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Programming & Electronics Quiz: Constants, Data Types, Sensors

1: What are constants in comparison to variables?
A Constant remains the same value if you set as 5 it wont change from 5.
A variable has the power to remember values of whatever kind depending on
your variable choice.
2: What is the difference between an integer and a float?
An integer or int can only measure whole numbers from -32768 to 32768 but for
float its not just whole numbers you can read decimals as well.
3. In the Love-o-Meter project a “for” function is used to configure the LEDs as
OUTPUTs, can you describe how this is done?
So, a “for” function works by going through your set of pins instead of declaring
each induvial one for example in love-o-meter we use pins 2,3,4 as our red lights
when we use the “for” method we are saying we understand these pins are here and
we can recall them back in our program later on.
TMP26 Datasheet
In reference to the Temperature Sensor (TMP36) datasheet, what is the voltage
range for proper operation of the device?
2.7V to 5.5V max
What is the temperature range (in degrees Celsius) the TMP36 can measure?
–40C to +125C, +150C max