2.1 NATURE AND SCOPE OF EMPLOYEE WELFARE. Employee welfare has been defined by various writers in different ways. Arm strong Murlis (1980:14) defined it as items in the total package offered to employee over and above salary which increases their wealth or well being at some cost to the employer. Naylon and Ton-ington (1974) view it as a voluntary provision on the part of the employer. The adopted definition is that of French and Saward (1977) who defined it as set of value apart from agreed regular monetary payments of salaries and wages given by an employer to an employee. Employee welfare has been commonly referred to as employees benefits or services. Benefits are when direct monetary reward accrued to the individual worker e.g pension, leave pay, and salary advance. While services involve no direct and identifiable monetary benefits e.g staff clubs, recreation facilities, arrangement of reception hall and Christmas parties. Others refers to it as giving benefits in recognition of their workers need fulfillment function that they are variously called welfare benefits, welfare services, employees income they are being referred to as supplementary benefits, supplementary compensation or pay and expenses, they are being called indirect compensation and non tax benefits. 2.2 DEVELOPMENT OF EMPLOYEE WELFARE GROWTHMAGNITUDE AND TREND. The growth of employee welfare activities on production level has been very great especially since world war11 and clearly seen as no end in sight. The expansion is worldwide and been compared to the mythological animal that immediately grew two heads and one was chopped off (Edwin, Flippo 1971:38) from nowhere according to the same author, it was called “era of paternalism that first saw a wide spread adoption of such benefits as company housing and company stores. This era did not last long as a result of the employee’s desire from industrial adult hood” later it was a new era of new paternalism that develop after the depression of the 1930’s and the world war11, since then, government legislatures employees awareness, union demands, among others have continued to escalate the development and growth of these benefits. 2.2.1 REASONS FOR GROWTH. The sources of rapid growth of employee welfare program are summarized below by flippo (1971). 1. Labour union demands. 2. Change employee attitude. 3. Government requirement 4. Competition that forces other employers to match benefits to attract and keep labour. 5. Periods of wages control which freezes wages but permits the offering of services as a substitute for wage increase. 6. High company income tax; due to some of the employee, managers and employers do not play dormant role in administering all benefits and services; therefore, they have to comply with the prescribed public regulations. In other words, public policy plays a leading role in explaining several important types of fring provisions. Public policy has long emphasized the advancement of economic security and qualitative benefits such as public health and accident. Employee unions on the other hand also sought per sick leave pay, health and welfare activities, increase payment to workers e.t.c. The union pursued these benefits with vigor for the best interest of their members. This is in recognition of the fact that many benefits offer possibilities of implementing their policies to improve employee morale to encourage wide participation and understanding in other to reduce absenteeism and assist employees in identifying their personal goals and interest with those of the organization. Although managers and employers at times are against it and they regard fringe and benefits as lost of production which is to be charged with other forms of remuneration. 2.3 THE COST OF EMPLOYEE WELFARE. In many companies today, a substantial proportion of the total labour cost concerns employee welfare. In addition to basic wages view represents on extra income, additional security or more desirable working conditions that require additional effort. Even though the reqirement from them may not be readily ascertained by the employer, such benefits satisfies employees need that are not satisfied by wages also plays a considerable role in promoting employee morale. However, the cost of employee welfare activity is increasing especially. In the areas of transportation and medical care and unions are even asking for more benefits. In the past, it was seen as a small proportion of the labour cost but now it has become enormous that employers are now putting it’s value in question. However, the fact that the cost of employees welfare programs has grown tremendously, over the years in Nigeria, is not an exaggeration. According to public service review commission (1978:183), the provision of fringe benefits is increasingly being accepted as part of the total compensation package in both the private and public sectors. According to cost (1964:193), a considerable estimate put the monetary cost of benefits at one quarter of total payment cost. Nwachukwu (1981:15) estimates that major co-operation spend from 20 to 35% of their total pay package on executive fringe benefits. Ejiofor (1977:66) in his review estimated the cost of welfare activities for top civil servants at about three times their normal salary. There is no doubt that these fringe benefits take a significant dunk of the expense of organization, as they are almost encompassing the span of a workers life from date of employment to life after death. Ejiofor (1986:102) best expresses this situation when he tastes that Employers are now expected to house their workers, bring them to work, provide recreational facilities for them, pay them if they have to be sacked, provide transport for them on transfer