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Healing is Voltage: Acupuncture Muscle Batteries

Copyright © 2014 Jerry L Tennant
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 150850072X
ISBN 13: 9781508500728
Author’s Note:
I write books and give lectures intended to help people restore their health. I am a physician---not an
English major. To my surprise, people call and email me to let me know I misused a comma on page x in
my book! Those good intentions simply take away time I would normally use to figure out a better way for
people to get healthy.
To my dismay, I spend more time formatting a book than I do writing it. To me, that seems like a
waste of time. I hire professional editors to do the copy editing but there are still mistakes or they change
the meaning of what I wrote.
Apparently there are people that sat around a desk and decided the proper way to use commas,
capitalization, etc. so they could sell books on “proper punctuation. “For example, I was taught in the
1940’s that if a series of words were a special phrase, you would enclose such words in quotation marks as I
did in the last sentence with “proper punctuation”. I was then taught that a period meant that you had
reached the end of that sentence. If a phrase preceded the period, the period still went at the end of the
sentence. However, now someone has decided that the period goes before the closing phrase quotation
mark! That makes absolutely no sense, but it sells books for those that make these rules and creates an
industry for English majors that get paid hundreds of dollars to move commas around and change the
meaning of what those of us that aren’t English majors write.
Grammar Tips says, “Now, keep in mind that this comma and period inside the quotation
marks business is strictly American usage. The British don't do it that way. They are inclined
to place commas and periods logically rather than conventionally, depending on whether the
punctuation belongs to the quotation or to the sentence that contains the quotation, just as we
do with question marks and exclamation points.”
I paid the editors at CreateSpace, a subsidiary of Amazon, several hundred dollars to edit this book.
I accepted their edits even though I think it is harder to read than the way I wrote it. For example, they made
the headings the same font size and capitalization as the sentences that follow. They also removed some of
the bullets from lists! The Chicago Manual of Style says:
“6.124 Vertical lists—punctuation and format
A vertical list is best introduced by a complete grammatical sentence, followed by a colon
(but see 6.125). Items carry no closing punctuation unless they consist of complete
sentences. If the items are numbered, a period follows the numeral and each item begins
with a capital letter. (When items in a numbered list consist of very long sentences, or of
several sentences, and the list does not require typographic prominence, the items may be set
in regular text style as numbered paragraphs, with only the first line indented, punctuated as
normal prose.) To avoid long, skinny lists, short items may be arranged in two or more
columns. If items run over a line, the second and subsequent lines are usually indented
(flush-and-hang style, also called hanging indention, as used in bibliographies and indexes).
In a numbered or bulleted list, runover lines are aligned with the first word following the
numeral or bullet. An alternative to indenting runover lines is to insert extra space between
the items.”
So it isn’t clear to me why they removed some of the bullets, but remember that I’m not an English
major. I’m just a physician.
So if you find errors and think that book titles should be underlined instead of italicized, you will
need to discuss that with the editors---not with me. So please don’t write or call me to tell me that I used a
comma incorrectly. If this book helps you get well, I have achieved my goal.
Finally, remember that by the time this book is published, I will be 75 years
old (only I must not say 75---numbers less than one hundred are supposed to be
typed out---I’ll be seventy-five.) So please make allowances for my impending
Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H), PScD
Table of Contents
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture Muscle Batteries
Atlas of Muscle Batteries
Nakatani and Voll Points, Jin Shin
Causes of Low Voltage
Tennant BioModulator® and Lateral BioTerminals®
This book is written for members and prospective members of Tennant
Institute, a private expressive association, by its director, Jerry Tennant, MD,
MD(H), PScD.
Tennant Institute for Pastoral Medicine is an ecclesiastical private
expressive association, as defined by law, and is under the direction of Jerry
Tennant,MD, MD(H), PScD, a pastoral health practitioner and counselor. Under
this appointment, Dr. Tennant is an ordained minister and chaplain who
ministers to the sick and suffering under international law, and under Texas
statute Sec. 503.054 (2).
Reading this book implies that the participant has given an
acknowledgment of rights noted above and others recognized by law, and asserts
First and Ninth Amendment rights. Participation means, “I voluntarily license
Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H), PScD, to counsel me in his role as a pastoral health
practitioner and counselor.”
Tennant Institute is a private expressive association registered with the
IRS that fulfills all the legal requirements of a private expressive association.
The information provided in this book is intended to educate the reader
about certain medical conditions and certain possible solutions. It is not a
substitute for examination, diagnosis, and medical care provided by a licensed
and qualified health professional. If you believe you, your child, or someone you
know suffers from the conditions described herein, please see your health care
provider. Do not attempt to treat yourself, your child, or anyone else without
proper medical supervision.
The materials in the book are provided to you “as is,” without warranty
of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the
implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or noninfringement.
In no event shall Jerry Tennant, his staff, heirs, assigns, the Pastoral
Medical Association, or the Tennant Institute or its associates or employees be
liable for any damages or incidental damages or damages for loss of profits,
revenue, use, or data, whether brought in contract or tort, arising out of or
connected with this book or the use, reliance upon, or performance of any
material contained in or accessed from this book or our website.
Your reading of this book implies that you agree to the release of
liability noted above.
Acupuncture Muscle Batteries
You are going to find the next few pages confusing. Please don’t stop
reading. I am including these pages so you will understand what the current
teachings about acupuncture are. It is against this background that I will propose
a new theory of acupuncture that I think you will find much easier to understand
and useful in clinical practice and in each individual’s understanding of health
and disease.
What is acupuncture? This question is hundreds of years old. Few can
agree on the answer. Elizabeth Reninger, Taoism expert, says,
Acupuncture—one of the principle therapies used in Chinese Medicine—
involves the insertion of hair-thin needles (at an average depth of ¼ to ½ inch)
into specific points along energy-channels called “meridians.” The insertion of
the acupuncture needles at these specific points supports a balanced flow of qi
(life-force energy) through the meridians. When the qi is flowing in this
balanced way, the body/mind is able to regain, maintain and improve its health
and vitality. According to Chinese Medicine, it is a blockage or imbalance in the
flow of qi that is the root cause of disease. When the qi associated with a
particular organ system is in a condition of excess, deficiency or stagnation,
negative emotional states such as fear, anxiety, anger, sadness or worry tend to
manifest. If left unresolved, this imbalanced emotional energy will begin to
produce physical symptoms. Similarly, if one of the five shen (spirits) of the
organs is disturbed, the energetic imbalance produced by this disturbance will
also, in time, manifest as physical disease.
By affecting the flow of qi through the meridian system in specific ways,
acupuncture is able to resolve spiritual and emotional imbalances before they
manifest as physical disease. For an acupuncturist, this is considered to be the
highest form of practice: to detect imbalance at these more subtle levels, before
they become physical diseases. If the disease process has already made its way
into the physical body, acupuncture is able to alleviate its symptoms by
resolving the energetic imbalances that are its root cause.
From Wikipedia, we find,
“Acupuncture (from Latin, “acus” (needle) + “punctura” (to puncture)) is
the stimulation of specific acupuncture points along the skin of the body
involving various methods such as penetration by thin needles or the application
of heat, pressure, or laser light. Clinical practice varies depending on the
country. Traditional acupuncture involves needle insertion, moxibustion, and
cupping therapy. It is a form of alternative medicine and a key component of
traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). According to TCM, stimulating specific
acupuncture points corrects imbalances in the flow of qi through channels
known as meridians. The TCM theory and practice are not based upon scientific
knowledge. Acupuncture aims to treat a range of conditions, though is most
commonly used for pain relief. Acupuncture is rarely used alone but rather as an
adjunct to other treatment modalities.
Any evidence on the effectiveness of acupuncture is “variable and
inconsistent” for all conditions. An overview of high-quality Cochrane reviews
suggested that acupuncture may alleviate some, but not all, kinds of pain. A
systematic review of systematic reviews found that for reducing pain, real
acupuncture was no better than sham acupuncture and concluded that there is
little evidence that acupuncture is an effective treatment for reducing pain.
Although minimally invasive, the puncturing of the skin with acupuncture
needles poses problems when designing trials that adequately control for placebo
effects. Some of the research results suggest acupuncture can alleviate pain but
others consistently suggest that acupuncture’s effects are mainly due to placebo.
The evidence suggests that short-term treatment with acupuncture does not
produce long-term benefits. A meta-review concluded that the analgesic effect of
acupuncture seemed to lack clinical relevance and could not be clearly
distinguished from bias.” Wikipedia
“The meridian system (also called channel network) is a traditional
Chinese medicine belief about a path through which the life energy known as
“qi” flows. The meridian network is typically divided into 2 categories, the
jingmai or meridian channels and the luomai or associated vessels (sometimes
called “collaterals”). The jingmai contain the 12 tendinomuscular meridians, the
12 divergent meridians, the 12 principal meridians, the 8 extraordinary vessels as
well as the Huato channel, a set of bilateral points on the lower back whose
discovery is attributed to a famous physician in ancient China. The collaterals
contain 15 major arteries that connect the 12 principal meridians in various
ways, in addition to the interaction with their associated internal organs and
other related internal structures. The collateral system also incorporates a
branching expanse of capillary like vessels which spread throughout the body,
namely in the 12 cutaneous regions as well as emanating from each point on the
principal meridians. If one counts the number of unique points on each meridian,
the total comes to 361, although 365 is usually used since it coincides with the
number of days in a year. Note that this method ignores the fact that the bulk of
acupoints are bilateral, making the actual total 670. There are about 400
acupuncture points (not counting bilateral points twice) most of which are
situated along the major 20 pathways (i.e. 12 primary & 8 extraordinary
channels). However by the 2nd Century CE, 649 acupuncture points were
recognized in China (reckoned by counting bilateral points twice).[5] [6] There
are “Twelve Principal Meridians” where each meridian corresponds to either a
hollow or solid organ; interacting with it and extending along a particular
extremity (i.e. arm or leg). There are also “Eight Extraordinary Channels,” two
of which have their own sets of points, and the remaining ones connecting points
on other channels. “Wikipedia
“The twelve standard meridians, also called Principal Meridians, are
divided into Yin and Yang groups. The Yin meridians of the arm are Lung,
Heart, and Pericardium. The Yang meridians of the arm are Large Intestine,
Small Intestine, and Triple Burner. The Yin Meridians of the leg are Spleen,
Kidney, and Liver. The Yang meridians of the leg are Stomach, Bladder, and
Gall Bladder. “
If you are like I was when I first began to study acupuncture, you’re
probably confused. Then it gets worse! Again from Wikipedia, we get the
“San Jiao is a term found in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), as part of
modeling the workings of the human body attempted by early Chinese medical
writers. References to it can be found in the oldest Chinese medical texts
available, including the Yellow Emperor’s Huang Di Nei Jing. The identification
of disease according to the Three Burners was first described in the Qing
Dynasty by Wu Ju Tong 1758–1836) in his book A Systematic Identification of
Febrile Diseases. This system is used within the practice of Chinese herbal
medicine, in conjunction with acupuncture and other Chinese medicine (TCM)
modalities. Note that the San Jiao theory differs slightly from the San Jiao organ,
or channel [(Shou Shao Yang, san jiao jing)]; referred to additionally as “Triple
Heater,” San Jiao, and “Triple Burner.” Viewed by Chinese Medicine as the
passage of heat and fluid throughout the body, Elementary Questions (su wen)’
explains, “The Triple Burner holds the office of the sluices; it manifests as the
“The system is often combined with Four Stages theory when diagnosing
and treating an externally contracted disease caused by a wind-heat pathogen.
The disease will be diagnosed and understood according to its location within
the three burners.
San Jiao has been translated as “triple heater,” triple warmer (or three
warmers),” and “triple burner,” the latter of which is probably favored because
of the involvement of the San Jiao in metabolism. The current World Health
Organization standard term is “Triple Energizer” (TE), but many authors still
prefer to use San Jiao.
There is no organ in Western medicine that corresponds to San Jiao, but
The Triple-Burner is said to occupy the Thoracic and Abdomino-Pelvic cavities:
Triple Warmer
1. Upper Jiao
2. Middle Jiao
3. Lower Jiao
Upper Jiao
The Upper Jiao refers to the upper part of the body, and includes the Heart,
Lung, and Pericardium organs. The Pericardium is the corresponding internal
organ of the Triple Burner (for the purpose of acupuncture only*). Patterns that
affect the upper burner include:
Wind-heat invading the lungs—symptoms include fever, aversion to cold,
headache, sore throat, red and swollen tonsils, red tip on tongue, floating-rapid
Heat in the lungs—symptoms include fever, sweating, cough, asthma,
thirst, red tongue with yellow coat, rapid pulse.
Heat in the pericardium—symptoms include fever, delirium, aphasia,
burning feeling in epigastrium, cold limbs, dark red tongue with no coat, finerapid pulse.
Middle Jiao
The middle jiao refers to the midsection of the body and includes the
Spleen, Stomach, Gall Bladder and Liver organs.
Heat in Yang Ming—symptoms include high fever, profuse sweating,
constipation, large thirst, irritability or delirium, red tongue with dry yellow coat,
deep and full pulse. The yang ming pattern is often referred to as the Four Bigs
—big fever, big sweat, big thirst, big pulse.
Damp-Heat invading the Spleen—symptoms include aversion to cold, low
fever in the afternoon, feeling of heaviness, nausea, vomiting, red puffy tongue
with a yellow-sticky coat, slippery and rapid pulse.
Lower Jiao
The lower jiao refers to the lower section of the body and includes the
Small and Large Intestines, the Kidneys and the Urinary Bladder.
Lower jiao pattern—symptoms include low-grade fever in the afternoon,
hot palms and soles (also called “five palm heat”), dry mouth, convulsions,
deep-red tongue with no coat, fine-rapid pulse.
