Hey there, wonderful readers!
We're so excited to have you with
us for today's activities. Your
curiosity and input make learning
extra fun. Jump in, read along,
and feel free to answer the
activities. Let's enjoy this learning
adventure together!
Directions: Each given sentence contains a boldfaced word which is
probably new to you. Guess the meaning of these words using context clues.
______1. Matilda Loisel lived in a small flat with her husband who worked as
a clerk for the Minister of Education.
a. apartment
b. rigid
c. decline
______2. Matilda dreamt of living a more luxurious life filled with fancy
a. simple
b. ordinary
c. extravagant
______3. Matilda became anxious in the week of the party.
a. relaxed
b. worried
c. content
______4. Matilda looked very pretty and elegant at the gala, captivating
everyone's attention.
a. uncomfortable
b. stylish
c. plain
______5. To buy some time from Jeanne, Matilda wrote a letter that she
broke the clasp of the necklace and so she sent it for repair.
a. link
b. closure
c. fastening
______6. Matilda's husband generously agreed to give her four hundred
francs that he had saved to buy a new rifle to get herself a dress.
a. dollars
b. euros
c. currency
______7. In their new apartment, Matilda found herself surrounded by a
petty and basic environment.
a. exciting
b. complicated
c. unimportant
______8. Matilda's husband had saved money for a new rifle but generously
gave it to her to buy a dress for the party.
a. gun
b. dress
c. gift
______9. Matilda's face showed signs of distress when she confessed
about the lost necklace.
a. happiness
b. confusion
c. extreme worry or sadness
______10. One day, Matilda met Jeanne Forestier. She decided to confess
the truth about the necklace.
a. hide
b. reveal
c. disguise
Note: After checking, read aloud the boldfaced words in class, the learners will
You are doing definitely well. By this time, read the selection below.
The Necklace
by Guy de Maupassant
Matilda Loisel lived in a small flat with her husband who worked as a
clerk for the Minister of Education. Matilda was a very pretty young lady.
Neither did they live a luxurious life nor were they poor. Matilda was very
unhappy because she always thought that she was born for all luxuries in the
world but she had to live a petty and simple life.
Her husband brought an invitation to a dinner party organized by his
office. He thought his wife would be excited but instead, she was upset. She
complained that she had nothing suitable to wear to such a great occasion.
Her husband generously agreed to give her four hundred francs that he had
saved to buy a new rifle to get herself a dress. Matilda became anxious in
the week of the party. On asking her she told her husband that she should
consider adding jewelry to look perfectly elegant. He suggested that perhaps
she could borrow something from her friend Jeanne Forestier. Jeanne heard
her story of distress and she generously opened her box of jewels. Matilda
borrowed a sparkling diamond necklace.
Matilda and her husband attended the gala and had a great time.
Matilda looked very pretty, elegant, and graceful. Everyone at the party
noticed her and they all wanted to be introduced to her. She was so glorified
by her beauty that she became very careless. They arrived home in the early
hours of the morning. When Matilda viewed her glory in the mirror, she
realized the necklace was missing. They searched for it everywhere in the
house. They wondered if it fell in the cab that brought them home but neither
of them noticed the number. Matilda’s husband went out to search the
streets but returned empty-handed. He also went to the policeman and to the
cab offices to raise a complaint. He advertised in the newspaper and offered
a reward. To buy some time from Jeanne, Matilda wrote a letter that she
broke the clasp of the necklace and so she sent it for repair. In the
meantime, they found a similar kind of necklace. The cost of the necklace
was thirty-six thousand francs. Her husband inherited eighteen thousand
francs from his father and he borrowed the rest of the amount from the
moneylenders. Finally, they purchased the necklace and Matilda gave it to
Jeanne who did not care to look at it.
Matilda’s life changed dramatically in the next ten years. They moved
to a much smaller apartment where she cooked and cleaned herself. Her
husband did multiple jobs and she also did other work to pay all the money
they had borrowed. After ten years, they were able to pay all the money back
but by then Matilda had aged a lot.
One day, Matilda met Jeanne Forestier. She decided to confess the
truth about the necklace. Jeanne was surprised to see Matilda’s state.
