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Tidal Generator Prototype: Research, Design & Manufacturing

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
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Research, Design and Manufacturing of a
Prototype Tidal Generator
To cite this article: Huynh Minh Phu and Thanh Tung Nguyen 2022 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2199 012014
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2199 (2022) 012014
IOP Publishing
Research, Design and Manufacturing of a Prototype Tidal
Huynh Minh Phu1a, Thanh Tung Nguyen2a*
Institute of Applied and Technology, Thu Dau Mot University, Vietnam
Instituted of Engineering and Technology, Thu Dau Mot University,Vietnam
06. Tran Van On street, Phu Hoa ward, Thu Dau Mot city, Binh Duong province,
Coressponding Email: nttung@tdmu.edu.vn
Abstract. This paper talks about the research, design, and manufacturing of a tidal power
generator prototype. This model is built to take advantage of tidal changes in the Southwest
region of Vietnam. Here, the Mekong River has a tidal regime with high water and low water
level every day. The difference in potential energy between the high tide and the low tide is
utilized to generate the kinetic energy of the blades of the tidal generator turbine. The
generated electricity will be stored in a lithium battery, combined with a system that transmits
information to the phone via Bluetooth.
Keywords: tidal generator, tidal power, bluetooth app
1. Introduction
Tidal energy is a form of clean energy and an renewable source of energy that nature give to humans.
The potential of tidal energy in Vietnam is very large because our country is located in a coastal area,
but in fact, tidal energy in our country has not been interested in exploitation; it is only at the early
stage of research. There are no specific applications for generating electricity from this energy source
On the other hand, the demand for electricity in our country is increasing; the national electricity
system recorded an output of 247. 10 9(kWh) in 2020 [2], ENV has increased electricity prices twice
in 2 years. Recently to limit the use of electricity, so the direction of exploiting new energy,
renewable energy, especially tidal energy, is an urgent need today.
In the world, there have been some of studies on tidal energy. Such modalities include tidal
generators based on the kinetic energy of a river flow, or tidal dams, tidal kinetics, or tidal lagoons. In
China, the research team YingLi and Dong-ZiPan mentioned the research and development of tidal
lagoons in the Zhejiang province area [3].
In Vietnam, the research on utilizing tidal energy in the Mekong Delta for power generation has
not received much attention [4]. Therefore, in hydrological conditions in the Southwest region, there
are daily rising and falling tides, based on the idea of tidal lagoons, the topic "Research, design and
manufacture tidal energy generators" was studied to take advantage of tidal energy, generate electricity
for local use, and limit the amount of electricity wasted due to transmission 2000 km from the North to
the South.
2. Scientific basis and research methods
In this section, an overview of the research scientific basis and methods are concisely
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2199 (2022) 012014
IOP Publishing
2.1 Research Scientific Basis
The study uses a tidal dam model to generate electricity; this model is suitable for the Mekong
Delta region, where there is an interlaced river system to irrigate fields and gardens. At that
time, the ponds and ditches in the people's land act as tidal dams when the tide is high and
low. Tidal dams utilize the potential energy in the height difference between high and low
tides to generate kinetic energy for a generator. The tidal dam can allow water to flow in 2
directions: high tide and low tide. When sea levels rise and tides begin to rise, a temporary
increase in tides is introduced into a large basin behind the dam, holding a large amount of
potential energy. This energy is then converted into mechanical energy at low tide as water is
released through large turbines that generate electrical energy.
The energy obtained from the tidal lagoon depends on the volume of water. The potential
energy slowly gained from a volume of water is calculated as follows [5]
Agh 2
(J )
h is the vertical height of the tide; A is the surface area of the tidal dam; density of water
ρ = 1025 kg/m3; acceleration due to gravity g = 9.81m/s2
2.2 Research Methods
The study mainly used an experimental method. Based on calculation and design, a model
was built, then tested in the experiment. On the basis of experiments, the model is refined to
match reality. Besides, the project also uses the research method summarizing the experience.
Documents and articles related to tidal power generators are studied to make the topic better.
