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Friendsgiving Questions

Are you surprised by the total cost of preparing your Friendsgiving dinner? Is it higher or lower than
your group expected?
Yes, I did not know how much it cost to assemble a thanksgiving and it is higher then I expected when I
started this project. It makes sense once you think about all the dishes, and you must buy every
ingredient which adds up quickly.
How does your price per person compare to the cost of one person eating at a fast-food restaurant?
What about the cost of eating at a family restaurant like TGI Fridays or Applebee’s?
The cost per person is a lot cheaper than fast-food for one person coming at about $11. For a restaurant,
you could not pay $11 for a meal either once you buy drinks, appetizers, or anything like that which this
Friendsgiving dinner already includes.
How much comparison shopping did you do in order to get the best prices? What was your strategy?
Did every group member attempt to be equally thrifty?
I did a little bit of comparison shopping to get the best prices. Walmart usually found the best price for
me because when I searched it up and compared the top choices, Walmart always came out on top for
having the cheapest price.
If, for budgetary reasons, you determined you needed to cut your budget for this menu by 10%, how
would you do it? What would be the tradeoffs?
If this happened, I would cut out the skillet corn and the lemonade. Since we already have a corn dish
which is cornbread, and we already have an iced tea beverage which a lot of times is more popular, I
think that would be a good option to cut out.
Typically, with a potluck, each person brings a dish they’ve prepared, and they don’t collect money
from anyone. With the menu you’ve selected, is it equitable for everyone involved?
No, every dish has a different price, and it can range from $10+ to only a few dollars. It wouldn’t be fair
to everyone if we randomly assigned a dish to give because each price varies by a decent bit.
What recommendations would you give a group of friends considering a Friendsgiving Dinner?
Always look for the cheapest option of ingredients and I’d recommend Walmart because that personally
was the best for me in terms of cheap ingredients.