces
the risk of skin cancer.
• Reduces pain and inflammation-The potent anti-inflammatory properties of vitamin B3
is effectively used for reducing pain and inflammation and providing relief in arthritic
conditions. It improves mobility in between joints and is used for treating osteoarthritis.
• Hormone synthesis and functioning- It plays a key role in the synthesis and
functioning of various hormones. It is also used for treating liver disorders,
migraine headaches, vision problems, sickle cell anaemia, dizziness, anxiety,
hypothyroidism, Raynaud’s disease and erectile dysfunction in males.
• Proper functioning of Gastrointestinal system- Vitamin B3 is extremely important
for the healthy functioning of the gastrointestinal system by improving
digestion, proper absorption of the food juices into the body and excretion of the
waste products from the intestines. It also prevents constipation and reduces flatulence.