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Join SWE at FAMU-FSU Engineering

Become a New Member of SWE!!
Our Mission
Empower women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expand
the image of the engineering and technology professions as a positive force in
improving the quality of life, and demonstrate the value of diversity and inclusion.
Why Join SWE?
Stay up to date with us!!
● Professional Development and WE Conference Instagram: @famufsu.swe
We offer our members opportunities like resume workshops and networking
events. We also send members to the annual national SWE conference,
which is the largest career fair for women in engineering.
● Meet New People
By coming to meetings and events, you will be able to make new friendships and
develop a support system with other women in engineering.
● Community Outreach
We participate in community outreach events that involve working with young
kids and donations allow us to purchase supplies so they can participate in fun,
engineering activities.
Who Should Join?
All Engineering and Computer Science Majors
GBM Dates Thursdays 6 PM room B136
at FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
January 17th
February 1st
February 8th
February 22nd
March 7th
March 22nd
April 4th
April 18th