Don't worry, you'll bounce back! Your time: 1 min. 0% Next steps Correct 0 Incorrect 20 20 missed terms Practise terms in Learn Practise your missed terms more until you get them right. Take a new test Take another test to boost your confidence. Your answers Term Definition Banding suggests: Similar groups of people whose 1 of 20 scores differ by only a small amount all be treated as having the same score. (Preferential treatment is then given). Give this one a go later! True False 2 of 20 Term Definition Research evidence suggests that If there are differences between scores the first time someone takes a test and the second time, usually the second score is usually more predictive of future outcomes Give this one a go later! True False 3 of 20 Definition Term The higher the validity on many Reliability is necessary tests Give this one a go later! True False Correct definition The more complex the job 4 of 20 Definition Term Restructuring jobs, modifying work Reasonable Accommodation schedules, making facilities includes: accessible, providing readers, or modifying equipment. Give this one a go later! True False 5 of 20 Definition Term Diversity of opinion promotes Future oriented based interviews internal debate and creativity. (def) Give this one a go later! True False Correct definition Putting a team together who have different personalities and values have a hope that 6 of 20 Definition Term Muscular tension, muscular power, one of the best combinations of muscular endurance, cardiovascular selection methods includes: endurance, flexibility, balance, and coordination Give this one a go later! True False Correct definition Physical ability tests; 7 classes of tests in this area 7 of 20 Definition Term Experience based and Future Situational Judgement items come Oriented in two varities Give this one a go later! True False 8 of 20 Term Definition Acqui-Hire The consistency of a performance measure; the degree to which a performance measure is free from random error Give this one a go later! False True Correct definition When an industry is willing to pay top dollars to bring an independent team into their fold. 9 of 20 Definition Term The extent to which performance Validity Generalization on the measure is related to the performance on the job. Give this one a go later! True False Correct definition Validity is defined as Term Definition Situational Interview The difference between the 10 of 20 average years of education required in a job listing in a given area, and the average years of education in that same area. Give this one a go later! True Correct definition False Interview procedure where applicants are confronted with specific issues, questions, or problems that are likely to arise on the job Definition 11 of 20 Captures the process whereby test takes use advanced technology to download questions or capture images of questions with digital cameras or other devices while taking a test, and then transit the content of the test wirelessly to people outside the testing facility who then post the questions for future test takers. Give this one a go later! Reasoning Ability Content Validation Definition Urinalysis and Blood Tests Give this one a go later! Question Harvesting Polygraph Act Of 1988 12 of 20 Assessment Center Question Harvesting Invasive Procedures Inadequate Perineal Care 13 of 20 Term Personality aspects Give this one a go later! Experience Based and Future Oriented Necessary but not Sufficient for Validity Definition Necessary but not sufficient for validity Give this one a go later! Decisiveness and Integrity Urinalysis and Blood Tests 14 of 20 Validity is Generalizability Reliability is Personality aspects 15 of 20 Term Predictive Validation characteristics Give this one a go later! Measures all current job incumbents on attribute. Measures all current job incumbents' performance Most valid methods for screening people, especially cognitive ability tests and work sample tests, often are high in adverse impact. Measure all job applicants on attribute. Hire some applicants and reject others. Wait for some time period. Measure all newly hired job incumbents performance. If there are differences between scores the first time someone takes a test and the second time, usually the second score is usually more predictive of future outcomes Definition 16 of 20 Protects individuals with physical and mental disabilities, and requires that employers make "reasonable accommodation" to disabled individuals whose handicaps may prevent them from performing essential functions of the job currently designed. Give this one a go later! Americans with Disabilities Act of 1991 Polygraph act of 1988 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1986 Civil rights act of 1866 17 of 20 Definition Strength or Endurance Give this one a go later! Relevant Characteristics Non-realty Components Of Value Definition Physical Characteristics Market Conditions 18 of 20 Self awareness, (strength and weakness), self regulation (ability to keep disruptive emotions in check), self motivation (how to motivate oneself and persevere), empathy (ability to sense and read emotions), and social skills (the ability to manage the emotions of other people. Give this one a go later! Content validation Emotional Intelligence (5 concepts): Term Personality aspects Concurrent validation 19 of 20 Organizations try to select people with the same values and personality traits in order to: Give this one a go later! Most valid methods for screening people, especially cognitive ability tests and work sample tests, often are high in Measure of the degree to which two sets of numbers are related. The coefficient expresses the strength of the adverse impact. relationship in numerical form. Create a strong team culture; when there is a strong team culture, everyone shares the same views and traits promoting harmony and cohesiveness The final standard that any selection method should adhere to. All selection methods should conform to existing laws and existing legal precedents 20 of 20 Definition The final standard that any selection method should adhere to. All selection methods should conform to existing laws and existing legal precedents Give this one a go later! Utility Capacity Privacy Terms Reasoning Ability Legality English (UK)