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Assignment # 1:
Name: M Nawaz Ashfaq
Roll# 15-10920
Submitted to: Miss Sadia Sumbal
Course: Hist 202 (European History)
The French Revolution:
Role of Middle Class, Philosophers and Poets
The French revolution was not only the greatest event of Europe,
Americas not even Asia but in the history of entire mankind. Ideas and
conducts of many generations veered, along with the change in the method
of contemplations and governance of a state. In spite political divergence
and turmoil it brought a rapid change in socio economic structure of not only
French society but of sprawled Europe. This preeminent event produced a
twist in human history and made human cogitations complex and perplex in
understanding the human developments as modern and one of the best
creature of God. From least to last resort of human endeavors, to justify past
and history, human minds stuck in this great upheaval of 1789. A breeze
originated from central Europe, France, engulfed every side and even human
minds started brewing new ideas and formulas to review the human
developments and his loopholes. The clouds of ominous and daunting
change rumbled with their best strength and like never before flooded the
psychology of human with labyrinth queries. How and what were the
fundamental factors behind this phantom to be released are the biggest and
onerous questions, which are to be addressed and laid pending. From
individual to clans, from groups to associations, from associations to society
and indispensably, from society to state French Revolution galvanized the
people. How this hierarchy, from individual to state, transcended and how
exclusively they played their role in making this giant out of bottle were the
key concerns? Middle class, Philosophers and writers were somehow the
three pillars upon which the edifice of French revolution was standing. Their
respective and crucial role made this overall scene of French revolution
ostensible and possible to be written in the record and particularly in history
of changing civilizations. Analysis and historical evidences depict that above
listed three factors contributed to a larger extent and made this change
possible to be transformed into a revolution.
Strength’s in one perspective is the combination of some the tiny and
minute strong objectives or things. Like combination of atoms numerically
result in the formation of Atomic bomb, one of the destructive bomb, chain of
strands consequently result into a complete edifice the chain, philosophers,
writers and middle class converged themselves into a very potent force
which actually made European society shivered and ancient regime at stalk.
These three factors have been proven inextricable as they were
interconnected; they were in the form of chain.
Voltaire, Montesquieu and particularly Rousseau played a pivotal role in
making this phantom of Revolution out of bottle in order to put entire Europe
into turmoil and brawls. Conservatives of that time, no doubt, criticized and
condemned them in mobilizing the people and in making them effective in
drowning the fleet of Louis family. Like we have talked about the in extricable
nature of these factors, these philosopher particular hit educated class,
middle class. The effective and organized weapon, middle class was being
evoked and promoted through the writings of these philosophers. In their
writings, philosophers like Voltaire made curious contradictory notes against
the government of that time and support the middle class with its effective
thinking of innovation. Along with government people were being impressed
by the writings of Voltaire against the overpowering of church. Bitter attacks
were made on the church power and middle class was made raised against
this power. Secularism was promoted and lifted up in their writings and
people were pulled and laden with this spirit of secularism. Challenging the
Pope and sentiments of being anti monarchy were explicit in Voltaire as the
society of France in particular was in feeble and frail state. 1Modern thinking
and innovations were not result of conservative nature of Voltaire rather he
1 Robert.M Maiquis, Introduction; English Romanticism and French Revolution,
Boston university publication, volume 28, 1989, Jstore.
was influenced by the British system of government as England was his
frequently visited place. Writings were seen mostly in the form of comparison
and made into the notice of people the differences and the system of
governance. In the eyes of Voltaire the middle class was the sole platform
which could resist against the government and can bring the change in
society. It will not be the justice if Montesquieu is ignored, as the political
reformer during the brawls and commotion, before revolution. Sociologically,
Voltaire’s role and in same context politically Montesquieu was one of the
leading philosopher to whom French revolution was honored. Political reforms
with the aid and buttress of Middle class can easily be brought if some
changes can be permitted. Montesquieu’s main concern was to limit the
powers of Monarch and anything which was being over privileged and
supported. Ideal thinking and monarchy as an obstacle in the progress was
the key concern of his thinking. How people could be entertained in the
government respectfully, their interests to be addressed, despotism of
monarchy could be curtailed was especially addressed in his writings. English
were exhibiting the best performance in their society with their people in the
government and their interests fulfilled as per Montesquieu regarded for
British political system. 2Special attention and regard was given to the
educated class and was being boosted through his enthusiastic writing, ‘The
spirit of the law’. This book was also a comparative analysis of English
society and French society.
The revolution belongs to society and society ultimately belongs to state
and how state belongs to people was the concern and agenda of Jean
Jacques Rousseau. Concept of people government with no suspect came all
the ways from Greece but how it could be understood by the people was the
core point of Rousseau. The concept of General will was first introduced by
this very philosopher. How this shall be applicable to the society and what
actually is the mechanism of this General will with comparison to the
2 H.L Peacock, A history of Modern Europe(1789-1991), 3 rd edition
monarchy was the subject of Rousseau’s study. Rousseau spoke in two
aspects one was theoretical ideal based, goodness of man, and other was
sudden change in society3. Revolving around General will he regarded the
representative system for the governance of France. His concern was;
“4Men are born free, equal but every where they are in chains”.
This fuel which was being poured to combust in the minds of people was
kept combusting until Revolution took place. Voltaire, Montesquieu were
comparatively on same track of social reforms but Rousseau was the
philosopher, a complete democrat, wanted people’s government on the basis
of General will. What needed to be pondered was Rousseau’s idealism which
was actually behind the curtain, once again required to be put off. This
curtain, with no suspect was the middle class and the peasants. Prominently,
Rousseau projection was towards the importance of middle class.