Other Zang Fu organs were not included in the San Jiao model.
The Hand Channel of San Jiao Shao Yang is so called because of its
generalized effects across the San Jiao. San Jiao is not an organ. In fact, many
Zang Fu organ translations do not directly correspond with their defined Western
organ. They more often refer to systems or functions within the body, and are
useful to describe the flow of energy, which in turn helps prescribe therapy to
The Shao Yang channel is the second shallowest channel in the six
divisions of channel theory, and its hand division—San Jiao—starts at the
fingernail of the ring finger, travels up the outside center of the hand and arm,
encompasses the elbow, continues to the back of the Acromio-clavicular joint
(part of the shoulder), meeting with the other Yang channels at the junction of
the seventh cervical and first thoracic vertebrae (GV-14 “da zhui”), before
traveling up the neck to behind the ear, encompassing the external ear and
terminating at outer tip of the eyebrow. Aside from Wai Guan (TE-5), its points’
most common clinical uses are for local problems.
In TCM theory, the San Jiao is a yang organ paired with the pericardium
(Xin Bao) which is the yin organ associated with it. Yang (Fu) organs are
typically hollow, whereas yin (Zang) organs are more solid. The triple burner,
however, is said to be primarily energetic and does not have a physical
component, unlike all the other organs in TCM. In dissecting a body, one would
not be able to find a structure that could be called the San Jiao.
The San Jiao’s Hand-Foot partner is Dan (Gall Bladder).
The San Jiao is also said to be a metabolism mechanism similar to an oldfashioned water wheel that is turned by incoming water and creates energy for
accomplishing a task, such as grinding grain in the case of the water wheel, or
for metabolizing and digesting food in the case of the San Jiao. The San Jiao is
closely associated with the spleen functions of transformation and transportation,
particularly the metabolism of incoming food. The San Jiao is also closely
associated with the kidney’s function in TCM. The San Jiao, however, is not
limited to one metabolism function as the spleen or kidneys are, but is a general
metabolizer which can be applied to a variety of metabolism needs.
This dual usage of San Jiao to refer to a specific metabolic function and to
refer to the areas of the body is a source of confusion, and care should be taken
to make it explicit which is being referred to.
Wu Xing
San Jiao is related to the fire element of the Chinese Five Elements.”
Author’s Note
In traditional acupuncture, there is no
such thing as a brain, nervous system, or
Chronic disease occurs
autonomic nervous system. It also seems
when you lose the ability
obvious that something has been lost in
to make new cells that
translation. For example, “pericardium
meridian” has nothing to do with the lining
of the heart but rather is the same thing as
the parasympathetic nervous system. In addition, the “triple burner, triple heater,
or san jiao meridian” is the same thing as the sympathetic nervous system of
western medicine.
Making Sense of It All
This book is a follow-up to Healing Is Voltage, the Handbook. In that
book, I began to piece together various concepts of sickness and healing that
started to create a new paradigm of medical care. It basically suggests that the
body is constantly wearing itself out. We get new cells in the macula of the eye
every forty-eight hours. The lining of the intestine is replaced every three days.
Skin is replaced every six weeks. Your liver is replaced every eight weeks. Your
nervous system is replaced every eight months, and so on. In addition, if we
have injuries or infections, they damage cells as well. Thus, we have to
continuously make new cells that work. That leads us to the question, “What
does it take to make new cells that work?”
Cells are designed to run in an environment of -25 millivolts (mV).
However, it takes –50 mV to make a new cell. (If you put a cell in a petri dish
and place an electrode inside and outside the cell membrane, you’ll measure –90
mV. However, cells in our bodies don’t exist in a petri dish, but are designed to
run in an environment of –25 mV. Thus, we have to have voltage (electrons,
energy, chi, prana—whatever you wish to call it) to make cells work and to
make new cells to keep the body repaired.
In addition to voltage, you have to have the essential materials to make
cells, and you have to deal with any toxins that are present that will damage cells
as fast as you make them.
Thus, we have to have voltage to keep our cells running and to make new
ones. What is the source of that voltage?
Traditional medicine acknowledges that there is voltage in the heart
(electromyogram) but basically refuses to consider the paradigm that all cells
need energy to work. Most physicians have it in the back of their minds that
mitochondria use energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to make
the chemistry of the cell work somehow, but since there is no blood test for
ATP, it is far from the mind of daily practice in traditional medical care.
My understanding of how voltage works in the body began to take shape as
I read various books and studies about seemingly unrelated topics.
When electrons are running through a conductor such as a copper wire,
they are there or not. If the switch is on, you have an electron donor. If the
switch is off, there are no electrons.
However, a solution provides a different situation. The solution may be an
electron donor or an electron stealer. One measures the voltage of the solution
with a sophisticated voltmeter. By convention, if the solution is an electron
donor, one puts a minus sign in front of the voltage. If, however, the solution is
an electron stealer, one puts a plus sign in front of the voltage. For example, if
your pH voltmeter measures +150 mV, it means that the solution is an electron
stealer with one hundred fifty mV of stealing power. If your pH voltmeter
measures –200 mV, it means that the solution is an electron donor with two
hundred mV of donating power.
After measuring the voltage of the solution, one can convert that to a
logarithmic scale called pH. A voltage of +400 mV is the same as a pH of zero.
A voltage of –400 mV is the same as a pH of fourteen. A solution that is neither
an electron donor, nor an electron stealer is called a pH of seven.
With this understanding, one can see that a pH of 7.35 is the same as a
voltage of –20 mV. A pH of 7.45 is the same as a voltage of –25 mV. Thus, we
see that all cellular biology texts tell us that cells are designed to run between –
20 and –25 mV of electron donor status!
The following chart begins to help us understand the difference between
electron donors and electron stealers as they relate to the human body.
Electron Stealer
Causes damage
pH 0-6.9
Free Radical
Positive Pole
Spins Left
Electron Donor
Can Do Work
pH 7.1 -14
Negative Pole
Spins Right
Spins Left
Spins Right
Electron stealers cause damage, are a pH from 0 to 6.9, are acidic, are free
radicals, are the positive pole, are destructive, and, at the atomic level, spin left.
You will hear statements like, “All disease occurs when you are acidic.”
What this is really saying is that all disease occurs when your voltage is low or
in an electron-stealer state.
You will hear statements like, “Alkalize or die.” What this means is that
you must have electrons available to do work, or your cells will die.
A free radical is a molecule that is missing electrons. It is like a mugger
looking for someone’s purse to steal. When a free radical steals electrons from
the cell, it damages the cell.
An antioxidant is a molecule capable of giving away electrons. Thus, when
your mother says, “Eat your vegetables,” she is saying that the vegetables
contain electrons that are good for you.
We maintain our health and heal primarily by making new cells. To make a
new cell requires a voltage of –50 mV.
Salivary and urinary pH are about 0.8 pH units less than cell pH. Salivary
pH is a rough indicator of cellular voltage. Urinary pH is a rough indicator of the
voltage in the fluids around cells. When normal, both should be 6.5. If you add
0.8 to 6.5, you get a pH of 7.3. This equates to –20 mV.
Now let’s consider my thumb. My thumb is running at a voltage of –25
mV. It is pink, feels fine, and works well. Now pretend I hit it with a hammer.
The thumb is red, swollen, hot, and has a pulsing pain. It has automatically gone
to –50 mV. This is necessary to make new cells that are needed to replace the
ones I damaged with a hammer. At –50 mV, blood vessels dilate and dump raw
materials such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and others
into the neighborhood. I need these raw materials to build new cells. I also need
–50 mV to have the energy to turn these raw materials into new cells.
As soon as I finish making enough cells to replace those I damaged with
the hammer, my thumb goes back to –25 mV. It is normal, and I am happy.
Now let’s assume that I ran out of voltage before I was able to make
enough new cells to replace those I injured with a hammer. My voltage dropped
to –10 mV. Now I am stuck in chronic disease. I cannot heal unless I can make
new cells. I cannot make new cells unless I have –50 mV and all the raw
materials I need to make new cells. In chronic disease, my thumb hurts all the
time, it is white, and doesn’t work very well.
Thus, we see that chronic disease is always defined by having low voltage.
One cannot cure chronic disease without inserting enough electrons to achieve –
50 mV. One must also have the raw materials necessary to make new cells and
to eliminate the toxins or infections present that will damage the new cells. One
can take all of the medications you like and do as much surgery as you like, but
you will not heal unless you have –50 mV, raw materials, and a lack of toxins.
Without the ability to achieve –50 mV and the necessary raw materials to
make new cells, you cannot maintain your health, and you suffer aging and
chronic disease. You also are unable to repair injuries so they can also lead to
chronic disease. You don’t need drugs to heal. You need to make new cells that
work to heal. To make good cells, you need voltage and a good diet. You also
need to remove toxins from your body that damage cells and make you obese.
Once one begins to understand that chronic disease and healing are
controlled by voltage, one must ask the following questions:
How do cells normally get voltage?
How do cells store voltage?
Why did my voltage drop enough to allow me to get sick?
How do I measure the voltage of organs?
What do I do when I find the voltage is low?
There are several bad things that happen when voltage drops. The obvious
one is that organs simply don’t have enough horsepower to do their job. Another
is that they don’t have the energy to get rid of toxic waste, and it begins to
Remember that at –50 mV, there is a pulsing pain. When you have low
voltage, it simply hurts all the time. Thus, pain is simply a symptom of abnormal
voltage. You correct it by correcting the voltage.
If you put a tube into a glass of water and began bubbling oxygen into the
water, the amount of oxygen that will dissolve in the water is dictated by the
voltage of the water. As voltage is raised, more oxygen will dissolve in water.
However, as voltage drops, oxygen comes out of a solution and leaves the water.
Our cells are 70 percent water. Thus, as voltage begins to drop in
ourselves, oxygen leaves the cells. This has serious consequences.
Our cells contain a process for turning fatty acids into glucose. They are
processed through a series of chemical reactions called the Krebs cycle. The end
result is a rechargeable battery called ATP. As ATP provides electrons to keep
the cell functioning, it becomes a discharged, rechargeable battery called
adenosine diphosphate (ADP).
When oxygen is available, for every unit of fatty acids run through the
Krebs cycle, we create thirty-eight molecules of ATP. However, if oxygen is
unavailable, only two molecules of ATP are created for every unit of fatty acids.
Thus, as voltage drops, and oxygen levels drop, our metabolism goes from
“thirty-eight miles per gallon to two miles per gallon.” It is very difficult for
cells to have enough energy to function with such inefficient metabolism.
Another problem of decreased oxygen is infections. Our bodies contain
perhaps one trillion microorganisms. Most of these are inactive as long as
oxygen is present. However, when oxygen levels drop, these bugs wake up. The
first thing they want to do is have lunch. And, they want to have you for lunch.
Since these bugs don’t have teeth, they must put out digestive enzymes to
dissolve you so that they can acquire the nutrients from the cells.
One of the problems has to do with these digestive enzymes. Let’s assume
that you have a Streptococcus bacterium having lunch on your tonsil. You, of
course, recognize this as a sore, painful throat. We all know, however, that the
digestive enzymes produced by these Streptococcus bacteria can enter our
bloodstream and cause damage to our heart valves. They can also damage your
joints. The same process can happen anywhere in the body. Let’s assume you
have low voltage in your gallbladder. This means that your gallbladder will hurt,
have decreased oxygen, and inefficient metabolism, and have bugs having lunch
on the gallbladder. The toxins produced by these bugs can enter the bloodstream
and cause brain damage. You may have infections in your large intestine, in your
sinuses, or other places causing damage and autoimmune problems. However, it
is simply bugs having lunch because your voltage, and thus, your oxygen levels
are low.
I have seen a number of patients with a diagnosis of lupus. A blood test
called the antinuclear antibodies (ANA) test is used to make the diagnosis of
lupus. If you correct the voltages in such patients, their symptoms go away and
their ANA test goes back to normal.
As voltage continues to drop, it will go from an electron donor to electron
stealer status. This is known as a change in polarity. When voltage drops to +30
mV, you have cancer.
It is generally taught in western medicine that the blood is sterile. This is
because placing blood into a Petri dish does not normally show growth.
Generally speaking, only bacteria that have cell membranes reproduce in Petri
dishes. However, if you look at blood under a high-powered microscope without
the blood stains or other chemicals, you will easily identify many
microorganisms. These microorganisms do not have cell membranes. As voltage
and oxygen levels drop, and as toxins build up in the system, you will see these
organisms change from spherical, to rod-shaped, to yeast-like, and finally to
fungus with hyphae.
The association of finding fungal-like forms in the blood with the
development of tumors was reported as long ago as 1840, and has continued to
be reported ever since. Although most microbiologists and oncologists have
generally denied the existence of these forms, the development of the German
microscope known as the Ergonom makes these denials no longer credible. This
microscope is capable of fifteen thousand to forty thousand power, and allows
one to see organisms in their live state. Please look at the videos at
How Do Cells Normally Get Voltage?
There are many ways that the body is intended to get electrons. However,
our modern culture has tended to eliminate most of these sources.
The earth is a large electromagnet. If you take the electrodes of a voltmeter
and stick them into the dirt, you will measure voltage. An area of high voltage
always causes electrons to flow to an area of low voltage. If your body has lower
voltage than the earth, walking barefoot on the dirt or grass will cause electrons
to flow from the earth into your body, recharging you. However, if you walk
with shoes, this cannot occur.
Water from the ground contains electrons. We call this “alkaline water.”
However, when you place chlorine and fluoride into the water, it turns it into an
electron stealer. Thus, every time we drink such water, it steals electrons from
us. The water we should be drinking should contain electrons and be clean and
free from toxins. Again, you can test your water to see if it is electron donor or
electron stealer by simply placing the electrodes of the voltmeter into the water.
