'0013202765701 il||ilililil]lilillilillillilllillillllilllllillilllilillililillilllt q# fi?TH'f5;r[:",1'.T:r' Cambridge Primary Checkpoint CANDIDATE NAME CENTRE NUMBER *- -: ^-: it i I I ii 1l CANDIDATE NUMBER il MATHEMATICS p-n6r 0845/01 April2021 1 - 45 minutes -+--* You must answer on the question paper. *E - You will need Protractor Tracing paper (optional) INSTRUCTIONS o o o r r o o o Answer all questions. Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs. Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page. Write your answer to each question in the space provided. Do not use an erasable oen or correction fluid Do not write on any bar codes. You should show all your working in the booklet You are not allowed to use a calculator. INFORMATION The total mark for this paper is 40 The number of marks for each question or part question rs shown in brackets r o [ ]. This document has 16 pages Any blank pages are rndicated t821 05-.0845--01/5RP O UCLES 2021 [Turn over _l . 0413202755702 | ||lilr l]il 1 ilil ^ I ]il ]ilt il]l ililt il] iltl Write the missing number in the box ililt ililt ililt illlt Iilil iilfi j + 650 = 1000 t1l 2 Cornplete these calculations 30+80+60= 4o + -----**t i -_-_l i__ I ___J + 3o = 2oo l1l 3 Here are four digit cards. t1i tr Ei t-'-l Use each of the digits once to make a total that is a multiple of ten. n_] I L;ucres :ozt ffi .nj 0B45ro1,ArM,2 t1l r . 0013242765703 " illllllllilfl||ililililfliilililti|illililil]]ililililil||ililililt 4 3 (a) There are 205 students in one year group in a school 97 are boys. Write how many are grrls girls t1l (b) There are 223 students in another year group. Classrooms can have a maximum of 30 students. Write how many classrooms are needed for this year group. classrooms t1l [3r"... r0r, HH ol4sto1tNut21 [rurn."C . 00 1 3202765704 ' ilililil]ilil]ililililillililllllililillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 5 4 r Round these values to the nearest dollar $757 $12 49 $ $ t1l 6 A rectangle has an area of 35cm2. The width of the rectangle is 5 cm. Write the length of the rectangle. cm t1l I f3ucr.rs zozr ffi ol4sn1tNut21 ' 0013202765705 " il||ilililil||ilill 7 ilill ilil llill illlilllil lillililillil I lilililillll Here are 4 bags of beads Each bag has white and black beads f. o; o o o IV bag B bag A bag C oE oop bag D A bead is selected from each bag without looking. Write a letter to make these statements true. Bag .............. has an even chance of picking a black bead Bag the best chance of picking a black bead ......... has the best chance of picking a white bead Bag 121 I Draw a line to join each activity to the best unit of time to measure & 4 tu it. fly from London to New York seconds run a hundred metres minutes sail from London to New York hours cycle three kilometres days ffi t2l l3r.r.. ro. Hfr 0845tO1tNMt21 [rurn o"il " 00132027657rJ6 iffililililililililil||illlillllillilffillllllllllillllllllllllllllll 9 I " 6 Carlos has five number cards The mode of the five cards rs 1 The sum of the five cards is 1 1 Write the missing number on each card _-:_-t i [;r i2i ii t-*----_l tlil ttti r-----, lr T---*---* I I I i l,-.,.,_,_-,-..,,,._,i l2l 10 Write how many millimetres there are in 15.5 centimetres. mm t1l 11 Here is some flour on the scales. Write the mass of the flour s l3r",ur ro, l,H#+ Effi a845t01tNMt21 t1l "0013202765707 " I 7 1|ililil]ilil||ilIililil||il]ilIilil]ililil]l]]ililililililililililt 12 Here is a recipe for leek and potato soup leek and potato soup serves 6 700 g leeks 375 g potatoes 850 m/ stock 1l tablespoons cream 65g butter Eva makes soup for 12 people. Complete the list of ingredients. leek and potato soup serves 12 leeks g potatoes ml stock tablespoons cream butter t21 13,".,, ,0,, Htr 0845tO1tNMt21 [rurn."il - 0013202765708', ililililililililililil||ililililililiilililil]]ilililililililililt 13 Here I 8 is a right angled triangle on a square grid 10 I B 7 b 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B I 10 The right angled triangle is translated 2 squares right and 1 square down. Draw the right angled triangle in its new position. Use a ruler. L3'u"o" t1l Hffi 0B45t01tNMl21 'l' 00 1 1202 765 il||ilililill|ilill /09 - eIl lllilllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll llll llll I 14 Match each fraction to an equivalent percentage 3% I 2 7% ? 