The troika which contributed in the drowning the fleet of French empire
did include the writers and encyclopedists. Philosophers thinking and
innovations which on one hand side were provoking and refilling the spirits of
French with great passion were also encouraged and promoted by the writers
as well. Importantly the encyclopedia was buttressed by the two main pillars,
Diderot and D’Alembert. Sprawling, spreading of knowledge and writings of
philosophers were getting prestige by the toil of writers. In making and
formulating the knowledge, against the government and society of France,
simple and localized writers particularly encyclopedists role did matter and
was quite worthy. Even under the sanctions and bans of government they did
not oblige themselves to refrain from spreading information and knowledge
which were against the spirit of monarchy and its privileged base system and
structure. Voltaire, Montesquieu and Rousseau writings contributed till the
3 C.H Lincoln, Rousseau and French Revolution, Sage Publication, USA, Tenth
volume, Jstore
4 ibid
last resort of French revolution. 5Comparing and contrasting the monarchial
powers and privileges with English monarchy, these writers made people
tilted against the French government and mold their way of contemplating
and analyzing. English comparison with French was a road map toward the
end of journey for French Revolution as the society, state, institutions and
particular the representation of people had started making people of France
upset and restless. The intellectual influence of philosophers and support of
writers along with the comparison of England shadowed the French society
with the black dense cloud which ultimately rumbled with their best thunder
and made France a candid place for a new regime type and form. In case of
atom nucleus is the centre, in the same way Middle class is the centre and
target for the French Revolution writers and philosophers like electrons and
protons in the orbits of atoms were revolving around the Middle class.
Different terminologies have been used in History to explain Middle class;
the most important of all was the bourgeoisie. The middle class like nucleus
engulfs every sect and clan of society tentatively. In relation to middle class
professional groups like merchants, industrialists, educated people, writers,
lawyers, doctors and particularly bankers were included. The so called
middle class was excluded from the government services specifically from
army and political privileges. Exemption of taxes did not matter for the
merchants as they wanted more privileges and representation.
Commissioned were restricted to the nobles and royal class but middle class
most of the time was not permitted to serve in the army, conditionally, if
served commission was remained intact to royal. As history was implicit in
this regard that economy and finance played a pivotal role in making the
society change. Increase in national debt due to indulgence of France in
5 P.C Thomson, The history of England, 2nd edition.
6 Gary.B Nash, The American Clergy and French Revolution, omuhundro publication,
USA, Volume 22, 1965, Jstore
American Revolution and fighting with British had put pressure on France
directly. Economic burden on merchants and restrictions on trade due to
British blockage enhanced venomous feeling among the middle urban
classes. The indirect taxation proved fatal for the France which developed
hatred feeling in the minds of industrialists. At the beginning of 1789, French
economy was facing predicament situation. The rising impatience and
procrastinated attitude of Nobles and royals fanned the already ablaze fire.
Once again English sprawling and progressing economy proved to be a
obstacle in the way of French government. In analyzing French and English
economy middle class deviated towards English society instead of France.
The rise of education and financial institutions headed by Middle class were
one of the root causes of middle class hatred. The deprivation and sense of
being insecurity clung middle class to rise against the France government.
The importance and degree of being indispensable factor, middle class, in
the French Revolution can be visualized through the writings of philosophers
and writers. Introduction of secularism along with the curtailment of pope
power were the main objectives of middle class approach. Being motivated
and influenced by the thinkers and philosophers the educated class
promoted itself toward the demands and rights for them. Royalist, being
conservative did not bother to find the solution, riots and marches, as history
prevailed was the last resort at the end, started against the Monarchy and
privileged class. The March of women in Paris was the crucial factor which
contributed a lot in setting the theater for Revolution to be ignited and for
performance. 7The slogans and voices against feudalism, monarchy and
particularly privileged class were gaining their strength and roars of being
aggressive were no new to the French society first quarter of 1789 year.
It is ample to consider and conceive that French Revolution was revolving
around these three stars, which were discussed above. Had these three
factors been excluded or regarded worthless the revolution might be
7 H.L Peacock, A history of modern Europe(1789-1991),3 rd edition
suppressed or can have different angle and approaches. Other factors did
have their importance but all the way circulated around these factors.
Philosophers and writers were revolving around Middle class, other minor
factors for instance societal factors around philosophers and writers likewise.
For all time, this event will be regarded as imperative events of history which
not only veered the history but also changed and put considerable burden on
the mode of human thinking. The edifice of monarchy was dismantled these
three equipments and new arrangements and formulations were set up to
put French bogie back on track. The Revolution dictated itself and
transformation of hierarchy was visualized, above to down have been
changed into down to above. Society was redeveloped and reproduced once
again after being such a long time as this long time is being referred by
Reformation. Ramifications and precarious consequences no doubt were
ignored after Revolution hit but its symptoms appeared when revolution
started becoming old and passed.
Robert.M Maiquis, Introduction; English Romanticism and French
Revolution, Boston university publication, volume 28, 1989, Jstore.
H.L Peacock, A history of Modern Europe(1789-1991), 3rd edition
C.H Lincoln, Rousseau and French Revolution, Sage Publication, USA,
Tenth volume, Jstore
P.C Thomson, The history of England, 2nd edition.
Gary.B Nash, The American Clergy and French Revolution,
omuhundro publication, USA, Volume 22, 1965, Jstore