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Measuring Battery Voltage with Multimeter

Experiment 2: Measuring Ba,ery Voltage Using a Mul3meter
Circuit Diagram
Materials Required
Digital Mul3meter (DMM) -­‐ 1
9 V Ba;ery -­‐ 1
Step No. 1
Take a DMM (digital multimeter). Insert the red connector into the VΩmA slot, and the black connector into the COM slot of the multimeter. Step No. 2
Rotate the mul3meter dial to 20 V of the DC Voltage region (V …). Note: To measure DC voltages, we rotate the dial to V … region. To measure AC voltages, we rotate the dial to V ~ region. Step No. 3
Connect the red probe of the meter to the positive terminal, and the black probe to the negative terminal of the battery. Observa3on
We will get a meter reading between 8 and 11 V.
Note: If the ba?ery is new, it shows more voltage than the rated value (9 V). In this case, the mulEmeter shows a reading of 9.72 V. For: Ac3vity Modifica3on Reasoning Inference Refer Book Set