Project No. 1 Cell City Each individual cell operates much like a city, a business, a home, or a school does. Each organelle in the cell does a job that allows the whole cell to function properly. There are many different jobs that must be done for a city to run smoothly. You will design a project where you will need to research the organelles to deepen your understanding, plan what the pieces to your project will look like, and then build/design all the parts of your city, home, etc. that correspond to the organelles in a cell. Your cell MUST have the following: Cell Membrane, Cell wall, Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Chloroplast, Mitochondria, Lysosome, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Vacuole, Golgi apparatus. Instructions: • Step 1: Research the functions of the organelles that are found within the cell. • Step 2: Plan your city/home/business: o Decide what Parts of you will need for the cell type you chose. Cell Organelle NUCLEOUS CELL MEMBRANE CELL WALL CYTOPLASM CHLOROPLAST MITOCHONDRIA Organelle Function Similar to a ____ because it ________. Stores DNA and ARN. Gives the cell Instructions. Similar to a City Hall because the City Hall also gives instructions and organizes the city. LYSOSOME ENDOPLASTIC RETICULUM VACUOLE GOLGI APPARTOUS Instructions Continued: • Step 3: Choose whether you want to do a plant cell or animal cell. • step 4: Build your city: o Decide what Parts of a city you will need for the cell type you chose (MINIMUN 8) o On a poster board provided, draw your city parts and organize them on the poster like a real city would be organized. o Label each part of the city and underneath it in parentheses label the organelle it represents. Ex. City Hall (nucleus) • Step 5: In the left corner of your poster draw an actual cell. Grading Rubric: 1.Properly matching each organelle with a city part _______/10 pts 2. Choosing the right organelles for Plant vs. Animal _______/10 pts 3. Designing a city with all the parts represented on a poster _______/40 pts 4. Labeling all parts of the city with their correct organelle _______/10 pts 5. Overall quality, effort, neatness, timeliness, etc. _______/20 pts 6. Cell colored and labeled in the left corner _______/10 pts Total Point value ______/100 pts