If the voltmeter shows negative voltage, the water is an electron donor. If the
voltmeter shows positive voltage, the water is an electron stealer.
If you stick a voltmeter into a raw potato, you will measure voltage.
However, if you bake a potato or freeze the potato and then insert the voltmeter,
most of the voltage will be gone. Unprocessed food contains voltage. Once we
process food, most of the voltage disappears. We are designed to eat
unprocessed food so that it brings its own electrons with it. When you eat food
that has been processed, your body must provide electrons from other sources to
digest it. You can actually tell the quality of food, such as vegetables, by simply
using a voltmeter to compare the voltage in one product versus another.
Remember that voltage always moves from an area of higher voltage to an
area of lower voltage. When my wife and I hug each other, there is obviously an
emotional element. However, there is also an issue of pure physics. The one of
us with the lower voltage will get a donation of electrons from the other one. As
we continue to hug, soon we will be the same voltage.
This process continues when any two living things touch. For example, if I
hold a dog or cat, and I am lower voltage than the dog or cat, the animal will
donate electrons to me. Then it will run outside, recharge itself, and bring me
some more voltage. If I lean against a tree, the tree will donate voltage to me.
Moving water is always an electron donor. Still water is an electron stealer.
Thus, taking a shower will energize me, whereas taking a bath will make me
tired. Swimming in the ocean will give you electrons, but swimming in a
chlorinated pool will steal voltage from you.
Moving air is an electron stealer. Thus, people often feel tired if they sleep
under a fan. Riding in a convertible is great fun, but you are always tired when
you get to your destination.
If you take a voltmeter that measures in millivolts and hold it in the air
inside your home, you will measure a small amount of voltage. Now take it
outside. You will find there is much more voltage out in the sun.
If you take a quartz crystal and squeeze it with a pair of pliers, it will emit
electrons. This is called the piezoelectric effect. Our muscles are like
piezoelectric crystals. Thus, when we exercise, our muscles create electrons. The
muscles are also rechargeable batteries. The movement of our muscles recharges
our muscle batteries. Exercise is a major way by which the body acquires
There is a pump within the skull and continuing down the spine called the
craniosacral pump. Each time this pump activates, it sends a surge of electrons
through the body.
Thus, you can see that the human is designed to get voltage primarily the
way our grandparents got it. They worked out in the sun, drank water from a
well, ate unprocessed foods, weren’t afraid to touch the earth with their hands or
feet, hugged their family, leaned against a tree or stood in moving water while
they were fishing, and weren’t afraid to stand in the rain.
Common Ways Electrons Are Taken from the Human Body
Acidic water (tap water, chlorinated water, fluoride, most bottled water)
Carbonated beverages
Caffeinated beverages (pop, coffee, tea)
Alcoholic beverages
Cooked food
Processed food
Healers/doctors (when they touch their patients, they lose electrons to
Hugs (which transfer electrons from one person to another)
Parent holding a sick child (child gets well quicker, but parent is left tired)
Moving air (wind, air conditioning, fans, convertibles, and hair dryers)
How Do Cells Store Electrons?
Cell membranes are made up of opposing layers of fats called
phospholipids. This unusual fat is made up of a ball with two legs. The ball is an
electron conductor. The legs are insulators.
Anytime an insulator separates two conductors, you have an electronic
device called a capacitor. Capacitors are designed to store electrons. Thus, cell
membranes serve as “battery packs” for the cells.
Liquid Crystals
Dr. Bruce Lipton has recently discovered that the cell membrane also
serves as a liquid crystal. The molecules in solid things stay in one location. An
example of a solid is a crystal. However, in liquids, the molecules move about.
In some substances called liquid crystals, the molecules can move about, but act
like solids. This means that liquid crystals are neither a solid nor a liquid. Thus,
the name seems strange in that we are calling a solid a liquid when we say
“liquid crystal.” We are basically saying “liquid solid.”
Electric current and/or temperature influence liquid crystals. Certain liquid
crystals have elements that are twisted. When one applies electricity to these
liquid crystals, they begin to unwind. One can use this characteristic to use them
to either block the passage of light through them or allow the light to pass. This
depends upon whether the elements are twisted or untwisted.
The thing that determines whether the elements are twisted or untwisted
can be anything from a magnetic field to a surface that has grooves in it. A liquid
crystal display (LCD) is made with two plates of polarized glass, one in front
and one in back. The back one is polarized ninety degrees from the front one. In
between these two plates are filters coated with liquid crystals. The orientation
of the crystals is aligned with or opposed to the passage of light depending upon
the voltage applied. It is like having a rope with its fibers twisted tightly so light
cannot pass down its length, or a rope with its fibers untwisted so that there are
spaces between the fibers that allow light to pass down its length. The function is
very much like a rotating diaphragm that opens or closes depending upon
whether voltage is present or not.
One can see that the phospholipids that make up a cell membrane have legs
that can twist or untwist to permit light, or water, or other molecules to be
blocked or pass through the cell membrane. They open and close depending
upon the voltage applied.
Carbon, silicon, and germanium are elements that are called
semiconductors. Each has four electrons in its outer shell. This allows each atom
to attach the four other atoms in a nice crystalline structure called a lattice. The
carbon lattice is called a diamond.
Carbon, silicon, and germanium in their crystal state are electronic
insulators. Because they do not have free electrons (all are bonded to each
other), they insulate rather than conduct electricity. However one can turn these
insulators into semiconductors by adding impurities to the crystals. This process
is called “doping.”
As you can see in the graphic of a portion of the periodic table, carbon,
silicon, and germanium are in a column. In the column next to them are nitrogen,
phosphorous, and arsenic. To the left, the column contains boron, aluminum, and
Arsenic and phosphorous each have five outer shell
electrons. When you place one of them into a lattice of
carbon, silicon, or germanium (each of them has four
electrons), there is an extra electron per set of four
atoms. This extra electron can move from place to
place, turning the insulating crystal into a
“semiconductor” that allows some electric current to
flow through it. Since this semiconductor has a
negative charge, it is called an “N-type.” If you add
boron or gallium to a crystal of carbon, silicon, or
germanium, you have a different kind of
Since boron and gallium each have only three
electrons in the outer shell, binding them to carbon, silicon, or gallium (each has
four electrons) creates a hole in the latticework. This hole is searching for
electrons and accepts electrons that wander by. This creates a positively charged
semiconductor called a P-type semiconductor.
When you place a negative and a positive semiconductor against each
other, you have what is called a diode. What is unique about a diode is that it
allows electric current to flow in one direction but not the other. It is a one-way
street for electric current, whereas conductors like copper allow the electric
current to flow in either direction.
When you put a voltage source like a battery, as you see in the left part of
the graphic, the plus part of the battery attracts and hold the electrons from the
negative N-type semiconductor, and the minus pole of the battery attracts and
holds the holes in the positive P-type semiconductor. The result is that no current
flows through the semiconductors. Devices that allow current to flow in one
direction but not in the other direction are called diodes.
If you change the battery to the configuration you see in the right side of
the graphic, electrons flow from the battery into the N-type semiconductor and
then into the holes of the P-type semiconductor with the net effect that current is
flowing through the diode.
If you use three elements instead of two, you have a transistor. You can use
two N-type semiconductors with a P-type in the middle, or two P-types with an
N-type in the middle. The most commonly used type is two N-types and one Ptype, as it is easiest to use this format in a silicon sheet to make a chip. A
transistor normally blocks the flow of electricity through it, acting as a switch.
However, when you apply voltage to the center layer, a large amount of voltage
can move though the transistor, making it act as an amplifier. A small current
can turn a larger current on and off.
As you can see, the phospholipids of the cell membrane act like a transistor
and a microprocessor. A piece of silicon that can hold thousands of transistors is
called a silicon chip. With transistors acting as switches, you can create Boolean
gates, and with Boolean gates, you can create microprocessor chips.
For an excellent discussion of
The Peripheral Cytoskeleton and Tesla’s Resonating Circuits
In 1895, Nikola Tesla invented the tuned circuit or resonating circuit. It is a
capacitor and a coil wired in parallel. Wired in parallel means that the
components are on a square as you see in the diagram. Capacitors (abbreviated
as “C”) store electrons. Coils provide inductance (abbreviated as “L”) and create
a magnetic field. This is known as an “LC” circuit.
Parallel tuned circuits are used in radio and other electronics to couple
resonant energy from one circuit to another in transmitters and receivers. This is
the system used by the cell membrane and peripheral cytoskeleton to couple
energy from the cell and into the cell.
As you will recall, the cell membrane is made up of two opposing layers of
fat molecules that create a capacitor. Just under the cell membrane is a maze of
protein called the peripheral cytoskeleton. These two are wired together in
parallel in what is known as an RC circuit, or a resistor/capacitor circuit.
RC circuits work much like your checking account and savings account. In
the photo, assume cash is coming into the top of the circuit; the resistor is your
checkbook, and the capacitor is your savings account. As the cash comes in, it
flows through your checking account to pay your bills. Any cash left over is
transferred into your savings account. On months where there isn’t enough cash
coming in to pay your bills, you take some out of savings and transfer it into
your checking account to keep things going. So it is with an RC circuit.
Electrons come into the circuit and flow through the resistor (peripheral
cytoskeleton of the cell) to keep energy flowing into the cell so it can do its
When there are more electrons being delivered—by the perineural system,
the acupuncture system, water, or ionic transfer, to name a few—than are needed
to supply the requirements of the cell, the excess is stored in the capacitor (cell
membrane). When the cell is inflamed, delivery of more electrons is reduced
because the cell becomes somewhat isolated from the delivery systems by the
edema. Thus, the cell must operate on the electrons stored in the cell membrane.
This is the same as “running on battery power.” Thus, you see that the control of
voltage into the cell is controlled by a Tesla RC circuit.
A series tuned circuit is used to electrically “stretch” or “shorten” an
antenna or waveguide transmission line so that the length of the antenna or
waveguide will match the length of the incoming wave. For example, radio
stations each put out a different frequency or wavelength. If you have a wire that
is exactly the same length, the energy from the radio signal will be absorbed, and
you will hear that station on your radio. Thus, to hear all the radio stations in
your area, you would need a separate wire for each station to match the wire
lengths and wavelengths. However, if you attach your wire to the series coil
above and make the capacitor variable in power, it changes the effective length
of the wire. That is the tuning knob on your radio. In the body, extracellular fluid
(impedance) and organs (capacitance) are wired in series as a series tuned
We now see that the cell membrane is the brain of the cell. It is a capacitor
that stores voltage for the cell to use. It is a microprocessor that controls the
functions of the cell by interacting with the environment around the cell. It is a
liquid crystal that can open and close to allow things to enter the cell or keep
them out, and also allow things to exit the cell or keep them in. It is part of a
Tesla resonating circuit that allows it to communicate with other cells.
Remember that every cell is designed to run at about a negative –20–25
mV. When cells need to repair themselves, the voltage is increased to –50 mV.
This is controlled by the cell membrane/peripheral cytoskeleton resonating
circuit. Since the electrons necessary to allow this to happen are stored in the fat
of the cell membrane, the fat is critical to the cell being able to do its work at –
20 mV, and to repair itself at –50 mV. Without an adequate amount of good fat,
the cell membranes can’t function, and thus, the cell can’t function. You must
also remember that cells replace themselves frequently. If you don’t give the cell
new building materials, including adequate amounts of good fat, the cells will
have to make new cells with materials from the worn-out cell it is replacing.
Building new things using worn-out parts creates a new thing that doesn’t work
much better than the old one it is replacing.
As you can see, cell membranes must be made with good phospholipids
(fats) for them to work. Making them with plastic fats (trans fats) prevents this
from working correctly. Since all of the brain and nervous system, the liver, and
every cell membrane are made of fat, you must eat lots of good fat to keep
making good cells. A normal person is about 20–25 percent fat. That means you
need to eat about 20–25 percent of your normal body weight in fat every eight
months because your body completely replaces itself every eight months.
Measuring Cell Membranes
We can measure the function of cell membranes using a device called the
biological impedance analysis device (BIA). This device is in widespread use in
every physiology department in the world. It gives us a measurement called
“phase angle” that can suggest to us if you are made of plastic fat.
We have been discussing the storage of electrons by the cells. We have
discussed how cell membranes are primary capacitors to store electrons for use
by the cells. This voltage is used primarily to control the electronic circuitry of
the cell membrane since it functions as a semiconductor, a diode, a transistor,
and a microprocessor.
Inside the cell, we have another electron storage system known as
ATP/ADP. This rechargeable battery system is used to make many of the cell’s
chemical functions work.
Remember that when oxygen is available, we make thirty-eight molecules
of ATP from one unit of fatty acids, but when oxygen is unavailable, we only
make two! This inability to provide electrons for critical chemical pathways of
the cell is part of chronic illness.
Acupuncture : The Forgotten and Misunderstood Power Pack
We have discussed the electronics of the cell. In the next chapter, we will
discuss the portable battery pack that keeps it all going.
CA 92127
Tennant Muscle Batteries: The
Acupuncture System
Fascia is that shiny sheath that you see around all the muscles when you
carve a turkey. It has a wide band that goes up the center of the back, over the
skull, and down the front of the body. It then connects right and left to stockings
of fascia that surround each muscle. From there, connections are made to “bags”
of fascia that surround each organ. Continuing on, tiny fibers travel down to
each cluster of cells. Thus, the fascia forms the “wiring system” of the body,
connecting the central wire to every cell in the body.
Traditional teaching only views fascia as a structural element, holding the
body together like the rafters in your home. However, we will see that it is much
more than that. The following study looks at the composition of the fascia.
