HR Legislation: Federal & Provincial Laws in Canada

Assiniboine Community College
Human Resource Function January, 2013
Module 2: Federal and Provincial Legislation
Estimated time: 5 Hours
Learning Outcome
2. Describe the Federal and Provincial legislation regarding
human resource management.
Elements of Performance
2.1 Explain the impact of government on human resource
2.2 Identify the jurisdictions of Canadian Human Rights
2.3 List the major provisions of the Canadian Human Rights Act
(race and colour, national or ethnic origins, religion, age,
gender, marital status, family status, pardoned convictions,
disability, sexual orientation.
2.4 Explain the effect of human rights legislation on the role of
the human resource manger
2.5 Define harassment and explain what is meant by the term
sexual harassment.
2.6 Outline an Employment Equity Program
2.7 Discuss Manitoba employment standards as it relates to
minimum wages, hours of work, holidays and workplace
Assiniboine Community College
Assiniboine Community College
Human Resource Function January, 2013
Human Resource Function January, 2013
Reading Reference
Read chapter four of the required text book, Canadian Human Resource
Management: A strategic approach (12th edition) by Schwind, G., Uggerslev,
K., T. & Fassina, N. McGraw Hill (2019).
Evaluation Criteria
Participation in online discussion items
Assignment two
No marks
Study Tips
It is recommended that you make notes and complete tasks though out
the elements of performance from this module. These learning points
will be built upon in the upcoming assignments in this course.
Module Two Overview
Government is now trying to provide equal opportunity for all to find
satisfying work, with decent pay. The HR professional is required to be
aware of these attempts to level the playing field for all those who
want, need and are willing to take gainful employment.
This Module examines the legislative responses of the federal and
provincial governments to the demands for equitable employment
practices that are constantly being developed as laws and regulations.
Assiniboine Community College
Human Resource Function January, 2013
Element of Performance 2.1
Explain the impact of government on human resource
Cohen (2002), p. 6, tells us that “changing regulations have a
profound impact on what managers must deal with…everything from
environmental impact statements to accounting rules for pensions has
an ongoing effect on companies. And who knows what new
regulations will arise in the wake of suits against several major
accounting companies for missing or not reporting on questionable
balance sheets…politicians oscillate between wanting to reduce the
constraints of government regulation to encourage a kind of
entrepreneurial behavior that generates innovation and wanting to
regulate corporate practices to protect the citizenry, employees,
retirees, or the environment. Politics makes predictability more
Since HR professionals are heavily involved in dealing with the results
of government regulations, they (the regulations) have a profound
effect on the scope and breadth of the job. Some of the areas that
are regulated in Canada include ownership of knowledge, or
intellectual property and ending employment for cause, not
employment-at-will, as in the USA. We tend to use employment
contracts more than Americans do. Even the company’s manual may
leave the company open to litigation if it is not prepared carefully.
There are federal, provincial and municipal laws and regulations that
must be followed even in the preparation of that handbook. Salary
and hours are subject to regulation, including fair labour laws.
Records must be kept meticulously in order to be available and
correct in case of an audit.
Then there are the laws regarding some of the benefits that are paid
in compensation. The HR professional must be familiar with these,
and all other laws regarding fair and equitable employment
Assiniboine Community College
Human Resource Function January, 2013
practices, and must keep track of employment equity policies. In
addition, s/he not only must learn the current laws, but must also be
aware of the ones that will be coming in the near future, to prepare
for them.
The student will take part in a research task that will acquaint
him/her with human rights legislation, and employment equity, as
well as Manitoba employment standards.
The following discussion posts will be a reflection that puts all the
legislation in perspective as far as the HR professional and the
employee are concerned.
Element of Performance 2.2
Identify the jurisdictions of Canadian Human Rights
Element of Performance 2.2 – Group Discussion #1
Complete this online discussion box in the appropriate link on Moodle.
Read through the contributions of your peers and provide thoughtful
comments on two of their postings.
List and describe the jurisdictions of the Canadian human rights
Assiniboine Community College
Human Resource Function January, 2013
Element of Performance 2.3
List the major provisions of Canadian Human Rights Act (race
and colour, national or ethnic origins, religion, age, gender,
marital status, family status, pardoned convictions, disability,
sexual orientation.)
Element of Performance 2.3 – Group Discussion #2
Complete this online discussion box in the appropriate link on
Moodle. Read through the contributions of your peers and provide
thoughtful comments on two of their postings.
List the major provisions of the Canadian Human Rights Act
▪ Race and color
▪ National or ethnic origins
▪ Religion
▪ Age
▪ Sex
▪ Marital status
▪ Family status
▪ Pardoned convictions
▪ Disability
▪ Sexual orientation
Element of Performance 2.4
Explain the effects of human rights legislation on the role of
the human resource manager.
Assiniboine Community College
Human Resource Function January, 2013
Element of Performance 2.5
Define harassment and explain what is meant by the term
sexual harassment.
Element of Performance 2.5– Group Discussion #3
Complete this online discussion box in the appropriate link on Moodle.
Read through the contributions of your peers and provide thoughtful
comments on two of their postings.
Define harassment and explain what is meant by the term “sexual
harassment”. What behaviours constitute harassment? What is an
employer’s responsibility regarding workplace harassment?
Element of Performance 2.6
Outline Employment Equity.
Element of Performance 2.7
Discuss Manitoba employment standards as it relates to
minimum wages, hours of work, holidays, and workplace
Assiniboine Community College
Human Resource Function January, 2013
Element of Performance 2.7– Group Discussion #4
Complete this online discussion box in the appropriate link on
Moodle. Read through the contributions of your peers and provide
thoughtful comments on two of their postings.
What are Manitoba employment standards as they relate to:
▪ minimum wages,
▪ hours of work,
▪ holidays, and
▪ workplace benefits?
Module Two: Assignment Two
Write a reflection paper that covers the following topics:
Guest Speaker PowerPoint notes (Employment Standards)
What was one surprising thing that you learned while viewing the
presentation by Terry Cable?
How will you use the information gained during this presentation in
your (future) role as Director / Supervisor in an early learning and care
How will you use this information in your (future) role as Director/
Supervisor in an early learning and care facility?
. Differentiate between the following types of discrimination, and
provide one example of each: direct/intentional, differential
treatment, indirect, because of association, and systemic.
Be sure to write in APA format. Submit via Moodle Dropbox when
Way to go, you have now completed Module Two!