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Structural Engineering: Types, Loads, and Design

Chapter 1 Types of Structures and Loads
Chapter 1 Types of Structures and Loads
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Classification of Structures
1.3 Loads
1.4 Structural Design
Prepared by Sukhoon Pyo, Instructor of CUEE 331, 2024
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Chapter 1 Types of Structures and Loads
1.1 Introduction
a. Structure
b. Design Process of Structure
- When designing a structure to serve a specified function for public use, the engineer must address its
safety, esthetics, and serviceability, while taking into consideration economic and environmental
- Once the preliminary design of a structure is proposed, the structure must then be analyzed to ensure
that it has its required stiffness and strength.
c. Structural analysis is
- We are going to learn about how to calculate these forces and displacements.
- The results of this analysis can be used to redesign the structure to determine the more accurate
weight and size of the members.
1.2 Structural Elements
a. Structural Elements
i) Tie Rod
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Chapter 1 Types of Structures and Loads
ii) Beams
- Beams are usually straight horizontal members
used primarily to carry vertical loads.
iii) Columns
b. Types of Structures
- Structural Systems: the combination of
from which structures are composed.
- There are four basic types of structures
and the structural system is constructed of
one or more of these four types of basic
frames, surface structures)
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Chapter 1 Types of Structures and Loads
i) Truss
- Consist of slender elements, usually
arranged in a triangular fashion.
- Planner trusses: composed of members
that lie in the same plane.
- Space trusses: members extending in
ii) Cables and Arches
- Cables are usually flexible and carry their
loads in tension.
- Arches achieve its strength in compression,
since it has a reverse curvature to that of
the cable.
iii) Frames
- Frames are often used in buildings and
are composed of beams and columns that
are either pin or fixed connected.
- Frames can be planar (2 dimensional) or
spatial (3 dimensional).
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Chapter 1 Types of Structures and Loads
iv) Surface Structure
- A surface structure is made from a material
having a very small thickness.
- Due to its very small thickness, this structure
is able to resist only pure tension.
compression, it will collapse.
1.3 Loads
a. Loading path
b. Codes
- Design loading for a structure is often specified
in codes
- General building codes: the requirements of
governmental bodies for minimum design loads
- Design codes: detailed technical standards for
c. Types of load
i) Dead loads
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Chapter 1 Types of Structures and Loads
Example 1) The floor beam is used to support the
1.8 m width of a lightweight plain concrete slab
having a thickness of 100 mm. The slab serves as
a portion of the ceiling for the floor below & its
bottom is coated with plaster. A 3 m high, 300
mm thick lightweight solid concrete block wall is
Determine the loading on the beam measured per
m length of the beam.
ii) Live loads
• Building loads
- Depends on the purpose for which the building is designed
- These loadings are generally tabulated in local, state or national code
- Uniform, concentrated loads
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Chapter 1 Types of Structures and Loads
- Reduction of live load (e.g., ASCE)
     
L = reduced design live load/m2 of area supported by the member
Lo = unreduced design live load/m2 of area supported by the member
KLL = live load element factor. For interior column KLL = 4
AT = tributary area in m2
※ Restrictions
L ≥ 0.5Lo for members supporting one floor
L ≥ 0.4Lo for members supporting more than one floor
No reduction is allowed for loads ≥ 4.79 kN/m2 or for structures used for public assembly, garage
or roof.
Example 2) A two-story office building has
interior columns that are spaced 6.6 m apart in
two perpendicular directions. If the (flat) roof
loading is 0.96 kN/m2, determine the reduced live
load supported by a typical interior column
located at ground level.
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Chapter 1 Types of Structures and Loads
• Highway Bridge loads
- Primary live loads are those due to traffic
- Specifications for truck loadings are reported in
- For 2-axle truck, these loads are designated with
H followed by the weight of truck in tons and
another no. gives the year of the specifications
that the load was reported
• Impact loads
• Wind loads
- Kinetic energy of the wind is converted
into potential energy of pressure when
structures block the flow of wind
- Effect of wind depends on density & flow
stiffness of the structure & roughness of
- For design, wind loadings can be treated using static or dynamic approach
- Wind load (e.g., ASCE 7-10 Specification)
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Chapter 1 Types of Structures and Loads
V = velocity in m/s of a 3 sec. gust of wind measured 10 m above the ground
(Values are obtained from a wind map)
In USA, V = 47 m/s if structure is an agricultural or storage building, and V = 54 m/s for cases
where structure is a hospital
Kz = velocity pressure exposure coefficient. A function of height and depends upon the ground terrain
Kzt = a factor that accounts for wind speed increases due to hill & escarpments. For flat ground Kzt
= 1
Kd = a factor that accounts for the direction of wind. It is used only when the structure is subjected
to combinations of loads. For wind acting alone, Kd = 1.
- The design pressure can be obtained using obtained 
q = qz for the windward wall at height z above the ground
qh for the leeward walls, side wall, and roof, where z = h, the mean height of the roof
G = a wind-gust effect factor, depending on exposure
For rigid structure, G = 0.85
Cp = wall or roof pressure coefficient. Negative values indicate pressure acting away from the surface
  = the internal pressure coefficient which depends upon the type of openings in the building. For
fully enclosed building,   = ± 0.18
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Chapter 1 Types of Structures and Loads
Example 3) The enclosed building is used for
storage purposes and is located outside of Chicago,
Illinois on open flat terrain. When the wind is
directed as shown, determine the design wind
pressure acting on the roof and sides of the
building using the ASCE 7-10 Specifications.
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Chapter 1 Types of Structures and Loads
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Chapter 1 Types of Structures and Loads
• Snow loads
- Design loadings depend on building's general
shape & roof geometry, wind exposure, location,
its importance and whether or not it is heated
- Snow loads are determined from a zone map
reporting 50-year recurrence intervals of an
extreme snow depth (ASCE 7-10)
Ce = an exposure factor depending upon the terrain.
A fully exposed roof in an unobstructed area Ce = 0.8.
If the roof is sheltered & located in the center of a large city Ce = 1.2.
Ct = a thermal factor which refers to the average temperature within the building.
For unheated structure kept below freezing Ct = 1.2.
If the roof is supporting a normally heated structure, Ct = 1.0.
Is = the importance factor as it relates to occupancy.
For agriculture & storage facilities, Is = 0.8.; for hospital, Is = 1.2.
pg = the ground snow loading
If pg ≤ 0.96 kN/m2, use the largest value for pf, either computed from the eq. or pf = Ispg
If pg > 0.96 kN/m2, use pf = Is(0.96 kN/m2)
• Earthquake loads
- Earthquake produce loadings through its interaction with
the ground & its response characteristics
- Their magnitude depends on amount & type of ground
acceleration, mass & stiffness of structure
- Top block is the lumped mass of the roof
- During earthquake, the ground vibrates both horizontally
& vertically
- Horizontal accel -> shear forces in the column
- The effects of a structure's response can be determined & represented as an earthquake response
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Chapter 1 Types of Structures and Loads
• Other types of loads
- Hydrostatic & Soil Pressure
- Effect of blast
- Temperature changes
- Differential settlement of foundation
1.4 Structural Design
a. Considering uncertainties
b. Allowable-stress design (ASD)
c. Load and resistance factor design (LEFD) or strength design
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