Acta Biochem Pol. 2012;59(4):531–5. Epub 2012 Nov 19. Chemical
composition of human and canine fascia lata. Maksymowicz K1, Marycz K,
Szotek S, Kalinski K, Serwa E, Lukomski R, Czogala J.
The fascial system is an integral part of the musculoskeletal system. It is a
three-dimensional network of connective tissue spreading ubiquitously
throughout the body, surrounding muscles, bones, internal organs, nerves,
vessels, and other structures. The basic biophysical properties of the fascial
system are determined by its structure and chemical composition. This
study aimed to determine the elemental composition of pathologically
unchanged fascia lata of the thigh, collected during autopsies on humans
and dogs. The wide spectrum of elements analyzed included both macro
and micro elements. The analyses were conducted using scanning electron
microscopy with X-ray microanalysis (SEM-EDS). Concentrations of the
following macro and micro elements were determined: C, N, O, Na, Mg,
Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, Fe Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn. The obtained results
showed significant differences between human and canine fascia lata
regarding the content of most of the examined elements (p < 0.05), except
for N. These data may in future provide a starting point for the
establishment of reference values for the content of various elements in
normal fascial tissue and may also serve to verify the usefulness of
experimental animal material as a substitute for human tissue.
Several authors, including Oschman, Chen, Li LY, Rauscher, and Myers,
have written about how the fascia functions as a semiconductor. Remember that
semiconductors are molecules that have extra electrons and can move them at
the speed of light, but only in one direction. Thus, the fascia is the “wiring
system” of the body.
In Healing Is Voltage, the Handbook, I made the
assumption that the muscles of the body were wired in
series, and that the cumulative power of the muscles
supplied all of the cells in the body. I now believe I
was wrong.
Helene Langevin, MD, is a research assistant professor
of neurology at the University of Vermont School of
Medicine. She and her colleagues published a seminal
article about acupuncture meridians:
The Anatomical Record, Volume 269, Issue 6,
2002, pp. 257–265. Relationship of acupuncture points
and meridians to connective tissue planes. Helene M.
Langevin, Jason A. Yandow.
Acupuncture meridians traditionally are believed to constitute channels
connecting the surface of the body to internal organs. We hypothesize that
the network of acupuncture points and meridians can be viewed as a
representation of the network formed by interstitial connective tissue.
This hypothesis is supported by ultrasound images showing connective
tissue cleavage planes at acupuncture points in normal human subjects. To
test this hypothesis, we mapped acupuncture points in serial gross
anatomical sections through the human arm.
We found an 80% correspondence between the sites of acupuncture points
and the location of inter-muscular or intramuscular connective tissue
planes in postmortem tissue sections.
We propose that the anatomical relationship of acupuncture points and
meridians to connective tissue planes is relevant to acupuncture’s
mechanism of action and suggests a potentially important integrative role
for interstitial connective tissue.
Thus, Langevin and colleagues suggested that the acupuncture system
contains the fascial planes of the body.
Anatomy Trains
Thomas Myers is a massage therapist with access to cadavers. Most
anatomical dissection is done with a sharp scalpel. Myers dissected cadavers
with blunt dissection showing that the fascial stockings of certain muscles were
continuous from the foot to the area of the head. He published his work in the
book Anatomy Trains.
Myers soon realized that the dissections
he accomplished resembled acupuncture
meridians. However, his dissections did not
address all twelve primary meridians, did not
extend them into the brain, and did not always
follow the pathways of meridians that have
been taught for hundreds of years.
The images represent the muscles/fascia
that Myers found similar to the gall bladder
meridian and the bladder meridian.
The acupuncture system’s origins are over five thousand years old—long
before there was a clear understanding of anatomy and physiology. For example,
there is no brain or nervous system in acupuncture theory.
Another system that is over five thousand years old is the Vedas and the
concept of chakras. In this system, it is believed that there are energy spheres in
the body that connect to the universe. Disease results when these energy spheres,
called chakras, spin incorrectly.
Chakras, as described above, are energy centers along the spine located at
major branches of the human nervous system, beginning at the base of the spinal
column and moving upward to the top of the skull.
Note: there is some difference in naming of the chakras versus that of
acupuncture. For example, the root chakra is the location of the liver meridian,
the spleen chakra is the location of the bladder meridian, and the solar plexus is
the location of the stomach meridian.
Chakras are considered to be a point or nexus of biophysical energy or
prana of the human body. Shumsky states that, “Prana is the basic component of
your subtle body, your energy field, and the entire chakra system…the key to
life and source of energy in the universe.”
The following seven primary chakras are commonly described
1. Muladhara (Sanskrit: Mūlādhāra base or root chakra (last bone in spinal
cord, or coccyx)
2. Swadhisthana (Sanskrit: Svādhiṣṭhāna) sacral chakra (ovaries/prostate)
3. Manipura (Sanskrit: Maṇipūra solar plexus chakra (navel area)
4. Anahata (Sanskrit: Anāhata) heart chakra (heart area)
5. Vishuddha (Sanskrit: Viśuddha) throat chakra (throat and neck area)
6. Ajna (Sanskrit: Ājñā) brow or third eye
chakra (pineal gland or third eye)
7. Sahasrara (Sanskrit: Sahasrāra) crown
chakra (top of the head; “soft spot” of a
newborn) Wikipedia
I found it difficult to believe that the body
contained different systems that were not
working together. As I continued to study
various acupuncture texts, it became apparent to
me that there were spots on the primary
acupuncture circuits (governor and conception
meridians) where multiple meridians crossed.
These points corresponded closely to the
locations described for many of the chakras.
Understanding that the acupuncture system is
the same as the fascia system, I noted that the
location of crossing points of the fascia were the
same as some of the Jin Shin/Murai points seen
in the graphic with the numbers. This will be
discussed in another chapter.
Further examination of these facts led to the understanding that there is a
primary cable that carries voltage up the back and down the front of the body.
Also, there is a central terminal for each region of the body on that cable that
sends voltage to every organ in that region. For example, there are points on the
front and back of the skull that send voltage first to the right and left of the skull,
and then to each organ in the skull. The central terminal corresponds to what is
classically called the third eye chakra. The lateral terminals correspond to what
the Jin Shin/Murai system calls energy spheres twenty, and acupuncture calls
gall bladder fourteen (GB 14).
I began to call these switching points on the primary meridians “switching
terminals” or BioTerminals®. I felt they needed a different name because they
are close to, but not the same as, chakra positions.
Thus, there is a central BioTerminal in front and back of the skull for all
the organs in the skull. There is a similar pair for the neck, chest, abdomen,
pelvis, and on top of the skull with its pair in the perineum.
There are lateral BioTerminals to serve the right and left sides in each
region of the body. These will be shown in the following graphics of the muscle
Now we have an easy way to determine the voltages of the organs in each
region of the body. Let’s say that you have pneumonia. You will certainly have
low voltage in the chest BioTerminal. It may be front, or back, or both. If you
have stomach ulcers, you will have low voltage in the abdomen BioTerminal. It
can be on the left, or the right, or both.
I mentioned that I believed that the muscles of the body were wired in
series like one large battery that supplied the voltage needed to make all the
organs work. However, I would see patients that would have low voltage in only
a single circuit (meridian). It became apparent that I was incorrect in assuming
that all the muscle batteries were wired in series into one large battery. Rather,
specific stacks of muscle batteries with their fascial wires were stacked like
batteries in a flashlight to supply voltage to each organ!
Robert Becker, in his book The Body Electric, discussed that the
acupuncture system moved electrons from place to place.
As I began to discuss the concept of muscle batteries, several people
suggested various books for me to read. The first was Anatomy Trains that I
discussed here. I was also referred to Dao of Chinese Medicine, the Yellow
Emperor’s Book of Acupuncture, and Wind in the Blood: Mayan Healing &
Chinese Medicine. Each of these books mentioned a relationship between
acupuncture and muscles, but none discussed the concept of muscles being the
same as acupuncture meridians, nor the concept of being rechargeable batteries.
For that, I had to attempt to consolidate what previous authors had published
with my concept of acupuncture meridians being the actual power supply for
each organ.
The next effort was to identify which muscles belonged to each power
supply. Thomas Myers’s work was a starting place, but some of his fascial
systems did not follow traditional meridian pathways. In addition, he did not
describe all twelve primary meridians. However, I began with his work and used
my standard acupuncture books, along with the Essential Anatomy app
(3D4Medical.com, LLC), to identify the muscles that seemed to follow the paths
described in the acupuncture books.
The most difficult ones to identify were the deep ones. Some of the
meridians are deep in the body with other muscles over them. The other
difficulty was figuring out what meridians supply various parts of the brain, eye,
pharynx, and endocrine glands that are not mentioned in standard acupuncture
It is certainly likely that I have made some mistakes in this process.
Remember that this is a work in progress. However, I find the concept of an
individual power supply for each organ or portion of an organ extremely useful
in caring for patients. For example, it has become apparent to me that the macula
of the eye is on the stomach meridian, and to enable it to repair itself, one must
figure out why the stomach meridian has low voltage. It has also became
apparent that some of acupuncture theory is incorrect. For example, the sexual
organs in both males and females are said to be on the bladder meridian in most
acupuncture books. However, I began to notice that men with prostate cancer
usually had normal voltage in the bladder meridian, but always have low voltage
in the spleen meridian. If you will look at the spleen meridian battery system that
follows, you will see that the pectineus muscle battery provides voltage for the
sexual organs.
There are some other issues that don’t make sense. For example, the large
gluteus major muscles do not have standard acupuncture meridian lines running
through them in many acupuncture texts. However, it doesn’t make sense that
such a large battery would not be used by the body to provide voltage for an
important organ. Although it would look like it should attach to the adjacent
bladder meridian, I suspect it attaches to the deeper spleen meridian to provide
voltage for the power-hungry frontal lobes of the brain (the spleen/ stomach
meridians provide voltage for the frontal lobes).
I found another issue with acupuncture theory. In most schools of
acupuncture, it is believed that illness occurs when the body is out of balance
with some meridians that are too “hot” or too “cold.” What I found is that organs
that measure –50 mV are in the middle of trying to heal, whereas organs that
measure low voltage can’t get well because they don’t have the voltage to make
new cells. In acupuncture and in traditional medicine, efforts are made to lower
the heat (lower the voltage) in acupuncture, and to interrupt the inflammation
with steroids and other drugs in allopathic medicine. In most cases, I find this
counterproductive. One should support the healing voltages to help things heal
faster and to identify what toxins, damage, or infections are causing the need for
healing. Low voltages are usually the result of the body trying to deal with the
problem until finally it runs out of voltage and can’t heal (like in chronic
disease) because it doesn’t have the –50 mV needed to make new cells.
Tennant Acupuncture
Muscle Batteries
The following pages show an atlas of proposed acupuncture meridians that
serve as muscle batteries to provide voltage for the organs attached to that
Think of how your home is wired. You have a common wire coming from
the pole in the street to the circuit breaker box in your garage. From the circuit
breaker box, various circuits carry voltage to various rooms and outlets in your
home. One wire may go to the refrigerator in the kitchen, on to a lamp in the
living room, and then to a switch in the bedroom. When that circuit breaker is
switched off, all of those things stop working.
So it is in the body. When an acupuncture circuit goes down, the organs in
that circuit don’t have enough voltage to run correctly. Nor do they have the
voltage needed to make new cells to keep themselves repaired. This is chronic
Although the acupuncture battery system appears to be the primary power
supply for organs, there are backup systems so that a short in that system doesn’t
cause catastrophic failure of the organ in question. Robert Becker, in his book
The Body Electric, noted that there is a fibrous sheath around blood vessels that
carry voltage as well. In addition, there is ionic transfer of electrons via the
blood. There is also some cross connection in the acupuncture muscle system for
electron sharing.
You might also be confused about the naming of acupuncture points on
various circuits. Remember that there are layers of muscles on top of each other,
but the labels are only on the skin. For example, the lateral stomach
BioTerminals are at the border of the rectus abdominis muscles and the lower rib
cage. If you go deeper, you will be into the gall bladder’s external oblique and
internal and external intercostal muscles. If you are using needles, you will need
to know how deep to go to be in one or the other system. When you are treating
electronically with the BioModulator, you will be treating both circuits. Putting
the BioModulator over this area allows you to simultaneously treat the stomach,
gall bladder, and liver meridians. Obviously, this is powerful and efficient.
In some of the graphics, you will see a number in the circle representing
the lateral BioTerminals. Ignore those for now. They will be explained in the
next chapter.
The voltage goes up the back and down the front main cable (governor
vessel then conception vessel). The solid organs act as capacitors and are wired
to the back. The hollow organs act as coils and are wired to the front. When you
wire a capacitor to a coil on a square (in parallel) you create a Tesla resonating
circuit. Thus, the parasympathetic system (pericardium) is always wired to the
sympathetic system (triple burner), the lung to the large intestine, the heart to the
small intestine, the spleen/pancreas to the stomach, the kidney to the bladder,
and the liver to the gall bladder.
Each Tesla circuit (acupuncture meridian pair) has a specific time of day
when it repairs itself, as seen in the clock image. When it has trouble repairing
itself, it makes you tired during the day and wakes you up during the night. It
also causes specific emotions to become prominent. The liver–gall bladder
circuit causes anger, the kidney–bladder causes fear, the spleen–stomach causes
worry, the heart–small intestine causes sorrow or lack of joy, the lung–large
intestine causes grief, and the sympathetic–parasympathetic causes anxiety.
There are different patterns of treatment that have been proposed. The
obvious one is to simply treat those with low voltage (unlike acupuncture that
attempts to lower the voltage where there is excess voltage [heat]). Another is to
follow the flow of energy up the back and down the front. Another concept is to
treat in order of the acupuncture clock. Still another is to follow what is called
the five element theory.