and compensate them for the inconvenience maintain their service and depending on the status announce; their death to the world “with heavy heart” bury them decently, keep their memories evergreen in the world, then annual memorials and even pray for the repose of their soul. 2.4 PURPOSE OF EMPLOYEE WELFARE ACTIVITIES. An employee welfare activities like any other phase of the personnel program should carefully planned and purposes established for us as guidelines in the management of the program. It has being suggested that management pay greater attention to determining the optimum combination of fringe benefits for its company that will maximize employee satisfaction and assure efficient production and thus serve as a standard against which access proposed additional and or change to the package of (Chruden and Sherman (1968:656). According to Yoder et al (1958:214-215) employee welfare activities may have any or all of the following general purpose viz. FOR THE COMPANY 1. Increase output. 2. Reduce employee moral 3. Increase employee morale 4. Reduce grievances 5. Improve public and community relations 6. Reduce influence of present or potential 7. Increase employee participation in company affairs. 8. Increase employee loyalty towards the company. 9. Facilitates recruitment and retention of employees. 10. Increase welfare of employees in connect with line personnel and social needs. 11. For The Employee 1. Provides means of becoming better acquainted with other employees. 2. Provide additional opportunities to attain status. 3. Provide assistance in solving personal problems. 4. Provide extra compensation. 5. Contribute to personal advancement and well being of individual employers. 6. Reduce feeling of insecurity. 2.4.1 CATEGORIES OF EMPLOYEE WELFARE ERVICES. According to Flippo (1971:292) employee welfare services exist in many forms and has seen categorized by different authors. Employee welfare services is grouped into the following categorize. a. Employee service. b. Hazard protection c. Legally required payment. Also, Yoder et al (1958:213) categorized welfare service into. 1. Extra payment for time not worked. 2. Non production awards and bonuses 3. Payment for employee service. In his own book, Yoder (1962) emphasized on more broad categorized. 1. Health and welfare 2. Added leisure and income 3. Moral and personal identification 4. Old age and retirement 2.4.2 BENEFITS FOR SAFETY HEALTH AND WELFARE It is often said that health is wealth and a healthy body makes a healthy mind. So in recognition of this, employers have developed more interest in the provision of health and welfare programs for their employees, some of these services are: 2.4.3 A MORAL FACILITIES. Provision for physical security includes program of industrial medicine. Industrial medicine is intended medical practice not to compete with it. The program of industrial medicine includes: Regular physical examination, health education, prompt care of the injured, sanitary inspection, elimination of hazard. Studies of fatigue, provision of visiting hours, services to employee away from work because of illness and service of the company doctors or hospital. facilities in the case of emergency operation due to cause, free service in connection with preventive or care of visual or dental (Knwles 1955:418). Continuing, Knowles states that the difficulty of obtaining adequate medicine at reasonable rate through regular channels has however led to the expansion of industrial medicine to give the employees more free medical treatment and medicine . Although some firms have even gone far as to extend free medical facilities to the families of employees. 2.4.4. HOSPITALIZATION AND GROUP INSURANCE PLANS: Insurance is a condition where by the insurer agrees to indemnify the insured against any loss which may result from mis-fortune without regarding if the insured is duly liable for the cost. Many firms entered into agreements with insurance firms under which hospitalization and life insurance plans are made available to employee usually at reduced rate. The plan provides a measure of security for employees by assuring them that in event of hospitalization, the major part of the lost will be borne by the plan and that in the event of death, funds will be available to the dependents. The returns to company for this specific economic service comes from relieving the employee of worry about security of his or her dependents, because relief from worry should enable a person to devote greater attention to the job and the company. 2.5 BENEFITS FOR ADDED LEISURE AND INCOME Majority of the employee welfare provisions are negotiated by management and union also the law places obligation on the employer to provide such benefits. That benefits that are negotiated are reductions in normal hour of work. Premium for second and third shifts, paid holidays and rest periods. Employee are entitled to a holiday with pay after 12 months of continuous service. According to Knowles (1955:415) majority of office workers receive a two weeks work pay vacation annually in different organization. Yoder (1962:609) assents that most common current pattern grants 3 weeks annually after 3 to10years, 4 weeks, after 20 years service, Armstrong (1974:298) is of the opinion that most staff now receive the role for the staff paid over #2000 a year and a growing proportion of senior executive receive five weeks. This seems to be the upper limit at present. In his own contribution, Zafer 91971:298) emphasized that flexibility in job assignment, employee acceptance of technological charges, a monthly turnover at 1/6 the competitive level and compound annual increase in productivity of 7.13% are some of the under lining benefits. Maternity