UK Actuarial Profession : Merger of Faculty with Institute? : Jon Spain UK Actuarial Profession Merger of Faculty with Institute? Jon Spain protecting actuaries’ rights 16 June 2009 Isle of Man Actuarial Society 1 of 18 UK Actuarial Profession : Merger of Faculty with Institute? : Jon Spain overview Several general points Excessive pressure by Councils towards merger Using our resources wisely Where is UK actuarial profession? Current proposals still lack clarity and sense What else are we missing? Where next? Must vote by Thursday 23 July 2009 {SGM} this time, students can’t vote (normal position) 16 June 2009 Isle of Man Actuarial Society 2 of 18 UK Actuarial Profession : Merger of Faculty with Institute? : Jon Spain several general points Scotland and history? not bovvered except for “WLQ” Current situation not truly broken, fix not needed Two bodies are much closer than I had even realised! Were we consulted about pension schemes merger? I don’t recall it at all, does anyone else? Competition reduced, tolerance of alternative views? based upon what we’ve seen so far, probably not Proper arguments were and remain required for merger such action likely to be virtually irreversible detailed cost analysis sought but not provided 16 June 2009 Isle of Man Actuarial Society 3 of 18 UK Actuarial Profession : Merger of Faculty with Institute? : Jon Spain excessive pressure by Councils towards merger Councils’ pressure towards merger enormous objectors unfairly described as just negative almost black propaganda – and contemptuous Whatever happened to “professional independence”? OK, we wouldn’t have started from where we are now …oh, we didn’t, Faculty walked away in 1856 they can transfer back extremely easily Merger is far from being only appropriate route We’re supposed to be evidence-based profession Approach to statistics has been quite interesting 16 June 2009 Isle of Man Actuarial Society 4 of 18 UK Actuarial Profession : Merger of Faculty with Institute? : Jon Spain interesting approach to statistics “You Said” said 70% wanted merger (online survey) weighted mean of 58% (Faculty) & 72% (Institute) Faculty respondents were 35% of eligible voters 58% is lower than trigger of 67% 58% is lower than previous survey of 64% (August 2008) Institute respondents were 26% of eligible voters 72% is lower than trigger of 75% 72% is lower than previous survey of 83% (August 2008) So good to be part of “evidence based profession” 16 June 2009 Isle of Man Actuarial Society 5 of 18 UK Actuarial Profession : Merger of Faculty with Institute? : Jon Spain using our resources wisely “I hold every man a debtor to his profession” (Bacon) Much made of too many people involved in running the profession …but that’s what some actuaries might want to do Having just 1 president instead of 2? …could reduce volunteers as fewer opportunities UK actuarial profession has some real problems see next 7 slides Are we merely fiddling while Rome burns? historically inaccurate (fiddle invented 1,500 years later) 16 June 2009 Isle of Man Actuarial Society 6 of 18 UK Actuarial Profession : Merger of Faculty with Institute? : Jon Spain where is UK actuarial profession? (1 of 7) Frankly, we’re nowhere, we’ve lost our way No-one knows our “unique selling point(s)” Not “predicting” future (erroneous common view) If only there were a Carlsberg actuary probably best advice in the world No-one on Earth knows future when? which direction? how far? how long? 16 June 2009 Isle of Man Actuarial Society 7 of 18 UK Actuarial Profession : Merger of Faculty with Institute? : Jon Spain where is UK actuarial profession? (2 of 7) Too much copy-cattery, too little free thinking Pensions mis-selling in 1980s and 1990s we really didn’t say very much very clearly With-profits life funds not being that well capitalised we really didn’t say very much very clearly Pension accounting standards (FRS17) we really didn’t say very much very clearly no-one paid much attention to what we did say Is LDI the next pensions mis-selling scandal? we’re really not saying very much very clearly 16 June 2009 Isle of Man Actuarial Society 8 of 18 UK Actuarial Profession : Merger of Faculty with Institute? : Jon Spain where is UK actuarial profession? (3 of 7) Capitalisation was all we had for many decades It diverts attention away from underlying cashflows Others have now started using “our” approach We’ve lost control of our main professional tool Trustees must take account of employer covenant …but the pension scheme itself weakens covenant We should be looking at overall picture but do we? So just what are we contributing? …for which others should be willing to pay 16 June 2009 Isle of Man Actuarial Society 9 of 18 UK Actuarial Profession : Merger of Faculty with Institute? : Jon Spain where is UK actuarial profession? (4 of 7) “Today’s” conditions are useless as long-term indicator Some actuaries say “today” is only evidence we have That is simply not true, there is far more not just “judge, fudge and