The five-element theory ignores the role of the autonomic nervous system
or includes it as part of the heart–small intestine circuit. Since it is the essence of
the mind–body connection, is in control of all of our automatic reactions, and
when in sympathetic-on mode, it causes all of our flexor muscles to contract and
all of our extensor muscles to relax, I felt it should be part of the system. I have
therefore proposed the six-element theory.
It is believed that wiring for the capacitors (solid organs wired to the back
are the same as the yin organs) go from a hand or foot upward, and the wiring
for the coils (hollow organs wired to the front are the same as yang organs) go
from the organs down to a hand or foot. When this is diagramed, it makes a
triangle. When these triangles are place in order, they take the form of a
Although this pattern is often called the Star of David because of its use by
the Jewish religion, it was used before them by many other cultures, including
Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sanskrit, and Muslim faith, and more recently by
The numbers relate to Jin Shin Jyutsu, which will be discussed later.
In the six element chart, the Teslas are organized as they are in the body:
head, neck, chest, abdomen, pelvis, liver/gall bladder (top and bottom of
spine/skull is the same as the primary Tesla that controls the rest).
One theory of the order of treatment would be to treat the triangle of the
star. This is similar to the concept of treating above, below, and then onto the
organ of question.
The following images show the stacks of muscle batteries that are the
power supplies for each organ as best I have been able to identify them.
Remember that I have likely made some errors in trying to correlate stacks of
muscles to traditional acupuncture meridians. This is particularly true for the
organs in the skull. These are not well delineated in standard acupuncture texts. I
have been able to identify some of these by clinical observations. For example,
those with macular disease of the eye have low voltage in the stomach meridian.
Inflammation of the iris is associated with low voltage in the
sympathetic/parasympathetic (TB-PC) meridians. Glaucoma and other diseases
of the optic nerve and retina are associated with low voltage in the liver
meridian. Thus the eye has three separate power supplies.
It is my hope that others will measure and determine the power supply for
various organs or parts of organs. For example, I don’t know the power supply
for Parkinson’s disease. I simply haven’t seen enough people with that disease to
figure it out. However, this could be determined in a day in a clinic devoted to
this disease by simply measuring fifty such patients and looking for the pattern.
That would be very useful because most brain syndromes are caused by dental
infections. If we knew the circuit involved, we could focus on the teeth in that
meridian and do a better job of correcting the voltage problem associated with
each illness.
Sympathetic (Triple Burner, Triple Heater, Sanjiao)
Parasympathetic (Pericardium)
Lung Meridian
Large Intestine Meridian
Heart Meridian
Small Intestine Meridian
Spleen/Pancreas Meridian
Note: Traditional meridians do not traverse the gluteus but it is not likely that
such a large muscle would not supply power to an important organ. I propose
that the gluteus is part of the spleen meridian and supplies voltage to the frontal
lobes of the brain.
Stomach Meridian
Note: The Stomach BioTerminals are powerful because they connect the
stomach, gall bladder, kidney, bladder, liver (diaphragm) and via the intercostals
to the spleen (latissimus dorsi) meridians.
Kidney Meridian
Bladder Meridian
Liver Meridian
Liver meridian to optic nerve (glaucoma)
Gall Bladder Meridian
Nakatani and Voll Points, Jin Shin
The first person to use electronics to measure acupuncture points was Dr. Yoshio
Nakatani. He published his work in 1951 and called it Ryodoraku (ryo means
“good,” do means “electro conductive,” and raku means “line”). He was
apparently the first to use electrical stimulation of these points.
Nakatani identified three sets of points:
1. Measurement (luo) points
2. Sedation points for high readings
3. Tonification points for low readings
The following year, the German physician Reinhold Voll published similar
work. However, instead of identifying a single point for an entire organ, he
identified points he believed to relate to specific parts of an organ. For example,
the graphic shows the points that relate to parts of the heart, not just the heart as
a whole. His work has been called EAV, meaning electronic acupuncture
according to Voll.
Voll used a device that measured impedance, as did Nakatani. It was
calibrated so a maximum reading was one hundred and a normal reading was
fifty. Readings above fifty corresponded to the concept of “heat” or
“inflammation,” and below fifty corresponded to the concept of “cold” or
“degeneration.” However, he found when a point read something and then
quickly dropped by twenty units (“indicator drop”), it was the most important
sign of disease.
In the previous chapter, I illustrated what I believe to be the muscle
batteries that make up acupuncture meridians. If I am correct, that brings up
questions about the points identified by Nakatani and Voll. For example, the
loops that make up a circuit are always close to each other, so that an ascending
wire can connect with a descending wire to make the loop. These have been
called luo connecting points.
An example is that the sympathetic (triple burner) point is on the back of
the wrist where you wear a wristwatch, and its companion, the parasympathetic
point, is straight through the wrist on the palm side. This makes it possible for
these to make a loop at the wrist.
A problem is that the spleen point is said to be on the inside of the foot
behind the big toe. Its companion is said to be on the top of the foot at the
highest part. This would make it very difficult for the loop to be formed.
It is said that the liver point is between the great and second toes. However,
logic says this should be the stomach point instead so it can loop with the spleen
Looking at the Tennant muscle battery atlas, one can see how this mistake
was made. Traditional Nakatani measurements for the stomach are made on the
extensor hallucis brevis, and are likely accurate. However, when we think we are
measuring liver, we are actually measuring on the extensor hallucis longus, part
of the stomach system.
The liver should be measured on the bottom of the great toe, a part of the
flexor hallucis longus.
This chapter makes recommendations for the measurement points based on
the muscle pathways instead of the standard Nakatani and Voll measurement
One can easily see how the looping Mu points are connected except for the Liver
and Gall Bladder. Since these muscles are on the inner and outer sides of the
foot, it is not so apparent. This images show how they are connected.
The traditional Mu points for GB and Spleen are GB-24 for GB and LV-13
or LV-14 for Spleen. The intercostals and external oblique muscles of the GB
circuit and the diaphragm and pleura of the LV circuit join here. Also these can
easily join the latissimus dorsi of the SP circuit, making this a powerful point.
The muscle batteries of the limbs connect to the right and left
BioTerminals and to the central BioTerminals. From there they extend to the
organs they supply. This forms a Tesla Resonating Circuit for each organ pair.
Organ Tesla Circuits (capacitor/coil)
The question arises as to what points to measure when you are scanning to
see if an organ has low voltage.
The central BioTerminal is an average of the corresponding right and left
BioTerminals, as a rule. However, it can be influenced by blockages ahead of it,
or low voltage behind it.
The right and left BioTerminals can be different if something on the right
or left side of the body is consuming more voltage than the power supply
(corresponding muscle batteries) can give. The most common causes for this are
a scar creating a short on that side and/or a dental infection on that side of the
Reading the peripheral Nakatani, Tennant, or the Voll points will tell you
how completely the muscle battery power supply to each organ is charged, and
the demand for voltage. Also, as Voll pointed out, an indicated drop (reads and
then drops more than twenty points) indicates that the demand is overwhelming
the battery’s capability.
Thus, the common timeline is that the organ needs –50 mV in order to
make new cells to heal something. If it is having trouble doing so, the
measurements will read high. One of two things happens: it gets the job done
and goes back to normal, or it runs out of voltage because it cannot make new
cells that work, and it uses more voltage than the batteries can supply. Thus, we
get low readings.
Thus, a quick scan of the central BioTerminals gives a quick indication of
the voltage in the organs. Reading the peripheral Nakatani, Tennant, or Voll
points will tell you if the batteries have become discharged, indicating that the
organs’ demand overwhelmed their available power supply.
Remember that devices designed to measure the peripheral points are
calibrated so that “normal” is fifty units, based on the ohms reading it gets with a
standard applied amperage. By coincidence, normal cellular voltage is –25 mV
or half the device reading, even though they are in different units. Thus, dividing
the number you get with Nakatani or EAV devices gives you a close indication
of the voltage.
The BioModulator reads impedance with reactance and capacitance over
time instead of ohms. It has been calibrated to be similar, but not always exactly
the same since it is reading something different than ohms.
You can’t use just a voltmeter to measure these circuits because the voltage
in the body is constantly pulsing and you can’t get a proper end point. Thus,
since voltage is equal to amperage multiplied by impedance, it is assumed that if
the amperage is constant, voltage equals impedance, so that the impedance
(ohms) reading you get is an indicator of voltage.
In all of the devices, readings are obtained by passing electrons through the
system and reading what comes back. This means that each time you take a
reading, you are also treating. Thus, the only accurate measurement you take
today is the first one.
A common pattern one sees is that all of the readings on the hands are
high, and all on the feet are low, or vice versa. This indicates an autonomic block
at the level of the diaphragm. Another common pattern is that all of the posterior
BioTerminals (capacitors/solid organs/supplied by flexor muscles) are high and
all of the anterior BioTerminals (coils/hollow organs/supplied by the extensor
muscles) are low. It can be corrected by doing the bowling ball correction
discussed in Healing Is Voltage, the Handbook, followed by treating the
sympathetic and parasympathetic points on the wrists with the BioModulator.
These patients will often have adrenal fatigue and often have emotional baggage
stored as magnetic fields blocking the system. Those, too, can be removed with
the BioModulator.
Jin Shin
The history of Jin Shin is unclear, but it
appears to have been an ancient Japanese healing
art before AD 700. It fell into obscurity until
revived by Jiro Murai early in the twentieth
century in an effort to cure himself. Having
succeeded in curing himself, he devoted his life to
expanding and using it. He apparently taught his
methods to a Japanese American named Mary
Burmeister. She brought it to the United States in
the early 1950s, and named it Jin Shin Jyutsu. She
has taught others the techniques.
Apparently while in Japan, ancient records of this
technique were given to Glenn King. He has
modified the techniques into what he calls “The
King Method” (TKM). One cannot discuss his
methods, as he aggressively enforces what he considers his proprietary methods.
Most of the points used in Jin Shin
Jyutsu are the same as the lateral
BioTerminals. The techniques of using them
are very similar to Randolph Stone’s polarity
therapy. On February 26, 1890, a boy was
born in Engelsberg, Austria. His name was
Rudolf Bautsch (later to become Randolph
Stone). In August 1945, he stayed up one night
reading Mysticism the Spiritual Path, Volume
11, by Lekh Raj Puri. In 1948, Dr. Stone
published his first book on Polarity Therapy,
The New Energy Concept of the Healing Art.
In Stone’s polarity therapy and Jin Shin
Jyutsu, one uses one’s fingers to connect these
various points using the therapist’s body as a
BioModulator and wire to bypass what may be
blockages in the flow of energy. It may also
simply be a way to recharge the patient’s muscle batteries.
In this atlas, I have included in the circles denoting lateral BioTerminals,
and the numbering system used in Jin Shin Jyutsu for the convenience of those
using this technique.
Causes of Low Voltage
The primary things that control voltage in cells are as follows:
1. Thyroid hormones and adrenal hormones
2. Scars
3. Dental infections
4. Stuck in sympathetic-on or parasympathetic-off state
5. Toxins that cannot be removed by liver
6. Heavy metals
7. Emotions (magnetic fields)
8. Infections: occur when voltage is low, make more toxins,
lower voltage more, lead to more pathologic infections
9. Sympathetic-on
The autonomic (automatic) nervous system is composed of two parts:
sympathetic and parasympathetic. You switch into sympathetic-on/
parasympathetic-off states when your body senses danger. You are chronically
in this mode when you are carrying emotional baggage.
The muscles that cause joints to bend are called flexors. The muscles that
cause joints to straighten are called extensors.
Several years ago, an Irish osteopath named Robert Boyd described the
anatomical distortion of the body that often occurs. He named this pattern
“bowling ball syndrome” and believed it was due to a displacement of the center
of gravity of the skull because the sphenoid bone had moved to one side, getting
stuck there.
Boyd developed an osteopathic manipulation that he called bio-cranial
therapy, intended to physically move the sphenoid bone back to center, allowing
the body to restore normal posture.
I discovered that I could accomplish the same effect with the
BioModulator and taught that for many years, including a chapter about it in
Healing Is Voltage, the Handbook.
David Lemke is a massage therapist who did research at the University of
Idaho. Using electromyography, he was able to determine that the flexor muscles
went into contraction, and the extensor muscles were told to relax when in
sympathetic-on mode. This pattern of muscle contraction and relaxation causes
the body’s horizontal diaphragms to tilt. This includes the body floor of the skull
(including the sphenoid bone). This is exactly the posture described by Boyd, but
with a totally different explanation for its cause. Thus, I have begun to call the
bowling ball syndrome the “Boyd-Lemke Sympathetic Twist” to recognize both
Boyd’s original description of the syndrome and Lemke’s correct description of
why it occurs. It is simply the result of being stuck in sympathetic-on mode and
not due to trauma per se.
It should be obvious that if you recharge your muscle batteries by moving
them and yet your nervous system is telling half of your muscles to be in spasm
and half of them to relax, your recharging system is compromised. Thus, being
stuck in sympathetic-on mode causes low voltage. Being stuck in sympatheticon state also causes adrenal fatigue. Loss of adrenaline causes thyroid hormone
not to function normally, which leads to more loss of voltage. This also causes
insomnia, with more loss of voltage.
The correction I found for it is to insert voltage with the BioModulator into
the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
Correcting the Boyd-Lemke sympathetic twist gives temporary relief and
helps to raise voltages. However, if a person is carrying emotional baggage, you
will soon be back in sympathetic-on mode.
Jarrah Al-Tubaikh, MD, a Kuwaiti radiologist, has been taking pre-and
post-therapy images. The following image shows restoration of the posture after
one minute’s therapy on each sternocleidomastoid in an Infinity frequency set.