Leave This is usually granted to women for a period of six weeks following their confinements where as for casual leave, few days are granted to employee on compassionate grounds. In some cases leaves of absence could be granted to employees on military calls and civil duties. Over Time and Holiday Pay Once the normal hours of work have been agreed upon or fixed hours worked in excess y a worker is called over time and is paid for usually union and management bargain on such times regarding premium for weekend work such as double time for Sundays. Call-In-Call Out and Call Back Days A call in occurs when the employee reports for work. for some there is not work to be done while a “call-out and call back” occurs when an employee is asked to report to work outside his regular hours in the former, it is anytime shortly after shift of work, for instance, Doctors are usually placed on call duties to take of patience who maybe in critical condition so far in emergency situation companies may call out on employees outside his regular hours. The customary practice is paying him at a high rate with a minimum of some hour payments.. Premium for Night And Shift Working in the nights and shifts are not usually as attractive to employees as the normal day’s work on which basic salary is paid. So employees are less likely to agree to carry on the job without extra remuneration paid as an incentive unless it is mandatory that employees also do not consent to such an arrangement should resign. Leave of absence. It is becoming increasingly normal in most enterprise to grant leave of absence to employee when certain situation that warrant such leave occur. Most of the management union agreement make provision for laves although no specific rules governing such leaves are set in details. Infrastructural Benefits It is believed that infrastructural benefits will encourage reciprocal feeling or friendliness and personal identification with all that the organization stands for. Housing Facilities It has been observed employee lives have a that the environment where considerable effort upon their performance at work. (Flippo 1971:301-302) asserted that managers are concerned with assisting the employees to locate in a suitable home especially area that require assistance in finding suitable rental. the employee will buckle down to work with greater concentration much faster when he or she is assured of proper housing supporting the above Claim, Armstrong 91980:260) stated that housing assistance and allowance of various kinds are becoming one of the more frequently used and appreciated fringe benefits, long term credit has been made available to employees at a favorable rate. 2.6 RECREATIONAL FACILITIES According to Yoder (1958:216) many companies are becoming recreational increasingly facilities, interested such facilities in the are provision Golf, foot of ball, swimming, hockey, basket ball, tennis and occasional indoor games such as cheese, draft, ludo etc. such recreational facilities are of greater value on employees recruitment, other benefits that can be derived from such provision include improved morals, development of pride in the company, that is attitude towards the company, reduction in absenteeism and development of leadership. Library and Reading Service Many companies have in their fringe benefits program the provision of library and reading services. The libraries are usually under the direction of a trained librarian and administered according to standard library procedure. They are usually located in a central place where they can conveniently be reached by of all employees. Record and report are supposed to be well arranged so that the employee would be able to locate books easily. Also about 10% to 30% of the total employee populations are expected to make use of the service. Yoder (1958:25-23). Management should be consulted with respect to technical books and periodicals in all emphasis should be laid on rendering efficiently and meaningful service to the employees. Canteen Service This is another important fringe benefits provided for workers in recent time. most companies have been forced to provide such facilities because they are located away from the central community service. The most important result in the provision of this service is improved metrication. According to Yoder, too often industrial employees settle for hot dog and soft drinks, a self service restaurant is not available. And it has been shown that improper eating especially during heavy job will result to greater fatigue and reduce production on productivity level during late afternoons. Some firms will practically give away certain goods considered to be highly nutritious. In some companies, free food is served top workers or workers are given coupons with the company pays. The return to lower absenteeism lessened fatigue, increased employee morale and efficiency and decreased number of accidents. Club Membership: these are sort recreational facilities provided in some companies. These clubs sell beverages and items to the employees at reduced prices because they take advantages of large side purchase to buy from the manufacturer at reduced prices to the club at their leisure time to relax. They also take part in different types of games, like share drinks and some times organization parties. Membership of such clubs is open to all employee and annual dues are usually collected. The club is runned by volunteer committee elected by the members Benefits for Old Age and Retirement Due to the long dedicated service rendered by an employee to the organization, the employer recognizes the importance and establishes a company’s old age and retirement plan to compensate their employees when out of active