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Statistical Arbitrage: Strategies & Risk Management

Lecture 7
Statistical Arbitrage
October 19, 2023
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Today’s Lecture
• Introduction to Stat Arb
• Structural Risk Decomposition
• Portfolio Construction
• How to (not) kill your ops guy
• Alt Data
Intro to Stat Arb
• Arbitrage describes trades where one earns a risk-free profit.
• Traditionally, arbitrage occurs between fundamentally linked assets, like an
ETF and its constituent securities.
• See the previous lectures for more.
Statistical Arbitrage
• Stat arb is a class of trading strategies by which you identify and trade on
statistical relationships between assets.
• Usually this looks like pairs trading.
• Stat arb is fundamentally a reversion strategy: we general hope that any
deviation from historical statistical relationships is simply due to inefficiency
or a temporary disruption and will correct in the future.
• Stat Arb differs from other styles of trading that we have discussed in that it is
generally at longer time scales (seconds to days).
• While market making has a capped upside, stat arb has potentially unlimited
Structural Risk Decomposition
Arbitrage Portfolio Theory
• Arbitrage Portfolio Theory, developed by
Stephen Ross, asserts that assets must be priced
as linear combinations of factors.
• Why linear? Because portfolios are linear
combinations of securities any arbitrage
opportunity must be linear in some set of factors.
Structural Risk Decomposition
• Consider a matrix of equity returns,
• We seek a structured approach to the risks implied by these returns
• There are two general approaches:
• Fundamental Factors: sector, big vs small companies, etc see French Fama Factor Models
• Statistical Factors: principal components
• Recall the SVD of X:
, we select the first k columns of V and call these our
risk factors.
• Our matrix of factors is therefore
which we can project X onto.
• Our factor loadings are correlations between features and each of these factors.
Factor Timing & Why Neural Nets are Hard
• Factor timing is when you try to predict movements in a single factor.
• The original factor timing is “Market Timing”
• Doing this is generally considered to be very hard
• Why are neural networks therefore difficult to fit?
• We fit neural networks using gradient descent which greedily selects the
directions of maximum improvement.
• Therefore we are typically fitting to noise as we have an inverted noise structure
ie the largest components of the data are noise vs signal.
• Statistical factors change, so we may have to refit our network fairly frequently
which can be expensive.
Popular Off-The-Shelf Factor Models
• Barra, Axioma, Barclays
• Sometimes when these providers add factors they become real because so many
people use their models
• The markets are a social system
Portfolio Construction
So You Want to Make Money?
• Factor timing is hard–wouldn’t it be nice if we could predict something that didn’t
have any influence from any of these factors?
• We instead predict residual returns, ie we attempt to predict the returns after
residualizing on our factor model.
• To compute this, we need our factor loadings, or the correlations between each
factor (assuming factors are orthogonal. Why?)
Portfolio Optimization
• So, you have your loading matrix
, we now want to to find the portfolio that
allows us to capitalize off these returns.
• We also defined
as the covariance of returns and
, as our predicted
• Modern portfolio theory tells us that we should maximize expected returns for a
given variance constraint while maintaining factor neutrality. This yields the
optimization problem
Taking A Position
• Stat Arb portfolios generally take large positions over longer periods of time
• We therefore need good execution as this can add to our alpha
• Major players often go through broker-dealers who guarantee VWAP pricing
• Because we are taking a position our strategy has much higher capacity and our
returns are potentially unlimited.
• Ideally, we want w to be consistent over time because each time we change
positions we incur transaction costs
• We therefore may implement a regularization term in our optimization penalizing
deviations from our existing portfolio
• There are typically teams whose job it is to model transaction costs to help motivate
how strong turnover should be penalized
• Unfortunately as we get new data our factors and loadings will change and induce
some turnover. How you deal with can make/break the fund.
How to (not) Kill Your Ops Guy
(Risk Management)
Portfolio Risk
• All correlations tend towards 1 during large drops and factor variances
• This will kill your risk model and cause your entire portfolio to lose a lot
of its value
• You can prevent exposure to this risk by buying downside puts on your
• You can also exit your position quickly if you have a robust predictor of
when this might occur
Are My Quants Bad At Their Job?
• Ideally, if a position isn’t realizing its expected gains we want to
dump it before we lose too much money
• We therefore may choose to model expected drawdowns during
prediction intervals
• Drawdown is a fact of life, but we want to limit our downside so we
can keep the lights on
Structural Divergence
• A relationship may no longer exist for fundamental reasons.
• Example:
• Let’s say you’re pairs trading Microsoft and Amazon, specifically on their respective
cloud computing businesses.
• However, the anti-trust action is taken against Microsoft so they have to drop Azure
(their cloud platform).
• Your statistical relationship will likely no longer hold, even when the two securities
Liquidity Risk
• If you are running a strategy in illiquid assets, it may be very hard to clear
positions, even after reconvergence.
• You will also not be able to take large positions without having a large market
• How can you solve this?
Alternative Data
Market Data is Useless (T&C Apply)
• At longer time horizons order book data is typically useless. If it weren’t HFTs would
be incorporating it into the price much more quickly.
• Therefore, from the perspective of a stat arb strategy, the market is efficient with
respect to very granular order book data.
• This isn’t always the case especially when we aggregate data
What is Alt Data?
• Alt data is anything that isn’t market data
• Some common examples include credit card data, satellite data, and
weather data
• These data can provide us orthogonal alphas to use in computing our
returns matrix
• Often alt data is sold by 3rd party vendors for firms to use
Is My Competition Using This?
And other questions to ask your vendor.
• Is my competition using this data? How many of them?
• What is the latency of this data?
• Where are you getting this data from?
• How do you ensure correctness?
• Is there a human verifying this data?
• How much is does the feed cost?
• Do you already work with my firm?
Major Players
Some firms
• Renaissance Technologies
• Two Sigma
• D.E. Shaw
• TGS Management
• PDT Partners
• Citadel GQS
• AQR Capital Management
Notebook Demo