Uploaded by Douglas Ramshaw

Types of Bias: Definitions and Examples

Definitions and simple examples:
1. Bias through Emotive Words: Using emotionally charged words to sway
Simplified Example: "The disgusting meal repulsed everyone."
2. Bias through Exaggeration: Overstating something to make it seem more
Simplified Example: "He's always late."
3. Bias through Understatement: Making something seem less important than
it is.
Simplified Example: "It's just a small error." (for a significant mistake)
4. Bias through Opinion Disguised as Truth: Presenting opinions as if they
are facts.
Simplified Example: "Homework is obviously useless."
5. Bias through Lack of Evidence: Claiming something without proof.
Simplified Example: "This is the hardest test in the world."
6. Bias through Lack of Reasoned Judgement: Making a conclusion without
logical reasoning.
Simplified Example: "He's wearing glasses, so he must be smart."
7. Bias through Excessive Generalization: Making a broad claim based on
limited evidence.
Simplified Example: "All cats are lazy."
Activity 1 (extended):
Types of Bias:
1. Bias through Emotive Words
2. Bias through Exaggeration
3. Bias through Understatement
4. Bias through Opinion Disguised as Truth
5. Bias through Lack of Evidence
6. Bias through Lack of Reasoned Judgement
7. Bias through Excessive Generalization
Examples to Match (Shuffled):
A. "The new educational program is clearly ineffective, although there haven't been
any formal assessments or feedback from teachers."
B. "Everyone knows that public transport is always unreliable and inefficient
compared to private cars."
C. "Nowadays, every teenager is addicted to their phone and completely
disconnected from the real world."
D. "The government's cruel and heartless policy has once again caused misery to
thousands of innocent people."
E. "The CEO's salary is a colossal theft from the hardworking employees, making
him richer than some small countries."
F. "The environmental impact of the new factory is not too significant; it's just a little
extra pollution."
G. "Without even examining the economic data, it's obvious that this financial plan is
doomed to fail."