Uploaded by Preston Jones

Patient Progress Note: SOAP Format

Progress Note SOAP Format
Describe in detail the patient:
Name, age, gender, & profession any other information you want to provide which might be helpful to determine the
-Patient is Renee Shelton, 17 yr old female student
-Generally good health, Hx shows heart, lungs, kidneys normal
-Mother, three sisters, three brothers AAW
This is everything that the patient describes ( you may also want to research to see what other symptoms patient may
have had for the diagnosis )
-CC: Syncopy and dizziness
-Hx: No major heart, lung, kidney, or abdominal issues. Smoker, ½ ppd, occasional ETOH, On brith control for 6/mo.
-ROS: Denies drug use. Complaints of discomfort in L arm and R leg, no erythema, laceration, abrasions, or swelling.
This is the diagnosis of the patient – find the diagnosis listed as the admission diagnosis if the discharge diagnosis
different from the admission diagnosis write both here.
-PE: Slightly overweight, NAD. EENT unremarkable. Vitals: T 98.6, HR 88, RR 20, BP 133/70 sitting, 120/70 lying
down. Alert, active cooperative, oriented. CN 2-12 intact. DTR +2 and symmetrical. No clonus. Toes down going
bilaterally. Muscle tone and strength normal.
-Dx Tests: ECG and SCG WNL. Ca 9.5, Cr .9, TP 6.6, Albumin 4.0. Blood work WNL. WBC 8,700, 55 segmented
cells, 34 lympocytes, 10 monocytes, 1 eosinophils. Hgb 13. UA WNL.
Assessment: All labs, test and any procedure done to make an assessment for the diagnosis
-Syncopy episodes of unknown etimology. R/O seizure disorder. Normal ECG, SCG II, blood chemistry, CBC and
Plan ; What plan does the patient have include referrals, medications etc…
-Tx: Tylenol,Valium 5mg q10 p.r.n. seizures or agitation
- Instructed to reduce activity, cease smoking. Schedules outpatient EEG (sleep deprived, hyperventilates,) avoid OTC
cold premedies pre EEG. Possible refer to neurologist.
Progress Note SOAP Format
ONLY use this format – this is a word documents – if I can’t download the file, I can’t grade you.