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Seminar Assessment: Ethical Leadership & Technology

Week 5 Seminar Assessment Outline
This document outlines the group seminar presentation to be conducted in week 5. The
group allocations have been available in moodle under the Group Seminar Presentations
tab. Each group will be assessed on a 30 minute presentation, in which you will lead the
class through a discussion of their topic. In these seminars, the team is expected to give a
comprehensive coverage of the ethical/leadership issues related to the topic. This involves a
description of the problem including a clear statement of the questions that you are
attempting to answer. There should be an analysis of various ethical/leadership perspectives
(incorporating course prescribed theory (see lecture notes for guidance), relevant
stakeholders, and conclusions must be drawn.
It is your seminar; you can arrange it as you see fit. Just note that the aim of this
assessment item is to facilitate peer learning so your seminar should be both
informative and engaging. All students in the seminar class must attend the seminars by
each group and are expected to actively engage (participation marks will continue to be
assessed during student-led seminars).
Marking Scheme
We are marking you on the basis of 3 criteria:
Content (60%): Ability to think critically on the subject, correctly and effectively incorporate
relevant theory, generate novel insights on the issues presented, have a logical flow
between ideas so that the whole seminar builds towards a coherent conclusion.
Presentation (25%): Effective use of material (visual material, any external tools to aid their
presentation), good presentation skills in terms of speech and speaker transition, well-timed
seminar is structured to communicate points effectively.
Engagement (15%): Seminar is run in such a way as to generate significant student
engagement that is effective in developing the audience's understanding of the material,
use of creativity (rather than just throwing out questions to the audience).
Suggested Topics
Your group MUST obtain approval for your selected topic from your tutor. No two groups
can present the same topic and topics selected by multiple groups will be allocated on a first
come first serve basis. Some sample topics are as below:
1. Sustainability of Food Production Technologies: e.g GMO’s
2. Nuclear Power
3. Social Media: Data Rights and Targeted Advertising, Content
recommendations etc.
4. Facial Recognition
5. Censorship online: e.g. facebook is censoring hate speech
6. AI content generation: e.g. chatGPT, deepfake, dall.e
7. Cryptocurrency: Ethical issues in the crypto sphere i.e. NFT’s
8. Dark Web: i.e. The Onion Router
9. Weapons Manufacturing
10. Search Engine Ethics
11. Testing on Humans or Animals
12. Addictive app design (i.e. TikTok, Gambling apps)
13. Eugenics
14. White hat hacking (i.e. interfering with censorship and internet laws in
'oppressive' nations).
15. Geo-engineering
You are welcome to pitch another topic idea outside of this list, however it MUST
be approved by your tutor.