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St Vincent's Chest Clinic TB Services Information

St Vincent’s Hospital Chest Clinic
Level 3, Outpatient Department
Ph: (02) 8382 3694
Email: SVHTBServices@svha.org.au
St Vincent’s Chest Clinic (TB Services)
The St Vincent’s Hospital (SVH) Chest Clinic operates Monday to Friday and is located on
Level 3 in the Outpatient Department. Please enter via the hospital main entrance.
The SVH Chest Clinic offers the following services:
Assessment, evaluation and treatment - of tuberculosis (TB)
Student TB assessments
Support for adults with concerns regarding active TB - Pulmonary and Extra –
Mycobacterial disease services – including non - TB mycobacteria disease
Immigration health examinations to Australian visa applicants - on behalf Bupa and
Department of Home Affairs. Visit Bupa Medical Visa Services for more information
Medical and nursing student TB clearance for work - fee for service
Screening for SVH staff – in accordance with the NSW Health TB Assessment Tool
Direct Observed Therapy (DOT) – observation of TB medication administration for
people with active TB
Please note:
The SVH Chest Clinic does not provide BCG vaccinations. To request a BCG
vaccination, please visit the NSW Health Request a BCG Vaccination page
SVH TB Services are only offered to people residing in the following postcodes: 2010,
2011, 2012, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030.
What to bring to your appointment
Please bring the following items with you to your appointment:
Medicare card - if available
Images - on CD or film
Vaccination card - for students and staff
Recent results
Useful TB Resources
NSW Health Tuberculosis
St Vincent’s Hospital Lung Health TB (Tuberculosis)