Note that the left clavicle (collar bone) is low before treatment and level
Emotions Are Magnetic Fields
Most people have heard of the mind–body connection, but few can tell you
what causes it. However, the Chinese acupuncture literature has assigned
emotions to certain acupuncture meridians for years, if not hundreds of years.
Liver/Gall Bladder
Spleen-Pancreas/ Stomach
Heart/Small Intestine
Lung/Large Intestine
When you have a traumatic emotion, it gets stored in one of the Tesla
circuits (BioTerminals), depending on its nature. It can be stored in more than
one Tesla (BioTerminal); for example, it is common to find both anger and fear
stored in both liver–gall bladder and kidney–bladder.
Identifying the age of the person when the emotion occurred is often
helpful in remembering it. Often emotions are like computer viruses: you are not
aware they are there, but they consume RAM and slow down your computer. So
it is with emotions. They consume your thoughts and memory without you
knowing it, and cause your brain and circuits to malfunction.
Such emotions can be erased without erasing the memories associated with
them. If you simply think about the bad things while running the appropriate
BioTerminal frequencies in the BioModulator, the emotion will be erased in
about three to five minutes.
Remember that fibrous tissue in the body acts like copper wires. When you
put a scar (fibrous tissue) in contact with the fascia, it creates a ground or short.
That drains off voltage. When you touch a scar that is causing a short, it makes
the whole body go weak.
Tattoos act like scars and short out your circuits. In the image, you can see
that a scar on the leg, abdomen, or breast can short out the stomach meridian
since all of these are on the same circuit of muscle batteries. Scars can easily be
corrected using the BioModulator and its BioTransducer attachment.
Dental Infections
Perhaps the most powerful and yet least appreciated cause of illness is
dental infections. As you can see on an accompanying page, all acupuncture
Tesla circuits go through specific teeth. When a tooth and/or the bone around it
become(s) infected, the toxins are such strong electron stealers that they drop the
voltage in the associated circuits. So severe is the loss of voltage that an infected
tooth is almost like a circuit breaker. It is likely that these toxins actually reverse
the polarity of the muscle batteries since cancer occurs at +30 mV, and it is
extremely rare to find a cancer that does not have an infected tooth in the same
Worst of all are root canals. One performs a root canal by ripping out the
artery and nerve of the tooth and killing it. The dentists are the only physicians
that believe you can get away with leaving dead tissue in the body. No other
doctor believes that. Indeed, dead bone is greatly feared by orthopedic surgeons,
as it leads to generalized sepsis and even death. So it is with dead teeth.
Which Power Supplies Have Low Voltage?
When someone has a chronic disease you should ask the question, “What
circuit is associated with this symptom?” Then you must ask, “What is causing
that circuit or those circuits to have low voltage?” Therein lies the answer to
getting them well. Of course, you must remember that you also have to deal with
nutrition so they have everything to make new cells!
Let’s look at a case report. A fifty-four-year-old male begins to notice
increasing fatigue and mental fog over two to three years. The following applies:
Application of Tennant BioModulator (microcurrent, biphasic, pulsed,
dampened) begins to correct readings as symptoms resolve.
Without looking for the power supplies for each of these symptoms, you
would never figure out why pain in the left big toe is related to a scar in the
macula of the left eye, a swollen spleen, stomach pain, a low platelet count, and
so on. Certainly, one would never figure out with modern medicine that all of
this was caused by a single infected tooth (#14: in spleen/stomach meridian), and
that pulling that tooth and cleaning the surrounding bone cured all of these
symptoms! Oh! The patient was me: Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H), PScD.
Tennant BioModulator© and
Lateral BioTerminals©
3. FDA CLASS II (510K)
If we are to concern ourselves with
voltage, we need a method to do so. The
first to use electronics to measure
acupuncture meridian was Dr. Nakatani. At
about the same time, Dr. Voll was also
measuring acupuncture with electronics as
previously discussed. They used an
ohmmeter to estimate the voltage since the
pulsing of voltage prevents using a simple
The Tennant BioModulator uses a different method of estimating voltage.
It measures impedance with reactance and capacitance over time.
Although the method of estimating voltage in the organs and muscle
battery packs is not the most important issue, one needs a way to do so.
FDA Statement
The Tennant BioModulator and certain accessory electrodes are FDA
listed by their distributor or manufacturer in these categories:
2 1 CFR 8 8 2. 5 8 9 0 — Neurology transcutaneous electrical nerve
stimulator for pain relief.
21 CFR 882.5050—Neurology biofeedback device.
Indications for use:
a) Symptomatic relief and management of chronic, intractable
b) Adjunctive treatment in the management of post-traumatic
surgical and post-traumatic pain.
c) Relaxation training and muscle relaxation.
For more information, see www.senergy.us.
Using the BioModulator
The use of the BioModulator and its accessories is beyond the goal of this
book. Information about its use is available from the distributor, Senergy
Medical Group.
The information that I wish to transmit with this book is that whenever
there is a symptom, one must ask the question, “What is the power supply for
that symptom?” Once you identify the power supply, you will want to know if
that symptom is due to the body’s efforts to heal itself, in which case the voltage
will measure >-50 mV, or if the symptom is the result of the body being unable
to make new cells to repair itself. In that case, the voltage will measure less than
–25 mV. Thus, one needs the ability to measure the voltage. Very few PEMF
devices have both the ability to measure as well as emit pulsed electromagnetic
fields. By delivering a range of frequencies, the body has the ability to select the
proper ones it needs. This Frequency Selective Microcurrent™ is important
since each organ runs at a different frequency. Thus, the device takes the
guesswork out of what frequencies to use for a broad range of symptoms.
Tennant BioTransducer
attachment to the Tennant BioModulator
has the ability to deliver the PEMF
modulated onto a magnetic field. It
appears that this allows voltage and
frequency correction to be delivered
directly to the cells, whereas interacting
with the BioTerminals recharges the
muscle acupuncture batteries.
For example, say you have pain over your gall bladder. You will want to
know if the gall bladder is inflamed or unable to function. You will put the
BioModulator into the “read” mode (Assess) and read the voltage of the gall
bladder circuit (on the foot’s Nakatani or Voll points, at the hairline just lateral
to the midline, or just below the ribcage on the midclavicular line on the right).
In any case, you will want to put voltage into the gall bladder. Use the
BioTransducer with the BioModulator in Infinity mode. Aim it toward the gall
bladder. You will feel the magnetic field of the device interact with the magnetic
field of the gall bladder. Continue for a few minutes, or until you feel the
magnetic field of the gall bladder disappear. You will then want to recharge the
battery pack to the gall bladder. Apply patches to the gall bladder BioTerminals
according to the image below. Run to recharge the backup power supply to the
gall bladder so that when it consumes the electrons you put directly into the gall
bladder with the BioTransducer, it has an ongoing supply of electrons from its
battery pack. You may need to do this until you correct the reason that the
battery pack was discharged in the first place. This is usually until you get the
infection out of your mouth, and get your thyroid levels corrected.
Next, you must identify why the gall bladder’s battery pack failed. Follow
it from the foot up to the head, looking for a scar. If you find one, test to see if it
is shorting out the circuit. If so, correct it with Soreness oil and the
BioTransducer. Then look for an infected tooth in the gall bladder circuit. You
will find those on the dental chart in the previous chapter.
You will need to get blood tests to look for hypothyroidism and evaluate
adrenal function. You will need to detox to get rid of toxins that destroy cells as
fast as you make them and emotions that block meridians. Again this is beyond
the goal of this book.
Lateral BioTerminals (Jin Shin Energy Spheres)
The most efficient way to recharge the muscle batteries is to use the lateral
BioTerminals. Remember that the main cable (governor and conception
meridians) travels up the back and down the front of the midline of the body. On
this main cable are points where voltage is transferred to the right and left sides
of the body for each region. I have termed these BioTerminals to differentiate
them from chakras. Thus, we have a central BioTerminal, and right and left
lateral BioTerminals for the head, neck, chest, abdomen, pelvis, and the
perineum to top of skull.
In the images below, I have put the circle with a number in it (number
relates to Jin Shin numbering system) on one side of the body so you can see the
anatomy on the opposite side of the body. Don’t forget that these points are the
same on both sides of the body.
The wire accessory for the BioModulator has plugs for two or four patches.
Each pair of wires has a red and black plug. The following image shows which
patch to use on the corresponding BioTerminal.
For example, say you have pain over your gall bladder. You will want to
know if the gall bladder is inflamed or unable to function. You will put the
BioModulator into the “read” mode (Access) and read the voltage of the Gall
Bladder circuit (on the foot’s Nakatani or Voll points or just below the ribcage
on the midclavicular line on the right). In either case, you will want to put
voltage into the gall bladder. Use the BioTransducer® with the BioModulator®
in Infinity Mode. Aim it toward the gall bladder. You will feel the magnetic field
of the device interact with the magnetic field of the gall bladder. Continue until
you feel the magnetic field of the gall bladder disappear or for a few minutes.
You will then want to recharge the battery pack to the gall bladder. Apply
patches to the gall bladder BioTerminals according to the image below. Run to
recharge the backup power supply to the gall bladder so that when it consumes
the electrons you put directly into the gall bladder with the BioTransducer®, it
has an ongoing supply of electrons from its battery pack. You may need to do
this until you correct the reason that the battery pack was discharged in the first
place. This is usually until you get the infection out of your mouth and get your
thyroid levels corrected.
Next you must identify why the gall bladder’s battery pack failed. Follow
it from the foot up to the head looking for a scar. If you find one, test to see if it
is shorting out the circuit. If so, correct it with Soreness Oil and the
BioTransducer. Then look for an infected tooth in the gall bladder circuit. You
will find those on the dental chart in the previous chapter.
You will need to get blood tests to look for hypothyroidism and evaluate
adrenal function.
You will need to detox to get rid of toxins that destroy cells as fast as you
make them and emotions that block meridians. Again this is beyond the goal of
this book.
Lateral BioTerminals®
(Jin Shin Energy Spheres)
The most efficient way to recharge the muscle batteries is to use the Lateral
BioTerminals. Remember that the main cable (governor and conception
meridians) travel up the back and down the front of the midline of the body. On
this main cable are points where voltage is transferred to the right and left sides
of the body for each region of the body. I have termed these “BioTerminals” to
differentiate them from chakras. Thus we have a Central BioTerminal® and right
and left Lateral BioTerminals® for the head, neck, chest, abdomen, pelvis and
the perineum to top of skull.
In the images below, I have put the circle with a number in it (number
relates to Jin Shin numbering system) on one side of the body so you can see the
anatomy on the opposite side of the body. Don’t forget that these points are the
same on both sides of the body.
The wire accessory for the BioModulator has plugs for two or four patches.
Each pair of wires has a red and black plug. The following image shows which
patch to use on the corresponding BioTerminal.
To make it easier to know where to put the patch with the black wire and
where to put the patch with the red wire, I have colored the circle (with the Jin
Shin number in it for reference) either red or black. You put the other wire on
the same site on the corresponding side of the body. For example, if it shows you
to put a red patch on the left side of the body, put the black patch on the same
site on the right side of the body.
When you do this, you are charging up the acupuncture battery pack for
that circuit (meridian) and all the organs on it.
Remember that even if an organ has been removed, the circuit and the
other organs on the circuit are still there. So if you remove your gall bladder, that
circuit still takes voltage to your ears and to the lateral side of your brain.
Chronic disease occurs when you lose the
ability to make new cells that work.
Making new cells requires:
1. -50 millivolts
2. The raw materials it takes to make
3. Eliminate the things that destroy
cells as fast as you make them
The body is constantly wearing itself
out. You get new cells in the macula of the
eye every forty-eight hours, the lining of
your gut is replaced every three days, your
skin every six weeks, your liver every eight
weeks, your nervous system every eight
months, and so on. In addition, you must
replace cells that are damaged from trauma
or infections.
Chronic disease occurs when you lose the ability to make new cells that
work That leads us to ask, “What does it take to make new cells?”
Our cells are designed to run at –25 mV, but it takes –50 mV to make new
cells. In addition, you must have all the nutrients to make cells and you must
remove any toxins that destroy cells as fast as you make them.
In the past, it has been necessary to take ten to twenty different bottles of
nutrients to be sure you have everything you need. That is both a nuisance and a
great expense. We have developed a system to be sure you have the nutrients
you need that is less complicated and less expensive.
I went through the physiology books to find all the things necessary to
make cells work. I then worked with the biochemist CareyLyn Carter to put all
of them into a powder that can be used to make a milkshake or smoothie as a
breakfast substitute.
My instructions were that there would be no toxic fillers (like genetically
modified corn meal and magnesium stearate) and that ingredients would be
ready to use (e.g., methyl B12 instead of copper B12).
Not everything could be put into Restore because some things don’t store
on the shelf together without damaging each other, but almost everything is
present in Restore.
Take a scoop of the Restore powder and mix it with eight ounces of liquid
to make the shake or smoothie. You can use raw milk, coconut milk, almond
milk, or water as the liquid. Blend it with a blender, mixer, or shaker cup. You
can also add things like fruit, nuts, coconut oil, or the ingredients of your choice
to make a smoothie.
100 percent natural, organic whey isolate
Easier for patients with dairy intolerances
Fat free
Most protein, gram for gram
Research shows a reduction in the levels of ghrelin (the hormone that tells
the brain you are hungry) up to four hours after consumption. It helps reduce
body fat and retain and build lean muscle. It raises glutathione levels (levels of
cysteine, glutamine, and glycine, which are master antioxidants important in
immune health).
Vitamin C
Whole-food vitamin C is derived from camu camu and acerola, not from
genetically modified corn sugar.
