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Auditing Past Papers (Punjab University) 2014-2022

Past Papers (Punjab University)
(2014 to 2022)
1. Explain the concept of Audit and its Objectives. (A/2014, S/2017, S/2019, A/2021)
2. Explain in detail the main Advantages of auditing. Also discuss the Qualities of an Auditor.
(S/2015, A/2018)
3. Define Auditing. Also explain the difference between Auditing and Accounting? (A/2016)
4. Define Internal Auditing. State the difference between Internal and External Auditing.
(S/2014, A/2017, A/2019)
5. Define Final Audit and explain its Merits and Demerits. (S/2014, S/2016, S/2017)
6. Define Continuous Audit. Discuss its Merits and Demerits. (S/2015, A/2018, A/2019,
7. Define and distinguish between Final and Continuous Audit. (S/2018)
8. Define and distinguish between Balance Sheet Audit and Continuous Audit. (A/2021)
9. Define interim audit. Discuss its merits and demerits (A/2017, S/2019)
10. Define Balance Sheet audit. Discuss its merits and demerits? (A/2020)
11. Define Internal Control. Suggest a Suitable system of Internal Control for
a) Large Scale Departmental Store. (A/2014, A/2016, A/2021)
b) Trading Concern (A/2015)
c) Over Cash Receipts and Cash Payments (S/2015, S/2019)
d) Over Sales (S/2016)
e) Over Purchases (A/2018, S/2018)
12. Define Interim Audit. Discuss its Merits and Demerits. (A/2015)
13. What is an Audit Program? Give its Advantages and Disadvantages. (A/2014, A/2021)
14. Define audit Working Papers. Explain the advantages of working paper. (A/2016)
15. What do you mean Audit Note Book? What are its, contents? Also discuss it advantages.
16. Explain different types of Accounting Errors. How would you discover them? (A/2015,
A/2017, A/2019)
17. Explain in detail the 'Techniques of Vouching". (A/2014, S/2014, A/2019, S/2019, A/2020,
18. Define Vouching. Briefly explain the necessary steps to be taken in vouching of Receipt
Side of Cash Book. (A/2021)
19. How would your vouch the following:
a) Investment (A/2014, S/2018)
b) Plant and Machinery (A/2014)
c) Bank Loan (A/2014)
d) Goodwill (A/2014)
e) Cash Purchase (A/2015)
f) Payment of Salaries (A/2015)
g) Credit Sales (A/2015)
h) cash sales (S/2015, S/2016, A/2018)
i) Travelling Expenses (S/2015, S/2016, A/2018)
j) wages and salaries (S/2015, S/2016, A/2018)
k) Purchase Book (S/2015)
l) Dividend Income (S/2016, A/2018)
m) Purchase and Sale (A/2017)
n) Rent and Taxes (S/2018)
20. Define Verification. What is the six points Technique of Verification. (S/2014, S/2016,
21. Define Verification. How would you verify the following,a) Clash in hand (S/2015, A/2017)
b) Cash at bank (S/2015, A/2017)
c) Land and Building (S/2015, A/2017)
d) Trade marks (S/2015, A/2017, A/2018)
e) Furniture & Fixture (A/2018)
f) Bills Receivable (A/2018, A/2020)
g) Investments (A/2018)
h) Share Capital (A/2020)
i) Plant and Machinery (A/2020)
j) Debenture/ Bonds (A/2020)
22. Define "Investigation". How does it differ from Auditing? (S/2017)
23. How would you investigate the Accounts of a Company on behalf of a Bank considering
granting Loan? (A/2015)
24. Explain the Legal Provisions relating to appointment and removal of Auditor in Pakistan.
(A/2014, A/2018, A/2016, A/2021, S/2022)
25. Explain the Qualities required in an Auditor and also differentiate between Accounting
and Auditing. (S/2014, S/2018)
26. Briefly discuss the Rights and Duties of an Auditor of a Public Limited Company. (S/2016,
A/2017, S/2017, A/2019, S/2019, A/2020)
27. Discuss Auditor's Liabilities towards his client with relevant Case Law. (A/2014)
28. Under what circumstances an Auditor would be held liable to Third Parties. Support your
answer with relevant Case Law. (S/2014, A/2016, S/2016, A/2019)
29. What is Liability for Negligence and Criminal of an Auditor? Prove your answer with Case
Reference. (A/2015, A/2016, A/2018)
30. Explain the following liabilities of an Auditor along with case reference (a) Misfeasance (b)
Negligence (S/2015, A/2017, S/2017, S/2018, S/2022)
31. Under what circumstances an auditor can be held responsible for, Criminal liability and
liability for Libel,” Illustrate your answer with relevant case raw references. (S/2019,
32. What is meant by Statutory Report? What are its contents and also give specimen of such
Report? (S/2014, A/2016, S/2018, A/2019)
33. Define Prospectus Reports? What work is performed by the Auditor in this regard? Also
draft the Specimen of a Prospectus Report. (A/2015)
34. What is an Annual Audit Report? Also explain the audit work involved in the submission
of such report to the shareholders of a public Limited Company. (S/2015)
35. What is an Unqualified Audit Report? Write its contents and draw an imaginary specimen
of such report. (A/2021)
36. What are the auditor's duties in respect of an Unqualified Report? Give an imaginary
specimen of such a report. (S/2017)
37. Explain the Special Point to be kept in mind while examining the accounts of
a) Cement Plant. (A/2014, S/2017, A/2018)
b) Sugar Company (S/2014, S/2019, S/2022)
c) Bank (A/2015)
d) Newspaper Company (S/2015)
e) Textile Mill (A/2016, A/2020)
f) Insurance Company (S/2016, A/2017, A/2021)
g) Hotel (S/2018)
h) Cinema House (A/2019)
38. Write a Note on the following:
a) Compensating Errors (S/2019)
b) Teeming & Lading (S/2019, A/2020)
c) Working Papers (S/2019, A/2020)
d) Audit Note Book (S/2019)
e) Test checking (A/2020)
f) Calling Over (A/2020)