bodge” Looking back, we have had huge variability Ignoring variability excludes virtually all of the data “Spot” value can’t be superior to “whole population” Why assume future experience must be worse? Is that what actuaries really think their job is? 16 June 2009 Isle of Man Actuarial Society 10 of 18 UK Actuarial Profession : Merger of Faculty with Institute? : Jon Spain where is UK actuarial profession? (5 of 7) “Risk management” is to be our new mantra Will we confuse “management” with “avoidance”? Narrow approach insufficient to gain real credibility We should be emphasising risk AND reward as we used to for pension fund assets (DCF approach) Can’t invest assets “short” and “long” simultaneously Actuaries can help choose appropriate assets …so long as we’re aware of realistic timeframe No need to fund in advance for wind-up if event unlikely 16 June 2009 Isle of Man Actuarial Society 11 of 18 UK Actuarial Profession : Merger of Faculty with Institute? : Jon Spain where is UK actuarial profession? (6 of 7) Short-termism commonly seen as systemic problem Short-term optima won’t deliver long-term optimum path dependence is crucial Actuaries were supposed to specialise in long-term No-one else in UK used to be seen as doing that If we don’t regain our ground, others will take over We must stop being fixated by “now” We need to focus upon strategy rather than tactics 16 June 2009 Isle of Man Actuarial Society 12 of 18 UK Actuarial Profession : Merger of Faculty with Institute? : Jon Spain where is UK actuarial profession? (7 of 7) Actuary’s primary task is to take account of evidence data source and bias? data consistency (internal and external)? data sufficiently robust and fit for purpose? Then identify options behaviour (new), demographics, financials in order to price fairly and appropriately Actuarial world has changed since 1970s Chief actuaries are no longer in control nor should Presidents and Councils think they are 16 June 2009 Isle of Man Actuarial Society 13 of 18 UK Actuarial Profession : Merger of Faculty with Institute? : Jon Spain current proposals still lack clarity and sense Now voting for Faculty to join Institute originally the other way around apparently reversed because of pension implications don’t need a merger for that (individuals can transfer) Merger not sole solution to governance problem We wouldn’t agree client merger without full details …so why should we do it here? Why are Faculty so nervous about Institute support? Charter problems Can pension fund wind-up deficit be carried forward? 16 June 2009 Isle of Man Actuarial Society 14 of 18 UK Actuarial Profession : Merger of Faculty with Institute? : Jon Spain charter problems (1 of 2) Originally going to be based upon Faculty because Faculty were taking over Institute (you knew?) New charter to be adopted with little discussion Faculty being transferred to Institute (pensions) Why do we need new charter at all? Objects clause? New Charter claimed to be simpler, more efficient members deprived of right to vote on many issues Council deprived of powers of detailed control small Management Board and Chief Executive granted very substantial powers Changing charter later on will be virtually impossible 16 June 2009 Isle of Man Actuarial Society 15 of 18 UK Actuarial Profession : Merger of Faculty with Institute? : Jon Spain charter problems (2 of 2) Current collective names for actuaries stupor (I prefer “mego”) actuaraei new singular name is to be “FCAP” just say it fast corresponding collective noun? prospectus offers choice of sticking with FIA/FFA …but that defeats whole purpose of merger, right? That is only a “reserved right” under regulations Council can easily remove that under regulation 1 I believe that will be their first step 16 June 2009 Isle of Man Actuarial Society 16 of 18 UK Actuarial Profession : Merger of Faculty with Institute? : Jon Spain what else are we missing? The elephant in the room… …the Board for Actuarial Standards Why (how) did that happen? right, we really didn’t say very much very clearly Borders between {IoA & FoA} and BAS unclear? No, BAS now possess most of “our” former powers So just what can a residual body even offer? This is vital, to be ignored at our peril BAS have already told us to show cashflows √ West Lothian question? 16 June 2009 Isle of Man Actuarial Society 17 of 18 UK Actuarial Profession : Merger of Faculty with Institute? : Jon Spain where next? Don’t know where we are or where we’re going Can’t be sure merged body would share common views Merger in near future on proposed terms is inappropriate lack of clarity over we’re really voting for is rollover of Faculty wind-up deficiency “done deal” (PR)? excessive biased pressure by Councils towards merger merger won’t necessarily solve governance problems wasting time and resources, ignoring real problems merger case simply not made out as only possible solution Please vote “against” ,…not necessarily forever 16 June 2009 Isle of Man Actuarial Society 18 of 18