Natural B Vitamins
Necessary for optimal energy production, stress and mood management,
brain function, blood cell creation, heart health, and much more, these powerful
vitamins are constantly in motion in your body. B-complex vitamins include
eight individual B vitamins identified to work together as a team or a “complex”
in your body. Natural B vitamins are very important!
Vitamin B1 and Thiamine
Thiamine synthesized in a laboratory is a solid salt, such as thiamine
hydrochloride or thiamine mononitrate.
Made from Grewe diamine (a coal tar derivative), and processed with
ammonia and other chemicals. No thiamine hydrochloride (often listed as
thiamin HCL) or thiamine mononitrate is naturally found in food or the body.
Thiamine hydrochloride is found in many supplements, and thiamine
mononitrate is in most bakery products.
Thiamine pyrophosphate is the predominant form of vitamin B1 found
naturally in the body. It is the biologically active and cell-ready form. Legumes
are excellent food sources of natural thiamine. Thiamine pyrophosphate is the
type of vitamin B1 you receive in the Restore product. Thiamine pyrophosphate
is from whole foods and from whole food derivatives to achieve the levels
Vitamins D2 and K2
Vitamin D3 promotes calcium absorption and calcium transport to bones.
Recent studies indicate that vitamin D3 may support healthy insulin action
and glucose metabolism, and may have a positive impact on immune function.
Vitamin K2, likewise, is beneficial in the areas of bone and cardiovascular
Vitamin K is critical for the formation of healthy strong bone matrix. Bone
quality is dependent on the presence of adequate vitamin K. Vitamin K’s role in
arterial health revolves around its ability to support proper calcium metabolism
in vascular structures. Vitamin K2 is the most biologically active form of
vitamin K.
Stabilized Glutathione: Master Antioxidant
Most products use precursors for glutathione (other ingredients, of course,
assist) to help promote intracellular glutathione production.
S-Acetyl glutathione (SAG) is stable through the GI tract without typical
degradation to its amino acids.
Studies show increased intracellular glutathione after supplementation with
their SAG, and had a positive effect on many oxidative stress biomarkers.
Precursors—Glutamine, Glycine, Cysteine
The cells in your intestinal tract use glutathione to try to eliminate the
chemical preservatives, pesticides, and countless other toxins you ingest before
they are transported throughout your body. The liver cells use glutathione as
their detergent to detoxify your blood. Your eye and skin cells use glutathione to
protect themselves against radiation. Glutathione helps your body defend against
oxidative stress, which has been associated with more than seventy-four major
diseases and disorders.
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) increases the formation of glutathione. ALA is
also an antioxidant, a substance that neutralizes free radicals. What makes ALA
unique is that it functions in water and fat, unlike the more common antioxidants
vitamins C and vitamin E, and it appears to be able to recycle antioxidants such
as vitamin C and glutathione after they have been used up. Glutathione is an
important antioxidant that helps the body eliminate potentially harmful
Betaine and SAMe
Betaine powder is a metabolic agent. It works by decreasing blood levels
of homocysteine.
S-Adenosyl-methionine (SAMe)—a master methylator—is an amino acid
derivative normally synthesized in the body. SAMe is used by the body in three
important pathways: methylation (contributing methyl groups to activate certain
molecules, especially neurotransmitters); the synthesis of polyamines (for cell
growth, gene expression, neuronal regeneration, etc.); and trans-sulfuration
(synthesis of cysteine, glutathione, and other sulfate chemicals). SAMe should
not be taken by those diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
The most important components of colostrum can be broken down into
three major categories:
Immune system factors
Growth factors
Nutritional components
Prolinerich polypeptides (PRPs) act systemically, modulating the complex
immune system, and are therefore the most important ingredient in colostrum.
Peptides are short chains of amino acids—the building blocks of proteins
—without the complex tertiary structure of proteins. Prolinerich polypeptides, so
called because they contain an unusually high proportion of the amino acid
proline, are intercellular signaling molecules that have the unique ability to
modulate the immune system, turning it up when needed or turning it down
when it is overactive.
Immunomodulating colostral peptides appear under various names in
literature, including transfer factor, colostrinin, and PRPs.
They work as hormones that regulate the thymus gland (body’s central
command for the immune system), stimulating an underactive immune system or
down-regulating an overactive immune system.
Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgE, IgM, IgD)
The function of these immunoglobulins (antibodies) is as follows:
IgG: predominant immunoglobulin in bovine milk colostrum; primary
function is to identify and help destroy invading pathogenic microbes.
IgA: predominant immunoglobulin in human milk and colostrum; primary
role is as first line of defense; protects mucosal surfaces and prevents the
attachment of pathogens to them.
IgM: primary role is “first to fight”; enhances phagocytosis by destroying
invading pathogens.
IgE: involved with the allergic reaction and histamine-associated allergic
reaction; also involved with active defense against enteric parasites.
IgD: attached to B cells; it stimulates lymphocytes to produce antibodies
by presenting antigens to them.
Laboratory analyses of both immune and growth factors from bovine
colostrum indicate that they are identical to those found in human colostrum,
except for the fact that the levels of these factors are significantly higher in the
bovine version. Bovine colostrum is actually forty times richer in immune
factors than human colostrum. For example, human colostrum contains 2 percent
of IgG (immunoglobulin G), while cow colostrum contains 86 percent of IgG,
the most important of the immunoglobulins found in the body.
Local protection in the form of immune supplementation with bovine milk
antibodies has been shown to be an effective means of providing local protection
to the GI tract.
Immune Factors
Lactoferrin is an iron-binding protein that helps deprive bacteria of the iron
they require to reproduce and releases iron into the red blood cells, enhancing
oxygenation of tissues. Lactoferrin modulates cytokine release and its receptors
have been found on most immune cells, including lymphocytes, monocytes,
macrophages, and platelets.
α-Lactalbumin and β-Lactoglobulin
These are the major nutritional whey proteins in milk and colostrum.
Cytokines are small proteins that are secreted by specific cells of the
immune system. They are a category of signaling molecules that are used
extensively in cellular communication. They are proteins, peptides, or
Lysozymes can help support the immune system.
Lactoperidase-thiocyanate, peroxidase, and xanthine oxidase oxidize
bacteria through their ability to release hydrogen peroxide.
Glycoproteins are digestive factors that have been shown to help immune
and growth factors survive the passage through the highly acidic digestive
Growth Factors
Colostrum contains many growth factors. Growth factors are peptides that
function as intercellular signaling molecules to turn on or turn off the production
of specific proteins in the target cells. Their presence in colostrum is primarily to
complete the growth and development of the newborn gut, but in older children
and adults, they help support a healthy gut wall.
Nutritional Components: Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, and Essential
Colostrum is a combination of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that are
naturally occurring. Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, and E are found in small
amounts, while traces of all other vitamins, as well as minerals such as calcium,
sodium, magnesium, and zinc, are also present in colostrum. Colostrum is a rich
source of both essential and nonessential amino acids, as well as essential fats,
including phospholipids, which enable colostral protein protection and easy
absorption into the gut by forming liposomes around them.
NADH (reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is the metabolically
active form of Vitamin B-3, also known as niacin.
NADH is essential for the production of cellular energy (ATP) from
glucose and fat. Therefore, the more NADH a cell has available, the more energy
it has available to operate with efficiency.
NADH is also directly involved in neurotransmitter production, the
maintenance of genetic integrity, and the support of healthy immunity.
Although NADH is normally unstable outside of the body, PANMOLNADH, uses a patented process to naturally preserve its effectiveness, thereby
delivering stable and bioavailable NADH to the body.
Malic acid—Energy Production
Malic acid, sometimes known as the “apple acid,” helps the body make
ATP more efficiently. ATP is the body’s primary form of energy currency. The
hydrolysis of ATP to ADP and phosphate is the predominant reaction used to
create energy for physiological processes. Thus, generation of ATP is the central
goal of energy production.
Supplemental malic acid has been shown in research studies to increase the
amount of malate in mitochondria, and thus, increase the energy production
capacity of the cell.
Malic acid and magnesium can work in conjunction with one another to
support healthy joint and immune function. Studies show that malic acid and
magnesium supplements can have positive effects on reducing pain and
increasing energy.
Pregnenolone—Memory and Adrenal Support
Pregnenolone is a precursor hormone synthesized from cholesterol,
principally in the adrenal glands, including DHEA, progesterone, testosterone,
the estrogens, and cortisol. Despite its powerful metabolites, pregnenolone is
acknowledged to be without significant side effects, with minimal or no
anabolic, estrogenic, or androgenic activity.
Pregnenolone has been found to be one hundred times more effective for
memory enhancement than other steroids or steroid precursors in laboratory
mice. Pregnenolone appears to be the most potent memory enhancer yet reported
in animals. Pregnenolone has been reported to not only make people smarter, but
happier, and enhance one’s ability to perform on the job while heightening
feelings of well-being. Pregnenolone has also been reported to reduce highstress–induced fatigue. It reverses immune suppression caused by excess cortisol
levels, thereby improving resistance against viruses, bacteria and Candida
albicans, parasites, allergies, and cancer. Further benefits include stress
reduction, increased resistance to effects of stress, and improvement of mood
and energy.
NALT N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine—More Adrenal Support
This is more rapidly absorbed in the bioavailable form of the amino acid Ltyrosine. It is converted in the body to key biologic compounds, is less prone to
urinary excretion, and converts to epinephrine, dopamine, L-Dopa, Co-Q10,
thyroid hormones, and melanin. B-6 and folate are needed to assist in the
conversion processes.
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, tyrosine plays an
important role in the production of epinephrine and norepinephrine, two
hormones that regulate your stress response. When you are under stress, your
body may not be able to synthesize enough tyrosine naturally, which may cause
a tyrosine deficiency. Supplementation with additional tyrosine, such as in the
form of N-acetyl L-tyrosine, may help improve performance and memory when
you are under psychological stress.
Inositol helps support the cardiovascular and nervous systems. It supports
healthy cell-membrane integrity, normal cell-membrane signaling, and the
normal processing of fats in the liver.
Sunflower Lecithin Fatty Acids and Phospholipids
Phosphatidyl choline is the most abundant phospholipid in the cell
It also naturally abounds in phosphatidyl inositol, phosphatidyl
ethanolamine, and essential fatty acids. Lecithin is critical in supporting cell
membranes and nervous tissue, including the brain, nerves, and spinal cord, and
contributes to fat processing within the body. Phosphatidylcholine,
phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylethanolamine and linoleic acid are key
components of lecithin that can benefit cognitive, nervous system, and stress
disorders, as well as lower lipids to improve cardiovascular health.
Linoleic Acid
Alpha-linoleic acid (ALA) is the omega-3 found in power seeds such as
chia, hemp, and flax, as well as other sources, such as English walnuts and some
fruits and vegetables. ALA is the omega-3 that you get from plant sources.
Most of the cells in the body use iodine to move secretions that they make
from inside the cell to outside the cell. If you don’t have enough iodine, you
form cysts in your thyroid, breasts, ovaries, testicles, and so on. It is also the first
line of defense of your immune system. Adults should take one capsule a day
along with the Restore shake/smoothie. We could not put it into the Restore
because, over time, it would interact with some of the elements in Restore.
In addition to iodine and potassium iodide, our product contains fulvic acid
to help it absorb, along with selenium, zinc, vitamin C, and thiamine to help it
make stomach acid and be properly used by the thyroid.
Raw Materials
Raw Materials contains ten organic liquid vitamins, over seventy-four
organic ionic minerals and elements, and eighteen amino acids. It is a blend of
humic acids, fulvic acids, and marine phytoplankton from Vancouver Island.
Raw Materials provides vitamins and minerals and controls their entry into
the cell. It also is involved in getting rid of toxins in the body.
Many people begin to detox when they start taking Raw Materials.
Therefore, we suggest you begin with the liquid so you can slowly increase the
amount you take as your body detoxes. You can add it to your Restore
shake/smoothie. Start with one teaspoonful. Increase by one teaspoonful daily
until you can take one to two ounces (two to four tablespoons) per day without
any increase in fatigue. Once you are at that level, you can use the maintenance
dose of one tablespoon per day. After you get to maintenance dose, you may
continue to use the liquid, or you may switch and take two capsules of Raw
Materials per day. Shipping the gallon jugs of Raw Materials is expensive. If
you need to have it shipped, it is available in concentrate. You will need to add
two bottles of the concentrate to a gallon container and add pure water to make
the gallon.
Most people cannot adequately digest whatever diet they eat because they
don’t have stomach acid to break down proteins in the stomach. Many don’t
have a gall bladder to supply the necessary bile to digest fats.
DigestRx contains twenty-seven digestive enzymes to be sure you can
digest your food.You should take one to three capsules with each meal for about
four months after you start the program. You may continue them longer, but you
may find that you start making your own enzymes after taking Restore, iodine,
and Raw Materials for a few months.
If you don’t have a gall bladder, you will have to take them with every
meal forever! Taking large doses of digestive enzymes has been reported by
John Beard, William Kelley, and Nicolas Gonzales to inhibit the growth of
tumors. They recommend taking six tablets with each meal and at bedtime until
you get a fever that lasts about three days.
Jarrah Al-Tubaikh, MD has shown that similar doses of these digestive
enzymes can also dissolve internal scars.
Nitric Oxide
Nitric oxide is the master hormone of the body. As you can see in the
image, it controls many of the body’s functions. The most obvious one is that it
controls our circulation and thus, our ability to get oxygen and nutrients to our
cells. Our ability to make nitric oxide falls off rapidly with age.
AMA References: Taddei et al. Hypertension 2001, Egashira et al.
Circulation 1993, Celermajer et al JACC 1994, Gerhard et al. Hypertension
There are many reasons for this decrease in nitric oxide. One is that many
pharmaceuticals inhibit the production of nitric oxide. Included in this list are
drugs that block the production of stomach acid; common pain medications like
aspirin, naproxen (Aleve), and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin); and antiseptic
It has also been shown that nitric oxide deficiency plays a significant role
in the development of diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and elevated blood fats
(metabolic syndrome).
