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Team Building Activity Guide: GLL 2023-24

GLL 2023-24
Core Values
1. Abstract to Concrete
Team will split in two with their backs turned. One half will be shown a
drawn object along with a list of tabooed words. The other half will be given
a piece of paper and a pencil. The former will have to describe the drawing
to the latter without using any of the prohibited words and the latter will
have to replicate the drawing using those descriptions only. Teams have a
total of 2 minutes to complete the task.
2. Human Knot
The team stands closely together in a circle. Instruct them to reach their
hands into the middle of the circle and randomly grab another student’s
hand. Once every hand is grabbed, have students untangle themselves
within 2 minutes.
3. Cup Stacking
The team gets one rubber band and each member gets a piece of string.
Each member has to tie their string to the rubber band. Then, everyone
steps back and works together to place the rubber band around the cup,
expanding and contracting as needed to place it just so. Once the rubber
band is around the cup, the team has to carry it from one place to another
by touching only their strings and finally place the cup over a designated
object. Teams will have a total of 3 minutes to complete the task (60
seconds to place the rubber band around the cup and carry it).
4. Hula Hoop Fingers
The team has to arrange themselves in a circle and hold out their index
fingers. Place the hula hoop in the center of the circle, resting it on their
fingertips. The team has to carry the hula hoop from one spot on the room
to another and set it on the ground without dropping it or hooking their
fingers around it. Absolutely no grabbing the hula hoop. Teams will have a
total of 60 seconds to complete the task.
5. Hula Hoop Pass
Team forms a circle and a hula hoop is placed on a student’s arm at one
point in the circle. The goal is to get the hula hoop all the way around the
circle without releasing their hands. Teams have between 30 to 60 seconds
to complete the task.
6. Memory Game
Teams are given an arrangement of playing cards to memorise. After 20
seconds, the cards are flipped and jumbled. The team has 40 seconds to
place the cards back in their original place.
7. Trust Falls
Each member will take turns as the other members arrange themselves
behind them to catch them when they fall. Teams will have 30 seconds to
complete trust falls with every member.