Uploaded by Ana Milena Ramirez Fuentes

Netflix Innovation & Bribery Analysis

Assignment 1.
Management Essentials
Ana Milena Ramirez Fuentes -300368881
1. Does Netflix have characteristics of an innovative culture?
I can say that Netflix has indeed the characteristic of an innovative culture understanding that
innovation is referred to as the creation of something new, it starts with the implementation of a
new idea that offers value to a market (Bank for Canadian Entrepreneurs, 2015).
This is a company that has been around since 1997 and has overcome many challenges that came
with changes in the environment (internal and external) and market demand. According to Robins
et.al 2016, “Netflix’s culture is rooted in the values of freedom and responsibility” (p.62), meaning
the company will hire capable people and provide them with freedom (unlimited vacation, remote
working, paid leaves, among others) to innovate and do their jobs. They provide spaces to socialize
ideas between coworkers to come up with new content for viewers (being supportive and respectful
to each other), by putting their trust in their employees and expecting good results in return they
motivate their employees to take initiative in their day-to-day activities. (Robins, Coulter, Leach,
& Kilfoil, 2016). Innovation at Netflix has been represented since its beginnings, transforming
from a DVD renting retailer, and changing the way customers received entertainment by creating
the first streaming site where customers subscribe and easily access their favorite titles.
To build a culture of innovation is important that employees have strong leadership, a leader should
inspire their employees to accomplish the goals of the organization (leading by example), and
employees should have autonomy and freedom over their work, this is one of Netflix’s core values
they expect employees to express their opinions freely to later execute them. They created a trusting
environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their ideas and are rewarded for taking
risks; having a positive outlook on failure is also critical in companies like Netflix, failure is a part
of innovation, and is important to learn from mistakes so employees embrace them and can find
proper solutions to those mistakes (Indeed, 2021). Netflix learned this lesson when it contacted
Blockbuster (who was the leader in entertainment in the early 1990s) to merge and was rejected,
but they did not get discouraged, after creating its streaming site in 2007, Netflix became its
supplier and so it created its studio (first shows and movies in 2013) (Netflix, 2023). Since the
begging, Netflix took risks, and with this came profit, being one of the leading companies in
entertainment today.
2. What’s your reaction to these events? Are you surprised that bribery is illegal? Why
do you think bribery takes place? Why do you think it needs to be outlawed?
After reading the case “dirty little secret” I find that the act of bribing someone to gain a personal
advantage is unfair and unethical. It is unfair because it shortens the possibility of someone
prepared and more adequate for the job actually getting the job. And is unethical because you
should not rely on bribery to move forward with your goal, people should rely on knowledge,
personal skills, and competencies to fill up positions around the globe.
I am not surprised bribery is illegal, as it is one of the most common acts of corruption there is in
the global economy, exchanging money or favors to get ahead or get the deal that you want should
not be valid and should be penalized by different countries. Unfortunately, it is not the case.
(Kingwell, 2019). I’m not surprised bribery is illegal in Canada; being a develop and stable
economy these practices are highly penalized and prosecuted. (Corruption of Foreign Public
Officials Act (S.C. 1998, c. 34), 1998).
I believe bribery takes place because it has been a common practice in different cultures and
organizations, even in people’s households, it is an issue of education and resources. People get
the advantage over others that have fewer resources (economic, educational, and so on), and these
advantages are used to manipulate and bribe third parties to take benefit of the situation. And when
you have had this example in the different environments you develop, it’s probable that people
don’t know better and do not want to change, even more, when the result of bribery has a good
outcome for the briber.
I believe bribery needs to be outlawed because no one should be allowed to provide or receive
benefits without having the merit for it, it is an abuse of resources and/or power from one or more
individuals to another, that might put at risk entire organizations; when someone doesn’t have the
merit to occupy a role this role is doomed to fail.
Bank for Canadian Entrepreneurs. (2015). BDC. Retrieved from What is innovation?:
Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (S.C. 1998, c. 34). (n.d.). Retrieved from https://lawslois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-45.2/
Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (S.C. 1998, c. 34). (1998). Retrieved from Justice Laws Website:
Indeed, E. (2021, Auguts 18). 12 Key Characteristics of a Culture of Innovation (With Tips). Retrieved from
Indeed: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/characteristics-of-cultureof-innovation
Kingwell, M. (2019, March 22). The globe and Mail. Retrieved from What’s so bad about bribery?:
Netflix. (2023, 01 24). Netflix. Retrieved from About Netflix: https://about.netflix.com/en
Robins, S. P., Coulter, M., Leach, E., & Kilfoil, M. (2016). Management. United States of America: Pearson.