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How to Resolve QuickBooks Error Code C=272?

How to Resolve QuickBooks
Error Code C=272?
For the past few years, we have noticed stark changes in the way
accounting is done. And all thanks to the software by Intuit called
QuickBooks. It is an accounting application which has many powerful
features like managing finances and payroll, taking care of
the inventory etc. Since this software has many benefits, most small
and medium sized businesses are depending on it. The best part is
that every year a new version of QuickBooks desktop is launched by
Intuit with newer and better features.
Even though QuickBooks is an amazing application, it is not immune
to any kind of error or technical glitches. One of the common issues
faced by the users is QuickBooks error C=272 when they try to run
the QuickBooks verify Data Utility or QuickBooks Rebuild Data Utility
tool in the system. This error disrupts the work process and also
causes delays and that’s why it needs to be resolved at the earliest.
However, it is very important to understand the causes of the error to
come up with the solution for the same.
Steps to resolve the QuickBooks error code C=272
Before you start with the steps, you need to rule out any possibility of data damage and just
make an attempt to open the company file. In case, you notice that the error is still there then
disable the Windows 10 Compatibility Mode.
Step 1: The first thing to do is to open QuickBooks sample company file
• Press and Hold the tab Ctrl, when you are opening QuickBooks
• When the No Company Open Window is displayed in front of you Release the Ctrl tab
• If, the error occurs before the No Company Open Windows’ pop up on the screen then you
have to go ahead with the next step
• Click ‘Open sample file’ option and then choose a sample file from the list
• Now you have to try opening the sample file.
Step 2: Disable Windows 10 Compatibility mode with
QuickBooks Desktop Shortcut Icon
The first thing to do is to right-click on the QuickBooks shortcut icon
After this you have to choose Properties
Now click on the Compatibility Tab
Once done, you have to unmark the checkbooks which says ‘Run the program in
• Now tap on OK button.
• After this click on Cancel and go ahead with the next step.
Step 3: Disable Windows Compatibility mode setting for
‘QBW32.EXE’ file
Firstly, on the Windows Desktop, right-click on the QuickBooks icon
After this click on Properties
Once done, open the QuickBooks installation folder and click on the shortcut tab
Now click on Find Target
Then right-click in the QBW32.EXE file and then click on the Properties option
Followed by clicking on Compatibility
Now unmark the checkbox ‘Run program in compatibility ‘
Click on OK tab.
If the checkbox is not marked, then click on the Cancel option
Now close the Windows Explorer Window and QuickBooks desktop shortcut properties.
All the above-mentioned steps can easily fix the QuickBooks error code C=272. However, if still
the problem doesn’t get resolved then you can always connect with the QuickBooks error
support experts by dialing 1-800-615-2347 that is available 24/7.
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if you have questions.