3. Design and calculation for the model
The principle of the prototype is shown in Figure 1. The difference in water level between
high tide and low tide causes water to flow out from the tidal dam. The potential energy of
this water is converted into energy through the propellers that rotate the generator. The
electricity generated from the generator is charged to the battery or lithium battery. Energy
from batteries or lithium batteries is stored to serve the needs of the people.
Figure 1. Block diagram of tidal power generator.
3.2 Calculation of required flow for the prototype
The model is designed with 8 propellers, each propeller has an area of 20cm x 30cm. Eight
propellers are evenly distributed on one shaft. The minimum flow to rotate the propellers is
calculated by the following formula [6]:
Q = A1 .v
Water flow Q(m3/s)
Cross-sectional area A1(m2)
Flow rate v(m/s)
Cross-section of propeller A1 :
A1 = length*width = 0.8*0.4 = 0.32(m2)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2199 (2022) 012014
IOP Publishing
Flow velocity v(m/s)
v  2 gh
Acceleration g = 9.81 (m/s )
Minimum water head height h = 0.2m
v  2 gh  2*0.98*0.2  1.98(m / s)
The minimum flow of the tidal dam is:
Q = A1*v = 0.32*1.98 = 0.63(m3/s)
4. Implementation of mechanical models
A mechanical model of a tidal power generator is constructed as shown below. The model
includes a water pipe frame (Figure 2) as a float for the system, allowing the system to rise
and fall according to the tides. The system uses a belt drive and a chain drive, as shown in
figure 3 to increase the rotational speed of the generator. The large pulley diameter is 320mm,
and the small pulley diameter is 60 mm. Figure 4 shows the mechanical system of the
prototype after fabrication is completed [7], [8], [9], [10].
Figure 2. Water pipe frame as a float for the system.
Figure 3 Tidal generator propellers.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2199 (2022) 012014
IOP Publishing
Figure 4. Mechanical system of tidal power generator after assembly.
5. Design and construction of charge controller for tidal power generator
The charge controller is designed according to the following principle: the power from the the
tidal energy generator is fed to the switchgear (IRF3205), where the microcontroller (using
the Arduino promini) is programmed to control the charging process of the battery by pulse
charging method (PWM)[11]. The voltage and current parameters of the generator are passed
through the current and voltage sensor. Here, the transmitter's current and voltage parameters
are sent to the microcontroller (Arduino Uno) for processing and transmitting to the phone via
Bluetooth [12].
Figure 5. Block diagram of the circuit that charges and sends signals to the phone via
A circuit that controls the pulse charge (using PWM method) and sends the voltage signal to
the phone is shown in Figures 6, 7, 8, 9,10. Figure 11 shows the prototype tested in river.
Table 1 shows the current and voltage parameters of the generator obtained in practice.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2199 (2022) 012014
IOP Publishing
Figure 6. The schematic capture of bluetooth signal transmitter circuit
Figure 7. The schematic capture of charging circuit
Figure 8. Interface of bluetooth app
Figure 9. Current and voltage measurement circuit of the generator.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2199 (2022) 012014
IOP Publishing
Figure 10. Pulse charge controller circuit for lithium battery.
Figure 11. Tested prototype in river
Table 1. Voltage parameters when charging the battery
Mini DC
6. Conclusion
Based on the process of research, calculation, and design, a tidal power generator prototype
has been implemented and tested. The prototype is not only generating electricity and
charging the lithium battery for storage but also communicating with the phone via
BlueTooth. The generator's voltage, current, and power parameters can be viewed through the
phone easily. The tidal power generator model is very useful for taking advantage of the tidal
system in the Mekong Delta to generate electricity, especially in isolated areas where the
national grid has not yet reached. In addition, taking advantage of tides to generate electricity
can create larger tidal power plants, generating electricity into the national grid to reduce
power loss in the process of transmitting electricity 2000km from the North to the South.
The authors would like to express special thanks to Thu Dau Mot University for providing financial
support for the project.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2199 (2022) 012014
IOP Publishing
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