Br J Pharmacol. 2014 Oct 8. doi: 10.1111/bph. 12960. [Epub ahead of
Cardiac Nitric Oxide Signaling in Metabolic Syndrome.
Pechánová O1, Varga Z, Cebová M, Giricz Z, Pacher P Ferdinandy P.
One cannot correct this problem with l-arginine or l-citrulline. In people
with dysfunction of the endothelium of their arteries, giving these amino acids
can actually increase heart attacks because they are used in the wrong pathway.
It can be corrected with Neo-40. Professional strength Neo-40 is available from
the manufacturer, Neogenesis.
For many people, that is all you need to support your nutrition. Some,
however, will need additional things based on their particular situation. For
example, if you have heavy-metal poisoning like mercury poisoning, you will
also need Fulvic 400X. If you have adrenal fatigue, you will need adrenal
support. These are discussed below.
Adrenal Support
The adrenal glands are two glands in one. They must be considered
separately. The outer gland makes cortisol to support blood sugar and control
inflammation. It also makes aldosterone, the hormone that causes your kidneys
to retain sodium and, thus, fluids. It also makes testosterone. If these are
deficient, you need Adrenal Desiccated. If they are significantly deficient, you
will need to take bioidentical cortisol (hydrocortisone) for a few weeks to allow
your adrenals to recover, and then move to Adrenal Desiccated.
One can take one to three Adrenal Desiccated with breakfast and with
lunch. If you take too much, you will feel jittery, and you will know you need to
take less. Also, monitor your early-morning blood pressure. If the upper number
is over 140, don’t take them.
The inner adrenal glands make adrenaline. Adrenaline controls your body
temperature, the bottom number of your blood pressure, the speed of your pulse,
your ability to deal with stress, your ability to multitask, your memory, sexual
function, and many other things. Making adrenaline requires the amino acid
tyrosine, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. These nutrients, plus herbs known to
support the adrenals, are present in adrenal support.
You can take one to three capsules with each meal. Monitor you blood
pressure. If the bottom number is over 90, reduce or stop them.
Fulvic 400X
Heavy metals such as mercury, lead, and cadmium block the function of
enzymes in your cells. Mercury has been implicated in Alzheimer’s and autism,
among other problems. Lead affects the nervous system, and has been associated
with heart disease, as well as other things.
The traditional way to attempt to remove heavy metals was with drugs,
such as EDTA, DMPS, DMSA, and others. The problem is that these drugs
cannot enter the cell but only can remove metals outside the cells. Since metals
tend to be locked inside cells, one needs to consider something that will bring
the metals outside the cells. One thing that will do that is concentrated fulvic
You must continue using Raw Materials while using Fulvic 400X because
the humic acid molecules of Raw Materials stay in the gut, whereas the small
fulvic molecules enter the cells. They deliver the metals to the humic acid, which
in turn removes them from the body.
You must also be sure the use the Restore at the same time. Methyl B6 and
Methyl B12 are necessary for the process to work. Many people are deficient in
these, but they are present in Restore.
Essential Oils
Although not clearly part of nutrition, essential oils are useful in helping
nutrition work. Therefore, they are added to this discussion.
Essential oils correct “cellular software.” I gave it that name because of the
similarities in how DNA tells cellular proteins what to do much the same way as
the operating system in your computer tells your hardware what to do.
Just as the software in your computer can put out the wrong directions sets
(a computer virus), various influences can change the frequencies that DNA
sends to the proteins in the cell, making the cell malfunction. Every organ in the
body runs at a different frequency. Fortunately, plants tend to run at the same
frequencies as our cells. Thus, we can use the concentrated oils from plants to
reset our systems, much like one might use Norton or MacAfee antivirus
programs to reset our computers.
The trick is to match the right essential oil with the right organ. In addition
to frequency matching, one must recognize that chemical types in the oils do
different things.
The primary components of essential
sesquiterpenes, phenols, ketones, and alcohols.
Phenolics clean the receptors on cells. This allows the sesquiterpenes to
erase inaccurate information so the monoterpenes can restore the accurate
information needed for the cell to work correctly. Thus, essential oils are able to
correct faulty epigenetics.
You can’t put phenolics, sesquiterpenes, and monoterpenes in the same
bottle because they will inactivate each other. Thus, one must do what is called
“layering.” By the time you apply an oil and replace its cap, the oil has done
what it is going to do. When you apply the next oil, it does not deactivate what
the first oil did.
In order for a user not to have to understand all of these issues when using
essential oils, we developed a system that will automatically accomplish this. It
is called the Tennant BioTerminal Oil system. You place three oil blends on the
feet and three on the hands. The bottles are clearly marked with a hand or foot
Use in this order: Chest, Neck, Head, Crown, Pelvis, Abdomen as you see in the
graphic below. By using all six oils, you know you have reset the system
correctly. We also have oil blends for liver cleanse, insomnia, breathing, and
Proof of Concept
Dr. Jarrah Al-Tubaikh (a medical doctor in Kuwait) is an internist and
radiologist who uses the BioModulator. He often takes images before and after
treatment. Some of his images are included here with his permission and with
my gratitude.
Patient 1 is a female nurse complaining of a pain under the heel (plantar
fasciitis). She was scheduled for an MRI today. I know the nurse. She
approached me after the MRI scan for pain killer advice until she could see an
orthopedic doctor. I used the BioModulator with pads to treat her for a one-hour
session (thirty minutes Ten-8 and thirty minutes Infinity). She reported to me a
relief of pain up to 50 percent. I imaged her in the MRI scan after the session to
see any changes compared to the images I took before the therapy session. Her
edema below the plantar fascia under the calcaneus was significantly reduced
(the white MRI signal within the tissues is less); check the attached images.
Patient 2 is a nurse from the radiology department who approached me as
soon as the news spread in the department that I was treating one nurse (those
annoying talkative nurses!). Anyway, she begged me for a pain in her ankle too,
where the insertion of the Achilles tendon into the foot calcaneus bone is found.
I imaged her in the MRI, and I found inflammation and bone marrow edema (the
bone becomes white in MRI) at the site of the Achilles tendon insertion into the
calcaneus bone. I used the BioModulator with pads to treat her for ninety-minute
session (thirty minutes T-8 and sixty minutes infinity). She reported to me a
relief of pain up to 30 percent! I switched to the BioTransducer, and gave her
another thirty-minute session; she reported more relief. I imaged her again, and
found that the bone marrow edema lessened (the bone became less white in
MRI); check the attached images.
Crohn’s disease: an image of classical Crohn’s disease, and how the
ileocecal valve is inflamed, and shows the classical radiological sign of
Scar resolution: an image of the patient with her abdominal scar. Notice
the subcutaneous contrast-enhanced thick white line, representing fibrosis, which
is almost 90 percent disappeared after one and a half months of using enzyme
Ileocecal valve syndrome: images of a different patient with ileocecal
valve syndrome, showing the ileocecal and the cecum filled with fecal material,
proving the fecal reflux.
A seventy-one-year-old diabetic patient with hepatitis C presented with a
history of right knee osteoarthritis due to a twenty-year-old fracture. The patient
came limping to the radiology department to investigate his severe right-sided
knee pain that hindered his gait.
The initial MRI images, done in October 2014, showed severe
osteoarthritis, complete cartilage loss in the medial femoral condyle,
osteoarthritic changes, and marked edema in the medial femoral condyle,
suspicious of Ahlback disease (spontaneous avascular necrosis of the medial
femoral condyle).
After discussing therapeutic options with the patient, which in his case are
limited due to his medical condition and age, the option of pulsed
electromagnetic frequency therapy using Tennant’s BioTransducer was
suggested as a free-of-charge trial. The patient was treated with daily, thirty-to
forty-minute sessions starting in November 2014.
The patient reported reduction in pain and swelling of the knee, and
reduction in limping during the period of therapy. An MRI scan was repeated in
December 2014 to document any difference in the MRI image (shown below).
The MRI images showed almost 80–90 percent complete resolution of the
medial femoral condyle edema, and the normal bone marrow signal returned
almost 90 percent to normal. The lack of significant changes in the tibia is
simply because the position of the BioTransducer probe was concentrated almost
one month over the medial femoral condyle region, the focus of pain. The
patient now is scheduled for another month-long therapy trial, with
concentration over the tibia, and another MRI scan is scheduled for the end of
Treating the Boyd/Lemke Sympathetic Twist Syndrome (Bowling Ball
Correction of hip torsion after Boyd/Lemke Sympathetic Twist (Bowling Ball)
Tennant System for Chronic
In most forms of medicine, one tries
to memorize a certain treatment for each
symptom of disease. In traditional
medicine, we learn that we don’t use
aspirin for athlete’s foot, and we don’t use
Tinactin for headaches. In homeopathy, we
have to match the remedy to the symptom
set. The same is true for aromatherapy
(essential oils) and herbal medicine.
In the system of medicine I am
suggesting, you do the same for each
symptom. You ask the question, “Why
can’t this person make new cells that
work?” This leads you to ask, “What is the
power supply for the symptom?” Once you identify that acupuncture battery
pack, you measure it and confirm that it is low. Then you must identify why the
batteries can’t hold a charge. You first look at thyroid and adrenal function since
the thyroid hormone T-3 partially controls the voltage of each cell membrane,
and T-2 controls the voltage of the mitochondria. You want blood tests to show
that free T-3 is between 3.0 and 4.0. If not, you will likely need to take thyroid
hormone. (We are finding that many who previously needed thyroid hormone no
longer need it if they take Restore, described in the previous chapter. I
recommend you test your free T-3 about a week after you start taking Restore.)
Meridians and Organs
If you are depressed or have bipolar syndrome, you should also check your
Reverse T-3 as high levels of this fake hormone are often associated with those
The adrenal glands are actually two separate glands, and you must consider
them separately. If you are deficient in cortisol, aldosterone, or testosterone, you
will likely need Adrenal Desiccated. If you are deficient in adrenaline, you will
need AdrenalRx: Adrenal Support. If the systolic (top number) is below 120, you
likely need AdrenalRx: Desiccated. If the diastolic (bottom number) is below 80,
and the temperature is below 98.6, you likely need AdrenalRx: Support. Those
with low diastolic and low body temperature are those most likely to be carrying
emotional baggage. BioIdentical Hormones are often needed for those past forty.
Before anything else, you need to correct the Boyd-Lemke sympathetic
twist (bowling ball syndrome) to restore the craniosacral pump function and
balance the autonomic nervous system.
Next, make a list of symptoms. Now figure out the power supply for each
symptom. The meridian chart above is useful for organs. If you have local
symptoms like a sore knee, a skin rash or skin cancer, or pain anywhere, you will
find the app Easy Acupuncture 3D by GraphicViZion is very useful. By
displaying all of the acupuncture batteries as a line drawing, it makes it easy to
zero in on which acupuncture batteries have failed. Then look at the images in
this book to see exactly which muscles are involved. Since the muscles are wider
than a line representation, you will often have a lesion or pain that doesn’t seem
to fall on any line but becomes apparent when looking at the muscle images.
Now measure the involved muscle battery stack with Assess or Automatic Mode
in the BioModulator to confirm that the voltage is low. Remember that the
BioModulator and other measurement devices like EAV and Nakatani cannot
tell whether it is plus or minus, so be suspicious if you get a normal reading in a
battery pack that has symptoms. It should be low or high, but a normal reading
should make you suspect it has flipped polarity from minus to plus and is
susceptible to forming a tumor. Finding the spot to be sticky (magnetic field
present in tissue) confirms that it is low voltage.
Now follow the path of the battery pack, looking for a scar. If you find one,
treat it with the BioTransducer and Soreness essential oil. (You should actually
treat all scars even if they aren’t yet causing symptoms—they will in the future.)
Now measure the voltage in the teeth and record any above one hundred,
and record any root canals or missing teeth (if they’re missing, they may have
left infection in the bone when they were pulled). Match the dental infections to
the battery packs (meridians) that are low voltage.
The most common scenario is that a scar in childhood lowers the voltage
enough to inactivate the pump inside each tooth that prevents decay, and they
soon get a filling. This is followed by multiple fillings, then crown, infection
under a crown, root canal, and organ failure in that meridian. Cancer occurs at
+30 mV, and the most common thing to reverse polarity in a circuit is a root
Make a homeopathic from the patient’s urine and start a detox program.
Other homeopathics may be indicated. This is beyond the goals of this book.
Remove emotional blockages using the BioModulator. Explaining how to
do this is beyond the goals of this book.
Start the nutrition program. Get labs, particularly free T-3 one week after
starting Restore, and correct any residual hypothyroidism. Desiccated thyroid
always works best because it is the only one with the hormone T-2. It is most
reliable since there has never been an FDA recall of it for mistaken dosage,
whereas there have been many recalls for levothyroxine (Synthroid), and it only
contains T-4.
Address the symptom/organ with the BioTransducer for a few minutes to
recharge the cells and follow up with patches on the lateral BioTerminals for the
circuit that is involved to recharge that battery pack. Keep doing that until there
has been time to correct the issues discussed above, and the body can start
healing (making new cells).
This sketch of the pattern of thinking is intended only to be an outline of
the approach needed to get the body where it can make new cells to heal itself. It
is recommended that you consider coming to Dr. Tennant’s seminars for
expanded training/explanations. The teaching schedule is at www.senergy.us.
More detailed information
Remember that the body can heal almost anything if it has the things
necessary to make new cells. However, a new cell cannot push a scar out of the
way unless the scar has been removed with high-dose enzymes first and if there
is adequate voltage to do so.
Be well!