3A% 100 50% 7 10 70% l1I 15 The top number in this diagram is the sum of the two numbers below. 12+18=30 Complete this diagram using the same rule. 6005 3997 4218 t2l l3u.rrr ro, 0845t01tNMl21 [rurn o"il ' 00132027657lQ^ 10 llil lillillllililillil illl A train leaves at quarter past eight in the evening ililIil ilIil il||l illll ilill illil lllilililllil 16 Write the time using the 24-hour clock system 17 Draw a ring around all the multiples of 25 in the table t1l 18 Here are four numbers. [=:l [-*t- Use each number once to make these statements correct. tl 726:t_ l.L_--j j l ll tl -- _l t2l 13,",-,u,0,, ffi 0845t01tNMt21 '0013202765711. il||ilil]il ill|ilililil|| il]ililililil il|il |il] 19 Wrrte |ilil I 11 il|ililill|illll ft ,* a mixed number t1l 20 Here are five number cards i I i 40 hundreds 400 hundreds 40 tens I t_ I L __,._,-,..: 400 units L__.___.__-_-... 400 tens . Draw lines to match cards with the same value. t1l 21 Complete the following. o7x'=[___-_-] t2l I | l- ,. uct FS 2021 Hh# D84s/oi'NMt21 [rurn."il - 0013202765712^ ilil lllllllllllllllll., illfi il]r ilt ilt ]ilt 22 Here is a shape on a 5 mm squared grid. ililil1ilil1 ililt ililt il]r I (a) Write the area of the shape in cm' cmt t1l (b) The shape is the net of a cube. Write the length of one edge of the cube in cm. cm t1l 23 Hassan finds the product of two multiples of 10 The answer is 2400 List all the calculations that give his answer. t21 13"""0" ffi, aB45t01tAtMt21 ' r)0 I .]20:) /65 / 13 illllil llilfll|il||il ililililililililil ' il]ilil] ]ililil] 13 ilililililil1 24 Here is an incomplete calculation 0 + 00 Use only the digits 3, 6 and 7 to complete this calculation Each digit can be used more than once. t1l 25 The line graph shows the average temperature in Athens for B months Average temperature in Athens 15 Average temperature "C 10 Nov Dec Jan Oct Feb Mar Apr May Months Naorni wants to visit Athens in a month when the average temperature is higher than 20'C. List all the months she could choose t1I [3u.,,, ,0,, Htr 0845t01tNMt21 [rurn."il r 0413202765714 " t|il|ililililililililililil]il]ilililililil]]ililil]il]il]ilt I I' 14 -( 26 Three 2-digit numbers are added together n ( : ll t tF The total is 60 The largest number is nine multiplied by three The smallest number is a multiple of 6 a t{ t It 0 I I Write the three numbers. I t1l Pierre and Yuri each think of a different number. Yuri says, We double our numbers. My answer is 16 more than Pierre's answer. Pierre's number is 23 Work out Yuri's number. t1l l3r"r=r ror, Htr a845t01tAtMt21 r '0013202765i 15- ililililililililililililililililililililil] lililil] 28 Here is a nurnber line ilililil ilt| 15 10000 0 Estrmate what number rs shown by arrow A Draw an arrow to show the number 500 less than the number shown by arrow B tzl 29 Safia says, You can solve the problem 16 x 34 by multiplying 34 by 10 and by 6, then adding the two answers. Use Safia's method to calculate 16 x g You must show your working. t1l 13u.',,,0,, H# 0B45t01tAlMl21 I ' 001 3202765716 " 4 16 E llilillllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll = 9, BLANK PAGE I z uJ -Ei =1 -I zl ol ol I I I I zl I qi sl Ir rl U) zl -l FJI rt E F, 6i zl o' o fl sl sl ,l FI 'ri I 6l =l z ol oi I I I z o (f = a ! 2 TU F x. B 6 z ol 2 permrsston tc fepfoduce iterrrs where thjfcl-party owned materral protec:ted oy copyflght rs rnclucled has beeir sought and cieared where possrbie Fvery jeasonable etfort has been made by the publ;sher iucLES) to rr.ace copyflght holders but lf any tterns requrrrng ciearance have unwlttlngly been Included tne oriblrshef wrll be pleased to make amends a1 the earlrest possrble opportunlty ieproduced on|ne In the Cambrrdge To avotcj the rssue of dtsctosure of answef reated Intormatron to candrdates all copyrght acknowledgements are &. E L f t-- z ut at www cambndgerntetnatronai org after the llve examlnatlon serles part of the Cambf tdge Assessment Group Carnbildge Assessmenl s the brand name ct the Unlver srty of CambrrrJgel..ocal IxamrnatlonssyndcatelUCt'ESJ whrchitself rsadepadmentofthelJnlversrtyof Cambfldge Cambf tdge AssessrTrent Internattonal Educatton [3r..ur ro, LS 0845t01tNM121 I = t F = z o