SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE ASSESSING THE MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS LEVEL OF MARITIME STUDENTS IN INTER-GLOBAL COLLEGE FOUNDATION, INC: BASIS FOR A MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS PROGRAM Name: _____________________________________ (optional) PART I. DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF THE RESPONDENTS A. Year Level □ First Year □ Second Year □ Third Year B. Academic Performance □ 1.00-1.25 (100-90) □ 1.50-1.75 (89-90) □ 2.50-2.75 (69-60) □ 2.00-2.25 (79-70) □ 3.00 (59-50) PART II. THE LEVEL OF MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS OF MARITIME STUDENTS IN IGCFI Direction: Kindly indicate your assessment of the following statements using the scale below. Score Point Verbal Rating 4 Highly Aware 3 Aware 2 Less Aware 1 Not Aware Statements (HA) 4 1 I am aware of the various mental health challenges that maritime students may face. 2 I can identify common signs and symptoms of mental health issues among my peers. 3 I am familiar with the available mental health resources and support services. 4 I feel confident in my ability to discuss mental health issues with my peers. 5 I understand the importance of seeking professional help for mental health concerns. 6 I believe that mental health is as important as physical health. 7 I am aware of the impact that stress and pressure can have on mental well-being. 8 I know where to access information about maintaining good mental health. 9 I feel comfortable talking openly about mental health in the IGCFI community. 10 I have participated in activities or programs that promote mental health awareness. (A) (LA) (NA) 3 2 1 PART III. FACTORS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO THE MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS LEVEL OF MARITIME STUDENTS IN IGCFI Direction: Kindly indicate your assessment of the following statements using the scale below. Score Point Verbal Rating 4 Highly Contributing 3 Contributing 2 Less Contributing 1 Not Contributing Statements (HC) 4 1 The availability of mental health awareness programs positively influences my awareness. 2 Peer discussions on mental health contribute to my understanding of the subject. 3 The supportiveness of faculty and staff enhances mental health awareness. 4 Academic workload and pressure impact my mental health awareness. 5 The accessibility of counseling services influences my perception of mental health support. 6 The general atmosphere and culture at IGCFI encourage open conversations about mental health. 7 Awareness campaigns or events at IGCFI positively impact my mental health awareness. 8 The acknowledgment of mental health challenges by the institution fosters awareness. 9 The inclusion of mental health topics in the curriculum enhances my understanding. 10 The level of encouragement to seek help for mental health concerns influences my awareness. (C) (LC) (NC) 3 2 1