Matilda told her that she had lost the necklace that she borrowed from her
and had to pay a huge amount for the replacement. Jeanne was shocked to
hear the entire story behind the necklace and she confessed that the
necklace Matilda borrowed was a fake, which was not more than worth five
hundred francs.
Great! Now, let us check how far you have learned from this story by
answering the flowing questions below.
______1. What is Matilda Loisel's husband's occupation?
a. Doctor
b. Clerk
c. Teacher
d. Minister
______2. Why was Matilda unhappy despite not being poor?
a. She disliked her husband's job.
b. She wanted a more luxurious life.
c. She had no friends.
d. She was too busy.
______3. How did Matilda's husband respond when she complained about
the dinner party invitation?
a. He ignored her.
b. He scolded her.
c. He gave her money to buy a dress.
d. He canceled the invitation.
______4. What did Matilda want to borrow from Jeanne Forestier for the
dinner party?
a. Shoes
b. Dress
c. Jewelry
d. Hat
______5. What did Matilda borrow from Jeanne to wear to the dinner party?
a. Hat
b. Shoes
c. Sparkling diamond necklace
d. Gloves
______6. How did Matilda feel at the gala?
a. Unnoticed
b. Elegant and graceful
c. Uncomfortable
d. Angry
______7. What did Matilda do when she realized the necklace was missing?
a. She blamed her husband.
b. She went back to the party.
c. She searched the house.
d. She wrote a letter to Jeanne.
______8. Why did Matilda's husband advertise in the newspaper?
a. To find a new job
b. To find the necklace
c. To sell their apartment
d. To invite people to their home
______9. How did Matilda explain the disappearance of the necklace to
a. She confessed the truth.
b. She blamed Jeanne.
c. She said it was stolen.
d. She pretended it needed repair.
______10. How much did the replacement necklace cost?
a. Four hundred francs
b. Five hundred francs
c. Eighteen thousand francs
d. Thirty-six thousand francs
______11. How did Matilda's perception of herself change after the gala?
a. She became more humble.
b. She felt content with her life.
c. She became more materialistic.
d. She realized the value of simplicity.
______12. What does Matilda's decision to borrow a necklace reveal about
her character?
a. She values material possessions over honesty.
b. She is resourceful and practical.
c. She is dishonest and irresponsible.
d. She values friendship over appearance.
______13. Do you think Matilda's husband made the right choice by giving
her money for a dress? Why or why not?
a. Yes, because it made Matilda happy.
b. No, because it led to financial troubles.
c. Yes, because appearance is important.
d. No, because Matilda was ungrateful.
______14. What role does social status play in Matilda's life and decisions?
a. It doesn't influence her choices.
b. It motivates her to improve her life.
c. It causes her to make irresponsible decisions.
d. It makes her content with her circumstances.
______15. Discuss the impact of Matilda's carelessness at the gala on her
a. It led to financial success.
b. It resulted in social isolation.
c. It improved her self-esteem.
d. It had no lasting impact.
______16. How does the theme of appearance versus reality apply to the
necklace situation?
a. The necklace symbolizes true beauty.
b. Matilda's appearance hides her true character.
c. The necklace reflects the reality of social status.
d. Matilda's perceived elegance contrasts with the necklace's value.
______17. What lessons can be learned from Matilda's experience with the
a. The importance of honesty and humility.
b. The significance of material possessions.
c. The value of borrowing from friends.
d. The necessity of attending glamorous events.
______18. In your opinion, was Matilda justified in borrowing a necklace to
attend the gala? Why or why not?
a. Yes, because it improved her social status.
b. No, because it led to negative consequences.
c. Yes, because it made her happy temporarily.
d. No, because she should have been content with her life.
______19. How does the necklace incident contribute to the overall message
or moral of the story?
a. The pursuit of luxury leads to happiness.
b. Material possessions are more valuable than character.
c. Honesty and contentment bring true fulfillment.
d. Appearance is more important than reality.
______20. If you were in Matilda's situation, what would you have done
differently regarding the necklace?
a. Borrowed a different piece of jewelry.
b. Confessed the truth immediately.
c. Ignored the importance of the necklace.
d. Sold the necklace to avoid financial troubles.
1. Spelling
2. Define me
2. Comprehension- Check