service. Pension and Retirement Many companies establish retirement and pension plan for employees, who are unable to save enough to provide for there support when they retire. Management recognizes the service obligation of the employee who served the organization for many years. Ordinarily develops the pension plan through a bank or an assurance company. In some plans both the employed and the company contributes. According to Knowles (1955:419) most pension plans in effect today require the retirement of the employee at 65 years usually at least twenty years of service or at most 35 years of services. The amount of retirement pension is often about 59% of the average annual salary (up to a certain point) received by an individual during his last 5 years of employment. Nevertheless, this benefits may elude an employee although his own contribution must be given back to him with interest, but the company’s contribution are given to him only if the employee has full tights to the company’s contributions. In some plans while in others, investing is allowed after a certain number of years of service. In some plans, graduates plans exist where the employee is entitled to percentage of the company’s contribution each year. 2.7 DISADVANTAGES PROVISION OF EMPLOYEE WELFARE High cost of maintenance: With the soaring cost of welfare services in recent times as shown by various empirical studies which will be discussed later, companies find it difficult to maintain their existing fringe benefits not to talk of providing new ones. Worst still only few of these benefits can successfully be used by majority of the employee while others are enjoy the privilege few. Such service as packing facilities, library and reading room facilities are good example; this makes the cost of their maintenance very high and sometimes not within the reach of many companies. DHL world wide express delivery service. A historical background, 3 men Adrain Dalsely, Larry Hilblon and Robert Lynn, founded DHL in 1969.the name DHL represents the initials of three (3) founders “D” for Dalsey “H” for Hilblon “L” for Lynn. The foundation of DHL was in response to delivery problems in the ocean cargo industry by ensuring the delivery of paper work before a consignment arrive in clock, DHL significantly reduced turn around and total transit times. (Higher 1996:12) together the founders expanded this new service into an international new work that has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry service more than 220 countries. DHL World Wide express is composed of DHL Air ways Inc which serves all location in the use of its territories and DHL international Limited and its agents and affiliated companies which serve all location outside the United State and its territories. DHL has since become the largest and most experienced International air express network linking more than 635,000 destinations (DHL Corporate report 1998). Operations In DHL DHL has a unique courier company service more than 80,000 locations World Wide. DHL boost over 25,000 professionals at its service viz: Courier, pilot, customer, brokers, operations, personnel, sales and customer service representative (DHL express 1996) Method of Delivery The delivery method of DHL remains the most advance in the industry, DHL use its own fleet of 156 air craft and supplements these with the use of more than 170 commercial airlines unique monitoring technique gives DHL total control over the progress of parcel or documents from the time it is received until the moment is delivered. On the local delivery system, DHL ensures door to door delivery via their courier agents or dispatch rides, the consignment on changing hand from DHL agent to the consignee would require a sign over from the recipient after due identification. this signing over indicates that the consignment has reached its destination and marks the end of the contract between the customer and DHL. Role of DHL in communication or industry, the network is over together by a state of the art technology and people with a firm objectives to deliver documents and packages in the fastest most efficient way possible, whilst providing personal services that continues to meet international shipping needs better and more effectively than any other express company today. DHL Enugu State DHL Enugu started operations in 1984, DHL Enugu is a divisional office of DHL International Nigeria Limited under the eastern one with its Headquarters in Port Harcourt. The branch office includes DHL Offices In Asaba, Nnewi, Onitsha, Nsukka and other DHL agency offices scattered all over the main cities of Enugu state and neighboring states. DH: offices in Enugu is department allied in five (5) Viz; sales/marketing department, operations department, customer services department, Account department and administration department each department has its own department head or manager. For the purpose pf this research study, the organizational chart used is adopted from that of the Port Harcout headquarters. This is because Enugu being a smaller station would not completely reflect the organizational structures, through the operation are basically the same. Benefits Offered In DHL Enugu State In order to maintain the loyalty of the workers and to motivate workers for higher performance and increase their productivity level, DHL Enugu state embarked on an intensive employee welfare scheme. Below are the list of benefits offered in DHL. 1. Worker’s compensation or share dividend. 2. Housing loan 3. Medical allowance 4. Education assistance 5. Overtime / inconvenience allowance 6. Out of station allowance 7. Retirement benefits 8. Annual leave 9. Uniform allowance 10. Christmas and new year bonus 11. Shift allowance.